BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSION AGENDA February 3, 2015 4:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M. WORKSHOP 1. Brokerage Services for Health Insurance and Employee Benefits REGULAR AGENDA I. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance II. Approval of Consent Agenda Items 1. Approval of Minutes January 20, 2015 – Regular Meeting 2. Approval of Minutes January 20, 2015 – Public Hearing 3. Expense Report III. Public Comments 1. Ed Barber - Budget IV. New Business 1. BJ Cannon – Shade Tree Model Airplane Club 2. Resolution 2015-01 – Easement Amendment 3. BCDC Board Member Nomination 4. BOCC Rules of Procedure 5. Trane Service Agreement 6. SHIP Change Order - Holton 7. CEB Applicants V. Old Business 1. Pending Business 2. Larry Porterfield - Veteran’s Memorial Park Flag Pole 3. Recreation Light Usage Policy 4. Bid Results – CR 228 Resurfacing/Widening 5. RFP #2015-01 – Brokerage Services for Health Insurance and Employee Benefits 6. Budget process and timeline a. Minimum Reserve Balance b. Tentative Timeline VI. County Manager VII. County Attorney Information Only Action Item Action Item Action Item Action Item Action Item Information Only Action Item Action Item Action Item Action Item Information Only VIII. Commissioner Comments IX. Adjourn If any member of the public desires to appeal a decision made at these hearings, he or she will need a record of the proceedings and for that purpose he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is transcribed, which record would include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the American with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation of an interpreter to participate in these proceedings should contact the County Commissioners Office at (904) 259-3613, at least 48 hours prior to the time of the hearing. BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES January 20, 2015 The Baker County Board of Commissioners met in a scheduled meeting with the following members present: Chairman, James Croft Commissioner Mark Hartley Commissioner James Bennett Commissioner Jimmy Anderson Commissioner Gordon Crews Also Present: County Attorney, Rich Komando County Manager, CJ Thompson Clerk, Stacie Harvey REGULAR MEETING Chairman James Croft called the meeting to order. Commissioner Jimmy Anderson led in the invocation and pledge. Commissioner James Bennett motioned to approve the consent agenda items which were: 1. Approval of Minutes January 6, 2015- Regular Meeting 2. Approval of Minutes January 6, 2015- Public Hearing 3. Expense Report Commissioner Jimmy Anderson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. Larry Porterfield representing the Local Veterans Council requested to partner with the County to erect a twenty five foot flag pole with lighting at Veterans Memorial Park. Chairman Croft requested that Mr. Porterfield get a firm price on the cost for installation for presentation at the February 3, 2015 Board meeting. Jamey Hodges representing Baker County Little League updated the Board on the expenses incurred by Little League at Knabb Sports complex. Mr. Hodges presented a report dating back to 2004 totaling $28,612 in expenses for various items. Mr. Hodges stated that this year updates would include additional batting cages, additional lighting, soffit and fascia repair, painting and installing a more secure door on the girls field concession stand. Robert Davis representing the subcommittee for scheduling and lighting of the Recreation Advisory Board stated that he did not agree with anyone paying for lights for any recreational complex. Mr. Davis felt it was double taxation since money from the general fund was budgeted for recreation utilities. Mr. Davis questioned if the Recreation department had ever gone over budget in utilities and why the line item for utilities was reduced from $19,000 to $10,000 for FY2014/2015. C/M Thompson stated that the budget should not have been reduced to $10,000. Mr. Thompson clarified that the expense should have stayed the same and an increase in revenue should have been shown to offset the expenditure. Mr. Thompson stated this change was made in anticipation of increased funds from user fees at Knabb Sports Complex and Minger Field. Mr. Thompson stated he would have Finance correct the issue. Mr. Thompson stated that the Recreation Department did go over budget for utilities by an estimated $3,000 for FY2013/2014. Page 2 MINUTES January 20, 2015 Commissioner James Bennett stated that he agreed that everyone should pay for lights when used. However, he did feel that the repairs and improvements made by Little League should be taken into consideration as part of the payment for lights. Commissioner Bennett clarified, not dollar for dollar but that an agreement should be made. Chairman Croft stated that he did not agree with Mr. Davis’ use of “double taxation” for light fee’s. Chairman Croft stated that any time you use a County facility such as the Ag Center you pay a user fee. After a brief discussion regarding light fees for the Little League Association the Board agreed to review the County Light Usage Policy on the February 3, 2015 Board meeting. Commissioner James Bennett informed the Board that he was approached by the property owner of the commercial building located on the corner of CR228 and US 90, formerly the Standard Building. Commissioner Bennett stated there is a safety issue at this intersection with semi-trucks turning on to US 90 from CR228. Commissioner Bennett presented a plan to shift traffic on US 90 slightly north allowing more space for trucks to make the turn. Commissioner Bennett stated that with this plan, three parking spaces would be lost on US 90. Commissioner Bennett stated that with parking in downtown already being limited, the loss of three parking spaces would be significant to the businesses downtown. Business owners in the downtown area spoke against the plan to remove the parking spaces but stated that something needed to be done to allow the truck traffic easier passage through downtown. Those that spoke against were: Lynn Adams, Rhonda Callen, Connie Coston and Ed Barber. Commissioner James Bennett also read a letter from owners of Finders Keepers Antiques in opposition to the loss of the parking spaces. After a discussion on ideas for parking in the area the Board asked Commissioner James Bennett to speak with the City of Macclenny regarding this matter and bring this item back before the Board. C/M Thompson presented RFQ 2015-01; continuing contract for engineering services for discussion. Troy Tarbox presented the Board with information on what types of engineer work has been needed by the County since 2005 which consisted of land development and plat review as well as road projects. Commissioner James Bennett stated that the County has no choice but to issue the RFQ since the contract with Tarbox was expired. Commissioner Bennett requested changes to the scoring of the RFQ responses and asked that an outside person be a part of the review committee. Commissioner Bennett suggested contacting another County with an engineer on staff or a resident of Baker County that is an engineer. Commissioner Jimmy Anderson motioned to advertise the RFQ for engineering services. Commissioner James Bennett seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. C/M Thompson presented RFP 2015-01; Brokerage services for health insurance and employee benefits for discussion. Tim Owen, representing the current broker, Owen and Associates appeared before the Board to explain the current conditions for health insurance. Mr. Owen stated that the County currently has a loss ratio of 52% and the rates were lower compared to other counties in the State. Mr. Owen stated that if claims continue on the current trend a rate decrease could be seen at renewal. Mr. Owen suggested the Board hold a workshop prior to advertising the RFP so that more time can be addressed to discuss broker services. The Board agreed to hold a workshop on February 3, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. C/M Thompson provided an updated on the Southeastern Services contract. Mr. Thompson explained that they contract had been held since the early 1990’s and was rebid in 2009 with Southeastern being the only Page 3 MINUTES January 20, 2015 Company to respond. Mr. Thompson explained that the contract had been reviewed two years ago and it was determined that the County could not provide the services cheaper in house. Commissioner James Bennett stated that he would like to review the files at a later date. C/M Thompson presented the pending business item report. Items discussed were as follows: Courthouse HVAC- Maintenance only contract with Trane is being prepared. RFP will be ready in the spring. Transportation Center- Building contractor is on site. The building is scheduled for delivery in February. LDR Revisions- Mining will be heard by the LPA in February. Utility Audit- No changes at this time. Purchasing Policy Revisions- Tentatively scheduled for the second meeting in February. Commissioner James Bennett presented the Board with the results from the speed study on CR 125. Commissioner Bennett stated the request to lower the speed limit was discussed at the January 6, 2015 Board meeting. Commissioner Bennett stated that given the results of the study he would request that the speed limit be lowered to 45 mph an additional 1000 feet to include the area of Manntown Church.. Commissioner James Bennett motioned to lower the speed limit to 45 mph and requested the road department install the proper signage. Commissioner Jimmy Anderson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. C/M Thompson discussed the budget process and timeline. As requested Mr. Thompson contacted the constitutional officers to determine when they could have their draft budgets submitted. Mr. Thompson stated that the Clerk could have her budget anytime and would accommodate any request made by the Board. Mr. Thompson stated that all other Constitutional officers would not have draft budgets ready until June 1st. After a discussion the budget process (can be heard in audio file) the Board requested that the County Manager have the minimum reserve balance and tentative budget timeline for discussion on February 3, 2015. Commissioner Mark Hartley motioned to adjourn. Meeting adjourned. _________________________________ Stacie D. Harvey, Clerk _______________________________________ James A. Croft, Chairman BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES January 20, 2015 The Baker County Board of Commissioners met in a scheduled meeting with the following members present: Chairman, James A. Croft Commissioner Mark Hartley Commissioner James Bennett Commissioner Jimmy Anderson Commissioner Gordon Crews Also Present: County Attorney, Rich Komando County Manager, CJ Thompson Clerk, Stacie Harvey Public Hearing Chairman James Croft called the public hearing to order. Chairman Croft stated that public hearing is being held for the second and final reading of proposed Ordinance 2015-01. Rich Komando presented Ordinance 2015-01. Mr. Komando stated the Ordinance would remove the term limit requirements for Code Enforcement Board (CEB) members. Currently, members can serve one term and be re-appointed once. Mr. Komando stated that due to the limited number of people willing to serve on the CEB Board some members had exceeded the term limits. Scott Mandel appeared before the Board to express his concern and disagreement with the proposed Ordinance. Mr. Mandel stated that the current term limits are exactly the same as the Florida Statutes. Mr. Mandel asked that members be limited to one term to allow “fresh blood” to be involved with code enforcement cases. Chairman Croft called for any additional public comments. Hearing none, Chairman Croft closed the public hearing and reopened the regular meeting. Commissioner Gordon Crews motioned to read Ordinance 2015-01 by title. Commissioner Mark Hartley seconded the motion. Rich Komando read Ordinance 2015-01 by title which states: AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE BAKER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, ARTICLE X. ADMINISTRATION, SECTION 10.05.02 RELATING TO TERMS OF OFFICE FOR THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING DIRECTION TO STAFF; PROVIDING DIRECTION TO THE CODIFIER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Page 2 MINUTES January 20, 2015 Commissioner James Bennett motioned to approve Ordinance 2015-01. Commissioner Jimmy Anderson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. Commissioner James Bennett motioned to adjourn. Meeting adjourned. ________________________________ Stacie D. Harvey, Clerk ______________________________ James A. Croft, Chairman SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 01/26/15 TIME: 14:10:18 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 1 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="01/14/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/15 FUND − 001 − GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 74128 01/15/15 323 NITA D CRAWFORD 19 59180 JANUARY REQUEST 0.00 29527.63 104000 74129 01/15/15 19 ALL−BRITE SALES COM 33 55210 SUPPLIES 0.00 528.12 104000 74130 01/15/15 20 AMAZON 56600 BOOKS/LIBRARY 0.00 78.86 104000 74131 01/15/15 1252 AMERICAN ENTERPRISE 001 218500 P08 DEDUCTIONS 0.00 150.00 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74133 74133 74133 74133 74133 74133 74133 74133 74133 74133 74133 74133 74133 74133 74133 74133 74133 74133 74133 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1.35 21.01 4.00 10.79 4.00 2.75 1.35 3.30 4.00 2.75 1.35 1.35 10.79 3.30 41.10 41.10 1.35 1.35 21.01 3.30 194.84 104000 74134 01/15/15 50 BAKER COUNTY CHAMBE 350 53402 JAN REQUEST 0.00 1375.00 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74135 74135 74135 74135 74135 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 BAKER BAKER BAKER BAKER BAKER 251 251 251 251 251 54901 54901 54901 54901 54901 LPA;SP EXCEPT;AD RE LPA ADS P&Z ADS LPA ADS PUB HRNING NOTC/ORD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 154.80 120.60 189.00 120.60 64.60 649.60 104000 74136 01/15/15 2218 BENTLEY ARCHITECTS+ 155 53100 NOV PROFESSIONAL SE 0.00 1501.81 104000 74137 01/15/15 446 BEST WESTERN PLUS B 34 54000 HOTEL/K BROOKS 0.00 151.20 104000 74138 01/15/15 1657 BIO−CYCLE LLC 27 55210 MEDICAL WASTE 0.00 135.00 104000 74139 01/15/15 2028 BOUND TREE MEDICAL 27 55210 EMS SUPPLIES 0.00 65.96 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 56 56 56 56 56 RUN DATE 01/26/2015 TIME 14:10:22 32 FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY PRESS PRESS PRESS PRESS PRESS L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 01/26/15 TIME: 14:10:18 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 2 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="01/14/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/15 FUND − 001 − GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74139 01/15/15 2028 BOUND TREE MEDICAL 27 55210 EMS SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 321.00 386.96 104000 74140 01/15/15 499 BP 27 55211 FUEL/DAVID R/EMS 0.00 110.93 104000 74141 01/15/15 89 CAPITAL GUARDIAN TR 001 218700 P08 DEDUCTIONS 0.00 250.00 104000 74142 01/15/15 2346 CARPENTERS INDUSTRI 001 218500 P08 DEDUCTIONS 0.00 170.00 104000 74143 01/15/15 100 CDW GOVERNMENT INC 55100 PRINTER TONER/HR 0.00 179.04 104000 74145 01/15/15 250 CHILDREN’S PLUS INC 32 56600 BOOKS/LIBRARY 0.00 113.65 104000 74146 01/15/15 1399 CINTAS DOCUMENT MAN 157 53400 DOC SHRED/ST ATTY 0.00 42.00 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74147 74147 74147 01/15/15 1185 01/15/15 1185 01/15/15 1185 COPYFAX INC COPYFAX INC COPYFAX INC 11 11 20 55210 54600 54600 STAPLE REFL/COPIER/ COPIER/JK1286/ADMIN COPIER/JK0094/CH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 76.95 33.88 78.65 189.48 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74148 74148 74148 74148 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 CULLIGAN CULLIGAN CULLIGAN CULLIGAN 930 27 930 25 55210 55210 55210 55210 WATER WATER WATER WATER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.95 32.45 9.95 24.35 74.70 104000 74149 01/15/15 136 DAVIDSON TITLES INC 32 56600 BOOKS/LIBRARY 0.00 239.98 104000 74151 01/15/15 2223 EMS MANAGEMENT & CO 27 53400 EMS BILLING MANAGEM 0.00 3314.19 104000 74152 01/15/15 446 ESCAMBIA COUNTY 55500 REGIST/K BROOKS/ANI 0.00 95.00 104000 74157 01/15/15 21 HAYT,HAYT&LANDAU, P 001 218900 11−136−SC DEDUCTION 0.00 100.00 104000 74160 01/15/15 446 JOHN J. DYAL 001 218600 C/S TERMINATED 01/0 0.00 205.25 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 74161 74161 74161 74161 74161 74161 74161 74161 74161 74161 74161 74161 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 L L L L L L L L L L L L 34 33 34 34 34 29 27 34 21 33 27 27 55211 55211 55211 55211 55211 55211 55211 55211 55211 55211 55211 55211 FUEL/ANIMAL CONTROL FUEL/RECREATION FUEL/ANIMAL CONTROL FUEL/ANIMAL CONTROL FUEL/ANIMAL CONTROL FUEL/EXTENSION FUEL/EMS FUEL/ANIMAL CONTROL FUEL/MAINT FUEL/RECREATION FUEL/EMS FUEL/EMS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.36 52.93 50.78 81.84 82.53 8.94 535.05 39.52 61.48 47.74 695.89 776.62 126 126 126 126 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 RUN DATE 01/26/2015 TIME 14:10:22 V V V V V V V V V V V V HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS WATER WATER WATER WATER INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC OF OF OF OF 130 J J J J 34 SERV/JUDG CHB SERV/EMS ST 2 SERV/JUDGE WM SERV/BLDG. DE SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 01/26/15 TIME: 14:10:18 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 3 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="01/14/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/15 FUND − 001 − GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74161 74161 74161 74161 74161 74161 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 27 34 27 33 33 34 55211 55211 55211 55211 55211 55211 FUEL/EMS FUEL/ANIMAL CONTROL FUEL/EMS FUEL/RECREATION FUEL/RECREATION FUEL/ANIMAL CONTROL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 669.44 92.35 464.65 55.34 33.99 55.10 3841.55 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74162 74162 01/15/15 284 01/15/15 284 MACCLENNY MOTOR PAR 27 MACCLENNY MOTOR PAR 26 54602 54602 BLB ASSY/EMS BLB ASSY/TRANSPORT 0.00 0.00 0.00 72.15 72.15 144.30 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74163 74163 74163 74163 74163 74163 74163 74163 74163 74163 74163 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 MED−TECH MED−TECH MED−TECH MED−TECH MED−TECH MED−TECH MED−TECH MED−TECH MED−TECH MED−TECH MED−TECH 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 55210 55210 55210 55210 55210 55210 55210 55210 55210 55210 55210 MEDICAL SUPPLIES/EM MED SUPPLIES/EMS MED SUPPLIES/EMS EMS SUPPLIES EMS SUPPLIES MED SUPPLIES/EMS MEDICAL SUPPLIES MEDICAL SUPPLIES MEDICAL SUPPLIES MEDICAL SUPPLIES MEDICAL SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 125.17 893.44 102.70 548.00 251.06 132.79 38.59 99.85 483.78 260.06 40.04 2975.48 104000 74164 01/15/15 683 MED−VET INTERNATION 34 55210 SUPPLIES/AC 0.00 95.00 104000 74166 01/15/15 2068 MICROSOFT CORPORATI 11 54100 JAN EMAIL SERVICE 0.00 424.00 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74167 74167 74167 01/15/15 296 01/15/15 296 01/15/15 296 MIRACLE AUTOMOTIVE MIRACLE AUTOMOTIVE MIRACLE AUTOMOTIVE 54602 55210 54602 FUEL FILTER BATTERY FOR GATOR HEATER REPAIRS R32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 247.50 34.50 85.00 367.00 104000 74168 01/15/15 311 NATIONWIDE RETIREME 001 218700 P08 DEDUCTIONS 0.00 228.82 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74170 74170 01/15/15 1326 01/15/15 1326 PATRICK’S UNIFORMS PATRICK’S UNIFORMS 34 27 55210 55210 BOOTS,GLOVES,PINS/A BOOTS FOR PAUL D. 0.00 0.00 0.00 224.96 89.99 314.95 104000 74171 01/15/15 338 PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL 25 54400 METR LEASE/SEP−DEC 0.00 245.88 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 74172 74172 74172 74172 74172 74172 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 PITSTOP PITSTOP PITSTOP PITSTOP PITSTOP PITSTOP 54400 54400 54400 54400 54400 54400 JAN/VOLLEYBALL CTS JAN/JONESVILLE PK JAN/KNABB SPTS COMP JAN/CUYLER PARK JAN/TAYLOR PARK JAN/MARGARETTA PK 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 90.00 45.00 90.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 267 267 267 267 267 267 1274 1274 1274 1274 1274 1274 1274 1274 1274 1274 1274 1743 1743 1743 1743 1743 1743 L L L L L L RUN DATE 01/26/2015 TIME 14:10:22 V V V V V V HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS INC INC INC INC INC INC RESOURCE RESOURCE RESOURCE RESOURCE RESOURCE RESOURCE RESOURCE RESOURCE RESOURCE RESOURCE RESOURCE PORTABLE PORTABLE PORTABLE PORTABLE PORTABLE PORTABLE I I I I I I I I I I I RE RE RE RE RE RE 27 27 26 33 33 33 33 33 33 SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 01/26/15 TIME: 14:10:18 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 4 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="01/14/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/15 FUND − 001 − GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74172 74172 01/15/15 1743 01/15/15 1743 PITSTOP PORTABLE RE 33 PITSTOP PORTABLE RE 33 54400 54400 JAN/ST MARYS RIVR P JAN/BOY SCOUT LANDN 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 90.00 550.00 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74173 74173 74173 01/15/15 647 01/15/15 647 01/15/15 647 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTIO 27 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTIO 27 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTIO 27 55210 55210 55210 OXYGEN/EMS OXYGEN/EMS OXYGEN/EMS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 80.13 122.38 82.19 284.70 104000 74174 01/15/15 534 PTM DOCUMENT SYSTEM 131 55100 W2 AND 1099 0.00 156.19 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74175 74175 01/15/15 347 01/15/15 347 QUADMED INC QUADMED INC 27 27 55210 55210 SUPPLIES MEDICAL SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 442.00 143.00 585.00 104000 74176 01/15/15 349 QUALITY INTERNET SE 40 54100 INTERNET/IT 0.00 82.00 104000 74177 01/15/15 360 RELIASTAR LIFE INSU 001 218700 P08 DEDUCTIONS 0.00 26.76 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74178 74178 74178 01/15/15 4 01/15/15 4 01/15/15 4 RICOH USA, INC RICOH USA, INC RICOH USA, INC 29 11 20 54400 54400 54400 JAN COPIER/EXTENSIO JAN COPIER/ADM JAN COPIER/COURTHOU 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 122.03 115.69 102.81 340.53 104000 74179 01/15/15 929 S & W HEALTHCARE CO 27 55210 EMS SUPPLIES 0.00 161.15 104000 74180 01/15/15 256 SBH MEDICAL LTD. 27 55210 MED SUPPLIES/EMS 0.00 750.00 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74181 74181 74181 74181 74181 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 SHERWIN−WILLIAMS SHERWIN−WILLIAMS SHERWIN−WILLIAMS SHERWIN−WILLIAMS SHERWIN−WILLIAMS 20 158 158 20 158 54600 54615 54615 54600 54615 PAINT/COURTHOUSE PAINT/PD BLDG. PAINT/PD BLDG. PAINT/COURTHOUSE PAINT/PD BLDG. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.39 203.90 21.39 42.99 66.48 356.15 104000 74182 01/15/15 279 STACIE D. HARVEY, C 11 54905 REC FEES/HIGGINBOTH 0.00 57.55 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74183 74183 74183 74183 74183 74183 74183 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 STAPLES STAPLES STAPLES STAPLES STAPLES STAPLES STAPLES 55100 55100 55100 55100 55100 55100 55100 PAPER TWLS,COPY PAP PAPER TWLS,COPY PAP PAPER TWLS,COPY PAP CALENDARS CORRECTION PENS/BLD CALENDARS STAPLER/BLDG. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 55.24 9.62 38.34 15.12 11.19 5.04 8.57 143.12 104000 74186 01/15/15 271 53400 JAN WATER MANGEMENT 0.00 125.00 1245 1245 1245 1245 1245 2164 2164 2164 2164 2164 2164 2164 ADVANTAGE ADVANTAGE ADVANTAGE ADVANTAGE ADVANTAGE ADVANTAGE ADVANTAGE CO CO CO CO CO 27 27 27 34 25 130 25 THE LAKE DOCTORS IN 33 RUN DATE 01/26/2015 TIME 14:10:22 SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 01/26/15 TIME: 14:10:18 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 5 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="01/14/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/15 FUND − 001 − GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 74188 01/15/15 419 VALIC 001 218700 P08 DEDUCTIONS 0.00 325.00 104000 74189 01/15/15 1710 VERIZON WIRELESS 27 54100 WIRELESS SERV/EMS 0.00 21.08 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74190 74190 74190 74190 74190 74190 74190 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 WAL−MART WAL−MART WAL−MART WAL−MART WAL−MART WAL−MART WAL−MART 20 25 32 34 11 11 11 55210 55100 55210 55210 55210 55210 55210 SUPPLIES/CH OFFICE SUPP/BLDG CLEANING SUPP/LIBRA SUPPLIES/ANIMAL CON CHRISTMAS DEC/ADMIN INVERTER/ADMIN CHRISTMAS DEC/ADMIN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 268.44 5.41 250.34 199.90 39.74 19.98 95.46 879.27 104000 74191 01/15/15 429 WAL−MART COMMUNITY/ 27 55210 SUPPLIES/EMS 0.00 91.95 104000 74192 01/15/15 446 WENDY GRENNELL 251 51300 10 HRS @ 11.50/CODE 0.00 115.00 104000 74193 01/15/15 433 ZEE MEDICAL, INC. 11 55210 RESTOCK 1ST AID/ADM 0.00 27.00 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST 11 11 11 11 18 930 29 29 32 33 34 11 11 27 18 157 18 25 157 32 18 158 22 27 18 11 21 11 20 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 RADIO LOOP RADIO LOOP TDD PHONE/ADMINISTR ADMINISTRATION FAX CLERK’S OFFICE/ FAX COUNTY JUDGE’S FAX COUNTY EXTENSION SV CO EXT SVC−DATA LIN LIBRARY RECREATION DEPT ANIMAL CONTROL RADIO LOOP BOCC LINES/$325 L D STA 70/REC #63/FIRE DATA LINE − CLERK STATE ATTORNEY/GREG DATA LINE − CLERK BLDG DEPT−INSPEC LI STATE ATTORNEY−FAX LIBRARY − FAX DATA LINE − CLERK PUBLIC DEF − FAX CIR CT FAX/REC #328 RESCUE/DAVID R. ALARM @ CLERK’S CIV RADIO LOOP MAINTENANCE DEPT. RADIO LOOP ELEVATOR−COURTHOUSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36.58 36.58 40.86 36.61 20.15 20.15 128.35 81.56 285.43 50.16 112.82 36.58 774.95 86.06 36.58 29.54 73.16 61.18 20.15 39.05 73.16 21.45 20.15 87.60 36.58 36.58 119.69 36.58 20.15 428 428 428 428 428 428 428 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 RUN DATE 01/26/2015 TIME 14:10:22 COMMUNITY/ COMMUNITY/ COMMUNITY/ COMMUNITY/ COMMUNITY/ COMMUNITY/ COMMUNITY/ FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 01/26/15 TIME: 14:10:18 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 6 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="01/14/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/15 FUND − 001 − GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74196 74196 74196 01/15/15 445 01/15/15 445 01/15/15 445 NORTHEAST FLORIDA T 20 NORTHEAST FLORIDA T 11 NORTHEAST FLORIDA T 11 54100 54100 54100 ELEVATOR/COURTHOUSE RADIO LOOP RADIO LOOP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.15 36.58 36.58 2551.75 104000 74199 01/26/15 1252 AMERICAN ENTERPRISE 001 218500 P09 DEDUCTIONS 0.00 150.00 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74200 74200 74200 74200 74200 74200 74200 74200 74200 74200 74200 74200 74200 74200 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS 25 21 291 20 25 21 33 21 11 33 33 11 21 33 55210 55210 54615 54600 55210 55210 55210 55210 55210 55210 55210 55210 55210 55210 UNIFORMS/BOBBY UNIFORMS/SHANNON CLEAN MATS/AG CNTR CLEAN MATS/COURTHOU UNIFORMS/BOBBY UNIFORMS/SHANNON UNIFORMS/ALVIN UNIFORMS/TANYA CLEAN MATS/ADMIN UNIFORMS/DONALD UNIFORMS/ALVIN CLEAN MATS/ADMIN UNIFORMS/TANYA UNIFORMS/DONALD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.75 10.79 21.01 41.10 2.75 10.79 1.35 3.30 4.00 1.35 1.35 4.00 3.30 1.35 109.19 104000 74201 01/26/15 47 BAKER COUNTY COUNCI 351 58104 JAN REQUEST 0.00 9750.00 104000 74202 01/26/15 2218 BENTLEY ARCHITECTS+ 155 53100 PROF SERV/DECEMBER 0.00 3019.80 104000 74203 01/26/15 1657 BIO−CYCLE LLC 27 55210 MEDICAL WASTE 0.00 135.00 104000 74204 01/26/15 499 BP 27 55211 FUEL/EMS 0.00 99.04 104000 74206 01/26/15 2287 CANON FINANCIAL SER 25 54400 COPIER RENTAL/BLDG. 0.00 240.00 104000 74207 01/26/15 2264 CANON SOLUTIONS AME 25 54600 COPIER MAINT/BLDG. 0.00 50.70 104000 74208 01/26/15 89 CAPITAL GUARDIAN TR 001 218700 P09 DEDUCTIONS 0.00 250.00 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74209 74209 74209 74209 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 CARD CARD CARD CARD 104000 74211 104000 104000 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 2090 2090 2090 2090 FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP L L L L L L L L L L L L L L SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES 11 34 25 11 55500 55210 55400 55210 COMM WORKSP/JBENNET LICENSE RENWL/ANIMA ICMA PUBLICATION/BL CHRISTMAS LNCHN/BCC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 150.00 55.00 63.99 153.60 422.59 01/26/15 1911 CENTER POINT LARGE 32 56600 BOOKS/LIBRARY 0.00 44.34 74213 01/26/15 1399 CINTAS DOCUMENT MAN 157 53400 DOC SHREDDING/ST AT 0.00 49.35 74214 01/26/15 910 COMCAST 54100 CABLE SERV/EMS 0.00 23.92 RUN DATE 01/26/2015 TIME 14:10:22 27 SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 01/26/15 TIME: 14:10:18 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 7 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="01/14/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/15 FUND − 001 − GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 74216 01/26/15 1185 COPYFAX INC 20 54600 J1209/COPIER/CH 0.00 75.08 104000 74217 01/26/15 135 DAVID RICHARDSON 27 55211 REIMB FUEL/EMS 0.00 39.01 104000 74218 01/26/15 136 DAVIDSON TITLES INC 32 56600 BOOKS/LIBRARY 0.00 53.14 104000 74219 01/26/15 147 DEPT OF BUS & PROF 25 54910 2ND QTR OCT−DEC 14 0.00 163.80 104000 74220 01/26/15 2223 EMS MANAGEMENT & CO 27 53400 EMS COLLECTIONS MNG 0.00 3868.11 104000 74221 01/26/15 308 F&G CONSTRUCTION GE 155 56200 CONTRACTOR/TRANS CN 0.00 114183.65 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74224 74224 01/26/15 287 01/26/15 287 FORTILINE WATERWORK 155 FORTILINE WATERWORK 155 56300 56300 WATER AND FIRE MATE WATER AND FIRE MATE 0.00 0.00 0.00 33971.09 20583.40 54554.49 104000 74228 01/26/15 283 HAGER CONSTRUCTION 56300 SITEWORK/TRANS CNTR 0.00 136355.63 104000 74229 01/26/15 21 HAYT,HAYT&LANDAU, P 001 218900 11−136−SC DEDUCTION 0.00 100.00 104000 74230 01/26/15 244 INTERSTATE SUPPLY I 21 54600 LIGHTS/MAINTENANCE 0.00 554.93 104000 74231 01/26/15 247 JANPAK FLORIDA 20 55210 SUPPLIES/CH 0.00 427.07 104000 74234 01/26/15 254 JOHN WILLIAMS PLUMB 34 54600 PUMP SEPTIC TANK/AC 0.00 150.00 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74235 74235 74235 74235 74235 74235 74235 74235 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 L L L L L L L L 34 27 21 33 27 21 34 33 55211 55211 55211 55211 55211 55211 55211 55211 FUEL/ANIMAL CONTROL DIESEL/EMS FUEL/MAINTENANCE FUEL/RECREATION DIESEL/EMS FUEL/MAINT. FUEL/ANIMAL CONTROL FUEL/RECREATION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 38.32 443.56 32.76 93.01 510.63 58.98 63.22 44.57 1285.05 104000 74236 01/26/15 259 LOCAL UNION 001 218500 P09 DEDUCTIONS 0.00 170.00 104000 74238 01/26/15 1274 MED−TECH RESOURCE I 27 55210 BAL PO4558/MED SUPP 0.00 254.68 104000 74239 01/26/15 2354 MERIDIAN BEHAVIORAL 351 58107 JAN.FEB,MARCH REQUE 0.00 12111.00 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74241 74241 74241 01/26/15 492 01/26/15 492 01/26/15 492 MIDAMERICA BOOKS MIDAMERICA BOOKS MIDAMERICA BOOKS 56600 56600 56600 BOOKS/LIBRARY BOOKS/LIBRARY BOOKS/LIBRARY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 932.80 587.25 508.50 2028.55 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 RUN DATE 01/26/2015 TIME 14:10:22 V V V V V V V V HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC 2502 155 32 32 32 SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 01/26/15 TIME: 14:10:18 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 8 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="01/14/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/15 FUND − 001 − GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74242 74242 74242 74242 74242 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 54602 54602 54602 54602 54602 OIL CHANGE, FILTER OIL CHANGE, FILTER OIL CHANGE, FILTER TURBO SENSOR OIL CHANGE R30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 59.25 255.84 80.00 782.50 359.80 1537.39 104000 74243 01/26/15 311 NATIONWIDE RETIREME 001 218700 P09 DEDUCTIONS 0.00 228.82 104000 74244 01/26/15 317 NEW RIVER SOLID WAS 34 55210 ANIMAL DISPOSAL 0.00 70.38 104000 74246 01/26/15 323 NITA D CRAWFORD 19 59180 FEB DRAW 0.00 29527.63 104000 74247 01/26/15 1265 NORMAN’S VACUUM SUP 20 56400 VACUUM CLEANER/CH 0.00 229.40 104000 74249 01/26/15 314 NORTHEAST FLORIDA R 17 53100 2ND QTR DUES 0.00 2626.36 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74252 74252 74252 01/26/15 647 01/26/15 647 01/26/15 647 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTIO 27 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTIO 27 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTIO 27 54400 55210 55210 CYLINDER RENTAL/EMS OXYGEN/EMS OXYGEN/EMS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 116.84 65.38 62.09 244.31 104000 74253 01/26/15 343 PRIDE ENTERPRISES 27 55210 UNIFORM SHIRTS 0.00 1597.85 104000 74254 01/26/15 1859 PUMPKIN BOOKS INC 32 56600 BOOKS/LIBRARY 0.00 168.25 104000 74255 01/26/15 360 RELIASTAR LIFE INSU 001 218700 P09 DEDUCTIONS 0.00 26.76 104000 74257 01/26/15 2320 RIVER REGION HUMAN 351 58105 DEC MATCH 0.00 7478.50 104000 74259 01/26/15 2137 SHAINA L BENNETT 291 51300 CHECK OUT/AG CNTR 0.00 20.00 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74260 74260 01/26/15 1245 01/26/15 1245 SHERWIN−WILLIAMS CO 20 SHERWIN−WILLIAMS CO 20 54600 54600 PAINT/COURTHOUSE PAINT/COURTHOUSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.78 102.67 111.45 104000 74261 01/26/15 382 SIMPLEX GRINNELL LP 351 54616 FIRE EXT INSP/CT SR 0.00 634.26 104000 74262 01/26/15 2199 SOLANTIC OF JACKSON 26 55210 DRUG SCREEN/EMS 0.00 60.00 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74265 74265 74265 74265 74265 74265 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 TARBOX TARBOX TARBOX TARBOX TARBOX TARBOX 53100 53100 53100 53100 53100 53100 JONES STORE/SSLUA/L DAVIS,HALE,HUGGINS TRANSPORTATION CNTR ZIPLINE,TRC MTRG CANADAY,RHODEN ZONI RHODEN SD/ZIP LINE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 180.00 247.50 315.00 436.50 225.00 112.50 1516.50 296 296 296 296 296 484 484 484 484 484 484 MIRACLE MIRACLE MIRACLE MIRACLE MIRACLE RUN DATE 01/26/2015 TIME 14:10:22 AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE CONSULTING CONSULTING CONSULTING CONSULTING CONSULTING CONSULTING 26 26 26 26 26 A A A A A A 251 251 155 251 251 251 SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 01/26/15 TIME: 14:10:18 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 9 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="01/14/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/15 FUND − 001 − GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 74266 01/26/15 419 VALIC 218700 P09 DEDUCTIONS 0.00 325.00 104000 74268 01/26/15 432 WELLS INSURANGE AGE 11 54500 PUB OFF BOND/S HARV 0.00 172.21 104000 74269 01/26/15 433 ZEE MEDICAL, INC. 291 55210 REPLEN 1ST AID KIT 0.00 38.01 104000 74270 01/26/15 2367 ZENO OFFICE SOLUTIO 158 54603 COPIER MAINT/PUB DE 0.00 48.00 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74272 74272 74272 74272 74272 74272 74272 74272 74272 74272 74272 74272 74272 74272 74272 74272 74272 74272 74272 74272 74272 74272 74272 74272 74272 74272 74272 74272 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN 54600 54600 54600 54600 54600 54600 54600 54608 54608 54600 54600 54600 54600 54615 54600 54600 54600 54600 54600 54615 54608 54600 54600 54600 54600 54600 54600 54600 WIRE CONN,SWITCH/MA CLAMPS/MAINT. PAINT/COURTHOUSE ELEC TAPE/MAINT HAL BULBS/ELECTIONS PLUG/ANIMAL CONTROL RUBR CORD/ANIMAL CN NOZZLE/COA PURPLE STUFF/COA HAL BULBS/MAINT PRESS GAUGE/JONESVI SEALR,CAULK/COURTHS GRND CONN/EMS CHAIN COIL/AG CNTR ALUM DOOR BTM/MAINT BATTERY/EMS REFLEC FLD BULBS/SO THREADR/MAINT. PAINT SUPPLIES/COUR PAINT/PUB DEFENDER THREADR/COA DOORBELL,CHIME KIT/ BATTERIES/EMS NAILS/MAINT SHOVEL/RECREATION PAINT/COURTHOUSE PAINT,EXT CORD,PINE SCREWS/COURTHOUSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.35 8.60 104.36 10.76 35.96 4.13 16.09 7.19 11.32 12.58 21.58 25.67 7.19 12.92 17.98 6.29 17.98 3.58 200.72 28.79 1.79 31.47 6.29 17.09 32.38 78.27 50.61 16.18 796.12 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 444204.74 TOTAL FUND 0.00 444204.74 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 RUN DATE 01/26/2015 TIME 14:10:22 001 ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE 21 21 20 21 19 34 34 351 351 21 33 20 27 291 21 27 19 21 20 158 351 21 33 21 33 20 21 20 SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 01/26/15 TIME: 14:10:18 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 10 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="01/14/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/15 FUND − 103 − ROAD & BRIDGE FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74185 74185 01/15/15 2018 01/15/15 2018 TD BANK, N. A. TD BANK, N. A. 55 55 57100 57200 PRINCIPAL PYMNT/PAV INTEREST PYMNT/PAVN 0.00 0.00 0.00 52168.68 3636.59 55805.27 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74196 74196 74196 74196 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST 55 55 55 55 54100 54100 54100 54100 ROAD ROAD ROAD ROAD DEPT − COMPUTE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT − F 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.16 71.46 41.81 81.56 233.99 104000 74198 01/26/15 19 ALL−BRITE SALES COM 55 55210 PO39814/SHOP SUPPLI 0.00 344.14 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74200 74200 74200 74200 74200 74200 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS 55 55 55 55 55 55 55210 55210 55210 55210 55210 55210 PO39833/SHOP PO39795/SHOP PO39795/WKLY PO39833/WKLY PO39813/WKLY PO39813/SHOP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.65 29.65 63.00 63.00 63.00 30.45 278.75 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74205 74205 01/26/15 75 01/26/15 75 C&W ICE, LLC C&W ICE, LLC 55 55 55210 55210 PO39802/ICE PO39820/ICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 41.60 65.60 107.20 104000 74210 01/26/15 295 CARD SERVICES 55 55210 XMAS LUNCHN/ROAD DE 0.00 209.33 104000 74222 01/26/15 2365 FACTORY SERVICE AUT 55 54602 PO39811/RPLC WINDSH 0.00 225.00 104000 74223 01/26/15 298 FIRST BAPTIST CHURC 55 55300 173 LOADS OF DIRT 0.00 4325.00 104000 74225 01/26/15 212 GLEN CASH STORE INC 55 55300 PO39809/FENCE REPR 0.00 126.60 104000 74226 01/26/15 2021 GOODYEAR COMM. TIRE 55 54602 PO39825/TIRES 0.00 2945.44 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74227 74227 01/26/15 221 01/26/15 221 HAGAN ACE HARDWARE HAGAN ACE HARDWARE 55 55 55210 55210 PO39823/SHOP SUPPLI PO39822/SHOP SUPPLI 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.88 27.49 62.37 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74235 74235 74235 74235 74235 74235 74235 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 L L L L L L L 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55210 55210 55210 55210 55210 55210 55210 PO39810/FUEL NOZZLE PO39812/DIESEL PO39812/REG GAS PO39804/DIESEL PO39818/DRIVE TRN,R PO39828/DIESEL PO39828/REG GAS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 55.00 2771.64 294.07 2240.00 2652.50 3619.98 1346.80 12979.99 104000 74237 01/26/15 284 MACCLENNY MOTOR PAR 55 54602 PO39831/HOSES, FITT 0.00 150.34 445 445 445 445 33 33 33 33 33 33 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 RUN DATE 01/26/2015 TIME 14:10:22 V V V V V V V FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP T T T T INC INC INC INC INC INC INC L L L L L L TWLS,R TWLS,R UNIFOR UNIFOR UNIFOR TWLS,R SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 01/26/15 TIME: 14:10:18 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 11 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="01/14/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/15 FUND − 103 − ROAD & BRIDGE FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74237 74237 74237 01/26/15 284 01/26/15 284 01/26/15 284 MACCLENNY MOTOR PAR 55 MACCLENNY MOTOR PAR 55 MACCLENNY MOTOR PAR 55 54602 54602 54602 PO39797/HOSES,FITTN PO39798/FILTERS PO39789/PULLEYS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 256.06 23.40 51.44 481.24 104000 74250 01/26/15 1352 O’REILLY AUTOMOTIVE 55 54602 PO39835/HOSE 0.00 26.62 104000 74251 01/26/15 336 PHIL ALLEN INC 55 55210 PO39821/TORX,WIRE S 0.00 35.12 104000 74256 01/26/15 365 RING POWER CORPORAT 55 54602 PO39769/SEAL,PLUG 0.00 68.50 104000 74262 01/26/15 2199 SOLANTIC OF JACKSON 55 55210 DRUG SCREEN/ROAD 0.00 45.00 104000 74264 01/26/15 2164 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 55100 PO39741/OFFICE SUPP 0.00 168.37 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 78467.93 TOTAL FUND 0.00 78467.93 RUN DATE 01/26/2015 TIME 14:10:22 55 SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 01/26/15 TIME: 14:10:18 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 12 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="01/14/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/15 FUND − 104 − FINE & FORFEITURE FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74154 74154 01/15/15 218 01/15/15 218 GUERRY FUNERAL HOME 24 GUERRY FUNERAL HOME 24 53114 53114 ME TRANSPRT/X2 ME TRANSPORT/TOWN 0.00 0.00 0.00 820.00 485.00 1305.00 104000 74187 01/15/15 114 UNIVERSITY OF FL − 24 53110 NOV MEDICAL EXAMINE 0.00 1972.63 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74196 74196 01/15/15 445 01/15/15 445 NORTHEAST FLORIDA T 90 NORTHEAST FLORIDA T 90 54100 54100 FAX − SECURITY HOLDING CELL 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.95 21.25 42.20 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74232 74232 74232 74232 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 01/26/15 JOEY JOEY JOEY JOEY 73 72 69 90 59180 59180 59180 59180 FEBRUARY FEBRUARY FEBRUARY FEBRUARY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22935.00 57227.00 258121.00 22041.00 360324.00 104000 74233 01/26/15 253 JOEY B DOBSON, SHER 23 59122 2015JAGCBAKE1R3030/ 0.00 3924.57 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 367568.40 TOTAL FUND 0.00 367568.40 253 253 253 253 RUN DATE 01/26/2015 TIME 14:10:22 B B B B DOBSON, DOBSON, DOBSON, DOBSON, SHER SHER SHER SHER DRAW DRAW DRAW DRAW SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 01/26/15 TIME: 14:10:18 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 13 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="01/14/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/15 FUND − 105 − FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 74132 01/15/15 1077 AT&T 54 54100 FIRE DEPT. ST 80 0.00 128.75 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74144 74144 01/15/15 102 01/15/15 102 CHANNEL INNOVATIONS 54 CHANNEL INNOVATIONS 54 54600 54600 QR50 COMPRESSR SERV QR30 BRTH AIR ANLYS 0.00 0.00 0.00 505.00 415.00 920.00 104000 74150 01/15/15 1886 DAVIS & DAVIS ENTER 54 55211 DEC FIRE FUEL 0.00 1941.15 104000 74153 01/15/15 191 GLASS AMERICA 54 54602 WINDOW REPLC BF3 0.00 432.02 104000 74156 01/15/15 227 HASTY’S COMMUNICATI 54 54600 PO4344/PAGER CHGRS 0.00 317.70 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74158 74158 74158 01/15/15 234 01/15/15 234 01/15/15 234 HOME DEPOT CREDIT S 54 HOME DEPOT CREDIT S 54 HOME DEPOT CREDIT S 54 55210 55210 55210 M28 LITHIUM/FIRE BATTERIES,CHARGER,F BATTERIES,CHARGER,F 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 258.00 69.98 163.00 490.98 104000 74159 01/15/15 274 JARVIS PAINTING 54 54600 PAINT STATION 30 0.00 2776.50 104000 74162 01/15/15 284 MACCLENNY MOTOR PAR 54 54602 STRTR SOLENOID/FIRE 0.00 32.99 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74165 74165 01/15/15 2244 01/15/15 2244 MES−FLORIDA MES−FLORIDA 54 54 54600 54600 SCOTT SCBA/FIRE HYDRO TEST/FIRE 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 200.00 400.00 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74167 74167 01/15/15 296 01/15/15 296 MIRACLE AUTOMOTIVE MIRACLE AUTOMOTIVE 54 54 54602 54602 ALTERNATOR FOR BF−1 REPRS TO 97 GMC/FIR 0.00 0.00 0.00 396.99 1947.06 2344.05 104000 74183 01/15/15 2164 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 54 55210 PTOWELS,TPAPER,LEGA 0.00 53.93 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74184 74184 74184 01/15/15 2333 01/15/15 2333 01/15/15 2333 SUBURBAN PROPANE−17 54 SUBURBAN PROPANE−17 54 SUBURBAN PROPANE−17 54 54303 54303 54303 CUYLER PROPANE/FIRE ST 70 PROPANE/FIRE ST 20 PROPANE/FIRE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.55 26.59 110.16 159.30 104000 74191 01/15/15 429 WAL−MART COMMUNITY/ 54 55210 SUPPLIES/FIRE 0.00 40.96 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74196 74196 01/15/15 445 01/15/15 445 NORTHEAST FLORIDA T 54 NORTHEAST FLORIDA T 54 54100 54100 FIRE/STEVE M. FIRE STATION 10 GLE 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.15 132.25 156.40 104000 74248 01/26/15 1103 NORTHEAST FLORIDA P 54 54600 KEY SWITCH/FIRE DEP 0.00 19.70 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74250 74250 74250 01/26/15 1352 01/26/15 1352 01/26/15 1352 O’REILLY AUTOMOTIVE 54 O’REILLY AUTOMOTIVE 54 O’REILLY AUTOMOTIVE 54 54602 54600 54600 BULB/FIRE DEPT. SEALED BEAM/FIRE TRANSMSN FLUID/AT50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.74 8.14 35.98 48.86 RUN DATE 01/26/2015 TIME 14:10:22 SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 01/26/15 TIME: 14:10:18 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 14 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="01/14/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/15 FUND − 105 − FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 74262 01/26/15 2199 SOLANTIC OF JACKSON 54 55210 DRUG SCREEN/FIRE 0.00 45.00 104000 74267 01/26/15 423 VFIS 54500 VFP ACC & SICK POLI 0.00 5933.00 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 16241.29 TOTAL FUND 0.00 16241.29 RUN DATE 01/26/2015 TIME 14:10:22 54 SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 01/26/15 TIME: 14:10:18 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 16 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="01/14/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/15 FUND − 116 − SOLID WASTE CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 74132 01/15/15 1077 AT&T 65 54100 OLUSTEE RECYCLING 0.00 168.40 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74172 74172 74172 74172 74172 74172 74172 74172 74172 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 1743 1743 1743 1743 1743 1743 1743 1743 1743 PITSTOP PITSTOP PITSTOP PITSTOP PITSTOP PITSTOP PITSTOP PITSTOP PITSTOP 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 54400 54400 54400 54400 54400 54400 54400 54400 54400 JAN/228 DUMP SITE JAN/MUDLAKE DUMP JAN/OLUSTEE DUMP JAN/YARD,LIMB DUMP JAN/BAXTER DUMP JAN/GLEN DUMP SITE JAN/SANDERSN DUMP JAN/STEEL BRIDGE DU JAN/CUYLER DUMP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 405.00 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 74196 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 MUDLAKE RECY SITE CUYLER RECYCLE SITE SR 228 RECYCLE SITE SANDERSON RECY SITE 121 N RECYCLING SIT GLEN RECYCLING SITE BAXTER RECYCLING SI 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36.61 36.61 39.05 36.61 36.61 37.38 37.38 260.25 104000 74226 01/26/15 2021 GOODYEAR COMM. TIRE 65 54602 PO39824/TIRES 0.00 1548.28 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74227 74227 01/26/15 221 01/26/15 221 HAGAN ACE HARDWARE HAGAN ACE HARDWARE 65 65 55210 55210 PO39815/PLIERS,BROO PO39836/FILE MILL C 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.28 25.91 59.19 104000 74237 01/26/15 284 MACCLENNY MOTOR PAR 65 54602 PO39832/HYDR HOSE R 0.00 120.50 104000 74240 01/26/15 2279 METAL MASTERS OF FL 65 54602 PO39800/COMPACTR RP 0.00 266.73 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74244 74244 74244 01/26/15 317 01/26/15 317 01/26/15 317 NEW RIVER SOLID WAS 65 NEW RIVER SOLID WAS 65 NEW RIVER SOLID WAS 65 53403 53403 53403 PO39805/ADV DISPOSA PO39805/CITIZENS PO38905/TIPPING FEE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3038.10 84.50 15613.62 18736.22 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74245 74245 01/26/15 318 01/26/15 318 NEXTRAN TRUCK CENTE 65 NEXTRAN TRUCK CENTE 65 54602 54602 PO39830/FILTERS PO39829/FILTR KIT,H 0.00 0.00 0.00 216.28 282.96 499.24 104000 74258 01/26/15 373 SAFETY−KLEEN SYSTEM 65 55210 PO39787/SOLVENT 0.00 117.81 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74263 74263 01/26/15 387 01/26/15 387 SOUTHEASTERN SERVIC 65 SOUTHEASTERN SERVIC 65 53150 53150 PO39801/SITE ATTNDN PO39817/SITE ATTNDN 0.00 0.00 0.00 7511.40 7511.40 15022.80 0.00 37204.42 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT RUN DATE 01/26/2015 TIME 14:10:22 PORTABLE PORTABLE PORTABLE PORTABLE PORTABLE PORTABLE PORTABLE PORTABLE PORTABLE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA T T T T T T T SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 01/26/15 TIME: 14:10:18 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 17 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="01/14/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/15 FUND − 116 − SOLID WASTE CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND TOTAL FUND RUN DATE 01/26/2015 TIME 14:10:22 ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 0.00 37204.42 SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 01/26/15 TIME: 14:10:18 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 18 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="01/14/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/15 FUND − 122 − SHIP FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 74169 01/15/15 314 NORTHEAST FLORIDA R 99 53400 OCT−DEC SHIP ADMIN 0.00 8750.00 104000 74212 01/26/15 2212 CHALKER BRANCH CONS 99 53400 HIGGINBOTHAM SEPTIC 0.00 6300.00 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 15050.00 TOTAL FUND 0.00 15050.00 RUN DATE 01/26/2015 TIME 14:10:22 SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 01/26/15 TIME: 14:10:18 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 19 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="01/14/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/15 FUND − 166 − 12.50 SC FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 01/15/15 1734 54600 SOF ACCESS FEE/DEC 0.00 2142.00 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 2142.00 TOTAL FUND 0.00 2142.00 74155 HARRIS CORPORATION− 96 RUN DATE 01/26/2015 TIME 14:10:22 SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 01/26/15 TIME: 14:10:18 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 20 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="01/14/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/15 FUND − 600 − ROAD PAVING FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 01/26/15 252 53135 NOV SERV/MIDPOINT P 0.00 38345.85 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 38345.85 TOTAL FUND 0.00 38345.85 TOTAL REPORT 0.00 1005074.63 74215 CONSOLIDATED DESIGN 75 RUN DATE 01/26/2015 TIME 14:10:23 SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING RESOLUTION 2015-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY IN SECTION 125.01(J) OF FLORIDA STATUTES, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF AN EXISTING DRAINAGE EASEMENT ON MILTONDALE ROAD; PROVIDING AN IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the previous owners of real property located on Miltondale Road, executed an agreement to grant a Drainage Easement, which is recorded in the Official Records of Baker County, Florida in Book 360, Pages 242-244; and WHEREAS, this Drainage Easement is for the purpose of the construction, maintenance, improvements, repair and operation of underground drainage; and WHEREAS, current property owners seek to clarify the legal description relating to the Drainage Easement and executed and presented to the County an Amended Drainage Easement, attached hereto as Exhibit “A” incorporated by reference and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of Baker County to continue the legal rights to this Drainage Easement for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens in that area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: Section 1. Adoption and Incorporation of Recitals. The Board of County Commissioners of Baker County, Florida hereby adopts the above recitals and incorporates them herein as findings of fact. Section 2. Drainage Easement. The Board of County Commissioners hereby accepts the Amended Drainage Easement, which amends the legal description of said easement and is described specifically in Exhibit “A”. Section 3. Recording. The Clerk of the Circuit Court is instructed to record the amended Drainage Easement in the Official Records of Baker County, Florida. Section 4. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective upon adoption by the Board of County Commissioners of Baker County, Florida. DULY PASSED AND ADOPTED, with a quorum present and voting, by the Board of County Commission of Baker County, Florida, in regular session, this 3rd day of February 2015, by the Board of County Commissioners of Baker County, Florida. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA _____________________________ James Croft Chairman ATTEST: _____________________________________ Stacie D. Harvey Clerk to the Board Exhibit “A” to Resolution 2015-01 Prepared by: Baker County, Florida 55 North 3rd Street Macclenny, Florida 32063 [No Title Opinion Rendered] AMENDED DRAINAGE EASEMENT THIS GRANT OF EASEMENT, made June 6th, 1994, and hereby amended this _____ day of January, 2015, between ALEXANDRIA B. GOTAY, a single adult hereinafter referred to as GRANTOR, and BAKER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as GRANTEE. GRANTOR, for and in consideration of the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, granted, bargained, sold and conveyed to the GRANTEE, the right to construct, alter, improve and maintain underground drainage and necessary fixtures thereto on, either above or below the surface of the ground, drainage facilities on, over, through, across or under the following described property in Baker County, Florida described as follows: Parcel Identification Number 30-2S-22-0000-0000-0640 The Easterly 20 feet of lands described in Instrument Number 200900002406 as recorded in the public records of Baker County Florida. together with free right of ingress and egress over and across such property, insofar as such right of ingress and egress is necessary to the proper use of any other right granted herein, upon the conditions that GRANTEE will at all times be responsible for the following: A) Construction, maintenance, repair and operation of all the above described fixtures and materials placed upon the servient property. B) GRANTEE shall assume all liability for injuries to any and all persons or property in connection with the placement, maintenance, repair operation or removal of the above described fixtures and materials. Said agreement, herein described, shall be perpetual in nature, terminating by release from Grantee at such time as within the above described land. The rights herein contained and granted are conditioned upon the reasonable exercise thereof for the benefit of dominant tenement, and in the event of use for purposes not specifically described herein, GRANTOR shall have the right to extinguish the agreement by written notice of GRANTEE sixty (60) days prior to said notice, GRANTEE shall conform to the terms of this Amended Agreement, or same shall be terminable, at GRANTOR’s option. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has hereunto set hand and seal on the day and year first above written. Signed and Sealed in the Presence of: ___________________________ Witness ___________________________ Alexandria B. Gotay ___________________________ Witness STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BAKER I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared Alexandria B. Gotay, who is personally known to me or produced ____________________ as identification and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same was executed knowingly, intelligently and voluntarily for the purposes therein described. ___________________________ Notary Public My Commission Expires: From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Jeffrey Cox CJ Thompson "Gerald Gonzalez";; Todd Knabb; "Gerald Gonzalez"; "John Finley"; Sara Little BCDC Board Member Nomination Thursday, January 29, 2015 4:09:27 PM CJ: The BCDC Board of Directors has nominated Mr. Josie Davis to serve on the BCDC Board of Directors. According to the Articles of Incorporation of BCDC, this nomination has to be approved by the County Commissioners. Could you please add this to agenda of the next available Commissioner meeting for approval? Mr. Davis was nominated due to the resignation of Mr. Paul Whitehead. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you, Jeffrey Cox Finance Manager Baker County Sheriff's Office Office: 904-259-0381 Mobile: 904-545-5240 BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Rules of Procedure Revised: February 3, 2015 1 Table of Contents I. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN COUNTY GOVERNMENT ................................................. 4 A. Commission Meetings to be Open to the Public ................................................................... 4 B. Appearance before the Commission ..................................................................................... 4 C. Public Comments and Inquiries ............................................................................................ 5 D. Commission Meetings - Regular .......................................................................................... 6 E. Commission Meetings - Special ........................................................................................... 6 F. Commission Meetings - Emergency ..................................................................................... 6 G. Informal Commission Meetings - Inspection Trips, Retreats ............................................... 7 H. Public Hearings – Time & Location ..................................................................................... 7 I. Public Hearing – Procedures ................................................................................................. 7 J. Public Records – Inspection & Duplication........................................................................ 10 K. Commission Mail – Circulation, Public Review & Duplication ........................................ 10 L. Advisory Boards/Committees ............................................................................................. 10 II. PREPARATION OF AGENDA; ORDER OF BUSINESS ................................................... 11 A. Preparation of Agenda ........................................................................................................ 11 B. Agenda Material.................................................................................................................. 12 C. Meeting - Order of Business ............................................................................................... 12 D. Quorum ............................................................................................................................... 13 E. Required Attendance of Officials ....................................................................................... 13 F. Parliamentarian - Minutes ................................................................................................... 14 G. Sergeant at Arms ................................................................................................................. 14 H. Rules of Order and Debate .................................................................................................. 15 I. Voting ................................................................................................................................. 15 J. Conflict of Interest .............................................................................................................. 16 K. Ordinances .......................................................................................................................... 16 L. Resolutions.......................................................................................................................... 16 M. Motions ............................................................................................................................... 17 N. Reconsideration of Action Previously Taken ..................................................................... 17 O. Rescinding Action Previously Taken.................................................................................. 17 III. GENERAL PROVISIONS ................................................................................................. 17 A. Newly-Elected Commissioners ........................................................................................... 17 2 B. Swearing-in Ceremony ....................................................................................................... 17 C. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair ....................................................................................... 18 D. Commission Chair - Presiding Officer ............................................................................... 18 E. Commission Appointments to Boards and Committees ..................................................... 19 F. Appointment of Commission Liaisons ............................................................................... 20 G. Suspension and Construction of Rules ............................................................................... 20 IV. APPENDIX 1: GUIDELINES FOR BOARDS & COMMITTEES .................................. 21 3 I. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN COUNTY GOVERNMENT A. Commission Meetings to be Open to the Public All meetings of the Baker County Commission, and of committees thereof, shall be open to the public in accordance with the Florida Government in the Sunshine Law, Section 286.011, Florida Statutes. 1. The exception shall be those meetings statutorily exempt, such as executive collective bargaining sessions- Section 447.605(1), Florida Statutes; meetings regarding risk management claims - Section 768.28(15), Florida Statutes; and litigation meetings pursuant to Section 286.011(8) Florida Statutes. The Commission shall follow all statutory requirements for exempt meetings. 2. All regular and special meetings of the Commission will be conducted in a publicly owned or controlled building and open to the public. 3. For public safety purposes, no signs or placards mounted on sticks, posts, poles or similar structures will be allowed in County Commission meetings. Other signs, placards, or banners shall not disrupt meetings or interfere with a person in the audience's ability to observe the meeting. 4. All persons with disabilities shall be provided the assistance that is necessary to enable them to effectively participate in Commission meetings. B. Appearance before the Commission Persons desiring to address the Commission on a pending matter or which needs the attention of the Commission may do so upon recognition and introduction by the Chair. To ensure that everyone has an opportunity to participate, the following procedures shall govern: 1. After being recognized, the person should: a. Step up to the speaker's rostrum and state their name and address. b. Unless further time is granted by the Chair, limit the comments to three minutes; c. Address all remarks to the Commission as a body, and not to individual member thereof; d. Make comments and present documents to the Chair. Speakers should make comments that are concise and present data they wish the Commission to consider. No person may speak more than once on the same subject unless granted permission by the Chair. 2. The Commission may discuss the issue, assign it to a committee, refer it to the manager or attorney or take action if they choose to do so. 4 3. No person other than a member of the Commission, and the person having the floor, shall participate in the discussion without being recognized by the Chair. Questions should be directed through the Chair. 4. Disruptive conduct by any participate is not acceptable and the guilty party may be removed from the room by the chair. 5. A person may not interfere or interrupt the orderly procedure of the Commission meeting and interrupt the recognized speaker. 6. If the Chair declares an individual out-of-order, the individual will be requested to relinquish the speaker's rostrum and failure to do so will result in removal pursuant to Rule 19 of this policy. 7. Prior to the beginning of a meeting or public hearing, the Chair may require that all persons who wish to address the commission who are not on the published agenda sign in, give their name, the agenda item and whether they wish to speak as a proponent, opponent, or otherwise. If a sign-in sheet is required, any person who does not sign in may be permitted to speak after all those who signed in have done so. 8. The Chair is authorized to establish speaker time limits and otherwise control presentations. 9. Employees of the County may address the Commission on matters of public concern. C. Public Comments and Inquiries Persons may address the Commission on items not on the agenda during the Public Comment period. The Commission shall not take final action on public comment items prespented at the same meeting unless there is a need for immediate action. When inquiries and comments regarding issues not on the agenda the Commission will first determine whether the issue is legislative or administrative in nature and then: 1. If legislative, and the comment is about previous legislative action by the Board or the comment is suggestive in nature regarding changes to existing legislation, and if the Commission finds consideration of such suggestions advisable, the Commission may refer the matter to a committee, to the County Attorney or County Manager for review and recommendation, or may take any other action it deems appropriate. 2. If administrative, and the complaint is regarding the performance of administrative staff, administrative interpretation of legislative policy, or administrative policy within the authority of the County Manager, the Chair shall refer the complaint directly to the County Manager for review. The Commission may direct that the County Manager report to the Commission when the review is complete. 5 3. The Chair may also assign a Commissioner issues that require additional examination. If so assigned, the Commissioner shall provide a verbal or written report to the Commission when the examination is complete. D. Commission Meetings - Regular 1. Unless otherwise advertised, all regular meetings of the Baker County Commission are conducted at 5:00 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of the month in the County Commission Chambers located at the Baker County Administrative Complex, 55 North 3rd Street Macclenny, Florida. 2. Periodically, regular meetings may be adjusted by the Commission to accommodate a holiday schedule or other special circumstances. Prior notice of such change shall be provided to the public, the Clerk and the media. While a minimum notice of 24 hours is required, the Commission will provide as much advance notice of a regular meeting as is feasible. E. Commission Meetings - Special 1. Commissioner or the County Manager may call a special meeting. County Commissioners shall request any special meeting through the County Manager or the Clerk of Circuit Court. 2. The call for a special meeting shall be in writing and shall contain time, place and business to be conducted. Special meetings may be held upon no less than twenty-four (24) hours public notice. 3. Special meetings may be scheduled on days or evenings in addition to the first and third Tuesday of the month but not on Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays. 4. No business other than items listed on the agenda shall be considered. Public comment shall be allowed on items on the agenda, but there will not be a separate public comment period included on the agenda. 5. If there is no longer a need for a special meeting after notice as outlined above the person(s) who called the meeting is/are authorized to cancel the meeting. F. Commission Meetings - Emergency Any one Commissioner or the County Manager may call, orally or in writing, an emergency meeting. 1. The call for an emergency meeting shall contain the time, place, and business to be conducted. The time and place of the emergency meeting will be added to the Meetings List. Emergency meetings may be held, when practicable, upon the most reasonable notice allowable under the circumstances. 2. Each Commissioner, the Clerk of the Court, the Sheriff, the County Manager and the County Attorney shall be given notice allowable under the 6 circumstances. Such notice shall be provided by any reasonable means, including telephone, email, or facsimile transmission. 3. The most reasonable notice allowable under the circumstances of the emergency meeting shall be provided to the business office of each local media organization that has on file a written request for notice of emergency meetings. 4. Emergency meetings involving an eminent public health, safety or welfare may be scheduled at any time between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. 5. An agenda outlining the business to be conducted will be available prior to the meeting. 6. No business shall be conducted other than items listed on the agenda. Public comment shall be allowed on items on the agenda, but there will not be a separate public comment period included on the agenda. 7. If there is no longer a need for an emergency meeting, the person who called the meeting is authorized to cancel the meeting. G. Informal Commission Meetings - Inspection Trips, Retreats 1. The Chair, Commission, or County Manager may schedule informal meetings, inspection trips, or retreats. 2. Advance notice of these meetings shall be given in the same manner as special meetings. 3. Minutes of these meetings shall be made by County Commission staff. H. Public Hearings – Time & Location 1. Public hearings shall be held on the first and third Tuesday of the month in the County Commission Chambers located in the Baker County Administrative Complex, 55 North 3rd Street, Macclenny, Florida. 2. The matters under consideration shall be heard at the 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as practicable. Public hearings may be continued from a prior meeting, or scheduled on days or evenings that are convenient but not on Sundays or Holidays. 3. All rules pertaining to regular meeting shall apply. I. Public Hearing – Procedures 1. General Public Hearings. The procedures to be followed for public hearings are, generally, as follows: 7 a. The Chair shall declare the public hearing open and announce the agenda item to be considered as well as any staff comments or recommendations. The Chair inquires whether any Commissioner wishes to put forth a motion. Whether or not a motion and second are made, the Chair opens the floor for comments. b. Following public comment (if any), the Chair closes the public hearing and inquires if any Commissioner wishes to take action on the motion on the floor (if any) or put forth a motion. Following the motion and its second, discussion occurs among Commissioners. c. At the conclusion of the discussion the Chair calls for the vote. 2. Quasi-Judicial Hearings. The procedures to be followed for quasi-judicial hearings are generally as follows: a. Prior to the commencement of quasi-judicial hearings, the Commission will instruct the County Attorney to provide the public with an explanation of quasi-judicial proceedings and shall read or distribute the following statement: "All persons wishing to participate and speak will be sworn in prior to speaking during this proceeding. All persons have the right, through the Chair, to ask questions of staff or other speakers, to seek clarification of comments made by staff or other speakers and respond to comments or presentations of staff or other speakers. All persons who present written materials to Commissioners for consideration must ensure that a copy of such materials is provided to the Clerk for inclusion in the Board's record of proceedings and official minutes. While we welcome comments from all persons with an interest in this proceeding, Florida law requires that the County Commission's decision in a quasi-judicial action be supported by competent substantial evidence presented to the Commission during the hearing on the application. Competent substantial evidence is such evidence as a reasonable mind would accept as adequate to support a conclusion. There must be a factual basis in the record to support opinion testimony from both expert and non-expert witnesses. Persons presenting testimony may rely on factual information that they present, that is presented by County staff, that the applicant presented, or on factual information included in the County staff report to support their testimony." b. Prior to commencement of the Hearing the clerk or secretary shall make the following inquiry of the County Commissioners: “Has any Commissioner received any oral or written communications regarding the zoning items? If so, please disclose the substance of the communication and identify the person making the communication. A disclosure must be made before or during the public meeting at which a vote is taken on such matters, so that persons who have opinions contrary to those expressed in the ex-parte communication are given a reasonable opportunity to refute or respond to the communication.” 8 c. The Clerk or County Attorney shall administer the affirmation to all persons who desire to speak at quasi-judicial proceedings before the County Commission d. The County Manager or designee shall describe the item to be considered and make a presentation pertaining to the item if asked to do so by the Chair. The Chair shall then inquire as to whether any Commissioner has questions for the staff. e. The applicant or his/her agent/representative will make a presentation pertaining to the application. The Chair will once again inquire as to whether Commissioners and then parties to the proceeding have any questions regarding the petition. f. The Chair will ask if any members in the audience wish to present testimony. At the conclusion of the testimony, the Chair will ask if any of the Commissioners or any of the parties to the proceeding have questions of the witness. g. There will be an opportunity for applicant rebuttal and closing comments. h. The Chair will then entertain a motion from the Commission. i. Ex-parte Communications. Florida Statutes Section 286.0115 provides that any person who is not otherwise prohibited by statute, charter provision or ordinance may discuss with any commissioner the merits of any matter that the County Commission may take action. The following procedures, which remove the presumption of prejudice, shall be followed for ex-parte communication. j. The substance of any ex-parte communication with a Commissioner which relates to a quasi-judicial action pending before the Commission (such as a zoning decision) is not presumed prejudicial to the action if the subject of the communication and the identity of the person, group or entity with whom the communication took place is disclosed and made a part of the record before the final action on the matter. k. A County Commissioner may read a written communication from any person. A written communication that relates to quasi-judicial action pending before the Commission (such as a zoning decision) shall not be presumed prejudicial to the action. Such written communication shall be made a part of the record before final action on the matter. l. Commissioners may conduct investigations and site visits and may receive expert opinions regarding quasi-judicial action pending before the Commission. Such activities shall not be presumed prejudicial to the action if the existence of the investigation, site visit or expert opinion is made a part of the record before final action on the matter. 9 J. Public Records – Inspection & Duplication Pursuant to Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, all documents, papers, letters, maps, books, tapes, photographs, films, sound recordings, email messages, or other material, regardless of physical form or characteristics, made or received pursuant to law or in connection with the transaction of official business by any agency, are public records. A public record (including information stored in computers) is open to public inspection and duplication, unless exempted by law. 1. If the purpose of a document prepared in connection with the official business of the agency is to perpetuate, communicate or formalize knowledge, then it is a public record regardless of whether it is in final form, or the ultimate product of an agency. 2. Requests for copies of public information (including the Commission mail and audio recordings of County Commission meetings and workshops) should be made through the County Administration office pursuant to Administrative Policy 2010-3. 3. Any and every media conference officially sponsored by Baker County Government will be open to all media representatives and to the general public. Press conferences will be conducted in a location that is publicly accessible. K. Commission Mail – Circulation, Public Review & Duplication All mail addressed to the Chair and the Commissioners, which is received pursuant to law or in connection with the transaction of official County business, is a public record (Chapter 119, Florida Statutes). The public may review and duplicate such records, including email. 1. Items of considerable length (such as petitions) will not be copied; instead, a memorandum will be distributed which announces the availability and location of the item in the County Administration office. Publications and lengthy agenda materials for other boards on which Commissioners serve will not be copied; only the agenda will be circulated. 2. Each Commissioner will receive the original of items addressed to her/him. Mail with the words similar to "Personal", "Confidential" or "For the Addressee Only", shall be delivered unopened to the addressee. 3. The Chair and Commissioners who receive individually-addressed mail will be responsible for replying; asking the County Manager to draft a response for their signature; or requesting that the item be placed on the agenda for formal Commission consideration. L. Advisory Boards/Committees Policy Statement: The mission of advisory boards and committees shall be to examine various policy issues referred by the Commission or staff. Committees shall provide 10 guidance to the Commission in the development of policy recommendations, but shall not attempt to manage the administrative operations of the County or direct staff. Advisory boards and committees may be created and dissolved by resolution, ordinance or other action by the Commission. Committee members are appointed by the Commission after advertising vacancies. All members shall serve at the pleasure of a majority of the Commission. II. 1. The County Manager's office shall provide to the chair of each advisory board or committee copies of all resolutions or ordinances which pertain to that committee. Such information shall be delivered to the committee chair within one (1) week after adoption by the Commission, or as soon thereafter as possible. 2. Appointment to advisory boards shall be by voice vote during a regular Commission meeting. Priority shall be given to applicants from Baker County. All members serve at the pleasure of the Commission. 3. All Commission advisory boards, commissions and other bodies shall meet in public buildings. 4. All statutory boards, commissions and advisory bodies shall prepare minutes taken at each meeting. Communications to the Commission from such boards, commissions and bodies shall be received in the mail of the Commission Chair. 5. All Chairpersons of advisory boards/committees are encouraged to provide updates to the County Commission at its regularly scheduled business meetings/public hearings. All requests for presentations shall be submitted to the Office of the County Manager. 6. County Employees may serve on advisory boards/committees. 7. Appointees personal and business affairs conducted within Baker County must be in substantial compliance with all County regulatory and taxing authorities’ rules and regulations. Appointees deemed to be in violation of any County rule, regulation, or policy may be disallowed from membership on advisory boards or committees by a majority vote of the Commission. 8. Advisory boards and committees are required to adhere to the Guidelines for Citizen Advisory Boards & Committees as approved by the County Commission. These guidelines are incorporated herein as Attachment 1. PREPARATION OF AGENDA; ORDER OF BUSINESS A. Preparation of Agenda The County Manager shall prepare the agenda. The Chair, any Commissioner or Constitutional Officer, the County Manager, or the County Attorney may place an item on the agenda. The County Manager will provide the agenda to Commissioners two days prior to a regular meeting. The Chair, any Commissioner or Constitutional Officer, the 11 County Manager, or the County Attorney may request that an item be scheduled for a time certain. Persons requesting an item to be scheduled for a time certain shall submit the request to the County Manager no later than three days prior to the meeting. Presentations on time certain items will normally not exceed thirty (30) minutes in length. 1. The Chair, any Commissioner or Constitutional Officer, the County Manager, or the County Attorney may schedule an item for a time certain that recognizes County employees or citizens. These recognitions will generally honor individuals, teams, or organizations for activities or actions that benefit Baker County. Recognition presentations will not exceed fifteen (15) minutes. B. Agenda Material 1. A copy of the agenda and supporting materials shall be prepared for Commissioners, the public and the media before 5:00 PM on the Friday prior to the regular Commission meeting or Public Hearing, except when legally observed holidays affect copying and distribution. The agenda, as well as lengthy reports that are part of agenda documentation, shall be available for review in the County Manager's office. 2. Each Commissioner should carefully review the Consent Agenda to determine whether there is any item s/he wishes to have pulled from the consent and discussed and voted on separately. C. Meeting - Order of Business The business of all regular meetings of the Commission should be transacted as follows, provided, however that the Chair may, by simple majority vote or consensus of the Commission, re-arrange items on the agenda to more expeditiously conduct the business before the Commission: 1. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance – Members of the Commission may be designated to present the invocation and lead the pledge. 2. Presentation of Amendments to the Agenda – An amendment to the agenda is an emergency addition to the regular or consent agenda and consists of items which are submitted for agenda consideration after the established deadline. 3. Approval of the Consent Agenda 4. Public Comments a. Three minutes will be allotted for public comments. Persons who are not listed to speak on an item on the agenda will have the opportunity to comment on other relevant community issues. b. Any person may address the Commission under this agenda section. The County Commission shall not take final action at the same meeting on items addressed under this section unless the issue is of critical importance. 12 5. Constitutional Officers/Other Governmental Units (When applicable) 6. Committee Reports (When applicable) 7. New Business – Items that have not been discussed by meeting attendees previously and that do not belong on the consent agenda or committee report. 8. Old Business – Items presented at a previous meeting that could not be completed or decided at that meeting. Discussions usually consist of followup information that provides meeting attendees the answers to questions they had at the last meeting. It might cover information gathered or tasks finished as part of action-item assignments from the previous meeting. 9. County Manager – Informational (non-action) items that are not covered other under sections. 10. County Attorney 11. Commission Comments – Informational (non-action) items that are not covered other under sections. 12. Adjourn No meeting should be permitted to continue beyond midnight without the approval of a majority of the Commission. A new time limit must be established before taking a Commission vote to extend the meeting. In the event that a meeting has not been closed or continued by Commission vote prior to midnight, the items not acted on are to be continued to a designated time on the following day or as soon thereafter as practical, unless State law requires hearing at a different time. D. Quorum 1. A quorum for the transaction of business by the Commission consists of three (3) Commissioners. 2. Once a quorum has been established, a majority of Commissioners present at the meeting shall be required to carry a motion, unless by statute, ordinance or other regulation, an extraordinary majority (4/5ths) of the Commission is required for approval of an item (e.g. consideration of emergency ordinances, gas tax, etc.). E. Required Attendance of Officials 1. In addition to Commissioners, County officials whose regular attendance shall be required at meetings of the Commission are the: a. Clerk of the Court; b. County Manager; and 13 c. County Attorney; or d. Their designees. 2. A representative of the Baker County Sheriff's Office shall be present to provide security and assistance in maintaining order. F. Parliamentarian - Minutes The County Attorney serves as the Board parliamentarian, and advises the Chair as to correct rules of procedure or questions of specific rule application. The parliamentarian calls to the attention of the Chair any errors in the proceedings that may affect the substantive rights of any member, or may otherwise do harm. 1. The Secretary to the Board shall take minutes of the proceedings of all commission meetings. The Secretary shall provide copies of the minutes to each Commissioner for their reading. 2. The County Manager shall list the minutes on the agenda for approval by the Commission. Such minutes stand confirmed at the regular Commission meeting without a reading in open meeting, unless some error is shown. In such event, an appropriate correction is made. A copy of the draft minutes of the last regular Commission meeting shall be available for review at the reception desk in the County Manager's office. 3. The Secretary to the Board shall be responsible for recording County Commission meetings. 4. Upon request the secretary will provide any Commissioner with transcribed excerpts of audio recording of Commission meetings. G. Sergeant at Arms The Baker County Sheriff’s Office shall be sergeant-at-arms of the Commission meetings. The Baker County Sheriff’s Office is authorized to elicit support in performing this duty. The Sheriff’s Office shall carry out all orders and instructions given by the County Commission for the purpose of maintaining order and decorum at the Commission meeting. The following policy will provide guidance in handling disruptions: 1. If an individual refuses to relinquish the podium after being allowed to address the Commission, the Chair will inform the individual that their time to address the Commission has expired and the Chair will direct the individual to leave the podium. 2. If an individual causes disruption in the Commission meeting site, the Chair will inform the individual causing the disruption to cease the disruptive activity. 3. If the disruption fails to stop: 14 a. The Chair will inform the individual causing the disruption that their actions are contrary to the orderly function of the meeting and that the individual is to cease such action or the Sergeant-at-Arms will be instructed to remove the individual from the meeting site. b. The Chair will direct the individual to leave the meeting site. The Chair will inform the individual that, if s/he is directed to leave and fails to do so, the individual will be subject to arrest. c. If the disruption fails to cease, the Chair shall be authorized to take final action and read the following: As the Commission Chair, I inform you that your actions are inconsistent with the orderly function of this meeting and you have failed to comply with the lawful order of the Chair. I am instructing the Sergeant-at-Arms to have you removed from this building. H. Rules of Order and Debate Every Commission member desiring to speak should address the Commission Chair and, upon recognition by the Chair, should be confined to the question under debate. 1. The maker of a motion shall be entitled to the floor first for debate. 2. A member once recognized should not be interrupted when speaking unless to call said member to order. The member should then cease speaking until the question of order is determined, without debate, by the Chair. If in order, said member will be at liberty to proceed. 3. If the Chair wishes to put forth or second a motion, s/he shall relinquish the chair to (1), the Vice Chair, (2), the senior Commission member (if the Vice Chair is absent), (3) another Commission member who has remained impartial or (4), the Clerk, until the main motion on which the presiding officer spoke has been disposed. 4. The most recent edition of the Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure shall be the general rules of the Commission, so long as they do not conflict with ordinances, statutes, or rules, of Baker County. I. Voting 1. The votes during all Commission meetings should be transacted as follows: a. In order to expedite business, the Chair shall usually call for the vote by voice. At the request of any Commissioner, a roll call vote shall be taken by the Clerk. The roll call vote may be determined in alphabetical order, with the Chair voting last. b. When the Chair calls for a vote on a motion, every member, who was in the Commission chambers must give their vote, unless the member has publicly stated that s/he is abstaining from voting due to a conflict of interest, pursuant to Section 112.3143 or Section 286.011, Florida 15 Statutes. If any Commissioner declines to vote "aye" or "nay" by voice, his or her vote shall be counted as an "aye" vote. c. The passage of any motion, policy or resolution shall require the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the membership of the Commissioners who are present and eligible to vote. In case of a tie in votes on any proposal, the proposal and/or motion shall be considered defeated. 2. Any Commissioner shall have the right to express dissent from or protests against any ordinance, resolution or policy of the Commission, and to have the reason therefore entered in the minutes. J. Conflict of Interest 1. Pursuant to Sections 112.3143 and 286.011, Florida Statutes, no Commissioner shall vote in her/his official capacity on a matter which would inure to his/her special private gain, or which the Commissioner knows would inure to the special private gain of any principal by whom s/he is retained, of the parent organization or subsidiary of a corporate principal by which s/he is retained, or a relative or of a business associate. 2. Within fifteen (15) days following that Commission meeting, s/he shall file with the Clerk of Circuit Court a Form 8B which describes the nature of her/his interest in the matter. The Form 8B shall be received by the Clerk and forwarded to the Board Secretary for incorporation into the minutes of the meeting. K. Ordinances An enacted ordinance is a legislative act which prescribes general, uniform, and permanent rules of conduct relating to the corporate affairs of the county. Commission action shall be taken by ordinance when required by law, or to prescribe permanent rules of conduct which continue in force until repealed, or where such conduct is enforced by penalty. All ordinances shall be introduced in writing, and scheduled for public hearing after advertisement. 1. Emergency Ordinances. By vote of one more than the majority, the Commission may without notice or hearing adopt an emergency ordinance. The emergency ordinance shall contain a declaration describing the emergency, and shall be passed in accordance with Section 125.66(3), Florida Statutes. L. Resolutions Generally, an enacted resolution is an internal legislative act which is a formal statement of policy concerning matters of special or temporary character. Commission action shall be taken by resolution when required by law and in those instances where an expression of policy more formal than a motion is desired. All resolutions shall be reduced to writing. A resolution may be put to its final passage on the same day on which it was introduced. 16 M. Motions 1. An enacted motion is a form of action taken by the Commission to direct that a specific action be taken on behalf of the county. A motion, once approved and entered into the record, is the equivalent of a resolution in those instances where a resolution is not required by law. All motions shall be made and seconded before debate. 2. Before a motion has been stated by the Chair, the proposer may change or withdraw it without the Commissions permission, and any member or the Chair may request that the maker withdraw it. Once the motion has received a second and has been stated by the Chair, the Commission must vote on the motion. N. Reconsideration of Action Previously Taken 1. A motion to reconsider enables the Commission to set aside a vote on a main motion taken at the same meeting, and to consider that motion again as though no vote had been taken on it. 2. A motion to reconsider may be made only by a member of the prevailing vote on the initial issue. No motion by any Commissioner to reconsider shall be made more than once on any subject at the same meeting. 3. Upon passage of a motion to reconsider, no substantive action on the matter may be taken until a subsequent meeting so that the public and media may be on notice of the matter to be reconsidered. The subject matter shall be scheduled for the next regular Commission meeting for action. O. Rescinding Action Previously Taken Commission action may be rescinded by a 4/5ths vote. After a motion to reconsider has been adopted any Commissioner may, at the next regular Commission meeting, move to rescind action previously taken. III. GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Newly-Elected Commissioners The term of County Commissioners elected to office shall commence on the second Tuesday following the general election as specified in Florida Statutes Section 100.41. B. Swearing-in Ceremony 17 A swearing-in ceremony for newly-elected commissioners will be coordinated by the County Manager. C. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair The Clerk shall preside over the election of officers. Procedures for electing officers are as follows: 1. At the first Regular Commission meeting in November each year, or as soon thereafter as practicable, the Commission shall elect a Chairperson from among its members. The Clerk calls for nominations for Chair; nominations do not require a second. A roll-call vote is conducted by the Clerk if there is more than one nomination. If a vacancy occurs in the office of the Chair, the Commission shall, at its next meeting, select a Chair for the remainder of the term. 2. In conjunction with the above election, a Vice-Chair is also elected in a like manner. The Vice-Chair continues to have all the rights, privileges and immunities of a member of the Commission. 3. In case of the absence or temporary disability of the Chair, the Vice-Chair serves as Chair during the absence. In case of the absence or temporary disability of the Chair and the Vice-Chair, an Acting Chair and Vice-Chair, selected by members of the Commission, serves during the continuance of the absences or disabilities. D. Commission Chair - Presiding Officer The Chair shall serve as the Presiding Officer at all meetings of the Commission, and is recognized as the head of the County for all ceremonial purposes. In addition to the powers conferred upon her/him as Chair, s/he continues to have all the rights, privileges and immunities of a member of the Commission. The Chairs responsibilities include: 1. Call the meeting to order, having ascertained that a quorum is present; 2. Recognize all Commissioners who seek the floor under correct procedure. All questions and comments are to be directed through the Chair and restated by her/him, and s/he declares all votes; 3. Preserve order and call to order any member of the Commission who violates any of these procedures; and, when presiding, decide questions of order, subject to a majority vote on a motion to appeal; 4. Expedite business in every way compatible with the rights of members; 5. Remain objective. The same rights in debate as any other member; but the impartiality required of the Chair in an assembly preclude exercising these rights while presiding. The Chair should have nothing to say on the merits of pending questions until the Commissioners and citizens have fully debated the question. On certain occasions which should be extremely rare, the Chair 18 may believe that a crucial factor relating to such a question has been overlooked and that his/her obligation as a member to call attention to the point outweighs the duty to preside at that time. If the Chair wishes to place a motion, the gavel must be relinquished. Based upon these Rules of Procedure, the gavel will be relinquished in the following order: a. Vice Chair; b. Other Commissioners based upon seniority; c. Another Commission member who has remained impartial; d. Clerk to the County Commission; The presiding officer who relinquished the chair should not return to it until the pending main question has been disposed of, since s/he has expressed partisanship as far as that particular matter is concerned. 6. Declare the meeting adjourned at the conclusion of Board actions on the items on the agenda, or at any time in the event of an emergency affecting the safety of those present. 7. When time constraints dictate, the Chair is authorized to approve authorizations to advertise for public hearings. 8. Assign Commissioners seats in the commission chambers. 9. For time-sensitive matters only, send letters to the Baker County State and Federal Legislative Delegations and other government officials in support of Baker County municipal or community-based organization initiatives, such as legislative changes and grant requests, provided the Board of County Commissioners has taken a position in support of the initiative in its legislative agenda or by some other action expressed its position on the issue presented. E. Commission Appointments to Boards and Committees 1. Members of the County Commission serve on various boards and committees (e.g., Regional Planning Council, etc.). Appointments are reviewed and made on the second Tuesday of November of each year or as soon thereafter as practicable. 2. A listing of previous-year appointments will be disseminated to the County Commission in advance of the appropriate meeting so that each Commissioner can determine his/her interest in serving on various boards/committees. 3. If there is no nominee or no volunteer or more than one volunteer for a vacancy, the Chair will appoint a Commissioner to serve. The Commission shall ratify the appointments to boards and committees. 19 4. Each committee shall call upon, confer with, and seek the recommendation of the County Manager's staff. Employees shall staff the various committees as directed by the County Manager. When the staff and committee's recommendations differ, both recommendations will be discussed at the appropriate regular Commission meeting. 5. The County Manager is responsible for scheduling recommendations or reports on the Commission agenda in a timely manner. Reports will include minutes of the committee meeting and other supporting documentation. F. Appointment of Commission Liaisons 1. Assure communication and teamwork, the County Commission Chairman may appoint one commissioner to serve as liaison to each department. The Commission liaison shall be selected from a Commission member who is not a Commission officer (Chair or Vice Chair). 2. Each Commission liaison to a department shall provide the staff and other agency representatives with the general perspective of the County Commission on issues considered by the department. Commission liaisons may also advise the County Commission as to departmental concerns and recommendations on various issues. It is expressly not the role of the Commission liaison to direct county staff, or to supersede the responsibilities of the County Manager. G. Suspension and Construction of Rules 1. Temporary suspension of these procedures shall permit the Commission to take some action that would otherwise be prevented by a procedural rule already adopted. These Rules of Procedure may be amended or temporarily suspended at any Commission meeting with an affirmative vote of a majority of the Commission. These rules are for the efficient and orderly conduct of Commission business only; no violation of such rules shall invalidate any action of the Commission when approved by a majority vote required by law. 2. This set of Rules of Procedure should be reviewed and if applicable, adopted on the second Tuesday of each November or as soon thereafter as practicable. 20 IV. APPENDIX 1: GUIDELINES FOR BOARDS & COMMITTEES 1. Designation, Length of Service: Boards and committees are to be designated as standing or special. A sunset date will be specified for special committees. Term length for serving on any standing board or committee will be a minimum of two years unless otherwise specified (e.g. State Statute may require term lengths of less than two years). 2. Attendance: a. Any board or committee member whose attendance is less than 50% of the last six (6) consecutive meetings will automatically be removed from the board or committee. b. The minutes shall reflect attendance by members and denote consecutive missed meetings. The Committee shall make a recommendation to the County Manager for member removal for a lack of attendance which shall be forwarded to the County Commission for appropriate action. c. When a quorum is not present at an announced meeting of a board or committee, the board or committee shall meet in a workshop setting, record attendance, and furnish minutes. 3. Removal of Members for Cause: Any board or committee member may be removed for good cause by the County Commission after consideration of the issue at a County Commission meeting. A removal for good cause shall be based on the failure of the board member to adhere to and/or enforce the Baker County Code of Ordinances or excessive absenteeism while performing his or her duties as a board or committee member. 4. Elections of Officers: a. All board and committee officers (i.e. Chair, Vice-chair, etc.) shall be elected by the membership of the board or committee. b. Officers shall be elected on October 1 of each fiscal year or as soon thereafter as practicable. 5. Meeting Frequency: a. At a minimum, all boards and committees shall meet once per year. b. The names of boards or committees that do not meet this minimum requirement shall be submitted to the County Manager's Office. 21 c. Recommendations to dissolve boards or committees or other recommended action will be submitted to the County Commission for consideration. 6. Parliamentary Procedure: As appropriate, the most recent edition of the Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure shall be the rules of the boards and committees, so long as they do not conflict with ordinances, statutes, these rules, or policies of Baker County. 7. Open to the Public: All board and committee meetings shall be open to the public in accordance with the Florida Government in the Sunshine Law, Section 286.011, and Florida Statutes. Regular committee meetings will be conducted in a publicly owned or controlled building. Special meetings and any subcommittee meetings will also be conducted in publicly owned or controlled buildings. All meetings will be held in a building that is open to the public. 22 SERVICE PROPOSAL FOR: Baker County Board of Commissioners 55 North Third Street MACCLENNY, FL 32063 CJ Thompson County Manager SITE ADDRESS: Baker County Courthouse 339 E Macclenny Ave MACCLENNY, FL 32063 LOCAL TRANE OFFICE: Trane U.S. Inc. 8929 Western Way Jacksonville, FL 32256-8391 LOCAL TRANE REPRESENTATIVE: Bob Lee Phone: (904)-728-6931 PROPOSAL ID: 1792757 DATE: September 08, 2014 TRANE SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR BAS AND HVAC EQUIPMENT Executive Summary Thank you for choosing Trane Building Services as your provider for integrated HVAC equipment and building automation system (BAS) support. HVAC equipment is driven by the building automation system; its operation is inextricably connected and responsible for creating building environments that play an important role in an organization’s success. Optimal temperature, humidity, air quality and energy efficiency contribute to a number of objectives: Occupant comfort, productivity, quality control and operational cost savings, to name a few. Like most technology and equipment, integrated building systems need professional attention to sustain peak performance. Proactive maintenance prevents unplanned and disruptive downtime. This Trane Service Agreement—implemented by Trane professionals who are knowledgeable in both HVAC equipment and control systems—offers many benefits: Sustainability – Improving operational integration between HVAC equipment and BAS reduces energy consumption, thereby lessening your carbon impact and advancing your sustainability goals. Peace of mind – Continuous review and analysis sustains peak performance over the long term and helps prevent system failures. Back-up plans built into this agreement are designed to restore data and reboot systems quickly in an emergency situation. 24/7 monitoring through the Intelligent Services Center enables Trane to detect potential problems, avoid downtime, and keep your organization productive and profitable. A stronger bottom line – Excessive energy consumption and emergency repairs erode your bottom line. Planned service typically pays for itself through energy and operational cost savings. Operational consistency and continuous improvement – Exclusive, optional aspects of this Service Agreement leverage Trane Intelligent Services (TIS), a revolutionary integration of technology and Trane professionals. TIS gathers active intelligence from your building’s data, allowing Trane to identify what must be done to improve system performance and sustain the conditions that contribute to the mission of your organization. We are committed to maintaining the integrated HVAC equipment and BAS that enable your building to achieve higher levels of performance. The details of that commitment are provided in the following pages. WE VALUE THE CONFIDENCE YOU HAVE PLACED IN TRANE AND LOOK FORWARD TO WORKING WITH YOU. TRANE SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR BAS AND HVAC EQUIPMENT Added Value Proper maintenance can save an estimated 12-18%* of your budget compared to a run-to-fail approach. A comprehensive BAS and HVAC Equipment Service Agreement is structured to help you manage your lifecycle costs and capture those savings. In addition to financial value, when you partner with Trane you can expect: Contract and Financial Benefits Assigned Service Team - Your service team will consist of a professional Service Coordinator, Service Technicians and an Account Manager, all with extensive HVAC and BAS experience. Our technicians have a thorough understanding of building automation systems and the associated controls, along with heating, refrigeration and airside systems. Priority Response - As a Trane Service Agreement customer, you will receive service priority over time and materials customers. Automated Scheduling System - Trane utilizes a computerized scheduling program to ensure help that all services included in the agreement are performed as stated. Financial Benefits - The implementation of the support agreement from Trane can help control the costs of operating your building in several ways: Lower energy consumption; reduction in the costs and disruptions caused by downtime; planned, budgeted and controlled operating costs; and reduced maintenance. All of these benefits can be gained through a structured contract for support. Superior Service Delivery Trane’s original equipment manufacturer (OEM) Service Delivery Process Ensures consistent quality through: • • • • • • Focus on building environments Uniform service delivery Pre-job parts planning Documented work procedures Efficient and economical delivery of services Emphasis on Safety Service Work Flow - Trane utilizes an industry-exclusive service flow process that includes detailed procedures and identified steps for: safety, parts, materials, tools and sequence for execution. Trane procedures also include steps for safety, quality control, work validation, and environmental compliance. This process assures a complete service event. No critical steps are skipped or lost. Systems serviced in this way offer a higher degree of reliability and operational longevity. These exclusive service procedures deliver superior service and most reliable outcomes at the most cost-effective price. Where applicable, the Trane service process meets or exceeds ASHRAE 180-2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems. Knowledge Transfer Documentation - Work performed on your equipment will be documented by the technician and reviewed with you at the completion of each visit. Operational System Optimization - Trane Service Technicians will review operating sequences and practices for the equipment covered by the agreement and advise you of operational improvement opportunities. Training for Facility Staff – Operator training and coaching is available per the service agreement. Additional training can be customized to meet your site specific needs. Health and Safety Safety Management Program - Trane Building Services employs several full time Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 30-hour certified safety managers who are available to perform safety consultations relating to the service performed at your site. Our Safety Management Program includes monthly safety training for all Trane Building Services field personnel, field supervisor jobsite audits, technician job safety analyses and other key risk assessments and control strategies. Personal Safety - Trane service technicians are, at a minimum, OSHA 10-hour certified, or equivalent with yearly retraining on all key occupational safety and health topics. Many of our technicians have participated in “Smith Safe” driver training and some are Department of Transportation (DOT) Hazmat certified. They are provided with up-to-date personal protective equipment (PPE), training on its use and limitations, and FR protective apparel. Trane maintains an industry-leading position in National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) 70E Electrical Safety, technician ergonomics and fall protection programs. Drug-Free Workplace - Trane Building Services maintains a Drug-Free Workplace, with a robust drug and alcohol testing program. Baker County Courthouse 2015 Select Renewal Proposal ID: 1792757 TRANE SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR BAS AND HVAC EQUIPMENT The Agreement SERVICE PROPOSAL FOR: Baker County Board of Commissioners 55 North Third Street MACCLENNY, FL 32063. CJ Thompson County Manager LOCAL TRANE OFFICE: Trane U.S. Inc. 8929 Western Way Jacksonville, FL 32256-8391 LOCAL TRANE REPRESENTATIVE: Bob Lee Phone: (904) 239-6346 SITE ADDRESS: Baker County Courthouse 339 E Macclenny Ave MACCLENNY, FL 32063 PROPOSAL ID 1792757 DATE: September 08, 2014 Scope of Services – Standard Inclusions The following services are included in your building automation service agreement with Trane (check all that apply*): Services Included* Labor and Materials for Covered Equipment X Scheduled Maintenance Labor X Scheduled Maintenance Parts and Materials X Repair Labor X Repair Parts and Materials Overtime Repair Labor X Emergency On-Site Services Other ©2015 Trane All rights reserved Page 1 of 11 Select Service Agreement for BAS & HVAC Equipment Baker County Courthouse 2015 Select Renewal Proposal ID: 1792757 TRANE SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR BAS AND HVAC EQUIPMENT Building Automation Systems - Standard Inclusions System Analysis and Review Trane will review the building automation system to minimize software problems identify and correct programming errors, failed points, points in alarm and points that have been overridden. Software optimization improves system efficiency, assures compliance to specified conditions, and reduces the risk of costly and disruptive system problems. Regularly scheduled on-site visits by Trane technicians also provide the opportunity to meet with on-site operators, review the system and address any questions or concerns they may have. Tracer Database Backup Throughout the year, changes are continuously being made to the database in response to energy efficiency, occupant comfort or operator interface issues. Trane maintains current and archived backups of primary controller database to expedite system recovery and restoration to the last known set-up following a catastrophic event. Software Service Pack Updates The latest service pack updates will be downloaded and installed to the existing software version when available. This assures the software is always up to date with the current versions that enhance usability and functionality. Control Loop Tuning Loop Tuning assures the system is operating at peak performance for the upcoming season. Operators may make manual changes during the heating or cooling season to accommodate current comfort requirements. During Control Loop Tuning, any changes that were made in previous months are reviewed and adjusted to accommodate changing seasonal conditions. The operation of mechanical loop components is verified, as well. Sequence of Operation Verification Sequence of Operation Verification assures the system is operating as intended. During this assessment, unreleased manual overrides are discovered, scheduling discrepancies are corrected, and appropriate set point values are evaluated. Operator Coaching During regularly scheduled visits, Trane technicians will work with on-site operators to develop their skills and proficiencies to help ensure they understand how to effectively use the system. Repair and Replacement Parts and Labor ©2015 Trane All rights reserved Page 2 of 11 Select Service Agreement for BAS & HVAC Equipment Baker County Courthouse 2015 Select Renewal Proposal ID: 1792757 Trane will provide labor and/or materials to repair or replace failed or worn specified components of the BAS on a time and material basis. Emergency On-site Response With emergency on-site response, Trane responds to emergency service requests with a physical presence at the facility. Each on-site dispatch will be treated as a billable service call. ©2015 Trane All rights reserved Page 3 of 11 Select Service Agreement for BAS & HVAC Equipment Baker County Courthouse 2015 Select Renewal Proposal ID: 1792757 TRANE SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR BAS AND HVAC EQUIPMENT HVAC Equipment - Standard Inclusions Refrigerant Management Refrigerant Replacement at 0% of Charge per unit per year Trane Technicians will capture and track all refrigerant activity performed by Trane for each piece of Covered Equipment Refrigerant Usage Reports can be generated annually Scheduled Maintenance Scheduled number of specific service events and associated labor performed during Trane normal business hours as outlined in the Equipment Coverage and Services section of this Agreement. Basic materials and supplies determined necessary by the Trane Technician for the normal performance of Scheduled Maintenance are covered by the annual fee and include grease, cleaning solvents, and wiping cloths. Laboratory Analysis The Trane Chemical Laboratory performs routine analysis and trending of oil, absorption solutions, and refrigerants as required. Equipped with this knowledge and Trane’s extensive experience we can identify and head off potential systems failures more definitively than service providers who depend on third party testing laboratories. Specified System Repair Coverage The cost of all required repairs to maintainable components on the systems specified during Trane normal business hours will be invoiced separately on a time and materials basis. Overtime repair labor for emergency failures (outside of Trane regular business hours) will be invoiced separately on a time and materials basis. ©2015 Trane All rights reserved Page 4 of 11 Select Service Agreement for BAS & HVAC Equipment Baker County Courthouse 2015 Select Renewal Proposal ID: 1792757 TRANE SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR BAS AND HVAC EQUIPMENT Equipment Coverage and Services The following “Covered Equipment” will be serviced at: Baker County Courthouse The following "Covered Equipment" will be serviced at Baker County Courthouse: Equipment Qty Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Tracer Summit (BMTS) 1 Trane BMTS000AAB E00F10764 Description BCU Annual Inspection (Service 3) BCU Routine Inspection (Service 4) Quantity Per Term 1 3 Equipment Indoor Modular Climate Changer Indoor Modular Climate Changer Indoor Modular Climate Changer Qty 1 1 1 Manufacturer Trane Trane Trane Model Number MCCA017UB0 MCCA021GAY MCCA021UB0 Description M Series Annual (Service 5) M Series Quarterly (Service 6) Equipment 6 - 25 Ton Unitary Split Systems 6 - 25 Ton Unitary Split Systems 6 - 25 Ton Unitary Split Systems 6 - 25 Ton Unitary Split Systems 6 - 25 Ton Unitary Split Systems 6 - 25 Ton Unitary Split Systems Quantity Per Term 1 3 Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 Manufacturer Trane Trane Trane Trane Trane Trane Description Odyssey Cooling Pre-Season Annual Start Up (Service 7) Odyssey Quarterly Inspection (Service 9) Equipment 1-6 Ton Split System 1.5 - 5 Ton Split Systems Serial Number K00D60876 K00D60869 K00D60863 Qty 1 1 Model Number TTA120C300 TTA120C300 TTA180C300 TTA180C300 TTA180C300 TTA180C300 Serial Number R092KPDAH R092Y86AH R3844U7AH R295XRFAH R302TG4AH R302YLDAH Quantity Per Term 1 3 Manufacturer Trane Trane Model Number Serial Number TTB024C100 R431S29BF TTB030C100 R431LJTBF Quantity Per Term ©2015 Trane All rights reserved Page 5 of 11 Select Service Agreement for BAS & HVAC Equipment Baker County Courthouse 2015 Select Renewal Proposal ID: 1792757 Description Air Cooled Condenser Annual Inspection (Service 1) Air Cooled Condenser Quarterly Inspection (Service 2) Equipment 1.5 - 5 Ton Split Systems Split System Air Handlers Generic Split System Air Handlers 1.5 - 5 Ton Unitary Split Split System Air Handlers Split System Air Conditioners Split System Air Handlers Split System Air Handlers 5 - 20 Ton Air Handler 1.5 - 5 Ton Split Systems 1.5 - 5 Ton Split Systems 1.5 - 5 Ton Split Systems 1.5 - 5 Ton Split Systems 1.5 - 5 Ton Split Systems Qty 1 1 Manufacturer Trane Trane Model Number Serial Number TWA08D100A R431W8W2F TWE024C14F R242AUC1V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Trane Trane Trane Trane Trane Trane Trane Trane Trane Trane Trane Trane TWE024C14F TWE030C14F TWE030C14F TWE042C14F TWE046C14F TWE048C14F TWE048C14F TWR024100A TWR030C100 TWR042C100 TWR048D100 TWR048D100 Description Odyssey Cooling Pre-Season Annual Start Up (Service 8) Odyssey Quarterly Inspection (Service 10) ©2015 Trane All rights reserved 1 3 Page 6 of 11 R362J3G1V R24580L1V R245Y61V245 R247AL31V R245PJ01V R24528M1V R2468PB1V R321MBW4F R325TSJ4F R431YTB2F R431W662F R431XJ2F Quantity Per Term 1 3 Select Service Agreement for BAS & HVAC Equipment Baker County Courthouse 2015 Select Renewal Proposal ID: 1792757 TRANE SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR BAS AND HVAC EQUIPMENT Pricing and Acceptance CJ Thompson County Manager Baker County Board of Commissioners 55 North Third Street MACCLENNY, FL 32063 Site Address: Baker County Courthouse 339 E Macclenny Ave MACCLENNY, FL 32063 Trane Service Agreement This Service Agreement for Building Automation System and equipment consists of the pages beginning with the page entitled “The Agreement,” the consecutively numbered pages immediately following such title page, and includes and ends with the Trane Terms and Conditions (Service) (collectively, the “Service Agreement” or "Agreement"). Trane agrees to inspect and maintain the Covered Equipment according to the terms of this Service Agreement, including the “Terms and Conditions,” and “Scope of Services” sections. Trane agrees to give preferential service to Customer over non-contract customers. Term The initial term of this Service Agreement is 1 year, beginning January 01, 2015 and expiring December 31, 2015. However, Trane’s obligation under this Agreement will not begin until authorized representatives of Trane and Customer have both signed this Agreement in the spaces provided below. Service Fee As the fee(s) (the “Service Fee(s)”) for the inspection and maintenance services described in the Scope of Services section with respect to the Covered Equipment, Customer agrees to pay to Trane the following amounts, plus applicable tax, as and when due. Contract Year Year 1 Annual Amount $35,384.00 Payment $8,846.00 Payment Term Quarterly □ A one-time 3.00 % discount is offered for full payment of 1 year(s) in advance of the commencement of the Service Agreement. Invoice would be issued at start of the Agreement and is due net 15 days from date of invoice. The discount would be $1,062.00 if this option is selected. Tax will be calculated based upon the pre-discounted price. The discount for advance payment is not applicable to credit card transactions. Please check the box for this option. This Agreement is subject to Customer’s acceptance of the attached Trane Terms and Conditions (Service). Submitted By: Bob Lee Phone: (904) 239-6346 ___________________________________________ Proposal Date: September 08, 2014 CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE TRANE ACCEPTANCE Trane U.S. Inc. ___________________________________________ Authorized Representative ___________________________________________ Printed Name Title _______________________________________ Purchase Order ______________________________ ___________________________________________ Authorized Representative ___________________________________________ Title ___________________________________________ Signature Date Acceptance Date _____________________________ ©2015 Trane All rights reserved Page 7 of 11 Select Service Agreement for BAS & HVAC Equipment Baker County Courthouse 2015 Select Renewal Proposal ID: 1792757 Terms and Conditions (Service) “Company” shall mean Trane U.S. Inc. for Company performance in the United States and Trane Canada ULC for Company performance in Canada. 1. Acceptance. These terms and conditions (“Terms”) are an integral part of Company’s offer and form the basis of any agreement (the “Agreement”) resulting from Company’s proposal (the “Proposal”) for the following commercial services as stated in the Proposal (collectively, the “Services”): inspection, maintenance and repair (the “Maintenance Services”) on equipment (the “Covered Equipment”), specified Additional Work (if any), and, if included in the Proposal, Intelligent Services, Energy Assessment, Energy Monitoring and/or Diagnostic Services, and any other services using remote connectivity (collectively and individually referred to in these Terms as “Energy and Building Performance Services”). COMPANY’S TERMS ARE SUBJECT TO PERIODIC CHANGE OR AMENDMENT. The Proposal is subject to acceptance in writing by the party to whom this offer is made or an authorized agent (“Customer”) delivered to Company within 30 days from the date of the Proposal. If Customer accepts the Proposal by placing an order, without the addition of any other terms and conditions of sale or any other modification, Customer’s order shall be deemed acceptance of the Proposal subject to these Terms. If Customer’s order is expressly conditioned upon Company’s acceptance or assent to terms and/or conditions other than those expressed herein, return of such order by Company with Company’s Terms attached or referenced serves as Company’s notice of objection to Customer’s terms and as Company’s counter-offer to perform in accordance with the Proposal and Company Terms. If Customer does not reject or object in writing to Company within 10 days, Company’s counter-offer will be deemed accepted. Customer’s acceptance of performance by Company will in any event constitute an acceptance by Customer of Company’s Terms. This Agreement is subject to credit approval by Company. Upon disapproval of credit, Company may delay or suspend performance or, at its option, renegotiate prices and/or Terms with Customer. If Company and Customer are unable to agree on such revisions, this Agreement shall be cancelled without any liability, other than Customer’s obligation to pay for Services provided by Company to the date of cancellation. 2. Fees and Taxes. Fees for the Services (the “Service Fees”) are as set forth in the Proposal. Except as otherwise stated in the Proposal, Service Fees are based on performance during regular business hours. Charges for performance outside Company’s normal business hours shall be billed separately according to then prevailing overtime or emergency labor/labour rates. In addition to the stated Service Fees, Customer shall pay all taxes not legally required to be paid by Company or, alternatively, shall provide Company with an acceptable tax exemption certificate. 3. Term, Renewal, and Cancellation. The “Term” of this Agreement shall be as stated in the Proposal. Thereafter, unless earlier terminated, this Agreement shall be automatically renewed for succeeding 12 month terms (each a “Renewal Term”), subject to Section 4 of these Terms, upon Company’s delivery to Customer of a service renewal letter at least 45 days in advance of the scheduled expiration date and Customer’s failure to notify Company in writing no later than 30 days prior to the scheduled expiration date that the Agreement shall not be renewed. This Agreement may be cancelled upon the written notice of either party to the other (for any reason or no reason) no later than 30 days prior to the scheduled expiration date. Upon cancellation by Customer not due to Company’s default, Customer shall pay to Company the balance of the Service Fees applicable to the then current 12 month period of the Term or the Renewal Term. Customer shall remain liable for any amounts due and unpaid if either party cancels the Agreement. 4. Renewal Pricing Adjustment. The Service Fees for an impending Renewal Term shall be the Current Service Fees (defined as the Service Fees for the initial Term or Renewal Term immediately preceding the impending Renewal Term less the price of any Additional Work that is not recurring) adjusted by the following: (a) increase and/or decrease for additions and/or deletions to Scope of Services; (b) 25% of the Current Service Fees shall be adjusted based upon the calendar year change in the (i) U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Producer Price Index for selected commodity groupings (Metals and Metal Products) for Services performed in the United States; or (ii) Statistics Canada Industrial Producer Price Index, Goods (Raw Material Price Indexes) for Services performed in Canada; (c) 65% of the Current Service Fees shall be adjusted based upon the change to cost of labor/labour; and (d) 10% of the Service Fees shall be adjusted based upon changes to Company services overhead costs, which include but are not limited to the cost of fuel, truck leasing, and office-related overhead factors. The Service Fees for an impending Renewal Term shall be set forth in the service renewal letter furnished to Customer. 5. Payment. Payment is due upon receipt of Company’s invoice. Service Fees shall be paid no less frequently than quarterly and in advance of performance of the Services. Company reserves the right to add to any account outstanding for more than 30 days a service charge equal to the lesser of the maximum allowable legal interest rate or 1.5% of the principal amount due at the end of each month. Without liability to Customer, Company may discontinue performance whenever payment is overdue. Customer shall pay all costs (including attorneys’ fees) incurred by Company in attempting to collect amounts due or otherwise enforcing this Agreement. 6. Customer Breach. Each of the following constitutes a breach by Customer and shall give Company the right, without an election of remedies, to suspend performance or terminate this Agreement by delivery of written notice declaring termination. Upon termination, Customer shall be liable to the Company for all Services furnished to date and all damages sustained by Company (including lost profit and overhead): (a) Any failure by Customer to pay amounts when due; (b) any general assignment by Customer for the benefit of its creditors, Customer’s bankruptcy, insolvency, or receivership; (c) Any representation or warranty furnished by Customer in connection with this Agreement is false or misleading in any material respect when made; or (d) Any failure by Customer to perform or comply with any material provision of this Agreement. 7. Performance. Company shall perform the Services in accordance with industry standards generally applicable in the area under similar circumstances when Company performs the Services. Company may refuse to perform where working conditions could endanger property or put people at risk. Unless otherwise agreed by Customer and Company, at Customer’s expense and before the Services begin, Customer will provide any necessary access platforms, catwalks to safely perform the Services in compliance with OSHA or state industrial safety regulations. This Agreement presupposes that all major pieces of Covered Equipment are in proper operating condition as of the date hereof. Services furnished are premised on the Covered Equipment being in a maintainable condition. In no event shall Company have any obligation to replace Covered Equipment that is no longer maintainable. During the first 30 days of this Agreement, or upon initial inspection, and/or upon seasonal start-up (if included in the Services), if an inspection by Company of Covered Equipment indicates repairs or replacement is required, Company will provide a written quotation for such repairs or replacement. If Customer does not authorize such repairs or replacement, Company may remove the unacceptable equipment from the Covered Equipment and adjust the Service Fees accordingly. Customer authorizes Company to utilize Customer’s telephone line or network infrastructure to connect to controls, systems and/or equipment provided or serviced by Company and to provide Services contracted for or otherwise requested by Customer, including remote diagnostic and repair service. Customer acknowledges that Company is not responsible for any adverse impact to Customer’s communications and network infrastructure. Company may elect to install/attach to Customer equipment or provide portable devices (hardware and/or software) for execution of control or diagnostic procedures. Such devices shall remain the personal proprietary property of Company and in no event shall become a fixture of Customer locations. Customer shall not acquire any interest, title or equity in any hardware, software, processes, and other intellectual or proprietary rights to devices used in connection with the Services on Customer equipment. Company may remove such devices at its discretion. 8. Customer Obligations. Customer shall: (a) Provide Company reasonable and safe access to the Covered Equipment and areas where Company is to work; (b) Follow manufacturer recommendations concerning teardown and internal inspection, major overhaul, restoration or refurbishing of the Covered Equipment; unless expressly stated in the Scope of Services statement, Company is not performing any manufacturer recommended teardown and internal inspection, major overhaul, restoration or refurbishing of the Covered Equipment; (c) Reimburse Company for services, repairs, and/or replacements performed by Company beyond the Services or otherwise excluded under this Agreement and such reimbursement shall be at the then prevailing applicable regular, ©2015 Trane All rights reserved Page 8 of 11 Select Service Agreement for BAS & HVAC Equipment Baker County Courthouse 2015 Select Renewal Proposal ID: 1792757 overtime, or holiday rates for labor/labour and prices for materials and may at Company’s option be subject to a separate written agreement prior to its undertaking such work; and (d) Where applicable, unless water treatment is expressly included in the Services, provide professional cooling tower water treatment in accordance with any reasonable recommendations provided by Company. 9. Exclusions. Unless expressly included in the Covered Equipment or the Services, the Services do not include, and Company shall not be liable for, any of the following: (a) Any guarantee of room conditions or system performance; (b) Inspection, maintenance, repair, replacement of or services for: chilled water and condenser water pumps and piping; electrical disconnect switches or circuit breakers; motor starting equipment that is not factory mounted and interconnecting power wiring; recording or portable instruments, gauges or thermometers; non-moving parts or non-maintainable parts of the system, including, but not limited to, storage tanks; pressure vessels, shells, coils, tubes, housings, castings, casings, drain pans, panels, duct work; piping: hydraulic, hydronic, pneumatic, gas, or refrigerant; insulation; pipe covering; refractory material; fuses, unit cabinets; electrical wiring; ductwork or conduit; electrical distribution system; hydronic structural supports and similar items; the appearance of decorative casing or cabinets; damage sustained by other equipment or systems; and/or any failure, misadjustment or design deficiencies in other equipment or systems; (c) Damage, repairs or replacement of parts made necessary as a result of electrical power failure, low voltage, burned out main or branch fuses, low water pressure, vandalism, misuse or abuse, water damage, improper operation, unauthorized alteration of equipment, accident, acts or omissions of Customer or others, damage due to freezing weather, calamity, malicious act, or any Event of Force Majeure; (d) Any damage or malfunction resulting from vibration, electrolytic action, freezing, contamination, corrosion, erosion, or caused by scale or sludge on internal tubes except where water treatment protection services are provided by Company as part of this Agreement; (e) Furnishing any items of equipment, material, or labor/labour, or performing special tests recommended or required by insurance companies or federal, state, or local governments; (f) Failure or inadequacy of any structure or foundation supporting or surrounding the equipment to be worked on or any portion thereof; (g) Building access or alterations that might be necessary to repair or replace Customer’s existing equipment; (h) The normal function of starting and stopping equipment or the opening and closing of valves, dampers or regulators normally installed to protect equipment against damage; (i) Valves that are not factory mounted: balance, stop, control, and other valves external to the device unless specifically included in the Agreement; (j) Any responsibility for design or redesign of the system or the Covered Equipment, obsolescence, safety tests, or removal or reinstallation of valve bodies and dampers; (k) Any services, claims, or damages arising out of Customer’s failure to comply with its obligations under this Agreement; (l) Failure of Customer to follow manufacturer recommendations concerning teardown and internal inspection, overhaul and refurbishing of equipment; (m) Any claims, damages, losses, or expenses, arising from or related to conditions that existed in, on, or upon the premises before the effective date of this Agreement (“Pre-Existing Conditions”), including, without limitation, damages, losses, or expenses involving preexisting building envelope issues, mechanical issues, plumbing issues, and/or indoor air quality issues involving mold/mould and/or fungi; (n) Replacement of refrigerant is excluded, unless replacement of refrigerant is expressly stated as included within the Services, in which case replacement shall in no event exceed the stated percentage of rated system charge per year expressly stated in the Services; and (o) crane or rigging costs; (p) Any Services, claims, or damages arising out of refrigerant not supplied by Trane. Customer shall be responsible for: (i) The cost of any additional replacement refrigerant; (ii) Operation of any equipment; and (iii) Any claims, damages, losses, or expenses, arising from or related to work done by or services provided by individuals or entities that are not employed by or hired by Company. 10. Limited Warranty. Company warrants that: (a) the material manufactured by Company and furnished hereunder is free from defects in material and manufacture for a period of 12 months from the earlier of the date of equipment start-up or replacement; and (b) the labor/labour portion of the Maintenance Services and Additional Work has been properly performed for a period of 90 days from date of completion (the "Limited Warranty"). Company obligations of equipment start-up, if any are stated in the Proposal, are coterminous with the Limited Warranty period. Defects must be reported to Company within the Limited Warranty period. Company’s obligation under the Limited Warranty is limited to repairing or replacing the defective part at its option and to correcting any labor/labour improperly performed by Company. No liability whatsoever shall attach to Company until the Maintenance Services and Additional Work have been paid for in full. Exclusions from this Warranty include damage or failure arising from: wear and tear; corrosion, erosion, deterioration; Customer's failure to follow the Company-provided maintenance plan; refrigerant not supplied by Trane; and modifications made by others to equipment. Company shall not be obligated to pay for the cost of lost refrigerant or lost product. Some components of equipment manufactured by Company may be warranted directly from the component supplier, in which case this Company Limited Warranty shall not apply to those components and any warranty of the components shall be the warranty given by such component supplier. Notwithstanding the foregoing, all warranties provided herein terminate upon termination or cancellation of this Agreement. Equipment, material and/or parts that are not manufactured by Company are not warranted by Company and have such warranties as may be extended by the respective manufacturer. THE LIMITED WARRANTY AND LIABILITY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES AND LIABILITIES, WHETHER IN CONTRACT OR IN NEGLIGENCE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN LAW OR IN FACT, INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND/OR OTHERS ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING OR TRADE. COMPANY MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED REGARDING PREVENTION BY THE SCOPE OF SERVICES, OR ANY COMPONENT THEREOF, OF MOLD/MOULD, FUNGUS, BACTERIA, MICROBIAL GROWTH, OR ANY OTHER CONTAMINATES. COMPANY SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY IF THE SCOPE OF SERVICES OR ANY COMPONENT THEREOF IS USED TO PREVENT OR INHIBIT THE GROWTH OF SUCH MATERIALS. THE ENERGY AND BUILDING PERFORMANCE SERVICES ARE PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. 11. Indemnity. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Company and Customer shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless each other from any and all claims, actions, costs, expenses, damages and liabilities, including reasonable attorneys' fees, resulting from death or bodily injury or damage to real or personal property, to the extent caused by the negligence or misconduct of the indemnifying party, and/or its respective employees or other authorized agents in connection with their activities within the scope of this Agreement. Neither party shall indemnify the other against claims, damages, expenses, or liabilities to the extent attributable to the acts or omissions of the other party. If the parties are both at fault, the obligation to indemnify shall be proportional to their relative fault. The duty to indemnify will continue in full force and effect, notwithstanding the expiration or early termination hereof, with respect to any claims based on facts or conditions that occurred prior to expiration or termination. 12. Limitation of Liability. NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY, NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION REFRIGERANT LOSS, PRODUCT LOSS, LOST REVENUE OR PROFITS), OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES WHETHER CLAIMED UNDER CONTRACT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY OR FACTS. Should Company nevertheless be found liable for any damages they shall be limited to the compensation received by Company for the Services and Additional Work for one location over a 12 month term. IN NO EVENT SHALL COMPANY BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES (WHETHER DIRECT OR INDIRECT) RESULTING FROM MOLD/MOULD, FUNGUS, BACTERIA, MICROBIAL GROWTH, OR OTHER CONTAMINATES OR AIRBORNE BIOLOGICAL AGENTS. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, COMPANY SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY OF THE FOLLOWING IN CONNECTION WITH PROVIDING THE ENERGY AND BUILDING PERFORMANCE SERVICES: ERRORS, INACCURACIES, OMISSIONS, OR OTHER DEFECTS IN THE ENERGY AND BUILDING PERFORMANCE SERVICES PROVIDED; INTERRUPTION, DELETION, DEFECT, DELAY IN OPERATION OR TRANSMISSION; CUSTOMER’S NETWORK SECURITY; COMPUTER VIRUS; COMMUNICATION FAILURE; THEFT OR DESTRUCTION OF DATA; GAPS IN DATA COLLECTED; AND UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO CUSTOMER’S DATA OR COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK. 13. Asbestos and Hazardous Materials. The Services expressly exclude any identification, abatement, cleanup, control, disposal, removal or other work connected with asbestos polychlorinated biphenyl (“PCB”), or other hazardous materials (collectively, “Hazardous Materials”). Customer warrants and represents that there are no Hazardous Materials on the premises that will in any way affect Company’s performance, except as set forth in a writing signed by Company disclosing the existence and location of any Hazardous Materials in all areas within which Company will be performing. Should Company become aware of or suspect the presence of Hazardous Materials, Company may immediately stop work in the affected area and notify Customer. Customer will be ©2015 Trane All rights reserved Page 9 of 11 Select Service Agreement for BAS & HVAC Equipment Baker County Courthouse 2015 Select Renewal Proposal ID: 1792757 responsible for correcting the condition in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. Customer shall be exclusively responsible for and shall indemnify and hold harmless Company (including its employees, agents and subcontractors) from and against any loss, claim, liability, fees, penalties, injury (including death) or liability of any nature, and the payment thereof, arising out of or relating to any Hazardous Materials on or about the premises, not brought onto the premises by Company. Company shall be required to resume performance only in the absence of Hazardous Materials or when the affected area has been rendered harmless. In no event shall Company be obligated to transport or handle Hazardous Materials, provide any notices to any governmental agency, or examine the premises site for the presence of Hazardous Materials. 14. Insurance. Company agrees to maintain the following insurance during the term of this Agreement with limits not less than shown below and will, upon request from Customer, provide a Certificate of evidencing the following coverage: Commercial General Liability $2,000,000 per occurrence Automobile Liability $2,000,000 CSL Workers Compensation Statutory Limits If Customer has requested to be named as an additional insured under Company’s insurance policy, Company will do so but only subject to Company’s manuscript additional insured endorsement under its primary Commercial General Liability policies. In no event does Company waive rights of subrogation. 15. Force Majeure. Company’s duty to perform under this Agreement is contingent upon the non-occurrence of an Event of Force Majeure. If Company is unable to carry out any material obligation under this Agreement due to an Event of Force Majeure, this Agreement shall at Company’s election (i) remain in effect but Company’s obligations shall be suspended until the uncontrollable event terminates or (ii) be terminated upon 10 days notice to Customer, in which event Customer shall pay Company for all parts of the Services furnished to the date of termination. An "Event of Force Majeure" shall mean any cause or event beyond the control of Company. Without limiting the foregoing, “Event of Force Majeure” includes: acts of God; acts of terrorism, war or the public enemy; flood; earthquake; lightning; tornado; storm; fire; civil disobedience; pandemic; insurrections; riots; labor/labour disputes; labor/labour or material shortages from the usual sources of supply; sabotage; restraint by court order or public authority (whether valid or invalid), and action or non-action by or inability to obtain or keep in force the necessary governmental authorizations, permits, licenses, certificates or approvals if not caused by Company; and the requirements of any applicable government in any manner that diverts either the material or the finished product to the direct or indirect benefit of the government. 16. Maintenance Services Other Than Solely Scheduled Service. If Company’s Maintenance Services hereunder are not limited solely to Scheduled Service, the following provisions shall also apply: (a) Required restoration shall be performed by Customer at its cost prior to Company being obligated to perform hereunder; (b) any changes, adjustments, service or repairs made to the Equipment by any party other than Company, unless approved by Company in writing, may, at Company’s option, terminate Company’s obligation to render further service to the Equipment so affected; in such case no refund of any portion of the Service Fees shall be made; and (c) Customer shall (i) promptly notify Company of any unusual performance of Equipment; (ii) permit only Company personnel to repair or adjust Equipment and/or controls during the Term or a Renewal Term; and (iii) utilize qualified personnel to properly operate the Equipment in accordance with the applicable operating manuals and recommended procedures. 17. Remote Connectivity. Remote connectivity services refers to services by Company provided, to any extent, using any method of connecting to Customer’s building automation system (BAS) and or HVAC equipment to view, extract, or otherwise collect and retain data via phone modem, internet or other agreed upon means. The Intelligent Services, including any reports and other information Company provides, are intended to provide operational assessments and recommendations. Electronic Monitoring. Any electronic monitoring Company performs is undertaken solely to enable Company to collect the data and perform any analysis included in Company’s Services. Customer agrees that Company is not liable for inability to perform and/or losses that may occur in cases of malfunction or nonfunctioning of communications equipment, HVAC and other equipment, the energy management system, failure to identify equipment or system performance issues, failure to recommend corrective action, or otherwise related to the monitoring of Customer’s equipment and building systems. Data Collected. Customer hereby grants to Company the irrevocable, perpetual, nonexclusive, worldwide, royalty-free right and license to use, reproduce, display, distribute internally or externally and prepare derivative works based upon any such data Company collects from Customer. Company shall not use or publish such data in any way that identifies Customer as the source of that data without Customer’s prior written consent. The data Company will collect from Customer will not include any personal or individual information. Upon Customer’s written request, Company will endeavor to provide an electronic copy of data collected from Customer, subject to availability. For Energy and Building Performance Services (except Energy Assessments and digital assessments), Company will use commercially reasonable efforts to store Customer’s data for up to 18 months. Company cannot guarantee the availability of the data. Data Privacy and Security. Company has implemented various security measures for the purpose of protecting Customer’s data against accidental or unlawful access, unauthorized disclosure, loss, destruction, and alteration. Customer is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of Customer’s user name(s) and password(s). Customer is responsible for all uses of Customer’s password(s), whether or not authorized by Customer. Customer must inform Company immediately of any unauthorized use of Customer’s user name(s) or password(s). Transmission of data over the Internet by its nature entails the use of systems under the control of third parties, and as a result Company cannot ensure total control of the security of such systems. Company will take commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that data and other configuration parameters are not visible or accessed by other customers. Customer acknowledges that the very nature of communication via the Internet restricts Company from offering any guarantee of the privacy or confidentiality of information relating to Customer passing over the Internet. In gaining access via the Internet, Customer also acknowledges and accepts that electronic communication may not be free from interference by unauthorized persons and may not remain confidential. Customer therefore accepts that access and storage of data is at Customer’s own risk. Company will notify Customer of any breach in security of which Company become aware. Any breach in privacy of which Customer become aware should be reported by Customer to Company immediately. Company does not disclose Customer’s information to third parties for their marketing purposes, but Company does use third party software and services to assist Company with collecting and analyzing information. Company may also disclose Customer’s information if required to do so by law, in which case, Company would inform Customer of such disclosure. 18. General. Except as provided below, to the maximum extent provided by law, this Agreement is made and shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the state or province in which Company performs the Services. Any dispute arising under or relating to this Agreement shall be decided by litigation in a court of competent jurisdiction located in the state or province in which the Services are performed. To the extent the premises are owned and/or operated by any agency of the Federal Government, determination of any substantive issue of law shall be according to the Federal common law of Government contracts as enunciated and applied by Federal judicial bodies and boards of contract appeals of the Federal Government. This Agreement contains all of the agreements, representations and understandings of the parties and supersedes all previous understandings, commitments or agreements, oral or written, related to the Services. Except as provided for Service Fees adjustments, this Agreement may not be amended, modified or terminated except by a writing signed by the parties hereto. No documents shall be incorporated herein by reference except to the extent Company is a signatory thereon. If any term or condition of this Agreement is invalid, illegal or incapable of being enforced by any rule of law, all other Terms of this Agreement will nevertheless remain in full force and effect as long as the economic or legal substance of the transaction contemplated hereby is not affected in a manner adverse to any party hereto. Customer may not assign, transfer, or convey this Agreement, or any part hereof, without the written consent of Company. Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their permitted successors and assigns. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which when executed shall be deemed to be an original, but all together shall constitute but one and the same Agreement. A fully executed facsimile copy hereof or the several counterparts shall suffice as an original 19. Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Clause. Company is a federal contractor that complies fully with Executive Order 11246, as amended, and the applicable regulations contained in 41 C.F.R. Parts 60-1 through 60-60, 29 U.S.C. Section 793 and the applicable regulations contained in 41 C.F.R. Part 60-741; and 38 U.S.C. Section 4212 and the applicable regulations contained in 41 C.F.R. Part 60-250 Executive Order 13496 and Section 29 CFR ©2015 Trane All rights reserved Page 10 of 11 Select Service Agreement for BAS & HVAC Equipment Baker County Courthouse 2015 Select Renewal Proposal ID: 1792757 471, appendix A to subpart A, regarding the notice of employee rights in the United States and with Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Schedule B to the Canada Act 1982 (U.K.) 1982, c. 11 and applicable Provincial Human Rights Codes and employment law in Canada. 20. U.S. Government Services. The following provision applies only to direct sales by Company to the US Government. The Parties acknowledge that all items or services ordered and delivered under this Agreement are Commercial Items as defined under Part 12 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). In particular, Company agrees to be bound only by those Federal contracting clauses that apply to “commercial” suppliers and that are contained in FAR 52.2125(e)(1). Company complies with 52.219-8 or 52.219-9 in its service and installation contracting business. The following provision applies only to indirect sales by Company to the US Government. As a Commercial Item Subcontractor, Company accepts only the following mandatory flow down provisions: 52.219-8; 52.222-26; 52.222-35; 52.222-36; 52.222-39; 52.247-64. If the Services are in connection with a U.S. Government contract, Customer certifies that it has provided and will provide current, accurate, and complete information, representations and certifications to all government officials, including but not limited to the contracting officer and officials of the Small Business Administration, on all matters related to the prime contract, including but not limited to all aspects of its ownership, eligibility, and performance. Anything herein notwithstanding, Company will have no obligations to Customer unless and until Customer provides Company with a true, correct and complete executed copy of the prime contract. Upon request, Customer will provide copies to Company of all requested written communications with any government official related to the prime contract prior to or concurrent with the execution thereof, including but not limited to any communications related to Customer's ownership, eligibility or performance of the prime contract. Customer will obtain written authorization and approval from Company prior to providing any government official any information about Company's performance of the Services that are the subject of the Proposal or this Agreement, other than the Proposal or this Agreement. 21. Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity. If Customer is an Indian tribe (in the U.S.) or a First Nation or Band Council (in Canada), Customer, whether acting in its capacity as a government, governmental entity, a duly organized corporate entity or otherwise, for itself and for its agents, successors, and assigns: (1) hereby provides this limited waiver or its sovereign immunity as to any damages, claims, lawsuit, or cause of action (herein “Action”) brought against Customer by Company and arising or alleged to arise out of the furnishing by Company of any product or service under this Agreement, whether such Action is based in contract, tort, strict liability, civil liability or any other legal theory; (2) agrees that jurisdiction and venue for any such Action shall be proper and valid (a) if Customer is in the U.S., in any state or United States court located in the state in which Company is performing this Agreement or (b) if Customer is in Canada, in the superior court of the province or territory in which the work was performed; (3) expressly consents to such Action, and waives any objection to jurisdiction or venue: (4) waives any requirement of exhaustion of tribal court or administrative remedies for any Action arising out of or related to this Agreement; and (5) expressly acknowledges and agrees that Company is not subject to the jurisdiction of Customer’s tribal court or any similar tribal forum, that Customer will not bring any action against Company in tribal court, and that Customer will not avail itself of any ruling or direction of the tribal court permitting or directing it to suspend its payment or other obligations under this Agreement. The individual signing on behalf of Customer warrants and represents that such individual is duly authorized to provide this waiver and enter into this Agreement and that this Agreement constitutes the valid and legally binding obligation of Customer, enforceable in accordance with its terms. 1-26.130-7 (0614) Supersedes 1-26.130-7 (0214) ©2015 Trane All rights reserved Page 11 of 11 Select Service Agreement for BAS & HVAC Equipment Safety Customer Service Flows Safety Trane’s Safety Standard Trane is committed to providing a safe work environment for all employees and to preventing accidents in its business operations. To accomplish our objectives Trane has instituted safety programs, procedures and training that incorporate a progressive approach to injury prevention. Proven Safety Success Trane’s safety culture in North America is unparalleled in the building services industry and has demonstrated proven results via continuous reduction of injury rates. Trane Injury Rates v. Industry Competitors Since 2003 the US Bureau of Labor Statistics records reflect Trane’s Total Recordable Rate (TRIR) and Days away from work (DAFW) rate have been significantly lower than HVAC repair and maintenance contractors and Specialty Trade contractors (construction).Trane’s safety culture in America is unparalleled in the building services industry and has demonstrated proven results via continuous reduction of injury rates. Trane’s incident (OSHA) rates are consistently 50-70% below the industry average. This outstanding safety achievement is the end result of the rigorous team oriented approach to our safety program that creates accountability and empowerment in all employees and management and fuels our institutional safety culture. This is the key to our continual improvement. Safety Tools, Training & Expertise Trane’s service and contracting technicians are not only among the most skilled in the industry they are also extensively trained in safe work procedures. Our technicians receive safety training, equipment, tools, procedures, and management support to identify jobsite hazards and take appropriate measures to prevent personal injuries. The resources available to Trane technicians include: Safety Training – 20 hrs per year, including classroom and web-based platforms. -Topics include, but are not limited to, Lockout/Tagout, Confined Space Entry, Hazard Communication, Respiratory Protection, Hearing Conservation, Excavations, Scaffolding, Rigging, Powered Industrial Truck operation, Ladders, Vehicle Safety, Fire Protection, PPE, Emergency Response, First Aid / CPR. Electrical Safety – NFPA 70E compliant – electrical PPE; flame-resistant clothing; training. Fall Protection – Trane provides full complement of fall arrest and fall restraint equipment for each technician. Safety Tools, Training & Expertise (continued) Ergonomics – Custom-designed for HVAC field technicians, includes training, material handling equipment and procedures. Smith System Safe Driving Program – Trane’s safety Managers are certified instructors; safety Managers train technicians; 1-800 “How’s My Driving?” stickers are located on the back of service vehicles. USDOT compliance – technicians scheduled within Material of Trade and Hours of Service limits and are fully qualified under Department of Transportation rules for driving commercial motor vehicles with GVWR >10,000 and 26,000 lbs. Refrigerant Management – Service technicians are trained to manage refrigerant in accordance with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules using a sophisticated electronic tracking system developed by Trane. Empowerment - Technicians are empowered with full management support to address safety hazards as they see fit. If ever in doubt about how to do a job or task safely, the technician is required to ask a qualified person for assistance before proceeding with work. Management Leadership and Commitment Accident prevention is a primary responsibility of management at Trane. Trane’s safety culture is based on the following management principles: Leadership at the local level manages the local organization’s safety performance. Management is financially accountable for safety performance. Local management is actively engaged in risk reduction activities and training and manages safety performance outcomes. Management clearly communicates to all Trane employees their safety expectations and strongly enforces compliance with those expectations. Employees are held accountable when they fail to meet safety expectations. Local management and supervisory personnel at the local level are responsible for implementation of the following safety program elements: The Safety Management System developed by Trane – developed in accordance with OHSAS 18001. Audits and Inspections – Supervisors, Middle and Upper Managers must conduct field inspections. Corporate Safety conducts detailed compliance and management systems audits. Company safety compliance programs – Ensure that they are fully implemented. Safety and environmental performance – Tracked using a Balanced Scorecard with leading and lagging indicators and metrics. Subcontractor Qualification – Implement this process to promote safety and safety plan compliance on multi-employer job sites. Six Sigma and Lean – Use these productivity tools to enhance safety on job sites. Drug and Alcohol Policy – Mandatory DOT required for-cause and post-accident testing after recordable injuries and property damage. Motor Vehicle Records Search – Annual checking driving records of employees who drive company vehicles. Jobsite Safety Equals Customer Value At Trane safety is part of our culture for every employee. What this means to our customers is fewer job site accidents and the delays and liability concerns that come along with them. What this means to our staff is greater confidence in the practices and procedures they use on the job and the pride that comes from working for one of the premier service organizations in the world. Tighter safety standards and fewer accidents can also lead to better on-time project completion and higher quality results. When you use Trane Building Services to install, maintain or upgrade your building systems you will take full advantage of our superior safety program, low incident rates and subcontractor safety management procedures. These help you manage project risk more effectively than you could using multiple contractors or even a single prime contractor with a less impressive safety record. TRANE SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR BAS AND HVAC EQUIPMENT Customer Service Flows The following Customer Service Flows provide additional service description detail for Covered Equipment. Service 1: Air Cooled Condenser Annual Inspection Description Lock Out Tag Out Condenser Electrical Inspection-Unitary Leak Test Inspection (Positive Pressure) Condenser Coil Check Condenser Physical Fan Check Remove Lock Out Tag Out and Restore Power Manual Log Service 2: Air Cooled Condenser Quarterly Inspection Description Lock Out Tag Out Condenser Condenser Coil Check Unitary Visual Equipment Inspection Remove Lock Out Tag Out and Restore Power Service 3: BCU Annual Inspection Description Summit Panel Annual Inspection Service 4: BCU Routine Inspection Description BCU Routine Inspection Service 5: M Series Annual Description Customer Notification Initial Site Safety Inspection AHU Visual Equipment Inspection Lock Out Tag Out (Standard) Electrical Inspection (AHU) Supply Fan and Motor Inspection (Air Handler) Meg Supply Fan With VFD Air Handling Unit Cleaning Condensate Drip Pan Treatment Condensate Inspection Air Handler Filter Inspection Check Damper Start Up Seasonal Heating-Electric Return Unit to Normal Operation Manual Log With Electronic Device Service 6: M Series Quarterly Description AHU Visual Equipment Inspection Lock Out Tag Out (Standard) Remove Access Panels or Open Access Doors Supply Fan Belt Inspection Condensate Inspection Condensate Drip Pan Treatment Coil Inspection (Climate Changer) Air Handler Filter Visual Inspection Reinstall Access Panels or Close Access Doors Remove Lock Out Tag Out Return Unit to Normal Operation Service 7: Annual Description Unitary Visual Equipment Inspection Supply Fan Inspection Including LOTO Bearing Lubrication Filter Inspection And Change Condensate Drip Pan Treatment Condenser Coil Cleaning (Light Commercial) Meg Supply Fan Without VFD Meg Compressor Motor Electrical Inspection Condenser Fan Check (Odyssey) Start Up Seasonal Cooling Service 8: Annual Description Unitary Visual Equipment Inspection Supply Fan Inspection Including LOTO Bearing Lubrication Filter Inspection And Change Condensate Drip Pan Treatment Condenser Coil Cleaning (Light Commercial) Meg Supply Fan Without VFD Meg Compressor Motor Electrical Inspection Condenser Fan Check (Odyssey) Start Up Seasonal Cooling Service 9: Quarterly Inspection Description Unitary Visual Equipment Inspection Supply Fan Inspection Including LOTO Filter Inspection And Change Log Unit (Unitary) Service 10: Quarterly Inspection Description Unitary Visual Equipment Inspection Supply Fan Inspection Including LOTO Filter Inspection And Change Log Unit (Unitary) Rock Contractors Custom Homes and Roofing, Inc. 515 South 6th Street Macclenny, Florida 32063 904-259-8989 Change Order DATE: January 28, 2015 TO: Baker County Board of Commissioners RE: Debra Holton 18204 Noah Raulerson Road, Sanderson, Florida Install septic tank and drain field........................ .................................$5,500.00 Install new 4" well................................................................................$3,300.00 Remove large tree...................................... ..........................................$ 800.00 Tree is in the way of construction based on the property lines and set backs. Balance................................................. $9,600.00 Contract extension for an additional 45 days. Delay due to boundary issues with the survey. Change order approved by: date Pending Business PENDING BUSINESS ITEM Courthouse HVAC conversion recommendation PRIORITY High STATUS Transportation Center Construction High In Progress In Progress START DATE 2/1/2014 DUE DATE 4/30/2015 07/01/2015 % COMPLETE COMMENTS 75% Draft RFP for chiller system in process. 50% Work ongoing. Building scheduled for delivery mid-February. Policy changes priortized and worked. First priority is mining. Mining LDR changes scheduled for February LPA hearing. LDR Revisions High In Progress 05/06/2014 10/01/2014 75% Purchasing Policy Revisions Utility Audit Normal Normal In Progress In Progress 11/18/2014 08/19/2014 01/31/2015 09/16/2014 Determine if 1998 policy needs to be updated. Tentatively 25% scheduled for 2nd meeting in February. 50% Awaiting RFP responses. MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: CJ Thompson, County Manager RE: Light Usage at Recreational Fields DATE: December 12, 2013 The use of the lights at the ball fields has been a constant problem for the past several years. To ensure consistency, fairness and transparency for all of those involved, the process for reserving the fields and using the lights is being updated. The following process will be used beginning January 6, 2014. 1. Rates will remain at $10/hr/field. a. Reservations require a one hour minimum. Additional time can be reserved in half hour increments. 2. Upon payment, teams will be added to the calendar reserving the field of their choosing. a. Teams may schedule as far out in advance as they wish as long as payment is received at the time of scheduling. b. All teams will provide an email address that will serve as the official point of contact for their team. 3. Locks on every field will be changed each Monday morning. 4. Teams who are listed on the schedule for that week will be notified by email of the combination for their field. 5. Cancelations due to weather must be reported within 24 hours and an additional reservation date may be granted or a refund issued. Note: Little League maintains preference for fields during Little League season. This period will begin once teams are selected through the end of the season. During this time, Wednesday nights will be the only day available for reservation. Aggregated Data Baker Co Recreation Dept Report as of: 1/21/2015 8:17:23 AM Generated by: Jeff Simmons Aggregated Data for the period of: Jan 2014 - Dec 2014 Month No. of Accounts Dec 2014 Nov 2014 Oct 2014 Sep 2014 Aug 2014 Jul 2014 Jun 2014 May 2014 Apr 2014 Mar 2014 Feb 2014 Jan 2014 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 AVERAGE TOTAL KWH / DAY KWH / MNTH Avg Energy Only Cents / Avg Overall Cents / KWH KWD / Month Total Bill Amount 7,083 5,972 5,219 6,256 7,817 8,568 7,293 7,318 6,597 11,574 11,912 6,388 231 200 180 196 261 281 282 244 225 389 398 205 18.42 19.69 21.23 12.72 12.04 12.55 13.04 18.32 19.14 14.88 14.54 18.88 22.83 24.71 26.84 17.02 15.67 16.01 16.93 22.64 23.81 17.95 17.57 23.66 194 190 63 94 120 196 202 200 199 203 207 203 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,617.40 1,475.85 1,400.84 1,064.93 1,225.04 1,371.75 1,234.74 1,656.43 1,570.46 2,077.88 2,092.54 1,511.45 7,666 91,997 258 16.29 20.47 173 $ $ 1,524.94 18,299.31 Aggregated Data for the period of: Jan 2013 - Dec 2013 Month No. of Accounts KWH / DAY KWH / MNTH Avg Energy Only Cents / Avg Overall Cents / KWH KWD / Month Total Bill Amount Dec 2013 Nov 2013 Oct 2013 Sep 2013 Aug 2013 Jul 2013 Jun 2013 May 2013 Apr 2013 Mar 2013 Feb 2013 Jan 2013 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8,392 8,436 4,332 6,896 6,689 8,094 8,338 8,519 8,627 12,973 7,898 4,803 263 291 149 210 223 261 278 284 270 463 264 146 16.42 16.32 22.66 11.96 11.99 11.92 11.99 16.66 16.16 13.93 16.17 13.49 20.30 20.18 29.20 15.96 16.07 15.51 15.51 20.53 19.96 16.82 20.19 18.84 186 205 178 182 173 172 199 209 202 187 185 124 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,703.22 1,702.60 1,264.97 1,100.29 1,074.73 1,255.03 1,293.20 1,749.05 1,721.52 2,181.65 1,594.92 904.97 AVERAGE TOTAL 8 7,833 93,997 258 14.97 19.09 184 $ $ 1,462.18 17,546.15 2013 Increase or Decrease CHANGE ENERGY USAGE - 12 Month Comparison 2014 %CHANGE 91,997 93,997 Decrease (2,000) -2.17% 7,666 7,833 Decrease (167) -2.17% Avg. KWH / Day 258 258 Decrease (1) -0.35% Avg. KWD / Month 173 184 Increase (11) -6.33% Total KWH Consumption Avg. KWH / Month BILLING DATA - 12 Month Comparison 2014 2013 Increase or Decrease CHANGE %CHANGE Average Monthly Bill Amount $ 1,524.94 $ 1,462.18 Increase $ 62.76 4.12% Total Yearly Bill Amount $ 18,299.31 $ 17,546.15 Increase $ 753.16 4.12% Page 1 of 1 Generated by: Jeff Simmons Report as of: 1/21/2015 8:55:20 AM Data Summary Energy and Billing Data A DATE B DAYS C KWH/MNTH D KWH/DAY E OVERALL CENTS/KWH F EFF CENTS/KWH G H EFF DOLLARS/KWD ACTUAL/MAX KWD I % L.F. MAX J MISC CHARGES K NON UTILITY TAXES ** L BASE ELEC AMOUNT M TOTAL BILL AMOUNT * 1/15/2015 31 0 0 807.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.61 $7.46 $8.07 12/15/2014 31 0 0 807.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.61 $7.46 $8.07 11/14/2014 30 0 0 807.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.61 $7.46 $8.07 10/15/2014 29 0 0 807.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.61 $7.46 $8.07 9/16/2014 32 0 0 807.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.61 $7.46 $8.07 8/15/2014 30 252 8 13.75 12.68 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $2.64 $32.00 $34.64 7/16/2014 30 575 19 11.94 11.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $5.24 $63.43 $68.67 6/16/2014 32 45 1 28.49 26.39 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.97 $11.85 $12.82 5/15/2014 30 0 0 807.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.61 $7.46 $8.07 4/15/2014 29 0 0 807.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.61 $7.46 $8.07 3/17/2014 30 0 0 772.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.59 $7.13 $7.72 2/15/2014 30 0 0 773.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.60 $7.13 $7.73 872 29 $0.00 $14.31 $173.76 $188.07 Sum Avg 30 73 2 604.02 4.17 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.19 $14.48 15.67 1/16/2014 31 0 0 773.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.60 $7.13 $7.73 12/16/2013 32 0 0 773.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.60 $7.13 $7.73 11/14/2013 29 0 0 773.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.60 $7.13 $7.73 10/16/2013 29 0 0 773.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.60 $7.13 $7.73 9/17/2013 33 183 6 14.10 12.77 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $2.01 $23.80 $25.81 8/15/2013 30 371 12 12.01 10.82 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $3.47 $41.07 $44.54 7/16/2013 31 165 5 14.61 13.19 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.88 $22.22 $24.10 6/15/2013 30 54 2 24.24 21.98 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.02 $12.07 $13.09 5/16/2013 30 0 0 773.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.60 $7.13 $7.73 4/16/2013 32 13 0 67.46 61.56 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.69 $8.08 $8.77 3/15/2013 28 0 0 749.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.60 $6.89 $7.49 2/15/2013 30 22 1 43.82 40.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.77 $8.87 $9.64 808 26 $0.00 $13.44 $158.65 $172.09 67 2 399.19 $0.00 $1.12 $13.22 $14.34 D KWH/DAY E OVERALL CENTS/KWH J MISC CHARGES K NON UTILITY TAXES ** L BASE ELEC AMOUNT M TOTAL BILL AMOUNT * Sum Avg 30 A DATE B DAYS C KWH/MNTH 13.36 F EFF CENTS/KWH 0.00 G H EFF DOLLARS/KWD ACTUAL/MAX KWD GENERAL INFORMATION CUSTOMER DATA 0 0.00 I % L.F. MAX 12 MONTH COMPARISON ACCOUNT DATA CURRENT MONTHS TO PREVIOUS MONTHS COMPARISON *** THIS YEAR LAST YEAR INC/DEC/NC CHANGE %CHANGE Address 25 N 8TH ST # VOLLYBL CT Account Manager Jeff Simmons Total KWH Consumption 872 808 INCREASE 64 7.92 City MACCLENNY Account Manager Phone # 386-754-2014 Avg. KWH / Month 73 67 INCREASE 6 8.96 State FL Account Name BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Avg. KWH / Day 2 2 NO CHANGE 0 21.00 Zip Code 32063 Account Number 7647081590 Primary Contact Premise Number 181666134 Phone Number Meter Number AC11042 Email Rate Code 68 Rate Description GS-1 Account Active Since 3/19/2004 ELECTRIC SERVICE DATA FACILITY DATA TLN# 2898467830 Air Cond. Sq. Ft. 0 Preferred Feeder 300963 Total Sq. Ft 0 Cur Mth ELE $ / Sq. Ft. 0.00 12 M.O.E $ / Sq. Ft. 0.00 Emergency Feeder Substation MACCLENNY Service Voltage SIC Code Control KWD SIC Description “** GROSS RECEIPTS TAX, FRANCHISE CHARGE, MUNICIPAL TAX, FLORIDA SALES TAX, OPT. SALES TAX “*** COMPARISON DATA HAS BEEN ROUNDED” Avg. On-Peak KWH 0 0 NO CHANGE 0 % On-Peak KWH 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 On-Peak Energy Charge (Cents/KWH) 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Off-Peak Energy Charge (Cents/KWH) 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Avg. KWD / Month 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 On-Peak KWD 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 On-Peak $ / KWD 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Max KWD 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Avg. % Load Factor 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Billing Data Avg. Monthly Non-Utility Taxes $1.19 $1.12 INCREASE $0.07 6.25 Tot. Yearly Non-Utility Taxes $14.31 $13.44 INCREASE $0.87 6.47 Avg. Monthly Base Elect Amt $14.48 $13.22 INCREASE $1.26 9.53 Tot. Yearly Base Elect Amt $173.76 $158.65 INCREASE $15.11 9.52 Avg. Monthly Tot. Bill Amt $15.67 $14.34 INCREASE $1.33 9.27 Tot. Yearly Bill Amt $188.07 $172.09 INCREASE $15.98 9.29 Generated by: Jeff Simmons Report as of: 1/21/2015 8:48:41 AM Data Summary Energy and Billing Data A DATE B DAYS C KWH/MNTH D KWH/DAY E OVERALL CENTS/KWH F EFF CENTS/KWH G H EFF DOLLARS/KWD ACTUAL/MAX KWD I % L.F. MAX J MISC CHARGES K NON UTILITY TAXES ** L BASE ELEC AMOUNT M TOTAL BILL AMOUNT * 1/14/2015 33 649 20 11.66 10.89 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $5.77 $69.91 $75.68 12/12/2014 29 627 22 11.81 10.89 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $5.64 $68.40 $74.04 11/13/2014 30 384 13 12.62 11.65 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $3.70 $44.77 $48.47 10/14/2014 29 336 12 12.92 11.93 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $3.31 $40.10 $43.41 9/15/2014 32 0 0 807.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.61 $7.46 $8.07 8/14/2014 30 0 0 807.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.61 $7.46 $8.07 7/15/2014 32 125 4 17.01 15.71 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.62 $19.64 $21.26 6/13/2014 30 358 12 12.80 11.80 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $3.50 $42.32 $45.82 5/14/2014 30 596 20 11.89 10.96 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $5.41 $65.47 $70.88 4/14/2014 31 825 27 11.52 10.61 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $7.25 $87.76 $95.01 3/14/2014 28 1,317 47 11.01 10.13 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $11.05 $133.93 $144.98 2/14/2014 30 11.58 10.70 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $5.87 $69.31 $75.18 $0.00 $54.34 $656.53 $710.87 Sum 649 22 5,866 197 Avg 30 489 16 144.90 9.61 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $4.53 $54.71 59.24 1/15/2014 33 498 15 11.95 11.04 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $4.64 $54.85 $59.49 12/13/2013 30 749 25 10.91 9.86 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $6.37 $75.31 $81.68 11/13/2013 29 398 14 11.82 10.69 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $3.67 $43.36 $47.03 10/15/2013 29 308 11 12.38 11.20 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $2.97 $35.16 $38.13 9/16/2013 33 220 7 13.39 12.12 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $2.30 $27.15 $29.45 8/14/2013 30 62 2 22.39 20.29 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.08 $12.80 $13.88 7/15/2013 31 1,215 39 10.56 9.50 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $10.00 $118.27 $128.27 6/14/2013 30 748 25 10.96 9.87 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $6.40 $75.56 $81.96 5/15/2013 30 722 24 10.99 9.90 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $6.20 $73.17 $79.37 4/15/2013 32 1,669 52 10.36 9.32 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $13.49 $159.44 $172.93 3/14/2013 28 1,934 69 10.31 9.28 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $15.82 $183.67 $199.49 2/14/2013 30 630 21 11.00 10.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $5.50 $63.82 $69.32 9,153 304 $0.00 $78.44 $922.56 $1,001.00 763 25 12.25 $0.00 $6.54 $76.88 $83.42 D KWH/DAY E OVERALL CENTS/KWH J MISC CHARGES K NON UTILITY TAXES ** L BASE ELEC AMOUNT M TOTAL BILL AMOUNT * Sum Avg 30 A DATE B DAYS C KWH/MNTH 11.09 F EFF CENTS/KWH 0.00 G H EFF DOLLARS/KWD ACTUAL/MAX KWD GENERAL INFORMATION CUSTOMER DATA 0 12 MONTH COMPARISON LAST YEAR INC/DEC/NC CHANGE %CHANGE 5,866 9,153 DECREASE (3,287) (35.91) Avg. KWH / Month 489 763 DECREASE (274) (35.91) Avg. KWH / Day 16 25 DECREASE (9) (34.44) Avg. On-Peak KWH 0 0 NO CHANGE 0 % On-Peak KWH 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 On-Peak Energy Charge (Cents/KWH) 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Off-Peak Energy Charge (Cents/KWH) 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Avg. KWD / Month 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 On-Peak KWD 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 On-Peak $ / KWD 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Max KWD 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Avg. % Load Factor 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Account Manager Jeff Simmons Total KWH Consumption City MACCLENNY Account Manager Phone # 386-754-2014 State FL Account Name BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Account Number 0752158113 Primary Contact 32063 Premise Number 846831649 Phone Number Meter Number AC11093 Email Rate Code 68 Rate Description GS-1 Account Active Since 2/8/2002 ELECTRIC SERVICE DATA FACILITY DATA TLN# 2898592250 Air Cond. Sq. Ft. 0 Preferred Feeder 300963 Total Sq. Ft 0 Cur Mth ELE $ / Sq. Ft. 0.00 12 M.O.E $ / Sq. Ft. 0.00 Service Voltage SIC Code 7996 Control KWD SIC Description RECREATION-AMUSEMENT PARKS Emergency Feeder MACCLENNY “** GROSS RECEIPTS TAX, FRANCHISE CHARGE, MUNICIPAL TAX, FLORIDA SALES TAX, OPT. SALES TAX “*** COMPARISON DATA HAS BEEN ROUNDED” CURRENT MONTHS TO PREVIOUS MONTHS COMPARISON *** THIS YEAR 480 6TH ST Substation I % L.F. MAX ACCOUNT DATA Address Zip Code 0.00 Billing Data Avg. Monthly Non-Utility Taxes $4.53 $6.54 DECREASE ($2.01) (30.73) Tot. Yearly Non-Utility Taxes $54.34 $78.44 DECREASE ($24.10) (30.72) Avg. Monthly Base Elect Amt $54.71 $76.88 DECREASE ($22.17) (28.84) Tot. Yearly Base Elect Amt $656.53 $922.56 DECREASE ($266.03) (28.84) Avg. Monthly Tot. Bill Amt $59.24 $83.42 DECREASE ($24.18) (28.99) Tot. Yearly Bill Amt $710.87 $1,001.00 DECREASE ($290.13) (28.98) Generated by: Jeff Simmons Report as of: 1/21/2015 8:57:48 AM Data Summary Energy and Billing Data A DATE B DAYS C KWH/MNTH D KWH/DAY E OVERALL CENTS/KWH F EFF CENTS/KWH G H EFF DOLLARS/KWD ACTUAL/MAX KWD I % L.F. MAX J MISC CHARGES K NON UTILITY TAXES ** L BASE ELEC AMOUNT M TOTAL BILL AMOUNT * $107.04 1/14/2015 33 950 29 11.27 10.52 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $8.17 $98.87 12/12/2014 29 854 29 11.46 10.58 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $7.47 $90.44 $97.91 11/13/2014 30 995 33 11.33 10.45 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $8.60 $104.15 $112.75 10/14/2014 29 1,203 41 11.19 10.32 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $10.27 $124.35 $134.62 9/15/2014 32 1,589 50 11.03 10.17 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $13.36 $161.86 $175.22 8/14/2014 30 1,567 52 11.06 10.18 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $13.21 $160.03 $173.24 7/15/2014 32 1,868 58 10.97 10.10 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $15.63 $189.33 $204.96 6/13/2014 8 562 70 10.92 10.05 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $4.68 $56.71 $61.39 9,588 363 $0.00 $81.39 $985.74 $1,067.13 $0.00 $10.17 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Sum Avg 28 Sum Sum Avg Avg A A DATE DATE 0 0 B DAYS 1,198 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B C D DAYS C KWH/MNTH KWH/MNTH KWH/DAY 11.15 0.00 10.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 E D F G H I G H I J E F OVERALL K KWH/DAY EFF CENTS/KWH EFF DOLLARS/KWD ACTUAL/MAX KWD % L.F. MAX EFF-ON-PK-ENRGEFF-OFF-PK-ENRGOVERALL ACTUAL/MAX ON-PK KWH % ON-PKCENTS/KWH KWH ON-PK KWD CHRG CENTS/KWH CHRG CENTS/KWH CENTS/KWH KWD GENERAL INFORMATION CUSTOMER DATA 0 12 MONTH COMPARISON K LJ M UTILITY TAXES N NON EFF-ON-PK MISC CHARGES % L.F. ** MISC DEM CHG $ / MAX CHARGES KWD 133.39 M O L P Q BASE ELEC AMOUNT TOTAL BILLTOTAL AMOUNT NON UTILITY BASE ELECT BILL* TAXES** AMOUNT AMOUNT* CURRENT MONTHS TO PREVIOUS MONTHS COMPARISON *** THIS YEAR LAST YEAR INC/DEC/NC CHANGE Address 480 6TH ST #SFTBL Account Manager Jeff Simmons Total KWH Consumption 9,588 0 INCREASE 9,588 City MACCLENNY Account Manager Phone # 386-754-2014 Avg. KWH / Month 1,198 0 INCREASE 1,198 State FL Account Name BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Avg. KWH / Day 45 0 INCREASE 45 Avg. On-Peak KWH 0 0 NO CHANGE 0 % On-Peak KWH 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 On-Peak Energy Charge (Cents/KWH) 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Off-Peak Energy Charge (Cents/KWH) 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Avg. KWD / Month 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 On-Peak KWD 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 On-Peak $ / KWD 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Max KWD 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Avg. % Load Factor 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Avg. Monthly Non-Utility Taxes $10.17 $0.00 INCREASE $10.17 Tot. Yearly Non-Utility Taxes $81.39 Avg. Monthly Base Elect Amt $123.22 Tot. Yearly Base Elect Amt $985.74 Avg. Monthly Tot. Bill Amt $133.39 Zip Code ACCOUNT DATA 0.00 $123.22 32063 Account Number 8084228439 Primary Contact Premise Number 184091941 Phone Number Meter Number AC11095 Email Rate Code 68 Rate Description GS-1 Account Active Since 6/5/2014 ELECTRIC SERVICE DATA FACILITY DATA TLN# 2898592250 Air Cond. Sq. Ft. 0 Preferred Feeder 300963 Total Sq. Ft 0 Cur Mth ELE $ / Sq. Ft. 0.00 12 M.O.E $ / Sq. Ft. 0.00 Service Voltage SIC Code 5699 Control KWD SIC Description APPAREL-MISC APPAREL & ACCESSO Emergency Feeder Substation MACCLENNY “** GROSS RECEIPTS TAX, FRANCHISE CHARGE, MUNICIPAL TAX, FLORIDA SALES TAX, OPT. SALES TAX “*** COMPARISON DATA HAS BEEN ROUNDED” Billing Data Tot. Yearly Bill Amt $1,067.13 $0.00 $0.00 INCREASE $81.39 INCREASE $123.22 INCREASE $985.74 INCREASE $133.39 INCREASE $1,067.13 %CHANGE Generated by: Jeff Simmons Report as of: 1/21/2015 9:00:59 AM Data Summary Energy and Billing Data A DATE B DAYS C KWH/MNTH D KWH/DAY E OVERALL CENTS/KWH F EFF CENTS/KWH G H EFF DOLLARS/KWD ACTUAL/MAX KWD I % L.F. MAX J MISC CHARGES K NON UTILITY TAXES ** L BASE ELEC AMOUNT M TOTAL BILL AMOUNT * 1/15/2015 31 0 0 807.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.61 $7.46 $8.07 12/15/2014 31 0 0 807.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.61 $7.46 $8.07 11/14/2014 30 0 0 807.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.61 $7.46 $8.07 10/15/2014 29 0 0 807.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.61 $7.46 $8.07 9/16/2014 32 0 0 807.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.61 $7.46 $8.07 8/15/2014 30 0 0 807.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.61 $7.46 $8.07 7/16/2014 30 0 0 807.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.61 $7.46 $8.07 6/16/2014 32 0 0 807.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.61 $7.46 $8.07 5/15/2014 30 0 0 807.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.61 $7.46 $8.07 4/15/2014 29 0 0 807.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.61 $7.46 $8.07 3/17/2014 30 0 0 772.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.59 $7.13 $7.72 2/15/2014 30 0 0 773.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.60 $7.13 $7.73 0 0 $0.00 $7.29 $88.86 $96.15 Sum Avg 30 0 0 801.25 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.61 $7.40 8.01 1/16/2014 31 0 0 773.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.60 $7.13 $7.73 12/16/2013 32 0 0 773.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.60 $7.13 $7.73 11/14/2013 29 0 0 773.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.60 $7.13 $7.73 10/16/2013 29 0 0 773.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.60 $7.13 $7.73 9/17/2013 33 0 0 773.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.60 $7.13 $7.73 8/15/2013 30 0 0 773.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.60 $7.13 $7.73 7/16/2013 31 0 0 773.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.60 $7.13 $7.73 6/15/2013 30 0 0 773.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.60 $7.13 $7.73 5/16/2013 30 0 0 773.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.60 $7.13 $7.73 4/16/2013 32 0 0 748.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.59 $6.89 $7.48 3/15/2013 28 0 0 749.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.60 $6.89 $7.49 2/15/2013 30 0 0 749.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.60 $6.89 $7.49 0 0 $0.00 $7.19 $84.84 $92.03 0 0 766.92 $0.00 $0.60 $7.07 $7.67 D KWH/DAY E OVERALL CENTS/KWH J MISC CHARGES K NON UTILITY TAXES ** L BASE ELEC AMOUNT M TOTAL BILL AMOUNT * Sum Avg 30 A DATE B DAYS C KWH/MNTH 0.00 F EFF CENTS/KWH 0.00 G H EFF DOLLARS/KWD ACTUAL/MAX KWD GENERAL INFORMATION CUSTOMER DATA 0 0.00 I % L.F. MAX 12 MONTH COMPARISON CURRENT MONTHS TO PREVIOUS MONTHS COMPARISON *** THIS YEAR LAST YEAR INC/DEC/NC CHANGE Address BLAIR ST #ES SCOREBOARD Account Manager Jeff Simmons Total KWH Consumption 0 0 NO CHANGE 0 City MACCLENNY Account Manager Phone # 386-754-2014 Avg. KWH / Month 0 0 NO CHANGE 0 State FL Account Name BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Avg. KWH / Day 0 0 NO CHANGE 0 Avg. On-Peak KWH 0 0 NO CHANGE 0 % On-Peak KWH 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 On-Peak Energy Charge (Cents/KWH) 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Off-Peak Energy Charge (Cents/KWH) 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Avg. KWD / Month 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 On-Peak KWD 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 On-Peak $ / KWD 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Max KWD 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Avg. % Load Factor 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Avg. Monthly Non-Utility Taxes $0.61 $0.60 INCREASE $0.01 1.67 Tot. Yearly Non-Utility Taxes $7.29 $7.19 INCREASE $0.10 1.39 Avg. Monthly Base Elect Amt $7.40 $7.07 INCREASE $0.33 4.67 Tot. Yearly Base Elect Amt $88.86 $84.84 INCREASE $4.02 4.74 Avg. Monthly Tot. Bill Amt $8.01 $7.67 INCREASE $0.34 4.43 Tot. Yearly Bill Amt $96.15 $92.03 INCREASE $4.12 4.48 Zip Code ACCOUNT DATA 32063 Account Number 8534516789 Primary Contact Premise Number 365500 Phone Number Meter Number AC11054 Email Rate Code 68 Rate Description GS-1 Account Active Since 10/6/1971 ELECTRIC SERVICE DATA FACILITY DATA TLN# 2898560140 Air Cond. Sq. Ft. 0 Preferred Feeder 300963 Total Sq. Ft 0 Cur Mth ELE $ / Sq. Ft. 0.00 12 M.O.E $ / Sq. Ft. 0.00 Emergency Feeder Substation MACCLENNY Service Voltage SIC Code Control KWD SIC Description “** GROSS RECEIPTS TAX, FRANCHISE CHARGE, MUNICIPAL TAX, FLORIDA SALES TAX, OPT. SALES TAX “*** COMPARISON DATA HAS BEEN ROUNDED” %CHANGE Billing Data Generated by: Jeff Simmons Report as of: 1/21/2015 9:02:36 AM Data Summary Energy and Billing Data A DATE B DAYS C KWH/MNTH D KWH/DAY E OVERALL CENTS/KWH F EFF CENTS/KWH G H EFF DOLLARS/KWD ACTUAL/MAX KWD I % L.F. MAX J MISC CHARGES K NON UTILITY TAXES ** L BASE ELEC AMOUNT M TOTAL BILL AMOUNT * 1/15/2015 31 1,920 62 28.40 17.12 0.22 78 3.30 $193.34 $26.83 $518.39 $545.22 12/15/2014 31 3,000 97 22.60 14.90 0.16 159 2.50 $193.34 $36.97 $641.12 $678.09 11/14/2014 30 2,280 76 25.91 16.11 0.13 155 2.00 $193.34 $30.30 $560.39 $590.69 10/15/2014 29 1,200 41 38.30 20.62 0.49 28 6.20 $193.34 $20.31 $439.33 $459.64 9/16/2014 32 1,320 41 35.92 19.75 0.25 59 2.90 $193.34 $21.42 $452.78 $474.20 8/15/2014 30 1,920 64 28.58 17.05 0.21 85 3.10 $193.34 $27.11 $521.61 $548.72 7/16/2014 30 2,880 96 23.13 15.07 0.15 161 2.50 $193.34 $36.06 $630.02 $666.08 6/16/2014 32 3,480 109 21.25 14.38 0.17 167 2.70 $193.34 $41.64 $697.79 $739.43 5/15/2014 30 4,080 136 19.91 13.90 0.19 165 3.40 $193.34 $47.22 $765.26 $812.48 4/15/2014 29 3,720 128 20.66 14.17 0.18 164 3.30 $193.34 $43.86 $724.63 $768.49 3/17/2014 30 6,960 232 16.47 12.49 0.29 168 5.80 $193.34 $72.70 $1,073.87 $1,146.57 2/15/2014 30 16.53 12.58 0.27 172 5.30 Sum 6,600 220 39,360 1,302 $193.34 $70.05 $1,021.23 $1,091.28 $2,320.08 $474.47 $8,046.42 $8,520.89 Avg 30 3,280 109 24.80 15.68 0.23 130 3.58 $193.34 $39.54 $670.54 710.07 1/16/2014 31 3,240 105 21.39 14.30 0.16 168 2.60 $193.34 $38.98 $654.03 $693.01 12/16/2013 32 5,520 172 17.19 12.25 0.38 151 4.80 $193.34 $58.95 $890.07 $949.02 11/14/2013 29 5,520 190 17.19 12.25 0.34 170 4.70 $193.34 $58.95 $890.07 $949.02 10/16/2013 29 1,800 62 28.76 16.24 0.18 143 1.80 $193.34 $25.30 $492.36 $517.66 9/17/2013 33 3,000 91 21.89 13.87 0.24 147 2.60 $193.34 $36.16 $620.65 $656.81 8/15/2013 30 2,520 84 24.05 14.56 0.23 138 2.50 $193.34 $32.20 $573.90 $606.10 7/16/2013 31 3,720 120 20.10 13.20 0.31 137 3.60 $193.34 $43.24 $704.36 $747.60 6/15/2013 30 4,440 148 18.75 12.73 0.30 164 3.80 $193.34 $49.86 $782.64 $832.50 5/16/2013 30 5,520 184 17.39 12.26 0.34 173 4.40 $193.34 $59.80 $900.17 $959.97 4/16/2013 32 4,320 135 18.80 12.66 0.28 166 3.40 $193.34 $48.27 $763.82 $812.09 3/15/2013 28 7,320 261 15.92 11.70 0.49 151 7.20 $193.34 $77.12 $1,088.45 $1,165.57 2/15/2013 30 18.76 12.78 0.30 150 3.80 Sum Avg 30 A DATE B DAYS 4,080 136 51,000 1,689 4,250 141 20.02 D KWH/DAY E OVERALL CENTS/KWH C KWH/MNTH 13.23 F EFF CENTS/KWH 0.30 G H EFF DOLLARS/KWD ACTUAL/MAX KWD GENERAL INFORMATION CUSTOMER DATA 155 $193.34 $45.39 $720.17 $765.56 $2,320.08 $574.22 $9,080.69 $9,654.91 $193.34 $47.85 $756.72 $804.58 J MISC CHARGES K NON UTILITY TAXES ** L BASE ELEC AMOUNT M TOTAL BILL AMOUNT * 3.77 I % L.F. MAX 12 MONTH COMPARISON CURRENT MONTHS TO PREVIOUS MONTHS COMPARISON *** THIS YEAR LAST YEAR INC/DEC/NC CHANGE %CHANGE Address BLAIR ST #KNABB SPTS CMPLX Account Manager Jeff Simmons Total KWH Consumption 39,360 51,000 DECREASE (11,640) (22.82) City MACCLENNY Account Manager Phone # 386-754-2014 Avg. KWH / Month 3,280 4,250 DECREASE (970) (22.82) State FL Account Name BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Avg. KWH / Day 109 141 DECREASE (32) (23.03) 0 0 NO CHANGE 0 % On-Peak KWH 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 On-Peak Energy Charge (Cents/KWH) 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Off-Peak Energy Charge (Cents/KWH) 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 130.08 154.83 DECREASE (24.75) 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Zip Code ACCOUNT DATA Account Number 8535512704 Primary Contact 32063 Premise Number 365501 Phone Number Meter Number RY0595H Email Rate Code 19 Rate Description OS-2 Account Active Since 6/1/1972 ELECTRIC SERVICE DATA FACILITY DATA TLN# 2898562080 Air Cond. Sq. Ft. 0 Preferred Feeder 300963 Total Sq. Ft 0 Cur Mth ELE $ / Sq. Ft. 0.00 12 M.O.E $ / Sq. Ft. 0.00 Emergency Feeder Substation MACCLENNY Service Voltage SIC Code Control KWD SIC Description Avg. On-Peak KWH Avg. KWD / Month On-Peak KWD On-Peak $ / KWD Max KWD “** GROSS RECEIPTS TAX, FRANCHISE CHARGE, MUNICIPAL TAX, FLORIDA SALES TAX, OPT. SALES TAX “*** COMPARISON DATA HAS BEEN ROUNDED” Avg. % Load Factor (15.99) 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 172.00 173.00 DECREASE (1.00) (0.58) 3.58 3.77 DECREASE (0.19) (5.04) Billing Data Avg. Monthly Non-Utility Taxes $39.54 $47.85 DECREASE ($8.31) (17.37) Tot. Yearly Non-Utility Taxes $474.47 $574.22 DECREASE ($99.75) (17.37) Avg. Monthly Base Elect Amt $670.54 $756.72 DECREASE ($86.18) (11.39) Tot. Yearly Base Elect Amt $8,046.42 $9,080.69 DECREASE ($1,034.27) (11.39) Avg. Monthly Tot. Bill Amt $903.41 $997.92 DECREASE ($94.51) (9.47) $10,840.97 $11,974.99 DECREASE ($1,134.02) (9.47) Tot. Yearly Bill Amt Generated by: Jeff Simmons Report as of: 1/21/2015 9:04:14 AM Data Summary Energy and Billing Data A DATE B DAYS C KWH/MNTH D KWH/DAY E OVERALL CENTS/KWH F EFF CENTS/KWH G H EFF DOLLARS/KWD ACTUAL/MAX KWD I % L.F. MAX J MISC CHARGES K NON UTILITY TAXES ** L BASE ELEC AMOUNT M TOTAL BILL AMOUNT * 1/15/2015 31 572 18 11.83 11.05 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $5.16 $62.50 $67.66 12/15/2014 31 546 18 12.00 11.07 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $4.99 $60.51 $65.50 11/14/2014 30 383 13 12.63 11.66 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $3.69 $44.68 $48.37 10/15/2014 29 814 28 11.51 10.62 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $7.15 $86.54 $93.69 9/16/2014 32 1,037 32 11.30 10.42 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $8.94 $108.23 $117.17 8/15/2014 30 979 33 11.36 10.46 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $8.49 $102.77 $111.26 7/16/2014 30 1,068 36 11.30 10.40 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $9.20 $111.44 $120.64 6/16/2014 32 818 26 11.53 10.61 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $7.19 $87.10 $94.29 5/15/2014 30 785 26 11.57 10.65 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $6.92 $83.87 $90.79 4/15/2014 29 458 16 12.30 11.34 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $4.29 $52.04 $56.33 3/17/2014 30 687 23 11.55 10.63 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $6.05 $73.27 $79.32 2/15/2014 30 949 32 11.21 10.35 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $8.29 $98.06 $106.35 $1,051.37 Sum 9,096 300 $0.00 $80.36 $971.01 Avg 30 758 25 11.67 10.77 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $6.70 $80.92 87.61 1/16/2014 31 598 19 11.69 10.80 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $5.45 $64.43 $69.88 12/16/2013 32 366 11 11.99 10.85 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $3.43 $40.44 $43.87 11/14/2013 29 501 17 11.42 10.32 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $4.46 $52.73 $57.19 10/16/2013 29 688 24 11.00 9.94 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $5.90 $69.76 $75.66 9/17/2013 33 1,009 31 10.64 9.62 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $8.38 $98.99 $107.37 8/15/2013 30 992 33 10.70 9.63 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $8.28 $97.86 $106.14 7/16/2013 31 1,012 33 10.69 9.62 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $8.44 $99.70 $108.14 6/15/2013 30 935 31 10.75 9.67 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $7.84 $92.65 $100.49 5/16/2013 30 553 18 11.32 10.20 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $4.88 $57.73 $62.61 4/16/2013 32 748 23 10.91 9.83 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $6.37 $75.27 $81.64 3/15/2013 28 918 33 10.74 9.67 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $7.82 $90.80 $98.62 2/15/2013 30 885 30 10.66 9.69 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $7.49 $86.86 $94.35 9,205 303 $0.00 $78.74 $927.22 $1,005.96 767 25 11.04 $0.00 $6.56 $77.27 $83.83 D KWH/DAY E OVERALL CENTS/KWH J MISC CHARGES K NON UTILITY TAXES ** L BASE ELEC AMOUNT M TOTAL BILL AMOUNT * Sum Avg 30 A DATE B DAYS C KWH/MNTH 9.99 F EFF CENTS/KWH 0.00 G H EFF DOLLARS/KWD ACTUAL/MAX KWD GENERAL INFORMATION CUSTOMER DATA 0 12 MONTH COMPARISON LAST YEAR INC/DEC/NC CHANGE %CHANGE 9,096 9,205 DECREASE (109) (1.18) Avg. KWH / Month 758 767 DECREASE (9) (1.17) Avg. KWH / Day 25 25 NO CHANGE 0 (0.12) Avg. On-Peak KWH 0 0 NO CHANGE 0 % On-Peak KWH 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 On-Peak Energy Charge (Cents/KWH) 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Off-Peak Energy Charge (Cents/KWH) 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Avg. KWD / Month 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 On-Peak KWD 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 On-Peak $ / KWD 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Max KWD 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Avg. % Load Factor 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Account Manager Jeff Simmons Total KWH Consumption City MACCLENNY Account Manager Phone # 386-754-2014 State FL Account Name BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Account Number 8541517762 Primary Contact 32063 Premise Number 3289455 Phone Number Meter Number AC11053 Email Rate Code 68 Rate Description GS-1 Account Active Since 11/10/1988 ELECTRIC SERVICE DATA FACILITY DATA TLN# 2898563140 Air Cond. Sq. Ft. 0 Preferred Feeder 300963 Total Sq. Ft 0 Cur Mth ELE $ / Sq. Ft. 0.00 12 M.O.E $ / Sq. Ft. 0.00 Emergency Feeder MACCLENNY Service Voltage SIC Code Control KWD SIC Description “** GROSS RECEIPTS TAX, FRANCHISE CHARGE, MUNICIPAL TAX, FLORIDA SALES TAX, OPT. SALES TAX “*** COMPARISON DATA HAS BEEN ROUNDED” CURRENT MONTHS TO PREVIOUS MONTHS COMPARISON *** THIS YEAR NORTH BLVD # KNABB SPRTS Substation I % L.F. MAX ACCOUNT DATA Address Zip Code 0.00 Billing Data Avg. Monthly Non-Utility Taxes $6.70 $6.56 INCREASE $0.14 2.13 Tot. Yearly Non-Utility Taxes $80.36 $78.74 INCREASE $1.62 2.06 Avg. Monthly Base Elect Amt $80.92 $77.27 INCREASE $3.65 4.72 Tot. Yearly Base Elect Amt $971.01 $927.22 INCREASE $43.79 4.72 Avg. Monthly Tot. Bill Amt $87.61 $83.83 INCREASE $3.78 4.51 $1,051.37 $1,005.96 INCREASE $45.41 4.51 Tot. Yearly Bill Amt Generated by: Jeff Simmons Report as of: 1/21/2015 9:05:33 AM Data Summary Energy and Billing Data A DATE B DAYS C KWH/MNTH D KWH/DAY E ON-PK KWH F % ON-PK KWH G EFF-ON-PK-ENRGCHRG CENTS/KWH H EFF-OFF-PK-ENRGCHRG CENTS/KWH I OVERALL CENTS/KWH J ACTUAL/MAX KWD K ON-PK KWD L EFF-ON-PK DEM CHG $ / KWD M % L.F. MAX N MISC CHARGES O NON UTILITY TAXES** P BASE ELECT AMOUNT Q TOTAL BILL AMOUNT* 1/15/2015 31 247 8 0 0.00 0.00 15.81 175.03 35 0 $0.00 0.90 $0.00 $32.97 $399.36 $432.33 12/15/2014 31 415 13 0 0.00 0.00 15.32 113.31 35 0 $0.00 1.60 $0.00 $35.87 $434.38 $470.25 11/14/2014 30 693 23 0 0.00 0.00 11.62 70.20 35 0 $0.00 2.80 $0.00 $37.10 $449.37 $486.47 10/15/2014 29 230 8 1 0.43 16.79 22.74 199.76 35 0 $0.00 0.90 $0.00 $35.04 $424.41 $459.45 9/16/2014 32 687 21 0 0.00 0.00 8.74 8.81 35 0 $0.00 2.60 $0.00 $4.61 $55.94 $60.55 8/15/2014 30 981 33 1 0.10 23.08 7.51 7.61 35 0 $0.00 3.90 $0.00 $5.70 $69.00 $74.70 7/16/2014 30 93 3 0 0.00 0.00 34.87 34.96 35 0 $0.00 0.40 $0.00 $2.48 $30.03 $32.51 6/16/2014 32 211 7 0 0.00 0.00 17.97 18.06 35 0 $0.00 0.80 $0.00 $2.90 $35.21 $38.11 5/15/2014 30 398 13 0 0.00 0.00 15.71 117.92 35 0 $0.00 1.60 $0.00 $35.80 $433.52 $469.32 4/15/2014 29 482 17 0 0.00 0.00 14.04 98.39 35 0 $0.00 2.00 $0.00 $36.17 $438.06 $474.23 3/17/2014 30 1,190 40 0 0.00 0.00 9.34 42.22 35 0 $0.00 4.70 $0.00 $38.32 $464.12 $502.44 2/15/2014 30 1,225 41 0 0.00 0.00 9.25 41.23 35 0 $0.00 4.90 $0.00 $39.40 $465.62 $505.02 6,852 227 2 $0.00 $306.36 $3,699.02 $4,005.38 Sum Avg 30 571 19 0 0.04 3.32 15.24 77.29 35 0 $0.00 2.26 $0.00 $25.53 $308.25 $333.78 1/16/2014 31 295 10 0 0.00 0.00 19.11 152.69 35 0 $0.00 1.10 $0.00 $35.14 $415.29 $450.43 12/16/2013 32 715 22 0 0.00 0.00 9.59 65.62 35 0 $0.00 2.70 $0.00 $36.60 $432.61 $469.21 11/14/2013 29 826 28 0 0.00 0.00 9.06 57.53 35 0 $0.00 3.40 $0.00 $37.07 $438.16 $475.23 10/16/2013 29 115 4 0 0.00 0.00 30.05 379.73 35 0 $0.00 0.50 $0.00 $34.06 $402.63 $436.69 9/17/2013 33 739 22 0 0.00 0.00 8.02 8.09 35 0 $0.00 2.70 $0.00 $4.66 $55.09 $59.75 8/15/2013 30 817 27 1 0.12 23.20 7.66 7.78 35 0 $0.00 3.20 $0.00 $4.96 $58.62 $63.58 7/16/2013 31 477 15 0 0.00 0.00 10.02 10.12 35 0 $0.00 1.80 $0.00 $3.76 $44.51 $48.27 6/15/2013 30 468 16 0 0.00 0.00 10.13 10.23 35 0 $0.00 1.90 $0.00 $3.73 $44.14 $47.87 5/16/2013 30 515 17 0 0.00 0.00 11.26 91.28 36 0 $0.00 2.00 $0.00 $36.67 $433.40 $470.07 4/16/2013 32 481 15 0 0.00 0.00 11.77 95.40 36 0 $0.00 1.70 $0.00 $35.80 $423.05 $458.85 3/15/2013 28 1,099 39 0 0.00 0.00 8.38 44.94 36 0 $0.00 4.50 $0.00 $39.18 $454.71 $493.89 2/15/2013 30 822 27 0 0.00 0.00 9.19 56.75 35 0 $0.00 3.30 $0.00 $37.00 $429.50 $466.50 7,369 244 1 $0.00 $308.63 $3,631.71 $3,940.34 614 20 0 Sum Avg A DATE 30 B DAYS C KWH/MNTH D KWH/DAY E ON-PK KWH 0.01 1.93 12.02 81.68 35 F % ON-PK KWH G EFF-ON-PK-ENRGCHRG CENTS/KWH H EFF-OFF-PK-ENRGCHRG CENTS/KWH I OVERALL CENTS/KWH J ACTUAL/MAX KWD GENERAL INFORMATION CUSTOMER DATA Address 0 $0.00 2.40 $0.00 $25.72 $302.64 $328.36 K ON-PK KWD L EFF-ON-PK DEM CHG $ / KWD M % L.F. MAX N MISC CHARGES O NON UTILITY TAXES** P BASE ELECT AMOUNT Q TOTAL BILL AMOUNT* 12 MONTH COMPARISON ACCOUNT DATA NORTH BLVD #WMN SFTBL FLD Account Manager Jeff Simmons CURRENT MONTHS TO PREVIOUS MONTHS COMPARISON *** THIS YEAR LAST YEAR INC/DEC/NC CHANGE %CHANGE 6,852 7,369 DECREASE (517) (7.02) Avg. KWH / Month 571 614 DECREASE (43) (7.00) Avg. KWH / Day 19 20 DECREASE (1) (5.55) 0 0 NO CHANGE 0 Total KWH Consumption City MACCLENNY Account Manager Phone # 386-754-2014 State FL Account Name BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Avg. On-Peak KWH Zip Code 32063 Account Number 8542515799 % On-Peak KWH 0.04 0.01 INCREASE 0.03 300.00 Primary Contact Premise Number 365503 On-Peak Energy Charge (Cents/KWH) 3.32 1.93 INCREASE 1.39 72.02 Phone Number Meter Number MC0202A Off-Peak Energy Charge (Cents/KWH) 15.24 12.02 INCREASE 3.22 26.79 Email Rate Code 270 Avg. KWD / Month 35.00 35.25 DECREASE (0.25) (0.71) Rate Description SDTR-1A On-Peak KWD 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Account Active Since 8/20/1984 On-Peak $ / KWD 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Max KWD 35.00 36.00 DECREASE (1.00) (2.78) 2.26 2.40 DECREASE (0.14) (5.83) ELECTRIC SERVICE DATA FACILITY DATA TLN# 2898569120 Air Cond. Sq. Ft. 0 Avg. % Load Factor Preferred Feeder 300963 Total Sq. Ft 0 Billing Data Cur Mth ELE $ / Sq. Ft. 0.00 Avg. Monthly Non-Utility Taxes $25.53 $25.72 DECREASE ($0.19) (0.74) 12 M.O.E $ / Sq. Ft. 0.00 Tot. Yearly Non-Utility Taxes $306.36 $308.63 DECREASE ($2.27) (0.74) $308.25 $302.64 INCREASE $5.61 1.85 Emergency Feeder Substation MACCLENNY Service Voltage SIC Code Avg. Monthly Base Elect Amt Control KWD SIC Description Tot. Yearly Base Elect Amt $3,699.02 $3,631.71 INCREASE $67.31 1.85 Avg. Monthly Tot. Bill Amt $333.78 $328.36 INCREASE $5.42 1.65 $4,005.38 $3,940.34 INCREASE $65.04 1.65 “** GROSS RECEIPTS TAX, FRANCHISE CHARGE, MUNICIPAL TAX, FLORIDA SALES TAX, OPT. SALES TAX “*** COMPARISON DATA HAS BEEN ROUNDED” Tot. Yearly Bill Amt Generated by: Jeff Simmons Report as of: 1/21/2015 8:53:47 AM Data Summary Energy and Billing Data A DATE B DAYS C KWH/MNTH D KWH/DAY E OVERALL CENTS/KWH F EFF CENTS/KWH G H EFF DOLLARS/KWD ACTUAL/MAX KWD I % L.F. MAX J MISC CHARGES K NON UTILITY TAXES ** L BASE ELEC AMOUNT M TOTAL BILL AMOUNT * 1/15/2015 31 1,048 34 11.19 10.45 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $8.94 $108.29 $117.23 12/15/2014 31 1,461 47 11.07 10.21 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $12.34 $149.43 $161.77 11/14/2014 30 1,057 35 11.28 10.41 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $9.09 $110.17 $119.26 10/15/2014 29 1,256 43 11.16 10.29 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $10.69 $129.50 $140.19 9/16/2014 32 1,443 45 11.08 10.22 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $12.20 $147.68 $159.88 8/15/2014 30 1,938 65 10.96 10.08 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $16.20 $196.15 $212.35 7/16/2014 30 1,779 59 10.99 10.12 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $14.91 $180.66 $195.57 6/16/2014 32 1,639 51 11.03 10.15 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $13.79 $167.03 $180.82 5/15/2014 30 1,279 43 11.17 10.28 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $10.89 $131.96 $142.85 4/15/2014 29 932 32 11.40 10.50 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $8.11 $98.18 $106.29 3/17/2014 30 1,240 41 11.05 10.16 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $10.44 $126.52 $136.96 2/15/2014 30 2,309 77 10.73 9.91 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $19.33 $228.37 $247.70 17,381 573 $0.00 $146.93 $1,773.94 $1,920.87 Sum Avg 30 1,448 48 11.09 10.23 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $12.24 $147.83 160.07 1/16/2014 31 1,577 51 10.88 10.05 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $13.39 $158.24 $171.63 12/16/2013 32 862 27 10.77 9.74 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $7.25 $85.61 $92.86 11/14/2013 29 1,011 35 10.64 9.61 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $8.39 $99.16 $107.55 10/16/2013 29 1,241 43 10.50 9.48 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $10.16 $120.09 $130.25 9/17/2013 33 1,565 47 10.37 9.37 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $12.66 $149.59 $162.25 8/15/2013 30 1,747 58 10.36 9.32 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $14.12 $166.92 $181.04 7/16/2013 31 1,325 43 10.51 9.45 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $10.86 $128.34 $139.20 6/15/2013 30 1,513 50 10.43 9.39 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $12.31 $145.53 $157.84 5/16/2013 30 1,029 34 10.67 9.61 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $8.57 $101.26 $109.83 4/16/2013 32 1,216 38 10.53 9.47 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $9.99 $118.03 $128.02 3/15/2013 28 1,522 54 10.42 9.37 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $12.57 $146.00 $158.57 2/15/2013 30 1,279 43 10.40 9.45 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $10.55 $122.43 $132.98 15,887 524 $0.00 $130.82 $1,541.20 $1,672.02 1,324 44 10.54 $0.00 $10.90 $128.43 $139.34 D KWH/DAY E OVERALL CENTS/KWH J MISC CHARGES K NON UTILITY TAXES ** L BASE ELEC AMOUNT M TOTAL BILL AMOUNT * Sum Avg 30 A DATE B DAYS C KWH/MNTH 9.53 F EFF CENTS/KWH 0.00 G H EFF DOLLARS/KWD ACTUAL/MAX KWD GENERAL INFORMATION CUSTOMER DATA 0 0.00 I % L.F. MAX 12 MONTH COMPARISON CURRENT MONTHS TO PREVIOUS MONTHS COMPARISON *** THIS YEAR LAST YEAR INC/DEC/NC CHANGE %CHANGE Address OHIO AVE #NWC WEST Account Manager Jeff Simmons Total KWH Consumption 17,381 15,887 INCREASE 1,494 9.40 City MACCLENNY Account Manager Phone # 386-754-2014 Avg. KWH / Month 1,448 1,324 INCREASE 124 9.37 State FL Account Name BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Avg. KWH / Day 48 44 INCREASE 4 8.48 Avg. On-Peak KWH 0 0 NO CHANGE 0 % On-Peak KWH 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 On-Peak Energy Charge (Cents/KWH) 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Off-Peak Energy Charge (Cents/KWH) 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Avg. KWD / Month 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 On-Peak KWD 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 On-Peak $ / KWD 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Max KWD 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Avg. % Load Factor 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Zip Code ACCOUNT DATA Account Number 4830842235 Primary Contact 32063 Premise Number 987898803 Phone Number Meter Number AC11111 Email Rate Code 68 Rate Description GS-1 Account Active Since 7/2/1999 ELECTRIC SERVICE DATA FACILITY DATA TLN# 2898581090 Air Cond. Sq. Ft. 0 Preferred Feeder 300963 Total Sq. Ft 0 Cur Mth ELE $ / Sq. Ft. 0.00 12 M.O.E $ / Sq. Ft. 0.00 Service Voltage SIC Code 9999 Control KWD SIC Description MISC-UNCLASSIFIABLE Emergency Feeder Substation MACCLENNY “** GROSS RECEIPTS TAX, FRANCHISE CHARGE, MUNICIPAL TAX, FLORIDA SALES TAX, OPT. SALES TAX “*** COMPARISON DATA HAS BEEN ROUNDED” Billing Data Avg. Monthly Non-Utility Taxes $12.24 $10.90 INCREASE $1.34 12.29 Tot. Yearly Non-Utility Taxes $146.93 $130.82 INCREASE $16.11 12.31 Avg. Monthly Base Elect Amt $147.83 $128.43 INCREASE $19.40 15.11 Tot. Yearly Base Elect Amt $1,773.94 $1,541.20 INCREASE $232.74 15.10 Avg. Monthly Tot. Bill Amt $160.07 $139.34 INCREASE $20.73 14.88 $1,920.87 $1,672.02 INCREASE $248.85 14.88 Tot. Yearly Bill Amt Generated by: Jeff Simmons Report as of: 1/21/2015 9:07:17 AM Data Summary Energy and Billing Data A DATE B DAYS C KWH/MNTH D KWH/DAY E OVERALL CENTS/KWH F EFF CENTS/KWH I % L.F. MAX J MISC CHARGES K NON UTILITY TAXES ** L BASE ELEC AMOUNT M TOTAL BILL AMOUNT * 12/30/2014 34 180 5 29.83 4.25 0.00 11/26/2014 28 180 6 29.83 4.25 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.91 $51.79 $53.70 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.91 $51.79 10/29/2014 30 180 6 29.83 4.25 $53.70 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.91 $51.79 9/29/2014 32 180 6 29.83 $53.70 4.25 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.91 $51.79 8/28/2014 29 180 6 $53.70 29.99 4.26 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.93 $52.06 7/30/2014 33 180 $53.99 5 29.99 4.26 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.93 $52.06 6/27/2014 29 $53.99 180 6 29.99 4.26 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.93 $52.06 5/29/2014 $53.99 30 180 6 29.98 4.26 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.93 $52.04 $53.97 4/29/2014 32 180 6 29.98 4.26 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.93 $52.04 $53.97 3/28/2014 29 180 6 28.98 4.34 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.87 $50.30 $52.17 2/27/2014 28 180 6 28.64 4.33 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.85 $49.70 $51.55 1/30/2014 31 180 6 28.64 4.33 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.85 $49.70 $51.55 2,160 71 $0.00 $22.86 $617.12 $639.98 Sum G H EFF DOLLARS/KWD ACTUAL/MAX KWD Avg 30 180 6 29.63 4.28 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.90 $51.43 53.33 12/30/2013 34 180 5 28.40 3.86 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.82 $49.30 $51.12 11/26/2013 28 180 6 28.40 3.86 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.82 $49.30 $51.12 10/29/2013 31 180 6 28.40 3.86 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.82 $49.30 $51.12 9/28/2013 30 180 6 28.40 3.86 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.82 $49.30 $51.12 8/29/2013 30 180 6 28.73 3.88 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.85 $49.87 $51.72 7/30/2013 33 180 5 28.73 3.88 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.85 $49.87 $51.72 6/27/2013 28 180 6 28.73 3.88 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.85 $49.87 $51.72 5/30/2013 31 180 6 28.74 3.88 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.85 $49.89 $51.74 4/29/2013 32 180 6 28.74 3.88 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.85 $49.89 $51.74 3/28/2013 29 180 6 28.07 4.01 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.82 $48.71 $50.53 2/27/2013 28 180 6 27.27 3.97 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.74 $47.34 $49.08 1/30/2013 32 180 6 27.27 3.97 0.00 0 0.00 $0.00 $1.74 $47.34 $49.08 2,160 71 $0.00 $21.83 $589.98 $611.81 180 6 28.32 $0.00 $1.82 $49.16 $50.98 D KWH/DAY E OVERALL CENTS/KWH J MISC CHARGES K NON UTILITY TAXES ** L BASE ELEC AMOUNT M TOTAL BILL AMOUNT * Sum Avg 30 A DATE B DAYS C KWH/MNTH 3.90 F EFF CENTS/KWH 0.00 G H EFF DOLLARS/KWD ACTUAL/MAX KWD GENERAL INFORMATION CUSTOMER DATA Address 0 0.00 I % L.F. MAX 12 MONTH COMPARISON ACCOUNT DATA OLUSTEE #OLUSTEE PARK OSL Account Manager Jeff Simmons Total KWH Consumption Avg. KWH / Month CURRENT MONTHS TO PREVIOUS MONTHS COMPARISON *** THIS YEAR LAST YEAR INC/DEC/NC CHANGE %CHANGE 2,160 2,160 NO CHANGE 0 0.00 180 180 NO CHANGE 0 0.00 6 6 NO CHANGE 0 (1.00) City OLUSTEE Account Manager Phone # 386-754-2014 State FL Account Name BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Avg. On-Peak KWH 0 0 NO CHANGE 0 Zip Code 32072 Account Number 9019818898 % On-Peak KWH 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Primary Contact Premise Number 961004075 On-Peak Energy Charge (Cents/KWH) 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Phone Number Meter Number Off-Peak Energy Charge (Cents/KWH) 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Email Rate Code 11 Avg. KWD / Month 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Rate Description OL-1 On-Peak KWD 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Account Active Since 3/19/1988 On-Peak $ / KWD 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Max KWD 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 0.00 0.00 NO CHANGE 0.00 Avg. KWH / Day ELECTRIC SERVICE DATA FACILITY DATA TLN# 2717820770 Air Cond. Sq. Ft. 0 Avg. % Load Factor Preferred Feeder 305232 Total Sq. Ft 0 Billing Data Cur Mth ELE $ / Sq. Ft. 0.00 Avg. Monthly Non-Utility Taxes $1.90 $1.82 INCREASE $0.08 4.40 0.00 Tot. Yearly Non-Utility Taxes $22.86 $21.83 INCREASE $1.03 4.72 Emergency Feeder Substation PRICE 12 M.O.E $ / Sq. Ft. Service Voltage SIC Code Avg. Monthly Base Elect Amt $51.43 $49.16 INCREASE $2.27 4.62 Control KWD SIC Description Tot. Yearly Base Elect Amt $617.12 $589.98 INCREASE $27.14 4.60 Avg. Monthly Tot. Bill Amt $53.33 $50.98 INCREASE $2.35 4.61 Tot. Yearly Bill Amt $639.98 $611.81 INCREASE $28.17 4.60 “** GROSS RECEIPTS TAX, FRANCHISE CHARGE, MUNICIPAL TAX, FLORIDA SALES TAX, OPT. SALES TAX “*** COMPARISON DATA HAS BEEN ROUNDED” REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL BROKERAGE SERVICES FOR HEALTH INSURANCE AND EMPLOYEE BENEFITS RFP #2015-01 Issued By: Baker County Board of County Commissioners 55 N. 3rd St. Macclenny, FL 32063 (904) 259-3613 Website: Due Date/Time for Receipt of Proposals: February 27, 2015 @ 3:00 p.m. Table of Contents SECTION I - GENERAL INFORMATION & CONDITIONS .................................................................. 4 Invitation................................................................................................................................................... 4 Schedule.................................................................................................................................................... 4 Point of Contact ........................................................................................................................................ 4 Standard Terms & Conditions .................................................................................................................. 4 Anti-Lobbying Provision ...................................................................................................................... 4 Point of Contact and Timetable for Inquiries ....................................................................................... 5 Public Entity Crimes/Discriminatory Vendor List ............................................................................... 5 Addenda ................................................................................................................................................ 5 Cancellation of the Solicitation ............................................................................................................ 5 Development Costs ............................................................................................................................... 6 Tax Exempt Status ................................................................................................................................ 6 Response Submission and Opening...................................................................................................... 6 Withdrawal of Response ....................................................................................................................... 6 Public Records and Exemptions ........................................................................................................... 6 Rejection of Responses ......................................................................................................................... 7 Written Proposal Evaluation and Oral Presentations ........................................................................... 7 Formal Notice of Intent to Award ........................................................................................................ 7 Contract Award..................................................................................................................................... 7 Insurance Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 8 Non-Discrimination .............................................................................................................................. 8 Indemnification..................................................................................................................................... 8 SECTION II – SCOPE OF SERVICES AND DELIVERABLES ............................................................... 9 General Information ................................................................................................................................. 9 Scope of Services...................................................................................................................................... 9 Consulting Services: ............................................................................................................................. 9 Negotiating Services ........................................................................................................................... 10 SECTION III – PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS AND FORMAT........................................................... 11 Proposal Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 11 Proposal Format ...................................................................................................................................... 11 SECTION IV – PROPOSAL EVALUATION........................................................................................... 12 2 Evaluation Criteria.................................................................................................................................. 12 Evaluation Procedure.............................................................................................................................. 13 Section V - Attachments ............................................................................................................................. 14 Attachment “A” ...................................................................................................................................... 15 Attachment “B” ...................................................................................................................................... 18 Attachment “C” ...................................................................................................................................... 19 Attachment “D” ...................................................................................................................................... 22 Attachment “E”....................................................................................................................................... 24 3 SECTION I - GENERAL INFORMATION & CONDITIONS Invitation The Baker County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) is requesting proposals from interested prospective firms to provide comprehensive Brokerage Services for Health Insurance and Employee Benefits. This invitation is extended to all firms and organizations that can provide the requirements specified herein. The requirements presented in this solicitation represent the County’s anticipated needs. Schedule Advertise…………………………………………………...…………………… January 28, 2015 RFP Package Available from BOCC…………………………………………… January 28, 2015 All inquiries, clarifications and/or corrections due…..………..…………….… February 13, 2015 All responses from BOCC issued by……………………………………………February 20, 2015 Deadline for response submittal to BOCC……………….……… February 27, 2015 @ 3:00 p.m. BOCC Review Meeting……………….........……………………….. March 3, 2015 @ 3:00 p.m. Oral presentations (if requested)……………………………………..…....Week of March 9, 2015 BOCC Board meeting to approve selection………...……………….March 17, 2015 @ 5:00 p.m. Point of Contact All inquiries and proposals should be directed, in writing, to the following Procurement Coordinator. The County will not accept any verbal inquiries. CJ Thompson, County Manager Baker County Board of County Commissioners 55 N. 3rd St. Macclenny, FL 32063 Standard Terms & Conditions Anti-Lobbying Provision All respondents, their agents and proposed subconsultants or subcontractors, are hereby placed on notice that neither the County’s Board of County Commissioners, nor employees of the County shall be lobbied either individually or collectively regarding this solicitation. Respondents, their agents and proposed subconsultant or subcontractors are hereby placed on notice that they are prohibited from contacting any of these individuals for any purpose relating to the solicitation (e.g. general information, meetings of introduction, meals, etc.). 4 Any proposal submitted by a respondent, its agents and potential subconsultants or subcontractors who violate these guidelines will not be considered for review. The Procurement Coordinator shall be the only point of contact for questions and/or clarifications concerning the solicitation, the selection process and the negotiation and award procedures. Point of Contact and Timetable for Inquiries Respondents shall contact the Procurement Coordinator for all inquiries relating to this solicitation. All respondents’ technical inquiries shall be confirmed in writing either through the mail or electronic mail. Facsimile transmission will not be accepted. Technical questions will not be entertained beyond the cut-off date indicated in the RFP schedule so that answers to substantive questions, in the form of written addenda, can be posted on the County’s website ( Public Entity Crimes/Discriminatory Vendor List Any respondent, or any of its suppliers, subcontractors or consultants who shall perform work which is intended to benefit the County, shall not be a convicted vendor or included on the discriminatory vendor list. If the respondent or any affiliate of the respondent has been convicted of a public entity crime or has been placed on the discriminatory vendor list, a period longer than 36 months must have passed since that person was placed on the convicted vendor or discriminatory vendor list. The respondent further understands and accepts that any contract issued as a result of this solicitation shall be either voidable or subject to immediate termination by the County, in the event there is any misrepresentation or lack of compliance with the mandates of section 287.133 or Section 287.134, respectively, Florida Statutes. The County, in the event of such termination, shall not incur any liability to the respondent for any work or materials furnished. Addenda If any solicitation revisions become necessary (other than changes to the deadline for response submission), the County will post written addenda on the County’s web site ( at least seven (7) calendar days before the date scheduled for opening the responses. The County may revise the deadline for response submission at any time prior to the date and time scheduled for opening the responses. It is the responsibility of all respondents to ascertain whether any addenda have been issued before the solicitation deadline by either calling or checking the County’s website. Cancellation of the Solicitation The County reserves the right to cancel this solicitation and/or re-advertise and re-solicit the requirement at any time if determined to be in the best interest of the County. 5 Development Costs Neither the County nor its representatives shall be liable for any expense incurred in connection with the preparation, submission of presentation of a response to this solicitation. All information in the response shall be provided at no cost to the County. Tax Exempt Status The County is exempt from Florida Sales and Federal Excise taxes on direct purchase of tangible property. Response Submission and Opening All responses shall be submitted in a sealed envelope by the deadline indicated in the RFP schedule. The response shall identify the solicitation number and title specified on the cover page of this solicitation. This reference information shall also be marked on the outside of the sealed envelope, including the respondent’s return address. The County assumes no responsibility for responses not properly marked. The County cautions respondents to assure actual delivery of responses either hand delivered or mailed via U.S. mail or overnight courier prior to the deadline set for opening responses. The County will not accept responses delivered after the established deadline. If the response is delivered after the established deadline, a respondent shall be deemed non-responsive to the solicitation requirements. Withdrawal of Response Respondents shall withdraw their submitted response by notifying the County in writing through an authorized representative at any time prior to the submission deadline. Individuals making the withdrawal shall provide evidence of serving as an authorized representative of the respondent. Responses, once received, become the property of the County, and will not be returned to respondents even when they are withdrawn from consideration. Responses, once opened, shall not be withdrawn or modified except to the extent agreed to by the County during subsequent contract negotiation. Public Records and Exemptions Upon receipt, responses become “public records” and shall be subject to public disclosure consistent with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. Respondents shall invoke the exemptions to disclosure provided by law, in the response to the solicitation, by providing the specific statutory authority for the claimed exemption, identifying the data or other materials to be protected, and stating the reasons why such exclusion from public disclosure is necessary. Responses will be made available for public inspection at the time the County posts notice of its decision or intended decision concerning contract awards, or ten (10) days after the response opening, whichever is earlier. 6 Rejection of Responses The County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals for reasons including, but not limited to, the following: a) b) c) d) when such rejection is in the interests of the County; if such proposal is deemed non-responsive; if the respondent is deemed non-responsive; or if the proposal contains any material irregularities. Minor irregularities contained in the response will be waived by the County. A minor irregularity is a variation from the solicitation that does not affect the price of the contract nor does it give a respondent an advantage or benefit not enjoyed by other respondents and does not adversely impact the County. Written Proposal Evaluation and Oral Presentations The BOCC will score the written proposals in accordance with the evaluation criteria included in Section IV of this solicitation. Following the submission and evaluation of the written proposals, the County may request the highest ranked respondents to provide oral presentations explaining and/or demonstrating each proposal. All oral presentations will be scheduled and publicly noticed by the County. Formal Notice of Intent to Award Following formal approval of the final results by the Board of County Commissioners and in compliance with Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, and the final Notice of Intent to Award will be posted on the County web-site and at the County Courthouse at 339 East Macclenny Avenue, Macclenny, FL 32063. The notice will remain posted for a period of 72 hours (excluding weekends and County observed holidays). If a respondent intends to protest the County’s official notice, the notice of intent to protest shall be filed in writing within 72 hours after the Notice to Proceed is posted, and a formal written protest shall be filed within 10 days after filing the notice of intent to protest. Failure to file a protest within the time prescribed in Rule 40E-7.302 Florida Administrative Code and Section 120.54(5), Florida Statutes, shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. Contract Award Award shall be generally made to the firm that demonstrates technical capability while most closely meeting the County’s needs according to the evaluation criteria and factors designated in the solicitation. The County anticipates the award of a single contract, but reserves the right to award multiple contracts, or not to make any award whatsoever, if determined to be in the interest of the County. The successful bidder shall enter into a two-party contract that shall be acceptable to the County in form and content. If the awarded contract is terminated, the County reserves the right to go to the next responsive and responsible firm with the balance of the contract. 7 The respondent understands that this solicitation or the response shall not constitute a contract with the County. No contract is binding or official until responses are reviewed and accepted by appointed County staff and an official contract is duly executed by both parties. A sample contract is attached to this solicitation (Attachment E). The County anticipates that the final official contract will be in substantial conformance with the sample contract. Nevertheless, respondents are advised that any contract which shall result from this solicitation may include minor deviations from the sample contract. Any minor deviations from the sample contract that are requested shall be submitted as part of the RFP response for consideration by the County. The County will not consider any changes to contract terms and conditions in the event respondents fail to identify any changes or deviations to the sample contract at the time of proposal submission. The respondent to whom the award is made shall, within thirty (30) calendar days after notice of award has been given, provide evidence of any required insurance, bonds and schedule of subcontractors (if applicable) and sign the necessary contract in substantially the form attached. Failure to execute the contract and/or to provide applicable bonds and evidence of any required insurance coverage shall be just cause for the annulment of the award and if applicable, forfeiture of the bond to the County. Award may then be made to the next most responsible and responsive respondent or the work may be re-advertised as the County may decide. Insurance Requirements The respondent, if awarded a contract, shall maintain insurance coverage reflecting, at a minimum, the amounts and conditions as specified as Insurance Requirements attached to this solicitation (Attachment D). Evidence of appropriate insurance coverage shall be provided as an attachment to the response. Respondents may fulfill this requirement by having their insurance agent issue a letter on the insurance agency’s stationary stating that the respondent qualified for the required insurance coverage levels and that the Certificate of Insurance will be submitted before final execution of issuance of the contract. All insurers must be qualified to lawfully conduct business in the State of Florida. Failure of the County to notify the respondent that the certificate of insurance provided does not meet the contract requirements shall not constitute a waiver of the respondent’s responsibility to meet the stated requirements. Non-Discrimination The County recognizes fair and open competition as a basic tenet of public procurement. Respondents doing business with the County will comply with all federal and state requirements concerning fair employment and will not discriminate by reason of race, color, creed, national origin, religion, age, sex or handicap. Indemnification For Ten Dollars ($10.00) consideration, the sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the respondent agrees to defend, save and hold the County, its agents, assigns and employees, harmless from all claims or causes of action, including costs and attorney’s fees, and all judgments whatsoever, involving personal injury, bodily injury, death, or property damage, arising out of the negligent or intentional act or 8 omission, or the violation of any federal, state or local law or regulations by the contractor, its subcontractors, agents, assigns, invitees or employees in connection with this solicitation and subsequent contract. SECTION II – SCOPE OF SERVICES AND DELIVERABLES General Information The Baker County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) is requesting proposals from qualified firms for Brokerage Services for Health Insurance and Employee Benefits to provide comprehensive assistance regarding benefits offered to County employees and retirees. The firm selected will serve as the County’s Broker of Record to consult and negotiate group insurance benefits including, but not limited to health, dental, vision, life, disability and flexible spending account benefits. The selected firm will also provide employee communication services. Negotiations and renewal of insurance plans are typically completed and approved by the BOCC annually at their August board meeting. Services to be provided include, but are not limited to, those described in the Scope of Services. The selected firm will be required to enter into a three-year contract. The County reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to select among the respondents of this RFP or through other bidding procedures, other consulting firms to handle component parts of benefit services if it is determined to be in the best interest of the County. Scope of Services The successful respondent will represent the County and provide services to include, not limited to the following: Consulting Services: • • • • • Review the County’s health benefits (i.e. health, dental, vision, prescription drug and wellness programs) and assess opportunities for improvements in cost savings and services provided. Provide the County with unbiased professional guidance regarding the most advantageous information concerning insurance markets from the standpoint of cost, service and coverage. Provide technical assistance to reduce the overall cost of providing these benefits through a variety of means including developing effective negotiations strategies to expeditiously reduce the absolute cost of health insurance benefits. Provide assistance and make recommendations in the selection and implementation of new programs and/or changes to existing programs. Act as a resource to advise the County in the areas of COBRA, HIPPA, Cafeteria Plan Section 125, ERISA, EEO, FMLA, Health Care Reform laws and other areas in the insurance field where expertise and guidance may be requested. 9 • • • • • • • Provide e-seminars and/or e-mail notifications to keep County management and benefit coordinator apprised of upcoming compliance issues or other issues pertaining to health benefits. Provide preliminary renewal figures during the budget process. Assistance with maintaining up-to-date policies and procedures to insure compliance with federal and state standards and regulations. Conduct analysis of insurance programs within other local governments to compare best practices. Coordinate quarterly meetings with County management and benefits representative to discuss claims, regulatory changes and general administrative matters. Provide access to senior level consulting services on a 24/7 basis. Provide access to internal attorney to attorney consulting support services. Negotiating Services • • Solicit and negotiate annual renewal of existing coverage including soliciting multiple or alternative proposal coverage. Provide comprehensive summary of responsive quotes from insurance carriers. Employee Services • • • • • • • • • Provide full services regarding open enrollment, new employee orientation, and support services. Develop and print annual enrollment materials and guidelines. Respond to all employee issues and questions in a timely manner regarding their benefits. Provide a client call center/help desk to assist employees with resolving any plan participants’ health insurance related issues. Provide an online website to assist employees with resolving any plan participants’ health insurance related issues. Provide assistance in creating and/or educating employees about available wellness programs. Provide communications such as brochures, posters and other communications regarding health benefits and wellness programs. Attend County events to discuss insurance and employee benefits including any wellness or health fairs, insurance committee meetings, BOCC meetings to discuss insurance and employee benefits, and employee open enrollment meetings. Assist the County in evaluating and negotiating employee grievances related to health benefits issues. All solicited insurance carriers shall be rated (A) or better by the most recently published A.M. Best Rating Guide. Unless otherwise specified, it shall be the responsibility of the successful respondent to insure that all subcontractors comply with the same insurance requirements spelled out above. The County reserves the right to accept or reject the insurance carrier. 10 Qualified firms wishing to respond to this RFP must provide all services described in this document, whether directly or through sub-consultants. The County reserves the right to approve or disapprove of any sub-consultants. The successful firm will appoint one of their employees as the key contact for approval by County management. The contract for brokerage services will be awarded for a term of three (3) years. SECTION III – PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS AND FORMAT Proposal Requirements The proposal submitted by respondents must meet or exceed the professional, administrative and financial qualifications set forth in the Section and shall incorporate the information requested below. In addition to the information required as described below, respondents may submit supplemental information that it feels may be useful in evaluating its proposal. All responses must be submitted in a sealed envelope Friday, February 27, 2015 @ 3:00 p.m. Proposal Format For the response to be considered complete and timely, respondents must submit one (1) original marked “original” and five (5) copies marked “copy” of the proposal. The narrative portion of the proposal shall be on 8½ x 11 white paper. Charts and graphic representations shall not exceed 11 x 17 white paper. The entire proposal must be adequately bound using the respondent’s method of choice. Respondents must include the following information in their proposal: Title Page: Title page shall show the RFP subject, title and proposal number; the firm’s name; the name, address and telephone number of the contact person; and date of proposal. Cover Letter: The response shall contain a cover letter signed by a person who is authorized to commit the respondents offers to perform the work included in the RFP and should identify all materials and enclosures being forwarded in response to the RFP. Table of Contents: The Table of Contents shall provide a listing of all major topics, their associated section number, and starting page. Executive Summary: The Executive Summary section of the proposal shall be limited to five (5) typewritten paragraphs. The purpose of the Executive Summary is to provide a high-level description of the respondent’s ability to meet the requirements of the RFP and approach to the project. 11 Completed Questionnaire: Respondents should provide answers and information related to all inquiries listed in the Questionnaire (Attachment A). For each item, provide information regarding the firm’s experience, ability, and qualifications to meet the criteria. Signed Receipt for each addendum issued by the County (if applicable) Statement of Business Organization: All respondents shall complete the attached Statement of Business Organization (Attachment B). This form provides the County with vital information concerning the responding organization as well as joint venture or subcontractor participation levels (if applicable). Sworn Statement of Public Entity Crimes: The respondent shall provide an executed copy of the attached Sworn Statement of Public Entity Crimes (Attachment C). Certificate of Insurance: Evidence of appropriate insurance coverage as required (see Attachment D) shall be provided as an attachment to the response. Respondents may fulfill this requirement by having their insurance agent e issue a letter on the insurance agency’s stationary stating that the respondent qualified for the required insurance coverage levels and that the Certificate of Insurance will be submitted before final execution of issuance of the contract. Supplemental Information: In addition to the information required as described above, respondents may submit supplemental information that it feels may be useful in evaluating its proposal. SECTION IV – PROPOSAL EVALUATION Evaluation Criteria All proposals will be subject to a review and evaluation process. It is the intent of the County that all responses that meet the requirements will be ranked in accordance with the following evaluation criteria. Responsiveness of Submittal (0-20 points) • • Demonstration of a method of approach that fully meets all terms and conditions to the RFP and Scope of Services Submittal of completed proposal which includes all required documents, signature and information Expertise and Reliability (0-30 points) • • • • • • • Years of experience, stability and unique capabilities of firm Depth of broker team experience and qualifications Submission of references Relationships and preferred status with insurance carriers Experience and history with providing services to local governments Depth of qualified staff to offer continuity of services Other workload and commitments 12 Services Factors (0-50 points) • • • • • • • • • • • • • The depth of services the respondent proposes to deliver Approach to planning, solicitation and renewal process Assistance with plan design changes including usefulness of communication tools to evaluate plan options/changes Availability of staff to attend County meetings/events Access to staff in terms of hours and days available, ease of contact and response times Record of responsiveness and quality of customer service on this type of account Awareness and ability to provide timely, accurate communication of emerging trends, opportunities, legislative/regulatory updates. Usefulness and quality of employee communication tools and materials for benefits plans, open enrollment and wellness programs Usefulness and quality of benchmarking data Innovative ideas for health cost containment Depth of wellness services offered Examples of cost-savings realized for clients and wellness initiatives implemented Other distinguishing factors and added services Evaluation Procedure Submitted responses to this RFP will be reviewed and ranked by the BOCC according to the established criteria. The BOCC will render, at its sole and absolute discretion, the final decision on the ranking and the award of any and all contracts under this RFP. The BOCC’s decision shall constitute the final decision of the County regarding this RFP. Meetings of the BOCC to discuss final rankings of the responding consultant firms’ submittals will be conducted in accordance with Florida Sunshine Laws and will be open to the public. Oral Presentations In general, the County desires to avoid the expense to the County and to Respondents of unnecessary oral presentations. Therefore, the County will make every reasonable effort to achieve the ranking using written submittals alone. If a single top-ranked firm cannot be clearly identified by review of the written submittals alone, then the BOCC shall schedule one or more of the top-ranked firm(s) for presentations. If the County chooses to conduct oral presentations with one or more of the Respondents, the presentations will be held before the BOCC at a duly noticed meeting which will be open to the public. Minutes of the meeting will be prepared and the meeting may be tape recorded at the County’s discretion. The following general guidelines will be used during the presentations: The County will establish the presentation schedule and Respondents will be notified at least seven (7) calendar days in advance of the date, time and place of the presentations. Respondents are required to be available for the presentations, and top members of the Respondent’s team that 13 will be working on and supervising the project are expected to be present at the presentation and be available for questions. The County will attempt to allot equal time for each Respondent divided into three sequential parts: (1) Introductory presentation by the Respondent; (2) Questions and Answers between members of the BOCC and the Respondent; (3) Brief closing remarks by the Respondent. The time allotted for the presentation will be deemed the maximum time and no firm will be penalized for using less than the allotted time. The County reserves the right to go over the allotted time at any presentation to the extent that the BOCC deems it necessary to continue the question and answer period of the presentation related to Respondent’s relevant qualifications and the criteria, and factors set forth in the RFP. Oral presentations will provide an opportunity for key members of the Respondent’s team to demonstrate their ability to communicate succinctly, efficiently, effectively, creatively, and economically about the requirements of this RFP, and to demonstrate that their skills, qualifications, and character are compatible and consistent with the County’s requirements and objectives set out in this RFP. After the presentations, the BOCC will deliberate and prepare a ranking of the qualifications of the Respondents that presented based on the written proposals and the presentations. The deliberations and recommendation may not occur at the presentation session, and will likely occur at subsequently noticed meeting of the BOCC. Section V - Attachments Attachment A: Questionnaire Attachment B: Statement of Business Organization Attachment C: Sworn Statement of Public Entity Crimes Attachment D: Sample Contract 14 Attachment “A” Brokerage Services for Health Insurance and Employee Benefits Questionnaire General Information 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Briefly describe your firm’s background and history. Describe the services your firm can provide. Describe your firm’s approach to providing the services we request in this proposal. How many employees are there in your firm? Provide an organizational chart of your firm. Has there been any change in the past three years in the ownership or structure of your firm? Do you anticipate any significant changes in the near future? 7. Provide the address of the firm’s corporate office and address of the office that will service the account. 8. Has your firm ever conducted business with the County? If so, explain. 9. Identify any services within this proposal that you cannot provide. 10. State clearly any exceptions taken to the County’s sample contract and standard terms and conditions concerning liability, indemnification and insurance requirements. 11. Describe the form of professional liability or errors and omissions insurance carried by your company and the amount of coverage. Consulting Team 1. Provide the name, title, contact information (including business address, phone, fax and email) and resume for each consultant who will be assigned to the County and their role in this assignment. 2. Describe the teams experience with similar work performed for other local governments. 3. Discuss the ways your firm manages growth, including any limits to the client/consultant ratio. 4. State whether employee benefits consultants assigned to the County have any responsibilities other than providing employee consulting services, and if yes, specify such responsibility. 5. What is the average response time to client requests? 6. Describe your firm’s back-up responsibilities in the event that key personnel in this assignment should leave the firm. 7. Provide a list of government clients for which your firm provides services. Describe the resources your firm has that specifically address the needs of local government clients. 8. What kind of training (industry, internal, computer, other) does your staff receive? Strategic Planning/Vendor Selection 1. Describe your firm’s approach to meeting required renewal and approval deadlines. 15 2. How will you help us with the competitive marketing and placement of our plans, including development of marketing specifications, identification of market conditions, evaluation of proposals, negotiations, and placement of insurance contracts for annual renewals? 3. How can your firm assist with plan design changes with rebids and renewals? 4. Describe any tools that you provide to assist the County with evaluating other plan designs? 1. Provide an example. 5. Furnish a list of insurance companies, third party administrators, and other providers for which the consultant is an authorized agent or broker. 6. Do you have preferred status with the insurance carriers? If so, please list which carriers and at what level. 7. How will your firm save the County money? 8. Describe benchmarking data your firm can provide. Provide examples. Cost Projections/Ongoing Review 1. How can you help us develop cost projections tied to our fiscal goals? 2. Provide examples of employee benefit projects and products that your firm/staff have designed and/or implemented for clients that may have saved money, improved the quality of benefits, enhanced benefits, or increased efficiency. Plan Administration and Legislative Compliance 1. Does your firm have an in-house attorney who specializes in employee benefits? If yes, please provide his or her credentials and the number of years he or she has provided counsel on benefits issues. If no, do you use an external benefits attorney? Which firm do you use? 2. How does your firm stay abreast of legislative changes? 3. How will your firm notify the County of changes in federal and/or local laws that would affect us? Wellness Programs 1. Describe any wellness services offered by your firm. 2. Does your firm have a dedicated wellness director who would help us in this initiative? If not, would your firm use a consultant? 3. What tools can your firm provide the County to help implement/continue our wellness program? 4. Provide examples of low-cost wellness tools that you have helped to implement with other local governments. 5. Provide samples of communications and other education materials related to wellness provided by your firm. HR and Communication Tools 1. Do you provide employee communication services for your clients’ employees? If so, please provide a general description of your capabilities. Provide a sample of employee communication materials that you have distributed to other clients? 16 2. 3. 4. 5. How can you assist in facilitating employee meetings and annual open enrollment meetings? Does your firm provide any customized open enrollment materials? Provide a sample. Do you have internet-based employee communication tools? Describe how you keep your clients abreast of employment laws in a timely manner. References 1. Please provide three current client references for which similar services to this RFP have been provided. Please include name, address and phone number, contact person and length of time associated with your firm. 2. Please list public sector clients who have terminated your firm’s services during the past three years and their reasons for doing so. Please include their names, titles and telephone numbers. Other Qualifications 1. Describe how your firm’s credentials, experience and project approach distinguish your firm from competitors. 2. Describe any services provided by your firm that may not be offered by competitors. 3. Does your agency have a private exchange provided at no cost for employers? 4. Describe any other facets of your firm and your firm’s experience that are relevant to this proposal which have not been previously described that warrant consideration. 5. Describe your firm’s quality assurance procedures. Fees 1. Describe your proposed form of compensation (i.e., commission, annual retainer). If you are proposing a fee, please include your fee schedule/hourly rates. 2. If you charge fees for consulting and employee communication, please indicate the basis of your charge (hourly, by project, etc.) and what typical charges might be. 17 Attachment “B” STATEMENT OF BUSINESS ORGANIZATION RFP 2015-01 Business Organization 1. Business Name:______________________________________________________________ 2. Mailing Address:_____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. State of Incorporation: ________________________________________________________ 4. Federal Employer I.D. or Social Security No.: _____________________________________ 5. Telephone: _________________________________________________________________ 6. Type of Organization: Corporation____Partnership____Joint Venture____Individual____ 7. Contact Person(s): _____________________________ Title: ________________________ 8. Project Manager: ______________________________ Title: ________________________ If the parties are certified, please indicate the certifying agency or agencies and attach letters/certificates of certification: __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________ Title: ________________________ 18 Attachment “C” SWORN STATEMENT UNDER §287.133(3)(A) FLORIDA STATUTES, ON PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY PUBLIC OR OTHER OFFICER AUTHORIZED TO ADMINISTER OATHS. 1. This sworn statement is submitted with Bid, Proposal or Contract No. for . 2. This sworn statement is submitted by (Name of entity submitting sworn statement) whose business address is (if applicable) its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) is (if the entity has no FEIN, include the Social Security Number of the individual signing this sworn statement: . 3. My name is and my relationship (Please print name of individual signing this form) to the entity named above is . 4. I understand that a “public entity crime” as identified in Paragraph 287.133(1)(g) Florida Statutes, means a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction of business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision of any other state or with the United States, including, but not limited to, any bid or contract for goods or services to be provided to any public entity or an agency or political subdivision of any other state or of the United States and involving antitrust, fraud, theft, bribery, collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, or material misrepresentation. 5. I understand that “convicted” or “conviction” as defined in Paragraph 287.131(1)(b), Florida Statutes, means a finding of guilt or a conviction of a public entity crime, with or without an adjudication of guilt, in any federal or state trial court of record relating to charges brought by indictment or information after July 1, 1989, as a result of a jury verdict, non-jury trial, or entry of plea of guilty or nolo contendere. 6. I understand that an “affiliate” as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(a), Florida Statutes, means: 1. A predecessor or success of a person convicted of a public entity crime, or 19 2. An entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of the entity and who has been convicted of a public entity crime. The term “affiliate” includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in the management of an affiliate. The ownership by one person of shares constituting a controlling interest in another person, or a pooling of equipment or income among persons when not for fair market value under an arm’s length agreement, shall be a prima facie case that one person controls another person. A person who knowingly enters into a joint venture with a person who has been convicted of a public entity crime in Florida during the preceding 36 months shall be considered an affiliate. 7. I understand that a “person” as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(e), Florida Statutes, means any natural person or entity organized under the laws of any state or of the United States with the legal power to enter into a binding contract and which bids or applies to bid on contracts for the provision of goods or services let by a public entity, or which otherwise transacts or applies to transact business with a public entity. The term “person” includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members and agents who are active in the management of the entity. IMPORTANT: CONTRACTOR MUST COMPLETE THIS SECTION BEFORE SIGNING FORM 8. Based on information and belief the statement, which I have marked below, is true in relation to the entity submitting this sworn statement (Please indicate which statement applies.) Neither the entity submitting this sworn statement, or any officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in management of the entity, nor any affiliate of the entity have been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. The entity submitting this sworn statement or one or more of the officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in management of the entity, or any affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989, AND (Please indicate which additional statement applies.) There has been a proceeding concerning the conviction before a hearing officer of the State of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings. The final order entered by the hearing officer did not place the person or affiliate on the convicted vendor list. (Please attach a copy of the Final Order.) The person or affiliate was placed on the convicted vendor list. There has been a subsequent proceeding before a hearing officer of the State of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings. The final order entered by the hearing officer determined that it was in the public interest to remove the person or affiliate from the convicted vendor list. (Please attach a copy of the Final Order.) The person or affiliate has not been placed on the convicted vendor list. (Please describe any action taken by or pending with the Department of General Services.) 20 I UNDERSTAND THAT THE SUBMISSION OF THIS FORM TO THE CONTRACTING OFFICER FOR THE PUBLIC ENTITY IDENTIFIED IN PARAGRAPH 1 (ONE) ABOVE IS FOR THAT PUBLIC ENTITY ONLY AND, THAT THIS FORM IS VALID THROUGH DECEMBER 31 OF THE CALENDAR YEAR IN WHICH IT IS FILED. I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM REQUIRED TO INFORM THE PUBLIC ENTITY PRIOR TO ENTERING INTO A CONTRACT IN EXCESS OF THE THRESHOLD AMOUNT PROVIDED IN SECTION 287.017, FLORIDA STATUTES FOR CATEGORY TWO OF ANY CHANGE IN THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS FORM. Date Sworn to and subscribed before me this Signature day of ,20 . Personally Known ______________________________ Produced identification Notary Public – State of My Commission Ex My Commission Expires: (Type of Identification) 21 Attachment “D” INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Worker's Compensation: Coverage must apply for all employees and statutory limits in compliance with the applicable state and federal laws. In addition, the policy must include the following: a. Employer’s Liability with a minimum limit per accident in accordance with statutory requirements. b. Notice of Cancellation and/or Restriction. The policy must be endorsed to provide County with ten (10) days’ written notice of cancellation and/or restriction. Comprehensive General Liability: Coverage must include: a. $1,000,000.00 combined limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage; $2,000,000 general aggregate. b. Contractual coverage applicable to this specific contract, including any hold harmless and/or indemnification agreement. c. Additional Insured. County is to be specifically included as an additional insured. d. Notice of Cancellation and/or Restriction. The policy must be endorsed to provide County with ten (10) days’ written notice of cancellation and/or restriction. Professional Liability: a. Consultant agrees to maintain Professional Liability with limits of not less than $1,000,000 for professional services rendered in accordance with this Agreement. b. Consultant shall maintain such insurance for at least two (2) years from the termination of this Agreement and during this two (2) year period the Consultant shall use his best efforts to ensure that there is no change of the retroactive date on this insurance coverage. 22 c. If there is a change that reduces or restricts the coverage carried during the Agreement, the Consultant shall notify the County within thirty (30) days of the change. Comprehensive Automobile Liability: Coverage must be afforded on a form no more restricted than the latest edition of the Comprehensive Automobile Liability Policy filed by the Insurance Services Office and must include: a. $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. b. Owned Vehicles c. Hired and Non-Owned Vehicles d. Employee Non-Ownership e. Additional Insured. County is to be specifically included as an additional insured. f. Notice of Cancellation and/or Restriction. The policy must be endorsed to provide County with ten (10) days’ written notice of cancellation and/or restriction. Umbrella policy: Coverage must be afforded on a form no more restricted than the latest Umbrella Policy filed by Insurance Services Offices and must include: a. $1,000,000 per occurrence b. General Liability underlying coverage: $1,000,000 for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. General Aggregate of $2,000,000. c. Auto liability: Underlying Combined single limit of $1,000,000. d. Employers’ Liability: Underlying limit $500,000/$500,000/$500,000. Additional Insured. County is to be specifically included as an additional insured. Notice of Cancellation and/or Restriction. The policy must be endorsed to provide County with ten (10) day’s written notice of cancellation and/or restriction. 23 Attachment “E” BROKER SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this _____ day of ________________20__ , by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Baker County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as “County”, and ____________________, a ______________ Corporation, whose principle office address is located at __________________, hereinafter referred to as “Broker”: WHEREAS, the County desires to obtain Brokerage Services for Health Insurance and Employee Benefits; and WHEREAS, said services are more fully described in the Scope of Services, Schedule “A”, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the Broker desires to render certain professional services as described in the Scope of Services, and has the qualifications, experience, staff and resources to perform those services; and WHEREAS, the County, through a competitive selection process conducted in accordance with the requirements of law and County policy has determined that it would be in the best interest of the County to award a contract to Broker for the rendering of those services described in the Scope of Services. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Term. This agreement shall be effective for a period of three (3) years commencing on the effective date first stated above unless sooner terminated as herein provided. 2. Relationship of Parties. Broker is an independent contractor and nothing in this Agreement is intended nor shall be construed to create an employer/employee relationship, a joint venture relationship or partnership relationship. However, Broker and related or affiliated companies may provide services as an insurance agent on behalf of certain insurance carriers. County acknowledges that, in some instances, Broker may be performing services as an insurance agent for the insurance county and expressly consents to such relationship in the rendition of services under this Agreement. 3. Broker Services. Broker, subject to the terms of this Agreement, shall provide services set forth in the attached Schedule A. In addition to the services set forth in Schedule A, Broker shall provide the following: a) Broker shall assist County in preparing applications and shall produce insurance carrier submissions from data provided by County. b) Broker shall assess the financial stability of the insurers recommended to County based upon 24 reliable public sources of information including, but not limited to, A.M. Best Company. Broker shall provide County upon request available financial rating information regarding carrier financial strength. However, nothing herein shall be construed as a guarantee or warranty regarding the financial solvency of any insurer or intermediary recommended by Broker. c) Broker shall review all insurance policies and endorsements delivered to Broker by an insurance carrier or intermediary and shall deliver such policies and endorsements, with any recommended changes, to County. Upon delivery of policies and endorsements, County shall independently review and verify that the terms, conditions and coverage provided under the policies and endorsements are consistent with the County’s instructions and requirements. 4. a) b) c) d) e) f) County Responsibilities. In consideration of the services provided by Broker, County agrees as follows: County shall cooperate fully with Broker and the insurance companies with whom Broker solicits in the performance of Broker’s obligations in this Agreement. County shall produce complete and accurate information including, but not limited to, current financial information, statements of values, loss information and any other information, necessary for the effectuation of insurance coverage at the request of Broker. County further agrees to provide Broker with notice of any material changes in County’s business operations, risk exposures or in any other material information provided under this Agreement. County shall timely pay all premiums and fees. County shall review, confirm the accuracy and recommend any changes to insurance policies issued to County in addition to any review conducted by Broker. County agrees that, so long as Broker fulfills its obligations under this Agreement, County shall not issue or cause to be issued any agent/broker of record letters that would have the effect of depriving Broker of access to insurance markets. 5. Insurance. During the term of this Agreement, Broker, at its sole expense, shall maintain insurance agent’s errors and omissions liability insurance for activities and services pursuant to this Agreement with coverage limits of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00). 6. Termination. a) Either party may terminate this Agreement, without cause and for any reason whatsoever, by giving written notice of termination to the other party at least ninety (90) days prior to the effective date of termination, which shall be specified in such written notice. b) Notwithstanding the provisions in sub-paragraph (a) above, County may terminate this Agreement upon the happening of any one of the following causes: 1. Suspension or termination of Broker’s insurance license in the State of Florida, which is not cured by Broker within sixty (60) days following such suspension or termination; 2. Broker's participation in any fraud; or 3. Broker's material failure to properly perform its duties and responsibilities hereunder because of Broker's gross neglect, proven dishonesty, or commission of a felony. Termination for any cause enumerated in this sub-paragraph (b) shall become effective upon the delivery of written notice of termination to Broker or at such later time as may be specified in the written notice. c) Notwithstanding the provisions in sub-paragraph (a) above, Broker may terminate this Agreement upon the happening of any one of the following causes: 25 1. County's participation in any fraud; or 2. County's material failure to properly perform its duties and responsibilities hereunder because of County's gross neglect, proven dishonesty, or commission of a felony. Termination for any cause enumerated in this sub-paragraph (c) shall become effective upon the delivery of written notice of termination to County or at such later time as may be specified in the written notice. 7. Confidential Information and Related Matters. The parties recognize and acknowledge that, in the course of dealings pursuant to this Agreement, the parties shall be privy to Confidential Information (as hereafter defined). The parties further acknowledge that the Confidential Information constitutes valuable, secret, special, and unique assets of Broker and County. The parties covenant and agree that, during the term of this Agreement, they will not disclose the other party’s Confidential Information to any person, firm, corporation, association, or other entity for any reason or purpose without the express written approval of the other party. Broker agrees that it will not use County’s Confidential Information except in furtherance of obligations in this Agreement. The term “Confidential Information” includes all information, whether or not reduced to written or recorded form, that is related to the parties hereto and that is not generally known to competitors nor intended for general dissemination, including but not limited to: (a) customer lists, insurance carriers, accounts and records pertaining thereto; and (b) prospect lists, policy forms, and/or rating information, expiration dates, information on risk characteristics, information concerning insurance markets for large or unusual risks, and all other types of written information customarily used by County or available to Broker. The parties covenant to maintain the confidentiality of this information notwithstanding that employees of either party may have free access to the information for the purpose of performing their duties hereunder, and notwithstanding that employees and contractors who are not expressly bound by agreements similar to this agreement may have access to such information for job purposes. The parties acknowledge that it is not practical, and shall not be necessary, to mark such information as “confidential,” nor to transfer it by confidential envelope or communication, in order to preserve the confidential nature of the information. 8. Indemnification. Broker shall indemnify and hold harmless the County from and against any actions, suits, claims, demands or direct damages, i.e., excluding consequential, punitive or other indirect damages ("Adverse Consequences") incurred while acting in its capacity as Broker for services for the County and arising out of the actions or omissions of the Broker hereunder, except and to the extent such Adverse Consequences were caused or contributed to by County or County's subsidiaries or affiliates. Without waiver of limitation of liability as provided for in § 768.28 (5) of the Florida Statutes and to the extent permitted by law, County agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Broker from any and all liability costs and expenses Broker may or could sustain as a result of or emanating out of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. 9. Waiver of Breach. In the event any breach of this Agreement by the Broker is waived in writing by the County, such waiver shall not constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach by the County. 10. Notices. Any notices required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be sufficient if in writing and if sent by Certified Mail to: County at: 26 Baker County Board of County Commissioners 55 N. 3rd St. Macclenny, FL 32063 With a copy to the County Attorney at: Kopelousos, Bradley & Garrison, P.A. 1279 Kingsley Avenue #118 Orange Park, FL 32073 Broker at: TBD or such other address as either shall give to the other in writing for this purpose. 11. Interpretation. This Agreement shall not be construed or interpreted in a manner adverse to any party on the grounds that such party was responsible for drafting any portion of it. 12. Severability. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision. 13. Florida Law Applies. This Agreement has been made and executed in the State of Florida and shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, without regard to its conflicts of laws principles. 14. Attorneys' Fees. In the event of a dispute concerning the terms of this Agreement, or arising out of the employment relationship created by this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover, in addition to any other remedy obtained, a ) all reasonable attorneys’ fees incurred in the investigation and preparation of issues for trial and in the trial and appellate proceedings, and b) reasonable costs and expenses of investigation and litigation, including expert witness fees, deposition costs (appearance fee and transcript charges), injunction bond premiums, travel and lodging expenses, arbitration fees and charges, and all other reasonable costs and expenses. 15. Venue. Exclusive venue is agreed to be in a state or federal court of competent jurisdiction in or for Baker County, Florida. 16. Waiver of Jury Trial. The parties waive any right to a trial by jury in the event of litigation arising out of this Agreement. 17. Paragraph Headings. The paragraph headings and designations used throughout this Agreement have been inserted solely for convenience in reference and shall in no way be taken to limit or extend the natural and proper construction or meaning of the language employed within the paragraph. 18. Assignment. Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights, interests or obligations hereunder shall be assigned by any of the parties hereto (whether by operation of law or otherwise) without the prior written consent of the other party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned 27 or delayed. This Agreement will be binding upon, inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to this Broker Services Agreement have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first above written. Baker County Board of County Commissioners COMPANY NAME ___________________________ James Croft, Chairman ___________________________ Authorized Representative Date: ______________________ ATTEST: ____________________________ Stacie D. Harvey, Clerk 28 SCHEDULE A BROKER SERVICES See attached Response to the Request for Proposal for Brokerage Services for Health Insurance and Employee Benefits. 29
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