ELIGIBILITY CIF TRANSFER BYLAWS 2014 Only students enrolled in public, charter and private CIF member schools, grades 9-12, and meet all standards of athletic eligibility established by CIF, their respective CIF Section of membership, their respective League and District and School are considered a student in good standing and eligible to compete for their school of enrollment. Students who are enrolled in school programs or member schools whose membership status has been established as a multi-school/campus should also refer to Bylaws 303, 304 and 306 for additional eligibility requirements. ANY STUDENT WHO WAS NOT ENROLLED IN YOUR SCHOOL FOR THE ENTIRE PREVIOUS SCHOOL YEAR MUST COMPLETE AN RESIDENTIAL ELIGIBILITY APPLICATION FORM, SUBMIT IT TO THE NS & BE CLEARED IN SOME WAY BEFORE THEY CAN PLAY ANY SPORTS AT ANY LEVELS AT YOUR SCHOOL!!!!!!!!! Students who move with their entire family from one school’s attendance area to another may enroll at the new school OR ANY PUBLIC SCHOOL THE DISTRICT ALLOWS THEM TO ENROLL IN or a private school no later than the beginning of the school year following that move ◦ CAN’T LEAVE ANYONE BEHIND…. Submission of this form tells us that YOU are satisfied that this family has moved with everyone and meets all requirements of CIF Bylaw 206. ENTIRE FAMILY DOES NOT MOVE, STUDENT CHANGES SCHOOLS…. Except for disciplinary transfers 207: All students, are limited at the new school to sub-varsity participation for 12 months in any sport in which they participated in the 12 months before this transfer at any level at any school ……. 12 MONTHS BACK, 12 MONTHS FORWARD DATE OF TRANSFER 8/17/2011 8/17/2013 8/17/2012 207 TRANSFER RULES NOW APPLY TO ALL DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN STUDENTS (not in a foreign exchange program) SCHOOL SPORTS FOR DOMESTIC STUDENTS COUNTS IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS CLUB SPORTS FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS COUNTS IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS12 MONTHS BACK, 12 MONTHS FORWARD DATE OF TRANSFER 8/17/2011 8/17/2013 8/17/2012 ONLY PLAYED JV AT THE FORMER SCHOOL SO DOESN’T NEED A HARDSHIP WAIVER…IS ELIGIBLE TO PLAY VARSITY AT THE NEW SCHOOL First time a student transfers: 1. Limited Eligibility 2. Sit Out Period 3. Hardship Exception Be Academically eligible when they transfer (new school CANNOT put them on probation) Not be transferring for athletic reasons Not be transferring as a result of a disciplinary situation Cannot follow a former high school coach Cannot transfer to a school where a former or current club coach is coaching. Use for students who have not played any sports in the last 12 months OR Who have not played the sport they wish to play at the new school in the last 12 months OR Students who do not have a CIF hardship and who are transferring for the 2nd etc. time. Scholastically eligible when the student left the previous school.. Non disciplinary transfer No pre-enrollment contact..OR pre-enrollment contacts are submitted and cleared to the satisfaction of the NS Commissioner LIMITED RESULTS IN ALL SPORTS ELIGIBILITY…SINCE STUDENT HAS NOT PLAYED ANYTHING IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS ALL COACHES AT NEW SCHOOL FOR WHOM THE STUDENT MIGHT WANT TO PLAY—SIGN OFF ON PRE-ENROLLMENT CONTACT QUICK PROCESSING! Use for students who are transferring for the 1st time AND Who wish to play varsity in a sport in which they have competed in the last twelve months. Must Sit Out from competition, scrimmage, game, etc. May practice with the team but may not play in any type of contest SIT OUT DATES: FALL: Monday of NFHS Week 14 OCTOBER 6, 2014 WINTER: Monday of NFHS Week 27 JANUARY 5, 2015 SPRING: Monday of NFHS Week 40: APRIL 6, 2015. On these dates a student granted a SOP will be eligible to play in a contest on the varsity team. Students who transfer AFTER the first CONTEST (SCRIMMAGE, ETC.) in a sport FOR THAT SCHOOL will have their sit out period adjusted by calendar days to be the same length of time as students who transfer before the first game for that school. i.e. First Varsity Scrimmage is on Friday, August 24, 2012, Student transfers on Monday, August 27, 2012 3 calendar days AFTER the first scrimmage (the day of the contest is counted) This student’s SOP would be extended to FALL: Monday of NFHS Week 14 OCTOBER 1, 2013 October 1 + 3 days = October 4, 2013 First transfers may choose Limited for some sports SOP for other sports. OR HARDSHIP CRITERIA HARDSHIP: Students who want to play on the Varsity team at the new school and who played in that same sport at some level (ANY LEVEL) at the previous school in the 12 months before they transferred to the NEW school. Non-disciplinary transfers who are transferring solely and directly as a result of a non-athletic hardship circumstance that meets the CIF definition…. 208. c. HARDSHIP WAIVERS UNLIMITED ELIGIBILITY APPLICATIONS Exceptions to the determination of limited eligibility under 207.B (application for unlimited residential eligibility in all sports) may be applied for by the new school (CIF Form 207/510) on behalf of the student. Consideration for unlimited residential eligibility will be given by the respective CIF/Section upon review of the application ONLY under the following provisions. (i) SCHOLASTICALLY ELIGIBLE AND (ii) NOT A DISCIPLINARY TRANSFER; AND (ii) HASN’T FOLLOWED A FORMER HIGH SCHOOL COACH; AND (iii) NO CLUB COACH COACHING AT THE NEW SCHOOL AND (iv) HASN’T APPLIED FOR, BEEN GRANTED (LIMITED) JV AND PLAYED JV AT THE NEW SCHOOL; AND (v) CAN’T PLAY SAME SPORT AT TWO DIFERENT SCHOOLS IN THE SAME SCHOOL YEAR; AND (vi) One of the following hardship circumstances are documented to the satisfaction of the respective CIF/Section Coach Court Ordered Transfers Children of Divorced Parents Individual Safety incidents Discontinued Programs Return to Previous School Foster Children Military Service Married Status Board of Education Ruling NO MORE… Financial hardships Family hardships Moving between Mom & Dad or Aunt & Uncle Medical hardships-MD and Psychiatrists Other sad stories Safety incidents without documentation (including bullying claims) Special rules for Boarding Students HARDSHIPS NOW ARE ALL DOCUMENTABLE: IF THE STUDENT DOES NOT HAVE THE DOCUMENT—NO HARDSHIP WILL BE GRANTED SOP OR LIMITED WILL BE GIVEN TO THAT STUDENT. Court Ordered Transfers: Unlimited eligibility may be granted by the CIF/Section in which the student’s new school is located in cases where a student is residentially placed from one school attendance area to the attendance area of the new school by a court order or a child protection order and all provisions listed above in c. 1-6 are met. The student may be determined to have unlimited residential eligibility upon receipt of the 207/510 application and sufficient documentation (including but not limited to a copy of the court order) to satisfy that CIF/Section Commissioner that the circumstances meet this criteria. The student will become eligible for varsity competition upon notification to the new school of the approval of such an application by the CIF/Section. Children of Divorced Parents Unlimited eligibility may be granted by the CIF/Section in which the student’s new school is located when a student changes residence from one parent’s domicile to the other parent’s domicile as a result of a court-ordered custody change, or court ordered or approved joint custody agreements and all provisions listed above in c.(ivi) are met. The student may be determined to have unlimited residential eligibility upon receipt of the 207/510 application and sufficient documentation (including but not limited to a copy of the divorce papers and custody agreements) to satisfy that CIF/Section Commissioner that the circumstances meet this criteria. The student will become eligible for varsity competition upon notification to the new school of the approval of such an application by the CIF/Section. Individual Student Safety Incidents School or Police documentation required Unlimited eligibility may be granted by the CIF Section in which the student’s new school is located when a student is transferring as a result of a specific, documented safety incident in which the student was involved and all provisions listed above in c.(i-vi) are met. The student may be determined to have unlimited residential eligibility upon receipt of the 207/510 application and sufficient documentation is submitted to satisfy that CIF/Section Commissioner that the circumstances meet this criteria. Required documentation may include, but is not limited to, administrative records and documentation from the former school about the specific safety incident that occurred at the former school and/or police records (if any). The student will become eligible for varsity competition upon notification to the new school of the approval of such an application by the CIF/Section. Discontinued Program When the former school, in which a student has been enrolled, discontinues a particular program in which the student had previously been enrolled or participated, and that student transfers to another school because of these circumstances, the student shall be determined to be residentially eligible for unlimited participation in the new school provided that new school offers a continuation of that same program and the student can show documentation that they were enrolled in or participated in that program at the former school and are currently enrolled or participating in that same program at the new school. Return to Previous School When a student eligible in School A transfers to School B and is residentially not eligible, the student may return to School A and shall be determined to be residentially eligible for unlimited participation in interscholastic sports provided the student did not participate in an interscholastic athletic contest while at School B and provided the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s)/caregiver still reside in School A’s attendance area. Foster Children A student under the court ordered supervision of the California Foster Care System who has changed residences pursuant to a court order and as a result, has transferred schools, shall be determined to be residentially eligible for unlimited participation in interscholastic athletics provided all other CIF rules and regulations are met. A change of residence ordered by a social worker of the California Foster Care System shall be acceptable, provided all other CIF rules and regulations are met. Board of Education Ruling A student, or group of students, who transfer as a direct result of a ruling by the Board of Education of a school district that has two or more high schools and which mandates a change of school attendance boundaries shall be determined to be residentially eligible for unlimited participation in interscholastic athletics in the school in the attendance area in which the student(s) are required to attend, provided the Board of Education Ruling is not a result of a disciplinary situation. •DOCUMENT AND SHORT DESCRIPTION OF HARDSHIP REQUIRED. •KEPT CONFIDENTIAL IN NS OFFICE •MAY TAKE 20 DAYS TO BE APPROVED Students Name___________________________________ 510 PRE-ENROLLMENT CONTACT AFFIDAVIT (By-law 510) READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING!!!!! PARENT’S AND STUDENT STATEMENT’S #1, AND/OR 2, OR 3 1. SIGN IF TRUE: By signing this affidavit below, I certify that no person who is connected with the athletic department of the enrolling (new) school (School “B”), or is part of the booster club of School “B” or who was acting on their behalf has had ANY communication, directly or indirectly, through intermediaries or otherwise with this transfer student, student's parents, legal guardian or caregiver, or anyone acting on behalf of this student, prior to the completion of the enrollment process at School “B”. (Sign below only if this is a true statement. If not sign statement #3 and attach an explanation) Parent's Signature Date Student's Signature Date 2. SIGN IF TRUE: By signing this affidavit below, I certify that the student has not participated during the previous 24 months on any non-school athletic team* (i.e., AAU, American Legion, club team, etc.) that is associated with or coached by anyone associated with the enrolling (new) school (School “B”). (*See Bylaw 510 for definition of a non-school athletic team.) (Sign below only if this is a true statement. If not, sign statement #3 and attach an explanation) Parent's Signature Date Student's Signature Date OR 3. SIGN IF EITHER #1 OR #2 ABOVE ARE NOT TRUE: I am unable to certify that one or both of the above statements are true. Therefore, as required, I am submitting a complete written disclosure of the specifics. (Attach the explanation to this form.) Parent's Signature Date Student's Signature Date ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FORMER AND CURRENT/NEW SCHOOL STATEMENTS My signature below attests that to the best of my knowledge I have no credible** evidence of any person who is connected with the athletic department of the new school (School “B”) or who is part of the booster club of the new school (School “B”) or who is acting on their behalf, having communication, directly or indirectly, through intermediaries or otherwise with the transfer student, student's parents, legal guardian or caregiver, or anyone acting on behalf of the student, prior to the completion of the enrollment process. Furthermore, I am not aware of this student participating during the previous 24 months on any non-school athletic team* that is associated with the enrolling (new) school (School “B”). (*See Bylaw 510 for definition of a non-school athletic team.) Former School Signatures Current/New School Signatures _____________________________________________________ Signature of Athletic Director of former school ______ Date _________________________________________________ Signature of Athletic Director of new school _____ Date ________________________________________ Signature of Head Coach of former school (fall) _______ Sport ______ Date ______________________________________ Signature of Head Coach of new school (fall) ______ sport ______ Date ________________________________________ Signature of Head Coach of former school (winter) ______ Sport ______ Date _________________________________________ Signature of Head Coach of new school (winter) ______ Sport ______ Date ___________________________________________ Signature of Head Coach of former school (spring) _______ Sport ______ Date ___________________________________________ Signature of Head Coach of former school (spring) ______ Sport _____ Date _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal of former school OR ______ Date ___________________________________________________ Signature of Principal of new school _______ Date I am unable to certify that one or both of the above statements are true. Therefore, as required, I am submitting a complete written disclosure of the specifics. (Attach the explanation to this form-CHECK BELOW AND SIGN.) ___________________________________ ____ _________________________________ _____ ___ ____ _ _ Signature of FORMER Principal unable to certify statement above Date Signature of NEW Principal unable to certify statement above. MAIL ORIGINAL TO: Northern Section, 2241 St. George Lane, Suite 2, Chico, CA 95926 Date Signed statements DOCUMENTATION, DOCUMENTATION, DOCUMENTATION!!!!! CIRCUMSTANCES SOLELY AND DIRECTLY AD’S/PRINCIPALS SHOULD HELP PARENTS WHENEVER POSSIBLE. Scholastically eligible when the student left the previous school.. Non disciplinary transfer No pre-enrollment contact..OR preenrollment contacts are submitted and cleared to the satisfaction of the NS Commissioner HARDSHIP DOCUMENTATION IS ATTACHED AND DEEMED HARDSHIP BY NS APPEALS All eligibility determinations made by the respective CIF/Section office under the provisions of 207.5.c are final as all of these hardship circumstances are factual in nature and can be documented. Students whose eligibility determinations are made because they do not meet one of the criteria outlined below in 207.C. or in 510 may appeal that portion of their eligibility determination in accordance with CIF bylaws, Article 1100. Students may appeal a determination by their respective CIF/Section if they have been found to not meet the following criteria: (i) 207.B.(5)a.(ii) or b.(iii)-Conflict with Coach at former school (ii) 207.B.(5)a.(iv) or b.(v) or c.(iii)-Following No appeals of hardship denials. If the student does not have the documentation to prove the case SOP or Limited ONLY will be granted. Appeals can only be made IF the determination denying eligibility is based on pre-enrollment contact issues (i.e. following a high school coach or a club coach) EVERYONE must apply for eligibility and be processed before they can play in a scrimmage or a game if they have not been at the new school for the past twelve months! 206, 207 or 208. BASIC TRANSFER RULE HAS NOT CHANGED! Sports participation AT ANY LEVEL 12 months before the transfer limits residential eligibility 12 months AFTER the transfer to sub-varsity competition. THE OPTIONS STUDENTS HAVE TO APPLY FOR ELIGIBILTY after THEY TRANSFER SCHOOLS. 1st transfer, Limited, SOP, Hardship 2nd, 3rd, etc. transfer, Limited, Hardship FOREIGN STUDENTS NOT IN A CIF-APPROVED PROGRAM are treated the same as domestic transfers EXCEPT their club participation 12 months before the transfer impacts the residential eligibility 12 months after their transfer..i.e. limited to sub varsity competition. SAME CHOICES AS domestic transfers for waivers. Any pre-enrollment contact must be disclosed Letter of Explanation Club Coach past 24 months Relocation of High School Coach Accurate Information (202) Age Requirement (203) 8 Consecutive Semesters(204) Scholastically eligible(205) ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Enrolled in 20 units Passed 20 units in previous grading period 2.0 Maintaining Minimum progress towards graduation
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