News Letter Working Men of Christ Ministry, inc. Working Men of Christ Ministry, inc. WMOC January 2015 8th Issue 1017 S. Market Wichita, KS 67211 PHONE/ FAX: 316-440-0141 BOARD MEMBERS A Word from New Board Member Pastor Byron Davis Hello brothers and sisters, I am Pastor Byron Davis one of the newest board members of Working Men of Christ. I am excited about this ministry and what God is doing by revealing Himself and His very nature, by His Spirit through His Word to us who are supporters and associates of this ministry, we all are a very important part of what God is doing to bring souls to the Lord, let us never forget that this is what its all about. Since I have been a part of this ministry God has restarted the fire in my heart for soul winning again like never before. I remember in 2001, I was in Ellsworth Correctional Facility and the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me and said “rise up thou mighty man of valor for I have a great mission for you, and He said every man I bring across your path, I want you to introduce them to my Son Jesus, that I might lead them out of the ashes of defeat and breathe new life in them again, and it reminded me of the “Valley of the Dry Bones”, Ezekiel 37; God told Ezekiel to prophesy the Word of the Lord to the bones and they shall live and have hope again and know that I am the Lord. Sharing the word is the most important part of any ministry because it redefines us from who we are and gives us a clear picture of who God is and who we are suppose to be, it is a reflection of Christ and it gives us the faith and the courage we need to obey God when we believe. John 6:63, it is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life. When men hear the Word of the Lord and receive it, it gives new life and that’s why the devil fights men so hard because he must first bind the strong man, then he can spoil the goods. He is afraid that if men began to believe in Jesus it confirms the record that he is defeated, and the people begin to know there place in the Kingdom. John 8:32, “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” • Spencer Lindsay (President, Ministry/ Housing Director) • Pastor Ray Dempsey (Vice President) • Harvey McFarland (Treasurer) • Paul Posh (Secretary) • Bob Christiansen (Legal Co.) Bob Smith (Dir. Inmate • Correspondence/Asst. Housing Director) • Robin Longstreet (Dir. Women’s Ministry, House of Ruth) • Victor Hercules (Dir. Spanish Ministry) • Billie Bridgers • Wendy McFarland A Word from Director of Women, Robin Longstreet • Don Alley House of Ruth is all finished, Praise God for Arlen Flora and his crew, Danielle White, Andy Crook and all the other volunteers that have donated time and talent towards making this vision a reality for God’s Kingdom. We have received many inquiries and two applications so far. Myself and several board members have interviewed the two applicants and our decision will be discussed during January’s board meeting here in Topeka. Several of us will join together in the near future for final cleanup as we prepare for an open house in January and the actual opening of House of Ruth In February. We will notify everyone of the actual dates soon. WMOC’s first event of 2015 at Topeka Correctional Facility, will be Wednesday January 28th at 7PM. We will testify to God’s goodness, talk about the “Captivity Series” and introduce House of Ruth. After this presentation which will include any members of WMOC that wish to attend, I will be taking the “Captivity Series” into TCF and study with the ladies every last Wednesday of the month! • Dr. Larry Anderson • Pastor Byron Davis I love you all with the Love of the Lord, Happy New Year. Pastor Byron Davis God Bless you all and please keep HOR in your prayers as you consider what areas God might have you help our ministry grow!! God Bless, Robin Foundational Scripture “But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.” (James 1:25 NKJV) House of Jeremiah at Scotch and Sirloin for Christmas dinner. Thank you Bob Christianson for the dinner. WMOC Prayer Line Call 316-440-0141, we would love to pray with you. WMOC Ministry News Cont. A Word from House of Jeremiah Resident Wesley Davis The same way mankind is continually coming out with newer, faster and better • equipment to make our jobs easier; is the same way God wants to equip His children. God says, if my children will let me give them new outfits and equipment all the time, then I will continually equip them with new equipment that will better outfit them for their journey and for divine ability in the Holy Spirit. As we continue to surrender to God then he is going to do a work on the inside of us and equip us to do His will. It’s His will. He’s the one that decided the will, not us. It’s His job to do the equipping, not ours. As we continue to allow Him to equip us to do His will, then in return it becomes a blessing to us. • God Bless, Wesley Davis A Word from Founder and President Spencer Lindsay Amos 3:3, “Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?” First I want to thank our partners, sponsors, and supporters for your prayers, gifts and donations. The ministry has received over $121,000.00 in 2014, and every dollar has helped advance God’s Kingdom. I appreciate everyone who has come into agreement with this ministry, in helping the lost and incarcerated. As I journal this morning Jesus said, “I have given this ministry favor because it produces fruit. You know them by their fruit, tell them to pass the word that Jesus is Lord and anyone who chooses Me will never be put to shame. Don’t take anything for granted, tomorrow is not promised to you. Today is NOW and this ministry is a faith ministry.” We cele• brate our fourth year of ministry in July of this year, and every day has been an experience of growth, and maturity. To those incarcerated know this: that Jesus’ mercy is new every morning, get a hold of Him, and “Let go and Let God”!! Love you, Spencer Lindsay WMOC Missions to Africa, Brook Cherith Ministries WMOC has partnered up with Brook Cherith Ministries, Founder: Pastor Kwadwo Amponsah. “Taking the water of the word into the dry places.” • PG. 2 Working Men of Christ Ministry To assist each person who is willing to relocate from the county they are familiar with to start to build a new relationship with Jesus Christ in a new environment. To assist each person into a discipleship housing program, House of Jeremiah, House of Joshua, House of Ruth that will help them with transportation, stability, identification, employment, as they reintegrate back into society with a mentor. To assist each person in connecting with a local body of believers so that they may maintain renewing the mind, strengthened and encouraged in their walk with Jesus Christ. To encourage and help each person stay connected through support and accountability. Pastor Amponsah has been chosen by God to “take the water of the Word into the dry places.” He has been called to the nations. He and his family are a blessing to those within their sphere of influence and beyond. Are you a part of the remnant? Many are called, but few are chosen. Initiatives include: Brook Cherith TeleMinistry, which includes: Praise and Worship, Intercessory Prayer, Teaching, Preaching, Pastoral Counsel, Exhortation, Leadership Training. International Outreach is expanding and God continues to open doors for our ministry. Missions trips are taken yearly. Future trip to East Africa is being planned. Resources continue to be donated from different ministries, organizations and individuals to support the ministry efforts. Captivity Series by Katie Souza Incentives paid out to date: $6,560.00 Inmate Bibles paid for to date: $1,612.12 WMOC Outreaches PG. 3 Save Souls Thrift Store Discipleship Homes Save Souls Thrift store is an outreach of Working Men of Christ Ministry, Inc. Its’ goal is to not only fund the ministry, but it allows people who are living on a low or fixed income to buy things they need at a low price. The store is located on the grounds of Word of Life Church’s North campus at 3811 North Meridian in Wichita, KS. All proceeds fund either WMOC or Word of Life Church’s Vision 2020. It works with a very low overhead by taking only donations. The directors of it are Bob Smith on the WMOC side and Stacy Foster on the Vision 2020 side. If you have any questions or would like to donate items such as clothing, dishes or other misc. items you can contact Bob Smith at 785-285-2425. We recently received a bunch of new clothes, hats and coats. Come on out and see what great deals you can find with us or to just have an awesome prayer time with two awesome people of God. House of Jeremiah 316-440-0141 House of Joshua 785-246-6493 House of Ruth (Opens in February 2015) 785-230-9763 House of Mary Coming Soon for Teen moms House of Jeremiah The House of Jeremiah is the flagship house of WMOC’s discipleship home program. It was opened in February of 2014. It is located at 1017 S. Market in Wichita, KS. It is a house for men. It is directed by Spencer Lindsay, with Bob Smith as house mentor. The House of Jeremiah is currently full. The residents are Raymond, Zachery, Eric, Wesley, Charlie, Ronnie, and Manuel. The House of Jeremiah is visiting church bodies around Wichita, thank you First United Methodist Church, Mulvane Brethren Church, and Second Baptist Church for your invitations. House of Jeremiah at 1017 S. Market in Wichita, KS. House of Joshua The House of Joshua opened in Topeka, KS, just a couple months after the House of Jeremiah. The House of Joshua is also a house for men. It is located at 1220 NW VanBuren in Topeka, KS. It is directed by Spencer Lindsay and Todd Hicks The House of Joshua has 11 residents; Allen, Todd, Matt, Derek, Michael, Aaron, Christopher, Andy, Jerry and Cully. We would like to thank our home church, Grace Community Church in Overbrook Kansas, where the men are cooking Sunday morning breakfast. We are in need of a 8-12 passenger van to transport guys to and from work, parole and house functions. If you can help contact Spencer Lindsay at “785-2852131”. New House of Joshua at 1175 SW Clay in Topeka, KS. Housing Updates The House of Ruth is up and ready to go! They will be opening on February 13 and receive their first resident on the 23 of February. Thank you to Arlen Flora and Midwest Construction for your time and effort in the renovations and construction of the House of Ruth to get it ready. We need help with the renovations of the new House of Joshua. If you or your church would like to adopt a room please call Spencer Lindsay at 785-285-2131. Donations New House of Ruth (For Women) at 1025 SW Western in Topeka, KS. We need your help and support to continue these works. Please send donations to WMOC, inc, P.O, box 47491 Wichita, Kansas 67201. You can make donations at “Now the Lord said to Abram Get out of your country from your family, from your fathers house to a land that I will show you.” (Mark 6:4) Events and Partners Upcoming Events WMOC Sponsors/Partners Jan. 25 Second Baptist Church, Winfield Kansas • • Word of Life South, Wichita, KS • • Jan. 28 WMOC’s first event at Topeka Correctional Facility • • Impact Design, Lansing, KS Feb. 1 Cross Point Freewill Baptist Church, Wichita, KS • • • Mentoring4Success Feb. 7 WMOC Board meeting 3:00 PM • Feb. 8 Wellington Methodist church, Wellington, KS • Feb. 11 House of Ruth Board meeting, Topeka, KS • Feb. 13 House of Ruth Opens • • Feb. 15 Mulvane Brethren Church, Mulvane, KS • Feb. 23 First Resident for House of Ruth Arrive • • Feb. 27– March 1 Brothers in Blue weekend at ECF WMOC ministry team will be holding services at: • • Feb. 22 Wellington Second Baptist Church, Wellington, KS March 1 Opening WMOC’s new restaurant Jehovah’s grill and Coffee House in Wichita, KS Special Shout Outs Thank You Arlen Flora for your excellent service as President of the Board. Thank you Wally Pollock for stepping up to the call of Board President of Topeka Board. 16 inmates rededicated their lives to Christ, 6 were baptized and 2 received Jesus as their personal Savior at Brothers in Blue Weekend at WCF. Spencer Lindsay, Rodney Greathouse, Clint Price, Alvaro Arevalo, Jackie Johnson at WCF Brothers Royce Montgomery with Pastor Byron Davis Pastor Spencer Lindsay with Pastor Byron Davis, and Dennis at the Christmas Dinner. PG. 4 Second Baptist Church, Winfield, KS The Urban Ministry Institute, Wichita, KS Brothers in Blue organization, Winfield, Ks Expected End Ministries, Maricopa, AZ • • First Baptist Church Burden, KS • • Topeka Bible Church, Topeka, KS • First Baptist Church, Holton, KS • Elvin/ Connie Dillard • Debra Boss • • Dan/ Tami Lightfoot • Nu Heart Nu Start Wichita, KS • Jay “Big Dog” Grubb and family • Excel Jaycees EDCF • Roger and Kim Bair • • Larry Anderson, Olathe Kansas • Firm Foundations Ministry, Inc. • Royce and Gloria Montgomery • • Nick Dondlinger Pastors Cliff and Donna Snell. Pastors of Word of Life South Grace Community Church, Overbrook, KS Topeka Baptist Church, Topeka, KS WMOC Board secretary Paul Posch with wife Tanya at HOJ Christmas Dinner. Church of The Lord Jesus Christ, Horton, KS Pastor Byron Davis at the House of Jeremiah Christmas dinner. Harvesters Community Food Network, Topeka, KS First United Methodist Church men's group, Wellington, KS Billie Bridgers Spiritual mother and board member at HOJ Discipleship Scripture “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matt. 28:19,20) Created by: Director of Newsletter, Raymond Perret, Through the Holy Spirit. Zachery Tague, Web Director
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