VIEW OF CAPACITY BUILDING FROM RECIPIENT COUNTRY - BANGLADESH BANGLADESH NAVY HYDROGRPAHIC DEPARTMENT Monaco 08 Oct 2014 INTRODUCTION • Bangladesh is a Deltaic country. Due to huge sedimentation (1.3 Billion tones/year) updating of charts is the greatest challenge . • Bangladesh Navy Hydrographic Department (BNHD) is responsible for survey, publishing nautical INT, national series nautical charts & ENCs at its entire sea area. • BNHD was formed in 1980. • 1995 entered into a digital era of hydrographic survey through equipment, CAT-B & On Job Training support by SHOM, French. MODERNIZATION • Equipment fitted on board ship • On Job Training provided • CAT-B course • Cartographic Software & chart printing BN SURVEY SHIPS BNS ANUSHANDHAN BNS AGRADOOT BNS SHAIBAL BNS DARSHAK CHARTS S.No Scale Total 1. 12 500 03 2. 25 000 02 3. 30 000 01 4. 35 000 30 5. 75 000 12 6. 150 000 04 7. 250 000 02 8. 350 000 01 9. 400 000 01 10. 700 000 01 11. Trg Chart 01 12. TNT 03 TRAINING RECEIVED UNDER CB PROGRAM Year Country Offered Courses USA Cat A Oceanography Institution Nippon Enhanced capability to conduct Foundation Cat B course since 2005. IHO USA 2006 to 2014 Cat A Hydro ITALY Cat B Hydro South KOREA Port & Shallow Water Survey UK UK IMO-IMA - ENC Australia MB survey & Data processing Course Train the trainer Concept applied to develop skill personnel. Effort ongoing to achieve Cat A recognition Maritime University Established for research & Trg Marine Cartography UKHO Cat B Cartography UKHO UK Outcome/ Status Enhanced capability to produce National & INT series paper chart (IHO standard) UKHO Initial training received. Yet to develop skill personnel - Initial training received. Yet to develop skill personnel NIOHC • Within NIOHC, India has provided training to BNHD. • CAT-A & CAT-B course for officers. • Other hydrographic courses for sailors. TECHNICAL TEAM VISIT • Technical team from IHB visited in 2012 under Capacity Building (CB) program. • The main focus of the CB team was: Identify shortcomings of BNHD Provide needful guidance for further organisational and human resource development. RECOMMENDATIONS OF CB TEAM Recommendations of the CB team are: Develop a MBES survey data appraisal, storage and management systems. Replace old MBES system. Enhance tidal analysis and prediction capability. RECOMMENDATIONS OF CB TEAM Develop a dedicated website that includes info about charts and publications available, notices to mariners, navigational warnings etc. Seek professional assistance to convert paper chart to ENCs. Develop ENC production and maintenance capability Make effort for Cat A hydrography and Cat B cartography courses in recognized institutions . OUTCOME OF CB VISIT & IMPACT IN BNHD • Broaden the outlook of the department and has taken this road map towards the development. • Venture possible opportunities through seeking assistance from friendly Hydrographic Offices under IHO CB program. ISSUES AND OBSTACLES • Present CB offered program module and vacancy is insufficient to meet the present demand. • Due to very limited offer countries need to wait longer period to get the desired courses asked for. • Offered course duration is not good enough. Trainees face difficulties to grab the content and to transfer the knowledge effectively in the implementation level. • Lack of funding. • CB Programme must be sustainable. SUGGESTIONS FOR EFFECTIVE CB PROGRAM • Training requirement for particular organisation need to be ascertained by concerned Hydrographic Offices or technical team. • These training requirements should be discussed in RHC meeting & obtain consensus on particular training issues • Countries to be grouped according to their capability & training to be ascertained accordingly. • Identifying absolute shortcomings on professional aspects and steps to the solution. SUGGESTIONS FOR EFFECTIVE CB PROGRAM • A review process may be made to find progress curve & area of weakness of a recipient country. • A suitable solution is to be made in case of a country whose progress is below satisfactory. • Some mechanism has to be developed to get the feedback who already received training. • Promote involvement of developed & capable nations to raise the CB fund. • Recipient countries must make best use of the trainees in their respective organisations. Conclusion • Effort taken by IHB under CB program is well appreciated by all, especially to yield the standard professional output. • BNHD is highly grateful to the IHB for sorting out our shortcomings as well as suggestions for improvement. Thank You QUESTION
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