Ben Mangrum Periods 2, 3, 4 Room 406 1. 2. Science News article--Atlantic ocean methane vents: read, answer questions, discussion Syllabus talk *Afternoon Assembly Schedule (50 min classes) 1. Collect Syllabus Contract Sheets 2. Finish Syllabus talk 3. Scientific Method review: Brain to Brain communication article, discussion 1. 2. 3. Collect Syllabus Contract Sheets Review TQ’s, Hypotheses from yesterday’s article Chemistry Pre-test 1. 2. 3. 4. Make up Chemistry pre-test? Hand out bathroom passes, books Draw safety map of lab room with safety items Draw, Identify names of chemistry lab items 1. 2. 3. Finish Item Drawings, Collect Safety Maps and Item Drawings, review names Lab Safety DVD Review results from pre-test 1. Review results from pre-test *Lab Safety Quiz tomorrow 1. 2. 3. Finish review of results from pre-test Lab Safety Quiz, correct in class Ionic Compounds Notes 1. 2. 3. Review notes, Practice writing formulas and Naming Ionic Compounds: Simple Binary compounds, compounds with Polyatomic Ions or Transition Metals (see p. 221-223) Review Determination of Bond Type using Electronegativity, practice (p. 265-266) Ionic Bond (#23)/Naming Ionic Compounds WS 1. 2. 3. Make up safety quiz? Correct Ionic Bond (#23)/Naming Ionic Compounds WS Begin Covalent Compound Notes (through Lewis Structures) 1. 2. 3. Continue Covalent Compound Notes (through Lewis Structures) Practice drawing Lewis structures: p.244 (#1,2,4), p.256 (#39), p.257 (#42), p.258 (#44), p.260 (#49) Lewis Structure Practice WS #1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Correct Lewis Structure Practice WS #1 Review prefix names for Covalent Compounds Continue Covalent Compound Notes (VSEPR) Practice drawing Lewis structures (p. 264 #56-60), assigning geometry, hybrid orbitals, bond angles Determining Names (#9), Determining Electronegativity (#10) WS *Assembly Schedule 1. Correct Determining Names (#9), Determining Electronegativity (#10) WS 2. Continue Covalent Compound Notes (Polarity, Intermolecular forces, Properties of Covalent Compounds) 3. Covalent Description WS 1. 2. 3. Correct Covalent Description WS Chemical Reactions Notes Writing Chemical Equations WS 1. 2. 3. Correct Writing Chemical Equations WS Types of Reactions Notes Reaction Type Prediction WS #1 *Early Dismissal Schedule (30-35 min) 1. Correct Reaction Type Prediction WS #1 2. Begin Reactions in Aqueous Solutions Notes 1. 2. Finish Reactions in Aqueous Solutions Notes Net Ionic Equation WS 1. 2. Correct Net Ionic Equation WS Avogadro’s Number Notes 1. 2. Continue Avogadro’s Number Notes P. 981-982 #1-24 (skip #23) 1. 2. Correct P. 981-982 #1-24 (skip #23) Empirical, Molecular Formula Practice WS 1. 2. 3. 4. Correct Empirical, Molecular Formula Practice WS Finish Avogadro’s Number Notes % Composition (for CaSO4·2H2O), Empirical Formula of Hydrates p. 353 Hydrate Empirical Formula Practice WS 1. 2. Correct Hydrate Empirical Formula Practice WS Review for Chapter 10 Quiz in notebooks (p. 358 #84, 91, 93, 102, 103, 104, 109, 112, 113, 123, 125, 131, 133, 134, 155, 156, 161, 163, 164, 165, 167, 176, 179, 181, 182) 1. Correct Review for Chapter 10 Quiz in notebooks (p. 358 #84, 91, 93, 102, 103, 104, 109, 112, 113, 123, 125, 131, 133, 134, 155, 156, 161, 163, 164, 165, 167, 176, 179, 181, 182) 1. Chapter 10 Quiz 1. 2. 3. Make up quiz? Stoichiometry Pre-Test Begin Stoichiometry Notes *Early Dismissal Schedule Make up pre-test? Hand back quizzes, discuss Review, Continue Stoichiometry Notes 1. 2. 3. 4. Ham Sandwich calculation from Stoichiometry notes, p. 375 Practice Stoichiometry problems p. 375-377 Practice Stoichiometry using density and STP Introduce Molarity Calculations from Stoichiometry Notes, practice on p. 483 *Substitute 1. Stoichiometry WS 1. 2. Correct Stoichiometry WS Stoichiometry Practice WS #1 *you need to write a balanced equation for each one first Correct Stoich. Practice WS #1 2. Practice Stoichiometry problems (STP, Molarity) on Overhead *Quiz tomorrow on Stoichiometry! 1. 1. 2. 3. Review main ideas of Stoichiometry Stoichiometry Quiz Start Limiting Reactant Notes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Make up quiz? Review Limiting Reactant Notes—PhET Simulation with Ham Sandwich, Practice Problems from book Finish Limiting Reactant Notes (Actual, Theoretical, % Yield) % Yield examples from book Limiting Reactant Practice WS 1. 2. 3. Make up quiz? Correct Limiting Reactant Practice WS Begin pre-lab for Percent Yield of a Precipitate Lab (see next slide) 1. Title: Percent Yield of a Precipitate 2. Purpose: Objective written in own words 3. Protocol: Materials (list all materials from procedures) Safety concerns (list chemical hazards of all reactants, products) Flow chart (picture diagram of all steps from procedures) 4. Pre-lab Analysis: Answer all questions using complete sentences or show all work for calculations 5. Data Table: Create a table to collect all measurements and label all columns with titles and units 1. 2. 3. Hand back quiz, discuss Continue working on pre-labs Begin Limiting Reactant/Stoich/ Balancing Equations Practice WS 1. 2. Turn in pre-labs Limiting Reactant/Stoich/Balancing Equations Practice WS 1. 2. Hand back, discuss Pre-labs, Lab procedures Correct Limiting Reactant/Stoich/ Balancing Equations Practice WS 1. 2. Conduct Percent Yield of a Precipitate Lab Finish correcting Limiting Reactant/Stoich/ Balancing Equations Practice WS Final measurements for Percent Yield of a Precipitate Lab 2. Discuss post-lab questions 3. Work on post-lab report (due Wednesday) *Quiz on Limiting Reactant, % Yield tomorrow! 1. 5. Data Table: Completed table with all data filled in 6. Post-Lab Analysis: Answer (and fully explain) all questions using complete sentences or show all work for calculations 7. Conclusion: Write a short paragraph discussing the overall findings/results from the lab, and listing at least one way that the lab applies to the real world or prepares a chemistry student 1. 2. Limiting Reactant, % Yield Quiz Finish Post-Lab Report, turn in if done 1. 2. 3. 4. Make up quiz? Collect rest of Post-labs #6-15 on page 983 (on separate paper) Hand back post labs, discuss 1. 2. 3. 4. Finish discussing lab reports Hand back quizzes, discuss Correct #6-15 on page 983 Review for Test with whiteboards: Stoichiometry examples (esp. density, STP, molarity) *Stoichiometry Test Monday! Finish Review for Test with whiteboards: Stoichiometry examples (esp. density, STP, molarity) *Stoichiometry Test Monday! 1. 1. 2. Stoichiometry Test Read 12.1 in book 1. 2. 3. 4. Make up test? Read 12.1 in book for 10 minutes Cornell Notes: heading for each paragraph from text, key points in own words, define vocabulary Begin Properties of Gases Lecture 1. 2. 3. 4. Hand back tests, discuss Review, Finish Properties of Gases Lecture Read 12.4, Cornell Notes: heading for each paragraph from text, key points in own words, define vocabulary Continue Properties of Gases Lecture (12.4) 1. 2. 3. Finish Properties of Gases Lecture (12.4) PhET Simulation: States of Matter es-of-matter Ch. 12 Study Guide WS 1. 2. 3. Correct Ch. 12 Study Guide WS Practice: #4-7 p. 409 Ch. 12 Assessment WS 1. 2. 3. Correct Ch. 12 Assessment WS In-class review questions from Gas Properties Notes Read, Cornell Notes on Ch. 13.1 *Quiz on Chapter 12.1, 12.4 tomorrow 1. 2. 3. Chapter 12.1, 12.4 Quiz Finish Cornell Notes on Ch. 13.1 Begin Gas Laws Notes, Revisit PhET Simulation: States of Matter es-of-matter *Early Dismissal Schedule 1. Make up quiz? 2. Collect Cornell Notes on Ch. 13.1? 3. Review Gas Laws Notes 4. Practice Calculations (p. 443, 446, 448, 450) 5. Read, Cornell Notes on Ch. 13.2 1. 2. 3. Hand back quizzes, discuss Collect Cornell Notes on Ch. 13.2 Continue Gas Laws Notes *Substitute 1. Begin Popcorn Pressure Pre-Lab 2. Ch. 13 Study Guide WS? 1. Title: Determine Pressure in Popcorn Kernels 2. Purpose: Background (p. 466) in own words 3. Protocol: Materials (list all materials from procedures) Safety concerns (list all physical hazards associated with any procedures) Flow chart (picture diagram of all steps from procedures) 4. Pre-lab Analysis: Answer all questions from handout showing all work for calculations 5. Data Table: Create a table to collect all measurements and label all columns with titles and units *Assembly Schedule 1. Turn in Pre-Lab (Popcorn Pressure) 2. Ch. 13 Study Guide WS 2. Hand back pre-labs, discuss 1. 2. 2. Conduct Popcorn Lab Begin Post-Lab Calculations Correct Ch. 13 Study Guide WS 5. Data Table: Completed table with all data filled in 6. Post-Lab Analysis: Answer (and fully explain) all questions (on pg. 466) using complete sentences or show all work for calculations 7. Conclusion: Write a short paragraph discussing the overall findings/results from the lab, and listing at least one way that the lab applies to the real world or prepares a chemistry student 1. 2. 3. 4. Make up popcorn lab? Finish correcting Ch. 13 Study Guide WS Finish Post-Labs, turn in when done Chapter 13 Assessment WS Correct Chapter 13 Assessment WS 2. Collect rest of labs 3. Check out Biology books, scan over Chapter 2-1 and 2-2, create a list of topics that you haven’t learned about already 4. Hand back Popcorn labs, discuss *Chapter 13 Quiz Monday! 1. 1. 2. 3. Chapter 13 Quiz Biology books to absent students? Descriptive Outline for 2-3 (and anything listed on board) *Chapter 12, 13 Test on Thursday! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Make up quiz? Biology books to absent students? Collect outlines for 2-3 Discuss topic lists from Friday, summarize on board HOG RACER Notes Carbon Compounds Lecture *Chapter 12, 13 Test Thursday! 1. 2. Hand back quiz, discuss Practice items from Ch. 12, Ch. 13 on whiteboards (Chem Handbook p. 121 #7, 8; p. 126 # 10, 11; p. 127 #12, 13; p. 128 # 17, 18, 25; Chem Textbook p. 984 # 1, 3, 5, 8, 12, 15, 19, 20) *Chapter 12, 13 Test tomorrow! 1. Chapter 12, 13 Test 1. 2. 3. Make up Chapter 12, 13 Test? Review Carbon Compounds Lecture Complete Pre-lab for Identifying Organic Molecules Lab 1. Title: Identifying Organic Compounds 2. Purpose/Background: Include the Fundamental Question, discuss the “Biological Significance” and the “Content from Class” 3. Protocol: Materials (copy from handout—you bring one food to test along with the food label) Safety concerns (summarize from handout) Flow chart (drawings of procedures) 4. Pre-lab Analysis: Answer all “Link to the Lab” questions. Also include Testable Questions and Hypotheses. 5. Data Table: Copy from handout (using full page) 1. 2. Hand back tests, review questions, take requests for problems to be discussed? Conduct Identifying Organic Molecules Lab 1. 2. 3. Discuss requested test questions Finish Identifying Organic Molecules Lab Begin Post-Lab (Post-Lab Analysis, Conclusion paragraphs) 5. Data Table: Completed table with all data filled in 6. Post-Lab Analysis: Discuss items listed under “Analysis” on Lab Report handout 7. Conclusion: Discuss items listed under “Conclusion” on Lab Report handout *Half Day 1. Finish lab procedures? 2. Explain “reliability” and “validity”, how they apply to this lab 3. Complete Identifying Organic Molecules Post-Lab, turn in if finished Collect rest of lab reports 2. WS 2-3 3. Descriptive Outlines of 2-4 (on separate paper if I have your notebook) *Quiz Wednesday on Carbon Compounds 1. Hand back lab reports, discuss 2. Collect WS 2-3, Descriptive Outlines of 2-4 3. Correct WS 2-3 4. Energy and Enzymes Lecture *Quiz tomorrow on Carbon Compounds 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. Carbon Compounds Quiz Review Energy and Enzymes Lecture Pineapple/Gelatin Introduction Conduct tests (steps 6-7) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. • • • Make up quiz? Discuss “Background” with partner, write Fundamental Question, Testable Question, Hypothesis Make Final Measurements, Create Data Table, Record data (compile class data) Create a graph of average results Write analysis paragraph Summarize what was expected to happen Summarize what actually happened Identify the following from this lab: 1.manipulated variable (1) 2.responding variable (1) 3. controlled variables (2) 4. validity measure (1) *Assembly Schedule (50 min classes) 1. Hand back quiz, discuss 2. Collect Labs (FQ/TQ/Hypothesis, Data, Graph, Analysis/Variables) 3. WS 2-4 4. Descriptive Outlines 3-1, 3-2 *Enzyme/Experimental Design Quiz Tuesday 1. 2. 3. Hand back labs, discuss Collect outlines from 3-1 and 3-2, Correct WS 2-4 Section 3-2 Lecture *Enzyme/Experimental Design Quiz tomorrow! Enzyme/Experimental Design Quiz 2. Food chain activity, answer questions 3. WS 3-2 *Bio Chapter 2 Test Thursday! 1. *Early Dismissal Schedule 1. Make up Enzyme Quiz? 2. Hand back Enzyme Quiz, discuss 3. Collect, review Food web diagram, questions from activity 4. Introduce 4-day Food Log (to be completed Thursday-Sunday) *Bio Chapter 2 Test tomorrow! 1. 2. Remind about food logs Bio Chapter 2 Test 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Remind about food logs Field Study—go outside, collect data Answer questions, discuss responses Correct WS 3-2 Food Web WS WS 3-3, draw all three cycles into notebook Make up tests? 2. Correct Food Web WS 3. 3-3 Lecture 4. Review food logs, discuss how to look up values and calculate 4-day average Homework: 1. • Calculate caloric values for food from 4-day log using nutrition labels or spx (link located on lab handout) 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduce Energy Loss Lab: measure heat loss, calculate total body heat loss in 24 hours Hand back tests, discuss? Explain kCalories vs. calories Calculate % of energy lost, write Conclusion Paragraph (on separate paper) Collect Energy Loss Lab (food log, calculations, conclusion paragraph) 2. Review questions from 3-3 Lecture, Correct WS 3-3 3. Carbon, Nitrogen Cycle, Limiting Nutrient WS 4. Correct Carbon, Nitrogen Cycle, Limiting Nutrient WS 5. Begin 4-2 Outlines *Chapter 3 Quiz tomorrow 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. Hand back Energy Loss Labs Chapter 3 Quiz Finish 4-2 Outlines Relationships, Succession Lecture *Early Dismissal/Assembly Schedule (10 minute classes) 1. Finish Succession Lecture? 2. Collect 4-2 Outlines 3. Species Interaction WS 4. 5-1, 5-2 WS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Make up quiz Correct Species Interaction Population Simulation (in room 404—My ComputerCHS AssignmentsBiology), collect, discuss Population Density WS Correct WS 5-1 1. 2. 3. 4. Hand back quizzes, discuss Correct 5-2 WS Correct Population Density WS Begin Human Impact Jigsaw: read assigned articles, answer related questions in journals Human Impact Jigsaw: • Form homogenous groups (with others that read same article), review responses to questions • Fill out half-sheet summary of topic • Meet in heterogeneous groups (with others that read other articles), present summaries to group, fill out summary table *Ecology Test Thursday! 1. Human Impact Jigsaw: • Finish heterogeneous summaries? • Collect, Review summary table as a class 2. Guam Snake/Spider article, questions 3. Review list of topics on Ecology test: Create 10 questions that include two terms each, quiz neighbor and discuss *Ecology Test tomorrow! 1. 1. 2. Ecology Test Hand out topic lists (biology and chemistry), begin work on chemistry review sheet 1. 2. 3. Make up Ecology Test Discuss Chemistry Review Sheet, practice examples on whiteboards Work on final exam review questions Hand back Ecology Tests, discuss 2. Discuss Chemistry Review Sheet, hand out solutions (Chemistry and Biology) *Remember to bring bathroom passes and chemistry books to the final! 1. Final Exam Schedule: Wednesday: 3rd period—7:40-9:20 4th period—9:30-11:10 Friday: 2nd period—7:40-9:20 Ben Mangrum Periods 2,3,4 Room 406 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hand out bathroom passes Microscope Parts and Functions Lecture Fill out Microscope diagram Microscope Activity, collect Outlines/Cornell Notes on p. 172-173, section 7-2 from book 1. 2. 3. 4. Collect Outlines, hand out bathroom passes to absent students? Parts of a Cell Lecture Introduce Cell Organelle Analogy project— develop analogies, review with partner 7.2 WS Correct 7.2 WS 2. Cell Analogies—finish, review with partner, discuss poster requirements 3. Begin Cell Transport Lecture *Cell Organelle Structure, Function Quiz tomorrow *Work on Cell Analogy Poster tonight! 1. 1. 2. 3. Cell Organelle Structure, Function Quiz Finish Cell Transport Lecture, ABC DVD 7-3 Outlines/Cornell Notes *Cell Organelle Analogy Posters due Monday! 1. 2. 3. 4. Make up quiz? Collect 7-3 Outlines, Collect posters Cell Membrane Modeling activity, check off WS 7-3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Correct WS 7-3 Set up Starch/Iodine/Sandwich bag demo, leave out on counter Hand back quiz, discuss? Review/Finish Cell Transport Lecture Revisit Cell Transport demo (starch in a bag), answer questions from overhead 7-4 Outlines/Cornell Notes *Early Dismissal Schedule 1. Collect 7-4 Outlines 2. Hand back posters, discuss 3. Cell Specialization Lecture 4. WS 7-4 Correct 7-4 WS 2. Read Weird Cells Lab Handout, Flow Chart of Procedures 3. Start Plants, Animals, and Other Weird Cells Lab *Cell Membrane, Transport, Specialization Quiz Monday 1. 1. Complete Weird Cells Lab *Cell Membrane, Transport, Specialization Quiz Monday *Lab Report due Tuesday Cell Membrane, Transport, Specialization Quiz 2. Finish Cell Lab, answer post-lab analysis 3. Outline 8-1, p. 207, 8-3 4. ATP/ADP coloring activity/8.1 WS *Lab Report due tomorrow! 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Make up quiz? Collect Weird Cells Lab Reports ATP/ADP coloring activity/8.1 WS 8-3, comparison table WS Finish Outlines for 8-1, p. 207, 8-3 *Chapter 7 Test Thursday! *Early Dismissal Schedule 1. Hand back labs, discuss 2. Hand back quiz, discuss 3. Collect outlines, ATP/ADP coloring activity/8.1 WS, 8-3, comparison table WS 4. First part of Photosynthesis Lecture *Chapter 7 Test tomorrow! 1. 2. 3. Chapter 7 Test Continue Photosynthesis Lecture, Animation Videos (#8, 9) Outline 9-1, 9-2 in book
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