Dr Bob Flynn - Enterprise Ireland National Delegate & Contact Point Smart, green and integrated transport Horizon 2020 - National Support Office Tel: +353 61 777050 Mob: +353872170830 Bob.flynn@enterprise-ireland.com www.horizon2020.ie DIT 30-01-14 What is Horizon 2020? • Commission proposal for a 79 Billion euro research and innovation funding programme (2014-20) • Part of the new EU budget 2014-2020, complementing Structural Funds, education, etc. • A core part of Europe 2020, Innovation Union & European Research Area: – Responding to the economic crisis to invest in future jobs and growth – Addressing peoples’ concerns about their livelihoods, safety and environment. – Strengthening the EU’s global position in research, innovation and technology DIT 30-01-14 €79 Billion 2007-2013 52 Billion Euro DIT 30-01-14 2014-2020 79 Billion Euro Excellent Science funding (M€, 2014-20) European Research Council €13,268 Frontier research by the best individual teams Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) €3,100 Collaborative research to open new fields of innovation Marie Curie actions €6,162 Opportunities for training and career development Research infrastructures (including e-infrastructure) Ensuring access to world-class facilities DIT 30-01-14 €2,478 Industrial Leadership (M€, 2014-20) Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (ICT, nanotechnologies, materials, €13781 biotechnology, advanced manufacturing, space) Access to risk finance €3,538 Leveraging private finance and venture capital for research and innovation Innovation in SMEs Fostering all forms of innovation in all types of SMEs DIT 30-01-14 €619 3 Societal challenges Why: • EU policy objectives (climate, environment, energy, transport etc.) cannot be achieved without innovation • Breakthrough solutions come from multi-disciplinary collaborations, including social sciences & humanities • Promising solutions need to be tested, demonstrated and scaled up DIT 30-01-14 Societal Challenges funding (M€, 2014-20) Health, demographic change and wellbeing €8,029 Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research & the bioeconomy Secure, clean and efficient energy €4,152 Smart, green and integrated transport €6,339 Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials €3,160 Inclusive, innovative and secure societies €3,819 €5,782 *Additional €1 050m for nuclear safety and security from the Euratom Treaty activities (2014-18). Does not include ITER. DIT 30-01-14 Horizon 2020 - What’s new… A single programme bringing together three separate programmes/initiatives that will cover all research and innovation funding currently provided through: Framework Programme for Research and Technical Development (€53bn) Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) (€3.6bn) European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) (€309m) More innovation, all forms of innovation, from research to retail Focus on societal challenges facing EU society, e.g. health, clean energy, green transport Simplified access, for all companies, state bodies, universities, institutes in all EU countries and beyond Strengthening complementarities with the Structural Funds: DIT 30-01-14 Simplification: Rules for Participation 1. A single set of rules • Adapted for the whole research and innovation cycle covering all research programmes and funding bodies 2. One project – one funding rate • Maximum of 100% of the total eligible costs (except for actions close to market, where a 70% maximum will apply) • Indirect eligible costs ( Overheads) a flat rate of 25% of direct eligible costs / VAT will now be an eligible cost 3. Simple evaluation criteria • 3 Criteria - Excellence – Impact – Implementation 4. New forms of funding • aimed at innovation: pre-commercial procurement, inducement prizes, dedicated loan and equity instruments 5. International participation facilitated while protecting EU interests DIT 30-01-14 Funding Simplification DIT 30-01-14 How does it work?……The Work Programmes… DIT 30-01-14 TECHNOLOGY PLATFORMS ACARE ERRAC ERTRAC ECTP WATERBORNE EUROPEAN COMMISSION WORK PROGRAMME MEMBER STATES Transport Programme Committee ADVISORY GROUPS Transport Advisory Group 12 DIT 30-01-14 Technology Platforms—What are they?… “Industry-led stakeholder forums with the aim of defining medium to long-term research and technological objectives and developing roadmaps to achieve them, ultimately enhancing European competitiveness “ The Technology Platforms are industry-led to ensure there is an adequate focus on research funding in areas with a high degree of industrial relevance. DIT 30-01-14 Technology Platforms DIT 30-01-14 The Technology Platforms – What do they do?.. They produce future roadmaps which form the basis for future topics in the Work Programme to be funded Strategic Research Agenda / Technology Roadmaps Initiators of Public Private Partnership’s (PPP’s) Initiators of Joint Technology Initiatives (Very Large PPP’s operated directly by the industry - ( Clean Sky 1.6 B€, Shift2Rail ???) The Various Technology Platforms have Strongly influenced the Work Programmes in FP7 and will continue to do so in Horizon 2020 DIT 30-01-14 European Technology Platforms Transport Work Programme DIT 30-01-14 ERRAC http://www.errac.org/ DIT 30-01-14 Technology Platforms DIT 30-01-14 Transport – Horizon 2020 “To achieve a European transport system that is resource efficient, climate and environmentally friendly, safe and seamless from the benefit of all citizens, the economy and society” Objective: 4 Activities: Resource efficient transport that respects the environment. Better mobility, less congestion, more safety and security. Global leadership for the European transport industry Socio-economic and behavioural research and forward looking activities for policy making 3 Calls for Proposals: 1. Mobility for growth (Aviation, Rail, Road, Waterborne, Urban Mobility, Logistics, Intelligent Transport Systems, Infrastructure, Social-Economic Behavioural Research) 2. Green vehicles 3. Small business and fast track for Innovation DIT 30-01-14 Mobility for Growth : Smart, Green and Integrated Transport(1.36B€ - 20142015) ROAD MG.3.4-2014. Traffic safety analysis and integrated approach towards the safety of Vulnerable Road Users MG.3.5-2014 Cooperative ITS for safe, congestion free and sustainable mobility MG.3.6-2015. Safe and connected automation in road transport URBAN MOBILITY MG.5.1-2014. Transforming the use of conventionally fuelled vehicles in urban areas MG.5.2-2014. Reducing impacts and costs of freight and service trips in urban areas MG.5.3-2014. Tackling urban road congestion MG.5.4-2015. Strengthening the knowledge and capacities of local authorities MG.5.5-2015. Demonstrating and testing innovative solutions for cleaner and better urban transport and mobility LOGISTICS MG.6.1-2014. Fostering synergies alongside the supply chain (including e.commerce) MG.6.2-2014. De-stressing the supply chain MG.6.3-2015. Common communication and navigation platforms for pan-European logistics applications DIT 30-01-14 Topics Continued…. RAIL MG.2.1-2014. I²I – Intelligent Infrastructure MG.2.2-2014. Smart rail services MG.2.3-2014. New generation of rail vehicles Shift2Rail “Lighthouse Projects” INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS MG.7.1-2014. Connectivity and information sharing for intelligent mobility MG.7.2-2014. Towards seamless mobility addressing fragmentation in ITS deployment in Europe INFRASTRUCTURE MG.8.1-2014. Smarter design, construction and maintenance MG.8.2-2014. Next generation transport infrastructure: resource efficient, smarter and safer MG 8.3-2015 Facilitating market take up of innovative transport infrastructure solutions MG.8.4-2015. Smart governance, network resilience and streamlined delivery of infrastructure innovation DIT 30-01-14 Topics Continued…. SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND BEHAVIOURAL RESEARCH AND FORWARD LOOKING ACTIVITIES FOR POLICY MAKING MG.9.1-2015. Transport Societal Drivers MG.9.2-2015. User behaviour and mobility patterns in the context of societal trends MG.9.3-2015. Analysis of Funding Schemes for transport infrastructure MG.9.4-2015. Research ,technology, development and market prospects for the European transport industries DIT 30-01-14 Technology Readiness Levels TRL 1 – basic principles observed TRL 2 – technology concept formulated TRL 3 – experimental proof of concept TRL 4 – technology validated in lab TRL 5 – technology validated in relevant environment (industrially relevant environment in the case of key enabling technologies) TRL 6 – technology demonstrated in relevant environment (industrially relevant environment in the case of key enabling technologies) TRL 7 – system prototype demonstration in operational environment TRL 8 – system complete and qualified TRL 9 – actual system proven in operational environment (competitive manufacturing in t he case of key enabling technologies; or in space) See General Annexes - Part G DIT 30-01-14 Research & innovation Action primarily consisting of activities aiming to establish new knowledge and/or to explore the feasibility of a new or improved technology, product, process, service or solution. For this purpose they may include basic and applied research, technology development and integration, testing and validation on a small-scale prototype in a laboratory or simulated environment. Projects may contain closely connected but limited demonstration or pilot activities aiming to show technical feasibility in a near to operational environment. Funding rate: 100% Innovation Action primarily consisting of activities directly aiming at producing plans and arrangements or designs for new, altered or improved products, processes or services. For this purpose they may include prototyping, testing, demonstrating, piloting, largescale product validation and market replication. A ‘demonstration or pilot’ aims to validate the technical and economic viability of a new or improved technology, product, process, service or solution in an operational (or near to operational) environment, whether industrial or otherwise, involving where appropriate a larger scale prototype or demonstrator. Funding rate: 70% (except for non-profit legal entities, where a rate of 100% applies) DIT 30-01-14 Coordination and support actions Actions consisting primarily of accompanying measures such as standardisation, dissemination, awareness-raising and communication, networking, coordination or support services, policy dialogues and mutual learning exercises and studies, including design studies for new infrastructure and may also include complementary activities of strategic planning, networking and coordination between programmes in different countries. Funding rate: 100% See General Annexes for full details on all the instruments DIT 30-01-14 Green Vehicle PPP GV.1-2014. Next generation of competitive lithium ion batteries to meet customer expectations GV.2-2014. Optimised and systematic energy management in electric vehicles GV.3-2014. Future natural gas powertrains and components for cars and vans GV.4-2014. Hybrid light and heavy duty vehicles GV.5-2014. Electric two-wheelers and new light vehicle concepts GV.6-2015. Powertrain control for heavy-duty vehicles with optimised emissions GV.7-2014. Future natural gas powertrains and components for heavy duty vehicles GV.8-2015. Electric vehicles’ enhanced performance and integration into the transport system and the grid DIT 30-01-14 Call ‘Small business and fast track innovation for transport’ ( >TRL 6) Phase I (proof-of-concept): Explore the scientific or technical feasibility and commercial potential of your new idea in order to develop an innovation project, with the help of a €50,000 grant, and receive more support in case of a positive outcome! Phase II (development & demonstration): Develop your sound, groundbreaking business idea further with the help of a grant in the order of € 1 to 2.5 million into a market-ready product, service or process! Phase III (go-to-market): Take advantage of additional EU support to enter the market successfully (no grants). DIT 30-01-14 Who can participate? All Public and Private Entities Academic researchers – Universities, Institutes of Technology Research Institutions Small to Medium Enterprises (SME’s) Multinational Companies Public bodies and agencies NGO’s Consultants & Project Managers DIT 30-01-14 Participating Countries 28 Member States Associated Countries e.g. Norway, Switzerland… Third Countries e.g. US, Canada, Australia, China, ICPC Countries (Developing Countries) e.g. African countries DIT 30-01-14 H2020 - Broader spectrum of participants … Examples.. • • • • • • • • • • DIT 30-01-14 Economists Historians Geographers Planners Social Scientists Behavioural Scientists Archaeologists Psychologists Business Experts Etc……. H2020 - Gender Issues Examples.. The seat belt.. Crash test dummies Gender issues with respect to socio economic aspects DIT 30-01-14 Time line - How it works…. Single Stage or 2 Stage Time to grant 8 months DIT 30-01-14 Proposal Submission Stage 1 Max 15 pages; focus on content and results Proposal Evaluation 2 Criteria : Excellence and Impact Proposal Submission Stage 2 DIT 30-01-14 Only Stage 1 “Go “ Proposals admitted 3 Criteria: Excellence, Impact and Implementation Technology Readiness Levels Joint Technology Initiative/Joint Undertakings Shift2Rail Clean Sky II SESAR II Horizon 2020 Competitive calls for Proposals Mobility for Growth DIT 30-01-14 Transport - Externalised Funding JU - Shift2Rail Rail Research JU - Clean Sky II – Aeronautics Research JU - SESAR II ATM Research JU - FCH II Hydrogen Fuel Cells This is the future! DIT 30-01-14 DIT 30-01-14 DIT 30-01-14 DIT 30-01-14 Participant Portal All communications with EC are through the Participant Portal. Registration Mandatory Participant Identification Code (PIC) All Call Documentation Grants Manual/Templates and Examples of Admin Forms DIT 30-01-14 ECAS DIT 30-01-14 Search….. DIT 30-01-14 What to do now… Read the Work Programme…. !!Red the General Introduction to H2020!!… Register on the participant portal… (ECAS Number) Does your company or institution have a PIC Number? Attend Technology Platforms Ad-hoc groups and plenary / work groups..etc. Open calls for members.. Attend Information Days in Brussels and other Brokerage Events – EI – Academic Travel grant & coordinator grant schemes (New Rules!)Closing date for Mar-April Calls Jan 30th DIT 30-01-14 What else to do now… Register on CORDIS for European visibility (http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7) CORDIS - Partner Search Facility – helps to find consortia looking for partners and vice-versa/ETNA / EEN website/ Do you have a Strategy/Priorities for Horizon 2020? Internal Champion? Proactive approach to Horizon 2020 Register as an evaluator (Participant Portal) Partnerships with Academic Institutions? Other divisions/overseas divisions Get to know the national delegates & contact points! Meeting facilities - Brussels GET TO BRUSSELS - Meet the commission! Horizon2020 will not come to you! DIT 30-01-14 Dates for diary: 1 st Calls now open - 11th December 2013 18th March R&IA’s and IA’s Stage 1 27th March X R&IA’s and IA’s Stage 2 X CSA’s X Green Vehicles (Single Stage) SME Instrument (Open Call) X Cut-off Dates: 18th June, 24th Sept.,17Th Dec. Fast Track to Innovation Time to grant 8 Months DIT 30-01-14 28th August [Pilot action 2015] National Support Network Dedicated national network of delegates and fulltime contact points DIT 30-01-14 For more info: Marie Curie – Jennifer Brennan – IUA jennifer.brennan@iua.ie Innovation in SME’s - Sean Burke sean.burke@enterprise-ireland.com Access to Risk Finance evelyn.smith@enterprise-ireland.com DIT 30-01-14 Transport Research Arena 2014 –TRA2014 Paris - Registration Now Open DIT 30-01-14 http://ec.europa.eu/research/transport/ DIT 30-01-14 Call Information www.horizon2020.eu DIT 30-01-14 www.horizon2020.ie You can lead a horse to water…. DIT 30-01-14 Thank you for your attention! Bob Flynn – Horizon 2020 Support Office bob.flynn@enterprise-ireland.com 061-777050 / 087-2170830 DIT 30-01-14 PCP and PPI DIT 30-01-14 SME Instrument DIT 30-01-14 1 Excellent Science €24.4 Billion Research Area Marie Curie Actions Budget (€M) €6,162 Opportunities for training and career development 2 Industrial Leadership €17.0 Billion Access to risk finance €3,538 Leveraging private finance and venture capital for research and innovation Innovation in SME’s €619 Fostering all forms of innovation in all types of SME’s 3 Societal Challenges €29.7 Billion Smart, green and integrated transport Aviation & Surface Transport (Maritime, Infrastructure, Logistics, Urban Mobility, ITS, Road & Rail) DIT 30-01-14 €6,339 2. Industrial Leadership Horizon 2020 will have a strong focus on developing European industrial capabilities in Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) These include: Micro - and nano-electronics; photonics Nanotechnologies Advanced materials Biotechnology Advanced manufacturing and processing Development of these technologies requires a multi-disciplinary, knowledge and capital-intensive approach. DIT 30-01-14 Framework 7 Cooperation-Thematic areas Transport Energy Environment ICT Nano, Materials & Production Health Security Capacities People (Marie Curie) SME Programme …… DIT 30-01-14 Horizon 2020 Societal challenges Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials Inclusive, innovative and secure societies Others: Health,food-agri MG.2.1-2014. I²I – Intelligent Infrastructure • Smart, cost-efficient, high-capacity, user-friendly rail infrastructure: • proposals should aim at identifying relevant infrastructure-related challenges and developing solutions that result in: • reduced investment • recurring operational costs • improve the reliability and availability of rail operations and • increase the attractiveness and usability for all passenger categories (including persons with reduced mobility) • I2M – Intelligent mobility management: Development of intelligent, automated and flexible rail traffic dispatching systems, supporting an integrated approach to the optimisation of railway architecture and operational systems at network, route and individual train level. • Solutions to consider customer service, capacity, speed, timekeeping, energy, asset management with real time field and asset condition monitoring and intelligent traffic planning. • Emphasis should be given to real-time data collection and analytics from trains and infrastructure for the purposes of goal oriented predictive and adaptive control of the traffic DIT 30-01-14 MG.2.1-2014. • I²I – Intelligent Infrastructure –Cont… Energy management: the work should address innovative approaches to improve the efficiency of energy usage in rail systems, embracing vehicles, infrastructure and operation within a whole-system perspective. This will imply notably the development of smart concepts in intelligent design and management of energy systems for rail applications which should be pursued from a whole-of-life perspective - from concept to implementation through the design, procurement, manufacturing, construction, operations and maintenance phases. MG.2.1-2014. New Generation of Rail Vehicles Proposals should focus on innovative system approaches leading in the longer-term to the development and demonstration of a new-generation of railway vehicles and passenger trains, characterised by significant improvements in product reliability, cost-effectiveness, user-friendliness, safety and security, environmental impacts, ease of manufacture and interoperability. DIT 30-01-14 MG.2.2-2014. Smart rail services Two specific challenges concerning seamless travel and logistic services. 1. Seamless multimodal travel: The challenge is to enhance the rail traveler experience centered on solutions that respond to customer needs to support anytime, anywhere door to-door intermodal journeys encompassing distinct modes of transportation, including factors as travel planning, one-stop-shop ticketing and booking transactions, en-route travel companion, real-time reaccommodation. 2. Logistic services: The challenge is two-fold: • To acquire a new service-oriented profile for rail freight services based on excellence in on-time delivery at competitive prices, interweaving its operations with other transport modes, addressing the real needs of the clientele while incorporating innovative value-added services. • To increase productivity, by addressing current operational and system weaknesses and limitations, including interoperability issues, and finding cost-effective solutions to these problems. Fostering technology transfer from other sectors into rail freight will be crucial for these innovation strategies to be put in place DIT 30-01-14 DIT 30-01-14
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