BOXHOLDER Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Cambria, WI 53923 Permit #2 CAR-RT-SORT 410 E. Edgewater Street, Cambria, WI 53923 District Administrator Timothy Raymond: 920-348-5548, ext. 279 PK-12 Principal James Meyer: 920-348-5135, ext. 157 The Topper Times February 2015 Early Release Board of Education Information Thursday, February 26, 2015 Parent/Teacher Conferences Thursday, February 26, 2015 1:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Rita Woelffer Burmania, President Daniel DeYoung, Vice-President Jason Graham, Clerk Denise Bancroft-Hart, Treasurer Shelby Heller, Member John Heil, Member Marc Berger, Member District Administrator: Timothy Raymond Regular School Board Meetings are month in the Middle School/High School Library at 6:00 p.m. Agendas for these meetings are posted at the Farmers & Merchants Union Bank in Friesland, National Exchange Bank in Cambria, Friesland Post Office, Cambria Post Office, and on the front doors of the school. Cambria-Friesland School District Tours of Cambria-Friesland School and Referendum Discussions Tours of Cambria-Friesland School and discussions regarding the spring referendum will be hosted by the district. Below are a series of dates and times that will allow you the opportunity to tour our school and to share your thoughts about the upcoming school referendum. Please contact Executive Assistant Lisa Osterhoff at 920-348-5548 ext. 278 if you’d like sign-up for one of these events. Wednesday, Feb. 18th - Referendum Discussion 6:00 p.m. MS/HS Library Thursday, Feb. 19th - School Tour and Referendum Discussion 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, March 4th - Referendum Discussion 6:00 p.m. MS/HS Library Thursday, March 5th - School Tour and Referendum Discussion Wednesday, March 18th - Referendum Discussion 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. MS/HS Library Thursday, March 19th - School Tour and Referendum Discussion 10:00 a.m. Thank you Tim Raymond District Administrator, Cambria-Friesland Schools Cambria-Friesland School District Vision Statement “There will be students that come to us with different kinds of gifts, but they attend Cambria-Friesland School with one dream; academic success. There will be different levels of achievement, but one goal; graduation with skills to compete. There will be different kinds of future service, but one vibrant personality in his/her sharing with society. In the Cambria - Friesland School District, our Vision is to educate ALL through educating each student as one.” Cambria-Friesland School District Spring Referendum to Exceed the Revenue Limit Why is the district going to referendum and what does it mean to our students, school, and you? The Cambria-Friesland School District Board of Education during the December 22nd regular meeting of the Board, approved a Spring 2015 referendum. Provided here are several common questions regarding referendums and why more and more school districts in the state of Wisconsin are turning to their communities with referendums. ● What is a referendum and when is the vote for it?? It’s a question a village, township, municipality, or school can ask to the community for a direct decision. In this case the School District of Cambria-Friesland is asking the community for $1,400,000 to exceed the State Revenue Limit. The vote is April 7, 2015. ● What are Revenue Limits? In Fall, 1993, the Wisconsin legislature instituted a limit or control on the revenue a school district is entitled to receive each year. The control applies to revenue received from two sources: general state aid and local levies. The limits have significant impact on district finances, as general state aids and the General Fund (Fund 10) tax levy can comprise anywhere from 70-90% of a district's total General Fund revenues. ● How does the State of Wisconsin determine Revenue Limits for school districts, and how does this affect our local taxes? The revenue limits are determined predominantly through two factors: ● Student enrollment ● Local land valuation Local levies increase when schools experience declining enrollment, and/or a decrease land valuation. Also a stagnant enrollment can result in a higher school levy. ● How did the district come up with the $1,400,000 price tag? This fall the district hired R.W. Baird to develop a budget forecast model for the district. R.W. Baird works with hundreds of school districts around the state in budget forecasting. The forecast model showed that over the next three years the district will experience significant budget shortages. The $1,400,000 is the difference between the projected revenues and projected expenditures. ● Why can’t the school “tighten its belt” and find cost savings or budget reductions? The district has an approximate operating budget of $4.8 million dollars. This “tightening of the belt” would result in a 29% budget reduction. The effect would be a significant impact in every aspect of school operations. The quality and number of instructional, curricular, and co-curricular offerings for our students would be greatly diminished. ● What about consolidation with another school district? Has that been considered? Yes. The administration of Cambria-Friesland has met and continues to meet with our neighbor and counterpart to the east, the Randolph School District. Consolidation is a complicated process and both districts agree that our relationship needs to be begin with sharing of instructional services and programs. Both districts understand we can offer our students more through shared instruction, with a cost savings for each district. Whether or not this leads to the two districts consolidating remains to be seen, but it is a good first step if each district wants to revisit that conversation. ● What will happen to my property taxes if the referendum is passed? The school district portion of your property taxes will go up for the next three years. The mill rate determines the levy for each school district. The charts below show a six year historical picture of the mill rate and levy for Cambria-Friesland Schools as well as neighboring school districts. The mill rate represents how much a property owner would have levied based on every $1,000. In other words in 2014-2015 a property owner in Cambria-Friesland would pay $943 dollars in property taxes toward the school district if they owned a $100,000 home or $1,886 if they owned a $200,000 home. School District 2014-2015 Levy 2013-2014 Levy 2012-2013 Levy 2011-2012 Levy 2010-2011 Levy 2009-2010 Levy Cambria-Friesland 9.43* 11.32* 10.59 9.77 9.87 8.45 Columbus 10.98 11.28 10.90 10.55 10.27 9.11 Dodgeland 12.90 13.19 12.74 13.00 13.42 12.75 Fall River 9.35 9.30 9.92 9.99 9.56 8.60 Markesan 10.95 12.23 12.54 11.45 11.06 9.96 Pardeeville 10.59 11.08 10.57 10.69 10.66 10.13 Randolph 10.43 9.80 10.36 9.97 9.80 9.28 Rio Community 11.04 10.37 10.21 9.88 11.79 10.02 Area School District Six Year Levy Analysis *Denotes Cambria-Friesland School District - Utilizing fund balance to address revenue deficit. District Levy 6 Year Averages, Highs, Lows School District Levy 6 year Average Levy 6 Year High Levy 6 Year Low Cambria-Friesland 9.91 11.32 8.45 Columbus 10.51 11.28 9.11 Dodgeland 13.00 13.42 12.74 Fall River 9.45 9.99 9.30 Markesan 11.37 12.54 9.96 Pardeeville 10.62 11.08 10.13 Randolph 9.94 10.43 9.28 Rio Community 10.55 11.79 9.88 School District Total Equalized Value 6 Year Average Total Equalized Value 6 Year High/Year Total Equalized Value 6 Year Low/Year Cambria-Friesland 201,529,511.5 206,731,764/2009 196,201,602/2013 Columbus 640,203,541.5 659,863,542/2009 621,510,706/2013 Dodgeland 323,561,439.17 339,590,143/2009 310,860,158/2013 Fall River 217,578,965.67 221,027,417/2013 208,187,207/2011 Markesan 632,440,167.67 688,918,240/2010 583,502,165/2013 Pardeeville 500,950215.33 524,884,903/2009 489,011,261/2013 Randolph 208,317,408.67 217,749,139/2009 200,468,835/2012 Rio Community 223,485,516.67 236,723,774/2009 217,363,915/2013 ● The District of Cambria-Friesland is asking for $1,400,000 over the next three years. This is a three year “Non-recurring” referendum. Will the district have to go to referendum again in three years? Most likely yes. Remember the amount of money a district can levy is “capped” by the Revenue Limit, and that is based upon student enrollment and district land valuation. Unless the district would have a large increase in student population, and/or land valuation the amount allowed under current law would result in a projected budget deficit of $725,000 and $866,000 for the years 2018-2019 and 2019-2020. ● What are the projected differences in school district property taxes for a successful referendum and a failed referendum? Below are the current forecast projections. These are only projections and shouldn’t be seen as “hard numbers”. Forecast projections allow a district to predict and prepare for budget issues. Provided are the numbers for the years the district has operated or is projected to operate in a budget deficit. That number is presented in red. Year 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 Successful Referendum 11.32 $82,713 9.42 $248,371 $10.60 $11.14 $11.83 $8.78 $725,000 $8.69 $866,000 Failed Referendum NA NA $8.85 $8.89 $8.84 NA NA Other questions to be considered: ● If we’re in the same situation in three years, why didn’t the district ask for a five-year or recurring referendum? ● Is this an ongoing issue just with Cambria-Friesland Schools or are there other communities around the state facing this problem? ● Aren’t there places we can “cut” within the current budget? Over the next several months, at board and village meetings, I will make myself available to speak towards and answer questions regarding the referendum. If you’d be interested in hearing more please contact the school or join us at the monthly Board of Education meetings as monthly reports will be given each month leading up to the April 7, 2015 vote. Principal’s Corner by Jim Meyer In the coming months, our students will be completing any number of academic achievement assessments depending on their age levels. ACT, ACT Workkeys, the Badger Exam, and ACT Aspire are all assessments designed to measure student learning. The results of these assessments give indication to both student and parents the degree to which a student has mastered various learning targets throughout their educational career. The results of these assessments may also influence outcomes when students compete for scholarships and attempt entry into various colleges, universities, and technical college programs. Besides being a “snapshot” of student learning progress at the time the assessment is completed, it is also clear that these assessments are important to students’ available future learning opportunities. Yet, I want to suggest an additional benefit gleaned from student achievement results. These results not only help us as professional educators to identify areas of our educational programming and practice that are proficient and excellent, but also to pinpoint areas where we need to focus our efforts to improve. Students, too, need to hear about why these tests are important. Sometimes, some students minimize the importance of these assessments because they don’t see the relevance to their learning or letter grades on their report cards. We as parents and professional educators, working in concert, need to replace students’ misconceptions with a more empowering set of beliefs. These new beliefs include current research about academic achievement and motivation. Sometimes, students will have difficulty in a class and just say to themselves, “I’m not smart enough.” When this happens, students’ efforts may fall off or end completely. Brain-based research out of Stanford University suggests that our brains-our intelligences and abilities-are not fixed, but malleable and subject to growth. The researchers, Dr. Carol Dweck and Dr. Lisa Sorich Blackwell, have coined the term “Growth Mindset” to refer to what they have discovered about student motivation and beliefs (my intelligence/abilities are fixed/limited versus my intelligences/abilities can be stretched and grown through more positive, effortbased learning strategies to work harder and spend more time studying) and academic achievement. This is exciting news for learners of all ages! This news begins with science, but it must end as belief. One of my favorite quotes goes something like this: “Nothing has such power as an idea whose time has come.” What an empowering idea-developing a growth mindset-for us to share with and reinforce to our children. Coming full circle then, I am encouraging all readers-parents, students, family members, community members, and professional educators-to begin a conversation about the importance of our students preparing and expecting to do well during any type of assessment of student learning, whether it be a spelling test, a quiz on Shakespeare, an Algebra I unit exam, or one of the academic achievement assessments listed above. Thank you for reading along. School Counseling News By Mary Henrikson ACT Testing All juniors will be taking the ACT plus Writing on Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at school in the high school library. We will start by 8:30 a.m. The test will take 4-5 hours and there is no fee for the test. If students are ill, they can take the make-up test on March 17th. Please make every effort to have your junior attend. Once testing starts, late arriving students will not be allowed to test. In addition, juniors will be taking the ACT WorkKeys on March 4th, which includes 3, forty-five minute tests in Reading, Location Information and Math. The make-up day for the WorkKey is March 18th. Students will be doing some ACT preparation in various classes and should get on the ACT website to check out the pre-tests and ACT question of the day, at and The testing is required by the 2011 Assembly Bill 40, Act 20 and the 2013-15 biennial state budget that states Wisconsin will assess all high school students in 9, 10 and 11th grade. Nineth grade students take the ACT Aspire in fall and spring and 10th grade students will take the ACT Aspire in spring. Academic Planning There will be an 8th grade parent meeting on February 4 th at 4:00 p.m. in the high school library. I will go over credit information and course options. Mrs. Fude and I are currently working with the 8th grade class on career planning and getting ready for high school. Scheduling Classes 2015-2016 Starting next year all classes at both Randolph High School and Cambria-Friesland High School will be open to all students. In the event of scheduling conflicts or large class numbers, preference will be given to seniors and juniors. The scheduling process will start at the end of January as I will meet with the 9th grade students during their English class and meet individually with the sophomores and juniors. During the conference, students will get a credit check and I will go over course options and requirements. If parents would like to be part of the scheduling conference, please call and I will set a time that is convenient for parents and student. Scholarships Please check on the C-F website for scholarships. This year I have a new format for the seniors to complete for local scholarships. A copy of the form and directions, including a short resume are included in this newsletter. Students can access the form from our C-F website. PLEASE contact Mrs. Henrikson or Mrs. Warren if you need help. Students should turn in the application to Mrs. Henrikson by March 2, 2015. The local scholarships are: Seneca Foods, Terry Vredeveld, Old Mill Foundation/Eugene Jenkins, C-F Alumni, Kiwanis, Zachary Schultz, CFEA, Masonic, American Legion Aux, American Legion, Royal Neighbors, Ryan Jones, C-F Youth Soccer, Donald Koeppe and Rascals and Rockers. FAFSA College Goal Wisconsin will be at various locations during February. The purpose of College Goal Wisconsin is to give you on-site professional assistance completing the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). You must complete the FAFSA to be considered for grants and loans to help pay for college. Please go to for more information. The event starts at 2:00 p.m. on February 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th. School Nurse Information February is National Dental Month and a good time to remember the importance of keeping teeth healthy. It is important to have healthy teeth so that cavities do not prevent you from eating meals and having a nice smile! Encourage your child to brush their teeth in the morning and before bed. Applying a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste when your child is two years old is also important. Healthy foods and limited sweet snacks and drinks will also keep teeth healthy. Finally, remember to schedule regular dental check-ups with your dentist. My usual office hours are Mondays and Thursdays. You can reach me at 920-348-5135, Ext. 182 or e-mail In Good Health, Stacy Schmitt, School Nurse Preschool Screening The Cambria-Friesland School District is proud to offer free developmental screenings to any child living in the district who will turn three or four by September 1, 2015. The screening will be held on Monday, February 23, 2015 at the Cambria-Friesland Elementary School. At the screening, school staff will check your child’s vision, hearing, speech and language development, pre-academic skills and motor development, along with social and adaptive skills development. If your child will be four years old on or before September 1, 2015, you should have received a letter explaining the screening process and a scheduled time for your child’s screening. If you have a child of this age and you have not received a letter by Friday, February 6, 2015, please call the Cambria-Friesland Office, 348-5656, ext. 158 to schedule an appointment. If your child will be three by September 1, 2015 you will receive a letter encouraging you to call and make an appointment for your child’s screening. Please take advantage of this opportunity. If you would like your child to attend the three year old screening, please call 348-5656, ext. 158 to schedule an appointment. If you have a child younger than 3 years of age and would like them screened or have concerns about their development, you may also contact Columbia County Birth to three program at (608)742-9227. CAMBRIA-FRIESLAND MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL 2014-2015 SECOND QUARTER HONOR ROLL SENIORS JUNIORS SOPHOMORES FRESHMAN Andrew DeYoung* Isabella Hasselberger* Aaron Hughes* Caralee Krinke-Sauer* Megan Schmidt* Sullivan Schrandt* Brooke Wentland* Hailey Witthun* Paden Agnew Trevor Broesch Allison Schwark Dana DeYoung* Zoe Dykstra* Marco Gonzalez* Emma Grahn* Zachary Hughes* Adrian Johnson* Jacob Keip* Jonathan Pulver* Madison Quade* Alex SearVogel* Madeline Tamminga* Tyelar Warren* Kayla Wuerch* Wyatt Bancroft Logan DeBoer Jessica Stancer Kyra Voigt Sienna Bahr* Olivia Bancroft-Hart* Kaden Graham* Maverick Guenther* Ashley Hahn* Rachael Leystra* Olivia Parrott* Jordan Senf* Bailey Smit* Madelyn Smith* Ashtyn Smits* Gunnar Winchell* Tyler Zacho* Grant DeJager Aaron Ebert Clayton Schrandt Raquel Zavala Delaney Agnew* Noah Alsum* Morgan Burmania* Sawyer Burmania* Kira Colburn* Devon DeYoung* Faune Fisher* McKenna Murphy* Jacob Raymond* Ashleigh Theel* Lindsey Bauer Haley Fakes Joshua Fischer Samuel Johnson Madisyn Owen Samantha Winchell EIGHTH SEVENTH SIXTH Greta Albrecht* Talia Burmania* Colten DeJager* Chloe DeYoung* Morgan Gove* Hailey Hendrickson* Karsen Hickman* Maja Smull* Coltan Wentland* Eduardo Zavala* Codey Broesch Adam Draheim Bambi Guerrero-Voudouris Ariel Krieger Tyler Olson-Deisinger Skyler Ostruske Hanna Raley Austin Schepp Katelyn Schneider Paige Brandsma* Javier Cavazos* Katherine Clark* Camber Ebert* Morgan Jones* Makenna Koopmans* Samuel Leystra* Valeria Martinez* Joseph Pulver* Maximus Raymond* Bayleigh Sanborn* Simon Schrandt* Derek Schumacher* Abbigail Schwark* Emily Tenfel* Jakob Albrecht Victoria Bagneski Anthony Campbell Angelica Dreyer Bayley Heidt Aidan Knudson Collin Koronkiewicz Maxwell Papp Shelby Potenberg Carter Smits Alanah Braaksma* Austin Braaksma* Carmen Briones* Cade Burmania* Myjah Drews* Seth Geise* Emma Gove* Griffin Hart* Alexis Johnson* Murphy Newbrough-Garde* Kady Oliver* Rylee Prochnow* Alyssa Raley* Chloe Saalsaa* Analiese Smull* Gavin Winchell* Zachary Deakin Thomas Faulkner Lydia Harmon Sadie Heller James Hoel Mason Hughes Eli Lehman Julliana Neal Sergio Salgado Alexander Tenfel Sydney Wallace * denotes GPA of 3.5 or above Terrific Kids Program The character trait for the month of December was “Responsible”. December Kids’ Awards went to: Pre-Kindergarten Rayna Helmer, Skylynn Boling, Allyson Dykstra, Madeline Schepp Kindergarten Austin DeVries, Gretta Hahn, Morgan Katze, Vivian Henderson First Grade Michael Rodriguez, Alexander Raymond, Brenna Younger, Jacob Moore Second Grade Brayden Busse, Xzavyor Dates, Kaylee Jahnke, Lucas Tenfel Third Grade Josephine Hoel, James Younger, Gwen Hahn, Isabella Braaksma Fourth Grade Jordan Olson-Deisinger, Taryn Smits, Drake Burmania, Mackenzie Hadden Fifth Grade Kevin Papp, Caden Jahnke, Spencer Wiersma, Cooper Schrandt The character trait for January is “Inclusive”. Kindergarten Writing Ms. Quick’s kindergarten class has been working hard making their own books. They have made a rough draft and even published a final draft on the computer. These books will be published in the elementary library in the coming weeks. Until then enjoy some other great writing pieces. I love my dad and Jill and Gwen and me and gram. I love my whole family. -Gretta Hahn My dad’s birthday is Tuesday. He’s not going to the park. -Kayleigh Schoemann I got a dog for Christmas. It’s name is Rosie. -Lily Fettig MS Forensic Team Competes at Conference Meet On Monday, January 9, 2015, the Middle School Forensic team along with Coaches Quade and Kavicky travelled to Johnson Creek Middle School and competed in the Trailways Conference Middle School Forensic Meet. The Hilltopper speakers did very well scoring two conference champions, nine first place ribbons, and three second place ribbons. The team consisted of 23 participants in the following twelve entries (place in parenthesis): Demonstration speeches by Alyssa Raley (1st) and Chloe Saalsaa (Conference Champion) Play Acting by Talia Burmania, Chloe DeYoung, Karsen Hickman, and Maja Smull (1st), Carmen Briones, Guenevere Fischer, and Kady Oliver (1st), and Alisa Ostruske and Sydney Wallace (2nd) Poetry by Myjah Drews (2nd) and Samuel Leystra (2nd) Prose by Sawyer Quade (Conference Champion for the third year in a row) Reader's Theatre by Alexis Johnson and Emma Gove (1st), Morgan Gove and Joseph Pulver (1st), Alanah Braaksma and Shelby Potenberg (1st) and Murphy Garde, Seth Geise, and Griffin Hart (1st) Students Reminded To Dress Warm With the weather getting colder, it is important that your child(ren) is prepared at school. Elementary children are expected to go outside for every recess. Please dress them appropriately with hats, gloves, coats, boots, and snow pants. An extra pair of gloves is also a wise choice if your child’s are not waterproof. Trade Up….. Demand for skilled workers in the trade areas is on the rise………………………. Here’s a sampling of the trades. For more information walk down the hallway in the high school and see the banners displayed on the wall. (How to get there and who to contact are displayed on the banners). Plumbers: Plumbers design, install, repair and maintain piping systems such as waste, vent, potable water, storm water, wastewater treatment and gas systems (propane, natural and medical)) in residential, commercial and industrial buildings. Plumbers assemble, install, maintain and repair pipes. Job outlook and wages: $30.59 average hourly wage with a +21% job outlook through 2020 in Wisconsin. Bricklayers: Bricklayers lay and bind building materials, such as brick, structural tile, concrete block, cinder block, glass block, and terra-cotta block, with mortar and other substances to construct or repair walls, partitions, arches, sewers, and other structures to comply with ASTM Masonry standards. Job outlook and wages - $26.88 average hourly wage with a +28% job outlook through 2020 in Wisconsin. Sheet Metal Workers: Sheet metal construction offers a diverse selection of rewarding opportunities both locally and nationally. Job outlook and wages: $25.13 average hourly wage and +14% job outlook through 2020 in Wisconsin. Construction Craft Laborers: Construction Craft Laborers work on all types of construction projects at job sites. Laborers can build and repair roads, highways, bridges, tunnels, clean up hazardous waste sites and construct buildings. Job outlook and wages - $18.60 average hourly wage and +16% job outlook through 2020 in Wisconsin. Painters and Drywall Finishers Painters prepare surfaces for painting and apply paints, stains, varnish and other finishes to buildings and other structures. Job outlook and wages: $23.55 average hourly wage and +34% job outlook through 2020. Electricians Electricians assemble, install and wire electrical systems that operate heating, lighting, power air conditioning and refrigeration components, electrical machinery, equipment and controls and communication systems. Electricians plan, diagram, install and repair electrical fixtures, apparatus and control equipment such as switches, relays and circuit breaker panels. Job outlook and wages: $25.63 average hourly wage and +20% job outlook in Wisconsin. Steamfitters Steamfitters lay out, assemble, fabricate, troubleshoot, maintain and repair piping systems which carry water, steam, chemicals, compressed air, liquids, gases or fuel used in energy production, heating, cooling, food processing, manufacturing, lubricating and other process piping systems. Job outlook and wages: $30.59 average hourly wage and +23% job outlook through 2020. Iron Workers Iron Workers routinely raise, place and connect steel to form completed structures or structural framework. The placement of reinforcing bars in concrete construction, machinery moving and rigging of equipment, installation of miscellaneous fabricated building components, welding fabrication, ornamental, aluminum, sash, brass, bronze and plastic materials, and work with metal to close tolerances are also routine. Job outlook and wages: $26.78 average hourly wage with a +12% job outlook through 2020 in Wisconsin. Cambria-Friesland School Breakfast Menu – February 2015 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday WG = Whole Grain Cereal and fresh fruit are offered daily for breakfast. 2 Cereal Yogurt / Bug Bites Juice / Fruit Milk 3 Cinnamon Roll Cheese Stick Juice / Fruit Milk 9 Banana Bread Yogurt Juice / Fruit Milk 10 Warm Muffins Cheese Stick / Raisins Juice / Fruit Milk 16 Cereal Nutri-Grain Bar Juice / Fruit Milk 23 Cereal Yogurt / Bug Bites Juice / Fruit Milk 4 Breakfast Scramble Pizza Bug Bites Juice / Fruit Milk 11 Sunrise Flat Bread Chex Mix or Trix Bar (Grades 6-12) Juice / Fruit Milk 17 18 Egg & Cheese Omelet WG Toast Juice / Fruit Milk Cinnamon Roll Cheese Stick Juice / Fruit Milk 24 Breakfast Scramble Pizza Bug Bites Juice / Fruit Milk Egg & Cheese Omelet WG Toast Juice / Fruit Milk 25 Breakfast Prices: PK-12 = $1.35 per meal. 5 French Toast Juice / Fruit Milk Adult = $1.70 per meal. 6 Breakfast Pizza Yogurt / Bug Bites Juice / Fruit Milk 12 French Toast Juice / Fruit Milk 13 WG Mini Waffle Scrambled Eggs Juice / Fruit Milk 19 Breakfast Pizza Bagel Juice / Fruit Milk 20 WG Pancakes Juice / Fruit Milk 26 27 Egg/Ham/Cheese Breakfast Pizza Patti Juice / Fruit Milk WG Toast Juice / Fruit Milk Menus are subject to change. (USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.) Cambria-Friesland School Lunch Menu - February 2015 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday WG = Whole Grain Fresh fruit & vegetables are offered daily. Salad bar will not be offered as a meal alternative; however salad bar fixings are available for grades 6-12. 2 Burrito Bake Refried Beans / Corn WG Bread Mandarin Oranges Hamburger Baked Fries Green Beans / Coleslaw Pears 3 9 Tacos Lettuce/Tomato Refried Beans / Corn Fruit Cocktail Mighty Rib w/WG Bun Baked Potato Broccoli Peaches 10 16 Lasagna Romaine Lettuce Bread Stick Pineapple 17 Popcorn Chicken Mashed Potatoes Broccoli Mandarin Oranges 23 Chicken Nuggets Rice Green Beans Pears 4 Turkey w/WG Bun Multi-Grain Chip Fresh Veggies / Romaine Fruit Cocktail 11 Roasted Chicken Patti w/WG Bun Vegetables Mac N Cheese / Carrots Apple Slices 18 Toasted Cheese Tomato Soup Fresh Veggies Fruit Cocktail 24 Hot Dog w/WG Bun Mary’s Vegetarian Beans Coleslaw Peaches 5 Chicken Teriyaki Rice Asian Vegetables Peaches 12 13 Pizza Dippers Pizza Sauce / Garden Salad Green Beans Applesauce 19 20 Mini Corn Dogs Creamy Noodles Veg Beans / Green Beans Pears Sloppy Jo w/WG Bun Potato Wedges Fresh Veggies Mandarin Oranges Pizza Romaine Lettuce Peas Peaches 25 Baked Potato Bar Ham Slice / Cheese Bread Pineapple 6 Spaghetti Pizza Dipper Carrots / Zucchini Pineapple 26 Chicken Patti w/WG Bun Mashed Potatoes Carrots Mandarin Oranges 27 Sub Sandwich Sun Chips Fresh Veggies Fruit Cocktail *All meals are served with milk. Menus are subject to change. Lunch Prices: Grades PK-5 = $2.30. Grades 6-12 = $2.45. Adult = $3.45. Supersize = $1.00. Cambria-Friesland Hunter Education/Firearm Safety Class $10.00 per student, parent/guardian required to attend 1st class. Successful completion of class includes free small game license and DNR Hunter Education Card. Students and parents can register and pick up course materials on Wednesday, February 4th from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Room 112 at the Cambria-Friesland High School. Students will complete handbook prior to first class on February 9th. Classes will meet on Monday and Wednesday from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in classroom 112, Mr. Knudson’s Classroom on February 9th, 11th, 16th, 18th, 23rd, and 25th. The test will be held on March 2nd. Contact Mr. Johnson, Mr. Knudson or David Prochnow at CambriaFriesland Schools with any questions. Spanish Club Popcorn Sale Once again the CF Spanish Club will be selling Rural Route 1 Popcorn. Popcorn is available in unpopped version (yellow or white) or microwaveable (butter or butter light). Popped corn is available in the following flavors: caramel, cheese, mud puddles (our best seller; caramel corn and peanuts coated in creamy fudge), white gold (popcorn, almonds, and white fudge), and white ruby (popcorn, tart cranberries, and white fudge). The sale will run from February 4 - 18. To order, contact a Spanish Club member or Mrs. Wagener (348-5135, ext. 115). Proceeds will go towards our trip to a Spanish-speaking country. The next Booster Club meeting is Wednesday, March 4, 2015 at 7:15 p.m. in the Middle School/ High School Library. By attending the meeting, you will learn more about how the Cambria-Friesland Booster Club supports your child’s athletics. If you can’t attend the meeting, but would like to help out in some way, please contact a Booster Club member. Please help support our school and your child’s athletic program by attending a meeting or volunteering to assist in upcoming events! TOPPER CLOTHING Topper Clothing is available to order. Samples of products are located in the Clothing Closet located near the cafeteria. Check out the clothing choices and designs. Cambria-Friesland School District Activity Calendar February 2015 Sunday 1 Witthun/ Pulver Open Gym 8 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2 Spanish Club Fundraiser Begins Singing Valentines Pep Band Performance 4:30pm HS Conf Forensic Meet @ CWC 4:30pm Basketball MS-G/MS Away vs. Green Lake 3 4:30pm BasketballG/MS Rio Community School District 4:30pm Basketball MSG/MS Rio Community School District 6:00pm BasketballG/JV Away vs. Randolph 6:00pm BasketballB/JV Away vs. Rio Community School District 6:00pm BasketballB/JV Away vs. Rio Community School District 7:30pm BasketballB/Varsity Away vs. Rio Community School District 10 3:30pm-4:45pm Girl Scout Brownie Mtg@ Room 135 3:30pm Curriculum Mtg 4:30pm Basketball MSG/MS Away vs. Fall River 6:00pm BasketballG/JV Abundant Life Christian 7:30pm BasketballG/VarsityAbundant Life Christian 7:30pm BasketballB/Varsity Away vs. Markesan 17 Wrestling Team Sectionals @ Lodi 4:30pm Basketball MSG/MS Green Lake / Princeton 6:00pm BasketballG/JV Oshkosh Lourdes 7:30pm BasketballG/Varsity Oshkosh Lourdes 4 3:30pm-5:30pm D Johnson/Hunter Safety Rm 112 4:00pm - 5:00pm 8th Grade Parent Mtg@ MS/HS Library 5 4:00pm Basketball MS-G/MS Dodgeland 6:00pm BasketballG/JV Away vs. Horicon 6:00pm BasketballB/JV Oshkosh Lourdes 7:30pm BasketballB/VarsityOshkosh Lourdes 6 DI Fundraiser Begins - Valentine Lollipops 9:00am-12:15pm 8th Grade - MATC Tour 6:00pm BasketballG/JV Away vs. Oakfield Junior / Senior 7:30pm BasketballG/Varsity Away vs. Oakfield Junior / Senior 9 Spanish Club Popcorn Fundraiser Begins 9:30am-11:00am EC/PK4 Family Fun Day 1:45pm-3:14pm 4K Family Fun Day 3:30pm-5:30pm D Johnson/Hunter Safety Rm 112 3:30pm Wrestling JV Invite @ Columbus 15 16 Witthun/ 3:30pm-5:30pm D Pulver Johnson/Hunter Open Gym Safety Rm 112 4:30pm Basketball MS-G/MS Pardeeville 4:30pm Sub District Forensic @ Randolph Witthun/ Pulver Open Gym Saturday 7 8:00am8:00pm Club Ball - 5th Grade Boys/Girls Tournament @ Multiple locations 10:00am Wre stling Trlways Conf Tournament @ Oshkosh Lourdes 11 12 3:30pm-5:30pm 3:30pm-4:45pm D Johnson/Hunter Daisy Mtg Rm 135 Safety Rm 112 4:30pm Basketball MSG/MSMarkesan 6:00pm BasketballG/JV Away vs. Green Lake / Princeton 7:30pm BasketballG/Varsity Away vs. Green Lake / Princeton 13 14 6:00pm Basketball- 8:00am Wrest G/Varsity Away vs. ling Regionals Lomira @ Marshall 6:00pm BasketballB/JV Green Lake / Princeton 7:30pm BasketballG/JV Away vs. Lomira 7:30pm BasketballB/Varsity Green Lake / Princeton 18 Junior Girl Scout Mtg 3:30pm-5:30pm D Johnson/Hunter Safety @ Rm 112 6:00pmReferendum Discussion @ MS/HS Library 20 Pep Band Performance 6:00pm BasketballG/JV Randolph 7:30pm BasketballG/Varsity Randolph 9:00pm HS Movie Night @ CF 21 Early Solo Ensemble Oshkosh Lourdes 10:00am Wre stling Individual Sectionals @ Richland Center 27 Wrestling Individual State @ Madison 7:00pm BasketballG/Varsity TBA vs. TBA 28 TBD Basketb all-G/Varsity TBA vs. TBA Wrestling Individual State @ Madison 19 10:00am - School Tour/Referendum Discussion @ MS/HS Library 4:30pm Basketball MS-G/MS Away vs. Montello 6:00pm BasketballB/JV Away vs. Valley Christian School 7:30pm BasketballB/Varsity Away vs. Valley Christian School 22 23 24 25 26 Witthun/ 3 & 4 Year Old 3:30pm-4:45pm Girl Scout 9:00am - 9th Wrestling Pulver Screening Brownie Mtg @ Rm 135 Grade Ski Trip - Individual State @ Open Gym Pep Band 7:00pm BasketballDevil's Head Madison Performance G/Varsity TBA vs. TBA Resort 1:00pm- 5:30pm 3:30pm-5:30pm D 3:30pm-5:30pm Parent/Teacher Johnson/Hunter D Johnson/Hunter Conference Safety @ Room Safety @ Rm 112 1:00pm Early 112 Release 6:00pm Board of Education Mtg @ MS/HS Library 6:00pm BasketballB/JV Pardeeville 7:30pm BasketballB/VarsityPardeeville You may apply for open enrollment from February 2 – April 30, 2015 The public school open enrollment application period is February 2, 2015 through April 30, 2015. Parents may apply for open enrollment on-line at If you would like assistance in applying on-line, you may stop by the Cambria-Friesland District Office and assistance will be provided. You may also call the District Office at 920-348-5548, ext. 278 for assistance. Cambria-Friesland School District is a place where learning is encouraged, knowledge is developed, and instruction is exciting. The District’s staff, community, volunteers, supportive parents, and citizens all have a common mission, and that is to provide the best academic and co-curricular environment possible to enrich your child’s life. Important open enrollment dates February 2 – April 30, 2015 – Parents must submit applications online or directly to the nonresident school district. June 5, 2015 – Nonresident school districts must mail notices of approval or denial. If the application is approved, the school district must notify the parents of the specific school or program to which the pupil is assigned. If the application is denied, parents have 30 days to file an appeal. June 12, 2015 – Resident districts must notify applicants if the application is denied. If the application is denied, parents have 30 days to file an appeal. June 26, 2015 – Parents of accepted applicants must notify the nonresident district if the pupil will attend the nonresident district in the 2015-16 school year. If the parent fails to make this notification, the nonresident district may refuse to allow the pupil to attend the district. CALL TODAY FOR A TOUR OF THE SCHOOL AND ENROLLMENT INFORMATION (920) 348-5548, Ext. 278 NOTICE OF SPRING ELECTION OF SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS (Sec. 120.06(8)(b), Wis. Stats.) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at an election to be held in the Cambria-Friesland School District on Tuesday, April 7, 2015, the following offices are to be elected. The term of office for school board member is three years beginning on Monday, April 27, 2015. Township of Scott - John Heil (incumbent) School District At Large - Daniel J. DeYoung (incumbent) Voting will be held in the following places: Village of Cambria Village of Friesland Town of Courtland Town of Randolph Town of Springvale Town of Scott Town of Kingston Town of Manchester Village Office Village Hall - Community Room Courtland Town Hall Randolph Town Hall (Friesland) Springvale Town Hall Scott Town Hall Kingston Town Hall & Senior Center Manchester Senior Center All polling places will be open at 7:00 a.m. and will close at 8:00 p.m. Dated this 9th day of January, 2015. Jason Graham Cambria-Friesland School District Clerk INCLEMENT WEATHER Announcements concerning school closings in the event of bad weather or severe road conditions will be broadcast on the following radio/television stations: WBEV – Beaver Dam 1430 AM WDDC – Portage 100 FM WXRO – Beaver Dam 95.3 FM WISC TV – Madison Channel 3 WOLX – Madison 94.9 FM WKOW TV – Madison Channel 27 WPDR – Portage 1350 AM If school is cancelled or delayed due to inclement weather an AlertSolutions message will be sent out. School cancellations or delays will be made as early as possible. PARENTS: Please have an alternate plan of action for your younger children as to where to go if you are not home in case of school dismissal earlier than scheduled. During snowy days buses will also be starting out five (5) minutes earlier in the A.M. CHILDREN: Do dress warmly for the winter season. Unless extreme weather conditions exist, you will be going outside during recess. IF SCHOOL IS DELAYED FOR TWO (2) HOURS OR MORE, MORNING EARLY CHILDHOOD/PRE-KINDERGARTEN CLASSES WILL NOT BE HELD. IF THERE IS AN EARLY RELEASE, AFTERNOON PRE-KINDERGARTEN CLASSES WILL NOT BE HELD.
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