Applying for Higher Education Academy (HEA) recognition through the UH CPD Framework; Associate Fellow (AFHEA), Fellow (FHEA) or Senior Fellow (SFHEA) Sarah Flynn Joy Jarvis Helen Barefoot Learning and Teaching Institute Workshop Outcomes On completion of this workshop participants should have: • considered the importance of being a ‘dual professional’ • considered and discussed the CPD framework (understanding the application and assessment processes) • identified which level of Fellowship is appropriate for them • reflected and evaluated their own experiences in light of the UK Professional Standards Framework and considered their practice against the relevant criteria for their identified level of Fellowship • started to draft their own submission University of Hertfordshire perspective • At UH we consider our academic staff to be dual professionals, that is professional teachers in HE and professionals in their own discipline. • As ‘dual professionals’ all academic staff should engage in continuous professional development as relevant and appropriate to their learning and teaching role • We support the national professional recognition scheme of the HEA and view it as an important marker of learning and teaching professionalism • CPAD is a formal accredited programme • Our CPD framework has now been accredited by the HEA UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) • The idea originally proposed in the White Paper The Future of Higher Education (2003). UUK, SCOP(now GuildHE) and the UK HE funding bodies invited the HEA to consult with the sector to develop such a framework • Reviewed in 2011; idea to strengthen the framework, ensure it remains fit for purpose, and to develop appropriate enhancements • Consultation November 2010 – January 2011 • New UKPSF launched 2nd November 2011 HEA Professional Recognition Scheme The scheme has been designed to support the implementation of the Professional Standards Framework Four categories of professional recognition: 1. Associate of the Higher Education Academy (AHEA) 2. Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) 3. Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) 4. Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA) HEA Professional Recognition Scheme Recognition Scheme Accredited Programme Associate x x Fellow x x Senior Fellow x Principal Fellow x Collaborative Accredited agreement Framework x x x x UH Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education is an accredited programme at Fellow; the first module, Teaching and Supporting Learning, at Associate Fellow. UKPSF Dimensions of the Framework Areas of activity 1. Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study 2. Teach and/or supporting learning 3. Assess and give feedback to learners 4. Developing effective environments and approaches student support and guidance 5. Engage in continuing professional development in subjects / disciplines and their pedagogy, incorporating research, scholarship and the evaluation of Areas of Activity professional practice Core Knowledge Professional Values UKPSF Dimensions of the Framework Core knowledge (knowledge and understanding of) 1. The subject material 2. Appropriate methods for teaching and learning in the subject area and at the level of the academic programme 3. How students learn, both generally and in the subject / disciplinary area 4. The use and value of appropriate learning technologies 5. Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching 6. The implications of quality assurance and Areas of Activity enhancement for academic and professional practice with a particular focus on teaching Core Knowledge Professional Values UKPSF Dimensions of the Framework Professional values 1. Respect for individual learners and diverse learning communities 2. Promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners 3. Use evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes from research, scholarship and continuing professional development 4. Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications Areas of Activity for professional practice Core Knowledge Professional Values Professional Recognition Benefits • Be recognised for the valuable professional work you do and to celebrate this • Valuable portable asset recognised across the sector • Might be critical for promotion/career progression • Help to keep up to date with latest developments in learning and teaching (CPD events, networking) • You can become involved in shaping national policy through work with the HEA Application via our UH CPD Framework Routes for: • Associate Fellow • Fellow • Senior Fellow At which level should you apply? Associate Fellow Fellow Senior Fellow • Early career researchers • PhD students • Staff very new to teaching • Learning technologists • Digital Literacy Support staff • Technical staff • CAPS staff • Outreach staff • Early career academics • Support staff with substantive teaching roles • Experienced academics new to UK HE • Experienced research staff who’ve recently taken on teaching activities • Staff with teaching responsibilities within, for example, workbased settings • Experienced staff with responsibility for leading or organising programmes/ subject/ discipline areas • Experienced subject mentors • Experienced staff with L&T responsibilities at School or University level Application for AFHEA and FHEA 1. Using a specific example, please share with us how you have learnt from colleagues to enhance your practice. 2. Drawing on relevant pedagogical literature, please share your thoughts on how students learn both generally, and within your subject discipline. 3. Please share with us an example of how you’ve used a relevant technology to enhance student learning including discussion of how you learnt about the technology and how to use it. 4. Taking an evidence informed and scholarly approach is one of the professional values identified within the UKPSF. Please share with us an example of how the literature or your own research/professional practice has informed your teaching 5. The professional values within the UKPSF recognise the importance of widening participation and equality of opportunity and respect for individuals and diverse learning communities. In relation to your role, please share with us two examples of your own professional development that has helped you to meet the needs of your learners. 6. Please share with the panel how your learning conversations with colleagues have aided your understanding of the wider context in which higher education operates. Application for SFHEA 1. What were the key benefits for your colleagues/team? 2. What were the key benefits for the learners whom your colleagues/team work with? 3. What were the key challenges you experienced in supporting your colleagues/team? 4. How did you promote/consider the dimensions of the UKPSF to support your colleagues/team? 5. How did you and your colleagues/team evaluate the impact of your support? 6. How did you manage to ensure sustained enhancement in relation to learning and teaching once your immediate support of the colleagues/team had concluded? 7. How has your own professional practice developed through your support of your colleagues/team? 8. Considering the CPD learning landscape, which elements did you personally develop through your support of others? 9. Which elements of the dimensions of the UKPSF did you gain more experience, and a deeper understanding, of during your support of others? Evidencing your professional development It is essential to: • Show us clearly how you meet the Core Knowledge and Professional Values • Indicate in your text where you think the links are by including the relevant knowledge or value in brackets, like a reference (K1) (V3) • It is really important that you make a claim, rather than the Panel extract the evidence Reference requirements • • • Discuss your plan to apply for recognition with your line manager Referees must be familiar with UKPSF Referees must be able familiar with your work and the context in which you teach and/or support learning. Referee requirements for Associate Fellow • One should be an internal colleague • At least one should be a Fellow (or Senior Fellow or Principal Fellow) of the HEA Referee requirements for Fellow Referee requirement for Senior Fellow • Line manager - should be able to confirm that you have recently discussed your CPD in relation to L&T • At least one should be a Fellow (or Senior Fellow or Principal Fellow) of the HEA • Line manager - should be able to confirm that you have recently discussed your CPD in relation to L&T • Colleague who is in a position to comment on your record of effectiveness in relation to L&T • Colleague who has been influenced or supported by you • Two of your referees should be internal colleagues & at least one of your referees should be a Fellow (or Senior Fellow or Principal Fellow) of the Higher Education Academy. Gathering your evidence; think about your education roles and experiences Useful to develop a timeline Might include: • Career milestones • Specific roles • Involvement in learning and teaching initiatives • Areas of research/scholarly practice • Recognition and Reward • Collaboration • Staff development activity • Leadership/management roles Information to aid application Things to consider when drafting your application • CV • Appraisal forms (Peer Observation forms + SFQ data) • List of responsibilities • Programme reviews/validations/curriculum development • CPD activities • Funding applications/awards • Professional and other organisations you are involved with • Pedagogic research/evaluations • External examiner work Application process 1. Complete application requirements including references 2. Email your application to 3. You will receive a confirmation of receipt email 4. You will then receive details of your assessment date. – – – If a written submission for AFHEA or FHEA you will be informed of the date that the panel will meet to consider your application. If an oral application for AFHEA or FHEA you will be sent details of the time, date and room of the assessment. SFHEA applicants will receive details of time, date and room of the assessment Application process 5. Following panel meetings you will be emailed with the outcome. ― If successful we will inform your AD L&T and Dean or Head of SBU. ― If not initially successful you will be referred to a colleague in LTI for support to reapply 6. We will send confirmation to HEA and you will receive certification from them at a later date
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