HIV Infection and Human Blood Cell Development Lessons Learned from the Humanized Mouse Use of humanized mouse model as a translational medicine tool Past successes: 1. Pathogenesis studies 2. Drug screening 3. Gene therapy Future aims: 1. Gene therapy 2. Vaccine development 3. Immune reconstitution/enhancement 4. Viral transmission 5. Viral latency/ eradication 6. Organ regeneration/replacement 7. Novel therapeutic development Immunodeficient Mice SCID, NSG Rag2-/- Black 6 SCID Use of Humanized mice in HIV-related studies Model #1: The hu-PBL SCID Mouse Model (the Mosier Model) • First humanized mouse used in HIV studies. • Involves injecting human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes into the peritoneum of SCID mice. Cells are typically removed from mice by intraperitoneal lavage. • Key Strength: can assess effects rapidly and directly on mature human blood cells in vivo. • Key Weaknesses: limited number of time points, short experimental duration (<3-4 weeks). 7 -14 days Drug HIV Cells Typical Experiment: hu-PBL SCID Mouse Model 7 -21 days Typically there are 6-30 mice per experiment. The limiting factor in these studies is the number of human cells. You need >2 x 107 human cells/mouse. Lavage and Assessment: Real Time Quantitative PCR Analysis of radio-labeled HIV specific antibody 213Bismuth HIV Infected 213Bismuth HIV Infected 213Bismuth 213Bismuth Experimental Results HIV DNA Viral Load 120 Copies HIV/10000 100 80 60 40 20 0 Saline n = 5 mice/group Cold antigp41 non-specific 50 uCi anti-gp41 50 uCi non-specific 100 uCi anti-gp41 100 uCi non-specific 200 uCi anti-gp41 200 uCi Treatment Dadachova et al. PLoS One 2012 Conclusions: anti gp41 antibody in hu-PBL SCID mice Bismuth213- labeled neutralizing anti-gp41 monoclonal antibody targets and eliminates HIV infected cells in vivo. Platelet counts and Pathology similar in all experimental conditions: Low toxicity of radioactive compound Eliminates productively infected cells. Decreases Viral DNA load. Model #2: The SCID-hu thy/liv mouse model • Developed at Stanford, the SCID-human fetal thymus and liver model. • Involves transplanting human fetal thymus and liver in SCID mice. Cells or HIV is then injected into tissue. Tissue is obtained by biopsy. • Key Strengths: can assess viral infection of human T cells in human tissue in vivo, system to study T cell development. • Key Weaknesses: surgery required, technically complex. The SCID-hu Mouse Model • Established in the late 1980’s/early 1990’s as a model system to study HIV pathogenesis in vivo. • Played a key role in studies on: – – – – – HIV Pathogenesis Gene Therapy HIV Latency Embryonic Stem Cell Development Engineering T cell Immunity The thymus is the organ that generates T cells How does HIV infection perturb T cell development? Thymopoiesis Peripheral Circulation Thymus CD4 SP Quiescent - CD4 / CD8 - CD4+ / CD8+ Transcriptionally Active CD4+ / CD45RA+ CD8+ / CD45RA+ CD8 SP Quiescent The SCID-hu mouse model Human fetal thymus Human fetal liver Thy/Liv implant 3-4 months SCID-hu mouse CD8 HIV Typical Experiment: hu-PBL SCID Mouse Model Biopsy and Assessment SCID-hu SCID-hu 3-22 weeks Tissue processing Assay 1. PCR 2. Flow cytometry Experiments typically consist of 6-30 mice, and have 3 time points. The limiting factor is the amount of fetal tissue. Uninfected HIV infected HIV infection causes loss of immature thymocytes What viral factors are involved in this process? HIV Reporter Virus muHSA (CD24) HSA Expression in Thymocytes Jamieson et al. What is the effect of HIV infection on the thymic microenvironment? Do high levels of HIV destroy the ability of thymic stroma to direct T cell differentiation? Why is reconstitution of thymocytes transient? Viral / Thymocyte Dynamics Following Antiretroviral Therapy Conclusions • Reconstitution of thymopoiesis is transient following HAART. • The transiency is caused by breakthrough in viral replication to antiretroviral treatment. • The SCID-hu thy/liv model is highly useful in examining HIV infection in the context of developing T cells. Modeling HIV Latency HIV-1 CD4 SP /HSA 4-6 weeks Biopsy + Protease Inhibitor CD8 SP /HSA Thy/Liv Implant Latent HIV in Thymocytes from SCID-hu Mice Day 3 Day 0 CD24 99% 21% <1% MFI: 510 CD45 + Protease Inhibitor CD24 99% <1% 5% CD24 CD4 79% MFI: 225 95% CD8 CD45 Targeting The Latent Reservoir The Search for Agents That Activate Latent HIV Prostratin Phorbol ester Used in tea in Samoa to treat various illnesses Activates latent virus without inducing T cell replication Further testing is required to define effects on immune system IL-7 Naturally occuring cytokine Induces some cell proliferation, but phenotype is maintained Potently induces expression of latent HIV Further development is required Anti-HIV Immunotoxin Infected Cell gp120 Anti-gp120 3B3:N31H/Q100eY(dsFv)-PE McHugh et al.; 2002 Pseudomonas Exotoxin Elimination of Latent HIV Conclusions I. Immunotoxins can be used to kill cells induced to express previously latent virus II. Pre-treatment with IL-7 or with prostratin plus immunotoxin results in a decrease in rescuable latent virus upon subsequent co-stimulation. III. These agents may prove useful as adjunctive therapeutics to purge the latent HIV reservoir Model #3: The Non-obese diabetic (NOD), SCID, IL-2 receptor γ knockout (NSG), humanized bone marrow, fetal liver and thymus (BLT) mouse model The NSG-BLT model • Recently developed model, pioneered by J. Victor Garcia in Texas. • Involves transplanting human fetal thymus and liver in NSG mice, the irradiating them and the injecting human stem cells intraveneously, which allow them to become engrafted in mouse bone marrow. Mice become engrafted with multiple human cell types that arise from stem cells within 6-8 weeks. • HIV is then injected. HIV replication and peripheral blood cells are monitored following bleeding of the mice. Tissue is obtained by biopsy and/ or sacrificing mice. Model #3: The Non-obese diabetic, SCID, IL-2 receptor γ knockout (NSG), humanized bone marrow, fetal liver and thymus (BLT) mouse model • Key Strengths: can assess viral infection of multiple types of human cells in vivo, slow and steady rate of T cell depletion and viral replication (mimics natural history in humans), easy to manipulate, develop immune responses. • Key Weaknesses: surgery required, technically complex, immuodeficient status of mice make them highly susceptible to graft versus host disease, lower experimental numbers. Humanized Mouse Model of HIV Infection: The NSG-BLT Model Infect with HIV-1 1. Implant fetal thymus and liver tissue. liv thy Irradiate 6-12 weeks 3 weeks NSG 2. Sort CD34+ Stem Cells CD34+ NSG 4. Analyze human cell reconstitution 3. i.v. Inject CD34+ CD34+ CD34+ CD34+ 5. Analyze effects of infection Each experiment typically contains 6-15 mice. Human cell reconstitution frequency is far lower than SCID –hu. Multlineage Hematopoesis in Humanized mice CD34+ Myeloid stem cell Erythroid progenitor Megakaryoblast Eosinophil progenitor Lymphoid stem cell BM Stem cell Basophil progenitor Myelomonocytic progenitor B progenitor T progenitor DP Thymocyte Monocyte NK Cell Megakaryocyte CD8+ T cell Red blood cells Platelets Eosinophil Basophil Neutrophil Macrophage B cell CD4+ T cell Multilineage Hematopoiesis in NSG-LTL mice %CD45+ mean=53% ± 29% range 19%-80% n=12 HIV Infection of NSG-BLT mice Mice were either 1. Untreated 2. HIV infected 3. HIV infected but treated with pre-exposure prophylaxis of emtricitabine (FTC)/ tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) Conclusion: Pre-exposure prophylaxis Prevents infection in this model Denton et al.,PLoS Med. 2008 Jan 15;5(1) Engineering HIV-Specific T-Cell Immunity Targeting immune responses could augment rejection of Infectious agents (chronic viruses) or tumors in certain individuals or disease states HIV disease: weakened immune system, viral drift Cancer: Escape of tumor cells from immune surveillance Transgenic mouse models suggest that introduction of antigen receptors into stem cells can result in functional effector cells targeting the antigen Can this type of approach be done in humans? Can we enhance immune capabilities in humans? HIV Specific T Cell Responses Killing of HIV Infected Cells HIV Infected Cells HIV-Specific T Cell Mature T-Cells Incomplete Clearance of HIV Infected Cells Stem Cell Expansion of HIV-Specific Cells Thymus Periphery T Cell Recognition Of Virally-Infected Cell Step 1: Strategy for Cloning HIV-Specific T Cell Receptors T cell T cell T cell HIV Infected Individual T cell T cell T cell T cell 1) Purify T Cells T cell T cell T cell T cell T cell T cell T cell T cell T cell 2) Culture in Presence of Known HIV peptide TCR TCR IRES eGFP 3) Molecularly Clone HIV-Specific TCR Stem Cell Gene Therapy ES or iPS Cells Class I Restricted TCR Gene Myeloid stem cell Erythroid progenitor Megakaryoblast Eosinophil progenitor Lymphoid stem cell BM Stem cell Basophil progenitor Myelomonocytic progenitor B progenitor T progenitor DP Thymocyte Monocyte NK Cell Megakaryocyte CD8+ T cell Red blood cells Platelets Eosinophil Basophil Neutrophil Macrophage B cell CD4+ T cell HIV Gag SL9-Specific T Cell Receptor Restricted to HLA-A2.01 2. Transduce with Anti-HIV TCR (SL9 Peptide Specific) Fetal Liver Irradiate CD34+ CD34+ CD34+ CD34+ CD34+ ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC SCID-hu HLA-A2.1+ 3-12 weeks 3. Analyze TCR Expression 1. Sort CD34+ CD8 Kitchen et al, PLoS One, 2009 HIV-TCR Transduced Thymocytes Week 4 MHC Tetramers Antigen Responsiveness of Transgenic T Cells HLA-A*0201+ Tissue Humanized Mouse Model of HIV Infection: The NSG-CTL Model 4. Thaw and Transduce with Anti-HIV TCR Or Control TCR Fetal Liver 1. Sort CD34+ CD34+ CD34+ CD34+ CD34+ CD34+ CD34+ Infect with HIV-1NL4-3HSA-HA 2a. Viably freeze fraction Irradiate CD34+ CD34+ NSG 2. Transduce with Anti-HIV TCR or Control TCR 3. Combine with fetal thymus tissue and liver stroma, implant under kidney capsule NSG 3 weeks 5. Tail Vein Inject 6-12 weeks 6. Analyze TCR Expression/Fu nction HIV-Specific TCR expressing cells are found in multiple organs in NSG-LTL humanized mice CD3 10 10 4 10 10 10 5 10 4 3 10 3 2 10 2 10 5 10 4 3 10 2 10 0.75% 0 1.26% 0 10 10 3 SL9 Tetramer 10 4 10 5 1.47% 0 0 2 0 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 Peripheral Blood Liver Spleen Thymus Bone Marrow 5 10 5 10 4 10 10 10 5 10 4 3 10 3 2 10 2 1.31% 0 0 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 1.28% 0 0 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 0 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 Suppression of HIV Replication by HIV-specific TCR 35 %CD45+HIV(HSA-HA)+ Cells p=0.004 30 25 20 p=0.43 15 10 5 0 SL9-TCR Control Uninfected TCR Week 2 SL9-TCR Control Uninfected TCR Week 6 Suppression of CD4 Depletion by HIV-specific TCR 100 % Cells CD45+CD4+ 90 p=0.20 p=0.88 p=0.19 p=0.29 p=0.05 p=0.01 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 SL9-TCR Control Uninfected TCR SL9-TCR Control Uninfected TCR HIV-Specific TCR suppression of plasma vRNA in vivo p=0.05 Copies vRNA/ml 1000000 100000 p=0.02 10000 1000 100 10 1 SL9-TCR Control TCR Week 2 SL9-TCR Control TCR Week 6 HIV-specific TCR does not drive short-term viral evolution AMINO ACID ALIGNMENT INPUT VIRUS: SLYNTVATL Control TCR-CONT AINING MICE: SLYNTVATL HIV SL-9 TCR-CON TAINING MICE: SLYNTVATL Immune Correlates of Anti-Viral Efficacy A. Uninfected C. Infected % SL-9 Tetramer+ CD8+ T Cells 16 Week 6 14 4.04 p=0.044 12 7.91 CD8 10 SL-9 Tetramer 57.2 16.8 12.7 25.8 8 6 4 2 0 6 D. Week -2 5 p=0.0292 4 3 2 1 0 0 50 100 150 200 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Copies vRNA /ml at Week 6 400 450 3.57 10.7 53.8 CCR7 % SL-9 Tetramer+ CD8+ T Cells B. 19.3 % SL-9 Tetramer+ CD8+ T Cells CD45RA 0 250 300 350 Copies vRNA/ml at Week 6 400 450 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Week -2 Week 4 Week 6 “Genetic Vaccination” to HIV Stem cell TCR TCR TCR TCR TCR TCR TCR TCR Viral Vectors Containing Cloned TCRs T cell T cell Virus Infected cells T cell T cell T cell Conclusions Human blood-forming stem cells can be genetically modified with an HIV- specific T cell receptor and mature into functional CD8+ T cells in vivo in humanized mice. HIV specific TCR lowers viral replication in vivo in humanized mice. Conclusions • There are a variety of different type of mutations that produce immunodeficient mice. • Immunodeficient mice allow human cell engraftment. • The type of mouse and the system of humanization has to be carefully considered depending on the study. • The interest in these models has significantly expanded with the development of new strains and better human cell engraftment and function.
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