Back Projection Reconstruction for CT, MRI and Nuclear Medicine F33AB5 CT collects Projections • • • • • • • • Introduction Coordinate systems Crude BPR Iterative reconstruction Fourier Transforms Central Section Theorem Direct Fourier Reconstruction Filtered Reconstruction To produce an image the projections are back projected Crude back projection • Add up the effect of spreading each projection back across the image space. • This assumes equal probability that the object contributing to a point on the projection lay at any point along the ray producing that point. • This results in a blurred image. Crude v filtered BPR 90 360 Crude BPR Filtered BPR Sinograms r r q Stack up projections Solutions • Two competitive techniques – Iterative reconstruction • better where signal to noise ratio is poor – Filtered BPR • faster • Explained by Brooks and di Chiro in Phys. Med. Biol. 21(5) 689-732 1976. • This is repeated for various angles of . tra ns la s Xray b ea m an sla ted Sample X- r ray tub e, tr – parallel rays, at position r, – across projection at angle . De tec tor , • Data collected as series of ted Coordinate system Attenuation of ray along a projection • Attenuation occurs exponentially in tissue. I I 0e ( x ) dx • (x) is the attenuation coefficient at position x along the ray path. Definition of a projection s Xray b ea m an sla ted Sample X- r ray tub e, tr = (r, s) ds De tec tor , I 0 p(r , ) = ln I = (x, y ) ds tra ns la ted • Attenuation of a ray at position r, on the projection at angle , is given by a line integral. • s is distance along the ray, at position r across the projection at angle . Coordinate systems • (x,y) and (r,s) describe the distribution of attenuation coefficients in 2 coordinate systems tube related by . y r (along projection) r x cos i y sin i S (along ray path) detector x • where i =1..M for M different projection orientations • angular increment is = /M. Crude back projection • Simply sum effects of back-projected rays from each projection, at each point in the image. M (x, y) = p(r , i) * i =1 M (x, y) = p (xcos i + ysin i , i) * i =1 Crude back projection • After crude back projection, the resulting image, *(x,y), is convolution of the object ((x,y)) with a 1/r function. Convolution • Mathematical description of smearing. • Imagine moving a camera during an exposure. Every point on the object would now be represented by a series of points on the film: the image has been convolved with a function related to the motion of the camera Iterative Technique • Guess at a simulated object on a PxQ grid (j, where j=1PxQ), • Use this to produce simulated projections • Compare simulated projections to measured projections • Systematically vary simulated object until new simulated projections look like the measured ones. • For your scanner calculate jj(r,i), the path length through the jth voxel for the ray at (r,i) • j need only be estimated once at the start of the reconstruction, • j is zero for most pixels for a given ray in a projection 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 j=0 2=0.1 7=1.2 • The simulated projections are given by: P Q (r , i ) = j (r , i ) j j 1 • j is mean simulated attenuation coefficient in the jth voxel. 6 10 15 14 1 2 3 8 9 4 7 6 5 9 19 10 6 21 18 16 17 2 Object and projections 2 2 2 7 7 7 6 6 6 15 15 15 First ‘guess’ From Physics of Medical Imaging by Webb 15 13 To solve • Analytically, construct P x Q simultaneous equations putting (r,i) equal to the measured projections, p(r,i): • p (r, i ) = j (r, j ) i j – this produces a huge number of equations – image noise means that the solution is not exact and the problem is 'ill posed’ • Instead iterate: modify j until (r,i) looks like the real projection p(r,i). Iterating • Initially estimate j by projecting data in projection at = 0 into rows, or even simply by making whole image grey. • Calculate (r,i) for each i in turn. • For each value of r and , calculate the difference between (r,) and p(r,). • Modify i by sharing difference equally between all pixels contributing to ray. 6 10 15 14 1 2 3 8 9 4 7 6 5 16 17 2 Object 19 10 6 21 18 15 10 15 13 2 2 2 7 7 7 6 6 6 21/322/3 1 71/372/3 6 61/362/3 5 15 15 15 16 17 12 First ‘guess’ Next iteration 122/3 Fourier Transforms • Imagine a note played by a flute. • It contains a mixture of many frequency sound waves (different pitched sounds) • Record the sound (to get a signal that varies in time) • Fourier Transforming this signal will give the frequencies contained in the sound (spectrum) Time Frequency Fourier transforms of images • A diffraction pattern is the Fourier transform of the slit giving rise to it y ky FT kx x Central Section theorem • The 1D Fourier transform of a projection through an object is the same as a particular line through 2DFT of the object. • This particular line lies along the conjugate of the r axis of the relevant projection. y ky FT kx x Projection Direct Fourier Reconstruction • Fourier Transform of each projection can be used to fill Fourier space description of object. ky y Fp(r,1) Fp(r,2) kx Inverse Fourier Transform x Direct Fourier Reconstruction • BUT this fills in Fourier space with more data near the centre. • Must interpolate data in Fourier space back to rectangular grid before inverse Fourier transform, which is slow. Relationship between object and crude BPR results • Crude back projection from above: (x , y) = p(xcos + ysin , ) d , * o • Defining inverse transform of projection as: p(r , ) = • then Fp (k, ) e 2 ikr dk, - (x, y) = Fp (k , ) e * o - 2 ik(xcos + ysin ) [k] dk d |k| (x, y) = Fp (k , ) e * o - 2 ik(xcos + ysin ) [k] dk d |k| • The right hand side has been multiplied and divided by k so that it has the form of a 2DFT in polar coordinates – k conjugate to r – k conjugate to r – the integrating factor is kdrd dxdy Fp (k, ) F (k x , k y) = k * • Crude back projected image is same as the true image, except Fourier amplitudes have been multiplied by (magnitude of spatial frequency)-1. – Physically because of spherical sampling. – Mathematically because of changes coordimates. in Filtered BPR • Multiplying 2 functions together is equivalent to convolving the Fourier Transforms of the functions. • Fourier transform of (1/k) is (1/r) • Multiplying FT of image with 1/k is same as convolving real image with 1/r • ie BPR has effect we supposed. Filtered BPR • Therefore there are two possible approaches to deblurring the crude BPR images: • Deconvolve multiplying by f (1/f x f = 1) in Fourier domain. • Convolve with Radon filter in the image domain, to overcome effect of being filtered with 1/r by crude BPR.
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