The Simplex Method and Linear Programming Duality Ashish Goel Department of Management Science and Engineering Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305, U.S.A. (Based on slides by Yinyu Ye) 1 THE SIMPLEX METHOD Basic and Basic Feasible Solution In the LP standard form, select m linearly independent columns, denoted by the variable index set B, from A. Solve AB xB = b for the dimension-m vector xB . By setting the variables, xN , of x corresponding to the remaining columns of A equal to zero, we obtain a solution x such that Ax = b. Then, x is said to be a basic solution to (LP) with respect to the basic variable set B. The variables in xB are called basic variables, those in xN are nonbasic variables, and AB is called a basis. If a basic solution xB ≥ 0, then x is called a basic feasible solution, or BFS. Note that AB and xB follow the same index order in B. Two BFS are adjacent if they differ by exactly one basic variable. A BFS is non-degenerate if xB > 0 3 Simplex Method George B. Dantzig’s Simplex Method for linear programming stands as one of the most significant algorithmic achievements of the 20th century. It is now over 60 years old and still going strong. x2 The basic idea of the simplex method to confine the search to corner points of the feasible region (of which there are only finitely many) in a most intelligent way, so the objective always improves x1 The key for the simplex method is to make computers see corner points; and the key for interior-point methods is to stay in the interior of the feasible region. 4 From Geometry to Algebra •How to make computer recognize a corner point? BFS •How to make computer terminate and declare optimality? •How to make computer identify a better neighboring corner? 5 Feasible Directions at a BFS and Optimality Test Non-degenerate BFS: AB xB +ANxN = b, and xB > 0 and xN = 0 . Thus the feasible directions, d, are the ones to satisfy AB dB +ANdN = 0, dN ≥ 0. For the BFS to be optimal, any feasible direction must be an ascent direction, that is, cTd= cTB dB + cTNdN ≥ 0. From dB = -(AB )-1ANdN, we must have for all dN ≥ 0, cTd= -cTB (AB )-1ANdN +cTNdN =(cTN - cTB (AB )-1AN) dN ≥ 0 Thus, (cTN - cTB (AB )-1AN) ≥ 0 is necessary and sufficient. It is called the reduced cost vector for nonbasic variables. 6 Computing the Reduced Cost Vector We compute shadow prices, yT = cTB (AB )-1 , or solving a system of linear equations. yT AB = cTB, by Then we compute rT=cT-yTA, where rN is the reduced cost vector for nonbasic variables (and rB=0 always). If one of rN is negative, then an improving feasible direction is found by increasing the corresponding nonbasic variable value T Increase along this direction till one of the basic variables becomes 0 and hence non-basic We are left with m basic variables again The process will always converge and produce an optimal solution if one exists (special care for unbounded optimum and when two basic variables become 0 at the same time) 7 In the LP production example, suppose the basic variable set B = {1, 2, 3} . min s.t. −x1 −2x2 +x3 x1 x1 x1 , x2 +x2 x2 , =1 +x4 x3 , x4 , +x5 x5 =1 = 1.5 ≥ 0. 1 1 0 1 0 0 c N , cB 2 , AB 0 1 0 , AN 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 T 1 AB 0 1 0 , y (0 1 - 1), rNT ( 1 1 1 1 Yinyu Ye, Stanford, MS&E211 Lecture Notes #4 0 0 , 1 1 ). 8 In the LP production example, suppose the basic variable set B = {3, 4, 5} . min s.t. −x1 −2x2 x1 x2 x1 +x2 x1 , x2 , +x3 =1 +x4 x3 , x4 , +x5 x5 =1 = 1.5 ≥ 0. 0 1 0 1 , cB 0 , AB I , AN 0 1 , c N 2 0 1 1 1 T T AB I , y (0 0 0), rN (1 - 2). Yinyu Ye, Stanford, MS&E211 Lecture Notes #4 9 Summary • The theory of Basic Feasible Solutions leads to a solution method • The Simplex algorithm is one of the most influential and practical algorithms of all time • However, we will not test or assign problems on the Simplex method in this class (a testament to the fact that this method has been so successful that we can use it as a basic technology) SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS LP Shadow Price Vector •The dimension of the shadow price (SP) vector equals the dimension of the right-hand-side (RHS) vector, or the number of linear constraints. •In general, the optimal SP on a given active constraint is the rate of change in the optimal value (OV) of the objective as the RHS of the constraint increases in a interval, ceteris paribus. •All inactive or nonbinding constraint have zero SP. •In non-degenerate case, a small change in the RHS would change the OV and the optimal solution (OS), but not the basis and the optimal SP. Yinyu Ye, Stanford, MS&E211 Lecture Notes #6 12 Why Given a non-degenerate BFS in the LP standard form with basis AB xB = (AB)−1b > 0, xN = 0, so that small change in b does not change the optimal basis and the shadow price vector: yT = cBT(AB)-1 At optimality, the OV cT x = cBT xB = cBT (AB)−1b = yT b. Thus, when b is changed to b+Δb, then the new OV OV+= cBT xB = cBT (AB)−1(b+Δb)= yT (b+Δb)=OV+ yTΔb =Net Change when the basis is unchanged. Yinyu Ye, Stanford, MS&E211 Lecture Notes #6 13 LP Reduced Cost Vector •The dimension of the reduced-cost (RC) vector equals the dimension of the objective coefficient vector or the number of decision variables. •In general, the RC value of any non-basic variable is the amount the objective coefficient of that variable would have to change, ceteris paribus, in order for it to become a basic variable at optimality. •All basic variables have zero RC. •Upon termination, all non-basic variables have RC ≥ 0 •In non-degenerate case, a small change in the objective coefficients may change OV and optimal SP, but not the basis and OS. Yinyu Ye, Stanford, MS&E211 Lecture Notes #6 14 Why Given a BFS in the LP standard form with basis AB and its companion SP vector: yT = cBT(AB)-1 and RC rNT=cNT-yTAN > 0 If cN makes a small change, nothing would change. But if they reduced enough such that one of the reduced costs become negative, then the current BFS is no longer optimal. On the other hand, if cB makes a small change, say cB is changed to cB +ΔcB, then the new SP and OV y+T = (cB + ΔcB )T(AB)-1 =yT + ΔcBT (AB)−1 OV+=(yT+ΔcBT(AB)−1)b=OV+ΔcBT (AB)−1 b=OV + ΔcBT xB =Net Change Yinyu Ye, Stanford, MS&E211 Lecture Notes #6 15 LP DUALITY Dual Problem of Linear Programming • Every LP problem is associated with another LP problem called dual (the original problem is called primal). • Every variable of the dual is associated with a constraint of the primal; every constraint of the dual is associated with a variable of the primal. • The dual is max (min) if the primal is min (max); the objective coefficients of the dual are the RHS of the primal; and the RHS of the dual are the objective coefficients of the primal. • The constraint matrix of the dual is the transpose of the constraint matrix of the primal. • The final shadow price vector of the primal is an optimal solution of the dual. Yinyu Ye, Stanford, MS&E211 Lecture Notes #7 17 The Dual of the Production Problem Primal max x1 2 x2 s.t. x1 Dual 1 x2 1 min y1 y2 1.5 y3 s.t. y1 y 2 y3 2 x1 x2 1.5 y1 , y2 , x1 , x2 0 1 A 0 1 0 1 1 Yinyu Ye, Stanford, MS&E211 Lecture Notes #7 y3 1 T A y3 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 18 More Rules to Construct the Dual obj. coef. vector right-hand-side right-hand-side obj. coef. vector A AT Max model Min model xj ≥ 0 jth constraint ≥ xj ≤ 0 jth constraint ≤ xj free jth constraint = ith constraint ≤ yi ≥ 0 ith constraint ≥ yi ≤ 0 ith constraint = yi free The dual of the dual is the primal Yinyu Ye, Stanford, MS&E211 Lecture Notes #7 19 Dual of LP in Standard Equality Form min (LP ) s.t. cT x Ax = b, x ≥ 0, x ∈ Rn. max (LD) s.t. bT y AT y ≤ c, y ∈ Rm Usually, we let r = c - AT y ∈ Rn called dual slacks; and it should be non-negative for any dual feasible solution. In the simplex method, the final reduced cost vector is a feasible slack vector of the dual. Yinyu Ye, Stanford, MS&E211 Lecture Notes #7 20 Dual Feasible Region of LP in Standard Equality Form max (LD) s.t. bT y AT y ≤ c, y ∈ Rm This is an LP in the standard inequality form Given a basis AB , the dual vector y satisfying ATB y = cB is said to be a dual basic solution If a dual basic solution is also feasible, that is, c − AT y ≥ 0, it is said to be a dual basic feasible solution (BFS). Every dual BFS is a corner point of the dual feasible region! Yinyu Ye, Stanford, MS&E211 Lecture Notes #7 21 Dual Theorem Theorem 1 (Weak duality theorem) Let both primal feasible region Fp and dual feasible region Fd be nonempty. Then, cT x ≥ bT y for all x ∈ Fp, y ∈ Fd. Proof: cT x − bT y = cT x − (Ax)T y = xT (c − AT y) = xT r ≥ 0. This theorem shows that a feasible solution to either problem yields a bound on the value of the other problem. We call cT x − bT y the duality gap. If the duality gap is zero, then x and y are optimal for the primal and dual, respectively! Yinyu Ye, Stanford, MS&E211 Lecture Notes #7 Is the reverse true? 22 Dual of LP in Standard Equality Form min (LP ) s.t. cT x Ax = b, x ≥ 0, x ∈ Rn. max (LD) s.t. bT y AT y ≤ c, y ∈ Rm Usually, we let r = c - AT y ∈ Rn called dual slacks; and it should be non-negative for any dual feasible solution. In the simplex method, the final reduced cost vector is a feasible slack vector of the dual and the final shadow price vector is an optimum solution of the dual, since cT x = yT b Yinyu Ye, Stanford, MS&E211 Lecture Notes #7 23 Dual Theorem continued Proved by the Simplex Method Theorem 2 (Strong duality theorem) Let both primal feasible region Fp and dual feasible region Fd be non-empty. Then, x∗ ∈ Fp is optimal for (LP) and y∗ ∈ Fd is optimal for (LD) if and only if the duality gap cT x∗ − bT y∗ = 0. Corollary If (LP) and (LD) both have feasible solutions then both problems have optimal solutions and the optimal objective values of the objective functions are equal. If one of (LP) or (LD) has no feasible solution, then the other is either unbounded or has no feasible solution. If one of (LP) or (LD) is unbounded then the other has no feasible solution. Yinyu Ye, Stanford, MS&E211 Lecture Notes #7 24 Possible Combination of Primal and Dual Primal F-B F-UB IF Dual F-B Yes Yes F-UB Yes IF min -x1 x2 s.t. x1 x2 1 x1 x2 1 x1 , x2 0 Yinyu Ye, Stanford, MS&E211 Lecture Notes #7 Yes max y1 y2 s.t. y1 y2 1 - y1 y2 1 25 Application of the Theorem: Optimality Condition Check if a pair of primal x and dual y with slack r, is optimal: ⎧ ⎪ ⎨ (x, y, r) ∈ (R+n , Rm, Rn+ ) : ⎪ ⎩ cT x − bT y = 0 Ax = b = c AT y +r ⎫ ⎪ ⎬ ⎪ ⎪ ⎭ , which is a system of linear inequalities and equations. Thus it is easy to verify whether or not a pair (x, y, r) is optimal by a computer. These conditions can be classified as • Primal Feasibility, • Dual Feasibility, and • Zero Duality Gap. Yinyu Ye, Stanford, MS&E211 Lecture Notes #7 26 Application of the Theorem: Complementarity Slackness For feasible primal x ≥ 0 and dual (y, r ≥ 0 ), xT r = xT (c − AT y) = cT x − bT y is also called the complementarity gap. Since both x and r are nonnegative, zero duality gap 0= xT r = x1 r1 + x2 r2 +…+ xn rn implies that xj rj = 0 for all j = 1,... , n, where we say x and r are complementary to each other. Note that rj = 0 implies that the corresponding inequality constraint is active at the solution. Yinyu Ye, Stanford, MS&E211 Lecture Notes #7 27 Implication of the Complementarity Primal (Dual) Dual (Primal) Max model Min model xj ≥ 0 jth constraint ≥ xj ≤ 0 jth constraint ≤ xj free jth constraint = ith constraint ≤ yi ≥ 0 ith constraint ≥ yi ≤ 0 ith constraint = yi free Complementarity condition implies that at optimality: •every inactive inequality constraint has the zero dual value; •every non-zero variable value implies that the dual constraint is active; •every equality constraint is viewed active. Yinyu Ye, Stanford, MS&E211 Lecture Notes #7 28 The Ideology of the (Primal) Simplex Method The simplex method described earlier is the primal simplex method, meaning that the method maintains and improves a primal basic feasible solution xB . Shadow vector y in the method is a dual basic solution and it is not feasible until at the termination; the reduced vector r in the method is the dual dual slack vector. Note that xN = 0 and rB = 0, so that x and r are complementary to each other at any basis AB . When the method terminates, xB is primal optimal and (y, r) becomes dual feasible so that it is also dual optimal, since they complementary. Yinyu Ye, Stanford, MS&E211 Lecture Notes #7 29 Interpretation of the Dual of the Production Problem Primal Dual min y1 y2 1.5 y3 s.t. y1 y3 1 y 2 y3 2 y1 , y2 , max cT x s.t. Ax ≤ b, x ≥ 0 y3 0 min bT y s.t. AT y ≥ c, y ≥ 0 Acquisition Pricing: •y: prices of the resources •ATy≥c: the prices are competitive for each product •min bT y: minimize the total liquidation cost Yinyu Ye, Stanford, MS&E211 Lecture Notes #7 30 The Transportation Problem s1 s2 1 2 . . sm C 11 , x 11 . . . m Cmn , xmn Supply Yinyu Ye, Stanford, MS&E211 Lecture Notes #7 1 d1 2 d2 3 d3 . . n dn Demand 31 The Transportation Dual Primal m min c x i 1 j 1 n s.t. Dual n x j 1 ij m si , i 1,..., m max x ij d j , j 1,..., n xij 0, i, j n s u d v i 1 s.t. m i 1 ij ij i i j 1 j j ui v j cij , i, j Shipping Company’s new charge scheme: ui: supply site unit charge vi: demand site unit charge ui + vj ≤ cij : competitiveness Yinyu Ye, Stanford, MS&E211 Lecture Notes #7 32 The Transportation Example 1 2 4 Supply 4 6 500 u1 1 12 2 6 4 10 11 700 u2 3 10 9 12 4 800 u3 Demand 400 900 200 500 v1 v2 v3 v4 Yinyu Ye, Stanford, MS&E211 Lecture Notes #7 13 3 20000 33 Wrapping up: Range Analyses Theorem When b is changed to b+Δb, the current optimal basis AB remains optimal if and only if (AB)−1(b+Δb)≥0 or xB+(AB)−1Δb≥0. When cB is changed to cB +ΔcB, the current optimal basis AB remains optimal if and only if cNT-y+TAN = rNT- ΔcBT(AB)−1AN ≥ 0 This will establish a range for each coefficient of b or cB. Yinyu Ye, Stanford, MS&E211 Lecture Notes #6 34
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