ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 THE ABDALLAH SHRINERS’ PLAYGROUND Shriners International Overland Park, Kansas Email Articles To: playground@abdallahshrine.org February 2015 • Vol. 103, No. 02 Published Monthly 1 ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 MEMBERSHIP January 15, 2014 Creations…………….. 0 Affiliations……………… 0 Restorations……………...0 Associate………………. 0 Deceased……………… 0 Demitted……………….. 0 Suspended………………..0 Withdrawn……………. 0 Associate Dropped….. 0 Expulsions…………… 0 Total Gain (Loss)…… 0 Year To Date…………. 1017 YTD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Abdallah Shrine PLAYGROUND Vol. 103 February 2015 No. 02 Charles V. Henderson BINGOSchedule - 2014-2015 February 2 9 16 23 Greeters Jokers Trails 70’s Oriental Band March 2 9 16 23 30 Escorts Roadsters Clowns Blue Racers Divan A minimum of six (6) Nobles and/or Ladies are needed for Bingo Nights by 5:45 pm. If for any reason you cannot work your scheduled time, please try to change with another unit or club and then notify Woody Colvin at least one week in advance of the changes. Thank you in advance for helping with Bingo. This is one of our biggest fund raisers! Published monthly by Abdallah Shriners Postmaster, send all address changes to Abdallah Shriners 5300 Metcalf Overland Park, KS 66202 Form 3578 ABDALLAH SHRINE 5300 Metcalf, Overland Park, KS 66202 Chiefship dues are paid as a year’s subscription to the Abdallah Playground 7:30 p.m. ABDALLAH STATED MEETING Tuesday, February 3, 2015 Published No. 003180 Periodicals Paid at Olathe, Kansas Opinions expressed in signed articles are not necessarily those of the Shrine. STAFF Layout Coordinator……...Nichole Nace Editor……………...…….. Jerry Ogden Advertising Manager ……Jerry Ogden Staff Photographer …….. Sharon Steele Wayne Rector Tim Williams Gary Gammell Illustrious Potentate 2015 Dues Card Required Advertising Advertising rates available upon request Call 913-362-5300 Reporters Secretaries and/or Reporters of all Abdallah uniformed Units and Shrine Clubs, email news items to the Shrine Business Office playground@abdallahshrine.org SHRINE OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Closed Saturday & Sunday 2 Recorder ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 The POTENTATE’S MESSAGE Becky and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Nobility of Abdallah Shrine for selecting me as your Potentate in 2015. I look forward to continuing the long tradition of great leadership provided by our Past Potentates. The journey has taken many twists and turns along the way, but has shown that the friendships made in our Fraternity are some of the strongest bonds you can make. I hope everyone had the opportunity to meet your 2015 Divan at the reception. Our goal this year will be to provide opportunities for good men to have fun, support our hospitals and do so by maintaining fiscal responsibility to ensure our Shrine remains strong for many years to come. My slogan this year is “Helping Kids….it’s what we do”. It highlights our philanthropy, and what better way to introduce non-Shriners to our fraternity. My pin is the football field with “Abdallah” in one end zone and “2015” in the other; a football player and the Hospital Logo are on the field. This symbolizes my passion for football, and specifically the Kansas Shrine Bowl which supports the hospitals and the Red Zone, which was the first Club I joined. Becky decided not to do a pin, but instead wanted to do magnets which she hopes will draw more attention to our fraternity. The magnets include my slogan and the Love to the Rescue hospital logo, as the hospitals are very important to her. Membership is one of the major challenges we face this year. Although this is not a new issue, it needs to be a primary focus. Our first Rush Night will be on February 27th, so ask those friends, co-workers, neighbors and family to join you in such a great fraternity. The year is definitely off to a fast start. We have already had our trip to Jamaica and are now just weeks away from the Potentates Ball, and this year’s theme is Valentines. We hope everyone can join us at the Overland Park Marriott on February 14th for what should be a great evening. I encourage each Shriner to get involved in a Unit or a Club. If you are already a member, make sure you are an active participant. If you aren’t in a Unit or Club, check them out and find one where you and your Lady fit in. Another option is to start a Club that interests you. Several have been started recently such as the ATF (Firearms Club) and the Provost Guard. Other possibilities I’ve heard include a Brewmasters Club, Ham Radio Club, Culinary Club and a Tailgaters Club, but the possibilities are limitless. All you need to do is get three people interested and submit by-laws to the office for approval. I look forward to Abdallah Shrine having a great year in 2015. Fraternally Yours, Tim Williams, Potentate 3 ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 Reach Out… Phone, Write, Visit! Say… Happy Birthday Noble! From the Illustrious Potentate, Divan and Members of Abdallah Shriners February 1st Boyce Dougherty Harry Herzer Peter Dunn Allen Goodwin Greg Sippel February 2nd Lee Connell Frederick Kemp February 3rd Edwin Wyatt Robert Paulsen Sr. Steven Christensen Frank Schveninger February 4th Fred White Eldon Hansen Williard Barker William Hale February 8th February 16th Robert Hirsch Charles Edger Thomas Hayselden Thomas Highley James Best Joseph Brooks Mike Tavares P.P. Randall Bright William Pierce Timothy Margave Shannon Sweany Ernest Liverman February 9th February 17th February 27th Gerald Smith Oscar Murrillo Robert Brauch Glen Tolman February 18th February 28th Duane Lemon Thomas Welsh February 10th Bob Brown February 20th Raymond Ratliff Jason Cooper Lowell Larson Chris Muro P.P. Charles Smtih David Neighbor Ernest Prewitt Albert Grauberger James Taylor Jeff Johnson Allen Baiamonte Herb Merrick Rick Wagner February 12th February 22nd Eugene Sheafer February 5th Herbert Nichols Richard Gibbs Rickey Sheperd John brake Bob Johnson Keith Galliland William Riek James Swearengin Dustin Gumbel February 6th Donald Walker Robert Nichols Bob Wenger February 7th Robert Knodel David Griffin Bernard Sell Darrell Madison Greg Loeser February 23rd Robert Caplinger P.P. February 13th Randy Hamilton February 14th Raymond Fiske February 24th Sam Russell John Dayton Richard Borchardt Jerry Osbrone Clinton Hines February 25th Richard Smith February 15th Dick Strong Wilbur Hawley Michael Gardner Wesley Frentrop Weston Goodnow Jesse Rasmussen 4 Don Downey Jerry Good February 21st February 11th Jerry Yantzi William Lewis Charles House Donald Sutton Robert Hall Sam Little James Fletcher February 26th Travis Marshall ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 5 ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 Tin Lizzies By Eric Foster The Tin Lizzies and Lizziettes had their first meeting of the year in January. We installed all the new officers and welcomed the new Divan representatives. The Wild West dance on January 17th was a success as usual and enjoyed by all that attended. Watch for the ad regarding the 50’s Sock Hop coming up. Happy February Birthdays to: Fred White Dick Gibbs Chris Muro Jim Swearengin 2-4 2-5 2-20 2-22 Happy February Anniversaries to: Tom & Wylene Nibarger Dennis & Sue Hubler 2-1 2-8 retary, Doris Klinoch, treasurer, Claudine Shettleworth was appointed as caller. Table with red cloths were centered with snowmen and green napkins marking individual places. Appreciation for the luncheon was expressed with a round of applause for: Jeff and Gloria Johnson, Gary Gammell, Ken Holiday, Sam Little, servers Blake Miller and Ed Harvey. We were entertained with many familiar tunes by the “Easy Does It” barbershop quartet. Gary Gammell brought us up to date on the upcoming Temple activities, and Ladies activities. Gary will be our new Divan Representative for the New Year. The Ladies were thanked for the Temple Decorations which President Holdredge and her daughter had assembled. We look forward to bringing back this service to the Shrine and hope to see anyone interested in assisting at one of our meetings. Happy Birthday: February 14-Gerry Zeimiller, 21-Claudine Shettleworth, 27-Gertrude Stern. By Chris Muro March 11-Evelyn Marriott, 18-Evelyn Caylor, 19Marjorie Thomas Attention All Noble’s - many of you do not know that our membership fell below one thousand members and Abdallah has lost one representative to the Imperial SesLadies, come join us for lunch at 12:30 sion. We all need to work very hard to p.m. The fourth Tuesday— March 24, regain our membership this year. It is our 2015. The lunch is reasonable. Telephone responsibility to put forth a sincere effort Chairman, Claudine Shettleworth, 913to increase our membership. 631-6814 will call members. Members How can you help? Attend your Blue please return calls to Claudine or PresiLodge whenever possible. Remember dent Phara Holdredge 913-764-3411 res- that is the beginning of your masonic jourervations are needed. If this is a first time ney and your Blue Lodge will grow and for you. please call either Claudine or Abdallah Shrine will grow. Attend the Phara. Membership Meeting and bring your thoughts and ideas. We meet on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7:30. Each Unit and Club is responsible to send someone. BY Marjorie Vogel Seventeen members, Gary Gammell, (filled in for Chris Muro as Divan Representative) attended the December 16, 2014 meeting. Following the Invocation, by Gary, lunch was served. interferes with a Stated Meeting in which case the meeting will be on the second Tuesday. by Travis Marshall The Provost Guard is currently reestablishing itself as an active Club within the Shrine. This Club is open to any Noble who has an interest in supporting the mission of providing safety and security within the Shrine and at Shrine events. Members will also be eligible to compete in the Shrine Association shooting matches as CSSA and other events. Members can come from any Unit or other Clubs and do not need a law enforcement, military, or security background just a willingness to learn and participate. We are currently finalizing our by-laws and policies and plan to elect officers The slate of officers elected for 2015: soon. We have scheduled meetings for Phara Holdredge president, Caroline the first Tuesday of the month at 1900 Bower vice president, Marjorie Vogel, sechours (7pm) except on nights that this 6 Remember being a Mason and a Shriner can be a life changing experience. Whether it is a new friendship, experiencing the joy of helping our philanthropy or getting involved in your community for the first time - being a Shriner can make a good man even better. Do not forget Rush Steak Night February 27th at 6:30. This is a great opportunity to bring a Mason or Non Mason to learn how to become a Mason and or a Shriner and what we are all about. Your guest will enjoy a great steak dinner at no cost. I recently visited with a new Noble who is planning on bringing maybe eight possible guest who are interested in becoming a Mason and or a Shriner. We all need to follow this example with this enthusiasm. Make your goal this year to sign up a new member to join this great fraternity. ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 Drive Mar. 28th – Greeters Annual Pancake Breakfast TRAIL 70’s By Woody Colvin The holidays are over, finally, and we hope that everyone had a happy, festive time. We can now look forward to Spring-time, and the annual return of the Snow Birds, who will be flocking home over the next few weeks. We’ve missed them one and all, and wish them a safe journey back. The Trail 70’s added a new member, Charles Manning, to its roster this past November. Let’s all give him a big, warm welcome aboard handshake when you see him. I personally want to say “Thank You” Charles for selecting the 70’s as your Unit of choice. Glad to have another “parade person” in the Unit. It is kind of that way with us Clowns too. We have our meetings and training sessions, but what really counts is the miles Parade season is just around the corner, of smiles when we go to work. Makes it so let’s get those bikes out, tuned up and all worthwhile. ready for a great Parade year. I know it has been a while since we have BIRTHDAYS posted to the newsletter but we have Dec 30th – Mary Russell been having a great time. We joined in Jan. 29th – Frank Millholland with the Blue Racers for the Christmas Jan. 29th – Lee Colvin party for the kids, twisted balloons and Feb. 4th – Sonja McCord welcomed Santa to Abdallah. It was a Feb. 18th – Bob Brown great time for parents, kids, and clowns. Feb. 21st – Rick Wagoner Elections were held and installations will Feb. 24th – Sam Russell be in January. ANNIVERSARIES Dec. 3rd – Rick and Candy Wagoner Jan. 27th – Charles and Marty Ralston The best to all of you on your Special Day, We wish you many, many more years of health, happiness and marital bliss. President – Skidz Vice-President – Rusty Secretary – Divot Treasurer – Pabo Director – Whistle The Clowns also at the Stated Meeting in December gave Ed Harvey a pie to the face for the Red Sneaker fun. But not to be left out we also called Tim “Fumbles” Williams down for his pie. As Tim was ready to get pied Buddah the newest Clown to Abdallah stepped up and took it for him. Thank you all who shared in the fun and donated to Shrine Burn Research. Ed Lindsey and the lovely Jessica were Last But Not Least: married on the 22nd of November and had quite the BASH in the Oasis. If you have information of interest to the Congratulations to them both. Unit, and would like to have it published in this article, please contact me at my Congratulations are also in order to our home (913) 385-1544 or send me an new Potentate, Tim Williams and his La- EMAIL at colwoody95@gmail.com before dy, Becky. We wish you all the best dur- the 10th of each month. Skidz was given the chance to go and ing your tenure as Abdallah’s 2015 Potalk to a local Cub Scout pack about tentate. Namaste! clowning. We started off talking about fears, and not teasing people because of A SPECIAL NOTE OF INTEREST TO them. Skidz knew there were a few in the ALL SHRINERS: Stated Meeting for room that did not like clowns. February has been changed to the 1st Tuesday, (Feb. 3rd ) due to the Pote’s He put on his make up and took some travel plans. questions so kids and adults could see the before and after. We talked about The Café Oasis is now catered, and our how everyone is the same regardless of Units and Clubs are no longer needed to how they look on the outside. help. All meals are $9.00. Appears they have a good, simple menu available. Then we did a quick talk about how Come on up and enjoy the food and com- By Duane Marshall Clowns apply the Scout Law pany! A new minister was in his office working A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, hard on the church newsletter when the Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, UP-COMING EVENTS OF NOTE TO Sr. Pastor comes in. “Hello how has the Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and RevTHE 70’s day been going?’ he asks. erent. Feb. 1st – Super Bowl Party & Chili Cook- The young minister looks up and sounds exhausted. “I have a sermon to write and You know what would be fun. Drop by a off Feb. 6th - Oasis Birthday Friday an article for the church newsletter, and a Clown meeting first Monday of the month Feb. 14th – Potentates Ball – Overland million other things to do. But my phone at 7. Also we are open for birthday parPark Marriott won’t stop ringing with interruptions.” ties or hospital visits Feb. 16th – Trail 70’s work Bingo Feb. 27th – Rush Steak Night in the Oasis The Senior Pastor smiles. “The interruptions are your ministry, the rest is just Mar.1st – Abdallah Shrine Annual Blood paperwork.” 7 ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 Ed “the Fez” Harvey Jr. STILL, the Gong Player to the Stars & 2014 Oriental Bandsman of the Year! (That’s right, I BOUGHT the Award!!!!) Birthdays: Greg Loeser Frank Schveninger Wow…not quite sure HOW this happened but I’m back writing the OB column. How did I already get in the new President’s doghouse?!?!?! I voted for him! Oh well… OB is ready for 2015 and that means new adventures, friends and FUN!!!! We have a potential new Mason/ Shriner on the hook , but that’s not enough! I NEED MORE! I NEED YOU! Spring means getting the trailers ready, costumes set & music practiced! And that being said we have a new Musical Director, Richard “Bear” Sobek. And again, HOW did we tick off President Best so much he gave us Bear? I mean really, the year just started! C’mon man! Roy Samuel, THANK YOU for the job you did the last several years. Bear has a rough road ahead to keep up your high standards!!!!!! So here’s my game plan for 2015 ……… FUN, FUN.FUN, work, FUN, FUN, FUN, FUN, FUN, FUN, work, FUN, FUN, FUN, FUN, work, FUN, FUN, FUN, FUN….I think you get the picture. Come join the BAND for FUN!!!! Looking for a small trailer (roughly 4’x8‘) that we can use to make Seroyia safer in parades. Old boat or jet ski trailer??? I promise I will put your name somewhere for the donation! Help a Camel out! By W. Richard “Bear” Sobek, Commander Greetings Nobles and Ladies; I would like to start by saying a BIG thank you to Jeff Johnson for being our Divan Rep for 2014. His sharing of Temple activities helped greatly. Jeff, you did a GREAT job. We hope your replacement does as well. Thank you, Duane Marshall, Gonzalo Reyes, Michael Phillips, and Jon Robbins for helping with the great meal. I wish more than 7 were there, but starting off the year with that many is better than none at all. We can only look forward to bigger and better. disposed, let us know and it will be properly taken care of. If you are a veteran and have not joined LOH, we would like you to extend to you and invitation. You worked hard for the honor to represent your service in this Temple. We meet on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30 pm for dinner and have a meeting afterwards. You can call Commander Ed Lindsey 913-948-0946 to indicate your questions regarding being a member. The email is LindseyE38@yahoo,com. We also have the Abdallah Shrine Legion of Honor page on Facebook. Let me know if you wish to be added to the group if you are LOH. LOH Officer Corps 2015 W. Richard “Bear” Sobek - Cmdr Duane Marshall – 1st Lt. Cmdr Michael Phillips – Adjutant Jon Robbins – Finance Officer Jimmie Grassi – Chaplain Sgt at Arms Director Divan Rep “I never worry about action, but only inaction.” - Winston Churchill Chaplain “I lift my eyes to the hills – where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” Ps 121: 1-2 We would remind all that the 2015 dues are now due. Please contact us to get this Last month we talked about making a plan taken care of. We need to have submitted for this New Year. Might be a good time On a personal note, a big THANK YOU to our accurate roster by December 31. to review that plan. How are we doing so all the Aides in 2014, you showed everyfar? If we made commitments to do cerone what hospitality is about. I can never We would ask interested members of tain things in our personal and shrine repay you for your hard work, and never lives, did we include some provision that LOH to please check your Playground tell you THANK YOU enough!!! Also, each month to see if we are scheduled to offers us help? We should acknowledge when I see you at the Temple or parades work either Bingo. The help we provide is that we will need some guidance from a or wherever, I try to talk to every one of source that will not fail us. easy, doesn’t fill more than one evening you and say “Hi”. We need to all remem- beyond Stated Meeting, and provides an ber that even some small gesture like that invaluable service to our Temple. As the Lord has created us in love and may lift up our Brother Noble’s spirits and mercy, surely He does not want us to fail get him thru a rough patch. I know it has in our earthly mission of living lives that To all members celebrating their birth or helped me this past year when I see a anniversary in January and February, may brings glory to His name and compassion friendly Abdallah smile!!! If you haven’t to others. Hopefully, our plan contains you have a happy and blessed day. guessed by now, I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!! some elements of this goal. See you at the Pote’s Ball!!! Our help is in our Heavenly Father. We would remind folks that flags are available. If you need one, please contact “You will seek Me and find Me when you Sincerely submitted for your birdcage seek Me with all of your heart. Jer 29:13.” any of the officers. Also, if you need one floor, Jerry Ogden 8 ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND Hospital Notes Each of you are aware that we treat patients regardless of a family's ability to pay. Are you aware that we are truly unique in that virtue and more importantly how important it is to our patients? Disabilities occur without regard to socioeconomic status. We probably have as many children from middle class families as we do from those in lesser economic circumstances. One of the things I sense is that the middle class families tend to drive themselves to St. Louis while others need a ride in the vans our nobility have provided. THANK YOU SHRINERS! February 2015 waits for the patient to be seen and released and reverses his trip, frequently arriving at Abdallah @ 5 - 6 p.m. or later, making it as much as an 18 hour day. This is our short trip. Chicago, and Cincinnati have even longer driving requirements and sometimes drivers drive through the night. THANK YOU DRIVERS! My hat is off to Rick Davis who coordinates the specifics of every trip, remains available for any emergency or change that may occur, as well as drives more than his share. THANK YOU RICK DAVIS! Consider joining the hospital club to support the transportation group (annual dues $20). How involved you become is at your discretion. Save and donate your aluminum cans to help offset our expenses, and volunteer for what ever help the One family that I have driven. as have temple needs so that we can continue to several others, lives in a two bedroom serve the kids in our area. It takes a apartment in Kansas City, Ks. They have brotherhood and our very important la6 children - three of them are boys that dies support. We have each proven we were born with Rickets which is a bowing are worthy of our fraternity. Lets also be of the legs. All three are not only patients worthy of the charity we voluntarily chose but are participating in a research study and promised to support. Shriners have being conducted by Shriners Hospital treated more than a million kids. I bet Saint Louis and our research partner there is another million in our future, but Washington University. Their physical only with your support. challenges and familial relationship THANK YOU ABDALLAH FAMILY! (sharing of DNA) may provide clues that will help our researchers eradicate or bet- Ken Holliday ter treat this condition. Just as important is that there is no way this family could Have you thanked a driver? receive the expert and specialized care that these exceptional children need without Shriners Hospital for Children. Without your support, the hospital would not “A handshake is all it takes to exist. As many children, including these, meet, greet and make have told me: friends…” THANK YOU SHRINERS! Abdallah Greeters The drivers usually pick them up at home because they lack transportation. This is not particularly unique because we have several families that need door to door service even as far away as Osawatomie. When a driver does this he typically will need to be there very early to drive them to Saint Louis, buy them breakfast and be at the hospital for an 8:30-9:00 a.m. appointment. Some drivers live as far away as Atchison so he/she probably arises @ 1-1:30 a.m., drives to Abdallah, picks up the van at 3 -3:30 a.m., drives to Osawatamie to pick up the patient, drives to Saint Louis, buys the family breakfast, by Bob Anver Now that the holidays are over, the next big event is the Potentate’s Ball at the Marriott in Overland Park on February 14th. If you haven’t sent your check in yet, sit down right now and mail it to the office; $130.00 per couple. There will be a great meal, a wonderful band and BEST OF ALL, your Abdallah Greeters to greet you and give you your tickets. In the afternoon, we will be at the table 9 outside the Potentate’s Reception and then we will move to the corridor coming in from the lobby. Vice-President Jose Marrero ran the January meeting because Prez. Bob Anver and Karen were down in Montego Bay with Tim and Becky Williams and a crew from Abdallah and Isis Shrines. If Bob and Karen are kidnapped, they request every reader pitch in a dollar or two to cover the ransom demands. David and Cathy Ahlstrom, Phara Holdridge and her daughter Diane Mackey, Bob and Karen Anver attended the Potentate’s Appreciation dinner January 10th. Didn’t see any other Greeters in attendance but we ate enough to cover the shortage in attendees. ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 2014 SHRINE TRANSPORTATION CHICAGO VIA AIR VAN Jan 2 Feb Mar 1 1 Apr May June 1 July August 1 September October November December Totals Chicago 3 air 3 CINCINATTI VIA AIR 1 VAN ST. LOUIS VIA AIR VAN 3 2 3 3 3 2 1 WE HAD NO VAN TRIPS IN SEPTEMBER. 2 6 6 van Cincinnati 3 van St. Louis 29 Van DRIVERS PLEASE CLEAN VAN INSIDE AND OUT AFTER YOUR TRIP. USE ANY CAR WASH YOU WANT. RICK DAVIS TRANSPORTATION COORDINATOR 10 ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 2015 PARADES Don Marah, Parade Marshal 913-706-0855 MARCH March 15 (Sunday) – Shawnee St Patrick’s Parade, Shawnee APRIL April 18 (Saturday) – Patriots’ Day Parade, McLouth April 25 (Saturday) – Edwardsville Days Parade, Edwardsville BE SURE TO WATCH YOUR CONSTANT CONTACT EMAILS FOR UPDATED INFORMATION 11 ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND PLAYGROUND NOTICE All materials for Playground publication should be submitted to playground@abdallahshrine.org. Please do not send materials to any other email address, especially to a specific personal or office email. Only those materials sent to playground@abdallahshrine.org will be published. Electronic submissions should be in Word or Publisher format. Also, as a reminder, the deadline for submitted materials to the Playground is the 15th of the month. Please note that we will not accept any article referencing pricing for upcoming events, as we have to pay for those ads when mailing out the playgrounds. If you would like to advertise an upcoming event and the prices for that event, you will need to place an ad. You can contact the office to get the proper paper work to place that ad. February 2015 The Sunflower Fund was created as a means to assist nobles in times when they are unable to pay their current years dues. In confidence, please email abdallahsunflowerfund@gmail.com for assistance. Donations are also welcomed to help replenish this fund. Any donations over $25 will earn you one of our sunflower pins. You can wear the pin proudly to show your support of helping your brothers. Please contact the office for details. Thank you, Jerry Ogden, Editor 12 ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 The playroom upstairs is NOW OPEN FOR KIDS! The room is for children ages 3 and up to play while their parents attend meetings. PARENTS: Please make sure the room is cleaned up after use. UNITS - Please let the office know if you need the meeting room space (Activity Room 2) at least 3 days ahead of time, so we have time to move the items. DONATIONS ARE ALWAYS WELCOMED & APPRECIATED! 13 ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 14 ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 Our Abdallah Shrine Clowns with a Shrine Patient at the Children's Christmas party. 15 ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 So far this year the Bingo Committee has raised: in bingo tips! All money collected in bingo tips is deposited into the transportation fund to help aid our drivers in transporting our Shrine Patients to the Shriners Hospitals for Children! Attention!! Attention!! Our best way to contact the Nobility of events going on is Constant Contact. This is an email service we use in the office to send emails to all our Nobility and their Ladies. If you do not receive our emails, please call us and update your email addresses. We only have about 50% of the email addresses for our Nobility. Help us, help keep you informed! 16 ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 Taylor Made Catering will be running Café Oasis every Wednesday in the Main Hall from 5pm to 7pm. No longer will our unit and club members need to help with Café Oasis. All meals will be $9. February 4th - Taco Salad or Tacos, Spanish Rice, Refried Beans, Queso Dip with Salsa and Chips, Condiments, and Homemade Cookie February 11th - Cherry Smoked Brisket or Applewood Smoked Pulled Pork, Hickory Pit Beans, Cheesy Twice Baked Potato Casserole, Fresh Garden Salad, and Triple Chocolate Brownies. February 18th - Pan Fried Chicken (White or Dark), Mashed Potatoes with Home-style Gravy, Grandmas Style Green Beans, Spring Mix Salad, Dinner Roll with Butter, and Homemade Cake. February 25th - Marinara with Italian Meat Sauce or Creamy Alfredo with Grilled Chicken, Caesar Salad, Fresh Focaccia Bread, and Cannoli’s. 17 ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND As published in the Kansas City Star 08/19/2014 11:10 AM BY JENNIFER BHARGAVA Overland Park adds e-cigs to smoking ban Electronic cigarettes have been added to Overland Park’s smoking ban. At its meeting Monday evening, the city council voted to amend its smoking ordinance to include the personal vaporizers. The ordinance, which was originally passed nearly a decade ago, prohibits indoor smoking in places such as bars, restaurants and hotel rooms. Not all council members were keen on the change, however. Councilman Paul Lyons was the only one who voted against the amendment. He said changing the ordinance seemed premature since the health risks associated with second-hand exposure to ecigarettes are currently unknown. February 2015 “This impacts an individual’s rights and we shouldn’t take away that right until we have evidence that this is a public health issue that affects everyone around them,” he said. Councilmen Terry Goodman and Richard Collins disagreed. “While research is not one hundred percent conclusive, it does raise some doubts in my mind, so I think we should err on the side of caution,” Collins said, referring to the risks of secondhand exposure. Goodman told the council he thought it was better to be safe than sorry until more research was conducted. “If five years from now, they find these devices are totally harmless, we can deregulate them,” he said. He also pointed out that several cities, as well as countries, already have included e-cigarettes in their smoking bans. 18 ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 19 ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 Ever thought about advertising in our playground? Call the office for the current rates! Attention: Units & Clubs, Now is the time to be booking the Abdallah Hall and the Nobles Activity Room for your 2015 & 2016 Events & Activities! Don’t wait until its too late to get the dates you want! 2B1 Ask 1 20 ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 We need your Help! Bingo is Abdallah’s biggest fundraiser and the Committee could use your help! The Abdallah Bingo Committee could use your help as we are in need several new Money Collectors and people to verify winners. If you would like to help out and join the committee please call: Woody Colvin at 913-385-1544 or the Temple office. REMINDER All materials for Playground publication should be submitted to playground@abdallahshrine.org. Please do not send materials to any other email address, especially to a specific personal or office email. Only those materials sent to playground@abdallahshrine.org will be published. Attend Your Blue Lodge, It’s Where Shriners Are Born! Also, as a reminder, the deadline for submitted materials to the Playground is the 15th of the month. 21 ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 This letter was received by another temple . Lets not ever let Abdallah get a letter like this one. 22 ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 23 ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 24 ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 25 ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 26 ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 27 ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 28 ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 29 ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 30 ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND 2015 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY February 2015 ABDALLAH SHRINERS 5300 Metcalf, Overland Park, Kansas 66202 Office 913-362-5300 • Fax 913- 362-0776 E-mail: office@abdallahshrine.org • www.abdallah-shrine.org ELECTIVE DIVAN Potentate – Tim Williams (Becky)…………………………... 816-308-7575 tim.williams@abdallahshrine.org Chief Rabban - Garry Dial (Marta)…………………………… 913-541-8248 garry.dial@abdallahshrine.org Assistant Rabban - Jeff Johnson (Gloria)………………… 913-768-4665 jeff.johnson@abdallahshrine.org High Priest & Prophet - Bennie Smith (Deb)………………. 913-449-0987 bennie.smith@abdallahshrine.org Oriental Guide - Doug Voss (Diana)………………………... 913-206-5400 doug.voss@abdallahshrine.org Treasurer - Pat Emmett (Marilyn)……………………………. 913-744-6347 patrick.emmett@abdallahshrine.org Recorder - Gary Gammell (Margaret)……………………… 913-526-4061 gary.gammell@abdallahshrine.org APPOINTIVE DIVAN First Ceremonial Master - Brian Wilson (Amy)…………. 816-880-9034 brian.wilson@abdallahshrine.org Second Ceremonial Master - Chris Zugelder (Mindy) ….. 913-681-3668 chris.zugelder@abdallahshrine.org Marshal - Herb Merrick (Carolyn) ………….…………..….. 913-727-3970 herbert.merrick@abdallahshrine.org Captain of the Guard - Ed Harvey (Linda) ……….……….. 816-804-9018 ed.harvey@abdallahshrine.org Outer Guard - Ken Holliday (Marcella)……………………... 913-599-0276 ken.holliday@abdallahshrine.org Chaplain - Jerry Ogden (Shiela)……... ……………………. 913-381-9836 jerry.ogden@abdallahshrine.org LIVING PAST POTENTATES Robert Caplinger - 1968……………………………………….. 816-214-5283 Oliver F. Johnson - 1984………………………………………. 913-831-1770 Don E. Westheffer - 1985……………………………………… 785-842-3129 David G. Allison - 1987………………………………………… 913-849-3766 Gordon Toms - 1988…………………………………………… 913-432-4693 Bill J. McAfee - 1989…………………………………………… 913-651-2484 Glenn Hamilton - 1990…………………………………………. 913-383-8232 Arthur W. (Bill) Keefer - 1993…………………………………. 785-766-9172 Larry D. Gaston - 1995…………………………………………. 913-856-7277 Dean Schurr - 1996……………………………………………… 913-441-8697 Fred Hope - 1997………………………………………………… 913-772-7077 Floyd Fleming - 1999…………………………………………… 785-883-2702 Lyle Smith - 2000……………………………………………….. 913-782-3767 Lee Wilson - 2001………………………………………………. 913-599-2819 Edward A. McConwell - 2004…………………………………. 913-432-7005 Gerald (Jerry) Jeffries - 2005…………………………………. 913-851-1120 Bill Hammer - 2006……………………………………………… 913-782-3692 Douglas Smith - 2007…………………………………………… 913-962-1120 Chris Muro - 2008……………………………………………….. 913-384-0859 Gary Bennett - 2009…………………………………………….. 913-307-9498 Don Best - 2010 ………………………………………………… 913-851-2968 Nick Turner - 2011 ……………………………………………… 913-441-9555 Mike Tavares - 2012 ……………………………………………..913-727-1846 Eldon Masters - 2013…………………………………………….913-236-9878 Kevin Larson - 2014……………………………………………...913-780-4246 Jim Lear (El Jebel – 1998)……………………………………… 913-498-2209 Darrel Schrader (Kem - 1993)…………………………………..701-370-1280 ABDALLAH SHRINE BUILDING ASSOCIATION All Elected Divan Officers plus Larry Hewitt (2013 – 2017) ..…………………..…..………………. Benny Harper (2014-2018) ..…………………….………………. Nick Turner (2015 - 2019)………………………………………….. Jack Turner (2011-2015) ……………………...…………………… Dale Schmidt (2012 – 2016) ..……………..………………………. 913-927-6950 913-449-1478 913-221-2160 913-631-3452 913-962-1149 ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING MANAGERS Don Best P.P. ………………………………………………………. Woody Colvin ………………………………………………………. Ken Holliday ……………………………………………………… Jeff Johnson …………………………………………………….. Gary Lamons …….……………………………………………….. Tom Oliphant …………………………………………………….. Joe Rich …………………………………………………………….. Chris Robertson……………………………………………………. Richard “Bear” Sobek…………………………………………….. Joe Hobbs…………………………………………………………… Ralph Anderton…………………………………………………….. 913-851-2968 913-385-1544 913-599-0276 913-768-4665 913-268-9670 913-299-0845 785-242-5258 913-940-8666 913-991-1200 913-271-6200 913-724-2724 COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN AND APPOINTMENTS Bingo Chairman Chief Aide DeMolay Representative Donor Relations Transportation Coordinator Hospital Board – St. Louis Assoc. Board—St. Louis Insurance Committee Chairman Woody Colvin Joe Hobbs Allen Baiamonte R. W. Thompson Rick Davis Eldon Masters Ken Holliday Elected Divan plus Garry Dial Ed McConwell P.P. Clark Twedt J.R. Loch Legal Counsel Ed McConwell P. P. 100 Million Dollar Club Duane Marshall Masonic Coordinator Wayne Rector Oasis Club Manager Benny Harper Onion Sales Chairmen Brian Wilson Parade Marshal Don Marah Asst. Parade Marshal Dave Baggett Parliamentarian Leonard Buddenbohm PCM Chairman Bill Hammer P. P. Playground Editor Jerry Ogden Public Relations Dennis Cranor Rodeo Committee Chairman Nick Turner P.P. Shrine Photographer Wayne Rector Sickness and Distress Jerry Ogden Webmaster Kevin Hughes 31 913-620-3787 913-271-6200 816-452-7281 816-452-7281 913-334-0818 913-236-9878 913-599-0276 913-491-8998 913-262-0605 913-897-3373 913-367-4650 913-262-0605 913-850-8323 913-669-2473 913-449-1478 816-880-9034 913-706-0855 913-608-6535 913-262-0022 913-782-3692 913-381-9836 913-837-1360 913-441-9555 913-669-2473 913-381-9836 913-620-0471 ABDALLAH PLAYGROUND February 2015 ABDALLAH SHRINERS Upcoming Events Feb 1 Super Bowl Party Feb 3 Stated Meeting Feb 7 Zugelder Birthday Party Feb 14 Potentates Ball Feb 27 Steak Night / Rush Night March 7 Tin Lizzies Sock Hop March 13 Mavericks Game March 14 OB Mandarin Degree March 19-20 CSSA Business Session 5300 Metcalf Avenue Overland Park, KS 66202 913-362-5300 32 32
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