Aegis Innovation Challenge

Schools Innovation
The Challenge
Schools are invited to take part in a regional challenge to find the very best
innovators and designers/developers using the Raspberry Pi.
2 age groups will be assessed using the core languages of Scratch for under 13’s
and Python for under 18’s
The challenge will be conducted within schools, with a briefing event day to
meet schools and set up the challenge and then a showcase day to see the best
work produced and award a series of prizes for schools.
Schools will receive marketing support, equipment for the challenges, and
winning students will receive prizes.
We will host a briefing day, facilitated by Aegis to support schools, and to enable
them to fully participate in the event. (target date 18-19th September 2014).
All registered schools attending the day (1 hour sessions) would be receiving their
pack of Raspberry Pi’s complete with accessory kit and also a USB keyboard and
mouse for each Pi. (we wont be able to offer monitors, but apart from this, the
schools will have everything they need to take part, with schools receiving between
5 and 10 Raspberry Pi packs each).
Schools can run the activity as part of extra curricular, extension activities or out of
schools/lunch clubs over a 5 week period, with an internal selection of the best
work to represent the school.
We will hold a showcase day for each participating school to present their best
work to a judging panel (target date 22-23rd October).
BBC and ITV will be invited to cover the whole process (ITV have shown initial
Promotional Materials
Raspberry Pi Kits with accessories and keyboards
Direct Media Promotion
All these elements will be covered by Aegis/Huawei in partnership, and will
mean this activity is free for schools, with the exception of travel costs to
and from the briefing and showcase events.
A series of initial tasks have been devised to capture young peoples imaginations
when looking at the Raspberry Pi as a tool for learning coding.
Among these tasks is the challenge to make a Jelly Baby Scream.
This is a simple coding and accessory task which could be used by any group to
demonstrate simple skills and how coding can be fun.
We are using this as a campaign technique to generate wide interest within
schools, and to demonstrate the very widest and quirkiest streaks in the use of
the Raspberry Pi;
Large format posters
Direct mail postcards for distribution with
school children
Information Pack for Schools
PR materials to support media partners
Personalised prize giveaways at showcase
Promotional Concepts
What to do next?
1. If you want to take part I need to know
by 10th July 2014
2. We will send you a schools pack before
the start of next term, which will contain
all details of the project, briefing notes,
and timings and details for the briefing
events. (electronically and hard copy)
3. We will supply posters and DM for use
internally for 3rd September 2014
I need your name, contact details,
school name, and number of
pupils you would expect to
promote this activity with.