Physiology (or CAPS) - UBC Biochemistry Pharmacology and

Everything you need to know (and then some)!
Mitchell Vu – 4th year CAPS
What is CAPS??!?
 CAPS = Cellular Anatomical
Physiological Sciences
 AKA Everything about the human
 Honours Degree: Big Bad (?) Thesis!
 Very small program (15-25 students in
3rd year)
Year Required Courses
CAPS 390 – Human Histology
CAPS 301 – Human Physiology*
CAPS 303 – Third Year Lab*
BIOC 301 – Biochemistry Lab
BIOC 302/303 – Biochemistry Lecture
BIOL 300/STAT 200 - Intro Statistics**
 Many of these courses are challenging, but extremely
 Room for electives!
*Bread + Butter
**Stats can be taken in 2nd year
Take a look for yourself!
BIOC 301
CAPS 301
BIOC 302
CAPS 301
Einthoven’s Triangle
 Human Physiology – all
systems of the body
 Taught by a team of
 One midterm, one final
for a full year course
 BPP provides practice
exam packs
of DMD patients
Spinothalamic tract
CAPS 303
 3 hour labs, Thursday afternoons
 Highlights: Self-electrocution, self-observation (ECG,
spirometry), rat surgery, PBL-style tutorials
 Lab reports – 4 or 5 per term
 Ever-changing course (it’s getting better!)
So where does CAPS lead?
 Co-op options
 Exposure to lab, formal scientific writing (reports,
 What you’re all waiting for: Medical School
 2014 Grad year: 7 / 16 in med (44%)
 2015 Grad year: 3 / 15 in med (20%)
 Compare this to 14.9% overall acceptance of UBC (2013)
Personal Experience
 Labs are fantastic (10/10 would recommend)
 Lab reports, well, not so much.
 Small groups -> Great friends
Some days you might feel like:
But after it’ll feel like:
Interested? Have some resources!
 Official Website (Requirements, contacts, application
 UBC Calendar Entry:
 Questions for a current CAPS student?
 Come ask or email me ( :D