AGENDA 1. Welcome to TRSITM – – – 2. Program Information – – – 3. – – – Ashisha Persaud, RCS President Ahmed Abdul & Julian D’Angelo, RCS – BTM Board of Directors Careers & Employer Partnerships - 9. Saphi Subendran, VP Student Life and Events Ryerson Commerce Society (RCS) – 8. Sarah Fadl, WITM President Majid Arshad, VP of Corporate Relations Oleanne D’Souza, VP of Academic Affairs Ryerson Student Union (RSU) – 7. Saurav Kaushal, ITMSA President Women in ITM (WITM) – 6. Madelyn Steed, Learning Strategist ITM Student Association (ITMSA) – 5. Marg Paglieri, Administration & Student Affairs Manager Ray Moss, Co-op Faculty Advisor Dhayaan Iynkaran, VP of Marketing & Pabi Ambikainathan, VP of Corporate Relations Ryerson University Co-op Students’ Association (RUCSA) Student Services – 4. Dr. Steven Murphy, Dean, TRSM Dr. Ozgur Turetken, Interim Director Dr. Farid Shirazi, Associate Director Dan Kennedy, Career Consultant Tri-mentoring Program – Joana Londono, Tri-Mentoring Program Facilitator Welcome to Business Technology Management (BTM) • Dr. Steven Murphy Dean, Ted Rogers School of Management Raise your hand if you are from: Outside of North America Outside of Canada Outside of Ontario Outside of the GTA Outside of the downtown core Raise your hand if…. You are coming to Ryerson after working for some time You are coming to Ryerson from another college or university You are coming to Ryerson directly from High School Raise your hand if…. You are a new student at RU this year You are a returning student to RU this year You are staff or faculty member in the Ted Rogers School of Management or anywhere at Ryerson CONGRATULATIONS YOU ARE NOW OFFICIALLY Welcome to Business Technology Management (BTM) • Dr. Ozgur Turetken Interim Director • Dr. Farid Shirazi Associate Director You Made It Here… Will You Stay Here? • Admissions to BComm • • • • Programs are Competitive Good News! You Made It In! Better News! Our grads get good jobs! IMPORTANT News! It’s Your Responsibility to Manage Your Conduct & Academic Performance to Stay In! The Best Student is An Informed Student… Things To Be Aware Of Now… • Preparing for your career after graduation starts today! • Getting Help – Counseling Resources (TRSITM Main Office, Student Services—be proactive and ahead of any issues you have) – Professors — we really do care! You are paying to be here which makes you a consumer with choices. Exercise those choices carefully. Show up, participate and don’t delegate your learning to us! • Avoiding Problems – Time Management – Course Management – Academic Misconduct (Resources: Calendar, ITM100 Lecture & Lab, Ryerson Website, Library…) So…Welcome Again & Good Luck! • • • • • See you in the halls… Or around the food court… In a class… Working in the labs… Or even at an ITMSA social event! For your first ITM class go to the Bookstore and … < Buy the iClicker Buy the Textbook> Business Driven Information Systems 3rd Canadian Edition By Baltzan, Detlor and Welsh Program Information Marg Paglieri Administration and Student Affairs Manager First Year Curriculum Business Technology Management Fall 2014 Term – 5 Courses Winter 2015 Term – 5 Courses CMN124 GMS200 ITM100 ITM107 SSH105 ECN104 ITM207 MHR405 QMS102 + Choice of LOWER LEVEL LIBERAL STUDIES ELECTIVE (TABLE A) Course verification will be available at RAMSS for all students at the end of September. Please ensure that Fall registration is accurate. NOTE: Course Intention period to adjust pre-selection for W’15 classes, September 22 – September 28, 2014 Class Commences Tuesday, September 2, 2014 Lower Level Liberal Studies Electives Astronomy Caribbean Studies Criminal Justice Economics English French Geography History Interior Design Philosophy and Music Politics/Public Administration Psychology Sociology Spanish IMPORTANT NOTE: • • Certain courses cannot be taken for Liberal Studies credit in some programs. Please refer to the 2014-2015 Full-Time Undergraduate Calendar for more information on Liberal Studies and Restrictions. For French/Spanish Liberal Studies, you may be requested to complete a placement test. For more information on placement tests, please visit FALL 2014 TIMETABLE CHANGES From August 25 – September 12, 2014 COURSE: ADDS, DROPS or TIMETABLE ADJUSTMENTS USING RAMSS - STUDENTS ARE ACADEMICALLY AND FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR COURSE REGISTRATIONS *Be aware the final date to officially drop a Fall undergraduate term class(es) in good Academic Standing is November 14, 2014. RYERSON ONECARD/PHOTO ID CARD This is Ryerson’s official photo ID card. ***Students who had applied for their OneCard in advance can pick up their OneCard on the 7th Floor today from 2:30pm-3:00pm Students who DID NOT apply online in advance The week of August 25 to September 4 For hours of operations please visit: • • Bring TWO pieces of Government Issued ID - ONE must include a photo ID (e.g. Drivers License, Passport, Citizenship, Photo OHIP Card) – Ryerson Student Number If you cannot pick up during orientation week, you will need to go to the OneCard office, JOR02, to pick up starting September 5, 2014 FALL 2014 AND WINTER 2015 FEES DUE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2014 Student Financial Assistance (OSAP) Visit the Financial Aid website for important information and instructions regarding OSAP Academic Advisement Report • The Advisement Report is a tool in RAMSS to help you keep track of your curriculum requirements • Running this report before and after you enroll in courses can help you determine if those courses are applicable to your degree requirements • Always consult the undergraduate calendar for policies and procedures • For detailed "How-To” job aids (step-by-step instructions) for the various tools/functions that you have access to in RAMSS please visit RAMSS Support at Partner Institution Location Language Requirement Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong, China English Jonköping International Business School Jonköping, Sweden English Nanyang Technological University Singapore English RMIT University Melbourne, Australia English Tec de Monterrey: Mazatlan Campus Mazatlan, Mexico English & Spanish Universita degli Studi di Firenze Florence, Italy Italian Universite Paris-Dauphine Paris, France French University of South Australia (UniSA) Adelaide, Australia English •Apply between 2nd - 3rd year, or 3rd - 4th year •Require 2.5 CGPA •Studying 1 semester in partnership University courses as credit upon return •For more information please visit Ryerson International Website or email Great Grades gets Rewarded! • TRSM Scholarship • • TRSITM Awards • • Dean’s List • Business Technology Management (BTM) Co-op Option • Ray Moss, Co-op Faculty Advisor Business Technology Management (BTM) Co-op Option • Gloria Allen, Co-op Administrator What is Co-op Education? High achieving students Classroom Learning + Motivated Hard working Leading Employers + Foundational Knowledge Practical Experience Thinking of Co-op Benefits • Two years of “real world” experience • Application of learning to real issues • Paid to learn model Costs • Hard work – need high grades • Hard work – need to impress employers • Extra work – 5 years instead of 4 Co-op Option – Admission and Program Management Requirement • To be eligible to apply for the Co-op Option, students must meet the following criteria: – Have completed all First Year courses (i.e. Professional, Professionally Related, and Liberal studies courses) by the end of August of their first year, AND – Must be enrolled in all Second Year courses, AND – Must have a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) at the end of the First Year of the program of at least 2.80 (however, applicants are advised to aim for a CGPA 3.0) Note: Cannot fast track through Co-op (attending Ryerson for 5 years) For more detailed information, please visit: Ryerson University Co-op Students’ Association (RUCSA) Dhayaan Iynkaran, VP of Marketing & Pabi Ambikainathan, VP of Corporate Relations Events and Plans 2014-2015 Our Mission • Through events, workshops and networking opportunities, we: – Facilitate the professional and personal development of co-op students – Establish and develop stronger relations with industry partners – Develop a social community for all co-op students • Last year, our focus was on Business Technology Management • Expanding across Ryerson is now a priority Events & Initiatives Timeline Alumni Night Co-op Info Session RUCSA Annual Kick-off Sept 2014 Oct 2014 Nov 2014 Winter Social Mentorship Training “Employer Awareness” Sept 2014 Nov 2014 Feb 2015 Mentoring Meet & Greet Escape It! Mock Interview Service Sept 2014 Nov 2014 Industry Gala Sept 2014 Dress for Success Oct 2014 Mar 2015 Speed Networking Jan 2015 Visit us in person: TRSM 2-168 Get Social with Us: @student_trsm Supporting Your Transition Enhancing Your Academic Skills Connecting You to RU Fostering Your Wellness Need Support? Have a Visit Student Services in TRSM 2-168 question? Elevators Speak with a Student Support Specialist. • Saurav Kaushal, President • • Sarah Fadl, President • Majid Arshad,VP of Corporate Relations • Oleanne D’Souza, VP of Academic Affairs • Ryerson Student Union (RSU) Saphi Subendran, VP Student Life and Events RYERSON COMMERCE SOCIETY TRSM Academic Orientation Ashisha Persaud, RCS President Ahmed Abdul & Julian D’Angelo, RCS – BTM Board of Directors Wednesday, August 27, 2014 BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT Presentation by Ahmed Abdul - Ryerson Commerce Society Board of Directors Director , school of BTM CAREER PLANNING ❖Planning ahead is one of the most crucial things essential to your success in the IT field upon graduation. ❖A successful career or a prestigious role in the ICT field is never acquired in 1 step, it is always the accumulated result of a number of steps that one must take to prepare for a certain role. ❖Find your niche USE TRSM’S RESOURCES ❖Career development center- Dan Kennedy ❖Free tutoring ❖TRSM student services. ❖Utilize library and campus labs . ❖Tri-mentoring program ❖Rcs-Breakthrough program ❖The BTM success planning program (SPP) to be launched soon. BE A LEADER ❖Get engaged in the TRSM community. ❖The Ryerson commerce society and the 30 student organizations stand as a pool of opportunities . ❖Be part of something great ❖Join our BTM collaboration group on FB . BTM RAMS ❖Succeed ❖Thank you email : ITM2@RCSONLINE.CA It’s Your Journey, We’ll Guide You Along The Way WHY WE EXIST To ensure you receive the support you need to meet your post graduation goals To connect you with employers and opportunities To be your eyes and ears in the industry To help you build the skills you need for industry To provide you with specialized programs and events that will assist you with your career goals CAREER SERVICES Start your academic career on the right path 1:1 Meetings (drop-ins) Skills-building workshops: • Setting career goals • Job search, resume & cover letter preparation • Networking etiquette • Interview techniques On-Line Resources: Annual Career Fairs (October & January) Industry specific information sessions hosted by our corporate partners Specialized industry events on campus InterviewStream (practice your interviewing skills & get feedback) Working Abroad (An interactive website to research other countries) Look for Jobs Private, professional profile connects you to jobs you care about Network Visual resumes allow candidates to include multimedia to their profile to demonstrate value to employers Find Opportunities Over 400,000 opportunities from top employers worldwide Developed in collaboration with • Create your free account today. • CONNECT WITH US Careers & Employer Partnerships TRS 2-148 - Second floor, across from the escalators TRSM Careers & Employer Partnerships centre (416) 979-5106 TRSMcareers @TRSMcareers Tri-Mentoring Program Presentation to BTM First Year Students Fall 2014 By: Joana Londono The TRI-Mentoring Program -TMP Peer Mentoring Program: 1st year students are matched with senior students to assist with transition into university life. First Generation Project: Specific events and scholarships for students whose parents did not attend university or college anywhere in the world. Benefits of Joining TMP: - Student guidance - Professional development - Networking opportunities: make new friends! Join online: Join in person: POD54 (lower library building) Contact: Joana Londoño, Program Facilitator 416-979-5000 Ext. 7988 Ted Rogers School of IT Management Office Room TRS 2-004 (8th Floor) Tel. #: (416) 979-5316 * Slide presentation will be posted on the TRSITM website
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