Ugo Piomelli Curriculum Vitæ January 2015 PERSONAL INFORMATION A. Education 1. Ph. D., Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California. January 1988. 2. M. S., Aerospace Engineering, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana. January 1984. 3. Dr. Ing., Aeronautical Engineering, Universit`a degli Studi di Napoli, Naples, Italy. Cum Laude. July 1979. B. Employment history 1. Professor, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering. Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. August 2008–Present. 2. Emeritus Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering. University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. November 2008–Present. 3. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering. University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. July 2000–July 2008. 4. Associate Chair and Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Mechanical Engineering. University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. July 2001–July 2006. 5. Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. Aug. 1993–June 2000. ´ 6. Visiting Professor, Ecole Nationale Superi´eure d’Hydraulique et de M´ecanique de Grenoble, Grenoble, France. Jan. 1999–Feb. 1999. 7. Acting Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. Aug. 1996–Aug. 1997. 8. Visiting Professor, Department of Energetics. University of Naples, Naples, Italy. May 1997– Jun. 1997. 9. Visiting Scholar, Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois. Jan. 1994–Apr. 1994. 10. Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering. University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. Dec. 1987–Aug. 1993. 11. Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering. Stanford University, Stanford, California. Sept. 1983–Dec. 1987. 12. Teaching Assistant, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana. Aug. 1981–Aug. 1983. C. Membership in professional societies 1. American Physical Society, Fellow. 2. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fellow. 3. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Associate Fellow. 4. Institute of Physics, Elected Fellow in 2004. 1 SCHOLARLY ACTIVITIES Students working under my supervision are boldfaced, Postdoctoral Fellows are underlined. A. Articles in refereed journals. 1. M. J. Lee, U. Piomelli, and W. C. Reynolds “Useful formulas in the rapid distortion theory of homogeneous turbulence.” Phys. Fluids 29, pp. 3471–3474, 1986. 2. U. Piomelli, P. Moin, and J. H. Ferziger “Model consistency in large eddy simulation of turbulent channel flows.” Phys. Fluids 31, pp. 1884–1891, 1988. Also appeared as AIAA Paper 87-1446, 1987. 3. U. Piomelli, J.-L. Balint, and J. M. Wallace “On the validity of Taylor’s hypothesis for wallbounded flows.” Phys. Fluids A 1, pp. 609–611, 1989. 4. Y. Guezennec, U. Piomelli, and J. Kim “On the shape and dynamics of wall structures in turbulent channel flow.” Phys. Fluids A 1, pp. 764–766, 1989. Also appeared as Conditionally-averaged structures in wall-bounded flows in Studying Turbulence Using Numerical Databases – Proceedings of the 1987 Summer Program, pp. 263-272, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford, California, 1987. 5. U. Piomelli, J. H. Ferziger, P. Moin, and J. Kim “New approximate boundary conditions for large eddy simulations of wall-bounded flows.” Phys. Fluids A 1, pp. 1061–1068, 1989. 6. U. Piomelli, T. A. Zang, C. G. Speziale, and M. Y. Hussaini “On the large-eddy simulation of transitional wall-bounded flows.” Phys. Fluids A 2, pp. 257–265, 1990. Also appeared as ICASE Report No. 89-55, ICASE, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, 1989. Also appeared as “On the application of large-eddy simulation to transitional wallbounded flows,” in Laminar-Turbulent Transition, eds. D. Arnal and R. Michel (Springer-Verlag, Berlin), pp. 693–698, 1990. 7. U. Piomelli, P. Moin, and J. H. Ferziger “Large eddy simulation of the flow in a transpired channel.” AIAA J. Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 5, pp. 124–128, 1991. Also appeared as AIAA Paper 89-0375, 1989. 8. U. Piomelli and T. A. Zang “Large-eddy simulation of transitional channel flow.” Computer Phys. Comm. 65, pp. 224–230, 1991. Also appeared in IMACS 1st International Conference on Computational Physics, Boulder, Colorado, June 10–15, 1990, and as ICASE Report No. 90–80, ICASE, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, 1990. 9. M. Germano, U. Piomelli, P. Moin, and W. H. Cabot “A dynamic subgrid-scale eddy viscosity model.” Phys. Fluids A 3, pp. 1760–1765, 1991. Also appeared in Studying Turbulence Using Numerical Databases III – Proceedings of the 1990 Summer Program, pp. 5-17, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford, California, 1990. 10. U. Piomelli, W. H. Cabot, P. Moin, and S. Lee “Subgrid-scale backscatter in turbulent and transitional flows.” Phys. Fluids A 3, pp. 1766–1771, 1991. Also appeared in Studying Turbulence Using Numerical Databases III – Proceedings of the 1990 Summer Program, pp. 19–30, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford, California, 1990. 11. H. Esmaili and U. Piomelli “Temporal development of turbulent boundary layers with embedded streamwise vortices.” Theoret. Comput. Fluid Dynamics 6, pp. 369–380, 1992. Also appeared as “Large-eddy simulation of turbulent boundary layers with embedded streamwise vortices,” AIAA Paper 92-0552, 1992. 12. U. Piomelli, L. Ong, J. M. Wallace and F. Ledhari “Reynolds stress and vorticity in turbulent wall flows.” Applied Scientific Research 51, pp. 365–370, 1993. Also appeared in Advances in Turbulence IV, ed. F.T.M. Nieuwstadt, (Kluwer, Dordrecht), 1993. 13. U. Piomelli “High Reynolds number calculations using the dynamic subgrid-scale stress model.” Phys. Fluids A 5, pp. 1484–1490, 1993. 2 14. N. M. El-Hady, T. A. Zang and U. Piomelli “Application of the dynamic subgrid-scale model to axisymmetric transitional boundary layer at high speed.” Phys. Fluids 6, pp. 1299–1309, 1994. Also appeared as “Dynamic subgrid-scale modeling for high-speed transitional boundary layer” in Engineering Applications of Large Eddy Simulations–1993, eds. S.A. Ragab and U. Piomelli, (ASME), pp. 103–112, 1993. 15. E. Balaras, C. Benocci, and U. Piomelli “Finite difference computations of high Reynolds number flows using the dynamic subgrid-scale model.” Theoret. Comput. Fluid Dyn. 7, pp. 207–216, 1995. 16. U. Piomelli and J. Liu “Large-eddy simulation of rotating channel flows using a localized dynamic model.” Phys. Fluids 7, pp. 839–848, 1995. Also appeared in Application of Direct and Large eddy simulation to transition and turbulence, AGARD Conference Proceedings 551, pp. 3-1–3-9, AGARD, Neuilly-sur-Seine, 1994. 17. U. Piomelli, Y. Yu and R. J. Adrian “Subgrid-scale energy transfer and turbulence structure.” Phys. Fluids 8, pp. 215–224, 1996. 18. E. Balaras, C. Benocci, and U. Piomelli “Two-layer approximate boundary conditions for largeeddy simulations.” AIAA J. 34, pp. 1111–1119, 1996. 19. J. A. Murray, U. Piomelli and J. M. Wallace “Spatial and temporal filtering of experimental data for a priori studies of subgrid-scale stresses.” Phys. Fluids 8, pp. 1978–1980, 1996. 20. J. Liu, U. Piomelli and P. R. Spalart “Interaction between a spatially growing turbulent boundary layer and embedded streamwise vortices.” J. Fluid Mech. 326, pp. 151–179, 1996. Also appeared as “Large-eddy simulation of counter-rotating vortices in a boundary layer” in Turbulence 94: Theory and experiments, ed. R. Benzi, (Kluwer, Dordrecht), pp. 324–329, 1995. Also appeared as “Interaction of embedded streamwise vortices with a flat-plate boundary layer,” by J. Liu and U. Piomelli, in Engineering Applications of Large Eddy Simulations–1993, eds. S. A. Ragab and U. Piomelli, (ASME), pp. 45–52, 1993. 21. U. Piomelli, G. N. Coleman and J. Kim “On the effects of non-equilibrium on the subgrid-scale stresses.” Phys. Fluids 9, pp. 2740–2748, 1997. Also appeared as “Subgrid-scale stress models for non-equilibrium flows” in Mathematical modelling of turbulent flows, eds. H. Daiguji and Y. Miyake, (Japan Soc. Comput. Fluid Dynamics, Tokyo), pp. 87–94, 1995. 22. X. Huai, R. D. Joslin and U. Piomelli “Large-eddy simulation of transition to turbulence in boundary layers.” Theoret. Comput. Fluid Dyn. 9, pp. 149–163, 1997. 23. U. Piomelli, C. L. Streett and S. Sarkar “On the computation of sound by large-eddy simulations.” J. Engineering Math. 32, pp. 217–236, 1997. 24. U. Piomelli “Large-eddy simulation: achievements and challenges.” pp. 335–362, 1999. Progress Aero. Sci. 35, 25. X. Huai, R. D. Joslin and U. Piomelli “Large-eddy simulation of transition in swept-wing boundary-layer flows.” J. Fluid Mech. 381, pp. 357–380, 1999. Also appeared as “Large-eddy simulation of boundary layer transition on a swept wing,” in Transition, Turbulence and Combustion, Vol. I, eds. M. Y. Hussaini, T. B. Gatski and T. L. Jackson, (Springer-Verlag, New York), pp. 369–378, 1994. Also appeared as “Large-eddy simulation of laminar-turbulent transition in a swept-wing boundary layer,” AIAA Paper No. 97-0750, 1997. 26. F. Sarghini, U. Piomelli and E. Balaras “Scale-similar models for large-eddy simulations.” Phys. Fluids 11, pp. 1596–1607, 1999. 27. V. Armenio, U. Piomelli and V. Fiorotto “Effect of the subgrid scales on particle motion.” Phys. Fluids 11, pp. 3030–3042, 1999. Also appeared as “On the application of large-eddy simulation to particle-laden flows” in Proc. Int. Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Santa Barbara, CA, 1999. 28. P. A. Chang, III, U. Piomelli and W. K. Blake “Relationship between wall pressure and velocityfield sources.” Phys. Fluids 11, pp. 3334-3348, 1999. 3 29. A. Pascarelli, U. Piomelli and G. V. Candler “Multi-block large-eddy simulation of turbulent boundary layers.” J. Comput. Phys. 157, pp. 256–279, 2000. Also appeared in Recent advances in DNS and LES, edited by D. Knight and L. Sakell, (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht), pp. 349–359, 1999. 30. M. P. Mart´ın, U. Piomelli and G. V. Candler “Subgrid-scale models for compressible large-eddy simulations.” Theoret. Comput. Fluid Dynamics 13, pp. 361–376, 2000. Also appeared as “A priori tests of SGS models in compressible turbulence” in 3rd ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, FEDSM 99-7313 (ASME) 1999. 31. N. Li, E. Balaras and U. Piomelli “Inflow conditions for large-eddy simulations of mixing layers.” Phys. Fluids, 12, pp. 935–938, 2000. 32. U. Piomelli, E. Balaras and A. Pascarelli “Turbulent structures in accelerating boundary layers.” J. of Turbulence 1, pp. 1–16, 2000. 33. C. Kannepalli and U. Piomelli “Large-eddy simulation of a three-dimensional shear-driven turbulent boundary layer.” J. Fluid Mech. 423, pp. 175–203, 2000. Also appeared in Direct and large-eddy simulation III, eds. P. R. Voke, N. D. Sandham and L. Kleiser, (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht), pp. 87–98, 1999. 34. V. Armenio and U. Piomelli “A Lagrangian mixed subgrid-scale model in generalized coordinates.” Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 65, pp. 51–81, 2000. Also appeared in Direct and large-eddy simulation III, eds. P. R. Voke, N. D. Sandham and L. Kleiser, (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht), pp. 135–146, 1999. 35. A. Scotti and U. Piomelli “Numerical simulation of pulsating channel flow.” Phys. Fluids 13, pp. 1367–1384, 2001. 36. E. Balaras, U. Piomelli and J. M. Wallace “Self-similar states in turbulent mixing layers.” J. Fluid Mech., 446, pp. 1–24, 2001. 37. U. Piomelli and E. Balaras “Wall-layer models for large-eddy simulations.” Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 34, pp. 349–374, 2002. 38. A. Scotti and U. Piomelli “Turbulence models in pulsating flows.” AIAA J., 40, pp. 537–540, 2002. Also appeared as AIAA Paper 2001-0729, 2001. 39. U. Piomelli, E. Balaras, H. Pasinato, K.D. Squires and P.R. Spalart “The inner-outer layer interface in large-eddy simulations with wall-layer models.” Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow , 24, pp. 538-550, 2003. Also appeared as “Interaction of the inner and outer layers in large-eddy simulations with wall-layer models” by U. Piomelli, E. Balaras, K.D. Squires and P.R. Spalart in Engineering Turbulence Modeling and Experiments 5, eds. W. Rodi and N. Fueyo, (Elsevier, Amsterdam), pp. 307–316, 2002. 40. R. Broglia, A. Pascarelli and U. Piomelli “Large-eddy simulations of ducts with a free surface.” J. Fluid Mech., 484, pp. 223–253, 2003. 41. A. Dimas, B. Mowli and U. Piomelli “Large-eddy simulation of subcritical transition in an attachment-line boundary layer.” Comp. Math. with Appl., 46, pp. 571–590, 2003. 42. A. Keating, U. Piomelli, K. Bremhorst and S. Nesi¸c “Large-eddy simulation of heat transfer downstream of a backward-facing step.” J. Turbulence 5, 2004. 43. A. Keating, U. Piomelli, E. Balaras, and H.-J. Kaltenbach “A priori and a posteriori tests of inflow conditions for large-eddy simulation” Phys. Fluids, 16, pp. 4696–4712, 2004. 44. V. Ovchinnikov, U. Piomelli and M. M. Choudhari “Numerical simulations of boundary-layer transition induced by a cylinder wake.” J. Fluid Mech., 547, pp. 413–441, 2006. 45. A. Silva Lopes, U. Piomelli and J. M. L. M. Palma “Large-eddy simulation of the flow in an S-duct.” J. of Turbulence, 7(11), pp. 1–24, 2006. 4 46. A. Keating and U. Piomelli “A dynamic stochastic forcing method as a wall-layer model for largeeddy simulation.” J. Turbulence, 7(12) pp. 1–24, 2006. 47. A. Keating, G. De Prisco and U. Piomelli. “Interface conditions for hybrid RANS/LES calculations.” Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow 27, pp. 777–788, 2006. 48. S. Radhakrishnan, U. Piomelli, A. Keating and A. Silva Lopes. “Reynolds-Averaged and Large-Eddy simulations of turbulent non-equilibrium flows.” J. of Turbulence, 7(63) pp. 1–20, 2006. 49. G. De Prisco, U. Piomelli and A. Keating. “Improved turbulence generation techniques for hybrid RANS/LES calculations.” J. Turbulence, 9(5) pp. 1–20, 2007. 50. S. Radhakrishnan, U. Piomelli. “Large-eddy simulation of oscillating boundary layers: model comparison and validation.” J. Geophys. Res.–Oceans, 113(C02022), pp. 1–14, 2008. 51. U. Piomelli. “Wall-layer models for large-eddy simulations.” Prog. Aerosp. Sci., 44(6), pp. 437– 446, 2008. Also appeared as AIAA Paper 2008-0603. 52. S. Radhakrishnan, U. Piomelli and A. Keating. “Wall-modeled large-eddy simulations of flows with curvature and mild separation,” ASME J. Fluids Eng., 130 101203-1–8, 2008. 53. V. Ovchinnikov, M. M. Choudhari and U. Piomelli. “Numerical simulations of boundary-layer bypass transition due to high-amplitude free-stream turbulence,” J. Fluid Mech., 613, pp. 135– 169, 2008. 54. M. Vanella, U. Piomelli, and E. Balaras. “Effect of grid discontinuities in large-eddy simulation statistics and flow fields,” J. Turbul., 9(32), pp. 1–23, 2008. 55. U. Piomelli and C. Scalo. “Subgrid-scale modelling in relaminarizing flows.” Fluid Dyn. Res., 42 045510 (15 pages), 2010. Also appeared as “Large-eddy simulations of relaminarizing flows,” in Proc. 17th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, no. CFDSC2009-1A4, pp. 1–10, 2009. 56. R. Y . Cao, T. St. Amand, M. D . Ford, U. Piomelli and C. D. Funk. “The Murine Angiotensin II-Induced Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Model: Rupture Risk and Inflammatory Progression Patterns,” Frontiers in Pharmacology, 1(9), pp. 1–7, 2010. 57. M. Li, S. Radhakrishnan, U. Piomelli and W. R. Geyer. “Large-eddy simulation of the tidalcycle variations of an estuarine boundary layer,” J. Geophys. Res.-Oceans, 115(C08003), pp. 1–18, 2010. 58. A. Pinelli, I. Z. Naqavi, U. Piomelli and J. Favier. “Immersed Boundary Methods for general finite-difference and finite-volume Navier-Stokes solvers,” J. Comput. Phys., 229, pp. 90739091, 2010. Also appeared as “Immersed boundary method for generalised finite volume and finite difference Navier-Stokes solvers.” In Proc. ASME 2010 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Eng. Summer Meeting & 8th International Conf. on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, number FEDSMICNMM2010-30529, 2010. 59. I. Z. Naqavi and U. Piomelli. “Large eddy simulation of boundary layers with embedded spanwise vortices.” Int. J. Comput. Fluid Dyn., 24, pp. 467477, 2010. 60. H. Raiesi, U. Piomelli and A. Pollard. “Evaluation of Turbulence Models Using Direct Numerical and Large-Eddy Simulation Data.” ASME J. Fluids Eng., 133, pp. 0212203110, 2011. Also appeared in Proc. ASME 2010 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Eng. Summer Meeting & 8th International Conf. on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, number FEDSMICNMM2010-31094, 2010. 61. M. Omidyeganeh and U. Piomelli. “Large-eddy simulation of the flow over two-dimensional dunes in steady unidirectional flow.” J. Turbulence, 12(N42), pp. 1–31, 2011. 62. M. D. Ford, A. T. Black, R. Y. Cao, C. D. Funk and U. Piomelli. “Hemodynamics of Mouse Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.” J. Biomech. Eng., 133(12), pp. 12100819, 2011. 5 63. J. Favier, A. Pinelli and U. Piomelli. “On the hydrodynamic influence of tubercles on whale flippers.” C. R. Mecanique 340, pp. 107–114, 2012. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2011.11.004. 64. C. Scalo, U. Piomelli and L. Boegman. “Large-eddy simulation of oxygen transfer to organic sediment beds.” J. Geophys. Res.-Oceans, 117, C06005, pp. 1–17, 2012. doi:10.1029/2011JC007289. 65. G. Lee, C. Scalo and U. Piomelli. “A simple technique for the visualization of eddy kinematics in turbulent flows.” Int. J. Comput. Fluid Dyn., 26(4), pp. 263274, 2012. doi: 10.1080/10618562.2012.693605. 66. C. Scalo, U. Piomelli and L. Boegman. “Mass transport mechanisms at high Schmidt numbers from a turbulent flow to underlying weakly absorbing sediment layers.” Phys. Fluids, 117, pp. C06005-1–17, 2012. doi: 10.1063/1.4739064. 67. M. D. Ford and U. Piomelli. “Exploring high frequency temporal fluctuations in the terminal aneurysm of the basilar bifurcation.” J. Biomech. Eng., 134, pp. 091003110, 2012. doi: 10.1115/1.4007279. 68. M. Omidyeganeh, U. Piomelli. “Large-eddy simulation of three-dimensional dunes in a steady, unidirectional flow. Part 1: Turbulence statistics.” J. Fluid Mech. 721, pp. 454–483, 2013. doi:10.1017/jfm.2013.36. 69. C. Scalo, L. Boegman and U. Piomelli. “Large-eddy simulation and low-order modeling of sediment oxygen uptake in a transitional oscillatory flow.” J. Geophys. Res.-Oceans, 118, pp. 114, 2013. doi: 10.1002/jgrc.20113. 70. C. Scalo, U. Piomelli and L. Boegman. “Self-similar decay and mixing of a high-Schmidt-number passive scalar in an oscillating boundary layer in the intermittently turbulent regime.” J. Fluid Mech., 726, pp. 728–750, 2013. doi:10.1017/jfm.2013.228. 71. A. Rouhi, U. Piomelli and P. Vlachos. “Numerical investigation of pulsatile flow in endovascular stents.” Phys. Fluids, 25 091905-1–18, 2013. doi: 10.1063/1.4821618. 72. M. Omidyeganeh, U. Piomelli, K. T. Christensen and J. Best. “Large-eddy simulation of interacting barchan dunes in a steady, unidirectional flow.” J. Geophys. Res.: Earth Surface, 118, pp. 1–16, 2013. doi: 10.1002/jgrf.20149. 73. U. Piomelli and J. Yuan. “Numerical simulations of spatially developing, accelerating boundary layers.” Phys. Fluids, 25 01304-1–21, 2013. doi: 10.1063/1.4825033. 74. M. Omidyeganeh and U. Piomelli. “Large-eddy simulation of three-dimensional dunes in a steady, unidirectional flow. Part 2: Flow structures.” J. Fluid Mech., 734, pp. 509–534, 2013. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2013.499. 75. J. Yuan and U. Piomelli. “Numerical simulations of sink-flow boundary layers over rough surfaces.” Phys. Fluids, 26, 015113-1–28, 2014. doi: 10.1063/1.4862672. 76. R. Banyassady and U. Piomelli. “Turbulent plane wall-jets over smooth and rough surfaces.” J. Turb., 15(3), pp. 186–207, 2014. doi: 10.1080/14685248.2014.888492. 77. J. Yuan and U. Piomelli. “Estimation and prediction of the roughness function on realistic surfaces.” J. Turbulence, 15(6), pp. 350–365, 2014. 78. U. Piomelli. “Large-eddy simulations in 2030 and beyond.” 372(20130320):1–13, 2014. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 79. W. Wu and U. Piomelli. “Large-eddy simulation of impinging jets with embedded azimuthal vortices.” J. Turbul., 16(1), pp. 44–66, 2014. doi: 10.1080/14685248.2014.957383. 80. J. Yuan and U. Piomelli. “Roughness effects on the energy budgets in near-wall turbulence: a direct numerical simulation study”. J. Fluid Mech., 760, pp. R1112, 2014. 81. A. Skillen, A. Revell, A. Pinelli, U. Piomelli and J. Favier. “Flow over a wing with leading-edge undulations.” AIAA J., 52(2), pp. 464–472, 2015. doi: 10.2514/1.J053142. 82. A. Silva Lopes, J.M.L.M. Palma and U. Piomelli. “On the Determination of Effective Roughness of Surfaces with Vegetation Patches.” Accepted for publication, Bou. Lay. Meteor., 2015. 6 83. U. Piomelli, A. Rouhi and B. Geurts. “A grid-independent length scale for large-eddy simulations.” Accepted for publication, J. Fluid Mech., 2015. 84. R. Banyassady and U. Piomelli. “Interaction of inner and outer layers in plane and radial wall-jets.” Accepted for publication, J. Turbulence, 2015. B. Books edited 1. Engineering applications of large eddy simulations–1993, eds. S. A. Ragab and U. Piomelli, (ASME) 1993. 2. Introduction to turbulence modelling, eds. U. Piomelli, C. Benocci and J. van Beeck, (Von K´ arm´ an Institute, Rhode-Saint-Genese), 2004. 3. Large-eddy simulations and related techniques, eds. C. Benocci, J. van Beeck and U. Piomelli, (Von K´ arm´ an Institute, Rhode-Saint-Genese), 2006. 4. Large-eddy simulations and related techniques, eds. U. Piomelli, C. Benocci, J. van Beeck, (Von K´ arm´ an Institute, Rhode-Saint-Genese), 2010. 5. Large-eddy simulations and related techniques, eds. U. Piomelli, C. Benocci, J. van Beeck, (Von K´ arm´ an Institute, Rhode-Saint-Genese), 2014. C. Chapters in books 1. U. Piomelli “Applications of large-eddy simulation in engineering – An overview.” (Invited review article). In Large Eddy Simulation of Complex Engineering and Geophysical Flows, eds. B. Galperin and S. A. Orszag, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge), pp. 119–137, 1993. 2. T. A. Zang and U. Piomelli “Large-eddy simulation of transitional flows.” In Large Eddy Simulation of Complex Engineering and Geophysical Flows, eds. B. Galperin and S. A. Orszag, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge), pp. 209–227, 1993. Also appeared in International Workshop on “Large Eddy Simulation. . . Where do we stand?” St. Petersburg, Florida, December 19–21, 1990. 3. U. Piomelli and J. R. Chasnov “Large-eddy simulations: theory and applications.” In Transition and turbulence modelling, eds. D. Henningson, M. Hallb¨ack, H. Alfreddson and A. Johansson, (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht), pp. 269–336, 1996. 4. U. Piomelli “Large-eddy and direct simulation of turbulent flows.” In Introduction to turbulence modelling, ed. M. Manna, (Von K´arm´an Institute, Rhode-Saint-Genese), 1997. 5. U. Piomelli “Large-eddy simulations: where we stand.” In Advances in DNS/LES, eds. C. Liu and Z. Liu, (Greyden Press, Columbus), pp. 93–104, 1997. 6. U. Piomelli “Turbulence modeling requirements.” In Introduction to turbulence modelling, ed. D. Olivari, (Von K´ arm´ an Institute, Rhode-Saint-Genese), 1998. 7. U. Piomelli “Large-eddy simulation: theory and applications.” In Introduction to turbulence modelling, ed. D. Olivari, (Von K´arm´an Institute, Rhode-Saint-Genese), 1998. 8. U. Piomelli “Large-eddy and direct simulation of turbulent flows.” In Introduction to turbulence modelling, ed. J. van Beeck, (Von K´arm´an Institute, Rhode-Saint-Genese), 2000. 9. U. Piomelli, A. Scotti and E. Balaras. “Large-eddy simulations: from desktop to supercomputer.” In Vector and Parallel Processing - VECPAR’2000. Fourth International Conference on Vector and Parallel Processing. Porto, Portugal, June 2000. Invited Talks and Selected Papers, eds. J. M. L. M. Palma, J. Dongarra and V. Hernandez, (Springer, Berlin), pp. 554–582, 2001. 10. G. V. Diurno, E. Balaras and U. Piomelli. “Wall-layer models for LES of separated flows.” In Modern simulation strategies for turbulent flows, ed. B. Geurts, (Philadelphia, Edwards), pp. 207– 222, 2001. 11. A. Pascarelli, F. S. Marra, U. Piomelli “Large-Eddy Simulation of the Flow over a Wall–Mounted Fence.” In Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation IV, ed. B.J. Geurts, R. Friedrich and O. Metais, (Kluwer, Dordrecht), pp. 419–426, 2001. 7 12. U. Piomelli and E. Balaras “Numerical simulations using the immersed boundary technique.” In DNS/LES Progress and Challenges, eds. C. Liu, L. Sakell and T. Beutner, (Greyden Press, Columbus), pp. 105–116, 2001. 13. U. Piomelli “Large-eddy and direct simulation of turbulent flows.” In Introduction to turbulence modelling, ed. J. van Beeck, (Von K´arm´an Institute, Rhode-Saint-Genese), 2002. 14. U. Piomelli “Large-eddy and direct simulation of turbulent flows.” In Introduction to turbulence modelling, eds. U. Piomelli, C. Benocci and J. van Beeck, (Von K´arm´an Institute, Rhode-SaintGenese), 2004. 15. A. Silva Lopes, U. Piomelli, and J. M. L. M. Palma. “Large-eddy simulation of a flow with curvatures using wall-layer models.” In Advances in turbulence X, eds. H. I. Andersson and P.-A. Krogstad (Kluwer, Dordrecht), pp. 249–252, 2004. 16. A. Silva Lopes, U. Piomelli, and J. M. L. M. Palma “Large-eddy simulation of a flow with multiple streamwise curvatures.” In Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation V, eds. R. Friedrich, B.J. Geurts and O. M´etais (Kluwer, Dordrecht), pp. , 2004. 17. A. Keating, G. De Prisco, U. Piomelli, E. Balaras “Interface conditions for hybrid RANS/LES calculations,” In Engineering Turbulence Modeling and Experiments 6, eds. W. Rodi and M. Mulas, (Elsevier, Amsterdam), pp. 349–358, 2005. 18. A. Cubero and U. Piomelli “Large-eddy simulations of channel flows with variable filter-widthto-grid-size ratios.” In Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation VI, eds. E. Lamballais, R. Friedrich, B. J. Geurts, and O. M`etais, (Kluwer, Dordrecht), 2006. 19. G. De Prisco, A. Keating, U. Piomelli and E. Balaras “Large-eddy simulation of accelerating boundary layers” In Progress in Turbulence II, eds. Oberlack, M.; Khujadze, G.; Guenther, S.; Weller, T.; Frewer, M.; Peinke, J.; Barth, S., pp. 137–144, (Springer, Berlin), 2007. 20. U. Piomelli, S. Radhakrishnan, L. Zhong, and M. Li “Wall-layer models for large-eddy simulations of high Reynolds number non-equilibrium flows.” In Advances in Turbulence XI, eds. Palma, J. M. L. M. and Silva Lopes, A., pp. 47–54, (Springer, Berlin), 2007. 21. U. Piomelli, S. Radhakrishnan, and G. De Prisco. “Turbulent eddies in the RANS/LES transition region.” In Advances in Hybrid RANS-LES Modelling, volume 97 of Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, eds. S.-H. Peng and W. Haase, pp. 21–36, (Springer, Berlin), 2008. 22. U. Piomelli and C. Scalo. “Large-eddy simulations of relaminarization due to freestream acceleration.” In Seventh IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition, eds. P. Schlatter and D. Henningson, pp. 35–42, (Springer, Berlin) 2010. 23. U. Piomelli. “Wall-modeled LES: Present status and prospects.” In Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation VII, eds. V. Armenio, B. J. Geurts, and J. Fr¨ohlich, pp. 1–10, (Springer, Berlin) 2010. D. Monographs, reports and extension publications 1. V. Losito, C. de Nicola, and U. Piomelli “Predizione numerica della resistenza aerodinamica delle autovetture.” Istituto di Aerodinamica, Universit`a degli Studi di Napoli, Naples, Italy, 1979. 2. P. Bradshaw, N. N. Mansour, and U. Piomelli “On local approximations of the pressure-strain term in turbulence models.” In Studying Turbulence Using Numerical Databases – Proceedings of the 1987 Summer Program. pp. 159-164, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford, California, 1987. 3. U. Piomelli, J. H. Ferziger, and P. Moin “Models for large eddy simulation of turbulent channel flow including transpiration.” Department of Mechanical Engineering Report TF-32, Stanford University, Stanford, California, 1987. 4. A. J. Faller, S.-T. Yang, and U. Piomelli “Instability of the KEB boundary layers.” Institute for Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, 1989. 5. U. Piomelli “Large-eddy simulation of turbulent flows.” TAM Report No. 767, Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1994. 8 E. Book reviews, other articles and notes 1. U. Piomelli “Review of Hydrodynamic and magneto-hydrodynamic turbulence flows by A. Yoshizawa.” AIAA J. 38 p. 548, 2000. 2. U. Piomelli “Review of Large-Eddy Simulations for Incompressible Flows: an Introduction by Pierre Sagaut.” J. Turbul. 2, 2001. 3. U. Piomelli and M. M. Choudhari “Year-in-Review: ica, 43(12), December 2005, pp. 10–11 (2005). Fluid Dynamics.” Aerospace Amer- 4. M. M. Choudhari and U. Piomelli “Year-in-Review: ica, 44(12), December 2006, pp. 20–21 (2006). Fluid Dynamics.” Aerospace Amer- 5. F. Ladeinde, T. McLoughlin, M. M. Choudhari and U. Piomelli, “Year-in-Review: Fluid Dynamics.” Aerospace America, 45(12), December 2008, pp. 8–9 (2008). F. Refereed conference proceedings 1. T. J. Akai and U. Piomelli. “Effect of upstream parallel flow on two-dimensional wind-tunnel tests.” AIAA Paper 84-2153, 1984. 2. U. Piomelli, T. A. Zang, C. G. Speziale, and T. S. Lund. “Application of Renormalization Group Theory to the large-eddy simulation of transitional boundary layers.”In Instability and Transition, eds. M.Y. Hussaini and R.G. Voigt (Springer-Verlag, New York), vol. 2, pp. 480–496, 1990. 3. H. Esmaili and U. Piomelli. “Large-eddy simulation of relaminarizing sink flow boundary layers.” In Near-Wall Turbulent Flows, eds. R. M. C. So, C. G. Speziale and B. E. Launder, (Elsevier, Amsterdam), pp. 287–296, 1993. 4. P. A. Chang, III, B. M. Abraham, and U. Piomelli. “Wavenumber-frequency characterization of wall pressure fluctuations computed using turbulence simulations.” In Symp. Active/Passive Control of Flow-Induced Vibration and Noise, eds. K. W. Wang, A. H. von Flotow, R. Soureshi, E. W. Hendricks and T. M. Farabee, (ASME), pp. 229–244, 1994. 5. U. Piomelli “Subgrid-scale models for large-eddy simulations. Part I: theory.” In Proc. 1994 Workshop on Mathematical Modeling of Turbulent Flows, Tokyo, Japan, 1994. 6. U. Piomelli. “Subgrid-scale models for large-eddy simulations. Part II: applications.” Proc. 1994 Workshop on Mathematical Modeling of Turbulent Flows, Tokyo, Japan, 1994. 7. K. D. Squires and U. Piomelli. “Dynamic modeling of rotating turbulence.” In Turbulent Shear Flows 9, eds. F. Durst, N. Kasagi, B. E. Launder, F. W. Schmidt and J. H. Whitelaw, (Springer Verlag, New York), pp. 73–86, 1995. Also appeared as “Large-eddy simulation of rotating turbulence using the dynamic model” in Proc. Ninth Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, Kyoto, Japan, August 16–18, 1993. 8. P. I. Espina and U. Piomelli. “Validation of the NPARC code in supersonic base flows.” AIAA Paper No. 97-0032, 1997. 9. U. Piomelli. “Large-eddy simulation: present state and future directions.” Invited paper, AIAA Paper No. 98-0534, 1998. 10. P. I. Espina and U. Piomelli “Study of the gas jet in a close-coupled gas-metal atomizer.” AIAA Paper No. 98-0959, 1998. 11. P. I. Espina and U. Piomelli “Numerical simulation of the gas flow in gas-metal atomizers.” Proc. 1998 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, FEDSM98-4901, (ASME) 1998. 12. P. I. Espina, S. D. Ridder, U. Piomelli, and F. S. Biancaniello. “Numerical simulation of atomization gas flows.” 1998 Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition (EPMA) 1998. 13. U. Piomelli. “Recent developments in large-eddy simulation.” Invited paper, 3rd ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, FEDSM 99-7852 (ASME) 1999. 14. U. Piomelli, E. Balaras, K.D. Squires and P.R. Spalart. “Zonal approaches to wall-layer models for large-eddy simulations.” AIAA Paper 2002-3083, 2002. 9 15. A. Silva Lopes, U. Piomelli, and J. M. L. M. Palma. “Large-eddy simulation of the flow in an S-duct.” AIAA Paper 2003-0964, 2003. 16. U. Piomelli, M. M. Choudhari, V. Ovchinnikov, and E. Balaras. “Numerical simulations of wake/boundary-layer interactions.”AIAA Paper 2003-0975, 2003. 17. V. Ovchinnikov, U. Piomelli, and M. M. Choudhari. “Inflow Conditions for numerical simulations of bypass transition.” AIAA Paper 2004-0591, 2004. 18. A. Keating and U. Piomelli. “Synthetic Generation of Inflow Velocities for Large- Eddy Simulations.” AIAA Paper 2004-2547, 2004. 19. A. Silva Lopes, U. Piomelli, and J. M. L. M. Palma. “Large- Eddy Simulations of a Flow with Streamwise Curvature Changes.” AIAA Paper 2004-2549, 2004. 20. V. Ovchinnikov, U. Piomelli, and M.M. Choudhari. “Numerical Simulations of Boundary Layer Bypass Transition with Leading Edge Effects.” In Proc. TSFP-4, Williamsburg, Virginia, June 2005. 21. S. Radhakrishnan, A. Keating, U. Piomelli and A. Silva Lopes “Large-Eddy Simulations of High Reynolds Number Flow over a Contoured Ramp” AIAA Paper 2006-0899, 2006. 22. G. De Prisco, A., Keating, and U. Piomelli “Large-eddy simulation of accelerating boundary layers.” AIAA Paper 2007-0725, 2007. 23. M. Omidyeganeh and U. Piomelli. “Coherent structures in the flow over two-dimensional dunes.” In Proc. 18th Annual Conf. CFD Soc. of Canada, 2010. 24. C. Scalo and U. Piomelli. “Grid requirements for large-eddy simulations of passive scalar transport at high Prandtl numbers.” In Proc. 18th Annual Conf. CFD Soc. of Canada, 2010. 25. U. Piomelli and V. Grazioso. “Direct numerical simulation of boundary layers subjected to freestream acceleration.” In Proc. 18th Annual Conf. CFD Soc. of Canada, 2010. 26. H. Raiesi, A. Pollard and U. Piomelli. ’Direct numerical simulations of turbulent flow in square and skewed ducts.” In Proc. 18th Annual Conf. CFD Soc. of Canada, 2010. 27. M. D. Ford, U. Piomelli, C. D. Funk, R. Y. Yao, and A. Pollard. “Numerical simulations of the intra-aneurysmal vortex shedding in induced mouse abdominal aortic aneurysms.” In Proc. ASME 2010 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Eng. Summer Meeting & 8th International Conf. on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, number FEDSM-ICNMM2010-30546, 2010. 28. J. Yuan and U. Piomelli. “Large-eddy simulation of accelerating boundary layers over rough surfaces.” Seventh International Symposium On Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP7), 2011. 29. M. Omidyeganeh and U. Piomelli. “Large Eddies in the Flow over Dunes.” Seventh International Symposium On Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-7), 2011. 30. M. Omidyeganeh and U. Piomelli, “Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flow over TwoDimensional River Dunes,” Coherent Flow Structures in Geophysical Flows at Earth’s Surface, August, 2011, Simon Fraser University, Canada. 31. C. Scalo, U. Piomelli and L. Boegman, “Large-eddy simulation of oxygen transfer to organic sediment beds,” Seventh International Symposium On Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-7), 2011. 32. C. Scalo, U. Piomelli and L. Boegman, “A study of sedimentary oxygen demand with largeeddy simulation: from largescale hydrodynamics to small-scale mixing,” The 15th International Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Water, Burlington, Ontario (PPNW), (2011). 33. M. Omidyeganeh, U. Piomelli, K. T. Christensen, and J. L. Best. “Large-eddy simulation of flow over barchan dunes.” In V. Van Lancker and T. Garlan, editors, Fourth International Conference on Marine and River Dune Dynamics, pp. 191—198. VLIZ special publication number 65, 2013. 10 34. U. Piomelli and M. Omidyeganeh. “Large-eddy simulations in dune-dynamics research.” In V. Van Lancker and T. Garlan, editors, Fourth International Conference on Marine and River Dune Dynamics, pp. 15—22. VLIZ special publication number 65, 2013. 35. J. Yuan and U. Piomelli. “Large-eddy and Direct Numerical Simulations of Equilibrium Accelerating Turbulent Boundary Layers Over Rough Surfaces.” CFD2013–21st Annual Meeting of the CFD Society of Canada, Sherbrooke (QC), May 6–9, 2013. Awarded 2nd place in the Student Paper Competition. 36. R. Banyassady and U. Piomelli. “Turbulent plane wall jets over rough surfaces” CFD2013–21st Annual Meeting of the CFD Society of Canada, Sherbrooke (QC), May 6–9, 2013. 37. J. Yuan and U. Piomelli. “Large-eddy and direct simulations of sink flows over rough walls.” Eighth International Symposium On Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-8), 2013. 38. A. Skillen, A. Revell, J. Favier, A. Pinelli and U. Piomelli. “Investigation of wing stall delay effect due to an undulating leading edge: An LES study.” Eighth International Symposium On Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-8), 2013. 39. J. Yuan, J. Nicolle, U. Piomelli, and A.-M. Giroux. “Modelling roughness and acceleration effects with application to the flow in a hydraulic turbine”. Paper 2536013, 27th IAHR Symposium, 2014. 40. U. Piomelli, A. Rouhi, and B. J. Geurts. A physics-based length-scale for large-eddy simulations. In M. A. Leschziner, editor, Proc. 10th Int. Symp. Eng. Turbulence Modelling and Measurements - ETMM10. ERCOFTAC, 2014. G. Invited and keynote talks 1. Subgrid-scale models for large-eddy simulations. Part I: theory. Invited talk delivered at the 1994 Workshop on Mathematical Modelling of Turbulent Flows, Tokyo, Japan, July 1994. 2. Subgrid-scale models for large-eddy simulations. Part II: applications. Invited talk delivered at the 1994 Workshop on Mathematical Modelling of Turbulent Flows, Tokyo, Japan, July 1994. 3. Large-eddy simulations: theory and applications. Invited lectures (2.5 hours) presented at the ERCOFTAC Summer School on Turbulence and Transition modeling, Department of Mechanics, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, June 1995. 4. Subgrid-scale models of non-equilibrium flows. Invited talk delivered at the International Symposium on Mathematical Modelling of Turbulent Flows, Tokyo, Japan, December 1995. 5. DNS and LES, basic principles, current trends, expectations. Invited lectures (2.5 hours) delivered at the von K` arm` an Institute 1996–1997 Lecture Series on “Introduction to turbulence modelling”, Rhode-Saint-Genese, Belgium, March 1997. 6. Application of LES to engineering problems. Invited lecture (1.25 hours) delivered at the von K` arm` an Institute 1996–1997 Lecture Series on “Introduction to turbulence modelling”, RhodeSaint-Genese, Belgium, March 1997. 7. Turbulence modeling requirements. Invited lecture (1.25 hours) delivered at the von K` arm` an Institute 1997–1998 Lecture Series “Introduction to turbulence modelling”, Rhode-Saint-Genese, Belgium, March 1998. 8. Large-eddy simulation: theory and applications. Invited lectures (2.5 hours) delivered at the von K` arm` an Institute 1997–1998 Lecture Series “Introduction to turbulence modelling”, Rhode-SaintGenese, Belgium, March 1998. 9. Large-eddy simulation: present state and future directions. Invited talk presented at the 36th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, January 1998. Also presented at the 1st Symp. on Marine Applications of CFD, Vienna, Virginia, May 1998. 10. Large-eddy simulation: theory and applications. Invited lectures (3 hours) delivered at the International School in Applied Mathematics “The Mathematical Approach to Turbulence: Numerical and Analytical Techniques”, Certosa di Pontignano, Italy, June 1998. 11 11. Recent developments in large-eddy simulation. U. Piomelli. Invited paper, presented at the 3rd ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, San Francisco, California, July 1999. 12. DNS and LES, basic principles, current trends, expectations. Invited lectures (2.5 hours) delivered at the von K` arm` an Institute 1999–2000 Lecture Series on “Introduction to turbulence modelling”, Rhode-Saint-Genese, Belgium, March 2000. 13. Application of LES to engineering problems. Invited lecture (1.25 hours) delivered at the von K` arm` an Institute 1999–2000 Lecture Series on “Introduction to turbulence modelling”, RhodeSaint-Genese, Belgium, March 2000. 14. Large-eddy simulations: from desktop to supercomputer. Invited paper presented at the Vector and Parallel Processing - VECPAR 2000. Fourth International Conference. Porto (Portugal), June 2000. 15. An introduction to direct and large-eddy simulations. Invited short course (6 hours) delivered at CFD2001, 9th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Kitchener, Canada, May 2001. 16. Direct and large-eddy simulations: theory and applications. Invited short course (5 hours) delivered at INSEAN, Rome, Italy, June 2001. 17. Numerical simulations using the immersed boundary method. Invited paper presented at the Third AFOSR International Conference on Direct Numerical Simulation and Large Eddy Simulation, Arlington, Texas, August 2001. 18. An introduction to direct and large-eddy simulations. Invited short course (6 hours) delivered at von K` arm` an Institute 2001–2002 Lecture Series on “Introduction to turbulence modelling”, Rhode-Saint-Genese, Belgium, March 2002. 19. Numerical simulations of wake-induced transition in flat-plate boundary layers. Keynote lecture delivered at the IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows, Toulouse, France, April 2002. 20. Dynamic and scale-similar subfilter-scale models. Invited talk delivered at the NCAR Workshop on Subfilter-Scale Closures, Boulder, Colorado, August 2002. 21. Large-eddy simulations: theory, applications and advanced topics. AIAA Professional Development Course, 41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, January 2003. 22. An introduction to direct and large-eddy simulations. Invited short course (6 hours) delivered at von K` arm` an Institute 2003–2004 Lecture Series on “Introduction to turbulence modelling”, Rhode-Saint-Genese, Belgium, March 2004. 23. Large-eddy simulations: theory, applications and advanced topics. AIAA Professional Development Course, 34th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, Portland, Oregon, June 2004. 24. Interface conditions for hybrid RANS/LES simulations. Keynote lecture delivered at the Center for Environmental and Applied Fluid Mechanics 2005 Research Symposium, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, May 2005. 25. Modeling the turbulent wall layer at high Reynolds numbers. Invited lecture delivered at the Center for Nonlinear Studies Workshop on Multi-Scale Interactions in Turbulent Flows, Santa Fe, New Mexico, July 2005. 26. Large-eddy simulations of accelerating boundary layers. Invited lecture delivered at the iTi Conference on Turbulence, Bad Zwischenhan, Germany, September 2005. 27. Large-eddy simulations: theory, applications and advanced topics. AIAA Professional Development Course, 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, January 2006. 28. Large-eddy simulations of turbulent flows. Invited short course (9 hours) delivered at von K` arm` an Institute 2005–2006 Lecture Series on “Large-eddy simulations and related techniques”, RhodeSaint-Genese, Belgium, March 2006. 29. Turbulent eddies in the RANS/LES transition region. Invited lecture delivered at the Second Symposium on Hybrid RANS-LES Methods, Dassia, Greece, June 2007. 12 30. Wall-layer models for LES of high Reynolds number, non-equilibrium flows. Invited lecture delivered at the 11th European Turbulence Conference, Porto, Portugal, June 2007. 31. Large-eddy simulations: theory, applications and advanced topics. AIAA Professional Development Course, 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, January 2008. 32. Wall-layer models for LES. Invited lecture delivered at the 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, January 2008. 33. Effect of local grid refinement on LES. Invited lecture delivered at the 7th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, Limassol, Cyprus, June 2008. 34. Wall-modeled LES: Present status and prospects. Invited lecture delivered at the 7th ERCOFTAC Workshop on Direct and Large-Eddy Simulations, Trieste, Italy, September 2008. 35. Large-eddy simulations of relaminarization due to freestream acceleration. Invited lecture delivered at the 7th IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2009. 36. Large-eddy simulations of turbulent flows. Invited short course (9 hours) delivered at von K` arm` an Institute 2009–2010 Lecture Series on “Large-eddy simulations and related techniques”, RhodeSaint-Genese, Belgium, February 2010. 37. Boundary layers in favourable pressure gradients. Invited talk delivered at the 65th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society/Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Diego, California, November 2012. 38. Large-eddy simulations in dune-dynamics research. Invited talk delivered at MARID 4, Marine and River Dune Dynamics, Bruges, Belgium, April 2013. 39. Large-eddy and direct simulations of sink flows over rough walls. Invited lecture delivered at the International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-8), Poitiers, France, August 2013. 40. Large-eddy simulations of turbulent flows. Invited short course (9 hours) delivered at von K` arm` an Institute 2005–2006 Lecture Series on “Large-eddy simulations and related techniques”, RhodeSaint-Genese, Belgium, May 2014. H. Contributed talks 1. Numerical evaluation of subgrid-scale turbulence models. Presented at the 38th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society–Division of Fluid Dynamics, Tucson, Arizona, November 1985. 2. New models for the large eddy simulation of turbulent channel flows. Presented at the 39th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society–Division of Fluid Dynamics, Columbus, Ohio, November 1986. 3. Model consistency in large eddy simulations of channel flows. Presented at the AIAA 19th Fluid Dynamics, Plasma Dynamics and Lasers Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 1987. 4. Wall-layer models for large eddy simulations. Presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society–Division of Fluid Dynamics, Eugene, Oregon, November 1987. 5. On the validity of Taylor’s hypothesis for wall-bounded flows. Presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society–Division of Fluid Dynamics, Buffalo, New York, November 1988. 6. Large eddy simulation of the flow in a transpired channel. Presented at the AIAA 27th Aerospace Meeting, Reno, Nevada, January 1989. 7. Large-eddy simulation of transitional channel flow. Presented at the IMACS 1st International Conference on Computational Physics, Boulder, Colorado, June 1990. 8. On the large-eddy simulation of transitional wall-bounded flows. Presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society–Division of Fluid Dynamics, Palo Alto, California, November 1989. 13 9. A dynamic subgrid-scale eddy viscosity model. Presented at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society–Division of Fluid Dynamics, Ithaca, New York, November 1990. 10. Large-eddy simulation of detuned transition in plane channel flow. Presented at the 4th International Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Davis, California, September 9–12, 1991. 11. Local averaging of the dynamic subgrid-scale stress model. Presented at the 44th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society–Division of Fluid Dynamics, Scottsdale, Arizona, November 1991. 12. Reynolds stress and vorticity in turbulent wall flows. Presented at the Fourth European Turbulence Conference, Delft, The Netherlands, July 1992. 13. High Reynolds number calculations using the dynamic subgrid-scale stress model. Presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society–Division of Fluid Dynamics, Tallahassee, Florida, November 1992. 14. Subgrid-scale modeling of non-equilibrium flows. Presented at the Workshop on Non-equilibrium turbulence, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, March 10–12, 1993. 15. Large-eddy simulation of relaminarizing sink flow boundary layers. Presented at the Int. Conf. on Near-Wall Turbulent Flows, Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A., March 15–18, 1993. 16. Applications of the localized dynamic subgrid-scale stress model. Presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society–Division of Fluid Dynamics, Albuquerque, New Mexico, November 1993. 17. Large-eddy simulation of rotating channel flows using a localized dynamic model. Presented at the AGARD/FDP 74th Meeting and Symposium on Application of Direct and Large Eddy Simulation to Transition and Turbulence, Chania, Greece, 18-21 April 1994. 18. Large-eddy simulation of the flow behind an array of vortex generators. Presented at the ERCOFTAC Workshop on Large Eddy Simulation, Rome, Italy, July 1994, and at the Fifth European Turbulence Conference, Siena, Italy, July 1994. 19. Subgrid-scale energy transfer in the wall layer. Presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society–Division of Fluid Dynamics, Atlanta, Georgia, November 1994. 20. Effects of mean flow three-dimensionality on the subgrid-scale stresses. Presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society–Division of Fluid Dynamics, Irvine, California, November 1995. 21. Effect of the subgrid-scale motions on Lighthill stress tensor. Presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society–Division of Fluid Dynamics, Syracuse, New York, November 1996. 22. Large-eddy simulation of laminar-turbulent transition in a swept-wing boundary layer. Presented at the 35th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, January 1997. 23. Scale-similar subgrid-scale stress models for large-eddy simulations. Presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society–Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Francisco, California, November 1997. 24. Large-eddy simulation of a three-dimensional shear-driven turbulent boundary layer. Presented at the 3rd ERCOFTAC Workshop on Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation, Cambridge, UK, May 1999. 25. A priori tests of SGS models in compressible turbulence. Presented at the 3rd ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, San Francisco, California, July 1999. 26. Turbulence models in pulsating flows. Presented at the 39th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, January 2001. 27. Simulation of wake-induced transition on a flat plate. Presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society–Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Diego, California, November 2001. 28. Zonal approaches to wall-layer models for large-eddy simulations. Presented at the 3rd AIAA Theoretical Fluids Meeting, St. Louis, MO, June 2002. 14 29. Interaction of the inner and outer layers in LES with wall models. Presented at the 5th Int. Symp. On Engineering Turbulence Modeling and Measurements, Mallorca, Spain, September 2002. 30. On the use of hybrid RANS/LES methods for wall-layer modeling. Presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society–Division of Fluid Dynamics Dallas, Texas, November 2002. 31. Large-eddy simulation of wall-bounded flows with a free surface. Presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society–Division of Fluid Dynamics Dallas, Texas, November 2002. 32. Numerical simulations of wake/boundary-layer interactions. Presented at the 41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, January 2003. 33. Synthetic Generation of Inflow Velocities for Large- Eddy Simulations. Presented at the AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, Portland, Oregon, June 2004. 34. Large- Eddy Simulations of a Flow with Streamwise Curvature Changes. Presented at the AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, Portland, Oregon, June 2004. 35. Synthetic inflow generation for LES of boundary-layer flows. Presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society–Division of Fluid Dynamics, Seattle, Washington, November 2004. 36. Interface conditions for hybrid RANS/LES calculations. Presented at the Conference on Engineering Turbulence Modeling and Experiments 6, Villasimius, Italy, May 2005. 37. Hybrid RANS/LES simulation of a flow with mild separation. Presented at the 61st Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society–Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Antonio, Texas, November 2008. 38. Large eddy simulation of boundary layers with embedded spanwise vortices. Presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society–Division of Fluid Dynamics, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 2009. 39. A grid-independent length-scale for large-eddy simulations. Presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society–Division of Fluid Dynamics, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 2009. 40. A grid-independent length scale for large- eddy simulations of wall-bounded flows. Presented at the 8th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Measurements and Modelling, Marseilles, France, June 2010. 41. Numerical simulations of the flow over 3D river dunes. Presented at the 9th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Rome, Italy, September 2012. 42. Numerical simulation of flow over three-dimensional dunes. Presented at the 65th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society–Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Diego, California, November 2012. 43. Large-eddy simulations of coherent vortices embedded in an impinging jet. Presented at the 65th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society–Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Diego, California, November 2012. 44. Coherent eddies in flows over three-dimensional dunes. Presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society–Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 2013. 45. A physics-based length-scale for large-eddy simulations. Presented at the Proc. 10th Int. Symp. Eng. Turbulence Modelling and Measurements - ETMM10, Marbella, Spain, August 2014. I. Invited seminars 1. Evaluation of subgrid-scale turbulence models. (a) Stanford University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, January 1986. 15 2. Computational research in the Heat Transfer and Turbulence Mechanics laboratories. (a) Stanford University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, September 1986. 3. Models for large eddy simulation of turbulent channel flow. (a) State University of New York at Buffalo, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, April 1987. (b) University of Maryland–College Park, Department of Mechanical Engineering, May 1987. 4. Models for large eddy simulation of turbulent channel flow including transpiration. (a) Stanford University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, November 1987. 5. Application of large eddy simulation to transitional, wall-bounded flows. (a) University of Maryland-College Park, Department of Mechanical Engineering, May 1989. 6. Application of large eddy simulation to turbulent and transitional flows. (a) Universit` a degli Studi di Roma, Dipartimento di Meccanica e Aeronautica, June 1989. (b) Politecnico di Torino, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aeronautica e Spaziale, June 1989. 7. Large-eddy simulation of transitional boundary layer and channel flows. (a) Ohio State University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, March 1990. (b) Brown University, Department of Applied Mathematics, April 1990. (c) NASA Langley Research Center, June 1990. 8. Recent progress in large-eddy simulations. (a) The Johns Hopkins University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, November 1990. 9. A dynamic subgrid-scale eddy viscosity model. (a) Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering, NASA Langley Research Center, February 1990. 10. Large-eddy simulation of transitional flows. (a) Politecnico di Torino, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aeronautica e Spaziale, July 1991. (b) Universit` a degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Dipartimento di Meccanica e Aeronautica, July 1991. (c) David Taylor Research Center, September 1991. 11. The role of numerical simulations in the investigation of wall-layer structures. (a) Universit` a degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Dipartimento di Meccanica e Aeronautica, July 1991. 12. Applications of the dynamic eddy viscosity model to the large-eddy simulation of transitional and turbulent flows. (a) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering – Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Princeton University, November 1991. 13. Large-eddy simulation in the engineering sciences. (a) Office of Naval Research, February 1992. (b) McDonnell Douglas Research Laboratory, February 1992. 14. Recent applications of large-eddy simulation to transitional and turbulent flows. (a) Naval Research Laboratory, June 1992. 15. Large-eddy simulation of transitional and turbulent flows. (a) Universit` a degli Studi di Bologna, Dipartimento di Fisica Tecnica, January 1993. (b) Universit` a degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, Istituto di Gasdinamica, January 1993. 16. Large-eddy simulation using the localized dynamic subgrid-scale eddy viscosity model. (a) Minnesota Supercomputer Institute, University of Minnesota, October 1993. 16 (b) Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University, October 1993. (c) Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Vermont, October 1993. (d) Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Arizona, November 1993. 17. Dynamic subgrid-scale modeling of turbulent flows. (a) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, March 1994. (b) Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, March 1994. (c) Department of Applied Mathematics, Brown University, May 1994. (d) Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tokyo, July 1994. (e) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo University of Technology, July 1994. 18. Subgrid-scale energy transfer in the wall layer. (a) Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Southern California, January 1995. (b) Department of Applied Mathematics and Engineering Sciences, University of California at San Diego, February 1995. ´ (c) IMHEF, Ecole Polytechnique F´ed´erale de Lausanne, May 1995. (d) Institute of Fluid Dynamics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-Zurich , June 1995. (e) Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering, NASA Langley Research Center, July 1995. (f) The Johns Hopkins University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, November 1995. 19. Effect of the subgrid scales on the Lighthill stress tensor. (a) George Washington University–JIAFS, July 1996. 20. Large-eddy simulations of non-equilibrium flows. (a) University of Kentucky-Lexington, October 1996. (b) Centre de Recherche en Calcul Appliqu´e (CERCA), Montreal, February 1997. 21. Introduction to large-eddy simulations. (a) Department of Civil Engineering, Universit`a degli Studi di Trieste, Italy, June 1997. 22. Large-eddy simulation: present state and future directions. (a) (b) (c) Department of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, University of Minnesota, March 1998. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin, September 1998. ´ Ecole Nationale Superi´eure d’Hydraulique et de M´ecanique de Grenoble, Grenoble, France, January 1999. 23. Applications of dynamic models to non-equilibrium flows. ´ (a) Ecole Nationale Superi´eure d’Hydraulique et de M´ecanique de Grenoble, Grenoble, France, January 1999. (b) Center for Environmental and Applied Fluid Mechanics, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, February 1999. (c) The Levich Institute, The City University of New York, New York, February 1999. 24. Large-eddy simulations using wall-layer models (a) (b) (c) (d) Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, Arizona State University, February 2001. NASA Langley Research Center, May 2001. The Boeing Company, August 2001. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yale University, January 2002. 25. Numerical simulations of turbulent flows: when computers get the blues 17 (a) Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, May 2001. 26. On the use of hybrid RANS/LES methods for wall-layer modeling. (a) (b) (c) (d) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, February 2003. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, March 2003. NSWCCD Hydro Colloquium, David Taylor Research Center, May 2003. Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Virginia, January 2004. 27. Wall-layer models for large-eddy simulations of complex flows. (a) Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Riverside, May 2005. (b) Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Woods Hole, August 2005. 28. Modern techniques for the simulation of turbulence. (a) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, October 2005. (b) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Bari, Bari (Italy), June 2006. 29. Turbulent eddies in the RANS/LES transition region. (a) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, San Diego (CA), September 2007. (b) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca (NY), February 2009. (c) Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto (Ontario), Canada, March 2009. (d) Faculty of Applied Physics, TU Eindhoven, Eindhoven (The Netherlands), July 2009. 30. Large-eddy simulations of relaminarization due to freestream acceleration. (a) Department of Mechanical Engineering, TU Delft, Delft (The Netherlands), June 2009. 31. Eddy-resolving simulations in aerodynamics: where R meets D. (a) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario, March 2010. (b) Bombardier Aerospace, Advanced Aerodynamics Dept., Montreal (Quebec), March 2010. (c) Dipartimento di Ingegneria delle Costruzioni, Ambiente e Territorio, Universit`a di Genova, Genova (Italy), June 2010. (d) Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Manufacturing Engineering, Syracuse University, Syracuse (NY), September 2010. 32. Numerical simulations of accelerating boundary layers over smooth and rough surfaces. (a) (b) (c) (d) University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Sciences, Toronto (ON), March 2011. University of Maryland, College Park (MD), April 2011. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Calgary, Calgary, (AB), May 2013. Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, City University, London (UK), October 2013. 33. Eddy-resolving simulations: a tool in turbulence research. (a) Department of Physics, Queen’s University, Kingston (ON), September 2012. (b) Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal (QC), February 2013. (c) Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Calgary, Calgary, (AB), May 2013. 34. Large-eddy simulations in dune dynamics research (a) Saint Anthony’s Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (MN), April 2014. (b) Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit`a degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, September 2014. 18 J. Conference proceedings 1. R. P. Garg and U. Piomelli “Large-eddy simulation of detuned transition in plane channel flow.” 4th International Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Davis, California, September 9–12, pp. 406–411, 1991. 2. P. Espina, U. Piomelli and G. E. Mattingly “A numerical investigation of the compressible flow field produced by an annular jet, close-coupled, gas metal atomizer.” In Computational and Numerical Techniques in Powder Metallurgy, eds. D. Madan, I. Anderson, W. Frazier, P. Kumar, M. McKimpson, TMS, Warrendale PA, pp. 41–53, 1993. K. Editorships, editorial boards and reviewing activities 1. Associate Editor, ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering (2003–2010). 2. Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Turbulence (Taylor and Francis). 3. With C. Cercignani, Guest Editor of the Special Issue on Turbulence modelling and simulations of the journal Computer and Mathematics with Applications (Elsevier), appeared in 2003. 4. Guest Editor of the Special Issue on Large-eddy simulations of the International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics (Taylor and Francis), appeared in 2010. 5. Article reviewer (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) (r) (s) The Physics of Fluids. AiChE Symposium Series. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. AIAA Aerospace Meetings. AIAA Journal. ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering. Meccanica. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Computers and Fluids. Journal of Engineering Mathematics. Journal of Computational Physics. Physical Review E. Applied Scientific Research. Journal of Turbulence. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. Fluid Dynamics Research. Proc. Inst. Mech. Engineers, Part G, J. Aerospace Engrng. 6. Proposal reviewer (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) National Science Foundation. Swedish Research Council. HP2C (Platform for High-Performance and High-Productivity Computing, Switzerland). Consiglio Nazionale Ricerche (Italy). Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Universit`a e della Ricerca (Italy). National Sciences and Engineering Research Council (Canada). 19 CONTRACTS, GRANTS AND AWARDS A. Grants (PI) 1. Development of subgrid-scale models for turbulent flows with heat transfer. University of Maryland, College of Engineering, Minta Martin Fund. US$22,000. July 1988–June 1989. 2. Large eddy simulation of flows with embedded streamwise vortices. Office of Naval Research. US$113,080. December 1988–November 1990. 3. Application of large eddy simulation to transitional channel flow. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. US$137,500. January 1990–December 1992. 4. Large eddy simulation of three-dimensional boundary layers. US$230,268. February 1991–January 1994. Office of Naval Research. 5. Large-eddy simulation of compressible and spatially-developing boundary layers. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. US$105,415. January 1993–January 1996. 6. Large-eddy simulation of a three-dimensional, shear-driven boundary layer. Office of Naval Research. US$269,191. February 1994–January 1997. 7. Large-eddy simulation of the flow behind an array of vortex generators. The Boeing Company. US$36,111. September 1, 1994–August 31, 1995. 8. Large-eddy simulation of relaminarization and retransition. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. US$79,954. April 1996–March 1998. 9. Large-eddy simulation of the flow emission from unsteady flow separation. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. US$156,402. December 1996–December 1999. 10. Large-eddy simulation of attachment-line instability. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. US$55,555. December 1996–December 1997. 11. Large-eddy simulation of the flow over a low Reynolds-number airfoil. Air Force Office of Scientific Research. US$185,430. April 1997–December 1998. 12. Wall-layer models for large-eddy simulations. Office of Naval Research. US$182,558. August 1997–July 1999. 13. Large-eddy simulation of complex flows using wall-layer models. US$198,438. August 1999–July 2001. Office of Naval Research. 14. An LES/DNS Based Model for Wall-Pressure Fluctuations. NSWC-Carderock. US$65,108. July 1999–June 2001. 15. Numerical investigation of the wave boundary layer. US$20,577. October 1999–September 2001. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. 16. Interaction between a laminar boundary layer and a far-field wake. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, US$165,000. November 1999-October 2002. 17. Evaluation of MEMS ultrasonic transducer arrays for flow metering. National Institute of Standards and Technology, US$191,316. May 2001-April 2004. 18. Comparison of Wall-Layer Modeling Techniques for large-eddy simulations. Office of Naval Research. US$146,424. August 2001–July 2003. 19. Inflow conditions for large-eddy simulations. Air Force Office of Scientific Research. US$253,203. January 2003–January 2006. 20. Transition mechanisms on multi-element airfoils. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. US$209,342. April 2003–April 2006. 21. Wall-layer models for large-eddy simulations of complex flows. US$173,238. April 2003–March 2005. Office of Naval Research. 22. Collaborative Research: Large-eddy simulation of estuarine mixing. National Science Foundation. US$223,283. March 2005–February 2009. 20 23. Interface conditions for hybrid RANS/LES methods. Air Force Office of Scientific Research. US$286,156. January 2006–January 2009. 24. Local Grid Refinement in Large-Eddy Simulations. Office of Naval Research. US$173,621. March 2006–September 2008. 25. Turbulence Simulations and Modelling. Can$62,500. August 2008. Queen’s University Research Initiation Grant, 26. Computational Turbulence Research. CRC-CFI, ORF and Queen’s University. Can$333,333. 27. Large-eddy simulations of complex flows. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada Discovery Grant. Can$285,000. October 2009–October 2014. 28. Large-eddy simulations of jets with embedded vortices impinging on a flat surface. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, US$304,687. September 2010–August 2014. 29. Numerical simulation of turbulence in hydro-electric applications. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada Collaborative Research and Development Grant (with Hydro Qu´ebec), Can$431,400. January 2012–December 2015. B. Grants (Co-PI) 1. Studies of the vortical structure of the turbulent boundary layer and its control. National Science Foundation. US$388,015, with J. M. Wallace and J.-L. Balint. Responsible for approximately US$130,000. October 1989–September 1992. 2. Vortical structures in turbulent shear flows and their implications for subgrid scale modeling. National Science Foundation. US$390,000, with J. M. Wallace. Responsible for approximately US$130,000. July 1993–June 1996. 3. Experimental study of a 3D, shear-driven boundary layer. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. US$25,000, with J. M. Wallace. July 1993–June 1994. Responsible for approximately US$12,500. 4. Experimental and numerical studies of vorticity dynamics and passive scalar mixing in a turbulent mixing layer. National Science Foundation. US$350,000, with J. M. Wallace and L. Ong. Responsible for approximately US$100,000. June 1997–May 2000. 5. Numerical modeling of non-premixed flame-wall interactions. US$239,541, with A. Trouve. March 2006–March 2009. 6. COX-2 Pathway and Cardiovascular Disease. Can$871,090, with Colin D. Funk. National Science Foundation. Canadian Institutes for Health Research. C. Fellowships and awards 1. Aeritalia Scholarship for Academic Achievement, 1979. 2. Fulbright Travel Grant, 1981. 3. NASA Langley Research Center Award for Group Accomplishment - Hypersonic Boundary-Layer, 1989. 4. NASA Langley Research Center Award for Group Accomplishment - Flow Prediction and Control, 1994. 5. Fellow, American Physical Society, 2002. 6. Associate Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2004. 7. Elected fellow, Institute of Physics, 2004. 8. Tier I Canada Research Chair in Computational Turbulence, 2008. 9. HPCVL-Sun Microsystems Chair in Computational Science and Engineering, 2008. 10. Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2009. 21 TEACHING AND ADVISING A. Undergraduate courses taught 1. At the University of Maryland (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Statics (ENES102). Spring 1996. Dynamics (ENES221). Spring 1988, Fall 1988, Spring 1991, Fall 1991, Fall 1995, Spring 2003. Thermodynamics (ENME232). Fall 2006. Thermodynamics (ENME320). Spring 1999, Fall 1999, Spring 2006. Fluid mechanics (ENME342). Spring 1988, Fall 1988, Spring 1993. Fluid mechanics (ENME331). Spring 2001, Fall 2003, Spring 2005, Spring 2007, Spring 2008. The ENME342 curriculum was changed to include a studio section, and the new course was renumbered ENME331. 2. At Queen’s University (a) Fluid mechanics I (MECH241). Winter 2010. (b) Airplane aerodynamics and performance (MECH480). Formerly Introduction to Aerospace Engineering. Winter 2011, Winter 2013, Winter 2014, Winter 2015. B. Graduate courses taught 1. At the University of Maryland (a) Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics (ENME640). Fall 1992, Fall 1993, Fall 1997, Fall 1998, Fall 2000, Fall 2001, Fall 2002. (b) Computational Fluid Dynamics (ENME646, earlier ENME808A). Spring 1989, Spring 1990, Spring 1992, Fall 1994, Fall 1996, Spring 1998, Spring 2000, Spring 2002, Spring 2004, Fall 2005, Fall 2007. New course developed by UP. (c) Physics of Turbulence (ENME656). Spring 1997. (d) Advanced Mechanical Engineering Analysis I (ENME700) Fall 1989, Fall 1990. (e) Turbulence Simulations (ENME808Q). Fall 2004, Spring 2006. New course developed by UP. 2. At Queen’s University (a) Advanced Topics in Numerical Modelling of Fluid Flow (MECH934). Fall 2010, Fall 2013. (b) Turbulence Simulations (MECH935). Fall 2009, Fall 2012, Fall 2014. C. Advising 1. M. S. students advised at the University of Maryland (a) (b) (c) (d) Rajat Garg, Fall 1991. Present employment: Sun Microsystems. Thesis. Yunfang Yu, Fall 1994. Non-Thesis. Biren Mowli, Fall 1998. Present employment: Amazon. Thesis. Chandrasekhar Kannepalli, Fall 1997. Present employment: Combustion Research And Flow Technology, Inc. Non-Thesis. 2. M. Sc. students advised at Queen’s University (a) Junlin Yuan, Fall 2011. Present employment: Ph.D. student, Queen’s University. (b) Amireza Rouhi, Winter 2012. Present employment: Ph.D. student, Queen’s University. (c) Pouya Mottaghian, Summer 2015 (expected). 3. Ph. D. students advised at the University of Maryland (a) Hossein Esmaili, Spring 1992. Present employment: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Rockville, MD, USA. (b) Junhui Liu, Fall 1994. Present employment: Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, USA. 22 (c) Xiaoli Huai, Summer 1996. Present employment: Ford Motors. (d) Pedro I. Espina, Fall 1997. Present employment: Executive Director, National Science and Technology Council, the White House, Washington, DC, USA. (e) Peter A. Chang, III, Summer 1998. Present employment: Naval Surface Weapons Laboratory–Carderock Division, Bethesda, MD, USA. (f) Chandrasekhar Kannepalli, Spring 1999. Present employment: Combustion Research And Flow Technology, Inc. (g) G. Valter Diurno, Spring 2001. Present employment: CD Adapco. (h) Victor Ovchinnikov, Spring 2006. Present employment: Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University. (i) Giuseppe De Prisco, Spring 2007. Present employment: Statoil, Houston, TX, USA. (j) Senthil Radhakrishnan, Fall 2007. Present employment: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Santa Barbara. 4. Ph. D. students advised at Queen’s University (a) Carlo Scalo, Summer 2012. Present employment: Assistant Professor, Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN, USA). (b) Mohammed Omidyeganeh, Spring 2013. Present employment: Assistant Professor, City University, (London, UK). (c) Junlin Yuan, Spring 2015 (expected). (d) Rayhaneh Banyassady, Spring 2015 (expected). (e) Wen Wu, Summer 2015 (expected). (f) J. S. Aidin (Civil Engineering, co-supervised with L.Boegman), Fall 2015 (expected) (g) Amirreza Rouhi, Fall 2015 (expected). (h) Ali Rahmatmand, Fall 2017 (expected). 5. Post-Doctoral Associates supervised at the University of Maryland. (a) Junhui Liu, 1994–1995. Present employment: Naval Research Laboratory. (b) Fabrizio Sarghini, 1996–1998. Present employment: Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Naples, Italy. (c) Andrea Pascarelli, 1997–2000. Present employment: Department of Foreign Affairs, Rome, Italy. (d) Elias Balaras, 1998–2000. Present employment: Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, George Washington University. (e) Pamela Moore, 2001–2004. (f) Alexandre Silva Lopes. 2001–2004. Present employment: Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal. (g) Anthony Keating. 2003–2005. Present employment: University of Queensland. (h) Senthil Radhakrishnan, 2007–2008. Present employment: University of California, Santa Barbara. 6. Post-Doctoral Fellows supervised at Queen’s University. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Matthew Ford, 2009–2011. Present employment: Royal Bank of Canada. Iftekhar Z. Naqavi, 2008–2010. Present employment: University of Cambridge (UK). Valerio Grazioso, 2009–2010. Present Employment: University of Naples (Italy). Hassan Raiesi, 2011. Present employment: Bombardier Aerospace. Mohammed Omidyeganeh, Summer 2013. Present employment: Assistant Professor, City University, London (UK). (f) Rabijhit Dutta, 2014–. 23 SERVICE A. Professional 1. Conference Chairman or Organizer (a) Co-Organizer, Symposium on Engineering Applications of Large-Eddy Simulations, 1993 ASME Fluids Engineering Conference, Washington, D.C., June 20-23, 1993. (b) Member of the Scientific Committee, First AFOSR International Conference on DNS and LES, Louisiana Tech. University, August 4–8, 1997. (c) Member of the Scientific Committee, Second AFOSR International Conference on DNS and LES, Rutgers University, August 1999. (d) Member of the Advisory Committee, 1st Symp. on Turbulent Shear Flow Phenomena, Santa Barbara, September 1999. (e) Member of the Organizing Committee, 53rd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society–Division of Fluid Dynamics, Washington, November 2000. (f) Member of the Scientific Committee, Third AFOSR International Conference on DNS and LES, University of Texas-Arlington, August 2001. (g) Member of the Advisory Committee, 2nd International Symp. on Turbulent Shear Flow Phenomena, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2001. (h) Member of the Advisory Committee, 3rd International Symp. on Turbulent Shear Flow Phenomena, Sendai, Japan, June 2003. (i) Member of the Organising Committee, 4th International Symp. on Turbulent Shear Flow Phenomena, Williamsburg, June 2005. (j) Co-director, von K` arm` an Institute 2005–2006 Lecture Series on “Large Eddy Simulation And Related Techniques: Theory And Applications”, Rhode-Saint-Genese, Belgium, March 2006. (k) Assistant Organizer, AIAA Summer Meeting, Miami, June 2007. (l) Assistant Organizer, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, Nevada, January 2008. (m) Co-director, von K` arm` an Institute 2007–2008 Lecture Series on “Large Eddy Simulation And Related Techniques: Theory And Applications”, Rhode-Saint-Genese, Belgium, March 2008. (n) Member of the Advisory Committee, 7th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on. Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, Limassol, Cyprus, June 2008. (o) Co-director, von K` arm` an Institute 2009–2010 Lecture Series on “Large Eddy Simulation And Related Techniques: Theory And Applications”, Rhode-Saint-Genese, Belgium, March 2010. (p) Member of the Advisory Committee, 8th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on. Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, Marseilles, France, June 2010. (q) Member of the Organising Committee, 6th International Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flow Phenomena, Ottawa, June 2011. (r) Member of the Scientific Committee, ERCOFTAC Workshop on Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation 9, Dresden, Germany, April 2013. (s) Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee, 10th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on. Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, Marbella, Spain, September 2014. (t) Member of the Scientific Committee, ERCOFTAC Workshop on Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation 10, Limassol, Cyprus, May 2015. B. University (at the University of Maryland) 1. Departmental (a) (b) (c) (d) Organizer of the Fluid Dynamics Review Seminars. 1988–1990 and 1993. Department of Mechanical Engineering representative, United Charity Campaign. 1989–1991. Thermal/Fluids Sciences Committee for Graduate Recruitment. Fall 1989–Fall 1993. Department of Mechanical Engineering Graduate Committee. Fall 1989–Spring 1998. 24 (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) Department of Mechanical Engineering Graduate Curriculum Committee. Fall 1993. Search committee for Thermal/Fluid faculty. Fall 1993, Fall 1997. Acting Director of Graduate Studies. Fall 1996–Summer 1997. Search committee for the Computer network specialist. Fall 1996. Department of Mechanical Engineering Graduate Curriculum Committee. Fall 1997. Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty Salary Committee. Fall 1997–Spring 2002. Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty Advisory Committee. Spring 2002–June 2006. Department of Mechanical Engineering Operating Committee. Spring 2002–June 2006. Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Appointments, Promotion and Tenure Committee. Fall 2001–Summer 2004. (n) Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Graduate Committee. Fall 2001–June 2006. (o) Chair of the Search Committee for the Graduate Coordinator. Fall 2001, Summer 2002. (p) Search Committee for the Assistant Director, Human Resources. Summer 2005. 2. College (a) Search committee for the Operations Coordinator – Instructional Television Service. Summer 1989. (b) College Web Committee. Spring 1997. (c) College Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee. Fall 1996-Spring 1998. (d) Search committee for the Mechanical Engineering Chair. Fall 2000–Spring 2001. (e) College Graduate Directors’ Committee. Summer 2001–Summer 2006. (f) Ph.D. Retention Committee, Spring 2005–Spring 2006. (g) Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee, A.J. Clark School of Engineering. Summer 2007–June 2005. 3. University (a) Campus Senate. Fall 1990–Spring 1993. (b) Graduate Council. Fall 2007–Summer 2008. C. University (at Queen’s University) 1. Department (a) Appointments, Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2013–2014. 2. Faculty (a) Faculty Awards Committee. 3. University (a) Research Strategic Planning Committee, 2011–2014. (b) Water Research Centre Executive Committee, 2012–. (c) Data, Analytics and Computing Committee, 2014–. 25
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