C U R R I C U L UM V I T A E E L L I OT T J R OU S E erouse@northwestern.edu ♦ 312.238.0938 345 E. Superior St; Room 1309, Chicago IL 60611 www.elliottjrouse.com E D U C A TI O N Postdoctoral Fellowship PhD Biomedical Engineering Sept. 2012 – Sept. 2014 Massachusetts Institute of Technology December 2009 – August 2012 Northwestern University MS Biomedical Engineering BS Mechanical Engineering Kellogg Management Certificate September 2007 – December 2009 September 2002 – June 2007 Summer 2011 Northwestern University The Ohio State University Northwestern University E MP LO Y ME N T A N D R E S E A RC H E X P E RI E N C E Director, Neurobionics Lab Center for Bionic Medicine Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago Assistant Professor Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Department of Mechanical Engineering Northwestern University ♦ ♦ ♦ Director of interdisciplinary research group seeking to advance fundamental science of human locomotory mechanics and wearable robotic systems Research focuses on the understanding of joint mechanical impedance modulation during locomotion and implementation of these properties in a new class of assistive technologies Current projects span the spectrum of science and engineering, ranging from basic research on neural control of movement to novel actuator design for exoskeletons Postdoctoral Fellow MIT Media Lab Biomechatronics Group Mentored by Hugh Herr, PhD ♦ ♦ ♦ Cambridge, MA September 2012 – September 2014 Research aim I: Develop bionic dancing controller for Boston Marathon Bombing survivor Research aim II: Design a clutchable series elastic knee prosthesis to reduce deficits associated with lowerextremity amputation A clutch was used with a tuned series elasticity to facilitate early stance knee flexion in a light, efficient design Doctoral Candidate Northwestern University ♦ Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago Center for Bionic Medicine Chicago, IL Advised by Todd Kuiken MD, PhD and Levi Hargrove PhD ♦ September 2014 – Present Chicago, IL December 2009 – August 2012 Research aim: Estimate ankle mechanical impedance during the stance phase of walking E L LI O T T J R O U S E ♦ CURRICULUM VITAE ♦ ♦ page 2 Designed and characterized a single degree of freedom robotic platform to perturb the ankle during walking while simultaneously recording the mechanical response Ankle impedance was estimated and shown match the ankles torque-angle relationship Master’s Student Northwestern University ♦ Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago Center for Bionic Medicine/Laboratory for Intelligent Mechanical Systems Advised by Todd Kuiken MD, PhD and Michael Peshkin PhD ♦ ♦ ♦ Chicago, IL September 2007– December 2009 Research aim: Design and build an Osseo-Magnetic Link that enabled the intuitive control of a prosthetic wrist rotator Proof of concept, Newton optimization was used to solve the inverse problem of determining position and orientation of a magnet (4 DoF), the angle of which was used to control a prosthetic rotator. Phase I Small Business Innovation Research grant awarded for future development I N D U S TRI A L E X P E RI E N C E Intersport Racing Professional Le Mans Autoracing Team Team led by crew chief, Brian Alder ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Dublin, OH May 2004– September 2007, May 2012 Competed nationally and internationally as pit-crew mechanic/engineer for American Le Mans Series (ALMS) autoracing team Responsible for front-end electromechanical systems for several $1M+ prototype racecars Duties included composite part fabrication, electromechanical systems maintenance, pit-stop tire changes, suspension magnaflux analysis, upright rebuild specialist Selected winnings: 1st Place: 2004 Le Mans 24-Hours, Prototype 2 Class, Le Mans, France; 2005 ALMS Prototype 2 Class Team Championship; 2006 ALMS 12-Hours of Sebring, Prototype 2 Class, Sebring, Florida P E E R R E V I E WE D P U B LI C A TI O N S A N D R E F E RE E D P RO C E E D I N G S 20. E J Rouse, N C Villagaray-Carski, R W Emerson and H M Herr. Design and Testing of a Bionic Dancing Prosthesis. PLOS ONE. In review. 19. L M Mooney, E J Rouse and H M Herr. Autonomous Exoskeleton Reduces Metabolic Cost of Human Walking. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, vol. 11, issue 1, 2014:151. 18. E J Rouse, L M Mooney and H M Herr. Clutchable Series-Elastic Actuator: Implications for Prosthetic Knee Design. International Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 33, issue 13, 2014. 17. L M Mooney, E J Rouse and H M Herr. Autonomous Exoskeleton Reduces Metabolic Cost of Walking. Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference. pp. 3065 – 3068, August 2014. 16. L M Mooney, C H Lai and E J Rouse. Design and Characterization of a Biologically Inspired Quasi-Passive Prosthetic Ankle-Foot. Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference. pp. 1611 – 1617, August 2014. 312.238.0938 ♦ 345 E. Superior St; Room 1309 ♦ Chicago, IL 60611 E L LI O T T J R O U S E ♦ CURRICULUM VITAE page 3 15. Mooney, L M, E J Rouse, and H M Herr. Autonomous exoskeleton reduces metabolic cost of human walking during load carriage. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, vol. 11, issue 1, 2014: 80. 14. E J Rouse, L J Hargrove, E J Perreault, T A Kuiken. Estimation of Human Ankle Impedance During the Stance Phase of Walking. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. vol. 22, issue 4, 2014. 13. R D Gregg, E J Rouse, L J Hargrove, J W Sensinger. Evidence for a Time-Invariant Phase Variable in Human Ankle Control. PLOS ONE, vol. 9 issue 2, 2014: e89163. 12. E J Rouse, L M Mooney, E C Martinez-Villalpando, H M Herr. Clutchable Series-Elastic Actuator: Design of a Robotic Knee Prosthesis for Minimum Energy Consumption. Proceedings of the International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, pp. 1-6, June 2013. 11. E J Rouse, L J Hargrove, E J Perreault, M A Peshkin, T A Kuiken. Development of a Robotic Platform and Validation of Methods for Estimating Ankle Impedance During the Stance Phase of Walking. ASME Transactions on Biomechanical Engineering, vol. 135, issue 8, 2013. 10. D C Tkach, A J Young, L H Smith, E J Rouse, L J Hargrove. Real-Time and Offline Performance of Pattern Recognition Myoelectric Control Using a Generic Electrode Grid with Targeted Muscle Reinnervation Patients. IEEE Transactions of Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. vol. 22, issue 4, 2014. 9. E J Rouse, R D Gregg, L J Hargrove, J W Sensinger. The Difference Between Stiffness and Quasi-stiffness in the Context of Biomechanical Modeling. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 60, issue 2, 2013. 8. A J Young, L H Smith, E J Rouse, L J Hargrove. A Comparison of the Real-Time Controllability of Pattern Recognition to Conventional Myoelectric Control for Discrete and Simultaneous Movements. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, vol. 11, issue 1, 2014. 7. A J Young, L H Smith, E J Rouse, L J Hargrove. Classification of Simultaneous Movements using Surface EMG Pattern Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 60, issue 5, 2013 6. E J Rouse, L J Hargrove, E J Perreault, T A Kuiken. Estimation of Human Ankle Impedance During Walking Using the Perturberator robot. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, pp. 373-328, June 2012. 5. E J Rouse, L J Hargrove, A Akhtar, T A Kuiken. Validation of Methods for Determining Ankle Stiffness During Walking Using the Perturberator Robot. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, pp. 1650 – 1655, June 2012. 4. A J Young, L H Smith, E J Rouse, L J Hargrove. A New Hierarchical Approach for Simultaneous Control of Multijoint Powered Prostheses. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, pp. 514 – 520, June 2012. 3. E J Rouse, L J Hargrove, M A Peshkin, T A Kuiken. Design and Validation of a Platform Robot for Determination of Ankle Impedance During Ambulation. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, pp. 8179 – 8182, August 2011. 2. C Shirota, A M Simon, E J Rouse, T A Kuiken. The Effect of Perturbation Onset Timing and Length on Tripping Recovery Strategies. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, pp. 7833 – 7836, August 2011. 1. E J Rouse, D C Nahlik, M A Peshkin, T A Kuiken. Development of a Model Osseo-Magnetic Link for Intuitive Rotational Control of Upper-limb Prostheses. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 19, issue 2, 2011 C O N F E RE N C E A B S TRA C TS A N D P RE S E N TA TI O N S ♦ R D Gregg, E J Rouse, L J Hargrove, J W Sensinger. Phase-based Control in Human Locomotion. Dynamic Walking Conference, June 2013 312.238.0938 ♦ 345 E. Superior St; Room 1309 ♦ Chicago, IL 60611 E L LI O T T J R O U S E ♦ CURRICULUM VITAE ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ E J Rouse, A Akhtar, L J Hargrove. Validation of the Perturberator Robot and Modulation of Ankle Impedance by Co-contraction While Standing. XIX Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, July 2012 E J Rouse, D C Nahlik, M A Peshkin, T A Kuiken. Development of an Osseo-Magnetic Link for Intuitive Rotational Control of Upper Limb Prostheses. Biomedical Engineers Society Conference, October 2010 E J Rouse, A J Young, C Shirota, C J Griffith, L J Hargrove. Data Fusion for Lower Limb Prosthesis Locomotion Mode Detection. Biomedical Engineers Society Conference, October 2010 G Li, E J Rouse, D C Nahlik, T A Kuiken. Control of Prosthetic Arm Rotation by Sensing Rotation of Residual Arm Bone. Myoelectric Controls Symposium, August 2008 E J Rouse, D C Nahlik, M A Peshkin, T A Kuiken. Control of Rotation for Upper Limb Prosthesis Through the Use of an Implanted Magnet. The American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association Conference, September 2008 S Mirza, D Schonlau, A M Mahmoud, P A Weber, E J Rouse, C J Roberts. The Measurement of Biomechanical Parameters as a Function of Peak Applied Pressure in the Reichert Ocular Response Analyzer, in a Glaucomatous Population. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Conference, April 2008 E J Rouse, Yasuhiro Yamada, Guiming Liu, Fernando Casas, Firouz Daneshgari. “Test, Re-test Reliability and Development of a Systematic Computer Interface for Assessment of Bladder Autonomic Sensory Function in a Novel Animal Model” Neurology and Urodynamics, vol. 27 (2) pp. 111-112, 2008 E J Rouse, C J Roberts, A M Mahmoud. The measurement of biomechanical parameters as a function of peak applied pressure in the Reichert Ocular Response Analyzer. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Conference, May 2007 A WA RD S ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ page 4 AND H O N O RS Most downloaded research article, Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation Best paper award, finalist, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, BioRob Intl. Conference One of Illinois Technology Foundation’s “Fifty for the Future” Thomas K. Goldstick Award in Biomedical Engineering Teaching NIH F31 National Research Service Award Fellow – NINDS NIH Training Grant Award, PI: Eric Perreault PhD Northwestern University Venture Challenge – Semifinalist Honorable Mention, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Northwestern University Venture Challenge 2nd Place: Osseo-Magnetic Link Applied Research Competition, 2nd Place, Osseo-Magnetic Link Northwestern University Research Competition, 3rd Place, Algorithm 2014 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2009 2009 2009 2008 T E A C HI N G E X P E RI E N C E Massachusetts Institute of Technology Mentor for Graduate and Undergraduate Students 2013 ♦ Responsibilities included oversight of master’s and undergraduate thesis projects and management of technical details for MIT and Harvard University students. Northwestern University Teaching Assistant for undergraduate course: Quantitative Experimentation 2011 312.238.0938 ♦ 345 E. Superior St; Room 1309 ♦ Chicago, IL 60611 E L LI O T T J R O U S E ♦ CURRICULUM VITAE ♦ ♦ page 5 Responsibilities included testing/running lab sections; teaching discussion sections; grading homework’s and exams; and holding office hours TA Evaluations available upon request Get-A-Grip Program Chicago Public Schools – Teacher 2010-2011 ♦ Taught students about building a low-cost prosthetic arm for possible use in developing countries primarily to educate the students in hands-on science and engineering applications P RO F E S S I O N A L , V O LU N TE E R A N D S E RV I C E E X P E RI E N C E S The Graduate School, Northwestern University, Committee Member ♦ Served on two committees, including TGS Orientation and Diversity Student Retention Committees Biomedical Engineering Graduate Student Society, President ♦ ♦ ♦ 2010-2011 Managed all aspects of the departmental graduate student organization, including recruitment, community activities, outreach activities, competitions, among many others Obtained $2k+ in new funding through Northwestern University grants Oak Park River Forest High School, Robotics Club Instructor ♦ 2011-2012 2009-2011 Student constructed a myoelectric prosthetic arm using custom built mechanics, circuit design and a PIC32 microprocessor 1st Place 2011 Illinois State University Science Fair; 1st Place 2011 Percy Julian Science Symposium R E LE V A N T P RE S S Survivor Diaries, CNN, Anderson Cooper, April 2014 ♦ Piece that showcases recovery of Boston Marathon bombing victims and work of MIT Biomechatronics Group "Brave New World with Stephen Hawking," Discovery Channel, Fall 2013 ♦ Piece that showcases the work Dr. Herr and Dr. Rouse, specifically the MIT Robotic Knee prosthesis Raspberry Pi in bionics, Wired Magazine, UK, July 2013 ♦ Sidebar article showcasing the use of a Raspberry Pi single board computer in the MIT Robotic Knee prosthesis “Building a Better Limb,” National Public Radio, April 2013 ♦ Interview discussing the current state-of-the-art of bionic systems C Argentine, “From Racecars to Robotics” Odyssey Magazine, September 2010 ♦ Describes transition from professional autoracing to academic science J Wall, “Bright and Early” The Ohio State University News in Engineering, vol. 79, no. 3, 2007 ♦ Describes successful undergraduates and their research 312.238.0938 ♦ 345 E. Superior St; Room 1309 ♦ Chicago, IL 60611
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