Document 73036

Primary Contact
Bethany Christian Services
Safe Families for Children™
901 Eastern Avenue NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
(616) 375-3361
Safe Families for Children™
Request for Information- Social Impact Bond/Pay for Success
October 24, 2013
Tim Nolan LLMSW, MPA
National Director - Safe Families for Children™
Office: (616) 375.3361
Table of Contents
Executive Summary – Safe Families ............................................................................................... 3
Scope of Services …………………………………………………………………………………5
Description of Program ................................................................................................................ 5
Social issue addressed.................................................................................................... 8
Proposed structure of the intervention ......................................................................... 11
Scope and scalability of our recommended initiative .................................................. 12
Funding sources currently utilized ............................................................................... 12
Outcome measurement ................................................................................................ 13
Michigan Safe Family Stats ………………………………………………………………16
Logic Model ……………………………………………………………………………...17
Endnotes …………………………………………………………………………………18
Executive Summary – Safe Families for Children™
Safe Families an innovative and replicable approach to preventing child abuse and neglect. Safe
Families is a network of volunteer host families and supportive volunteers that has been in operation
nationwide for 10 years and in Michigan for nearly 3 years. Host families voluntarily take in
children of overwhelmed parents who are experiencing a temporary crisis, which jeopardize their
ability to care for their children. Parents voluntarily place their child in the home of a Host Family
while they address the crisis issues that led to their situation. By building an extended volunteer
support network, “at risk” children and families are able to bring stability to their family crisis.
Objectives of Safe Families for Children are to prevent child abuse; provide family support and
stabilization; and deflect children from entering the child welfare system. One-third of referrals
come from child welfare agencies while the rest are referred by a variety of human service agencies.
The average stay in Safe Families has been about 40 days, but can be as short as a 1 day to 6
months, depending on the needs of the parent. Over 90% return to their parents or a relative.
Sobering Statistics:
• 12% of all incarcerated individuals reported being previously in foster care (
• 14.4% of all male inmates and 36.7% of all female inmates report being abused as children
• 60% of runaways who are victims of sex trafficking have been in foster care
• 30% of abused and neglected children will later abuse their children, continuing the cycle of
violence (
• 15% increase in the last 20 years of people with no trustworthy social confidant (social
Our intent is to reduce the number of children going into DHS foster care by allowing Safe Families
for Children to be considered prior to DHS custody (CPS Disposition of Category IV), or the initiation
of intact services for 0-5 year old children who have been identified as at risk of neglect (CPS
Disposition of Category III). Children identified as “at risk” of abuse or neglect make up 65-70% of
the children currently referred for Child Protective Services investigation. Allowing parents to
choose the option of Safe Families for Children under a safety plan would provide immediate safety
for the children while providing the necessary resources to help parents get back on their feet.
Safe Families for Children will save taxpayer money and increase governmental efficiency. In
2012, the State of Michigan spent approximately $20,000 annually per child in the foster care
system, or about $55 per child per day. Due to the power of community engagement and
volunteerism, Bethany is able to implement Safe Families for Children at a cost of about $10 per
child per day. That represents a first year government/tax payer savings of $46 per child per day;
$16,790 per child per year. Bethany’s Safe Families for Children program has demonstrated
capacity to grow and expand service areas with limited resources over the last 3 years, with
approximately 40% growth of volunteers and children hosted year after year. Safe Families has the
capacity for 250 (placements) in existing service areas (Traverse City, Kalamazoo,
Holland/Muskegon, and Grand Rapids), and can quickly implement (within 60 days) services in the
Central, East, and Southeastern regions of MI (Lansing, Flint, and Detroit). These new service areas
would offer capacity to serve an additional 300 placements. By preventing abuse and neglect, and
deflecting children from entering foster care, the governmental cost savings for these 550
placements, is $9,234,000 annually. The cost to offer Safe Families in this capacity is would be
What Safe Families Offers:
Host matching of children in volunteer (unpaid) screened and approved homes for as long
as the parent needs. Safety plans can be used to clarify expectations for parents and
ensure safety of children.
Paid and volunteer family coaches (type of case worker) who work with parents to address
the issues that led to the need for Safe Family placement
A network of volunteers who offer a variety of goods (mattresses, clothes, etc.) and
services called Family Friends (parent mentoring, transportation, counseling, housing
assistance, etc.) that allows Safe Families to “wrap-around” a parent a range of support
Aftercare: the relationship between the two parents (host family and placing parent)
typically continues (for months and sometimes years) after children are returned home.
Volunteers (Family Friends) also continue their involvement. Host families become like
“extended families” that can be called upon for help when future problems arise.
Scope of Services
Background and Agency Information
Bethany Christian Services is a global 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 1944 to serve
orphaned, abandoned, and vulnerable children and their families. Established and based in Grand
Rapids, MI, we are the largest adoption agency in the U.S. with over 100 offices in 33 states and 18
countries around the world. In 2012 we touched the lives of over 75,000 children. Our work
encompasses four core values: 1) We believe that every child deserves to live in a permanent
loving family; 2) We believe in delivering social services to support and strengthen a family's
capacity to provide a stable and loving home; 3) We believe in facilitating and integrating a diverse
network of community partnerships with public and private agencies. 4) We believe in delivering
professional services of the highest quality and integrity with a high degree of accountability for the
stewardship of our resources.
Safe Families for Children directly aligns with the global vision and mission of Bethany. This
initiative mainstreams into our core services, yet also maintains its own program budget. Bethany’s
National Board of Directors and the State Board of Directors are fully supportive drivers of
Bethany's commitment to SFFC throughout Michigan and the USA. Bethany is committed to this
program through ongoing fundraising, grant writing and donor engagement. Bethany is accredited
by the Council on Accreditation and is licensed by the Michigan Department of Human Services
(DHS). Bethany has a long history of successful contracting experience with DHS through
prevention services and foster care programs.
Description of Program - Introduction
Most parents share common hopes and dreams for their children. But crises like homelessness,
domestic violence and medical emergencies can seriously undermine a parent’s ability to be a
dependable caregiver, especially if that parent is young or parenting alone. By law and policy,
state child welfare agencies provide support services only for children who have suffered
blatant abuse or neglect—leaving millions of children and their families in difficult and
potentially dangerous situations. Additionally, many children who are in foster care because of
neglect may better be served by Safe Families rather than the more costly foster care system.
With the changing economy, many more families are experiencing financial crisis,
unemployment and homelessness. Others are dealing with marital stress, post-natal stress,
parental drug and/or alcohol use, illness or incarceration.
Historically, extended family members or neighbors have stepped in to support parents in
crisis, by taking care of children for short periods or by covering a family’s basic needs.
However, a growing number of parents are now socially isolated and their extended family is
non-existent or unavailable.
Although we live in a highly networked world, the perception that social networks are stronger
is actually a fallacy. Personal networks among family, friends and communities are eroding. In
one study among many, a national sociological review conducted over 20 years showed that
Americans have experienced dramatic reductions in “core discussion networks”—i.e., in their
number of true confidants. Where only 10% of the population reported having no one in
whom they confided 20 years ago, 25% of the population now reports that they have no one.1
Parents in crisis are not blind to the need for help, yet they often do not reach out because they
are embarrassed, isolated and afraid of losing custody of their children if they reveal that they
can’t adequately care for them. Statistics on government-protected custody substantiate
parents’ fears and hesitancy. Once a child is in protective custody, their biological parents no
longer have decision rights as to when their children can return to them. Child welfare
workers are more likely to pull a very young child from a desperate family situation since their
primary responsibility is to ensure the child’s safety and young children are seen as the most
vulnerable. This cycle of crisis could be avoided for many, if families received some support
prior to a crisis intensifying.
Safe Families for Children
Safe Families for Children hosts vulnerable children and creates extended family-like
supports for desperate families through a community of devoted volunteers motivated
by compassion to keep children safe and ultimately together with their families.
Founded in Chicago in 2003, Safe Families for Children (SFFC) is a multi-site volunteer
movement that gives hope and support to families in distress. SFFC reframes how families are
supported during a crisis. Parents voluntarily place their children in safe, loving homes where
they are cared for while the parents seek to restore stability in their lives. SFFC is dedicated to
family support, stabilization and, most importantly, child abuse prevention and deflection. In
2012, SFFC made 3,320 family hosting arrangements in 25 states and 65 cities across the
SFFC is an evidence informed, community-based movement predicated on the belief that the
safety and health of children in our communities is the responsibility of all of us, and that
parents are the key to providing that well-being for their children. Accordingly, SFFC focuses
on strengthening and supporting parents so they can be safe families for their children.
Safe Families for Children: How it Works2
Hosting and Supporting Families in Crisis: The SFFC network provides ‘breathing room’ and
support for parents in crisis, allowing families to stabilize while children are in a safe and
loving environment.
The family in need is called the “placing family,” and the family taking in the child is called the
“host family.” Placing-family parents willingly place their children with a volunteer host family
for a period of time that they determine (the average length of stay is six weeks) and can opt to
reunify with their children at any time. The fact that both families participate voluntarily with
no compensation or expectation of adoption builds trust. During the placement process, SFFC
considers such factors as the location of the child’s school and the existence of siblings (aiming
to keep siblings together to maintain as much stability and consistency as possible). Host
families are screened and approved similar to foster care.
This connection between the placing family and host family is the most central relationship of
the program, as it creates a safe haven for the children, as well as social support and a network
for the placing family (similar to extended family and caring neighbors). The relationship
between the two families is a partnership in caring for the children, with shared decision6
making and responsibility. Throughout the hosting arrangement, the host families and SFFC
volunteers address the placing parents’ needs to prepare them to be safely reunited with their
After the hosting arrangement ends, SFFC’s goal is for the two families to remain in contact,
thereby reducing social isolation for the placing family and potentially providing ongoing
support to the placing family after the child returns home. The host family also develops bonds
with the children they take in and are generally very invested in their lives over the long run.
Building Networks of Relationships: Throughout the placement, lead SFFC staff and
volunteers called Family Coaches facilitate communication and relationship building
between the families. They visit the host families’ homes on a regular basis to offer guidance
on problems that may arise and ensure the children’s needs are being met. Beyond
supporting the relationship between the host family and placing family, the Family Coach also
works to increase a placing family’s problem-solving and coping skills. The Coach connects
placing parents with additional community supports (via existing community providers and
Safe Families network of Family and Resource Friend volunteers) intended to help alleviate
the destructive stresses that weaken the ability to parent. In order to do this, SFFC accepts a
variety of offers for help from the volunteer communities, ranging from donations of goods
and money, to offers to complete simple chores like running an errand for a family, mentoring
parents, helping with job searches, teaching life and parenting skills, and moral
Another basic tenet of SFFC is to engage as much of a community as possible in volunteering.
Many community members start to engage with SFFC lightly as Family and Resource
Friends, volunteering in ways that don’t require a large commitment (e.g. donating clothes,
furniture, providing transportation, parent mentoring, assisting with employment). Over
time, many of these volunteers offer to get more involved. The success of the SFFC program is
predicated on a robust community of volunteers who continually increase their engagement,
ultimately agreeing to become host families.
Volunteers are most often recruited from faith communities. Although SFFC welcomes
volunteers from any religious or non-religious background, SFFC volunteers serve in the
program under the umbrella of one of the partner communities, which most often is a church.
Strength based approach
SFFC uses a strength based approach to looking at assets of the placing family for increasing
protective factors within the family. SFFC uses the theory of protective factors to build on the
strengths within families. The goal within the program is not to focus on risks or deficits, viewing
families as “at-risk”, but to focus on the positive elements of families. SFFC views four protective
factors as key: 1) parental resilience, 2) social connections 3) knowledge of parenting and child
development and 4) provision of concrete resources. Parental resilience is built through strong,
caring relationships that support the parent. SFFC helps strengthen the relationships of the families
within the program to bolster and support parental resilience. Hope is given to parents to help fight
off the feelings created by the stressful situation the parent is in. By building hope, self-esteem and a
feeling of control, parents gain a sense of self-resilience. SFFC addresses the second protective
factor, social connections, through creating a network of people whom the family can turn to and
who can support the family. SFFC builds positive and trusting relationship which may not be the
norm within some family’s lives. The social network from SFFC can provide emotional support,
instrumental support and serve as an example and give feedback on parenting practices. The social
isolation many families face can be reduced through the network of social support from the SFFC
program. The third protective factor, knowledge of parenting and child development, is built via
the interaction between the placing and host families. The placing family can observe and discuss
parenting practices they have used that might be helpful to the placing parent. The provision of
concrete support, the fourth protective factor, is provided by a network of hundreds of volunteers
offering a range of goods and services.
Evidence Base: Safe Families is a new and innovative approach. Safe Families as an intervention,
is considered an evidenced informed intervention that is in the process of being confirmed as
evidence based with help from Annie E. Casey Foundation. The foundation for this model
intervention is research based. Factors being addressed include risk factors and protective factors
for child abuse and neglect, and prevention of abuse and neglect. The Child Welfare Information
Gateway ( is filled with decades of research and information on the causal
components to abuse and neglect, risk factors, and preventive information. Left unaddressed, risk
factors for abuse and neglect are proven to lead to increased rates of abuse and neglect. This
evidentiary research is the foundation for why Safe Families seeks to address the risk factors for
abuse and neglect. As defined by CPS classification of investigation, DHS Category IV cases
squarely fit into this category of “at risk”, where prevention services would provide the most impact.
Simply put, reducing risk factors, and enhancing protective factors leads to fewer children abused or
neglected, and fewer children entering DHS foster care.
Measureable Success: Safe Families as been in operation for 10 years nationally, with significant
success and impact. It has also spread to 65 cities around the United States, including Michigan in
early 2011. Outcomes for measuring program success are maintained in a customized case
management database for Safe Families for Children, and outcomes are reported on quarterly (or as
needed). A sample of Michigan outcomes and information is identified in the graphs at the end of
this document. Currently over 95% of children return to parents or relatives, post Safe Families
intervention. Less than 5% are screened into DHS foster care. By proactively preventing the abuse
or neglect crisis, there is a dramatic difference in comparison to foster care success rate of 50%
reunification (post substantiated neglect or abuse).
Potential to be implemented more broadly using the Pay for Success Model: The program
implementation cost is significantly below child protection expenses in foster care. Currently, 25%
of Safe Family referrals have come from Child Welfare Agencies with less than 5% of cases being
screened into foster care, post Safe Families intervention. Safe Families has spread through many
cities in the US so we have demonstrated the capacity to replicate and customize services, to meet
specific community needs. Safe Families could fairly easily be spread throughout all of Michigan
with the appropriate level of resources.
A. Social issue addressed
This proposal is to address the issue of child neglect that results in children having to go into
foster care or intact services at a significant cost to the state. Child Neglect refers to the pattern
of deprivation of a child’s basic physical, developmental and/or emotional needs by a parent or
caregiver.3 Of the over 3 million child abuse allegations in America in 2012 (involving 6 million
children), 65% involved neglect versus abuse.4 Approximately 700,000 of the allegations were
substantiated to be victims of abuse or neglect, and 36% of these children were placed in foster
Yet these cases of abuse and neglect did not appear overnight. Small predicaments compound
into larger crises that prevent families from meeting their children’s basic needs, increasing
the likelihood of abuse and neglect. Before an initial report is filed or between the initial
unsubstantiated report and subsequent re-reports, lay opportunities to support these
struggling families and stop the trajectory of pressure that leads to abuse.
Preventing abuse and neglect can prevent a litany of other social problems. Many of the family
and social problems addressed are cyclical and generational difficulties. Trends in domestic
violence, incarceration, and prostitution show an undeniable link to past histories of personal
abuse or neglect. Even further, adults with a history of being in foster care (having
experienced abuse or neglect as a child) have an exponentially higher rate of the
aforementioned social problems.
Causal factors to child abuse and neglect
Child neglect is built on critical factors that diminish a parent’s ability to cope with destabilizing challenges:
Social Isolation: The lack of help from extended family and friends, and ineffective use
of informal supports are possibly the most important predicators of child abuse.5
Hopelessness is a key marker of parents who have neglected their children. The
debilitating belief that one cannot change his or her own circumstances to have a
better life, or that one is alone without support, affects a caregiver’s ability to
persevere and care for his or her children, especially in the face of difficult
Poverty: Children from families with annual incomes less than $15,000 are 44 times
more likely to be victims of neglect compared to children from families with $30,000 in
income.7 Being unable to provide for your family adequately is a heavy burden for any
parent. Food insecurity, episodic homelessness, inadequate medical care and being
trapped in dangerous neighborhoods or in dangerous relationships take a huge
emotional toll, especially when these conditions are severe and long-lasting.8
Sustained poverty and economic insecurity and the concomitant chronic stressors
have been shown to compromise the manner of parenting to a more inconsistent,
irritable and coercive direction.9
Substance Abuse: There is a direct correlation between substance abuse and the
incidence of child abuse. This abuse tends to manifest itself more in neglect of children
than in physical abuse.10
Mental Illness: Child neglect can stem from a parent’s self-neglect, mental illness or
Many low income families experience increased stress from crises that may include: financial crisis,
family violence, parental substance abuse, illness, or incarceration. During such crises, many
parents are not capable of providing a safe and caring environment for their children and do not
have the support of an extended family or support system to temporarily provide assistance. Low
income single parent families are more affected by stressors from economic hardship and are less
likely to live in safe and supportive communities where neighbors can watch out for each others’
children. In many cases, the resolution of a crisis may be delayed due to the inability of finding
alternative care for their children.
Various societal factors are causing an increased need for diversified alternatives to foster care and
family support services. The percentage of children living in low-income single-parent homes has
risen from 18% in 1980 to 41% in 2009.11 Younger children are more frequently victims of child
maltreatment than older children.12 Children from low income families in crisis face an increased
threat of involvement with the child welfare system and have increased substantiated cases of abuse
and neglect.15
A recent report to congress revealed that children with unemployed parents are three times more
likely to experience child maltreatment (abuse and/or neglect); children from low income families
are five times more likely to experience maltreatment; and children whose single parent had a livein partner were eight times more likely to experience child maltreatment.16
Case Identification:
CPS Disposition of Category III:
The disposition of a case that was investigated where CPS found there was a
preponderance of evidence of child abuse and/or neglect, and the SDM risk level is low
or moderate.
Founded Allegation Type and Subtype:
Lack of Supervision
Risk of Harm
CPS Disposition of Category IV:
The disposition of a case that was investigated where CPS found there was not a
preponderance of evidence of child abuse and/or neglect; 2 or more risk factors
Age of children:
0-10 years of age
Location/Geography by preference
County / City
Category III
Category IV
Current Service Locations
Kent / Grand Rapids
Leelanau, Grand Traverse, Benzie, Kalkaska, Antrim / Greater
Grand Traverse Region
Ottawa / Holland, Grand Haven, Zeeland, Hudsonville, Jenison
Proposed New Service Locations
Clinton, Ingham, Eaton / Greater Lansing area
Wayne / Detroit
Genesee, Lapeer / Flint
Total 2012 CPS investigations in selected locations
Total 2012 Statewide CPS investigations (Cat. III & IV)
B. Structure of the proposed intervention
The Safe Families program provides support services prior to the abuse and safe places for children
in neglectful situations in order to deflect children from entering foster care. Children who are
referred to the program are placed with screened and approved host families who voluntarily open
up their home to the child while the biological parent maintains full custody of the child. The
program also provides mentoring through “Family Friends”, who are trained parent mentors who
come alongside and provide additional support to families in their own homes. The program’s
objectives are:
1. Child Abuse Prevention: Providing a safe, temporary place for the child of a parent facing
stressors without immediate support can avert potential abuse episodes.
2. Family Support and Stabilization: Host families provide the emotional and sometimes
financial support, similar to that of an extended family, to assist the parents in crisis.
3. Child Welfare Deflection: The Safe Families program provides a safe alternative to child
welfare custody without involving the complexities of the court.
Services provided:
• Screening and approval of all volunteers
• Host families who take in children without reimbursement and who provide for the needs of
children at their own expense.
• Monitoring of children in host family homes by Family Coaches
• Referrals and support for placing parents by Family Coaches
• A network of volunteers who provide a wide range of supportive services to parents (e.g.
mentoring, parent training, transportation, etc.).
• A network of volunteers who provide tangible resources for parents (e.g. beds, furniture,
clothing, etc.)
• After-Care: Ongoing support and relationships after children are returned home via the
network of host families, family friends, and resource friends.
Professional staff who provide clinical supervision and oversight of all activities.
C. Scope and Scalability of the recommended initiative in terms of budget, timelines, and
population served
Safe Families began in Chicago 10 years ago and has grown to 65 cities around the United States,
the United Kingdom, and 1 city in Canada. In Michigan, Safe Families began in 2011, and has
grown to a network of over 80 host families, and hundreds of volunteers. In the proposed
expansion area of Lansing, Flint, and Detroit, dozens have expressed interest in becoming involved
in the Safe Families movement over the past two years. All indications are present that the human
capital is present to successfully launch in these areas. Safe Families for Children has proven
ability to rapidly scale out to other locations in an effective manner. Using SFFC internal tools
such as “Six Critical Factors for Success” and a “Pre-Approval Launch Checklist” ensure the
program is initiated in a sustainable and replicable approach.
Currently, Safe Families has the capacity to increase the number of children served to 550 in the
counties identified given the current and projected number of available host families and other
volunteers that are available. These services can be initiated rapidly, and at a fraction of the cost of
DHS foster care. Bethany is able to implement Safe Families for Children at a cost of about $10 per
child per day.
The populations to be served are children in families at risk of abuse or neglect. The target focus will
be on children 0-5 years of age, with capacity up to age 18. The State of Michigan identifies these
children as the Category III and Category IV referrals for child protection investigation. By
addressing the risk factors causal to abuse or neglect, we can enhance the protective factors for
stronger families and safe children.
D. Funding sources currently being utilized for the recommended
intervention & identified state budgetary savings
Over the past three years, the Safe Families program has received over $.5 million in funds from the
private sector for operations (private foundations) within the State of Michigan. The community has
shown a broad spectrum of support for SFFC through in-kind, individual donors, faith communities,
businesses, family foundations, and community foundations. The highly collaborative nature of
SFFC is reflective in the range of support from community organizations.
Safe Families for Children will save taxpayer money and increase governmental efficiency. In
Chicago, Illinois where SFFC was founded, DCFS has recognized a multi-million dollar reduction in
child welfare / foster care expenses due in large part to the SFFC initiative. In 2012, the State of
Michigan spent approximately $20,000 annually per child in the foster care system, or about $55 per
child per day (foster parent + agency administrative per-diems). Due to the power of community
engagement and volunteerism, Bethany is able to implement Safe Families for Children at a cost of
about $10 per child per day. That represents a first year government/tax payer savings of $46 per
child per day; $16,790 per child per year. Bethany’s Safe Families for Children program has
demonstrated capacity to grow and expand service areas with limited resources over the last 3 years,
with approximately 40% growth of volunteers and children hosted year after year. Safe Families has
the capacity for 250 (placements) in existing service areas (Traverse City, Kalamazoo,
Holland/Muskegon, and Grand Rapids), and can quickly implement (within 60 days) services in the
Central, East, and Southeastern regions of MI (Lansing, Flint, and Detroit). These new service areas
would offer capacity to serve an additional 300 placements. By preventing abuse and neglect, and
deflecting children from entering foster care, the governmental cost savings for these 550
placements, is $9,234,000 annually. The cost to offer Safe Families at this capacity in all identified
locations would be $1,500,000 annually.
In a cost comparison by average length of stay, the savings is even more pronounced. Preliminary
savings are indicated in the table below.
Foster Care
Daily Cost
Average Length of Stay (days)
Savings per Child
Past data: % of Children in Safe Families ReReferred to CPS
Total to be served annually
Total successful outcomes
Cost per Child
Safe Families is already connected with a number of private investors regarding this proposal.
Preliminary discussions have been positive and there is genuine interest in leveraging
resources if reasonable funding terms can be negotiated.
E. Outcome measurement
Initiating Safe Families for Children in Michigan will reduce the number of children entering the child
welfare system in Michigan. The case sample below clearly demonstrates the impact on Cook
County, Illinois. The Department of Human Services in Michigan, already has an elaborate data base
system that tracks client outcomes. What is needed is a clear case identification process and
guidelines to direct care staff (investigators) to process allegations of neglect to Safe Families. An
external evaluator should be able to easily identify the necessary factors and track progress to
confirm whether outcomes are being met. Safe Families maintains a secure online database to track
additional information and outcomes. Cross analysis of data will confirm success of the program.
Technical Support: Bethany has had initial conversations about Safe Families’ evaluation approach and
involvement in pay for success with Third Sector Capital Partners, who have partnered with
Massachusetts to serve as lead intermediary in the nation’s first SIB sponsored by state government.
Should the opportunity for a pay for success financing involving child welfare interventions emerge in
Michigan in the form of a RFP, Bethany would welcome the opportunity to work with Third Sector to
accomplish the deal construction and financial arranging required for the project.
Case Sample:
Illinois Intakes and Safe Families for Children
Research was conducted by the Juvenile Protection Association in IL, and some of the findings are
indicated below. Safe Families in Illinois primarily operates in Cook South, Cook Central, and Cook
North (3 regions of Cook county). Cook County is the county that encompasses Chicago and the
majority of surrounding suburbs. The chart shows drops in all three cook regions where Safe Families
operates in yellow, and increases in the three downstate (DS) regions where SFFC do not operate in
green. It’s interesting that there are measureable decreases. While this may not be solely attributed to
Safe Families, there certainly seems to be a correlation, and the know variable, unique to Cook County,
is SFFC. In addition to SFFC, there have been some initiatives such as an expansion of intact services,
etc. However, almost all new initiatives were statewide so one would expect drops in the DS northern,
DS central and DS southern regions as well. During the research, it was noted: “I was told that Cook
County is a model for the nation because it is a large urban area with very low child welfare intake
rates. It was especially true during the recession when most other jurisdictions were seeing higher
entry rates and Cook continued to drop”.
Illinois DCFS Intakes by Location:
1 ,616
The first graph plots results for the three state regions (where SFFC is not active) and the second graph plots the
results of the three Cook County regions (where SFFC is active).
Why Safe Families should be considered:
A network of volunteers (growing by 40% annually) are willing to provide significant
services without expectation for financial reimbursement. Safe Families engages faith
communities and other volunteers to engage in providing a community safety net for at-risk
children and their families.
Because all supports and services are provided by a network of highly committed and talented
volunteers, massive cost savings can be accomplished and the intervention can replicate
state-wide with minimal resources.
10 year successful history (nationally), and almost 3 years successful history in Michigan, of
providing deflection and prevention services to state child welfare agencies with significant
positive outcomes (less than 5% DHS custody rate after Safe Family intervention)
Safe Families is a network of faith communities and a handful of non-profits working together
to create a massive volunteer driven, professionally supported safety-net.
An intervention that has immediate cost savings to the state (neglected children in safe homes
without state custody needed) with a high degree of safety maintained for children and
support for parents
Spread capacity- Since its inception, Safe Families has spread to 65 cities around the US (via
franchise type agreements with other agencies), 3 in the UK, and 1 in Canada. Statewide
spread of Safe Families is reasonable to expect after a successful pilot.
Numerous recognitions: National Peter Drucker Award for nonprofit innovation; Ashoka –
Social Entrepreneur/ social innovation; National social movement leader (founder) – Prime
Movers Fund.
Michigan Safe Families Stats (existing sites)
Hosting by Age-All Regions
Hosting Outcomes-All Regions
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Source: Lydia Home Association,
14 Oct 2013
Source: Lydia Home Association,
14 Oct 2013
Reasons Why Clients Use Safe Families Program
Referral Frequency-All Regions
Private Child Welfare Agency
Primary Reasons
Parental Self Referral
Child issues
Domestic Violence
Family Conflict
Mental Health Issues
Parental Crisis
Safety Plan
Child Welfare Investigation
Human Trafficking
Psychiatric Hospitalization
Substance Abuse
Lack of Family Support
Public Child Welfare Agency
Counseling/Mental Health Services
Pregnancy Counseling
Homeless Shelter
Social Services/Ministry
Drug Treatment Ministry
Secondary Reasons
Source: Lydia Home Association,
14 Oct 2013
Source: Lydia Home Association,
14 Oct 2013
Source: Lydia Home Association,
14 Oct 2013
Logic Model for Safe Families for Children™
1 McPherson, Miller, Lovin, Lynn, Brashears, Matthew, Social Isolation in America: Changes in Core Discussion Networks over
Two Decades, American Sociological Review pg. 358.
2 Children and Family Research Center, School of Social Work, University of Illinois at Urbana-Campaign. Report on Outcomes
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3 Caron Kaplan, Patricia Schene, Diane Depanfills and Debra Gilmore, Shining Light on Chronic Neglect, Chapin Hall Volume
24/Number 1 Page 1
4 Ibid
5 DePanfilis, Diane and Zuravin, Susan, Predicting Child Maltreatment Recurrences During Treatment, Child Abuse & Neglect, Vol.
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6 Wilson and Horner, W. (2005). Chronic child Neglect: Families in Society; The Journal of Contemporary Social Services, 86 (4)
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8 Wilson, D (2007) Chronic child neglect; Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services, 86 (4) 471-481.
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abuse investigations Massachusetts Department of Social Services.
Hamilton, B.E., Martin, J.A., and Ventura, S.J. (2010). Births: Preliminary data for 2009. National Vital Statistics Reports,
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Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics. America’s Children: Key National Indicators of Well Being,
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Chapin Hall Center for Children, Chicago Children and Youth 1990-2010: Changing Population Trends and Their Implications
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Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.
Timothy A. Nolan LLMSW, MPA
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