Outline and outcome from the advanced technology verification in Toyota City ~Aiming to be a Residents’ High Satisfaction City~ OTA Toshihiko Mayor of Toyota City -0#212455 1. Outline of Toyota City -1#212455 Outline of Toyota City 豊田市の概要 Farming areas(70% of the area of Toyota City) Population:23 thousand(5.5%) Urban areas (30% of the area of Toyota City) Population:399 thousand(94.5%) Specialties Pears ◆ Population: ◆ Area: 422,021 918.47 km “A Miniature of Japan” 2 Peaches PHV - a city where both urban and farming wealth can be shared #212455 FCV Toyota City’s Vision ●Vision: A city where both urban and farming wealth can be shared ●Approach: Using local resources (human, materials and technology) effectively : Take “the standards of tomorrow” in advance ●Specific Efforts:Develop a smart community with Public-Private partnership → advanced technology×renewable energy=sustainable society #212455 2. Advanced Technology Verification in Toyota City - Towards establishing a ‘Smart City’- -4#212455 Overview of Toyota city low-carbon society verification project #212455 Advantages and Problems of Toyota City Advantages 1. Achievement as a ‘City of Manufacturing’ Rank Value of Manufactured Goods Shipments (yen) Municipalities Toyota Yokohama Kurashiki Kawasaki Ichihara 9.6907 trillion 4.4060 trillion 4.3951 trillion 4.2839 trillion 4.0858 trillion 2. Rich Renewable Energy Resources Problems 1. Strengthening Industrial Infrastructure No. of companies 32% No. of employees 83% Value of manufactured goods shipments 95% 2. ② Reducing CO2 in a ‘City of Automobile’ クルマのまちゆえのCO2抑制 Wastes Share of Renewable Energy in Toyota City (FY2011) Renewable (21%) Non-renewable (79%) Transport Amount of electric power generation by renewable energy 856 million kWh/y Total amount of electric power generation 4.104 billion kWh/y Services 5,839 kilotons (2004) Industry Households Problem Solving by Advanced Technology and Renewable Energy #212455 Basic concept of the verification is “Citizen's Viewpoint" Citizen's viewpoint Purpose of verification What we want to achieve Approach on this verification #212455 Eco-friendly lifestyles with high QOL(quality of life) and no laborious effort Management of citizen's behavior "the control of the human" Social Infrastructure's viewpoint ≠ CO2reduction/Power/configuration/efficie ncy of social capital development etc. Provision/control of infrastructure Construction of infrastructure development Equipment installation / control Optimization of community's energy/traffic Forecast of supply demand Voluntary behavioral changes of consumers most important issues simulation Building a low-carbon society Clarification the impact on without additional investment of infrastructure through the left power and transportation verification infrastructure Toyota city low-carbon society verification project Promotion Council home mobility destinations Entire living environments manageme nt Practicing organization (total 34 organization) Test houses (total 67) Hydrogen station ITS FCHV bus HEMS Convenience store EV/PHV Activities contents of verification (image) Storage battery Smart school Charge with solar panels Toyotashi station Test houses (total 160) Toyota city hall Smart parking Convenience store #212455 Office/factories EDMS (energy・ date・ management・ system) Changes of Society (Hardware aspect) CO2 emissions Reducing Steadily (kt-CO2) Wastes 1990 #212455 Transport 2008 Services 2009 Households 2010 Verification Started 2011 Industry 2012 (year) 【QE】 Changes in Living Residents getting accustomed to eco-friendly lives Opinions of Residents I enjoy seeing the energy effects through saving by using HEMS (Home Energy Management System). I like HEMS because it can optimize our energy usage so that we can be engaged in eco-activities without difficulty. “I try to clean and wash when the EDMS display is blue. Difficult operation is not necessary at all.” “I commute by PHV to work every day and there is still gas left without filling it up with gas for three month.” - 10 #212455 Towards a Sustainable Society Following the Verification Toyota City Vigor Project #212455 Aiming for a society of circulation of local human resources, goods and energy
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