Newsletter BOARD OF DIRECTORS Marc Greenberg Chair Dirk Fitzgerald Vice-Chair Michael Zylstra Treasurer Ron Giglio Secretary Maureen Bullotta Greg Coplans Steve Lemler Paul de Paschalis Judie Maginn Kimberly Tsutsui Valerie Weaver We Care gives children with special needs skills for a better start in life. We Care Mission Statement Winter 2012 Winter 2009 Look Out World, Here I Come! A We Care Success Story Cade is a bright and caring three-and-a-half-year-old with a great sense of humor. He loves his friends, and gets excited by many different activities, from trains to outdoor play to art. He also is known for his love of cowboy boots! When he first came to We Care, he was just two years old. At that time he could only say about nine words and could only understand basic directions some of the time. Cade got distracted very easily, did not have much patience with difficult Cade taking full advantage of his adorable cowboy boots on We Care’s tasks, and he frequently threw tantrums. For these special horseback riding day. reasons, Cade was placed in our developmental preschool classroom. This was just what he needed. His language and social skills improved dramatically. After a short time, he had a vocabulary of over 50 words and was speaking in simple two-word phrases. His challenging behaviors also improved. After just five months, he moved out of the developmental preschool classroom and into our innovative We Chat speech and language program. Although great improvements had been made, Cade still was facing some challenges. Sharing toys and taking turns was very difficult for him, he still had limited language for his age, and his awareness of and control over his body movement needed improvement. Cade’s parents enrolled him in a part-time community preschool, which he attended along with the We Chat program. His parents are loving and dedicated to his success, and they work with him on “homework” worksheets that he brings home. Today, Cade is preparing to leave We Care after just over a year in We Chat. With what he has learned, he is ready to meet the challenges of community preschool on his own. He follows classroom directions, speaks in four-to-five-word sentences, participates in a variety of classroom activities. Plus, his social and play skills are so much better. When a friend asks to play with him, he says “I take this one. You take that one.” Before it would have been, “These are all MINE!” Cade has touched the hearts of all who have worked with him here. We will all miss his smiling face – and his cowboy boots. From the Desk of the President John F. Jones, President/CEO Here are some fast and sobering facts about children: • Approximately 16% to 18% of children have disabilities or developmental delays. • Infants and toddlers who have been maltreated are six times more likely than the general population to have a developmental delay. Children entering early intervention are far more likely than the general population to be in foster care. • More than 50% of children in early intervention had two or more risk factors; one in five children had four or more. Research suggests that the potential for negative developmental outcomes increases substantially when a child has multiple risk factors. • In the U.S. five children die every day due to child abuse. Most often at the hands of a parent. The question is what are we doing about it? Research has provided us with a mountain of information about how to address these problems. Policy and legislation has provided the funding to improve the lives of children, but it isn’t enough. During this recession Federal, State, and Local budgets have been slashed and often the first dollars cut are funds for Human Welfare. We have the knowledge to accomplish many things but we often place children’s needs as a low priority. There is an urgency to address our problems now. Without a strong economy we can’t even make a dent in children’s issues because those problems require dollars from a strong economy. During this election year, politicians will debate how to best address these issues. While they banter back and forth, we can take the problem into our own hands. To do this it will take three things: knowledge, time, and money. Educate yourself on the issues affecting children. Which issues? Just about every single initiative and policy issue will have an effect on our children. Education, environmental, economic and even foreign policy will change the world we leave for our children. The most valuable commodity we have is time. How much can you give to your local nonprofit, such as We Care, school, tutoring workshop, recreation center? Volunteers have always been the strongest way to accomplish great things. Money will also be the primary driver toward a brighter future. Policies and initiatives are political ways to generate the funds necessary to provide needed services. Private donations from individuals like you help fill in the gaps. I am optimistic in the future I will be able to share a different set of facts. Children are a valuable resource for our future and deserve to be a higher priority. Message from the Board Chair Marc S. Greenberg, Chair, Board of Directors and We Care Alumni Parent Every January I find myself planning. There’s lots of talk about New Year’s resolutions, including rethinking and reinventing myself. So I ponder self-improvement; how can I be a better person, eat healthier, and be a better parent. It’s also a chance to remind myself how lucky I am to live in the United States, to be healthy and to not want for life’s basics. With this knowledge and perspective, I’m encouraging everyone to commit to give back and get involved in 2012. Do a little and pay it forward. Year after year, the staff at We Care does so much with so little, and all of us could make a huge difference with just a few hours of our time each month. Of course we want and need your monetary donations, and we would never turn those away. The federal and state budget cuts directly impact We Care’s fiscal situation, and it seems that each year fewer children are eligible for services through government agencies. Fewer funds are available to provide these services, so donations are necessary and will always supplement government funding. However, money is not the only answer. Sometimes I wonder if people know that we’re looking for volunteers or if we need their help. Let me remind you that we do need your help, that you don’t have to be an experienced board member or volunteer to participate and that you don’t have to commit for many hours each week to make a difference. We need active participation, and I know everyone has important insights to contribute. Please consider a few of the opportunities to participate at We Care: 1. Board of Directors: Contribute a few hours each month, attend additional events each year. Bring your expertise, passion and interest, meet other board members and contribute to We Care’s long term vision. Contact John Jones at 2. Resource Development Committee: Do you have an extensive professional network? Do you have an interest in planning and executing fundraising events? Contact Barbara Langsdale at 3. Gala Committee: Do you want to help plan and organize We Care’s annual gala and auction? Contact Barbara Langsdale at blangsdale@ 4. Marketing and Communications Volunteer: Do you want to spend time working at We Care sending and following up on marketing and donation solicitation letters? Contact Barbara Langsdale at 5. Social Networking and Website Volunteer: Do you use facebook, twitter, tumblr, linkedin or any other social networking service or website? Are you interested in helping to maintain and expand We Care’s presence on those and other web sites? Contact Barbara Langsdale at Now let’s go! Here’s to an amazing 2012. We Care Gala 2011 - A Boot Scootin’ Good Time! On November 5, 2011 over 200 guests came out in support of our programs for children with special needs and their families. Dressed in their finest “Denim & Diamonds” attire, We Care supporters danced to live music by The Bell Brothers at our annual Little Stars Gala. Last year’s event, presented by Tesoro Golden Eagle Refinery and Hitachi Data Systems, was a HUGE success — rasing more than $70,000 for our children’s programs. Thank you to all of our supporters, sponsors, and most of all our kids and their families for giving us the best reason in the world to do what we do. Our thanks to Chris Nelson, Dirk Wentling and Fred Vescelus for the photos. We hope you enjoy the memories, and don’t forget to save the date for this year’s Gala on November 3rd! 3 Denim & Diamond Gala Sponsors Presenting Sponsors Shoot Me to the Moon Sponsor Shooting Star Sponsor Delta Tech Services, Inc. Constellation Sponsors Anvil Corporation Bay Area Instrument & Electric, Inc. Invensys Operations Management Mustang Engineering R.J. Roberts, Inc. Scott Valley Bank Starcon Wentling Studio Star Sponsors 4 Brinderson Engineers & Constructors KT Hanks Consulting Group, Inc. Mangan, Inc. NOVO Construction You Make It Possible! Without your generous contributions, We Care Services for Children could not help change the lives of children with developmental disabilities and give parents of these special kids the support they need, or continue our fight against child abuse. Thank you! (Donations received between September 1, 2011 and February 1, 2012.) $10,000 + Donors Bernard and Alba Witkin Charitable Foundation George H Sandy Foundation Steve and Debra Gonsalves Hitachi Data Systems David and Pam Moellenhoff Hilding Spradlin St. Perpetua Church Troy and Barbara Stevenson Linda Thayne Rochelle Warren Ted and Carol White Tom and Joan Whittington $2,000 to $5,000 Donors $250 to $750 Donors Paul and Lisa de Paschalis Robert Faulkner Dirk and Marilynn Fitzgerald Fraternal Order of Eagles June and Julian Foss Foundation Richard and Trisha Oldenkamp R.C. Fischer & Company St. Stephen’s Espiscopal Church Kimberly Tsutsui Brian and Melissa Assael Baton Rouge Area Foundation Erik Beer and Roxanne Tjaden Mark and Vanessa Bell Andrea Blachman Costa and Sophi Bournazos Kathryn Bournazos Jim and Mariah Bradford-Urban Randy and Shelli Brudzinski John and Janet Bruno Jeff and Lyssa Butler Terry and Pam Campbell Canyon Creek HOA Tom and Tina Cilluffo Greg Coplans and Joy Fauvre Ken and Monica Dami DMIS Acquisition Corporation George and Marilyn Empey Siobhan Connolly Foy Ron and Camille Giglio Roy and Susan Immekus John F. Jones Richard and Diane Jones Joseph and Ella Marie Kallios Julie Kinder Knights of Columbus, Council #5811 Ron and Deborah Krantzman Gary and Shelby Langsdale John Lobato and BeLinda Davies Mechanics Bank Carolyn Medeiros Mary Ann Munro J.J. Olsen $750 to $2,000 Donors Tom Anders and Barbara Langsdale Anders Robert and Suzan Best Dale and Maureen Bullotta Ricahrd Caballero and Courtney Bennett Colette Daniels Delta Tech Services, Inc. DNG Group, Inc. East Bay Banjo Club Marc and Wendy Greenberg Invensys Operations Management Rex Johnston and Barbara Bentley Kiwanis Club of Walnut Creek Ronald Krassensky Mark Johnson Foundation Brian and Vicki McCoy Mustang Engineering RJ Roberts, Inc. Republic of Cake Shelby Insurance Services, Inc. Lori Olsen Frank and Ashley Olsson Kathie Parker Russel and Edgarda Pohle Gregory Premo Omar Ruiz and Shawnie Cunnigham San Ramon Rotary Foundation Evan Sandall and Catherine Fitzpatrick Norman and Adria Schwartz Robert and Fran Williams Smith Robert Snyder Raul Solarzano Guy and Lora Swanger David and Becky Thomas Trapped in a Rumor Improv Robert and Brenda Truax Fred and Carmelinda Vescelus Randy and Valerie Weaver Gary and Elizabeth Willis Richard and Christine Saroyan Wise Todd and Pam Wiswell Chris and Kathy Youngson Sean and Amie Yudice Eduardo and Christine Zerbini Don Zook and Gayle Rotner Zook Michael Zylstra $100 to $250 Donors Sharon Baxter Miles Bell Darren Bolstad Anthony and Judith Baker Bullotta Peter Caldwell Jim and Marilyn Callaghan Mark and Colleen Carpenter Naomi Chamberlain-Harris Charles Schwab Foundation Allyson Clark Sean Cooley and Jean Kayser Phil and Kate Cordano John and Nancy Creech Lisa Cutino 5 Gordon and Victoria Fischer Harold and Donna Fogel Roger and Kelly Freet David and Saundra Gius Gordon Gore Bill and Shirley Guthreau Anthony and Marcella Haag Link and Ynez Hirst Terrence and Nancy Hobin Laura Hoffmeister/City of Concord David Hopkins Eric Hoshi James Jordan Lee Anne Jordan Mark and Barbara Kehoe Kelly Kimbrough Timothy Kullman Dave Kwinter Larry and May Lamoreux Garrett and Lori Larson John and Delores Loague Paula Loyd Doug and Jennifer Maggi Judie Maginn Brandy Mason Thomas Moglia Lisa Momono Ken and Karen Moonitz Kevin and Maggie Moss Donald and Claire Murphy Leonard Orona Deanna Pereyra Simmons Craig and Carrie Ricci Rich and Syd Robenseifner John Roebuck Duncan and Leslie Sandiland Alan and Laurie Savage John and Kathleen Schmitz John and Cynthia Schroeder Jennifer Shaw Barry and Barbara Silberman Keith and Cheryl Smith Howard and Claire Spencer James Spencer Jim and Anne Marie Tanner Paula Tippery Vincent Trapani Erminio and Josephine Trebino Erik Vessing and Julie Carpenter 6 Jason Vines Scott Zimmermann Below $100 Richard and Vickie Allen Doug and Jennifer Anderson Briann and Jill Anderson Linda Andrews Scott Bartlebaugh Elsie Boarman Donald and Barbara Bouchet Carl and Barbara Bowler Julie Bruno Frank and Marijean Brush Daniel Campos Steve and Robin Cavagnolo Charles and Kristin Chen Scott and Crystal Chestnut Kevin and Karen Cichurski John and Maryann Connolly Michael and Diane Corker Eugene and Judith Corning Mark and Marsha Day Winston and Doris Dea Agnes Dempsey Thomas and Debbie Dwyer Carole Edmark Patricia Ellison Clayton Englar Cynthia Fernandez John Frengs Glenn and Lynda Garabedian Albert Garcia and Jenny Bianchi James and Dorothy Gauld Renee Giometti Robert Lee and Beverley Grunder Robyn Jane Hamilton David Hecht Ann Marie Holzheuter Delia Hom Lance and Josephine Johnson Edwin and Elaine Kaplan Rick and Patty Kaplan Gary and Ilene Katz Birdene Keddington Richard and JoAnne Kelley Shawn and Allison Knapp Emma Kolokousis Janet Levin William and Sherri Lewis Edward and Carole Lucas Donald and Carolyn Luenser Brad Macy and Ellen Williams John and Roberta Marchut David Martinez Hope Mazza Bradley and Sarah Mead Matt and Jennifer Mettler Daphne Miller Miguel Morales Remy Muegge Helen Newman Frank and Barbara O’Connell Thelma Okada Wendy Oliver Kristin Peterson Masako Poeppel Joan Rodda Lena Schwalen Jennifer Schwartz Don Shaffer David and Linda Sousa Silva John Tregilgas Joe and Laurie Turnage Jennifer Tyquiengco Jody Weinberg Sarah Wentworth Ronald and Clarissa Wilson Russell Wong Rebecca Wright In-Kind Contributions Mohammed Abedin and Malreen Prasad Tom and Barbara Langsdale Anders Balloons Above the Valley Blue and Gold Fleet Anthony and Judith Baker Bullotta Dale and Maureen Bullotta Pete Caldwell Thomas and Tina Cilluffo Brian and Michele Clark Greg Coplans and Joy Fauvre Timothy and Jessica Crose Belinda Davies Paul and Lisa de Paschalis Ed’s Mudville Grill Elyse Winery LLC Bob Fithian Dirk and Marilynn Fitzgerald Ron and Camille Giglio Gail Gordon Marc and Wendy Greenberg Grgich Hills Estate Harland Griswold and Stephanie Zuccaro Patrick and Angela Gruwell Brian J. Hockel, D.D.S. Hornblower Cruises & Events Michael and Jennifer Leischer Bernardo Lopez and Rhonda Grossman Judie Maginn Mitch and Audra McDonald John and Shirley Oberholzer Lori Olson Craig and Carrie Ricci Rutherford Equipment Rental LLC Rutherford Grill San Francisco Giants Shelby Insurance Services, Inc. Signs That Sell Shridhar Swaminathan and Meena Venkat Tesoro Golden Eagle Refinery The Little Studio trioSkincare Kimberly Tsutsui Martha Tsutsui Randy and Valerie Weaver Yan Can Cook Michael Zylstra Workplace Pledges & Donations ACCO Engineered Systems Ronald Krassensky AT&T Ken Moonitz James O. Spencer Chevron Lisa Cutino Frank O’Connell Leslie Sandiland Jason Vines Community Health Charities Renee Giometti Allison Knapp Rebecca Wright Dow Chemical Company Scott Bartlebaugh Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory David Hopkins Carolyn Medeiros Liberty Mutual Cynthia Fernandez Delia Hom Eric Hoshi Timothy Kullman Gregory Premo Morgan Stanley Thomas Moglia NORCAL Mutual Insurance Company Karen Frisella Cichurski Nordstrom - Walnut Creek Jennifer Tyquiengco Pacific Gas &Electric Carole Edmark John Schroeder Tesoro Golden Eagle Refinery Linda Andrews Valerie Weaver UPS Miguel Morales Wells Fargo Jenny Bianchi Darren Bolstad Paul de Paschalis Gordon Gore Rememberance Gifts A Christmas gift in honor of Jerry and Sharon Pattison; Toni Phifer,; JoAnn Pico and Don Anthony; Scott Zimmerman and Drew Mesomsub; Gemma Bassi; John Kubitschek; and Joan Galey Rex Johnston and Barbara Bentley A Christmas gift in honor of our grandchildren Michael, Joseph, Bridger, Ryanne and Serena Ron and Camille Giglio A Christmas gift to Tish Nolan, Kathy Snell and Lee Jordan Paula Tippery In honor of Janet Bruno Julie Bruno In honor of Paula Tippery Steven and Robin Cavagnolo James W. Jordan Lee Anne Jordan In honor of Lindsey Darden’s Birthday John F. Jones Remy Muegge Masako Poeppel Paula Tippery Kim Tsutsui Sarah Wentworth In honor of Angela Kaplan Edwin and Elaine Kaplan Rick and Patty Kaplan In honor of We Care’s teachers and therapists past and present Barbara Langsdale In memory of William Kirsch Briann and Jill Anderson In memory of Herman Bertolini John and Janet Bruno Richard and Diane Jones Erminio and Josephine Trebino In memory of Rose Costa John and Janet Bruno Julie Bruno Richard and Diane Jones Erminio and Josephine Trebino In memory of Louis J. Nepil George and Marilyn Empey In memory of Tamra Alles Glenn and Lynda Garabedian In memory of Dia Ruiter and Opa Frank Hammond Matt and Jennifer Mettler In memory of Lonnie Vaughn Don Shaffer In memory of Evelyn Cooper Don Shaffer In memory of Annie Bauer Paula Tippery If you would like to make a donation to honor or remember a loved one, please mail your donation to: We Care Services for Children 2191 Kirker Pass Road Concord, CA 94521 Attn: Barbara Langsdale Your donation will be recognized in our next newsletter, and an acknowledgment sent to your loved one or their family. 7 Exciting New Programs Coming to We Care! Positive Parenting Program Classes Begin March 22nd! Designed Specifically for Parents of Children with Special Needs This amazing program, Triple P Stepping Stones, has proven results with real families. The classes will be taught by trained We Care staff in collaboration with C.O.P.E. Family Support Center. All presenters have years of experience working with families of children with special needs. Who Should Attend? Parents of children with special needs from two to 12 years old, particularly those who have disruptive behavior. Ten weeks of classes beginning March 22nd Includes two private phone coaching sessions with the instructor. For registration contact Vi Ibarra at (925) 671-0777, ext. 14 or register on our website at Autism Summer Camp - Now for Children up to Age 12! Week-long sessions from August 6 through August 17 Our summer camp design involves social, motor and especially language skills through fun activities with skilled camp leaders. Typically developing peers are an important part of each camp session to model language and provide opportunities for social engagement. Two Camps to Choose From: We Care will host the camp on-site for ages three to seven Camp meets Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. GOALS for Autism will host the camp off-site for ages seven to 12 Camp meets Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Both camps are eligible for out of home respite through the Regional Center of the East Bay, contact your case manager for details. Registration at But hurry, spaces are limited and fill up quickly! 8 For more details, contact Vi Ibarra at (925) 671-0777, ext. 14 or by email at We Chat has given me the gift of words! We Chat For 2 1/2 to 5 year olds • Taught by a licensed speech therapist • Teaches language and social skills • Lots of individual attention with classes limited to six students • Individual goals for each child • Parents get progress reports and activities to do at home Is We Chat Right for Your Child? Language doesn’t come easy for all kids. Some are too shy for a big preschool, some are learning English, some talk later than others. We Chat is designed to fit your child’s needs. Whether you want a small preschool that’s focused on language and social skills, or as a supplement to the program your child is already attending, We Chat will give them the language and social skills they need to succeed. The right speech and language foundation can make all the difference when it’s time to move into kindergarten. We Chat can be the stepping stone that gets them there. Call now to reserve your spot! Darcie Azzolini at (925) 671-0777, ext. 26 e n o r o f Join us ! s s a l c free hat w f l e s r u o See for y rogram is p makes th her. But ot y n a e k i l n u d. e t i m i l s i ce hurry, spa Giving children skills for a better start in life since 1960. 9 2191 Kirker Pass Road Concord, CA 94521 (925) 671-0777 OUR VISION We Care will be one of the highest-quality child development centers in California. We will have the most innovative, inviting and nurturing environment, with well-qualif ied staff using the best practices for serving all children. We Care will accomplish this mission without losing the uniqueness of our expertise in working with children with developmental and emotional needs. NON-PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID CONCORD, CA PERMIT NO. 489
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