Kufa University Veterinary Medicine College Theriogenology Majid ,A .Talal Fourth stag Fertility Tim 2 hours The Female Reproductive System )F.R.S) The goal -the pupils must be know after Lecture . 1-Defined the F.R.S. 2-The function of the F.R.S . 3-The parts of the F.R.S. 4-The function of the any part of F.R.S. 5-Department between the F.R.S. in cow bitch.sow.,ewe ,mare 1 اخلالصة-: الجهاز التناسلي األنثوي هو الجهاز المسؤل عن االخصاب والحمل والوالدة في اإلناث يتكون من مبيض أيمن ومبيض أيسر( يكون األيمن أكثر نشاطا في االبقار واأليسر أكثر نشاطا في الخيول) المسؤلة عن إنتاج البويضات و الهرمونات الجنسية (االستروجين و البروجسترون). قناة البيض المسؤلة عن نقل البويضة من المبيض الى الرحم ونقل النطف من قرن الرحم الى المنطقة الوسطى من قناة البيض حيث يحدث االخصاب وتتكون من ثالثة أجزاء(القمع قرب المبيض والحويصلة والبرزخ). الرحم وهو الجزء المسئول عن تغذية الجنين والحمل والوالدة وإنتاج وإفراز هرمون ) )PGF2άالبروستوكالندين ويتكون من جسم الرحم والقرنين والعنق وشكله يختلف من نوع حيوان ألخر(أفراس ,أبقار ,نعاج ,كالب ,قطط ,خنازير) . Anatomy and physiology of femalegenitalia the female G.S consist of 1- ovaries. 2-oviduct. 3- uterus. 4- vagina. 5- vestibule. 6- vulva. Ovaries: the ovaries perform exocrine oogenesis and endocrine function steroidogenesis in female, the ovaries varies in size &shape according to spp. , estrous cycle,age of female, breed and presence or absence of pathological condition, the structural &functional unit of the ovary is the follicle Internal structure and function In most domestic animals the ovaries consist of a peripheral parenchymatous zone(cortex) containing various stage of follicular and luteal gland development surrounding a central vascular zone (medulla) comprising collagenous connective tissue rich in blood vessels. *What's the main function of ovary Uterine tube(oviduct) They are tubular ,tortuous structure situated bw ovary and tip of uterine horn (utro-tubal junction ).The oviduct derived from mesonephric duct.The length of oviduct in mare &cow 20-30 cm ,in ewes & doe 15-20 cm ,in sow 15-30cm Why cannot palpated oviduct in rectal palpation ? . The oviduct consist of 3parts joint together , the 1stinfundibulum adjacent the ovary , its free end &it's usually have fimbria to pick up ova ,the 2nd part is the larger part called ampulla , site of fertilization especially in ampulla isthmus junction ,3rd part is shorter& narrow part called isthmus ,the junction bw isthmus and tip of uterine horn called utro-tubal junction or ostium uterine tube *What's the main function of oviduct Uterus Bovine Uterus *Bicornuate uterus with relatively long uterine horn . *coiled in shape like ram horn. *the length of uterine horn in cow (20-25cm) *the length of uterine body (4.5-5 cm). . the endometrium have special structure called carancles What deferent between bov .uter &mare uter? Mare uterus Like T shape There are no carancles in mares. the endometrial surface is composed of longitudinal folds Ovine uterus Like in bevies but small in size and little in number of carancles Canine uterus Yin shape , Bipartate, Length of body 10-12 cm ,length of horn 12-15 cm situated in abdominal cavity . Swine uterus Intestinal in shape ,length of body 5 cm length of horn 40-100 cm Cervix In all cases the caudal portion consist of cervical a thick walled segment with a narrow lumen that act as sphincterregulating the flow of maternal to from the uterus.Situated bw the uterus &posterior part of vagina which called the vaginal part of uterus or portiovaginalis of the cervix. Bovine cervix 8-10 length ,2-4 cm in diameter , the cervix in bovine consider the guide to the female gentilia by rectal palpation , because presence of cervical rings 3-5 rings , it has cartilaginous in consistency but there is no cartilage, the cervix have longitudinal fold interrupted by circular mucosal folds. Mare (equine) cervix 5-7.5 cm length , 2.5-5 cm diameter have longitudinal folds . Ovine cervix Similar to bovine but small , 4-6 cm in length , 2-3 cm in diameter, 5-7 cervical rings (anullar rings). Canine cervix 0.5-5 cm in length , 0.5-0.75 cm in diameter has longitudinal folds Swine cervix It has spiral lumen to fit the boars penis The vagina It make up a major portion of anatomic connection bw the uterus & external environment . Extend from fornix to the external urethral orifice & hymen Vestibules Extend from vulval cleft to the hymen ,that make up the vestibule-vaginal junction &urethral orifice.It resample the terminal part of genital tract and belonging to both the urinary and genital sys The vestibule have minor &major glands The vulva is just caudal to the vestibule &consist of two labia and clitoris. Reference 1-Arther, D . E . Nooks , ; Parkinson ,T. J . and England ,G .C. (2009) . Arthurs Vet . Reprod . And Obstetrics . eight edition . W . B . Saunders . P p , 5-12-21-22 . 2- Ball , P . J . H . and Peters , A . R . (2004) . Reproduction in cattle , 3 rd edition , chapter 3- Robert, H. and Walter ,A . (2004). Large Animal Theriogenology the main book 4- Peters , A . R . and Ball , P . J . H . (1994) . Reproduction in Cattle , 2ndedn . Black well Science , Oxford. Thank your for listen
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