OPERATIONAL EXPERIENCE WITH STATE ESTIMATION AT HYDRO-QUÉBEC S. Lefebvre, J. Prévost, J.C. Rizzi, P. Ye (IREQ) B. Lambert, H. Horisberger (TransÉnergie) Network description Main network • Generation Installed capacity of around 38 000 MW Over 95% of the generation is hydro (soon 4000 MW of wind!) Asynchronous with the rest of North America • Transmission 735 & 315 kV AC systems Multi Terminal DC line 450 kV (over 1000 km) 4 back to back DC Terminals (soon 5!) • Sub transmission 230, 161, 120 & 69 kV AC systems 2 Network Description (next …) 735 kV Grid Components • • • • • 11000 km of lines (charging around 33 000 MVAR) Series capacitors: 12 000 MVAR Switched inductors: 25 000 MVAR Switched capacitors: 13 000 MVAR SVC & SC: -3800 – 5800 MVAR Characteristics • Operation constrained by stability and voltage limits (almost no thermal limit) • Generally operated well under the SIL (lines switching can even be used for voltage control) • Ramping rate becoming more and more important ( 200 MW/Min.) (may even cause voltage control difficulties) • Corona effect may suddenly become important (may reach over 2 times the thermal losses: e.g. 1000 MW) 3 Current status of system control Hydro Quebec EMS/SCADA control centers One Provincial control center (EMS) and one back up center • Responsible of the bulk transmission grid (735 to 315 kV) • Main Functions: - Data acquisition - Automatic Generation Control - Economic Dispatch - Security Analysis - Exchange management - Outage Management - Voltage control Seven regional control centers (SCADA) • Responsible of the sub transmission grid (230 kV to 69 kV) • Main Functions: - SCADA (for the full HQ’s network) - Outage Management • Operations are usually triggered by operators from the provincial center and then are executed by operators at the regional centers 4 State estimation experience LASER0 In-house product Pd and QV decoupled algorithm Model: 735 kV network LASER1 Commercial product: ABB In house simple pre-processing topology error function LASER2 Commercial product: SNC (formerly CAE) In house elaborate pre-processing topology error function 5 State estimation latest development at HQ’s Archiving system In-house product Main functions: - Static network model (CIM/XML) saved after each DB update - Dynamic raw input/output of SE function saved at each RTS run - Power flow case (IEEE) saved after each RTS run Matlab SE toolbox In-house product Main functions: - Real time snapshot handling - Sub network extraction (by substation or voltage level) - Measurement system analysis (redundancy, identification of critical meas.) - SE algorithms (WLS, Huber, DWLS) - Cases modification & comparison - Parameter estimation - Monte Carlo simulations (evaluation of the solution sensitivity & precision) 6 State estimation latest development at HQ’s (next …) Reporter In-house product Main goal: Identification of topology and measurement errors Robust approach (no false alarm) Operate on a continuous base (24/7) Independent of SE solution (convergence, false rejected meas., …) Based on a heuristic approach: a set of rules, combinatorial analysis and iterative processing Takes advantage of previous network & telemetry data (Hn-1, Zn-1) Filtering reporting capability (already know bad modeling, …) Historical reporting capability (error, start & end time, frequency, …) Others reporting possibility (performance index degradation, …) Web & email reporting (used by the support engineer team) 7 SE model Equipment Load points Series cap Substations Generators Transformers Sync comp SVC Shunt reactors/cap Measurements Breakers/switches /isolators Lines Actual dimensions Near half of switches are breakers that are 100% telemetered 532 42 281 348 551 9 13 250 4900 5012 The other half is reconfiguring switches and only 70% are telemetered. Thus over 750 switches are based on a manual entry Moreover not all switch are modeled. By example maintenance switches are rarely modeled 562 8 SE measurements and their redundancy kV mP+0J mQ+0J mV n m/2n m/nPd m/nQV 7XX 231 231 178 79 4.1 2.9 5.2 3XX 403 403 240 140 3.7 2.9 4.6 2XX 224 224 142 88 3.4 2.5 4.2 1XX 523 523 367 222 3.2 2.4 4.0 06X 44 44 12 19 2.6 2.3 2.9 01X 308 308 302 307 1.5 1.0 2.0 1733 1733 1241 855 2.8 2.0 3.5 All m: number of measurements n: number of states The 735 transmission grid model has a very good redundancy (4.1). The sub-transmission grid model has a lower redundancy (2.6) QV redundancy (3.5) is much higher than its Pd counterpart (2.0) 9 SE problems Topology error Originate mainly from maintenance work Bad series switch status (bus split/merge more diffcult to identify) Bad shunt switch status (more diffcult to identify) Q-V model more complex, more sensitive and less accurate than P-d model A important quantity of reactive (accuracy can become a problem) A lot of elements (Serie cap, reactors, SVC, …) Weather dependant parameters Corrona effect (from almost 0 to 2 times thermal losses) Temperature (from -40 celcius to +40 celcius -> 30% of errror) 10 SE model is never exact Inequality constraint cannot be model (ex: power limit, …) Mutual effect cannot modeled (ex: on double circuit Z11~ 5%*Z1) Complex equipments (DC, SVC, …) generally can only be modeled as simple injection Variable system parameters as affected by temperature and humidity are generally not considered (ex: corona loss , …) Three-windings transformer generally modeled as two-windings Constant LTC Transformer impedance often used Isolation switches and/or breaker not always modeled (represented only in their normal position) Small load not always modeled (auxiliary service) Network modification (ex: new line) not always in sync with the model Transmission line parameters calculation often based on typical values (height, span, sag) 11 SE measurements is never exact Manual entry inaccuracy (switch status, …) Presence of time skew (ex: 25s. between provincial and the regional centers) (ex: manual entry can be delay by several minutes) Measurement dependency (V, I, P, Q) Presence of dead bands in the acquisition chain Measurement bias (e.g. in CCVT) Presence of unbalance (zero and negative sequence) Use of phase measurements vs sequence (direct) measurements Variable standard deviation (s = f(burden)) 12 SE solution quality JT M 2 N m J M rW (i ) 2 i 1 Relative Performance index (%) 100* J M 13 JT SE usage (example 1) Topology error detection: Side effect L7018 L7019 L7026 CXC15 905 -1 VOLT 0-J JAC CAR LINE XFR2 906 -1 VOLT 0-J CHAMO LINE MICOUA LNSX XFR2 907 -1 VOLT 0-J MICOUA LINE S-D 735 735 L7018 T1 735 735 735 L7026 L7019 T2 735 735 735 L7019 CXC15010 CP 744.2 0.0 1023.0 0.0 -189.0 CP CP 743.6 0.0 -864.0 -822.0 0.0 -24.0 -111.0 0.0 0.0 749.3 0.0 40.1 -40.1 740.9 0.0 -243.9 -478.4 722.3 731.7 0.0 -478.5 478.4 14.2 0.0 -118.3 118.3 25.0 0.0 -82.0 -143.9 226.0 23.9 0.0 -298.4 298.4 -0.7 EW T1 0.4 T2 EW EW REJETE Topology error Wrong manual entry 14 TELE SE usage (example 2) Parameter validation: Z1 Z3 L3098 Z2 Z4 Boucherville Bout-de-l’île L3019 MEASURED AND ESTIMATED VALUES (2004/01/15 17:19) ID s Zmeas. Zest. rw Z1p 4.33 -435.5 -407.7 -6.42* Z2p 4.33 -410.5 -407.7 0.65 Z3p 4.33 427.9 408.7 4.43* Z4p 4.33 409.5 408.7 0.18 * rejected measurement Double circuit of short length, modeled as equal length but in reality not exactly the same length 15 SE usage (example 3) Accurary improvement: Chénier La Vérendrye 7044 7047 7045 Némiscau 7082 7081 7080 Radisson 7063 7062 7061 LG2 7089 7088 Grand Brulé 7024 7025 7017 7009 Duvernay Jacques Chamouchouane Cartier 7018 7078 7077 7076 Micoua 7034 7028 Nicolet Lévis 7005 7035 7006 7049 7097 7096 7027 7011 Limite Manic-Québec 7010 7036 7038 Laurentides Montérégie Le Moyne 7004 Limite Sud 7048 7070 7069 Chibougamau Albanel Saguenay Tilly 7056 7055 7054 7019 Boucherville Hertel 7057 7059 7086 7085 7084 7026 Carignan 7014 7020 7002 Châteauguay 7060 7079 7016 Chissibi Limite Baie James Nord 7090 7046 Limite Baie James Sud 7042 Flow735: smeas/ sest> 3 Abitibi 7094 7093 7092 7007 7008 7023 Arnaud Montagnais 7031 7032 7033 7029 7095 Appalache Manicouagan Des Cantons « Limite sud » flow evaluation: Measurements accuracy: 3s =360 MW Estimates accuracy: 3s = 120 MW Can increase the margin by 240 MW!!! 16 Churchill Falls 7053 7052 7051 Limite Churchill-Manic SE usage (example 4) Corona evaluation & minimization: Average: 8 MW loss reduction (1%) Improved by voltage control (low & flat) 17 18 Te mps Average: 33 MW loss reduction (4%) Improved by voltage control (high & flat) dec-26-06_0839 dec-13-06_0504 nov-27-06_0809 nov-11-06_2129 oct-30-06_0629 oct-11-06_0014 sep-25-06_2029 sep-13-06_0034 aug-29-06_1414 jul-28-06_1334 jul-13-06_0419 jun-30-06_1554 jun-14-06_2339 jun-02-06_0914 may-21-06_0224 may-08-06_1529 mar-20-06_1754 mar-08-06_0639 feb-23-06_1639 feb-11-06_0224 jan-27-06_2309 jan-13-06_1734 jan-01-06_0004 Pertes economisées SE usage (example 5) Loss evaluation & minimization: 100 80 60 40 20 0 -20 Conclusion Need for SE Technology that can handle more appropriately practical issues Adding more measurements is not always the solution (although useful) SE does not only provide states (X) but also a model (H) So, even if PMU may help, it will not solve all problems Model & errors/inaccuracies cannot be avoided So, model should not be considered as “hard constraint” (at least for parameters like R & G, and may be even X for LTC!) All information available should be used (inequality constraint, setpoint, previous data (Zn-1, Hn-1), quality (manual, telem., …),tag Electrical topology (not necessary physical) error detection, identification and correction function should be de facto available Sudden quality change (residues, rejected meas., …) should trigger a validation mechanism 19 Conclusion Need for SE support tools Quality indexes evaluation (standard indexes will also be nice!) Measurements analysis (critical meas., local redundancy, …) Model analysis (parameter estimation, sensitivity, …) Solution analysis (estimate accuracy, robustness in regard of meas. loss, …) Visualization tools for analysis and debugging (ex:3D diagram showing residues, biases, rejected meas.) Model validation tools (modification, solutions comparator, …) Improved SE solution quality will increase its role Transmission optimization (LM, DSA, …) Market operation (ED, …) 20 Questions ? 21 22 Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie Control centers architecture Provincial / area Control Center Phone IEC 60870-5 ICCP Regional Control Center DNP3 Power plant / Transmission substation 7 DNP3 Sub transmission substation Proprietary Distribution control center 23 MODBUS .. Phone Distribution feeder Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie Provincial control center (main information functions & information flows) Flow limits ATCs Limit violations Switching advices Power flow optimization Control order Limit service State estimation Network solution Contingency analysis Snapshot frequency control SCADA Setpoints Telemetry Regional control centers Remote terminal units 24 The real-time sequence (RTS) of the network analysis tools runs every minute (500 full AC contingencies, 5 min)
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