Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 60 jackground .kftc~ the publication of a prelimiuury report on the ,lgorithmic language ALGoL,'~ ' as prepared at :L conference n Ziirich in 1!)58, much interest in the ;\LGOL Inngunge leveloped. hs a result of an informal meeting held at, 1Ininz in November 1958, about forty interested persons from everal European countries held an XLGOL implementation lonference in Copenhagen in February 19.5!). A “hardware group” was formed for working coopernt,ively right down o t hrx level of t,he paper tape code. This conference also ed to the publication by Regnecentralen, Copenhagen, of In ALGOL Bulletin, edited by Peter Nnur, which served ts a forum for further discussion. During the June 1959 :CIP Conference in Paris several meetings, both formal Ind informal ones, were held. These meetings revealed iome misunderstandings as to the intent of the group which was primarily responsible for the formulation of the anguage, but at the same time made it clear that there :x&s a wide appreciation of the effort involved. As a recult of the discussions it was decided to hold an interlat,ional meeting in January 1960 for improving the ~LGOL language and preparing a final report. At a Eurolean ALGOL Conference in Paris in November 1959 which ‘vas attended by about fifty people, seven European yepresentatives were selected to attend the January 1960 zonference, and they represent the following organizaiions: Association Francaise de Calcul, British Computer Society, Gesellschaft fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, and Nederlands Rekenmachine Genootschap. rhe seven representatives held a final preparatory meeting it Mainz in December 1959. 1 Preliminary report-International Algebraic Language, bm. Assoc. Comp. Mach. 1, No. 12 (1958), 8. *Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL by the ACM Committee on Programming Languages and the GAIMM Comhittee on Programming, edited by A. J. Perlis and K. Samelson, \‘U olerische Mathematik Bd. 1, S. 41-60 (1959). Jleanwhile, in the I7llited States, anyone who wished to suggest changes or correct ions to ;~I,(;oL was requested to send his comments to the ,\C,\I Pmmrrnicntior~ where they were pthlishccl. These commettls then Iwr:tmc the basis of considcrntion for changes in the AL(:OL IutJgw~go. B o t h t h e SI-~.\ICX and I-SIC orgattizutiotts established ALc;oL working groups, and b o t h orgattizntions were represented o n t h e AC11 Commit t,ee o n I’rogramming Languages. The ;1CAt Commiltec met, in Washington in November I!)5!) and collsitlered all comments on AL(:OL t,hnt h a d b e e n sent t o the :{ClI (‘owlmunicalions. ~Uso, seven representalivcs werr selected to attend the .Januury 1960 international conference. These seven representntives held a final preparatory meeting in Boston in December 1959. January 1960 Conference The thirteen lepresentntiveq3 from Denmark, England, France, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, and the vnited States, conferred in Paris from January 11 to 16, 1960. Prior to this meeting a completely new draft report was worked out from the preliminary report and the recommendations of the preparatory meetings by Peter Naur and the conference adopted this new form as the basis for its report. The Conference then proceeded to work for agreement on each item of the report. The present report represents the union of the Committee’s concepts and the intersection of its agreements. As with the preliminary ALGOL report, three different levels of language are recognized, namely a Reference Language, a Publication Language and several Hardware Representations. REFERENCE LANGUAGE 1. It is the working language of the committee. 2. It is the defining language. * William Turanski of the American group was killed by an automobile just prior to the January 1960 Conference. Communications of the ACM 299 3. The characters are determined by ease of mutual understanding and not by any computer limitations, coders notation, or pure mathematical notation. -l. It is the basic reference and guide for compiler builders. 5. It is the guide for all hardware representations. 6. It is the guide for transliterating from publication language to any locally appropriate hardware representations. 7. The main publications of the ALGOL language itself will use the reference representation. PUBLICATION LANGUAGE I. The publication language admits variations of the reference language according t.o usage of printing and handwriting (e.g., subscripts, spaces, exponents, Greek letters). 2. It is used for stating and communicating processes. 3. The characters t,o be used may be different in diflerent countries, but univocal correspondence with reference representation must be secured. D17SCRIPTION OF 'J‘IlE HARDWARE REPRESENTATIONS 1. Each one of these is a condensation of the reference language enforced by the limited ndmber of characters 01~ standard input equipment. 1 2. Each one of these uses the character set of a particular computer and is the language accepted by a translator for that computer. 3. Each one of these must be accompanied by a special j set of rules for transliterating from Publication or Reference language. For transliteration between the reference language and a language suitable for publications, among others, the following rules are recommended. Rejerence Subscript Language bracket [I Exponentation t Parentheses ( ) Basis of ten 10 Publication Language Lowering of the line between the brackets and removal of the brackets Raising of the exponent Any form of parentheses, brackets, braces lttising of the ten and of the following integral number, inserting of the int.ended mult.iplication sign REFERENCE LANGUAGE ‘.“.I. 1)lGlTS slqlt nwl:~ii~~~~iist ic: varial~lvs whew vnlws :u-v scc~wtww ()f symt)ols. The rn:wks : : = :t11(1 1(t hc Iat tc‘r with t ht. nl,xaikilig OF or) arc rrwlxliir~t~ist ic: c~oriiiwtivcs. ably mark ill ;t t’ornl~~l:t, w h i c h i s Ilot :L vwiahle o r :L colliitvti\~u, ,j(~rlotw itsdf (or the c*l:ws of mwks whic*h :UT similar to it). ,Jllst :iposit ion of mu& :LIHI ~‘01. v:wiatdcs i n a formulu ;@lifirs jrisrtlpositioii of t,hc t wc~rw~rc:c’s denoted. Thus the f~~~mr~lu ahovr gives :1 rc~cl~rsivc rule for t,he formaltion of ~JIICS of the variable (ah). It indicates t,hnt, (ab) may have thca v:IIw ( or [ or that givcil some legitimate value of ir\l)), ailothcr may be formc~tl by following it with the ch:tI’:lc:t er ( or by foilowiiig it, with some value of the ~:~ri:lble (d). I f t h e value‘s of ((I) are the decimal tligits, v:dws of (ah) :w: ,~OIIIC ‘I’hc logical \.:ilu~s h:i\,e :1 fisc~tl ob\kus meaiiitig. (tlclin)itrr) : : = (spwifiwl~~r~ (ojwr:ttc)r) : : = (logical (ot)~~r:~lI)r~/(*(~t):lr:~tor)~~l)r:L(:kCt (arit hrwt iv ol)erutor~~(sc:clltc~rlti:rl )j(tlrc,l:l~:ltor), otwi-:ttc,r:/ 1)1)~~r:tt~,r)I(rri:Ltiofl:~I opfrator) ( a r i t h m e t i c oper:ktt)r) : : = +l-lXl/liii (relation:rl c,pcr:ttor) : : = < 16 j = 12 I> if (logic31 opwxtor) : : = r13!V!A17 (sccltwnti:d oiwr:kt<,r) : : = yo to(irlthen/elxeircrrItio’ (wt)ar:itor) : : = ,I. /tabI: 1;/: = / 1 /*lep/ ~tr~Lil/while!coc~~~llerlt (I)l[!]J’l’ll,e(rinietltl (tlc~cl:m~tor~ ::= owll(l~ooleun/ir~teyer/reul(arruy(awitch( procedure (specificntor) :: = *Lri:~*/l~l~el/v~I~~e (bracket.) : : = I I I order t o fncilitatc t hc s t ucly, t hc symbols used for distillgllishing t,he mctalil~guistic variables (i.e. t h r s e qu~wces of charact,ers appearing wit,hin the brackets ( ) as :lb in t hc above cxnmplc) have been chosen to IX wordr describing approximately t,he nat.ure of the corresponding rnrinble. Where words which have appeared in this manner are used elsewhere in Ihe text they will refer to the corresponding synt,actic definition. In addition some formulae have been given in more than me place. Delimiters have a fisc~tl meaning which for t hr most part> i s o b v i o u s o r also will I)0 givclil at the appropriate plucc in t-he sequel. Typographical feat,urcs such as blank space or change to a 11cw line have no significance in the rcfcrcnce Ianguagr. They may, however, he used freely for facilitating reading. For t,he purpose of including text among the symbols of a program t,he following “comment” conventions hold : Yhe sequence oj basic s~nd)ole: Definition : comment (nny sequence not containing ;) ; begin comment (any sequence not containing ;) ; end (nny sequence not containing end or ; or else) (empty) : : = (i.e. the nIlI string of symbols). 2. Basic Basic Symbols, Identifiers, Numbers, and Strings. Concepts. The reference language is built up from the following basic symbols : ’ (basic symbol) : : = (letter)l(digit)l(logical 2.1. is equivalent wilh ; vaIue)j(delimiter) LETTERS (letter) :: = alblcld)e(flg~h/i/j/kllJm/nlolp[qlrjslt~ulvlw~xly~z~ .~IBICJDIEIFICIHJIIJII(ILJMINIOIPJQIRIS/T This alphabet may arbitrarily be restricted, or extended \vith any other distinctive character (i.e. character not coinciding with any digit, logical value or delimiter). 5 Cf. J. W. Backus, The syntax and semantics of the proposed international algebraic language of the Ziirich ACM-GAMM Conference. ICIP Paris, June 1959. hegin end By equivalence is here meant that any of the three symbols shown in the right-hand column may, in any occurrence outside of strings, be replaced by any sequence of symbols of the structure shown in the same line of the left-hand column without any effect on the action of the program. 2.4. 2.4.1. IDENTIFIERS Syntax (identifier) : : = (letter)/(identifier)(letter)J(identifier)(digit) B It should be particularly noted that throughout the reference language boldface is used for defining independent basic symbols (see sections 2.2.2 and 2.3). These are understood to have no relation to the individual letters of which they are composed. Within the present report boldface will be used for no other purpose. ’ do is used in for statements. It has no relation whatsoever to the do of the preliminary report, which is not included in ALGOL 60. Communications of the ACM 301 2.4.2. Strings are used as actual parameters of procedures (cf. sections 3.2. Function Designators and 4.7. Procedure Statements). Examples g soup VlTa a34kTMNs MARILYN 2.7. QUANTITIES, KINDS AXD SCOPES 2.4.3. Semantics Identifiers have no inherent meaning, but serve for the identification of simple variables, arrays, labels, switches, and procedures. They may be chosen freely (cf., however, section 32.4. Standard Functions). The same identifier cannot be used to denote two different quantities except when these quantities have disjoint scopes as defined by the declarations of the program (cf. section 2.7. Quantities, Kinds and Scopes, and section 5. Declarations). 2.5. NUMBERS 2.5.1. Syntax (unsigned integer) : : = (digit)j(unsigned integer)(digit) (integer) : : = (unsigned integer)/+(unsigned integer)/ -(unsigned integer) (decimal fraction) : : = (unsigned integer) (exponent part) : : = ,o(integer) fraction)1 (decimal number) : : = (unsigned integer)I(decimal (unsigned integer)(decimal fraction) part)] (unsigned number) : : = (decimal numt)er)/(esl)onent (decimal numlw)(exponeni. part) (number) : : = (unsigned rlrlmber)/+(unsiKr~ed number)/ -(unsigned number) 2.5.2. Examples 0 177 .5:(8-l +0.i3oo 2.5.3. Semniit.ics - 2(wl, OS-l +o; .-lB,,R n.:M,,,+lo :!,I,- 4 - .ow,,,-OL’ - I,? ,11--l +11,+5 The following kinds of quantities are distinguished: simple variables, arrays, labels, switches, and procedures. The scope of a quantity is the set of statements in which the declaration for the identifier associated with that quantity is valid, or, for labels, the set of stat.ements which may have the statement in which the label occurs as their successor. 2.8. VALUES AND TYPES A value is an ordered set of numbers (special case: a single number), an ordered set of logical values (special case : a single logical value), or a label. Certain of the syntactic units are said to possess values. These values will in general change during the execution of the program. The values of expressions and their constituents are defined in section 3. The value of an array identifier is the ordered set of values of the corresponding array of subscripted variables (cf. section The various “types” (integer, real, Boolean) basically denote properties of values. The types associated with syntactic units refer to the values of these units. 3. Expressions In the language t,he primary const,ituents of the programs describing algorithmic processes are arithmetic, Boolean, a n d designai.ional, expressions. Constituent,s o f t h e s e cxprc’ssioIis, except f o r ccriaili dclimitcrs, a r e l o g i c a l v:~Iws, numbers, vari:dAcs, fu11cl ion designators, and c+melltary arit hmclt ic:, rclat iollal, logical, and sequential, operators. Since t*lrc sy111 act ic definit,ion of both variables nlld funct ioll dtrsignntors C:OII~I~~~S cxprcssions, t.he definiI ion of cxprtrssions, and I heir C:OI S~ il,uent.s, is necessarilg rcwwsivc. (v:cri:d)lr itic:ntilier) : : = iitlcstit ifirrl (4rnl)lc vari:il)lc) :: = (v:iri:rl)lr itlelllifirr) (slilwript rsl)rw~ion) : : = (:kri( hnrrl ic c~q)rcssion) (511l)wripl list 1 :: = (slilwril)c cbsl)rwsioll )~(RuI)scril)1 list’. (~tllwc:ril)t csl)rwsilltl) (:irray idrut ifi : : = (i~lf~lllilivr~ (3lllwcril)lwl v:tri:d)Iv : : = (:Irr:t>. itl(~lltilirr~((slll)s~ril,( list ‘1 (v:lri:ll)lr\ : : = (siml)lv v:fri:~l~lv ~(slilwril)led v:tri;il)lc’ 3. I .2. l~s:Lmplw vlwilorl tld .h :i 1; (>1i.‘11 I which “t ratlsfws” :111 wprwsioll o f r w l t y p e to 0110 o f integw type, and a s s i g n s t o i t t h e value which i s the hwgest, integer not, grwt w 1htm the wlutr of E. 32.1. Syllt:ls (pr~wtluro itlcnt itier) : : = (itlcrllifiw) (act WI I,ttr:Lrnclc:r) : : = (strin~)j(c~sprc~~~i~~(l~l~:~rr:t~ itlrnlilic7)j cswil ch itlclltilictr)l(l)rc,cctlurc: itlootific~r) st rinK)(lcttcr\ (letlcr *tring) : : = (let.t.c~r)~(let,ter (pawmeter tlclimiter) :: = ,J)( string) : ( (ttctrd parameter list,) : : = (wtrurl pttrnmeter)( (xt,wI parameter liat,)(pnrnmetar tlelimitcr) (:rctwl purameter) (actuul part) : : = (empt.y\/ ((nctunl pnrnmcter list 1) identifier) (function designator) :: =.(procetlure (:LctuaI ! parameter part) 3 2 2. Examples sin(a- b) J (v+Y,n) 11 S(Y-5)Temperature:(T)Presallre:(P) Compile(’ : = ‘)Stack: (Q) (:rtltling operntor) : : = + / (millCil)lying 0per:rtar) : : = X j/l+ (primary) : : = (unsi~netl nltmber)l(vnrilr~)le)/ (function tiexignntor)(((arithmat,ic expression)) (f:rct.or) : : = (grimlLry)/(fuct,or)T(primnry) (term) :: = (flrctor)l(term)(multiplying opretrt,or)(factor) /Gmalo arithmetic expreskon) : : - (term)1 (a&tiny operator)(term)((nimple arithmetic elpre%nion) (ikling operator)(term) (if clause) : : = if (Boolean espreauion)then (arithmetic expression) : : = (simple arithmetic expreunion)l (if cleuae)(Gmple arithmetic expresnion)eiae (arithmetic expression) 3.3.2. Examples Primaries: 7.394,0-8 32.3. Semantics Function designators define single numerical or logical values, which result through the application of given sets of rules defined by a procedure declaration (cf. section 5.4. Procedure Declarations) to fixed sets of actual parameters. The rules governing specification of actual parameters are given in section 4.7. Procedure Statements. Not every procedure declaration defines the value of a anction designator. 3.2.4. Standard functions Certain identifiers should be reserved for the standard functions of analysis, which will be expressed as procedures. 1It is recommended that this reserved list should contain: sum wli+2,81 cos(yfzX3) (a-3hfvuT8) Factors: omega sumTcos(y+zx3) 7.394,o-Sfw[i+?.8]T(a-3/y+vuTS) Terms: U omegaXsumTcou(y+aX3)/7.39410- 8Tw~i+‘&SlT (a-3/y+vu-8) Communications of the ACM 303 Simple arithmetic expression: U-Yu+omegaXsumTcos(y+zX3)/7.39410-8Tn[i+2,8] (a-3/y+vuT8) Arithmetic T expressions: M-XII-Q(S+Cu)T2 if q>O then S+~XQ/A else 2XS+3Xq if a<0 then U+V else if aXb>li then U/V else if k#y then V/U else 0 aXsin(omegaXt) 0.571o12Xa[NX (K-1)/2, 0] (Marctan + Z)T(7 -t Q) if q then n-l else n if a<0 then A/B else if b-0 then B/A else z 3.3.3. Semantics An arithmetic expression is a rule for computing a numerical value. In case of simple arithmetic expressions t,his value is obtained by executing the indicated arithmetic operations on the actual numerical values of the primaries of the expression, as explained in detail in section 3.3.4 below. The actual numerical value of a primary is obvious in the case of numbers. For variables it is the current value (assigned last in the dynamic sense), and for fun&ion designators it is the value arising from the computing rules defining the procedure (cf. section 5.4. Procedure Declarations) when applied t,o the current values of the procedure parameters given in the expression. Finally, for arithmetic expressions enclosed in parentheses t,he vnluc must through a recursive analysis bc expressed in terms of the values of primuritrs of I he ol.her 1 hrce kinds. I II t.11~ more ge~wul arit)hmefic cxpressk~ns, which include if cl:~usc~s, OIIC oui of several simpla arit hm&: cxprcssions is sc~l~~~1c~tl on I lit basis of 1 hc act uul v:dues of I hca I3oolea11 crsprwsioi~s ( c f . sc~ci ion Jj.3. 1300lw11 Exprrssiolls). T h i s strlccl ioii is in:~lc as follows: ‘l’hc l3oolca11 c>xprcssioils of 111~ if cl:luscs arc’ cvaluat c d OIIO by OIIC in srtJr~:~tc:c f r o m lcf’t IO right until OIK: hvi1g 11~~1 value true is fouled. Thr \~:lluc of thr arithmetics asprcssiou is t hell 111~ value of .I hc first arit hmel ic cxpr&oll following this 13oolen11 (I hc I:trgc~st nrithmct ir clsprcassioll fou~l i1l I his posit io1l is u~rdwst cd). The COIIS~ ruct ion : 3.3.4. Operators a~td lypcs (factor) both denote division, tq be understood as a multi. plication of the term by the reciprocal of the factor with due regard to the rules of precedence (cf. section 3.3.5). Thus for example a/bX’il(p-q)Xv/s means The operator / is defined for all four combinations of types real and integer and will yield results of real type in any case. The operator + is defined only for two operands both of type integer and will yield a result of type integer defined as follows: a+ b= sign (a/b)Xentier(abs(a/b)) (cf. sections 3.2.4 and 3.2.5). The operation (factor)T(primary) d e n o t e s exponentiation, where the factor is the base and t,he primary is the exponent. Thus, for example, 2TnTk means (2”) k while p? . means Writing i for a number of integer type, r for a number of real type, and a for a number of either integer or real type, the result is given by the following rules: 2TbTm) 3.3 5. l’rccedrllce of opcrat ors T h e sequence o f opwal ioiis wit Iii11 oiic vsprwsion if grnrrally from lrft lo righi, with thr following :&liliona1 rules: According to the syntax givcii ii1 scdioli :i.X1 t hc following rules of prrc(adcllcc hold : first : T serollti: x/Gtllircl: + - (rel:tl iord opcratclr) : : = < )6 ;= 12 , > ii: (rel:ttiorl) : : = (arithmetic es~~rcssior~~(rc:l:ltion:~1 otwr:ltor) (:lrithmetic cspression) ;B(~,lr:~n prim:lry) : : = (logid v:lllre))(v:lri:ll,le)/ tfr~ncl ion tlosi~l~:lt~)r)l(,lr)i (~Bo~~lnnn esprwsion 11 : : = (13oole:tn (BoI~Ic:~II ?iecolitl:try) primnr~\/l(BoOle:llr prinxlry) :Boole:rn factor) : : = (Boole:tn secotlttwy)l (Bc~otr:in f:~ct.or!~(I~oole:~~~ secorrtl:wy) (BOI~ICWI t crm) : : = (fjoole:rn faator)l(~ooienn term) V(Roolc:~n factor) (implic:lti0~l) : : = (Boolam t,erm/(imt,lic:ltiol~) ~XBoolc:rn (simplr Boolenn) (I:rl~cl~ :: = (itlPfltifirr)/(lll~~i~f)(~(i intc~~er) (switch i(1entifie.r) : : = (itlentifictr! (switch t!esiKnrltor) :: = (switch itlrntitiPr)[(rillI,script term) : : = (implication)j (simple Boolc~Ln’)~(impliC:Ltiol~) (Bool~:tn cspression) : : = (simple I~oo~~?:LII)~ (if cla~lse)(~imple Boole:rrr) el.*ct (Bor~larn expression) 3.-U. Ifsamples s= - *i Y>V v z<q I :1+0 > pAq - 5 Ii ]I!) <:howe[n - I ] /y z-d > ‘lr:! v s*.v K”7:rAl)A7 cVtlVc3-, f if k<l then a>w else hsc if if if IL then I) else c then tl else f then g else h<k 3.4.3. Semantics .I Boolean expression is a rule for computing a logical value. The principles of evaluation are entirely analogous to those given for arithmet,ic expressions in section 3.3.3. ) 3.4.4. Types Variables and function designators entered as Boolean primaries must be declared Boolean (cf. section 5.1. Type Declarations and sections 5.4-k. Values of Function Designators). 3.4.5. The operators Relations take on the value true whenever the corresponding relation is satisfied for the expressions +;y,olved, otherwise false. The meaning of the logical operators-, (not), A /kidj, \/ (or), 1 (implies), and 3 (equivalent), is given 1)~ bhe following function table. bt false false true b%--...__-____--_____-_______ false true false Thl true false true true true false false false false false true true true true bl IM t r u e bIstx2 t r u e true false true false false t r u e bIAb.2 blVb.2 rsprrsxion)] (simple tlrsi~mrtiomd rsprrssiorl) : : = tl:dd)/(xwitch tlrriql:ttor)[ ((tle~i~II:ltiorl~il rsprcssion)) (tle~i~mttiond rsprcnsion) : : = (simple tl(aiKlllrt,iorrlrl c!rprrssion)‘l ( i f clailne)(*imple tlcsi~n:ttion:tl csprcs*ion) else (tlo~i~r~rrtir)~liII expression) Towo(if y<O theu N else N+lj if :\l)<c then 17 else cl[if ws0 theu 2 else II] 3.5.3. Semantics .-I designational expression is a rule for obtaining a label of a statement (cf. section -I. Statements). Again the principle of the evaluat,ion is entirely analogous to that, of arithmetic expressions (section 3.3.3). In the general case the Boolean expressions of the if clauses will select, a simple designational expression. If this is a label the desired result is already found. A switch designator refers to the corresponding switch declaration (cf. section 5.3. Switch Declarations) and by the actual numerical value of its subscript expression selects one of the designational expressions listed in the switch declaration by counting these from left to right. Since the designations1 expression thus selected may again be a switch designator t,his evaluation is obviously a recursive process. 3.5.4. The subscript expression The evaluation of the subscript expression is analogous to that of subscripted variables (cf. section The value of a switch designator is defined only if the subscript expression assumes one of the positive values L, 2, 2, . . . , n, where n is the number of entries in the switch list. 3.5.5. Unsigned integers as labels Unsigned integers used as labels have the property that leading zeroes do not affect their meaning, e.g. 00217 denotes the same label as 217. Communications of the ACM 305 Block: 4. Statements The units of operation within the language are called statements. They will normally be executed consecutively as written. However, this sequence of operations may be broken by go to statements, which define their successor explicitly, and shortened by conditional statements, which may cause certain statements to be skipped. In order to make it possible to define a specific dynamic succession, statements may be provided with labels. Since sequences of statements may be grouped together into compound statements and blocks the definition of statement must necessarily be recursive. Also since declarations, described in section 5, enter fundamental15 into the syntactic structure, the syntactic definition of statements must suppose declarations to be already defined. 4.1. COMPOUND ST A T E M E N T S AND BLOCKS 4.1.1. Syntax (unlabelled basic statement) : : = (assignment statement)] (go to statement)l(dummy statement)j(procedure statement) (basic Rtatement) : : = (unlabelled basic statement))(label): (b&c statement) (unconditional statement) : : = (basic statement)I(for statement) (compound statement)j(block) (statement) : : = (unconditionnl statement)1 (conditional statement) (compound tail) : : = (stal.emenl) end I(stat.ement) ; (compound tail) (block head) :: = lw~in(declaration)I(block head) ; (declaration) (uulal~elled compound) : : = lwpin (compound tail 1 (~~nlr~lwllod block) : : = (Mock hcad~ ; (compourid tail) (compound stat.cmcnl.) : : = (ui~lnlwllcd coml)ound)/ (Ialwl): (compound fitat,ernrnt ) This may be illustrai(~d as follows: Denoting arl)ilr:uy statements, de&rat ions, and lnl~ls, 1)~ I h e letjtjc:rs S, D, and I+ respc~cl,ivcly, the basic synt nctic units 1.:dw t.hc forms: Conzpowbd I,: I,: statcmewt: begin S ; s ; . ..F ; P end Q: begin integer i, k ; real w ; for i : = 1 step 1 until m do for k := i+l step 1 until m do begin w := A[i, k] ; A[i, k] := A(k, i] ; A[k, i] : = w end for i and k end b l o c k Q 4.1.3. Semantics Every block automatically introduces a new level of nomenclature. This is realized as follows: Any identifier occurring within the block may through a suitable declaration (cf. section 5. Declarations) be specified to be local to the block in question. This means (a) that the entity represented by this identifier inside the block has no existence outside it, and (b) that any entity represent,ed by this identifier outside the block is completely inaccessible inside the block. Identifiers (except those representing labels) occurring within a block and not being declared to this block will be nonlocal to it, i.e. will represent the same entity inside the block and in the level immediately outside it. The exception to this rule is presented by labels, which are local to the block in which they occur. Since a st,atement of a block may again itself be a block the concepts local and non-local IO a block must, be understood recursively. Thus an identifier, which is non-local to a block A, may or may not be non-local to the block B in which A is one statement. 4,.2. ASSICXMIXT STAT~.:MIWW 4b2.1. s?‘1113s 4.2.2. ISsamples s : = )l[O] : = I, : = I)$1 +r II : = 11+1 A := 13/c-v--([xs 4.2.3. Senxwl iw .Issi~nmrl~t sl atcmrnt s scrvc for assigning the value of an casprrssioll to OIIC or s(bv(aral \.:n?ahlrs. The process will in tlica gclrrral C:LW b(~ undcrslood 10 take play in three si ep ~~‘:‘.lollo\\-s : is.3. S;(~II~:III~ iv5 (‘olltlitioll:tl st:1tthmt’tlts c:~II.~(’ c.crt:tin stnlcmcnts t o t)(> csrriit rtl or skippctl tlq)t~ntliirg OII t ht: rrmtling V:LIIJW o f spt~t~ific~tl Boolt~i t5prc5~lolls. ,k..5.3.1. I f stntt~mcnt. The ui~t:ot~tlitiot~aI stntkmcnt, o f :ttl if st :tt tbmrllt will t)tl rst~~uttcl if the Boolcnn clsprthssion of the if t*I;kust~ is true. Otht~visc it will be skippttd and the opwttioli &brtl 1: is tht: vnlut> of t ho tqrt5sioll. 1.3. (-it ) ‘1’0 ST.\TEM \vill he c:ollt itlurtl with the nest, statcmtwt,. ,k.5.3.2. (JotAitiol\al statt\mcllt,. According to t ht. synt;ls t\vo tliffforent, forms of conditional statcmrnts are possiblr. ‘I’ht~r may be illnst Wed as follows: I.:STS 43.1. synt as il.131 then SI else if R’L then s’? else S3 ; s4 ILIKI if 131 Lherl SI else if BL’ thco SL’else if 13:s lhen S:3 4.3.3. Semantics .1 g o t o statemcllt interrupts the nnrmnl scquc~u o f operutions, dcfincd b y the write-np of statements, by defining its successor explicitly by t hc v:dw of a tlosignatiotlal exprossioll. Thus t,hc Ilest sta~emel~t to be esccuted Lvill be the OIW having this value as its labcl. 4.3.4. Since labels art! inherently Ioc:~l, IIO go to stafcmcnt can lead from outsido into a block. 4.35. Go to an untlt~f~it~tl switch designator .i go to statement, is trtlnivatt!nt, to :I dummy stalcmcnt if t hc designut,ionul expression is a switch dcsignat,or \vhosc value is undcfincd. else if true t h e n 4.4.2. Examples L: ; John: end 4.4.3. Semantics h dummy statement executes no opera.tion. serve to place a label. statement) is equivalent t,o (dummy statement) : : = (empty) heyid. . . s-l Here 13 1 to BX arc 1300Ic:~n tqrtkons, while Sl to SR arc nllt:ol~clitiotl:ll statements. S-k is the st,atement, following tho complt~te c:ontlitiotn~l stntomcnt. Thtt c>sct:ntion of a contli~ional statement may he dcscribed as follows: The Boolttun expression of t,he if clauses are cvaluutc~tl one after the othcbr in sequence from left t,o right, until one yieltlin g the value true is found. Then the uncontlit ional statement, following t.his Boolean is executed. 1-nl~s t h i s statcmrnt, &fines i t s s u c c e s s o r cxplicitly the next9 statemrnt to be executed will be S4, i.e. the statement, following the complet,e conditional stalemerit . Thns the effect of the tlelimikr else may be described by saying t,hat, it tlcfines t,hc successor of the,emcnt it follows to he the statement following t,hc complct,e oolidi~ionnl st,ntcmcnt. The construction else (ilricontlit,ionlrl 4.1. DUMMY S’L’ATISMESTS 4.4.1. S y n t a x ; It may 4.5. CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS 4.5.1. Syntax (uncontlit~ionnl statement) If none of the Boolean expressions of the if clauses is true, the effect of the whole conditional statement will be equivalent to that of a dummy statement,. For further explanation the following picture may be useful : ___----_-_-_-----____ 1 T T if Bl then Sl else if B2 then S2 else S3 1- - - - - - - - - - - -----__t 1 _ _ _ _T Bl false ; s4 B2 false ! (if clause) : : = if (Boolean expression) t h e n (unconditional statement) : : = (basic statement)I(for statement)1 (compound statement)j(block) (if statement) : : = (if clause) (unconditional statement)! (label): (if statement) ~(conditional statement) : : = (if statement)l(if statement) else (statement) i .,, _ I” ” 4.5.4. Go to into a conditional statement The effect of a go to statement leading into a conditional statement follows directly from the above explanation of the effect, of else. ~ (for list element) : : = (arithmetic expression)1 (arithmetic expression) step (arithmetic expression) until (arithmetic expression)j(arithmetic expression) while (Boolean expression) (for list) : : = (for list element)l(for list), (for list element) (for clause) : : = for (variable) : = (for list) do 4.5.2. Examples ! if x>O then if v>u then if s<OVPjQ n := n+l V: q: = n+m else go to R then AA: begin if q<v then a := v/s else y := 2Xa end else if v>s then a : = v-q else if v>s-1 then go to S 4.6. FOR STATEMENTS 4.6.1. Syntax Communications of the ACM 307 (for statement) : : = (for clause)(statement)j (label): (for statement) follows : L3:V:=E f o r q : = 1 step s until n do A[q] : = B(q] for k : = 1, VlX2 while Vl<N do for j := It-G, L, 1 step 1 until N, TF then go to Element exhausted Statement S ; _, go tb IA.3 ; do C+D A[k,j] : = B[k,j] 4.6.3. Semantics A for clause causes the statement S which it precedes to be repeatedly execut,ed zero or more times. In addition it performs a sequence of assignments to its controlled variable. The process may be visualized by means of t,he following picture: J ; if 4.6.2. Examples I Initialize ; test ; statement S ; advance ; successor J---------------------------. I for list exhausted In this picture the word initialize means: perform the first assignment of the for clause. Advance means: perform the next assignment of the for clause. Test determines if the last assignment has been done. If so, the execution continues with Ihe successor of the for statement. If not, the statement following the for clause is executed. 4.6.4,. The for list elements The for list gives a rule for obl aining the values which arc C:OIISCCUI ively assigned 1 o 1 hc oont rolled variable. This SW~U~IIW of values is obt,aincd from 11~ for list elements b y t:killg 11wsc~ ow by WC in lh order in which the) are I\-ril ICII. ‘1’11~ SC~C~UC~IIC:C~ of vniuw gc>ncraird by each of 1.11~ 1lir~~~ spwiw of for lisl c4cmc9ils nlitl ilica corrc~spoi~ding cxrcul ioll 01’ 111~ sl:~lc:nwnI S :ir(’ giwii ly Ihc followiiig rules: 4.6.4,.1. :1rit hmcl ict casprcssion. This clcmrllt givc~s rise t o OIIC \xIw, Ilumoly thr ~uluc o f lhc givoll :wiI hrnctk ctsprcwiotl u c:~lcul~I ed immcdiat rly Iwforc~ I hc correspoIlding cbscBc:ut ion of 111~ sIa~cnw~~~ S. 4,.6.4.2. Slrp-u111 il-c+wwi~l Ai) c~l~mrnl f o r Ihc: form A step 13 until (I, whrw A, 13, a11t1 (‘, :trc~:~ri11un~~I ice cxprcssioiis, gi\*w riw IO :III C~Y*III ioir w h i c h ni:ly lw dwcrilwd m o s t cwlwiwly ill Iwiirs 01’ :&lit ion:ll :~LC;OL sI:~Icw~c~~~ls 3s follo\\~s: ; where the notation is the same as in above. 4.6.5. The value of the controlled variable upon exit. Upon exit out of the statement S (supposed to be compound) through a go to statement the value of the controlled variable will be the same as it was immediately preceding the execution of the go to statement. If the exit is due to exhaustion of the for list, on the other hand, the value of the controlled variable is undefined after t’he exit. 4.6.6. Go to leading into a for statement The effect, of a go t.o statement, outside a for stat,ement, which refers to a label within the for statement, is undefined. 4.7. 4.7.1. PR O C E D U R E ST A T EM EN T S Syntax (nctual parameter) : : = (sI.ring)I(expression)I(array identifier)1 (switch identifier)l(pracedure identifier) (letter string) : : = (let, string)(letter) (parameter delimiter) :: = ,I(letter slring):( (actual parameter lisit) : : = (actual parameter)1 (w-t ual paramet,er liat)(parnme~er delimiter) (~1 NILI pramcler) (art.ual parnmcter part,) : : = (empLy)\ ((actual parnnielcr list)) (prowdllrc statcmrnt) : : = (procedure idcntificr) (nrt ud f):trltmr1rr put 1 4.7.2. l~:s:llnplcs SI)ur I.A)Ortlcr: (i)ILcsull l’r:~rlsf)osr (W,v+l) Al~srrl:ls~.4,S,RI,1‘~.T,l;) Thcsc~ cs:u~~plcs correspond 5.42. 4 . i . 3 . Scniaiitics t o : (1’) 10 cxnmples given in section -4 prowdurc sInIcmcnI scrvcs I O i n v o k e (call for) rhe cscrut ioll of’ a proccduw body (cf. SCCI ion 5.4. l’rocrdure Ikl:lrat ions). \\:herca I hc procrdure body is a SI ZI ement writ tell in .-\IAX)L 1 hc c+Tcc*t of I his cxccution will bc ecjuivslent IO I hc c~fTwt of’ pwf’ormilig the following operations 011 I lie progrum : 4.i.3.1. \y31uc ~ssig~iincnt (call t)y valw) All f’ormal paranwIcrs cluoIc:d in I hc value part of the proc*cdure tlccl:u.:l1 ioll heading arch a s s i g n e d the \.:llues (cf. KTI ioll 2.8. \‘aluc*s :uld Types) of the correspontiing nc,t unl y-lwn(~Iws, I lrcw ussignmc~Il~ s being wnsidrwtl 3s t)caitlg ~k.forn)f~d c~splicit Iy brforr entering 1 hc pro&ure t)otly. l’licw forni:il parani(:lcrs w i l l sulw~~~ucwl ly be I rc:iI cd :ts 1oc:~l lo I tic> proccdurcb Lilly. N:HW rc~pl:wwic~~rl (call 1)~ name) .411y formal p:lr:uncIw 1101 c~uoltrd in 111~ ~31~ list is rcyl:iwtl, I hrou~houl I I)(% prowdurc~ I)ody, hy t hcl wre- 5. This posc~ the rcstrictioll OII :IIIY procodurc slntcment that the kind and typo of each actual paramclter be compatible with the kind and type of t hc corrtrspontling formal parameter. Some import ant particular casts of this gcneraI r u l e :IIT the followillg: 4.7.5.L. St rings cun~rot occur as act WI p:iramrtcrs in statements cdliiig procctluro dt!c:larations procxctlurc having AIA:OL 60 statements 11s their bodies (cf. swtion 4.7.8). .-\ formal paramctcr which occurs as a left part variable in an assignment, statement, within the procedure body and which is not, called by value can only correspond to an actual paramet,er which is a variable (special case of expression]. A formal parameter which is used within the Procedure body as an array identifier can only correspond to an actual parameter which is an array identifier of an array of the ‘same dimensions. In addition if the if ormal parameter is called by value the local array created ,Fduring the call will have the same subscript bounds as <the actual array. ’ A formal parameter which is called by value ‘cannot in general correspond to a switch identifier or a ,Procedure identifier, because these latter do not possess $ues (the exception is the procedure identifier c.f a pro$Wdure declaration which has an empty formal prameter t (cf. section 5.4.1) and which defines the value of a ction designator (cf. section 5.4.4). This ‘p?ocedure entifier is in itself a complete expression). 7.5.5. Any formal parameter may have restrictions ype of the corresponding actual parameter assod with it (these restrictions may, or may not, be ven through specifications in the procedure heading). Declarations Ikcl~wnl ioiis scrlv(1 t 0 tkfiiio wrtniu propcrt its of t hr i&l1 t ifiers of the program. ;1 clrclarat ion for an idcwt ifiel is v:Llid for OIW hloc~k. Outsklo I his l~lock t hc part icula1 idcut ificr may hc uwtl for ot hthr pllrposw (cf. scctiou 1. 1.3): Dyt~:tmiwlly this implies t hcl t’ollowing: nt the time of :LII rulry into :L hloc~k (throrgh the begin, sinw the I:~lwls iiisidc :w loc:~I anal t h~wforr iii:u:wssiblc from out skk) all idctitific~rs tlrc:l:wc~tl for t ho Mock :kssum(’ the sigriificancc implied by t hc II;L~ uw of t hc tlcclnrations givcll. I f th(>se idctltitiors hatl already bocn Mined b y oth(‘l declarations outsirlc t h(ty arc for t hc time being given :L new sigIlific:ulce. Idrnt i ficbrs which arc not tleclarc>d for t hc block, on the other hand, retain their old meaning. .U t.hc time of an esit from a block (through end, or by a go to st,atement) all identifiers which arc declared fat the block lose their significance again. A declarat,ion may be marked with the additional declarator own. This has the following etfect: upon a reentry into the block, the values of own quantities will be unchanged from their values at the last exit, while the values of declared variables which are not marked as own are undefined. Apart from labels and formal parameters of procedure declarations and with the possible exception of those for standard funct,ions (cf. sections 3.2.4 and 3.2.5), all identifiers of a program must be declared. Ko identifier may be declared more t,han once in any one block head. Syntax. (declaration) : : = (type declarntion))(array declaration)\ (switch declaration)l(procedure declaration) 5.1. TYPE DECLARATIONS 5.1.1. Syntax (type list) : : = (simple variable) 1 (simple variable), (type list) (type) : : = real/integer\Boolean (loc?l or own type) :: = (type)Jown (type) (type declaration) : : = (local or own type)(type list) Communications of the ACM 309 5.1.2. Examples 1, integer p,q,s own Boolean Acryt,n , 5.1.3. Semantics Type declarations serve to declare certain identifiers to represent simple variables of a given type. Reti declared variables may only assume positive or negative values including zero. Integer declared variables may only assume positive and negative integral values including zero. Boolean declared variables may only assume the values true and false. In arithmetic expressions any position which can be occupired by a real declared variable may be occupied by an integer declared variable. For the semantics of own, see the fourth paragraph of section 5 above. 5.2. A RRAY DECLARATIONS 5.2.1. Syntax (lower bound) : : = (arithmetic expression) (upper bound) :: = (arithmetic expression) (bound pair) : : = (lower bound): (upper bound) (bound pair list) : : = (bound pair)l(bound pair liat),(bound pair) (array segment) :: = (array identifier)[(bound pair list)]1 (array identifier),(array segment) (array list.) : : = (array segment)j(arruy liat),(array segment) (array de&ration) :: = array (array list)l(local or own type) array (array list) 5.2.2. Examples urruy a, b, c(i:n,2:m], s[-2:10] 5.2.3. Scmulilics All array declaration dcclnrcbs one or several idcnt ificrs lo rcprc9rill mulfidimcnsiol~:~l arrays o f s u b s c r i p t e d vnriublcs ulld gives t h e dimcnsiolla o f thr a r r a y s , the bounds of the subscript,s and the typcas of rhc variables. . Subscript bou~~ls. The s u b s c r i p t bounds for any array nrr given in t,he first subscript bracket followiilg tbe ident if& of t.his array ill ihc form of a bound pair list. Each item of this list gives the lower and upper bound of :I subscript ii1 the form of tivo arilhnic~l ic clsprcssiolis scpnrat cd 1,~ t h e delimiter: Thr bound pair list gi\scs t h e bouljds of all subscripts tnk(a11 in o&r from lrfl to right. DimcxlGms. Thr dimc>llsions arc given a s the number of Tut ries in I hc IWUII~ pair lists. Types. All arrays d(&rc>d in one drclaral ion a r e o f the> same quol (Id iyp~. If IIO lyp(’ declarat o r ir gi\Te11 IIW type real is ulldcrsl ood. 5.2.4. Ilower upper I)ound caxpr(bssiolls The expressions will 1~ (~\.:~11131(1d in the same way as subscript exprcssiolls (cf. scc~l ioil :~.1.1.?). 5 . 2 . 4 . 2 . l’hr cxpressiolls WII o111y tl~~pc~~d OII vnriahlcs n11(1 procedures which arc ~~o~~-loc:nl to t hr l~lwk for which l,l~ :trr:ly d(&rat ion is valid. <‘ollst~cjucilt Iy iii t hc out (‘r1rl0st l)l0(~1; o f a p r o g r a m OIIIJ :irr:l\’ d(~cl:tra1 ioils with (:oIlsl:lllt IK~ulKls may 1W d~Y*l:tlY~tl. An array is defined only when the values of all upper subscript boutids are not smaller than those of the $7 corr&ponding lower bounds. The expressions will be evaluated once at each entrance into the block. 5.2.5. The identity of subscripted variables The identity of a subscripted variable is not, related to the subscript bounds given in the array declaration. How. ever, even if an array is declared own the values of the corresponding subscripted variables will, at any time, be defined only for those of these variables which have subscripts within the most recently calculated subscript bounds. 5.3. SW I T C H DECLARATIONS 5.3.1. Synt,ax (switch list) : : = (designational expression)/ (switch list),(designational expression) (switch declaration) : : = switch (switch identifier): = (switch list) 5.3.2. Examples switch S : = switch Q := Sl,S2,Q(m], if v> -5 then S3 else S4 pl,a 5.3.3. Semantics A switch declaration defines the values corresponding to a identifier. These values are given one by one as the values of the dcsignational expressions entered in the switch list. With each of these designational expressions there is associaled a positive int,eger, 1, 2, . . . , obtained by counting the items in the list from left to right. The value of the switch designator corresponding 10 a given vnluc of the subscript cxprcssion (cf. scctioll Il.5 Dcsignntional Expressions) is the value of the designational expression in the switch list, having this giyrn value as its associated illtcgcr. 5.3.4. Evaluation of expressions in the switch list An espressioll in the smirch list will be evaluated every time the it em of the list in which the expression occurs is referred to, using the current values of all variables involved. 5.3.5. Influence of scopes. .411y reference to the value of a switch designator from outside the scope of any quantity entering into the desig nnt ional esprrssioll for this part icuIar VL\IUC is undefined. if nhu(u(p,q])> then begin y: .v =nbs(n[p,ql) ; i:=p ; Examples of Procedure Declarations: k: “1 end end EXAMPL E 1. Abnmas procedure Innerproduct.(a,b)Order:(k,p)Re~ult:(y) value k ; i n t e g e r k,p ; r e a l y.n,b, ; begin real Y ; s:=o ; for p : = 1 step 1 until k do s : =s+aXb ; ; y :== s end Innerproduct 5.4.3. Semantics A procedure declaration serves to define the procedure associated with a procedure identifier. The principal constituent of a procedure declaration is a statement or a piece of code, the procedure body, which through the use of procedure statements and/or function designators may be activated from other parts of the block in the head of which the procedure declaration appears. Associated with the body is a heading, which specifies certain identifiers occurring within the body to represent formal parameters. Formal parameters in the procedure body will, whenever , the procedure is activated (cf. section 3.2. Function procedure euler (fct, sum, eps, tim) ; value eps, integer tim ; real procedure fct ; real sum, eps ; comment euler computes the sum of fct(i) for i from zero tiln ; up lo infinity by means of a suitably refined euler transformation. The summation is stopped as soon as tim times in succession the absolute value of the terms of the transformed series are found to be l&s than eps. Hence, one should provide a function fct with one integer argument, an upper bound eps, and an integer tim. The output is the sum sum. euler is particularly efficient in the case of a slowly convergent or divergent alternating series ; begin integer i, k, n, t ; array m[0:15] ; real mn, mp, ds ; i :==n:= t:=O ; m[Oj := fct(0) ; sum : = m[l Ol/2 ; nextterm: i : = i+l ; mn : = fct(i) ; for k : = 0 step 1 until n do =mn ; begin mp := (mn+m[k])/2 ; WI m n : = mp end means ; if (abs(mn)<abs(m(n]))A(n<l5) then m(n] := begin ds : = mn/2 ; n := n+l mn end accept else ds : = mn ; sum := sum + d s ; if abs(ds)<eps then t :=I t+l else t := 0 ; if t<tim then go to nextterm end euler Communications of the ACM 311 EXAMPLE p r o c e d u r e RK(x,y,n,FKT,eps,eta,xE,yE,fi) ; value integer n ; Boolean fi ; real x,eps,eta,xE ; x,y ; array ?‘.?‘E ; procedure F K T ; c o m m e n t : RK integrates the system yk’=fk(x,yI ,y2 , , yn) (k = 1,2,. ,n) of differential equations with the method of RungeKutta with automatic search for appropriate length of integration step. Parameters are: The initial values x and y(k] for x and the unknown functions yk (x). The order n of the system. The procedure FKT(x,y,n,z) which represents the system to be integrated, i.e. the set of functions fk . The tolerance values eps and eta which govern the accuracy of the numerical integration. The end of the integration interval xE. The output parameter yE which represents the solution at x=xE. The Boolean variable 6, which must always be given the value true for an isolated or first entry into RK. If however the functions y must be available at several meshpomts x0, XI , . . , xn , then the procedure must be called repeatfor k=O;l, . . . , n-l) and then the edly (with x=xk , xE=xk+l, later calls may occur with fi=false which saves computing time. The input parameters of FKT must be x,y,n, the output parameter z represents the set of derivatives z[k]=fk(x,y[l], ~(21, . . . , y[n]) for x and the actual y’s. A procedure camp enters as a non-local identifier ; begin array z,yl&,y3[1:n] ; r e a l xl,x2,x3,H ; Boolean out ; i n t e g e r k,j ; own real s,Hs ; p r o c e d u r e RKlST(x,y,h.xe,ye) ; r e a l x,h,xe ; a r r a y s,se ; comment : RKlST integrates one single RUNGE-KUTTA w i t h i n i t i a l vulues x,y[k] which yields the output parameters xe=x+h und ye[k], the latter being the 6 This RK-program conl,ains wome new ideas which are related to ideas of S. GILL, A process for the step-Iby-st,ep inI.egrat ion of differen ial rqual ions in an 11ul omit1 icn computing machine, I’roc. f’f~l~h. I’hi/. SOC. 1’Of. 47 (1!)51) 11. 06; :LIld 1’. FldjRERG, ()I1 iorl o ~~JiirJp f ortliru~n JJJwhirJcs, l~‘y~iog~cJ~~. All plw minus X. *c’c~: niultipl~ :. f. HC~,~: divide : ? si(a(‘: rsl~ortcr~ti~Iior~ <, 5. =, 2, >, +;, scr: (rrl:itional opcrat.or) see: (logic:il 0prr:ttor) -.3.V.A.7. ). 5,Y : (‘,,mn1:1 FKT, s k,j ; a[11 :== a[21 : = a[5] : = h / 2 ; a[31 : = a[41 : = h ; xe := x for k := 1’step 1 until n do ye[k] := w[k] : = y[k] ; for j : = 1 step 1 until 4 do begin FKT(xe,w,n,z) ; xe:=x+a[j] ; for k : = 1 step 1 until n do * begin w[kl : = y[k]+a[j]><z[k] ; yeikl : = yelkl + a[j+l]Xz(kJ/3 end k end j end R K l S T ; Begin of program: if fi then begin H : = xE-x ; s : = 0 end else H : = Hs ; out : = falee ; AA: i f (x+2.01XH-xE>O)z(H>O) then begin Hs := H ; out := true ; H := (xE-x)/2 end if ; R K l S T (x,y,2xH,xl,yl) ; B B : R K l S T (x,y,H,x2,y2) ; RKlST(x2,y2,H,x3,y3) ; for k : = 1 step 1 until n do ; if comp(yl[k],y3[k],eta)>eps then go to CC comment : comp(a,b,c) is a function designator, the value of which is the absolute value of the difference of the mantissae of a and I), after the exponents of these quantities huve been made equal to the largest of the es; ponents of the originally given parameters a,b,c s : = x3 ; ; if out then go to 111) ; for k : = I step I until n do y(k] : = y3[k] if x=5 then hcpin s : = 0 s cc: H := x+1 ; go : = 0.5x1-I ; for k : = 1 step 1 go IO 1113 ; II : to A.4 ; Olll : = I-nlrr unlil rJ cl0 yl = 2x13 end if ; xl : = s2 ; \k] : = y2[k] ; referrntw :]I‘(’ pivrrl Ihrough section numl)ers. The rcfcrences are pivcrr in ~,hrec gro,lps: def Following I hex :~l)l)rrviat ion “def”, reference to t hr syntactic definition ( i f :~rr>,) is pivcn. synt Following 11~ :~l~trrc~vi:tIior~ “synt “, rcferenrrs I O Ihr occurrerlces i n mrl:rlil~p~li~Iic formulae arc given. Refrrencrs already quoted in Ihc def-groul) :lrp 110t rcpcated. lest Following I he word “tcsI “, the refcrrnces 10 definitions given in thr lest :irr g i v e n . The basic symbols rrprc.srrttrd by signs othrr than underlined tvordr have been collrcIetl :lt thr~ I,eginning. Thr examples have IW~JI ipnored in compiling the index. +, we: - . *PC’: n, begin a r r a y w[l:n], a[l:5] ; i n t e g e r the tlilTcrcrrIi:J (vIwI ions w i t h digiI.aI COIJISiillsk. Lrrccl. Fiirhd. 00 Nr. 1 I (1!)50) 11. 1 X - 1 5 2 . It must IX elcar, howrvcar, that w i t h rcslject t o cornlnitillp limr and round-off (arrors iI rn:iy not I)e optimal, nor has it :IcturLlly bWJ1 lctrtcd or1 il c:orlll”ltc?r. solul solution at xe. Important: the parameters enter RKlST as nonlocal entities ; 2.’ ; ; (basic statc’rllrsllt), tief 4.1.1 Synt 4.5.1 (basic s,vml)ol\, tlef ‘1 begin, svllt ?.I<, 4 . 1 .I (block). tlkf 4.1.1 syrll 4.5.1 test I, -I.L.:%, 3 (block he:ttl), tlef 4.1 .I Bocdear~, synt 2.3, 5.1.1 test 5.1.:: (Bo~~le:~n esprwsion), def :1.4.! synt 3, 3.3.1, 4.3.1, 4.5.1, 4.6.1 trst :t.4.:< (Boolrm factor), def :(.4.I (BooIe:~n primary), drf :%.4.1 (Boole:tn ~ecoutl:~ry). tlef Ii.4.1 (Boole:tn term), tlef iI.4.1 (bound pair), tlcf 5.2.1 (bound pair list.), tlef 52.1 (brwkct,), tlcf 2.:{ icnrl(,), *ynt. 5.4.1 test 4.73,5.4.6 cOiqlll : , ~~rlt~~.~1,~~.2.1:~.1.1,-~.5.1, 4.6.1. 4.7.1, 52.1 cnloll rqm1l := , aynt ?.I%, 42.1, 4.6.1. 5,:l.l c”nlml1 , , synt 2 . 3 , 3.1.1, 32.1, 4.G.1, 4.7.1, 5.1.1, 52.1, 53.1, 5.4.1 comment, tiynt 2.3 comment convention, text 2.3 , (compound statement), def 4.1 1 synt 4.5.1 text 1 (compound tail), def 4.1.1 (conditional statement), def 4.5.1 synt 4.1.1 text 4.5.3 (decimal fraction), def 2.5.1 (decimal number), def 2.5.1 text 2.5.3 decimal point ., synt 2.3,2.5.1 (declaration), def 5 synt 4.1.1 text I, 5 (complete section) (declarator), def 2.3 (delimiter), def 2.3 synt 2 (designational expression), def 3.5.1 synt 3,4.3.1, 5.3.1 test 3.5.3 (digit), def 2.2.1 synt 2, 2.4.1, 2.5.1 dimension, text divide +, / 2.3, s y n t 3.3.1 text 3.314.2 do. synt 2.3, 4.6.1 (dummy statement), def 4.4.1 synt 4.1.1 text 4.4.3 ( else, synt 2.3, 3.3.1, 3.4.1, 3.5.1, 4.5.1 text (empty), def 1.1 synt 2.6.1, 3.2.1, 4 4.1, 4.7.1, 5.4.1 1 end, synt 2.3, 4.1.1 entier, text 3.2.5 exponentiation 7, s y n t 2.3,3.3.1 text (exponent part), def 2.5.1 text 2.5.3 (expression), def 3 synt 3.2.1,4.7.1 text 3 (complete section) (factor), def 3.3.1 false, synt 2.2.2 for, synt 2.3, 4.6.1 (for clause), def 4.6.1 text 4.6.3 (for list), def 4.6.1 text 4.6.4 (itlrntifrr), tlef Z.-l.! s-n1 Z1.1 .I, :{.?.I, 3.5.1, 5.4.1 test ?.4.:% (itlrntilicr list), dcf 5.4.1 if, sent ?.:I*. ‘<.:{.I, 45.1 (if cln~w~. tlef X.:1.1, 4.5.1 *ynt 3.4.1. 3.3.1 test 3.3.3. (if ~tatemrnt), tlef 4.5.t tcst,4.5.:<.1 (imptic:Ltion), def ZS.4.1 integer, synt 2.3, .i.l.l test :i.l.3 (integer). tlef Z.5.1 test 2.5.4 InId, n,vnt 2.3. 5.4.1 (label), tlef S.5.1 synt 4.1.1, 4.5.1, 4.6.1 test 1 4.1.3 (left ptr’t) clef 42.1 (left part ikt), tlef 42.1 (letter) tlef’Z.1 sent ‘2.‘1.4.1,3:2.1 4.i.1 (letter itring), tief S.L’.l. 4.i.l ’ Iowl; test 4.1.:< (local or own type), clef 5.1.1 synt, 5.2.1 (loKiwI oper:ltor), tlcf ‘L.3 *ynt LS.4.1 test 3.4.5 (loKiwI v:~ltie). clrf o.“.‘) ) :s.4.1 -me,,*\nt ‘-, (lower Imind), def 5.2.1 test 5.2:& mirttrs - , synt L?.:$, Z.5.1. 3.3.1 test mliltiply X , synt 2.3, 3,:S.l trst (multiplyiu~ opcr:ltor), cl(sf 3.3.1 r~onloc:~l, test 4. I .:S (number), def 2.5.1 test 2.5.3, P.5.4 (open Ytring), def 2.6.1 (operator), def ‘2.3 own, synt 2.3, 5.1.1 text 5, 5.2.5 (parnmeter delimiter), def 3.2.1, 4.i.l synt 5.4.1 text 4.7.7 parentheses ( ), synt 2.3, 3.2.1, 3.3.1, 3.4.1, 3.5.1, 4.7.1, 5.4.1 test plus + , synt 2.3, 2.5.1, 3.3.1 text (primary), def 3.3.1 procedure, synt 2.3, 5.4.1 (procedure body), def 5.4.1 (procedure declaration), def 5.4.1 synt 5 text 5.4.3 (procedure heading), def 5.4.1 text 5.4.3 (procedure identifier) def 3.2.1 synt 3.2.1, 4.7.1, 5.4.1 text (procedure statement), def 4.7.1 synt 4.1.1 text 4.i.3 program, text 1 (proper string), def 2.6.1 quantity, text 2.7 real, synt 2.3, 5.1.1 text 5.1.3 (relation), def 3.4.1 text 3.4.5 (relational operator), def 2.3, 3.4.1 scope, text 2.7 semicolon ; , synt 2.3, 4.1.1, 5.4.1 (separator), def 2.3 (sequential operator), def 2.3 (simple arithmetic expression), def 3.3.1 text 3.3.3 (simple Boolean), def 3.4.1 (simple designational expression), def 3.5.1 Communications of the ACM 313 (simple variable), def 3.1.1 synt 5.1.1 text 2.4.3 space I , synt 2.3 text 2.3,2.6.3 (specification part), def 5.4.1 text 5.4.5 (specificator), def 2.3 (specifier), def 5.4.1 standard function, text 3.2.4, 3.2.5 (statement), def 4.1.1, synt 4.5.1, 4.6.1, 5.4.1 text 4 (complete section) statement bracket, see: begin end step, synt 2.3, 4.6.1 text string, synt 2.3, 5.4.1 (string), def 2.6.1 synt 3.2.1, 4.7.1 text 2.6.3 string quotes ‘ ‘, synt 2.3,2.6.1, text 2.6.3 subscript, text subscript bound, text subscript bracket [ 1, synt 2.3, 3.1.1, 3.5.1, 5.2.1 (subscripted variable), def 3.1.1 text (subscript expression), def 3.1.1 synt 3.5.1 (subscript list), def 3.1.1 successor, text 4 switch, synt 2.3, 5.3.1, 5.4.1 (switch declaration), def 5.3.1 synt 5 text 5.3.3 2 (switch designator), def 3.5.1 text 3.5.3 (switch identifier), def 3.5.1 synt 3.2.1, 4.7.1, 5.3.1 (switch list), def 5.3.1 (term), def 3.3.1 ten IO, synt 2.3, 2.5.1 then, synt 2.3, 3.3.1, 4.5.1 transfer function, text 3.2.5 true, synt 2.2.2 (type), def 5.1.1 synt 5.4.1 text 2.8 (type declaration), def 5.1.1 synt 5 text 5.1.3 {type list), def 5.1.1 (unconditional statement), def 4.1.1, 4.5.1 (unlabelled basic statement), def 4.1.1 (unlabelled block), def 4.1.1 (unlabelled compound), def 4.1.1 (unsigned integer), def 2.5.1,3.5.1 (unsigned number), def 2.5.1 synt 3.3.1 until, synt 2.3,4.6.1 text (upper bound), def 5.2.1 text 5.2.4 value, synt 2.3, 5.4.1 value, text 2.8, 3.3.3 (value part), def 5.4.1 text (variable), def 3.1.1 synt 3.3.1,3.4.1, 4.2.1, 4.6.1 text 3.1.3 (variable identifier), def 3.1.1 while, synt 2.3, 4.6.1 text 4 6.4.3 END OF THE REPORT [ T O T E : Reproductiou of this Report for auy purpow is explicitly permitt,ed; reference should be made to t,his i s s u e o f t h e C o m m u n i c a t i o n s as t.he source. Orders fw reprints of this Report may )w plnccd ulltjii JUIW SO, 1 !)tiO directly wit,11 the prilltcr of C’omm1(Ilicall:ons.]
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