New Student Information Applied Behavioral Sciences (ABS) APPLIED BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES (ABS) What is ABS? Interdisciplinary study of human behavior Focus on adult learners Highly interactive Accelerated degree completion Cohort model What will you learn? How to problem solve and make informed decisions Develop effective communication skills Demonstrate effective conflict-resolution skills Use knowledge of adult development to understand behaviors Explore and appreciate multi-cultural perspectives Use social science research to gain insight on human behavior CAREER OUTLOOK ESSENTIAL STUDY SKILLS In regards to studying: Don’t aim to memorize; read for core concepts Read your assigned readings at least twice Look for the key themes addressed by the authors Notice how authors draw on other authors’ arguments In regards to writing: Aim to be clear, coherent and concise Provide evidence for your claims Practice paraphrasing and direct quoting Become familiar with APA citation formatting Articulate your response in an analytical and critical manner ESSENTIAL STUDY SKILLS Be Realistic! How long will it take me to complete my assignments? Whatever time I need, double it. Do I need to collect other information as part of your assignment? How much time do I need to review my work? How long will it take me to proofread my work? Seek documentation of any disabilities that will impact your learning. ABS: NUTS AND BOLTS Degree Completion Program Junior/Senior year 90 Quarter Hours required for entry into ABS 58 Quarter Hours in ABS core courses 32 Quarter hours (approximately 6-7 courses) of Electives and General Education 180 Quarter Hours to complete a Bachelors of Arts Create a completion plan with your Academic Advisor today! Blended Online and Online Courses Must have regular access to a computer and to the Internet. Must access at least two times per week. ABS Course Schedule Mark all classes in your calendar! EXPECTATIONS OF STUDENTS M a ke a m e a ningful c o m m itme nt to t h e de m a nds re q ui re d by t h e AB S a c c e l erate d pro g ra m , i n c l uding i n - c lass a s s ignment s, o ut - o f - c lass a s signmen ts a n d o n l ine. B e pre pa re d w i t h bo o k s , s uppl i es, m a te ri als, a n d a ba s i c k n ow ledge o f c o m pute r te c h n ology ( i . e. E m a il, M i c ro sof t Wo rd, Powe rPo int , Upl o ading do c um e n ts, et c . ) B e i n q uisit ive a n d e n g aged i n c o ur s e wo rk . D e m o nst rate k n ow ledge t h ro ug h w ri t te n a n d ve rba l c o m mun ica tio n. B e re s pe c t ful o f h um a n di ve r sit y a n d i n dividualit y. St ri ve fo r exc e l lenc e a n d pur s ue h i g h a c a de mic ex pe c t a t ions i n a l l c o ur s e s . B e pre pa re d to be i n te llec t ually c h a llenged. M a i n t ain a c a de mic i n te g rit y ; a c a de mic h o n est y i s ex pe c te d. H ave fun a s yo u l e a rn . REMINDERS Intensive degree completion program Hybrid model Meet with your advisor to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Discuss how many “official credits” transferred to NLU. Explore Prior learning assessments/tests Identify how many credits you need to graduate after completing the ABS program Develop an individualized Academic Plan Community of Support GETTING STARTED STUDENT EXPERIENCE For an over view of all the student ser vices at NLU visit this fir st link , the NLU Student Ser vices page, here you will find links and contact information to help you succeed: vi ces / Student ID card: Once you are registered for cour ses, your NLU ID card will be mailed to you or you may pick it up at the campus facilities area at any campus. U-Pass: The CTA U-Pass is provided to all full -time, on-campus, undergraduate or graduate students. The of fice of Student Life distributes the U-Pass on campus during the 1 st week of each term. The U-Pass provides unlimited rides on any CTA bus or train during the academic term. STUDENT EXPERIENCE Textbooks: Books for all NLU courses are available at . Be sure to purchase your books before the first day of class Course Schedule: Request a copy of your course schedule from your Academic Advisor or your faculty mentor. Classrooms: Classrooms for each class are noted on the online schedule. Also, classroom locations are posted on a bulletin board outside of NLU elevators. Email: All correspondence must utilize your NLU email. ONLINE LEARNING Computer and Internet Access: Ensure your computer is equipped for your participation in the online component of ABS classes. If you need assistance, call the NLU Information Technology Helpdesk 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 866 -813-1177. NLU Portal ( Check your NLU email account Make an appointment with your academic advisor View your grades View your financial statement View your unofficial transcripts Log into your online course Access library materials STUDENT ACTIVIT Y: V i ew t h e N LU O r i e n t a t i o n to O n l i n e L e a r n i n g l o c a te d a t : h t t p : / / o i t .n l . e d u/ r i c h _ c o n te n t / L M S / o n l in e L e a r n i n g Or i e n t a t i on / i n d ex . h t m DESIRE2LEARN Student Activity Complete the Desire2Learn (d2L) Orientation located at: ation/index.htm How to access d2L: or through the NLU portal: d2L support: NLU Helpdesk 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll free at 866 -8131177 or 866-813-4357 on campus Reminder: You are expected to login to d2L twice per week. REMINDERS Purchase/rent your books before the first class . Be ready to use them starting day 1! ( Ensure you have daily access to a computer and Internet. Ensure your computer is equipped for your participation in the online component of ABS classes. If you need assistance, call the NLU Information Technology Helpdesk 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 866-813-1177. Access and regularly check your email. Access the NLU Portal: Familiarize yourself with Desire2Learn ( by watching the d2L orientation and by referencing online tutorials: STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES OFFICE OF STUDENT FINANCE The goal of the Of fice of Student Finance is to provide the necessary resources for you to successfully complete your education at NLU. If you are in need of financial assistance and are enrolled in a degree -seeking program, visit us at: / Begin by completing your FAFSA (NLU’s FAFSA code: 001733). Explore scholarships, loans, grants, veterans benefits and work-study jobs. Learn about tuition payment options. ACADEMIC ADVISING CENTER The Academic Advising Center will assist you in planning your degree and help you to select classes you need to graduate on time. STUDENT ACTIVIT Y: Schedule an appointment with you Academic Advisor to develop your academic plan: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Log onto your NLU Portal Click “Undergraduate Advising Appointment” Select “phone” or “in person” and select the campus and advisor If you can’t make your scheduled appointment, please cancel. 1-800-443-5522, ext. 5900 or PRIOR LEARNING ASSESSMENT Prior Learning Assessment provides the means for adult learner s to recognize, document and validate learning from life and work experiences for potential college credit. Credit by Por tfolio: ACL301: Per spectives on Prior Learning – a five week cour se assisting students to develop a por tfolio of prior learning. Credit by Examination: Credit for acceptable scores on the College Board’s College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and the DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSSTs). License/Cer tification program: Credit for licenses/cer tifi cati ons on the faculty approved list Credit by Proficiency: C r e d i t f o r d e m o n s t r a te d p r o fi c i e nc y f o r s o m e N LU c o u r s e s . For more information, please call 630-874-4319 or go to LEARNING SUPPORT NLU Learning Suppor t: National Louis Univer sity’s Learning Suppor t is your go -to resource for tutoring, workshops, and placement assessments. If you are having trouble with your class or need help writing a paper, the Learning Suppor t team is here to help . Hour s and locations: cs/nlulibrar y/hour sandl ocati ons / Smar tthinking : As an NLU student, you also have access to Smar thinking , a 24 hour s a day, 7 days a week tutoring ser vice. By using Smar thinking , you can live chat with a tutor in your subject area or submit a writing sample for tips and suggestions. .edu/smar thinking Student Activity : Review the Learning Suppor t resources: vi ces/learningsuppor t/ LIBRARY Through the NLU Library Website, you will have 24/7 access to scholarly articles, local and international newspapers, full -text electronic books and more. Library faculty are available by email and phone to help you with your research. Explore the library website at: / STUDENT ACTIVIT Y: 1. View the Library Orientation located at: 2. Review the ABS Library guide located at: CAREER DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Mission: To prepare NLU students and alumni to access and succeed in their career management Inter view Preparation: Mock Inter views, Recorded mock inter views, STAR Strategy Career Advising: In-per son, Phone, Skype Career Events: Check your email & our website! Resumes & Cover Letters : Guides, Samples, Reviews, Posting on eRecruiting Contact Us: Job Search: Individual planning, Tailored webpages based on industr y, eRecruiting & CareerBeam, Hot Jobs Networking: Strategy, LinkedIn, Informational Inter views careerdevel ; 31 2261-3270; Chicago Campus 2 nd floor; evel opm ent REMINDERS SECURE financial aid and payment options: / PLAN your pathway to completion with an Academic Advisor vices/academicadvising EXPLORE receiving credit for prior learning : ASK for help: ORIENT yourself to the NLU library: y / DEVELOP a plan for your future:
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