2013 ANNUAL MINISTRY REPORT How God blessed your partnership

How God blessed your partnership
Table of Contents
3 A Word from the CEO
4 Equipping Leaders
6 Helping Children
8 Other Outreach
10 Mission Trips
12 Domestic Outreach
14 Pack-A-Thons
Aid and Relief
18 Financial Summary
19 Ways to Get Involved
Feed the Hunger
P.O. Box 2347
Burlington, NC 27216
Thank You
For Feeding the Hunger in
Dear Friends and Partners,
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. What a year it has
been for Feed the Hunger! We thank God for all that was
accomplished through your partnership for His glory. Of
particular note, we began developing ministry partnerships
here in America, and we also changed our name from
New Directions International.
The name change was made for two primary reasons. First,
we believe Feed the Hunger better represents our mission
– to feed the spiritual and physical hunger in the needy. Our
hearts desire for decades has been to spread the Gospel
of Jesus Christ and also to help people in their hour of need.
Secondly, with our growing involvement in food packing
events, thousands of people participate every year and
most of them only know us as Feed the Hunger.
As a result, with unanimous support from the Board of Directors and our faithful staff, we changed our name from New
Directions International to Feed the Hunger. Be assured that
we continue to come alongside Christian leaders both here
and around the world to equip them with the spiritual and
practical tools to reach people for Jesus Christ. I believe this
Annual Ministry Report reflects that commitment.
May you be blessed by this report,
Joseph Williams, CEO
To equip His people for works of service, so
that the body of Christ may be built up.
Ephesians 4:12
Ministry Snapshot
• 36 workers receiving ongoing support
• Serving in 8 countries
• Impossible to measure their spiritual impact!
“To begin with, let me express our
thankfulness to you for your faithful partnership with us all these
12 years in training the grassroots
leaders of Nepal. It is my pleasure
to state that we were able to train
454 grassroots leaders in the year
2013 in 8 different sessions of mobile
based leadership training. You, our
partner, deserve our appreciation
and may the Lord bless you as you
continue to be our honorable partner in this noble task.”
Dil Tamang
Himalayan Bible Study Academy
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Further expansion was made on
the Church Planters Training Center
in Coimbatore, India. The complex
of classrooms was in great need of
teacher offices and bathrooms, so
one of the two additional buildings
containing these was completed.
The 38 college and seminary students along with the nine faculty
and seven staff would like to thank
you for making the Church Planters
Training Center a reality. This allows
them to learn and teach the Word of
God in a peaceful and conducive
setting, and also expand the student
body so that in the days ahead, they
can reach many people for Christ.
Haymanot (far right) is one of the
evangelists who received a bicycle
this year. He has served the Lord
for the last 14 years reaching the
lost, and has led 27 orthodox priests
to Christ. Last year alone, God
used him to save 80 people. As
a result, he has been persecuted
with numerous attempts on his life
and the attempted kidnapping of
his daughter. Haymanot has not
only used his bicycle to spread the
Gospel, but to escape persecution
in Ethiopia!
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Ministry Snapshot
• 7,594 children receive ongoing help, many of them daily
• 65 schools and children’s homes in 9 countries (including USA)
• All FTH programs overseas have three components: nutritious food, basic education, and the Gospel
Mission teams actively
participate in the distribution and serving of
nutritious meals to at-risk
children. The vast majority
of the children our partners care for receive the
meal packets that many
of you helped to pack.
The children that FtH
supports in land-locked
countries receive food,
clothing, and shelter
through funding stewarded by house parents in
children’s homes.
The children receive
spiritual food as well
– the message of
Jesus Christ. This little
girl asked Jesus into
her heart! Many of
our partners overseas
have found a niche
with preschool-aged
children. Preschool
isn’t available in many
poor countries, so the
church has stepped in
at this crucial age to
change the children’s
lives forever.
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Sometimes there
are unique ways to
help our children’s
programs function
without funding from
partners like us. This
pig self-support project for a children’s
home in Myanmar is
one of those ways.
The children will help
to raise the piglets to
provide meat for the
home or to sell so that
other kinds of food
can be purchased
for the home.
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The children at Valley of Hope
School had been meeting
under an old tent left over from
the earthquake relief efforts. It
was a hot and dusty learning
environment in this rural location in Haiti. Now, they have a
cooler building and a sturdy
floor and roof over their heads!
The combination of a proper
building, nutritious food, good
teachers, and the Gospel will
help these children to one day
change their country for Christ.
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Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my
name welcomes me.
Mark 9:37
Ministry Snapshot
• 38 projects funded
• 15 countries
• Includes clean water, church buildings, transportation, Bibles, self-support
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all
in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the
Father through him.
Colossians 3:17
Our widow’s home in Nepal
is now headed by a longtime
ministry partner who is now a
widow herself. Manju Thapa
and her husband, Krishna,
have run the Elderly home in
Kathmandu for several years.
Unfortunately this past spring,
Krishna was involved in horrific
auto accident. Manju remains
committed to serving these
older widows despite this tragic
loss. Please pray for Manju and
her young son, Bibek.
“The van covers a
lot of mileage per
liter and is therefore economical to
maintain. It will be
used for the food
delivery as well as
other purpose of
the ministry. We are
thankful and grateful to you for the
generosity and assistance in our hour
of need.”
Our Partner in
Sri Lanka
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Many of you graciously gave over the
last 12-18 months to
provide Bibles for all of
the children that we
help as well as to many
adult believers – both
of whom have never
had their own copy of
God’s Word. Thanks to
you, this most prized
possession is now in their
own hands. Pray that
God would use these
children in particular to
reach their parents and
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Ramgha village in Nepal has gone hundreds
of years without water
nearby. Many households
had left this village because of the scarcity of
water. Now that reservoirs
and pumps have been
installed at the church,
the villagers are returning
to their homeland. Most
importantly, they are
coming to the church for
literal water – and for Living Water as well!
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Ministry Snapshot
• 19 mission trips
• 5 countries
• 159 travelers
“If you are a believer,
you have a calling
to go and tell others
about Jesus. By doing
that you will find not
only the possibility to
tell others about Jesus,
but also you will express
your love to them. So
when American believers come on mission trip to Haiti, they
respond to the call of
Pastor Maxeau Antoine
Haitian Partner
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A team of four families
distributed Bibles, food,
and crafts to many
children in Jamaica.
This trip is indicative of
most all of our mission
trips, which is handson. Each day is full of
planned activities as
well as unstructured
time to hang out with
the children. Even if
your primary mission is
a construction project,
there will be time to be
with the people being
ministered to.
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Our goal as a ministry is
to connect individuals
and churches with trustworthy Christian leaders,
and then step away if
the individual or church
so desires. This is the case
with Providence Baptist
Church. We connected
them with a street
children’s program in the
slums of Nairobi, Kenya.
Now, they take visits and
lead teams on their own,
and enjoy an ongoing
and vibrant partnership
with the school.
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“We have had the opportunity
to go to Lynch, Kentucky twice
with Feed the Hunger. We were
blessed by meeting and establishing close ties with Lonnie and
Belinda Riley and all the folks
who make up this incredible mission. We are planning two more
trips to Lynch in 2014. Thanks to
our ongoing relationship with
Feed the Hunger, we can step
out above and beyond our
hosting a Pack-A-Thon and
serve as Jesus instructed in His
Great Commission.”
Dennis Redfern
First Reformed Church
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How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring
good news, who proclaim peace, who proclaim salvation.
Isaiah 52:7
There will always be poor people in the land.
Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward the poor and needy in your land.
Deuteronomy 15:11
Domestic Outreach
There will be much more to report in the days ahead. In the first year of domestic ministry, God has
allowed us to be involved with dynamic ministries in three states:
Kentucky – in the rural southeastern corner of this state
are many communities that
desperately need a Savior
and a helping hand. Our new
partners are Lonnie and Belinda Riley of Meridzo Center
South Dakota – the Pine
Ridge Reservation is home to
the Lakota Sioux who struggle
with high unemployment, alcoholism, and spiritual bondage. Our new partners are
Wade and Kate McHargue of
Restoration Church.
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North Carolina – we are also
partnering with Christian-run
food pantries in our local
community to serve people
in need.
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Ministry Snapshot
• 43 events in 11 states
• 10,460 volunteers
• Over 6.3 million meals to date
“My first Pack-A-Thon was a lot of fun, but at my second
Pack-A-Thon I was struck by God’s amazing grace. I
watched the Feed the Hunger video with tears in my
eyes and instantly knew that God was calling me to
serve in Haiti to help his children. The mission trip to Haiti
was an incredible experience. I saw firsthand that
impoverished and hungry
children are being fed,
clothed, educated and
nurtured, both physically
and spiritually. People just
like you and me are making a difference.”
Al Seagraves
St. Mark’s Church
Westover Church
has an afterschool program
where seniors
mentor and tutor children from
an apartment
complex across
the street from
their church.
As an end-ofschool activity,
they partnered
together to pack food. Each child
worked with his or her tutor at the station to increase
the bonds of friendship that transcends decades of
age difference.
If you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy
the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the
darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.
Isaiah 58:10
Ministry Snapshot
Do not forget to do good and to share
with others, for with such sacrifices God is
• First year of deploying kits
• 1,537 kits
• 5 countries
Hebrews 13:16
Local volunteers help us to package the Family Crisis Kits. The
individual items are purchased
at the lowest cost possible or are
donated. Then our volunteers get
an assembly line going make the
kits. On average, two pallets with
216 total kits accompanies each
container of food overseas. If you
would like to volunteer to help with
this need or other opportunities, let
us know.
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The Family Crisis Kit is a way for us to
help people in their hour of need,
like this man in Haiti. Perhaps they
have just survived a natural disaster, live in a slum, or have become
homeless. This kit provides shortterm relief – and the Gospel. Each
kit contains the following:
• 4 Feed the Hunger meal packets
• 4 reusable cups, spoons, bowls,
and toothbrushes
• 1 bar of soap, toothpaste, and
Gospel tract
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“It is been a blessing to reach the
people through family crisis boxes.
It is our prayer that we can get
more regularly. The conflicts up
north are better right now between
the Samburu and the Turkana
tribes. We have wonderful relationship with the Turkana because of
the Family Crisis Kits. Once you feed
them physically they are willing to
listen to you.”
Our Samburu partner in Kenya
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Financial Summary
Ways to Get Involved
For fiscal year ending December 31, 2013
Feed the Hunger is pleased to present you with this
financial pie chart, which demonstrates our efforts to
be as efficient and effective as possible in carrying
out the mission to which God has called us. While 25%
is considered the “industry standard” for non-profits to
spend on administrative and fundraising expenses, FtH
maintains a percentage well below that standard.
To further demonstrate our commitment to financial
accountability, FtH is a longtime member in good
standing with The Evangelical Council for Financial
Accountability (www.ecfa.org). ECFA is an accreditation agency dedicated to helping Christian ministries
earn the public’s trust through adherence to the
Seven Standards of Responsible StewardshipTM.
All gifts made to *Feed the Hunger are tax-deductible to
the full extent allowed by law. Our finances are
reviewed annually by an independent public
auditing firm. There is also ongoing oversight
by a Board of Directors.
* The ministry is currently undergoing a name change from
New Directions International to Feed the Hunger.
The new website gives you all of the information you need to stay plugged in. All of the following ways to get involved can be
easily found from the home page and selecting “Get Involved”.
PRAY – Ongoing
*The chart above reflects pre-financial
review expenses for 2013. An audited
financial report for this year is available
upon request after it is completed.
prayer cover is the
most crucial need
of the ministry,
and therefore, the
most important
activity that you
can participate in. Please visit our
prayer page for the current prayer
needs from both here and around
the world. We will not only post
the needs, but also the answered
prayers. Also, please sign up for our
email list. We communicate twice
a month on average and simply
share the stories, prayer requests,
and praises of our ministry partners.
monthly or annual
giving to Circle of
Friends supports
the ministry and allows us to focus our
efforts on meeting
the needs of leaders and children.
Circle of Friends is the life-blood of
Feed the Hunger, so please give in
this practical manner however the
Lord may lead. We also have other
time-sensitive needs, so please
check on our website for the most
up-to-date list.
GO – There are
three main avenues
that FtH provides
everyone with to
actively participate
in missions. The first is
to come to a PackA-Thon and help make nutritious
meal packets. The second is to travel
on a foreign or domestic mission trip,
which are taking place monthly.
Check our website calendar for
Pack-A-Thon and mission trip dates
and locations. Lastly, if you are able
to visit our headquarters in Graham,
NC, we have a need for work teams
to help renovate our building as well
as other volunteer opportunities.
PO Box 2347,
Burlington, NC 27216-2347