A Danish groundwater mapping concept transferred to Thailand

The integrated groundwater mapping
concept of Denmark transferred to
Verner Søndergaard,
P. Sandersen, B. Pjetursson, R. Thomsen
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland
Ministry of Climate, Energy and Building
A Danish groundwater mapping concept
transferred to Thailand
• Green technology export based on a cooperation between public and private partners
• Participants in the Thai-project:
Danwater / Envidan
SkyTEM Surveys ApS
Aarhus University
Danish groundwater mapping
concept transferred to Thailand
DWRIP, 30-01-2014: Søndergaard,
Sandersen, Pjetursson & Thomsen
A Danish groundwater mapping concept
transferred to Thailand
• To draw attention on
international markets
you must have clear
lighthouses to offer
• The Danish SkyTEM
mapping system is a
very prominent
example of such a
Danish groundwater mapping
concept transferred to Thailand
DWRIP, 30-01-2014: Søndergaard,
Sandersen, Pjetursson & Thomsen
A Danish groundwater mapping concept
transferred to Thailand
An integrated
system capable of
handling and
optimizing the use
of data from large
scale groundwater
mapping projects!!
Aarhus Workbench
Danish groundwater mapping
concept transferred to Thailand
DWRIP, 30-01-2014: Søndergaard,
Sandersen, Pjetursson & Thomsen
A Danish groundwater mapping concept
transferred to Thailand
• The Danish mapping concept - here specifically
focusing on:
• An integrated set of mapping tools,
• National databases (geophysics, boreholes, ..)
• National standards and guidelines
• - all tested and developed in DK
• - based on cooperation between Aarhus University, GEUS,
Responsible Authorities and Consulting Companies
• - and profiting from 15 years experience of national
Danish groundwater mapping
Danish groundwater mapping
concept transferred to Thailand
DWRIP, 30-01-2014: Søndergaard,
Sandersen, Pjetursson & Thomsen
A Danish groundwater mapping concept
transferred to Thailand
Danish groundwater mapping
concept transferred to Thailand
DWRIP, 30-01-2014: Søndergaard,
Sandersen, Pjetursson & Thomsen
A Danish groundwater mapping concept
transferred to Thailand
Danish groundwater mapping
concept transferred to Thailand
DWRIP, 30-01-2014: Søndergaard,
Sandersen, Pjetursson & Thomsen
A Danish groundwater mapping concept
transferred to Thailand
A pilot project (2011 – 2013) run by
Department of Groundwater Resources
(DGR), Bangkok:
– 1000 km2 SkyTEM survey
– Geophysical database (GERDA)
– Geological interpretation of the SkyTEM
– Training and education
Financed solely by DGR!
Danish groundwater mapping
concept transferred to Thailand
DWRIP, 30-01-2014: Søndergaard,
Sandersen, Pjetursson & Thomsen
A Danish groundwater mapping concept
transferred to Thailand
Danish groundwater mapping
concept transferred to Thailand
DWRIP, 30-01-2014: Søndergaard,
Sandersen, Pjetursson & Thomsen
A Danish groundwater mapping concept
transferred to Thailand
Danish groundwater mapping
concept transferred to Thailand
DWRIP, 30-01-2014: Søndergaard,
Sandersen, Pjetursson & Thomsen
A Danish groundwater mapping concept
transferred to Thailand
Danish groundwater mapping
concept transferred to Thailand
DWRIP, 30-01-2014: Søndergaard,
Sandersen, Pjetursson & Thomsen
A Danish groundwater mapping concept
transferred to Thailand
Guidelines and standards
for SkyTEMmeasurements,
processing and inversion
Danish groundwater mapping
concept transferred to Thailand
Guidelines for
establishing geological
models for
groundwater modelling
DWRIP, 30-01-2014: Søndergaard,
Sandersen, Pjetursson & Thomsen
A Danish groundwater mapping concept
transferred to Thailand
Training and education
•3 days training session in
Bangkok for 60 – 70 persons
•30 days training and
technology transfer session
in Denmark for 8
participants from Thailand
(DGR and GMT)
•2 weeks training in
GeoScene3D for 50 – 60
persons in Bangkok
•30 days training in SkyTEM
processing and
interpretation (Aarhus WB)
in Denmark for 3 persons
Danish groundwater mapping
concept transferred to Thailand
DWRIP, 30-01-2014: Søndergaard,
Sandersen, Pjetursson & Thomsen
A Danish groundwater mapping concept
transferred to Thailand
• Thailand:
New mapping projects?
Capacity building
• Export in general:
– Possibilities
– Challenges
Danish groundwater mapping
concept transferred to Thailand
DWRIP, 30-01-2014: Søndergaard,
Sandersen, Pjetursson & Thomsen
A Danish groundwater mapping concept
transferred to Thailand
Thank you for your attention!
Danish groundwater mapping
concept transferred to Thailand
DWRIP, 30-01-2014: Søndergaard,
Sandersen, Pjetursson & Thomsen