SOME GENERAL PROBLEMS 1 Problem • A certain lion has three possible states of activity each night; they are ‘very active’ (denoted by θ1), ‘moderately active’ (denoted by θ2), and ‘lethargic (lacking energy)’ (denoted by θ3). Also, each night this lion eats people; it eats i people with probability p(i|θ), θ ϵ Θ={θ1, θ2, θ3} . Of course, the probability distribution of the number of people eaten depends on the lion’s activity state θ ϵ Θ. The numeric values are given in the following table. 2 Problem i 0 1 2 3 4 p(i|θ1) p(i|θ2) p(i|θ3) 0 0.05 0.9 0.05 0.05 0.08 0.05 0.8 0.02 0.8 0.1 0 0.1 0 0 If we are told X=x0 people were eaten last night, how should we estimate the lion’s activity state (θ1, θ2 or θ3)? 3 Solution • One reasonable method is to estimate θ as that in Θ for which p(x0|θ) is largest. In other words, the θ ϵ Θ that provides the largest probability of observing what we did observe. ˆ ˆ( X ) : the MLE of θ based on X ˆ(0) 3 , ˆ(1) 3 , ˆ(2) 2 , ˆ(3) 1 , ˆ(4) 1 (Taken from “Dudewicz and Mishra, 1988, Modern Mathematical Statistics, Wiley”) 4 Problem • Consider the Laplace distribution centered at the origin and with the shape parameter β, which for all x has the p.d.f. 1 | x|/ f (x | ) e , 0. 2 Find MME and MLE of β. 5 Problem • Let X1,…,Xn be independent r.v.s each with lognormal distribution, ln N(,2). Find the MMEs of ,2 6 STATISTICAL INFERENCE PART III BETTER OR BEST ESTIMATORS, FISHER INFORMATION, CRAMERRAO LOWER BOUND (CRLB) 7 RECALL: EXPONENTIAL CLASS OF PDFS • If the pdf can be written in the following form k f ( x; ) h ( x )c( ) exp( w j ( ) t j ( x )) j1 then, the pdf is a member of exponential class of pdfs. (Here, k is the number of parameters) 8 EXPONENTIAL CLASS and CSS • Random Sample from Regular Exponential Class Y n t j (X i ) is a css for . i 1 9 RAO-BLACKWELL THEOREM • Let X1, X2,…,Xn have joint pdf or pmf f(x1,x2,…,xn;) and let S=(S1,S2,…,Sk) be a vector of jss for . If T is an UE of () and (S)=E(TS), then i) (S) is an UE of () . ii) (S) is a fn of S, so it is free of . iii) Var((S) ) Var(T) for all . • (S) is a better unbiased estimator of () . 10 RAO-BLACKWELL THEOREM • Notes: • (S)=E(TS) is at least as good as T. • For finding the best UE, it is enough to consider UEs that are functions of a ss, because all such estimators are at least as good as the rest of the UEs. 11 Example • • • • • Hogg & Craig, Exercise 10.10 X1,X2~Exp(θ) Find joint p.d.f. of ss Y1=X1+X2 for θ and Y2=X2. Show that Y2 is UE of θ with variance θ². Find φ(y1)=E(Y2|Y1) and variance of φ(Y1). 12 THE MINIMUM VARIANCE UNBIASED ESTIMATOR • Rao-Blackwell Theorem: If T is an unbiased estimator of , and S is a ss for , then (S)=E(TS) is – an UE of , i.e.,E[(S)]=E[E(TS)]= and – with a smaller variance than Var(T). 13 LEHMANN-SCHEFFE THEOREM • Let Y be a css for . If there is a function Y which is an UE of , then the function is the unique Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimator (UMVUE) of . • Y css for . • T(y)=fn(y) and E[T(Y)]=. T(Y) is the UMVUE of . So, it is the best unbiased estimator of . 14 THE MINIMUM VARIANCE UNBIASED ESTIMATOR • Let Y be a css for . Since Y is complete, there could be only a unique function of Y which is an UE of . • Let U1(Y) and U2(Y) be two function of Y. Since they are UE’s, E(U1(Y)U2(Y))=0 imply W(Y)=U1(Y)U2(Y)=0 for all possible values of Y. Therefore, U1(Y)=U2(Y) for all Y. 15 Example • Let X1,X2,…,Xn ~Poi(μ). Find UMVUE of μ. • Solution steps: n – Show that S X i is css for μ. i 1 – Find a statistics (such as S*) that is UE of μ and a function of S. – Then, S* is UMVUE of μ by Lehmann-Scheffe Thm. 16 Note • The estimator found by Rao-Blackwell Thm may not be unique. But, the estimator found by Lehmann-Scheffe Thm is unique. 17 RECALL: EXPONENTIAL CLASS OF PDFS • If the pdf can be written in the following form k f ( x; ) h ( x )c( ) exp( w j ( ) t j ( x )) j1 then, the pdf is a member of exponential class of pdfs. (Here, k is the number of parameters) 18 EXPONENTIAL CLASS and CSS • Random Sample from Regular Exponential Class Y n t j (X i ) is a css for . i 1 If Y is an UE of , Y is the UMVUE of . 19 EXAMPLES Let X1,X2,…~Bin(1,p), i.e., Ber(p). This family is a member of exponential family of distributions. t1 ( x ) x n x 0,..., n for n t1( x i ) x i i 1 is a CSS for p. i 1 X X is UE of p and a function of CSS. is UMVUE of p. 20 EXAMPLES X~N(,2) where both and 2 is unknown. Find a css for and 2 . 21 FISHER INFORMATION AND INFORMATION CRITERIA • X, f(x;), , xA (not depend on ). Definitions and notations: x; ln f x; ln f x; x; 2 ln f x; x; 2 f x; f x; 2 f x; f x; 2 22 FISHER INFORMATION AND INFORMATION CRITERIA The Fisher Information in a random variable X: 2 I E x; V x; E x; 0 The Fisher Information in the random sample: I n nI Let’s prove the equalities above. 23 FISHER INFORMATION AND INFORMATION CRITERIA d f x; dx 1 d f x; dx 0 A A f x; dx 0 A f x; dx 0 A ln f x; f x; x; f x; f x; 2 x; x; f x; 24 FISHER INFORMATION AND INFORMATION CRITERIA E X ; x; f x; dx 0 A E X ; x; f x; dx A f x; 2 x; f x; dx A f x; 2 f x; dx x; f x; dx A A 2 0 E x; 25 FISHER INFORMATION AND INFORMATION CRITERIA 2 E x; E x; V x; The Fisher Information in a random variable X: 2 I E x; V x; E x; 0 The Fisher Information in the random sample: I n nI Proof of the last equality is available on Casella & Berger (1990), pg. 310-311. 26 CRAMER-RAO LOWER BOUND (CRLB) • • • • Let X1,X2,…,Xn be sample random variables. Range of X does not depend on . Y=U(X1,X2,…,Xn): a statistic; does’nt contain . Let E(Y)=m(). 2 m V Y The Cramer - Rao Lower Bound I n • Let prove this! 27 CRAMER-RAO LOWER BOUND (CRLB) • -1Corr(Y,Z)1 CovY , Z 1 1 V Y V Z 2 Cov Y , Z • 0 Corr(Y,Z)21 0 1 V Y V Z CovY , Z 0 V Z 2 V (Y ) • Take Z=′(x1,x2,…,xn;) • Then, E(Z)=0 and V(Z)=In() (from previous slides). 28 CRAMER-RAO LOWER BOUND (CRLB) • Cov(Y,Z)=E(YZ)-E(Y)E(Z)=E(YZ) EY.Z u x1, x 2 ,, x n x1, x 2 ,, x n ; f ( x1, x n ; )dx1dx 2 dx n f x1,, xn ; u x1,, xn f x1,, xn ; dx1 dxn f x1,, xn ; u x1,, xn f x1,, xn ; dx1 dxn m 29 CRAMER-RAO LOWER BOUND (CRLB) • E(Y.Z)=mʹ(), Cov(Y,Z)=mʹ(), V(Z)=In() CovY , Z 0 V Z 2 V (Y ) The Cramer-Rao Inequality (Information Inequality) m 2 V Y The Cramer - Rao Lower Bound I n 30 CRAMER-RAO LOWER BOUND (CRLB) • CRLB is the lower bound for the variance of an unbiased estimator of m(). • When V(Y)=CRLB, Y is the MVUE of m(). • For a r.s., remember that In()=n I(), so, m 2 V Y The Cramer - Rao Lower Bound nI 31 ASYMPTOTIC DISTRIBUTION OF MLEs • ˆ : MLE of • X1,X2,…,Xn is a random sample. 2 asymptotically m m ˆ ~ N m , RCLB m nI 1 ˆ ~ N , large n nI asympt . ˆ 1 nI d ˆ nI N 0,1 32 EFFICIENT ESTIMATOR • T is an efficient estimator (EE) of if – T is UE of , and, – Var(T)=CRLB • T is an efficient estimator (EE) of its expectation, m(), if its variance reaches the CRLB. • An EE of m() may not exist. • The EE of m(), if exists, is unique. • The EE of m() is the unique MVUE of m(). 33 ASYMPTOTIC EFFICIENT ESTIMATOR • Y is an asymptotic EE of m() if lim E Y m n and lim V Y CRLB n 34 EXAMPLES A r.s. of size n from X~Poi(θ). a) Find CRLB for any UE of θ. b) Find UMVUE of θ. c) Find an EE for θ. d) Find CRLB for any UE of exp{-2θ}. Assume n=1, and show that (1) x is UMVUE of exp{2θ}. Is this a reasonable estimator? 35 EXAMPLE A r.s. of size n from X~Exp(). Find UMVUE of , if exists. 36 Summary • We covered 3 methods for finding good estimators (possibly UMVUE): – Rao-Blackwell Theorem (Use a ss T, an UE U, and create a new statistic by E(U|T)) – Lehmann-Scheffe Theorem (Use a css T which is also UE) – Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (Find an UE with variance=CRLB) 37 Problems • Let X1, X 2 ,..., X n be a random sample from gamma distribution, Xi~Gamma(2,θ). The p.d.f. of X1 is given by: 1 x / f ( x1 ) (2) 2 xe ; x 0, 0 a) Find a complete and sufficient statistic for θ. b) Find a minimal sufficient statistic for θ. c) Find CRLB for the variance of an unbiased estimator of θ. d) Find a UMVUE of θ. 38 Problems • Suppose X1,…,Xn are independent with density for θ>0 a) Find a complete sufficient statistic. b) Find the CRLB for the variance of unbiased estimators of 1/θ. c) Find the UMVUE of 1/θ if there is one. 39
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