Grade 10 to 11 - Seaquam Secondary School

Career Programs
Career Programs
Work Experience ..explore Career options ~ Grade 11 or 12
~ Employability Skills as well as a 90 hr placement in the community.
 ACE IT ..get your Level 1 Industry Training in Gr 11 or 12
Auto Service Technician and Cook Training at Seaquam
Carpentry at North Delta
 SSA ..Secondary School Apprentice – Gr. 10 (age 15) start
~ Working with a Journey Person? Earn Secondary school
as well.
~ $1000 scholarship available upon completion
Did you know?
Career Programs is for everyone!
Most careers don’t need a University Degree to start
Trades and Technical Careers:
 Earnings can be over $100,000 yr
 There is a huge demand for skilled workers
Career Programs in Secondary school:
 Try out a career before you go to university
 Earn graduation credit credits
 Make connections to employers
What are the benefits of Work
Valuable experience related to your career goals
 Opportunity to network
 Make educated decisions for a successful
transition from high school to post-secondary or
 Receive 4 credits towards graduation
Work Experience Placements
Vancouver Aquarium
Grouse Mountain
Barnes Wheaton Motors
Delta Police
BC Hydro
BC Ambulance
Northcrest Care Centre
Safeway Pharmacy
Delta Parks and Rec
Cougar Canyon
Newton Animal Hospital
Science World
BCIT Broadcast
Surrey Arts Gallery
Seaquam Secondary
Grade 10 in to 11 Course Planning
Overview of Graduation Requirements
Post-Secondary Entrance Requirements
Grade 11 courses
What about Math?
What about a Language?
2004 Graduation Program
Graduation Requirements…
Language Arts 10
Language Arts 11 (English or Communication)
Language Arts 12 (English or Communication)
4 Credits
4 Credits
4 Credits
Social Studies 10
Social Studies 11 or Civics 11
Science 10
A Science 11 or 12
Math 10
Math 11or 12
Physical Education 10
4 Credits
4 Credits
4 Credits
4 Credits
4 Credits
4 Credits
4 Credits
F.A. & A.S.
Fine Arts or Applied Skills 10, 11 or 12
4 Credits
Planning 10
4 Credits
Graduation Transition
4 Credits
Elective Courses (16 credits must be Gr. 12)
28 Credits
80 Credits
Provincial Exams
English 10
Mathematics 10
Science 10
Social Studies 11 or
Civic Studies 11
First Nation’s Studies 12*
English 12
Final mark is a blend of school marks and
provincial exam
That’s what’s need to
What about
what’s needed to get in
to a Post-Secondary
Direct Application/Entry to a Major University
- UBC, SFU, UVIC etc.
- on average looking at a mid 80% range for
admission in most faculties but it varies by
- individual program requirements will apply in
addition to general entrance requirements (for
example second language, Pre-Calc 11 – will
vary by institution)
- for full information re. University Entrance
Info., go to … career centre website
for links to post sec. Admission pages
College/Technical College etc.
i.e. Kwantlen, Langara, Capilano College , BCIT
Entrance requirements not as strict (varies by
Can upgrade if missing program requirements
No second language required for admission
Most offer academic transfer programs to major
Smaller classes
More affordable
Post Secondary Studies
In order to choose the best institution to attend for your post
secondary studies, a student will want to conduct their own research.
Initial research online is an effective way to learn current information about
each individual school and it’s campuses. A knowledgeable student will
research all colleges or universities in order to make an educated decision.
Look for schools that will provide you with opportunities that suit your
needs, both educationally and socially.
Another key decision factor should be to uncover a learning institution that
will provide you with the best options and opportunities after you complete
your undergraduate studies. Follow the links below to begin your research:
Post Secondary Studies
*Note: General admission requirements are considered in order to be
accepted into the institution itself. There are likely further requirements for
individual programs that must be researched, and met as well.
There are also “one-stop websites” that will help to put all of the above
information at your finger tips with links to every post secondary institution
across Canada. Seaquam is registered to and highly recommends accessing
an easy to navigate website called Career Cruising.
username: seaquam
password: (you need to ask your child for this!!)
Universities are starting to look at Grade 11 marks for entrance
Post Secondary Studies - UVIC
What courses do I
take next year?
Required Courses
English 11 / Communications 11
Social Studies 11 or Civic Studies 11
or First Nations 12
Mathematics 11
Biology 11 / Chemistry 11 / Physics 11
Earth Science 11
Science and Technology 11 (satisfies grad program but
not science requirement for post-secondary inst.)
Challenge Courses
AP and Challenge courses are all gone.
Students now take IB courses in place of
these if they choose to.
International Baccalaureate
IB Program
The IB Diploma is a prestigious international pre-university qualification and
is recognized by universities and governments throughout the world. It has
been in existence for over 30 years and is now offered in more than 1,000
schools in 95 countries.
An international education does not replace a national one, but refocuses it
and adds to it.
IB Program Questions? For any IB Program questions, please contact the
IB/DP Coordinator at
Applications due February 1st.
What do I register for in IB?
All IB Diploma students take six subjects across the disciplines
in a manner that assures both breadth and depth of
study. Learning how to learn and how to evaluate information
critically in a global world is an important part of the IB Diploma
Programme. Personal growth alongside academic growth is
Flexibility of choice allows students to follow their interests
while the structure of the diploma safeguards the breadth of
study. Please consult with the IB Coordinator or Counsellor
regarding your course selection choices.
IB Courses
English – . (R)
History OR Psychology
- 1 is R; other could be E
Psychology (E)
Art (E)
Extended Essay (R)
Science (1 R, others E)
(Chemistry, Bio., Physics
or Sports Ex. & Health
Math (R)
Music (E)
Creativity, Action,
Service (CAS) (R)
Theory of Knowledge
(TOK) (R)
French, Japanese ,
Spanish (1 R, others E)
What does a typical IB timetable
look like?
EE & CAS– done
within here and there but
not a special block
(sometimes in other
classes, sometimes in
additional meetings)
TOK – one block
GROUP 1: IB English
GROUP 2: IB Lang.
GROUP 3: IB Hist. or
GROUP 4: IB Sci.
GROUP 6 : IB Elec.
(anything from IB list )
Getting your SS 11 credit
IB History (2 yrs) - will
provide you with a SS 11
credit and will qualify
for Dogwood AND IB
Psychology 11 meets
group 3 req. BUT not he
SS 11 req. for Dogwood;
would qualify for IB
Diploma but NOT
Could take SS/Civics 11
in summer if desired (or
IB Credits – how are they
For every IB course you
do, there is typically a
‘regular’ Seaquam course
to match it
You will earn 4 credits
for the IB course, and 4
credits because the IB
course is also recognized
as covering the ‘regular’
course as well
Yes – you get 8 credits
per IB course
For any IB course you
score highly in (5 or
higher – approx. 86% or
more), you will ALSO be
awarded ADVANCED
credit at a post secondary
institution (so credit for
the equivalent first year
What if I want some IB but don’t
want the Diploma?
You can take up to 4 IB
You must make a full
year commitment – no
drops through the year
You must make a formal
APPLICATION – see - look for
the form “IB Diploma
COURSE application
It is recommended that
you select from only the
HL courses (SL courses
will not give you any
advanced credit)
All HL courses run 2
Elective Options (regular & IB)
Language 11/ Ch/11
Studio Arts 11: Fabric and Fiber
Cafeteria Training 11
Caf. 11 – Baking and Pastry
Textile Studies 11
Carpentry & Joinery 11
Business Computer Application 11
Accounting 11
Drafting & Design 11
Auto Technology 11
Metal Fabrication & Machining 11
Technology 11
Info. Comm. Technology 11
Physical Education
Yearbook Production 11
Writing 11
Psychology 11
Peer Tutoring 11
Concert Band 11
** Music 11: Jazz Band (X Block)
Music 11: Concert Choir
Theatre Production – Acting 11
Technical Theatre 11
Film and Television/Video 11
Media Arts 11: Animation
Art Foundations 11
Studio Arts 11 – Printmaking &
Strategies for Learning (LD/LAC)
Elective Options
Photo 11
 Studio Arts 11: Drawing and Painting
 Action Wear Construction and Design 11
(textile based course)
 Jewelry Making/art & metal
 Wood Art and Carving
 *please see on line course planning guide
for detailed write-ups
Elective Options
PE 11 Choices
- PE 11 – Co-Ed
- PE 11 – Leadership
- PE 11/12 – Women’s Only
- PE 11/12 – Superfit
- PE 11/12 – Strength and
Conditioning – Co-Ed
STUDYs – you must meet the
following criteria
minimum of 6 academic courses.
demonstrate you have significant outside commitments (attach your letter to
your application).
explain, in writing, the rationale for the request.
signed parental support.
student has exemplary attendance and does not present any discipline
A student has received approval from the Administration.
Please note: In no situation will a grade 11 student be able to take
fewer than 7 courses unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Applications are on the Seaquam/ for students / counselling
Career Programs – upcoming info.
Wednesday March 5th, 'Women in Trades',
6:30-8:30pm, - for all schools and
communities, hosted at Seaquam this year
Career Programs
See or email Ms. Deol in C 5 for details; refer to additional
powerpoint on counselling website
Secondary School Apprenticeship 11A & 11B
Work Experience 11
ACE-IT Auto Technician 11 (apply through
School Board – see District website for
ACE-IT Cook Training 11 (as above)
Delta Academies
Delta secondary
Film Acting The Studio at Delta Manor
South Delta Secondary
South Delta
Seaquam (grade 8s & 9s only)
Film Production
The Studio at Delta Manor
Lacrosse (Girls and Boys)
Delta Secondary
Applications are online. Brochures are at the front office.
Must be in by March 14th – Bursaries are available
The Math Question
Implications of Math
Any Math 11 course (Pre-Calculus 11 or Apprenticeship and
Workplace 11 ) will meet graduation requirements from high
school with a Dogwood Graduation Certificate.
Apprenticeship and Workplace 11 may NOT meet some postsecondary requirements.
Apprenticeship and Workplace 11 cannot be alternated with
Principles. They are two very different programs.
Any student requesting to move from Apprenticeship and
Workplace 11 into Pre-Calculus 11 is recommended to take
summer school at the previous grade level.
It is recommended that students wishing to take Pre-Calculus
12 have a C or better in Pre-Calculus 11 .
What about a
What About a Language?…
Language 11 for certain faculties
Have cancelled all language
Beginners Language 11 for all
No Language Requirement as with
many University/Colleges like
Douglas and Kwantlen or BCIT
Language Options
French 10, 11, 12
Intro. Spanish 11, Spanish 11,12
Intro. Japanese 11, Japanese 11, 12
Language Challenge Exams
*Language Challenge: for those students with a
background in Mandarin, Spanish, Japanese,
Punjabi, Korean, German, they may apply to
write a challenge exam to earn language 11
and 12 credits. Those who challenge the
language 12 exam carry on to write the
provincial in June.
Summer School – registration is online
through the school district website /spring
4 Week –
6 Week – for students
who wish to take a course;
academic subjects only
In Delta
1 hr 45 min. class (+
2 course maximum
require 40% to qualify (see
your counsellor re this to
discuss if you have
3 hour class
Morning or Afternoon
You will cover a FULL
course so expect several
hours of homework per
eve. in addition to class
Delta Access offers Grades 10- 12 courses online
There are two “semesters” in Delta Access. Students can START at anytime, however,
they must complete the course by the course deadline.
Fall Semester runs from Sept – June (end date June 13)
Spring/Summer session runs from April – August (end date August 8)
When can students register for the April August 2014 session?
Students may register for April session anytime, however, they will be contacted the
first week of March with registration instructions (via email). Students who are eager
to get started on their online courses over the spring break will have the option to
attend a training session the week prior to March break. If they submit the required
assignment and pay their $100 course deposit, students will have access to their
courses over the break, however, they will not have teacher support until the first week
of April
Night School (Sr. Classes)
Many core academic courses offered:
Offered 2X year: start dates either in Sept. or
late January
Mondays / Wednesdays
Tuesdays / Thursdays
No electives
External Credits
Students may earn credits toward graduation through
training programs outside of school:
Dance (Royal Academy of Dance)
 Music (Royal Conservatory of Music)
 Sports (Provincial or National team level)
 Lifesaving (Bronze Cross, NLS, Instructor)
 Cadets (National Defense Cadet Certification)
 Coaching (Level 1-2, First Aid, 75-150 hours)
 Official (Theory, evaluation, 75-125 hours)
 Driver Ed. (ICBC accredited program)
 First Aid (WCB level II and III)
*students are asked to bring documentation as proof of
Parent Connect
 Course
selection online as usual
 Parents need their OWN
passwords – phone the office if
 System
is open for registration
between the dates of Feb. 28th and
March 6th
Parent Night
Tuesday February
6:30 pm
 Volunteering
or Work Experience
– 30 hours over two years
 Physical Activity – 80 hours over
two years
 Homework – Checking Student
Can I make changes to my
course selection later on??
As always, we implore you to choose wisely –
elective spaces are at a premium and space is
limited. After verification, which will likely be
early April, 2014, no further changes will be
Remember – what you select determines the
number of spaces we open ; new seats are NOT
added in Sept. even if you decide you want one!
Upcoming Important Dates
Parent Night Feb. 25th
GO ONLINE: Feb. 28th – March 6th
Report card uploaded March 3rd
March 5th – end of Term 2
Second Report Card – March 12th (online)
Spring Break – March 17th to March 28th
Other Issues?
Other Issues?
Skipping / Weather