ȱȦȱȱ www.cornellpress.cornell.edu COLLABORATIVE CARING Stories and Reflections on Teamwork in Health Care EDITED BY SUZANNE GORDON, DAVID L. FELDMAN, MD, AND MICHAEL LEONARD, MD ISBN: 978-0-8014-5339-7 | 264 pages | $27.95/£17.50 hardcover SERIES: THE CULTURE AND POLITICS OF HEALTH CARE WORK “Collaborative Caring makes a unique contribution in the scope and breadth of teamwork it considers. It is an important book.”—AUDREY LYNDON, PHD, RNC, FAAN, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO “Teamwork is the neglected part of medical training and the new frontier for reliable delivery of quality care. It’s not enough to know what to do. Providers need to be able to deliver that care reliably—and that takes teamwork. This book emphasizes the essential elements of real teamwork: actions coordinated by a shared goal, shared mental model of the situation, cross-monitoring, a flat hierarchy, mutual respect, and trust. If your operating room team or patient care team does not have these characteristics, then this book is for you.”—JOHN R. CLARKE, MD, PROFESSOR OF SURGERY, DREXEL UNIVERSITY; CLINICAL DIRECTOR FOR PATIENT SAFETY AND QUALITY INITIATIVES, ECRI INSTITUTE; CLINICAL DIRECTOR, PENNSYLVANIA PATIENT SAFETY AUTHORITY “Collaborative Caring tells the human side of health care through a clever collection of frank essays and personal accounts on teamwork. While it candidly acknowledges the personal, cultural, and political tribulations faced by health care teams everyday, it also inspires perseverance and fortitude by arming readers with stories that can be retold to drive meaningful teamwork in their own workplace.”—JOHN CHUO, MD, MS, CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL OF PHILADELPHIA AND UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA SUZANNE GORDON is coauthor of Beyond the Checklist: What Else Health Care Can Learn from Aviation Teamwork and Safety and coeditor of First, Do Less Harm, both from Cornell. She is coeditor of the Culture and Politics of Health Care Work Series and was program leader of the Robert Wood Johnson– funded Nurse Manager in Action Program. David L. Feldman, MD, is Senior VP and Chief Medical Officer at Hospitals Insurance Company. Michael Leonard, MD, is Managing Partner at Safe and Reliable Healthcare, Adjunct Professor of Medicine at Duke University, and a faculty member at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Special 25% Discount Order Form—Fax or Mail Please send me _____ copy/ies of Collaborative Caring at the discounted price of $20.96/£13.13 per copy. SHIPPING: US & CANADA: $6 1ST BOOK, $1 EA. ADDITIONAL; INTERNATIONAL: $7 1ST COPY, $3 EA. ADDITONAL ___AMEX ___Discover ___MasterCard Card No. ___Visa Expiration date _______/_______ Signature Name Address City State Daytime Telephone Number ORDER BY — Phone: 607-277-2211 | Fax: 607-277-6292 Mail: CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS, P.O. Box 6525, Ithaca, NY 14851-6525 Email: orderbook@cupserv.org Web: www.cornellpress.cornell.edu CA and NY residents, please add local sales tax. IN residents please add 7% sales tax. ME residents, please add 5% sales tax. Canadian residents, please add 5% GST. ZIP/Postcode Promo Code: CAU6 CUSTOMERS IN THE UK AND EUROPE SHOULD ORDER FROM NBN INTERNATIONAL Phone: +44 (0) 1752 202301 Fax: +44 (0) 1752 202333 Post: Orders Dept., NBN International, Airport Business Centre, Plymouth, PL6 7PP E-mail: orders@nbninternational.com Web: www.nbninternational.com
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