LATIN AMERICA REFERENCIA MUNDIAL EN FACTURACIÓN ELECTRÓNICA 2014 Argentina Electronic Invoicing Services Brazil Chile Costa Rica Colombia Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay e-Invoicing worldwide Our Company is the leader providing electronic invoicing solutions since 2003 in Latin American countries, and some of them are the worldwide leaders in e-Invoicing: Chile, Brazil, México, Argentina, Costa Rica, Colombia, Uruguay, Peru and Ecuador. Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay About Signature South Consulting Signature South Consulting (SSC) is the leading company in Latin America providing solutions of electronic documents exchange, using Digital Certificates, including Electronic Invoices, based on existing regulations of local Tax Authorities. The company was founded in Chile in 2001, and Chile was the first country in Latin America to adopt Electronic Invoicing. We have compliant electronic invoicing solutions for: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, México, Peru and Uruguay. Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay Our Corporate Structure Santiago, Chile. San José, Costa Rica Corporate Offices Shared Services Center We have a trilingual (English, Spanish & Portuguese) 24/7 local support team available for our costumers around the globe. A Software Factory located in Costa Rica and Chile. We work under the Scrum development framework methodology. Software Factory Argentina Brazil Chile Global Support Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru More than 50 partners (Value Added Resellers) certified to sell, implement and give support to our solutions. Partners (VAR) Uruguay Electronic Invoicing Global Reference More than 10 years of experience. More than 3.000 companies generating and receiving their compliant electronic invoices. More than 1.500.000 documents issued and received daily with our electronic invoicing solutions. Facturación Electrónica, Transformación Tributaria y Empresarial Inteligente… The book that allow us sharing our knowledge with costumers, partners, tax authorities and also… with competitors. Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay Commitment with worldwide best practices of e-invoicing Our Company is very committed with worldwide development of e-invoicing and its best practices, and in 2014 we have been invited as speakers to the event “Facilitating Trade in a Digital Economy” at International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in Geneva, where we shared our cross-bordering experiences about electronic invoicing in Latin American countries. Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay Strategic Partners Signature South Consulting is a Microsoft Gold Partner of Microsoft with many recognitions like: • 2012 Microsoft Latin America Windows Azure ISV Partner of the Year Award. • 2012 Microsoft Latin America ISV/Software Solutions Partner of the Year Award. • 2011 Microsoft Country Partner of the Year Award. • 2009 Microsoft Latin America ISV/Software Solutions Award. Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay Strategic Partners Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay Strategic Partners All SSC electronic invoicing solutions are connected to Gosocket, a B2b electronic invoicing business network that allows companies of all types and sizes to do businesses in a more effective and collaborative way. Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay Some Latin American References Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay Electronic Invoicing – Solution & Project REFERENCIA MUNDIAL EN FACTURACIÓN ELECTRÓNICA Latin America Electronic Invoicing Models Overview More info in: Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay e-Invoicing model of Chile • First Latin American country that implemented an electronic invoicing model. • Began in 2002, driven by the Chilean Tax Authority “SII” (Servicio de Impuestos Internos). • The electronic invoices (DTE) must be generated in a specific XML format, regulated by the tax authority. • All electronic invoices must be digitally signed using the digital certificates issued by Certification Authorities. • Each electronic invoice must be validated on-line through the tax authority platform using the web services provided for that purpose. • Companies must generate graphic representations for each electronic invoice, for example in PDF format. It’s mandatory to add a PDF417 bar code containing some of the invoice information. • All the sent and received electronic invoices must be storage for at least five years. • All the related info can be found in the SII web page: Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay e-Invoicing model of Chile (Signature SaaS) TAX AUTHORITY (SII) Signature Cloud BUYER INTERNAL USERS ERP Signature xDoc (+Mapping Tool) Digital Certificates INTERNAL USERS ERP Signature xDoc (+Mapping Tool) Printers SUPPLIER Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay e-Invoicing model of Mexico • Second Latin American country that implemented an electronic invoicing model. • Began in 2005, driven by the Mexican Tax Authority “SAT” (Servicio de Administración Tributaria). • The electronic invoices (CFD) must be generated in an specific XML format, regulated by the tax authority. • All electronic invoices must be digitally signed using the digital certificates issued by the tax authority. • Each electronic invoice must be validated on-line through private platforms (PAC) certified by the tax authority. • Companies must generate graphic representations for each electronic invoice, for example in PDF format. It’s mandatory to add a QR barcode containing the a special hash (“original chain”). • There is a zone in the CFD called “Adenda”, in which companies can add the business information required by some large buyers. • Since January 2010, is mandatory companies generates electronic invoices. • All the sent and received electronic invoices must be storage for at least five years. • All the related info can be found in the SAT web page: uyente/principiantes/comprobantes_fiscales/ ml Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica that Ecuador Mexican Mexico Peru Uruguay e-Invoicing model of Mexico (Signature SaaS) AUTHORIZED CERTIFYING PROVIDER (PAC) TAX AUTHORITY (SAT) Signature Cloud BUYER INTERNAL USERS ERP Signature xDoc (+Mapping Tool) Digital Certificates INTERNAL USERS ERP Signature xDoc (+Mapping Tool) Printers SUPPLIER Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay e-Invoicing model of Brazil • Third Latin American country that implemented an electronic invoicing model. • Began in 2005, driven by the Brazilian Tax Authority “SEFAZ” (Secretaría de Fazenda). • The electronic invoices (NF-e) must be generated in a specific XML format, with more than 400 fields, regulated by the tax authority. • All electronic invoices must be digitally signed using the digital certificates issued by Certification Authorities. • Each electronic invoice must be validated on-line (realtime) through the tax authority platform, using the web services provided for that purpose. • Companies must generate graphic representations for each electronic invoice, for example in PDF format. It’s mandatory to add a linear barcode containing the “Access Key of the NF-e”, generated using some NF-e information. • All the sent and received electronic invoices must be storage for at least five years. • All the related info can be found in the SEFAZ web page: Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay e-Invoicing model of Brazil (Signature SaaS) TAX AUTHORITY (SEFAZ) (27 different platforms) Signature Cloud BUYER INTERNAL USERS ERP Signature xDoc (+Mapping Tool) Digital Certificates INTERNAL USERS ERP Signature xDoc (+Mapping Tool) Printers SUPPLIER Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay e-Invoicing model of Argentina • • • • • • Began in 2006, driven by the Argentina’s Tax Authority “AFIP” (Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos). The electronic invoice (CFD) format is not defined by the tax authority. SSC suggest to its clients to use a XML format based on the best Latin American practices of e-invoicing. The companies must get a digital certificate but not for signing the electronic invoices, but for the communication with AFIP platform through the internet, to get an authorization code named CAE (Código de Autorización de Emisión) that needs to be used to create the graphic representation of the CFD. AFIP doesn’t validate the electronic invoices. All the sent and received electronic invoices must be storage for at least five years. All the related info can be found in the AFIP web page: Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay e-Invoicing model of Argentina (Signature SaaS) TAX AUTHORITY (AFIP) Signature Cloud BUYER INTERNAL USERS ERP Signature xDoc (+Mapping Tool) Digital Certificates INTERNAL USERS ERP Signature xDoc (+Mapping Tool) Printers SUPPLIER Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay e-Invoicing model of Costa Rica • Began in 2007, driven by the Costa Rican Tax Authority “DGT” (Dirección General de Tributación Directa). • The electronic invoice must be generated in a specific XML format, regulated by the tax authority. • All electronic invoices must be digitally signed using digital certificates provided by Certification Authorities. • There is no any Tax Authority validation of the electronic invoices. • You can generate graphic representations for each electronic invoice, for example in PDF format. SSC recommends to its clients to add a PDF417 barcode containing some of the invoice information. • All the sent and received electronic invoices must be storage for at least five years. • All the related info can be found in the DGT web page: Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay e-Invoicing model of Costa Rica (Signature SaaS) TAX AUTHORITY (DGT) Signature Cloud BUYER INTERNAL USERS ERP Signature xDoc (+Mapping Tool) Digital Certificates INTERNAL USERS ERP Signature xDoc (+Mapping Tool) Printers SUPPLIER Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay e-Invoicing model of Colombia • • • • • • • • • Began in 2009, driven by the Colombian Tax Authority “DIAN” (Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales). The electronic invoice format is not defined by the tax authority. SSC suggest to its clients to use a XML format based on the best Latin American practices of einvoicing. It’s optional to digitally sign the electronic invoices, but each month the companies needs to generate a summary of their account payables and account receivables, which must be digitally signed with digital certificates issued by the tax authority. Receivers must explicitly accept e-invoice reception, otherwise issuers can not invoice them electronically. There is no any Tax Authority validation of the electronic invoices. Solution providers must be certified ISO 9001. All the sent and received electronic invoices must be storage for at least five years. DIAN is launching a new e-invoicing model based on best practices implemented in Chile, Brazil and Mexico. All the related info can be found in the DIAN web page: Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay Actual e-Invoicing model of Colombia (Signature SaaS) TAX AUTHORITY (DIAN) Signature Cloud BUYER INTERNAL USERS ERP Signature xDoc (+Mapping Tool) Digital Certificates INTERNAL USERS ERP Signature xDoc (+Mapping Tool) Printers SUPPLIER Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay Future e-Invoicing model of Colombia (Signature SaaS) TAX AUTHORITY (DIAN) Signature Cloud BUYER INTERNAL USERS ERP Signature xDoc (+Mapping Tool) Digital Certificates INTERNAL USERS ERP Signature xDoc (+Mapping Tool) Printers SUPPLIER Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay e-Invoicing model of Peru • Began in 2007, driven by the Peru Tax Authority “SUNAT” (Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y Administración Tributaria). • The electronic invoice must be generated in a specific XML format, regulated by the tax authority. • All electronic invoices must be digitally signed using the digital certificates issued by Certification Authorities. • Each electronic invoice must be validated on-line through the tax authority platform using the web services provided for that purpose. • Once a month a summary of the account payables and account receivables must be sent and validated through the tax authority platform using the web services provided for that purpose. • Companies must generate graphic representations for each electronic invoice, for example in PDF format. It’s mandatory to add a barcode. • All the sent and received electronic invoices must be storage for at least five years. • All the related info can be found in the SUNAT web page: Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay e-Invoicing model of Peru (Signature SaaS) TAX AUTHORITY (SUNAT) Signature Cloud BUYER INTERNAL USERS ERP Signature xDoc (+Mapping Tool) Digital Certificates INTERNAL USERS ERP Signature xDoc (+Mapping Tool) Printers SUPPLIER Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay e-Invoicing model of Uruguay • Began in 2011, driven by Tax Authority of Uruguay “DGI” (Dirección General Impositiva). • The electronic invoices must be generated in a specific XML format, regulated by the tax authority. • All electronic invoices must be digitally signed using digital certificates issued by Certification Authorities. • Each electronic invoice must be validated online through the tax authority platform using the web services provided for that purpose. • Companies must generate graphic representations for each electronic invoice, for example in PDF format. It’s mandatory to add a QR code containing some of the invoice information. • All the sent and received electronic invoices must be storage for at least five years. • All the related info can be found in the DGI web page: Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay e-Invoicing model of Uruguay (Signature SaaS) TAX AUTHORITY (DGI) Signature Cloud BUYER INTERNAL USERS ERP Signature xDoc (+Mapping Tool) Digital Certificates INTERNAL USERS ERP Signature xDoc (+Mapping Tool) Printers SUPPLIER Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay e-Invoicing model of Ecuador • Began in 2012, driven by Tax Authority of Ecuador “SRI” (Servicio de Rentas Internas). • The electronic invoices must be generated in a specific XML format, regulated by the tax authority. • All electronic invoices must be digitally signed using digital certificates issued by Certification Authorities. • Each electronic invoice must be validated online (real-time) through the tax authority platform using the web services provided for that purpose. • Companies must generate graphic representations for each electronic invoice, for example in PDF format. It’s mandatory to add a QR code containing some of the invoice information. • All the sent and received electronic invoices must be storage for at least five years. • All the related info can be found in the SRI web page: Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay e-Invoicing model of Ecuador (Signature SaaS) TAX AUTHORITY (SRI) Signature Cloud BUYER INTERNAL USERS ERP Signature xDoc (+Mapping Tool) Digital Certificates INTERNAL USERS ERP Signature xDoc (+Mapping Tool) Printers SUPPLIER Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay Centralized Implementation Model for Multinational Companies REFERENCIA MUNDIAL EN FACTURACIÓN ELECTRÓNICA SEFAZ (Brazil) DIAN AFIP DGI SRI (Uruguay) (Argentina) (Colombia) (Ecuador) SUNAT (Peru) Signature xDoc sends e-invoices to Signature Cloud where they are stored and also validated at each Tax Authority platform, getting back the returning information. When reprinting is needed, users just login into Signature Cloud portal to download PDF representation of e-invoices. Signature xDoc can optionally download resulting XML files for additional storage at Client facilities. Brasil DIGITAL CERTIFICATE Signature xDoc (+Mapping Tool) Signature Cloud e-invoices are printed automatically (before validation), using Signature xDoc printing rules and in compliance with each regulation, allowing Client to proceed with shipping process to Buyers. BUYER Signature xDoc creates e-invoices in the specific format required for each Tax Authority. PRINTERS SUPPLIER Argentina SII (Chile) PAC Client creates a unique XML file for all countries, containing all the invoicing information, to Signature xDoc installed at Client’s facilities. e-invoices are signed using Client’s digital certificates INTERNAL (stored internally) to comply USERS with each regulation. ERP SAT Hacienda (Mexico) (Costa Rica) Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador México Perú Uruguay Implementation Process REFERENCIA MUNDIAL EN FACTURACIÓN ELECTRÓNICA Regional Implementation Process • Regional projects (involves more than one County), are handled by our Regional Consulting Team, who works directly with all local teams in each country in order to have better and more effective roll-out using the first experiences of implementation as a guide for a better overall process. • To ensure an effective quality in Latin America, SSC certified its implementation process in ISO 9001:2008. Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay Implementation Methodology Required Certification Process Obtaining Digital Certificates Impact Analysis Gap Analysis Installation & Configuration Development of integration interfaces Mapping of XML information Designing of Printing Templates End-to-End Testing Technical and Functional Training Performance Testing Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Adjustments Uruguay Parallel e-invoices generation Go-live & Project End Writing Case Study Additional Services & Service Level Agreement REFERENCIA MUNDIAL EN FACTURACIÓN ELECTRÓNICA Regional Support Services Signature has three call centers for customer support in Latin America. The second level support is given by the consultants in each country where we have local operations. Chile – Call center for customer support in Spanish. Costa Rica – Call center for customer support in Spanish and English. Brazil – Call center for customer support in Portuguese. Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay Support Services Map Functional Additional Services (SAF) This service is given to our customers at the same hours as the Extended or Standard Support. Reports, Contingency Plans, etc. Proactive technical assistance to all components of our solution Extended Support Not recommended for clients with very critical high-volume e-invoicing processes. Technical Assistance to Users in extended hours (5x12, 6x12, etc.) Events Attention (7x24) Proactive Technical Assistance (Signature) Argentina Brazil Chile Reactive Technical Assistance Colombia Costa Rica Standard Support Attention of events in regular hours (5x8) Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay Reactive Technical Assistance Service Level Agreement Once an issue is reported to our call center, the Support Consultant solve it considering the following priority criteria: Priority Description Contact time Solution time 1. High (*) Is an event that cause destruction of data. Authorized users can not use Signature solution because a critical process is not working and Signature South Consulting (SSC) does not have a temporary solution that allows continuity of the service. During the next 60 minutes of the event, SCS will verify the event and will work on its solution. <= 30 Min <= 2 hours 2. Medium (*) This event provokes difficulties in the functioning of Signature solution. This affects the operation but the users can operate because SSC has a temporary solution. In this case the operation can continue working temporarily until SSC gives the final solution to the customer. Four hours after the event was presented and verified, SSC will start planning the solution so 12 hours later can resolve it. <= 4 hours <= 12 hours 3. Low Event in Signature with low impact in the operation. Users can use Signature solution even when the issue remain open. SSC in the following eight (8) hours will work on the solution. <= 8 hours <= 48 hours (*) Every customer must have an external environment up to date and considering ITIL practices so SSC can assure this SLAs. Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay Microsoft Azure Our strategy adopting a new concept of Cloud Computing REFERENCIA MUNDIAL EN FACTURACIÓN ELECTRÓNICA Microsoft Azure Platform We adopted Microsoft Azure to obtain: • On-demand Scalability for our increasingly transaction platform. • High Availability (99,95%), including a replication process of most critical components, which is very important for our Business Continuity Plan. • High standards in Security (ISO/IEC 27001:2005). • Special Services for mobile devices, social networks, electronic payments, and others; with a high level of security. • Easy access to information based on a modern storage technology, letting users to have quick search in their databases even in operations with high level of transactions. Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay Windows Azure Data Centers Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay Gosocket A value added service for our clients ecosystem REFERENCIA MUNDIAL EN FACTURACIÓN ELECTRÓNICA We solve this basic but also very critical problem for companies, with Gosocket, based on electronic invoices’ exchange. Gosocket allows companies of all sizes and types, to exchange electronic invoices at no cost, improving their business relationships. But they also need to receive thousands of electronic invoices coming from their providers. LARGE CLIENT LARGE PROVIDER SMALL CLIENT MEDIUM PROVIDER LARGE COMPANY SMALL PROVIDER MEDIUM CLIENT SMALL PROVIDER Argentina Brazil Chile SMALL CLIENT In Latin American countries, large companies need to send electronic invoices to their clients in a digital way. Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay Gosocket in 3 minutes! Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico Peru Uruguay
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