Preparation for teaching physics with SMART Board Mag.Phys. Aivars Krons University of Latvia e-mail: This is a Smart Board 1 Preparation for teaching physics with SMART Board People choose the SMART Board (interactive whiteboard) because it helps energize presentations and motivate learners. In 1991, it was the world's first interactive whiteboard. 2 Preparation for teaching physics with SMART Board Data Visualisation System Knowledge discovery Science The process of creating (computer-generated) images in order to gain new understanding 3 Preparation for teaching physics with SMART Board Side Sorter Toolbar Whiteboard Area SMART Notebook lets you save, print and e-mail your notes, diagrams 4 and ideas. Preparation for teaching physics with SMART Board Projector Interactive board Computer The main components are connected wirelessly, or via USB or serial cables. Electronic Pen Intelligent & Interactive Whiteboard - Standard Type 5 Preparation for teaching physics with SMART Board Interactive SMART Board and it’s advantages • The SMART Board turns your computer and data projector into a powerful tool for teaching physics and presenting physical phenomenon. • It allows your students to do presentations from the front of the class instead of having to be at the computer. • Save notes written on the Board to a computer file. • Use your finger or electronic pen to press on the Board to control Windows applications and other multimedia materials. • You can write over top of your applications and save the annotations to a computer file. • The notes and images can be printed from a computer printer, e-mailed, posted to a network, copied and pasted into other applications or saved. • Smartbaords enhances group collaboration and are perfect for visual communication. • Takes seconds to set up. • Allow users to interact, create and write notes, draw diagrams and illustrate ideas. • One can focus by highlighting key information with electronic ink and also capture images and notes and save, print or e-mail them. • It helps energize presentations and motivate learners. •It is possible to control computer applications directly from the display, write notes in digital ink and save your work to share later. • Easy to use. If you can use a computer, you can use an electronic interactive whiteboard. 6 Preparation for teaching physics with SMART Board Interactive board at learning process 1 7 Preparation for teaching physics with SMART Board Interactive board at learning process 2 8 Preparation for teaching physics with SMART Board Use of interactive whiteboard with LCD projector It has a range of applications that can be summarised as follows: ● Interactive whiteboard is large enough to be seen easily by a whole class and its display can be the same as on the monitors of students’ computers. ● As with an ordinary whiteboard, the teacher and students can ‘write’ on it, but data and diagrams can be saved, made available on the intranet, or issued as notes. ● Data or diagrams from computer software, video stills or internet downloads can be overwritten by using the coloured ‘pen’ to aid understanding or extend an idea. ● It can be used effectively with computer-modelling software such as ‘Modellus’ from the ‘Advancing physics’ course, allowing the teacher and class to interact with the display and investigate the effect of changing the parameters or variables which influence the physical model. ● As a large screen, it provides excellent class viewing of animations, video clips and photographs, again with the possibility of overlaid highlighting or annotation. ● Networking of the system allows illustrative material from the internet to be accessed during the teaching session and integrated with the teaching plan. Interactive board at learning process 3 9 Preparation for teaching physics with SMART Board Interactive board at learning process – example 1 10 Preparation for teaching physics with SMART Board Whiteboard presentation 1 – equilibrium of force moments Whiteboard presentation 2 – Electric field of a system of point charges Available at - Professional resources for today’s teachers 11 Preparation for teaching physics with SMART Board Promethean presentation 1 - Earth Day Download lots of free resources and visit some great websites for ideas. Promethean presentation 2 – You'll find materials covering Space travel, the Solar system, and more! Compatible with Available at - Professional resources for today’s teachers 12 Preparation for teaching physics with SMART Board Promethean presentation 3 – active classroom training – next generation of teaching and learning software Available at - Professional resources for today’s teachers 13 Preparation for teaching physics with SMART Board Served more than 200 years Goodbye blackboards, hello Smart Boards! Technology helps teachers 'bring abstract ideas to life' 14 Preparation for teaching physics with SMART Board What students say? Based on interviews and surveys of students, as well as classroom observations, active learning based physics courses leed to increased visibility of student work during whole class discussions. This is clearly evident. Students said projected work makes note taking easier and more likely during 15 presentations of physical phenomenon. Preparation for teaching physics with SMART Board Virtual Whiteboard 1 It is a web-based collaborative system that provides a realtime canvas for thinking, designing, and working with your colleagues, clients, friends or family. 16 Preparation for teaching physics with SMART Board Virtual Whiteboard 2 17 Preparation for teaching physics with SMART Board Virtual Whiteboard 3 18 Preparation for teaching physics with SMART Board Virtual Whiteboard 4 19 Preparation for teaching physics with SMART Board Virtual Whiteboard 5 20 Preparation for teaching physics with SMART Board Virtual Whiteboard 6 21 Preparation for teaching physics with SMART Board Virtual Whiteboard 7 22 Preparation for teaching physics with SMART Board Virtual Whiteboard 8 23 Preparation for teaching physics with SMART Board Virtual Whiteboard 9 24 Preparation for teaching physics with SMART Board CONCLUSIONS ● An important benefit of SMART Board is its ability to reach students whose intellectual learning styles may not be reached by using traditional learning tools, as SMART Boards can accommodate different learning styles. Tactile or physical learners can benefit from touching and marking at the board, audio learners can explore the content of the course via the classroom discussion, and visual learners can have more clarity based on what is written and saved on the SMART Board. The interactive whiteboard is an excellent tool for the constructivist educator. 25 Preparation for teaching physics with SMART Board We must view young people not as empty bottles to be filled, but as candles to be lit --------Robert H Shaffer CONCLUSIONS ● Students absent for the day are able to download any notes they may have missed. ● SMART Board can function in much the same way as a traditional blackboard but with the possibility to use color, sophisticated images, and even moving images. ● Rather than simply listening to teachers lecture with PowerPoint, students are able to actively participate in the learning process. ● Homework problems themselves can be projected directly on the interactive whiteboard screen to allow for the class to more easily discuss and review them. 26 Preparation for teaching physics with SMART Board Thank You for Your attention! Any questions, please? Literature and references: 1. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: SMART Board interactive whiteboard. <>. Last time visited 11 02 2009. 2. SMART Board Resources for Educators. <>. Last time visited 11 02 2009. 3. SMARTBoard Software. <>. Last time visited 11 02 2009. 4. Krons A., 2007, Visually educational physics: master work. Riga: Latvian University. 5. Julie S. Koven, 2008, SMART Boards Make Smart Students: Systemic Change with Interactive Whiteboard Technology. Framingham State College 27
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