Links between Convex Geometry and Join Processing Christopher Ré Stanford University “Query processing is not rocket science… When you flunk out of query processing, we make you go build rockets.” – Anonymous (J. Hamilton or D. DeWitt) Warning: This is (mostly) a theory talk… … but we (and others) are building database engines with these ideas. Motivation: Joins! Databases are about three things: Worst-case Efficiency, Parallel Efficiency, and Beyond Worst-case Efficiency Joins Since System R R(A,B), S(A,C), T(B,C) Join(R,S,T) = { (a,b,c) : (a,b) in R, (a,c) in S, (b,c) in T} Join(R,S,T) = Join(Join(R,S),T) System R searches through pairwise joins For 40+ years, major commercial database use System-R style optimizer. Nugget: “DBs have been asymptotically suboptimal for the last 4 decades…” 6 Example Queries Data: R(A,B), S(A,C), and T(B,C) Today: graph where edges colored R,S,T. R v Q1 = Join(R,S) S T Nodes are data values. “triples of nodes on a path of length 2 that goes via R then S” Q2 = Join(R,S,T) “triples of nodes that form R-S-T triangles” Background: Triangles [Alon 80, Loomis-Whitney 49] Data: R(A,B), S(A,C), and T(B,C)) Let Q be Join(R,S,T) = “R-S-T triangles” If R,S,T contain ≤ N tuples, how big can |Q| be? R(A,B), S(A,C) |Join(R,S)| ≤ N2 R covers B, S covers C T(B,C)) |Join(R,S,T)| ≤ N2 Correct asymptotic:|Q| in Q( N3/2 ) Can we compute Q in time O(N3/2)? 8 Pairwise Joins are Suboptimal R(A,B), S(B,C),T(A,C) R=[N] x {1} S ={1} x [N] T = {1} x [N] N 1 Data in R and S Data N |R|=|S|=|T|=N [N]={1,…,N} JOIN(R,S) = [N]x {1} x [N] |Join(R,S)| = N2 DB is toast! Panic! A simple modification: any pairwise join plan takes W(N2) 9 Heavy versus Light Relax! [Itai & Rodeh 78, Alon et. al 97] It’s cute, let’s see it. “The heavy-light technique” 10 Sketch: Heavy v. Light Nodes Goal: Time O(N3/2) – ignoring log factors. Call a node heavy if it has more than N1/2 neighbors. Let H be set of heavy nodes. (case 1) If v in H, check whether each edge e in E forms a triangle with v. v e x y v1 v2 .. … 2 probes: each O(1) time. N Edges Case I: In total most 2 N|H| probes Since |H| ≤ 2N1/2 then total time O(N3/2) 11 Case 2. (case 2) If v not in H, for each pair of edges check. v x y v1 v2 .. … N Edges Case II: Each light node explores d(v)2 where d(v) is the degree of node v. å vÎV -H d(v)d(v) £ N å d(v) £ 2N 3/2 vÎV-H Union is linear, so we’re done. 12 How do we generalize to joins? 13 Fractional Hypergraph Covers Given a hypergraph H=(V,E) a fractional edge cover is x : E R such that x ≥ 0 and for each v in V we have Se : v in e x(e) ≥ 1 Ex: R(A,B),S(B,C),T(A,C). x(R,S,T)=(1,0,1) … or… x(R,S,T)=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) x(R) + x(T) ≥ 1 // cover for A x(R) + x(S) ≥ 1 // cover for B x(S) + x(T) ≥ 1 // cover for C We think of a query as hypergraph to cover. R S T 14 Size bounds [GM05, AGM08] Fix a query Q=(V,E). Let N be a tuple of |E| positive integers. Define S(Q, N) be the maximum size of Q subject to|Re|≤ Ne Thm [Atserias, Grohe, Marx FOCS08]: Given any hypergraph cover x for (V,E) then S(Q,N) ≤ Pe in E |Re|x(e) Triangle: |R|=|S|=|T| ≤ N, x(R)=x(S)=x(T)=0.5 N1.5 15 One more example. R(A,B,C),S(A,B,D),T(A,C,D),U(B,C,D) x(R) = x(S) = x(T) = x(U) = 1/3 Output size is O(N4/3) Known since Loomis-Whitney (1940s Geometers!) 16 AGM’s result. Atserias, Grohe, and Marx (AGM) allow one to write a linear program that tightly bounds the output size of any join query. Proof using Han/Shearer’s lemma (non constructive) Open: Compute the output in upper bound time? We would call this worst-case optimal 17 Ngo, Porat, Ré, and Rudra (PODS 2012) 1st algorithm for joins with optimal worst-case runtime (experts: optimal data complexity) We show AGM’s fractional cover inequality is equivalent to the Bollabás-Thomason inequality from geometry. Algorithmic Idea: LP is a guide to decide “heavy” v. “light” of previous example. 18 Implemented & described at ICDT14! Todd Veidhulzen. “Leapfrog Triejoin: A Simple, Worst-Case Optimal Join Algorithm” [ICDT14, Best Newcomer Award!] Tidbit: Faster on cyclic queries than other commercial DB optimizers… without resorting to specialized graph processing! 19 Much simpler proofs! Even simpler than heavy vs. light! Hung Ngo Atri Rudra Skew strikes back: New Developments in the Theory of Join Algorithms. (SIGMOD Record 13 ) 20 3 Vignettes of Related Ideas 21 (1) Heavy versus Light Faster Detection: Alon-Yuster-Zwick, one can check if a graph contains a 2k-length cycle in O(N2-1/k) using heavy vs. light argument. Systems: Heavy vs. light used in parallel database systems (e.g., Teradata). 22 (2) Map Reduce Joins: Afrati & Ullman EDBT 2010 Q1 = R(A,B),S(B,C),T(A,C) Q2 = R(A,B),S(B,C) Mappers send data to B reducer via hash function. A Goal: Given p reducers, minimize communication by picking “how large” each attribute’s share is. Afrati & Ullman. Solve Constrained Mathematical Program. Lower bound portion uses Covers! Optimal: Recast as a (fractional) cover problem! [Koutris, Suciu, and Beame PODS14] 23 (3) Tighter Runtime Guarantees Measure: longest runtime in each strata Databases with N tuples. (Traditional Worst-case) Databases with N+1 tuples. Yannakakis’s seminal algorithm has a stronger guarantee for a-acyclic queries. Output Size Databases with N tuples. Databases with N+1 tuples. 0.5N 0.2N O( N + OUT ) General: O(N + Nw* + OUT) where w* is the fractional hypertreewidth (NPRR+Y’s+Treewidth) 24 Begs a question: What is the tightest guarantee that one can hope for? 25 Pathology of Worst-case Analysis for Joins Worst case: answer is huge Usually, the answer is smaller than the database—not larger! Worst case: one reads the entire input. Rarely, if ever, does this happen on large databases… Worst case: insensitive how data are stored. Data often stored in an index or sorted, and this changes landscape My not-so-secret goal: Join theory even closer to practice. 26 We all want to go “beyond worst-case” Tim Roughgarden (Stanford) has great notes on this. One of the1st beyond worstcase analysis was by a DB theoretician: Ron Fagin. Instance Optimality 27 Measuring complexity Databases with N tuples. Databases with N+1 tuples. Worst-case analysis (Traditional CS) Let T(A,D) be # of steps that algorithm A takes on database D Let W(A,N) = supD T(A,D) s.t. D has N tuples Measure W(A,N) growth with N, asymptotically. 28 Notions of complexity Databases with N tuples. Databases with N+1 tuples. Instance Optimality Let T(A,D) be # of steps that algorithm A takes on database D Algorithm Opt is instance optimal if there exists constant c such that T(Opt,D) ≤ c T(A,D) for A in a class of algorithms and any D. Essentially singleton boxes, much stronger… 29 So how do we pick a class of algorithms? 30 What do join algorithms do? Famous algorithms: Hash, Sort-merge, index-nested, block-nested loop, Grace, PRISM, double pipelined.… Observation: Algorithms are generic. Do not depend on data values but may use data order & equality. E.g., use an index to skip many consecutive values. Call these comparison-based algorithms. 31 A Nugget: “A little sorting changes the complexity landscape a lot.” 32 Warm up: Intersection [Huang & Lin 1972] Given two sorted lists R and S of length N R[1] < … < R[N] and S[1] < … < S[N]. Suppose R[j] = 2j and S[j] = 2j+1 for j=1…N At position i, no idea what comes next. Ping-pong back and forth—W(N) time 33 Warm up: Intersection [Huang & Lin 1972] Given two sorted lists R and S of length N R[1] < … < R[N] and S[1] < … < S[N]. Suppose R[i] = i and S[i] = N/2 + i for i=1…N/2 Skip to R[N] in O(log N) time! 34 Message: Difference in the certification Certify each alternation R[N] < S[1] is enough running time is Log(N) v. N Same: Input and output size are the same! Different: Work to certify output is empty 35 Goal: Algorithms that run in time proportional to the size of a smallest certificate. 36 Generalizing Certificates to Joins Assume: a global attribute order A1…An. All relations are stored consistently with this order (… we can remove this …) To define a certificate, need to describe: 1. How are data stored? (search trees), and 2. How are certificates encoded? (arguments) 37 Think of the data in a trie A relation R(A2,A4,A5) A2 A4 A5 1 2 4 1 2 7 1 3 5 7 4 2 10 4 1 Index indicates the tuples order. R[3 ] A2 R[1,2] R[2,1] A4 A5 R[1,1,2] R[1,2,1] R[3,1,1 ] 38 NB: search trees capture hash tables, B+trees, tries, up to a log N factor. Compare elements in this dictionary order… 39 Any algorithm must certify its output An argument is a set of propositional statements of the following forms. 1. R[i] < S[j] 2. R[i] = S[j] 3. R[i] = R[j] Here i,j are tuples of indexes as illustrated in previous slide. Certificate is an argument, cert, such that any instance that satisfies cert has the same output (up to isomorphism). 40 Certificate Complexity Goal: run in time O( (|cert| + Z) log N) where cert denotes a smallest certificate, Z is the size of the output, and N is the size of the data. NB: Input Size under log O hides constants depending on Q. Runtimes of the above are essentially instance optimal for comparison based. Ron Fagin says “log-instance optimal” 41 Comments about Certificates 1. A comparison-based algorithm (all available join algorithms) takes at least |cert| steps. 2. N ≥ |cert| where N is the input size (strictly finer notion of complexity) 3. Certificates provide an instance-dependent measure of complexity. (conditioning) 42 Minesweeper Algorithm (MS) “Removing the haystack to find the needles” 43 Minesweeper: Key operation Deduce: no output tuple can be in an interval Consider: Q = R(A,B),S(A) A B 2 4 3 2 3 5 Index for R in (A,B) order ([-∞, 1],*) (=2,[-∞,3]) (=3, [3,4] ) No output tuple has Big Conceptual Change: Find best way to rule out all tuples… not to find tuples. A = 3 and B in [3,4] A 4 Index for S 44 Picture the Output Space as a Grid B values R(A,B),S(A) ([-∞,4], *) ([-∞, 1],*) (=2,[-∞,4]) (=3, [3,4] ) A values A B A 2 4 4 3 2 3 5 R(A,B) S(A) Goal: Run proportional to smallest cover. 45 The algorithm Idea: Reuse information as much as possible. 1. Pick an uncovered point, t. 2. Find all possible ways to cover t with “gaps”. 3. Insert gaps in to a data structure. Repeat until all points covered. t Hard part: Data structure to find t, efficiently. 46 Nugget: “The boundary for efficiency has changed from the worst case.” 47 The Boundary View a query as a hypergraph. R(A,B),S(A,B,C),T(B,C,D) Want: Acyclic-like properties but closed under edge removal. a-acyclic does not have this property. Turns out, b-acyclic [Fagin83] is the right notion 48 Certificate Dichotomy [PODS14] Theorem [NNRR14, Certificate Dichotomy] Given query Q (1) if Q is b-acyclic, then there is some order of attributes such that MS takes O(|cert| + Z) on all instances. (1) Assuming the 3SUM conjecture, for any bcyclic query there is some family of instances where any algorithm runs in time W( |cert|4/3 + Z) 49 O hides log N factor Further Results 1. No polynomial time bound in |cert| for aacyclic queries (Exponential time hypothesis) a-acyclic is the worst-case boundary, this changes complexity landscape. 2. Q, treewidth w, MS runs in O(|cert|w+1 + Z) time 3. Fractional results for triangle, O(|cert|3/2 + Z). 50 Some PRELIMINARY Empirical Results 7 graph datasets (100M+ edges) Dung Nguyen, Hung Q. Ngo & LogicBlox. Single threaded & multicore version inside LB. (1) Real certificates can be 1000x smaller than N (2) On small # of b-acyclic queries in LB, up to 230x faster and at most 5% slower than LFTJ Take away: minesweeper might be useful. Real evaluation underway with LB’s help! 51 Future Directions in Joins Compressed Representations. Column-type storage [Abadi VLDB05] Morphing and Bit Weaving [Patel et. al. VLDB06 VLDB2012]. Factorised DBs using covers [Olteanu et al. VLDB2012-2013]. Compression & bit-level operations for modern hardware? Deeper understanding of data properties. Bounded degree data [A. Durand & E. Grandjean ToCL97] Bounded expansion [Segoufin ICDT13, Kazana&Segoufin PODS13] Bounded treewidth data [Gottlob et al. AAAI06, Aarnborg 85, Grohe ICDT99] Personally obsessed! One join algorithm to rule them all? Stay tuned… 52 Convex Geometry and Joins Tool: Fractional covers to bound volumes 1. worst-case optimal Join algorithm via Fractional Covers 2. Other Uses of Fractional Covers 3. Beyond Worst-case for Joins using Covers and Geometry. Conclusion Joins are awesome: Theory and Practice can argue! Geometry is key to these new algorithms. Beyond worst-case analysis may be an opportunity for the DB community. 54
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