RSVP What is RSVP? Resident Space Virtual Preferencing: allows current residents who will be living on campus during the 2015-2016 year to preference a space of their choice and to select their roommates. There is a $30 non-refundable Re-Application Fee for everyone choosing to participate in RSVP. RSVP Application Who can participate? All students who currently live in: • Residence Halls • Jardine • The Living Community at Jardine • Off-campus students may be added as roommates during the group process Priority Order • The order of students’ ability to RSVP will be determined by the number of semesters that each student has lived on campus with Housing & Dining Services. Occupancy Limit As of the Spring 2015 semester, students who have been eligible to live on K-State’s campus for six or more semesters will be asked to choose from one of the two following options for Housing: • Jardine Apartments on a Jardine Agreement • Living Community at Jardine on a Residence Hall Contract Groups • If you will have roommates, you will need to go through the group identification process. • Your "group" consists of the individuals or family members who will share your room or apartment with you. • You'll need to identify a group leader and provide him or her with a list of the group's eIDs (if applicable). The group leader will be the one to preference the location you wish to live in. RSVP Groups RSVP Groups RSVP Groups Capacity Requirement Jardine Apartments: You will only be able to reserve an apartment for one more bedroom than the number of residents in the apartment. Example: 2 people can only reserve up to a 3 bedroom apartment. When is RSVP? RSVP will take place in three phases: • Phase 1: January 22- February 3 • Find Your Home: February 4 • Phase 2: February 8 • Find Your Home: February 9 • Phase 3: February 10-13 Mixed Format • The Re-Application process will take place online. • Phase 1 will take place online. • Phase 2 will take place in person at the Jardine Tower. • Phase 3 will take place online. Phase 1 Who: Where: When: All Jardine, LC at Jardine, and Residence Hall students who want to return to their current room/ apartment. Online at Thursday, January 22nd at 9am Tuesday, February 3rd at 11:59pm Phase 2 Who: Where: When: Current Jardine Residents wanting a different Jardine apartment Jardine Tower – Building 8 Sunday, February 8th • • • • • 12:30pm: 8+ semesters 1:00pm: 6+ semesters 2:00pm: 4+ semesters 3:00pm: 2+ semesters 4:00-5:00pm: Open Call Find Your Home Who: Current Jardine Residents When: Wednesday, February 4th at 8 pm Where: Frith Community Center Ask specific questions and view available apartments for Jardine to Jardine transfers. Transfer Fee • A $200 dollar transfer fee will be applied for Jardine to Jardine transfers unless there is a marital or family status change or you have been accepted to graduate school. • Documentation will be required when you select your new apartment. • Remember to transfer your Westar service when transferring apartments. Phase 3 Who: Where: When: Current Residence Hall and LC at Jardine Residents who want a different room or apartment Online at February 10th, 9 am: 6+ semesters February 11th, 9 am: 4+ semesters February 12th, 9 am: 2+ semesters February 12th, 4pm Open Call Find Your Home Who: Current Residence Hall and LC at Jardine Residents When: Monday, February 9th at 8 pm Where: Frith Community Center Ask specific questions and to view available apartments for Residence Hall to Jardine transfers. Contract Date Students returning to the residence halls, LC at Jardine or Jardine Apartments must pay the initial payment of $400 no later than March 1, 2015. Failure to pay the full amount of $400 by March 1 will result in forfeiture of the space for the 20152016 academic year. Past Due Accounts • In order to reserve a space for the 20152016 academic year, your 2014-2015 Housing balance must be paid. – The only exception to this is if you are currently on a payment plan for the Spring 2015 semester. As long as you are up-to-date on payments, you will be able to RSVP. What can you do now? • Start thinking about where you want to live next year. • If living on campus next year, fill out the reapplication online • Find roommates! • Create your group online. Phone # 785-532-0300
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