ESCMID Postgraduate Technical Workshop Advanced Antimicrobial Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Modelling & Simulation Population PK/PD modelling: Software Choices Monday, October 6th, 2014 Liverpool, UK Jürgen B Bulitta, PhD Senior Research Fellow Monash University, Melbourne, Australia Adjunct Assistant Professor SUNY Buffalo, NY, USA Author’s Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. Outline 1. “The right task” 2. Software tools for • • • • • • • • Non-compartmental analysis Exposure-response & exposure-toxicity relationships Simulation of PK and PK/PD profiles Estimation of PK and PK/PD model parameters Optimal dosing of a patient population (Monte Carlo simulation) Optimal dosing of individual patients Optimal clinical trial design Clinical trial simulation 3. Concluding remarks 2 Author’s Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. Most appropriate tool for the required task Define and discuss the objective(s) Evaluate the time available Gain a thorough understanding of the data Discuss / select relevant approaches May need to revisit the approach / time Select the most suitable software tool and data analytical approach. Secondary, as long as one of suitable tools is chosen and used by a skilled person. Plausibility checks! A model without a task is not very useful. Often, several tools can yield suitable results. There is no single tool which does it all! Communication of approach & results is critical! Author’s Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. 3 Relevant tasks for anti-infective PK/PD 1. Determine Cmax, AUC, T>MIC, clearance (CL), volume (Vd), and other parameters via non-compartmental analysis (NCA). 2. Fit an exposure-response (or exposure-toxicity) relationship correlating fAUC/MIC with bacterial counts at 24 h, for example. 3. Simulate antibiotic concentrations for dosage regimens in mice or humans. 4. Develop a population PK or PK/PD model to: a) Propose optimized empiric dosage regimens for a patient population via Monte Carlo simulations. b) Identify covariates that affect dosing (e.g. renal function, body size). c) Evaluate proposed mechanisms of action, resistance, and synergy. To design mechanistically optimized (combination) dosage regimens. d) Achieve therapeutic target goals most precisely in an individual patient. Account for MIC / pathogen, renal function, other diseases, etc. e) Propose a clinical trial design that provides safe and effective regimens and optimally informs a PK or PK/PD model for patients. f) Evaluate the robustness of a clinical trial design. 4 Author’s Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. NCA (Cmax, AUC, T>MIC Exposure response Safety model / relationship Simulation of drug concentrations Optimal dosing Individual patient Patient population Tasks and Tools (Population) PK model (Population) PD model Predict effect and safety for in vitro and animal models, and ultimately patients Optimal trial design PK/PD model Robust Clinical Trial design 5 Author’s Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. NCA (Cmax, AUC, T>MIC Any (!) estimation tool Exposure response Skill level: Basic Intermediate Advanced NONMEM, ADAPT, S-ADAPT, Pmetrics/USC*PACK, Monolix, Phoenix/NLME, WinBUGS, SAS, Matlab, R-packages, others WinNonlin, Kinetica, others Safety model / relationship (Population) PK model (Population) PD model Berkeley Madonna Any tool for sim. / est. Simulation of drug concentrations Predict effect and safety for in vitro and animal models, and ultimately patients Optimal dosing BestDose ID-ODS DoseMe TCI Works MWPharm First-dose Individual patient CADDy WinAUIC Berkeley Madonna, MicLab Any population tool Patient population Optimal trial design PK/PD model Robust Clinical Trial design PFIM, WinPOPT, POPT, PopDes, POPED, etc. Clinical Trial Simulator 6 Author’s Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. Concept of population modeling – fit one subject in the perspective of all the other subjects – 7 Least squares method Observations Fitted line Offsets y o o o o Minimize sum of squares of the offsets o o o Option to weight residuals (e.g. by 1/x) weighted least squares o x This method is NOT used for population PK/PD estimation. 8 Author’s Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. Naïve pooling 4 2 1 0.5 0 2 Time (h)6 4 16 8 4 2 1 0.5 8 Time (h) CLAv = 9.5 L/h VAv = 39 L 0 2 Time 4 (h) 6 Time (h) CLPooling = 9.7 L/h VPooling = 40 L Naïve averaging and naïve pooling - All observations considered to come from one subject - No individual CL and V estimates - Ignore between subject variability (BSV) - cannot use actual sampling / dosing times Naïve averaging - Average or median is computed - actively reduces available observations Naïve pooling - One ID per dose level - Preferable to averaging - Only yields fairly unbiased estimates, if BSV is small (maybe: %CV <15%) Directly estimated parameters Calculated from parameter estimates. 8 16 16 4 CL = 12 L/h8 V = 36 L 4 2 2 Concentration (mg/L) 8 Standard-two-stage method (mg/L) (mg/L) Concentration (mg/L) Concentration Concentration 16 Concentration (mg/L) Concentration (mg/L) Naïve averaging 8 1 0.5 16 0 2 8 1 0.5 CL4 = 86 L/h8 V = 41 L Time (h) 4 CL = 10 L/h V = 40 L 2 1 0 2 4 6 8 Time (h) “Fit each subject separately” 0.5 0 2 4 6(h) Time 8 Time (h) Descriptive statistics, Average SD CL = 10.0 2.00 L/h V = 39.0 2.65 L Standard-two-state method - usually yields reasonable estimates for average PK parameters, if data are rich - usually yields biased (too These are not large) estimates for the population methods! between subject variability Author’s Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. 9 Borrowing of information Sparse data IV bolus dose, 1-compartment model Drug concentration 100 10 Li - 2 log lyi | θ, σ hθ | μ, Ω dθ - 1 lyi | θ, σ How well does the curve 0.1 100 0 Drug concentration Considering all relevant values of CL and V can be done by sampling e.g. 1000 combinations of CL and V for patient i and then calculating the individual subject objective function (Li). 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time (h) generated from one set of θ fit the observations? hθ| μ, Ω How likely is it to obtain 10 the current set of parameters (θ) given the parameter variability model. 1 0.1 0 4 8 12 Time (h) 16 20 24 Author’s Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. 10 Applications of population PK/PD models Model structure Observations (“data”) Optimizing individual doses Estimation Accept or Reject or Revise Parameter estimates Qualify (validate) Re-estimate New experimental data Expert knowledge Author’s Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. 11 Tasks of Population PK/PD Software Simulation Optimizing individual doses Estimation Data processing & Plotting Optimal design 12 Author’s Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. Tasks of Population PK/PD Software Optimizing indiv. Doses: BestDose, Simulation Berkeley Madonna, Model Maker, acslXtreme, Stella, Gepasi, and all estimation programs ID-ODS, DoseMe TCI Works, MWPharm First-dose, CADDy WinAUIC Data processing & Any programming language, Perl, Python, Visual Basic, Matlab, S-Plus, R, SAS, etc. Optimal design Review of population optimal design software: Mentré F et al. PAGE 2007. Estimation NONMEM, ADAPT V, Plotting S-ADAPT, Pmetrics/NPAG, R, S-Plus, WinNonlin, WinNonlin, Matlab, EXCEL, Phoenix/NLME, SigmaPlot, etc. PDx-MC-PEM, SAAM II, many more ADAPT, S-ADAPT, PFIM, WinPOPT, POPT, PKStaMP, PopDes, POPED, Clinical Trial Simulator 13 Author’s Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. Estimation approaches No good reason to use these algorithms (Sheiner (Naïve averaging or Naïve pooling) & Beal, JPB 1981; 9:635-51). (Standard-twostage approach) FO method (e.g. in NONMEM) is now outdated by at least 2 generations of algorithms or >15 years. Estimation Two Stage Hierarchical Population Methods (Adapt V, S-Adapt, NONMEM, Pmetrics/NPAG, Monolix, PEM, Phoenix/NLME, SAS, R) Not recommended to get initial estimates via naïve methods or an outdated population algorithm: risk of local minima. Three Stage Hierarchical Population Methods (BUGS, S-Adapt, Monolix, NONMEM, Pmetrics, others) Author’s Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. 14 Simulate the antibiotic concentrations for dosage regimens in mice or humans 15 Simulations without between patient variability (also called deterministic simulations) Concentration (mg/L) 80 70 Central compartment 60 50 Peripheral compartment 40 30 20 10 10 • 400 mg 800 mg 0.1 0.01 0 12 24 36 12 24 48 48 MichaelisMenten elimination Concentration (mg/L) 100 Almost any PK/PD and other software package (incl. Excel®) will do this task. Time to implement the model (i.e. coding and debugging) guaranteed to be longer than computation time (usually ~msec). Robust differential equation solver critical. Ability to plot multiple / all variables highly important to better understand a model. Berkeley Madonna very powerful for this task (and easily usable by beginners). 36 Time (h) Time (h) • • 200 mg 0.001 0 • 100 mg 1 0 • Linear 2-compartment model at different doses 100 Concentration (mg/L) Rise to steady-state after multiple dosing 10 100 mg 200 mg 400 mg 1 800 mg 0.1 Km = 0.1 mg/L 0.01 0.001 0 2 Author’s Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. 4 6 Time (h) 8 10 12 16 Propose optimized empiric dosage regimens for a patient population via Monte Carlo simulations. Identify covariates that affect dosing (e.g. renal function, body size, etc.) 17 The average patient? Sörgel F. Chemotherapie Journal (2003) Between Subject Variability PK Model for 1 patient PK model for a population of patients Variability in PK parameters One set of PK parameters for Clearance (CL), volume of distribution (V), and absorption rate constant (ka). Bulitta JB, PhD Thesis, 2006. Author’s Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. Absorption rate constant ka not shown. Derivation of PKPD susceptibility breakpoints Calculate fT>MIC for each patient and for all relevant MICs Population PK model V2 V3 10 Simulate 10,000 virtual patients 8 TABS 6 4 MIC = 2 mg/L 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Time (h) Bulitta JB, PhD Thesis, 2006. Fraction below the 40% target: 30% Target: 9.6h 62% 38% 20% 10% 0% 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 fT>MIC (h) MIC for MIC 2 mg/L fT>MIC for = 2ofmg/L Target: fT>MIC TARGET=0.4 40% of 24h = 9.6h Probability of Probability of target targetattainment attainment V1 50% Fraction of samples Fraction Fractionofofpatients subjects CL 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% TLAG 30% 20% 10% 0% PKPD breakpoint: 1 mg/L 0.25 Author’s Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. 0.5 1 2 MIC (mg/L) 38% 4 8 20 Types of parameter variability models Mixture of parametric distributions Parametric distribution Non-parametric every patient can be its own subpopulation one sub-population representing several comprising the entire sub-populations population 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.2 Probability Probability Probability 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.15 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Clearance (L/h) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Clearance (L/h) NONMEM, ADAPT, S-ADAPT, Number of sub-populations Monolix, Phoenix/NLME, needs to be user-specified. WinBUGS, SAS, Matlab, Software: ADAPT V, S-ADAPT, R-packages, Pmetrics / NONMEM, Monolix, others. USC*PACK, others. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Clearance (L/h) Available in Pmetrics / USC*PACK (NPEM, NPAG) and in NPML. 21 Author’s Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. Software for population PK modelling and Monte Carlo simulations Monte Carlo Simulation Berkeley Madonna, acslXtreme, Crystal Ball, others Specialized tool in antimicrobial PK/PD: MicLab (Medimatics) Simulation and Estimation NONMEM, ADAPT V, S-ADAPT, BUGS, Pmetrics/NPAG, Phoenix/NLME, R, others Important software characteristics: • Can the software handle correlation between PK parameters (e.g. CL and V)? • Availability of post-processing tools to summarize the results (e.g. Perl or R scripts). • Is the simulation tool robust (e.g. differential equation solver; capabilities to assure / enforce positive semi-definite covariance matrix). • Ability to simulate with a prior distribution (Full Bayesian approach, 3-stage method). 22 Author’s Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. Mechanism-based modeling / systems pharmacology Evaluating proposed mechanisms of action, resistance and synergy Design mechanistically optimized monotherapy and combination dosage regimens. 23 Mechanism-based modeling of antibiotic action and resistance Resistance often limits access to target site. Time course & mechanisms of activity and resistance. Efflux pumps, Beta-lactamase activity Error-prone replication Bulitta JB et al. Curr Pharm Biotechnol, 2011: 2044-2061 Rationally Optimizing Combination Chemotherapy DRUG A Receptor 1 Killing via pathway A DRUG B Receptor 2 Killing via pathway B Receptor 3 Enhances killing Bacterial killing Eradicate Inhibit (upregulation) Phenotypic resistance mechanism(s) Genotypically Genotypically Mutation Genotypically Phenotypically ‘resistant’ cells resistant nonsusceptible intermediate replicating Pre-existing vs. bacteria bacteria persisters de novo formation Spontaneous or error-prone mutation Mechanism-based modeling integrates time course & probabilities Authors’ copyright © 2011, all rights reserved. 25 Systems pharmacology Mechanism-based PK/PD modeling Estimation and simulation Software: S-ADAPT, ADAPT V, NONMEM, Pmetrics, Monolix Important software characteristics: • Robustness and efficiency of estimation algorithm models with many (often >20) parameters to be simultaneously estimated. • Pre- and post-processing tools (e.g. SADAPT-TRAN, NM-TRAN, AMGET [for ADAPT V]) extremely important. • Automated code enhancing & debugging enables beginner and intermediate users to perform such modeling and often accelerates model coding >10-fold. • Robust computational tool (differential equation solver, other features) • Customization of result plots highly important. • Parallelized estimation. 26 Author’s Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. Exact calculation of the integral of one simplified function approximating the log-likelihood True probability distribution characterizing the uncertainty of clearance for the ith patient This scenario with one support point applies to the LAPLACIAN method (FOCE relies on more approximations than LAPLACIAN; FO method far worse) Density Function with a precisely known integral BUT: It is unknown how well the simplified function approximates the log-likelihood! mode Model Parameter (e.g. clearance) Author’s Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. 27 Approximating the true log-likelihood as precisely as needed Density True probability distribution for clearance of patient i Use a sampling function to randomly draw points on the x-axis. The probability of a point drawn at a position is determined by the sampling function (also called proposal density). Model Parameter (e.g. clearance) Author’s Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. 28 Approximating the true log-likelihood as precisely as needed Density True probability distribution for clearance of patient i ~zero density at this tail For each randomly drawn point of the sampling function, calculate the exact value of the true density. Interpolate between support points. Important sampling algorithm approximates the true log-likelihood as closely as needed. Model Parameter (e.g. clearance) Author’s Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. 29 Model predictions at 106 CFU/mL inoculum Bulitta JB, et al. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 2011; 12: 2044-2061. Log10 (CFU/mL) Prospective ‘validation’ based on external in vivo data fT>MIC 40% 60% 93% A: 30 min 75% B: 5 h 100% Time (h) Targets in patients: CFU: Colony-forming unit. Time > MIC Log10 CFU per lung at 24 h Ambrose PG et al. CID 2007, 44: 79-86. Neutropenic mouse lung infection model (at 24 h) Bacteriostasis target ~35% fT>MIC Craig WA. Clin Infect Dis 1998, 26:1-12. Andes D & Craig WA. IJAA 2002; 19:261-8. The model quantitatively predicted the PKPD target values for cephalosporins. Near-maximal cell killing target ~65% fT>MIC 30 Achieve therapeutic target goals most precisely in an individual patient Account for MIC / pathogen, renal function, other diseases, etc. 31 Different Bayesian updating methods to individualize PK parameters in an unstable critically ill patient Available in Pmetrics, Best Dose Michael Neely, Roger Jelliffe et al. Bulitta JB et al. Curr Pharm Biotechnol, 2011: 2044-2061 Optimized dosing of individual patients Simulated concentrations Target 2 4 5 1.0 6 0.1 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time (h) Time (h) (mg/L) Concentration Concentration 100.0 Observation +/- SE 12 0.0 13 5 6 7 12 0.1 4 8 12 16 Time (h) Time (h) 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 24 0.5 2 4 1.0 0.2 0.1 3 13 Typical patient Loading dose + Continuous inf Dose optimization based on “typical patient” 0.3 7 Clearance (L/h) 10.0 0 Probability 3 10.0 Clearance distribution 0.4 MAP Bayesian Clearance (L/h) individualization 0.4 Probability (mg/L) Concentration Concentration 100.0 0.5 0.3 Concentration (mg/L) Clearance (L/h) Dose optimization based on full non-parametric distribution (Multiple-Model Dosage Design) Hit target most precisely! 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Clearance (L/h) Author’s Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. Time (h) 33 Real data from Dr Roger Jelliffe. Optimal Dose Selection programs for antibiotics Roberts JA et al., Lancet Infect Dis 2014; 14:498-509 34 Software choices for antimicrobial PK/PD 1. Carefully defining the objective should always be the first step. 2. A variety of powerful software tools are available and accessible also to beginner and intermediate users. No single tool does it all. 3. Very significant improvements in software usability, efficiency and robustness of algorithms were achieved over the last 10-15 years. 4. Model estimation time is usually no longer a real limitation, even for complex models with >30 parameters. (Parallelized estimation!) In the future, a semi-automated code generator will be very helpful. 5. Performing a Monte Carlo simulation to optimize empiric dosage regimens is very helpful. However, this is NOT the same as selecting an optimal dosage regimen for an individual patient. 6. Softwares for optimal dosing of individual patients are available and are being enhanced for different devices (incl. smart phones). 7. Communication / explanation of results by a skilled modeler is critical. 35 Backup slides 36 Exposure response and exposure toxicity relationships 37 Non-compartmental analysis Many software packages: Commercial software: Phoenix / WinNonlin Kinetica EquivTest Matlab/SimBiology PKSolutions (Excel based) Topfit Calculate / obtain: Cmax, AUC, T>MIC, CL, Vd, etc. Free software: Bear PK for R S-ADAPT Pharm PK archives & Wikipedia WinNonlin industry standard (documentation excellent; FDA CFR Part 11) 38 Author’s Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. Exposure response – continuous outcome data Log10 CFU per lung at 24 h Cefotaxime vs K. pneumoniae in neutropenic lung infection model (after 24 hours of therapy) Cmax / MIC Modeling approach: Amount of data Type of output data Signal Time-course data Between subject variability Recommended algorithm AUC / MIC Time > MIC Usually significant Continuous Often strong No (or not used) Yes (but not used in analysis) Maximum likelihood or (Weighted least squares) Craig WA. Clin Infect Dis 1998, 26:1-12. Pictures from: Drusano GL. Nat Rev Microbiol 2004; 2:289-300. Software tools: Many nonlinear regression tools. Suggestions: ADAPT (maximum likelihood, free, user-friendly). WinNonlin (as commercial package). Many other tools equally capable. 39 Probability of cure or toxicity Exposure response – Dichotomous (Yes/No data) MIC: 0.25 mg/L Afibrile MIC: 1 mg/L on day 7 MIC: 4 mg/L Nephotoxicity for Q24h dosing Nephotoxicity for Q12h dosing AUC Modeling approach: Amount of data Type of output data Signal Time-course of risk Between subject variability Less (especially for tox.) Dichotomous (e.g. Live/Dead, Yes/No) Often weaker No (or usually not used) Yes (but not used in analysis) Recommended algorithm Maximum likelihood or Bayesian algorithms Drusano & Louie. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2011; 55:2528-31. Software tools: Statistical packages for logistic regression and CART analysis. Parametric hazard models to describe time-dependent risks (eg. of death or adverse events). Suggestions: Systat for logistic regression. (Other tools equally capable.) Population modelling tools for parametric hazard models: NONMEM, S-ADAPT, Monolix, etc. 40 Optimize empiric dosage regimens via Monte Carlo simulation Individual patient’s PK and MIC are unknown. Can incorporate influential covariates (e.g. renal impairment). Bulitta JB et al. Curr Pharm Biotechnol, 2011: 2044-2061 Achieve Target Goals Sequential MultipleModel (MM) Bayesian updating Pmetrics Individual patient data Population PK model Individual patient data Interacting MultipleModel (MM) approach. Unstable patients! Here, PK parameters can change over time (unstable patients!) Slide kindly provided by Dr. Roger Jelliffe. 42 Authors’ Disclosure I have never received any funding or any other financial incentive from a software company and am not associated with any commercial software package. I am the creator and developer of the free, open-source SADAPT-TRAN tool and am a passionate user of Berkeley Madonna. I have been an active user of a Pharsight Academic Excellence License for several years since 1999. I have received collaborative research grants from Pfizer, Trius, Cempra, CSL, Cubist, Novartis, and Boryung. None of this collaborative work is related to this presentation. 43 Author’s Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved.
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