EGR 102 Update Application of systematic approaches to engineering problems. Problem decomposition and identification of a solution approach. Solution using tools such as advanced spreadsheet features and MATLAB. Data representation, curve fitting and analysis. Mathematical modeling of engineering systems. Application of principles through teambased engineering projects. Prerequisite ◦ (EGR 100 or concurrently*) and ((MTH 132 or concurrently) or (MTH 152H or concurrently) or (LB 118 or concurrently)) *math ready students are taking EGR 102 1st due to enrollment issues 100 is in the process of being removed as a pre-erq Students will be able to: • systematically solve engineering problems by decomposition to determine solution approaches • solve problems using appropriate computational tools • graphically portray data in meaningful manner using spreadsheet programs & advanced computational environments • write programs to solve problems & model systems • interpret & communicate results Lecture once a week ◦ Hard copy of homework ◦ Quiz over prior week topic 2 80 minute labs/week ◦ 1 TA ◦ 2-3 mentors per lab (goal is ~10 to 1) ◦ Electronic submission for each lab Fall 2013 ◦ 351 students ◦ 1 lecture section ◦ 10 Lab sections Spring 2014 ◦ 780 students ◦ 2 lecture sections ◦ 18 Lab sections Lecture Conservation Law Cost Engineering Matrix Math Curve Fitting Structured Programing Lab ◦ Gaussian Elimination ◦ Linear Regression ◦ Polynomial Regression ◦ Flow Charting Root Finding Optimization Numerical Integration ODEs Introduction to Excel (4 labs) ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Basics If functions and nested If functions Solver Matrix Multiplication (MMULT) Trend lines and error bars ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Basics Scripts Functions Vectors Plotting Iterative Programming Nested Programming Introduction to MATLAB (14 labs) Project (6 Labs) Exams, Final wrap up (5 labs) ◦ Writing General subject selection is process driven for skill set development Lecture Cost Engineering ◦ Homework requires both hand calculation and Excel work using intrinsic functions Matrix Review and Gaussian elimination ◦ Homework emphasizes systematic approach Bisection and NewtonRaphson Root finding Lab Excel Basics and Functions MATLAB Introduction lab homework focuses on matrix manipulation Iterative programming application of NewtonRaphson Nested Programming and functions application is Bisection method Time value of money Cost, including incremental, average, sunk, and estimating Economic analyses Depreciation All options need to be evaluated at the same ‘time’ ◦ Present worth analysis Present Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Lecture 02 Worth $1,000,000.00 $641,057.64 $1,227,826.51 EGR 102 9 Root finding ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Good mathematical formulation Specific criteria to follow Algebraic equations Comparison criteria easily understood Start xl , xu, Lmin Calculate estimated root: xr = [xl+xu)/2] (xu – xl) ‐ Lmin <0 >0 F(xl)*F(xr) >0 <0 xu=xr F(xl)* F(xr)] =0 xl=xr Stop function [ root,iterations ] = bisection2( xU,xL,Lmin ) % Inputs: xU, upper limit of interval % % xL, lower limit of interval Lmin, tolerance % Outputs: root, final root after iterating % iterations, number of iterations performed %Calculate xR and xR=(xU+xL)/2; %Calculate f(xr) and f(xL) %---------------------------------------------- fR=f_5A(xR); --------------------------fL=f_5A(xL); %Evaluate f(xu) and f(xl) by calling function f_5A %If fR*fL is greater than zero, xL becomes xR, if it is fU=f_5A(xU); less than zero, fL=f_5A(xL); %xU becomes xR. %Display an error message if the interval supplied is not if (fR*fL)>0; valid if (fU*fL)>0 error(':( The equation does not cross the xaxis in the interval supplied') end xL=xR; else (fR*fL)<0; xU=xR; end %Update counter counter=counter+1; %Initialize counter by setting it equal to zero. Initialize interval length L=xU-xL; L=xU-xL; end counter=0; %Define the outputs %Create the While loop to perform the bisection method root=xR; iterations=counter; while L>=Lmin Wastewater Treatment Plant: Lift station Pump design ◦ Develop system curves from data ◦ Manipulate given data in Excel, produce file that is imported to MATLAB Requires use of Excel help for Table look up ◦ Create distinct vectors from imported data ◦ Write code for calculation of head loss Requires use of MATLAB help for intrinsic 2nd order polynomial fit ◦ Create plots of system curves to select pump ◦ Annual Cost analysis of pump options Bumper crash analysis Data from local design house Objective: Deflection vs Force Bumper 3 140 120 100 ◦ Maximize energy absorption ◦ Optimize key radii & material thickness Force (kN) Tasks: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ 60 40 20 0 Evaluate design at key points Generate & filter force-deflection curves Calculate energy by numerical integration Surface curve fit energy, stroke & stress data Optimize design Sroke (mm) 80 -20 15 20 25 30 35 Deflection (mm) 40 45 50 Maxiumum Stroke Surface Plot 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 38 3.5 36 34 4 32 30 4.5 28 5 Thickness (mm) Radius (mm) CoRe Experience February 27, 2014 15 Problem Solving ◦ Thought process ◦ Engineering Approach Select the best tool for solution ◦ Calculator ◦ Excel ◦ MATLAB Course perspective 2 credit course Instructional Model ◦ Number of students ◦ Moving away from text ◦ Requiring purchase of MATLAB and Calculator Computer skills from HS ◦ Range from none to extensive Transference? Students perspective RAM of calculator (TI-83) ◦ 25 by 25 matrix inversion But I can just right click… YouTube said… Wolfram alpha Academic Dishonesty
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