My Life in Six Words, Client ANNUAL REPORT 2007-2008 The George Hull Centre for Children and Families 600 The East Mall, Toronto, Ontario, M9B 4B1 Telephone: 416 622 8833 Email: Website: The George Hull Centre Registered Charity No. 10808 2918 RR0001 The George Hull Centre Foundation Registered Charity No. 88864 7740 RR0001 Accredited by Children’s Mental Health Ontario FROM THE BOARD CHAIR Staff and management are to be commended for their consistent focus on client needs despite continued fiscal pressure and the resulting need to maintain ongoing vacancies. Their creativity in finding new ways to manage waiting lists and in maintaining excellence in service delivery are just two areas of particular note among their many accomplishments this year. On behalf of everyone at George Hull, I thank our many volunteers and supporters whose contributions truly make a difference in the lives of children and families. We are fortunate to have the ongoing financial support of corporations and individuals who understand the vital role the Centre plays in our community. The need and thus the financial pressure continue to increase and so we ask for your additional, ongoing support. Children and families who should not wait are still waiting too long for service. Your donation will pay dividends by improving the long-term health of our community and our economy. Awareness of Children’s Mental Health Week continues to grow, and this year saw increased activities and exposure through media and events. The Honourable Michael Kirby, Chair of Canada’s Mental Health Commission, spoke again at the Empire Club this year, inspiring everyone to do their part in improving our response to mental health issues, especially for children. Sadly, this is the last year of service for our esteemed Executive Director who will retire later this year. As well as being an exceptional therapist, Elizabeth Ridgely is an outstanding mentor and advocate. Her dedication to the wellbeing of children and families is evident in everything she does, notably in her long-term commitment to advocacy and family therapy training. Libby’s passion for The George Hull Centre knows no bounds, and her reputation and leadership have contributed greatly to building the excellent organization that we as a Board feel fortunate to serve. We look forward to our ongoing relationship and thank Libby for her many years of dedicated service. Brigid Murphy MISSION STATEMENT The George Hull Centre is one of Ontario’s leading multidisciplinary, innovative children’s mental health centres. The purpose of The George Hull Centre is to reduce suffering and to enhance the quality of life of children, youth and families. The George Hull Centre engages the community, its families and volunteers in a variety of partnerships to provide hope, solutions and positive outcomes. “What I like best about the George Hull Centre is that you deliver in all your services. You are exactly what many people and or families need, especially those who feel as though they have nowhere to turn to. ...I’m ever so grateful to the George Hull Centre and my wonderful counsellor for being a positive influence in my daughter’s life and my own.” Parent FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR As I contemplate my retirement in November 2008, a few items come to the fore. The George Hull Centre is twenty-three years old now. Twenty-three years! The George Hull Centre started in 1985 with a budget of three million dollars and a staff of sixty-nine. Twenty-three years later, the Centre has a budget of nine million dollars and a staff of 147. From a beginning of six programs to thirteen programs! The Parents’ Association, now in its fourteenth year, continues to involve parents in advocacy for children’s mental health services. We’ve come a long way! The growth comes from the dedication and creativity of the staff, of the Board, of our donors, and of our clients. The wonderful aspect of the Centre is that service is given to children from birth through age eighteen. The child can be seen at age six. The same child, now adolescent, can be seen at age seventeen. For all of our clients, The George Hull Centre is a safe and reliable resource. I am proud of what we have accomplished. The growth of the Centre, with new and innovative programs, continues to be an inspiration to us all. George Hull was a dedicated principal, who believed in the strengths of his students. Believing in people’s strengths permeates The George Hull Centre to this day. I will miss The George Hull Centre. It has been a wonderful twenty-three years ! Elizabeth Ridgely, M.S.W., R.S.W. Executive Director The George Hull Centre for Children and Families 1 THE YEAR IN REVIEW The George Hull Centre served 5,034 children and their families in 2007-2008. COMMUNITY SERVICES includes Toronto Preschool Speech & Language Services, the Ontario Early Years Centre, the Best Start Program, the Community Clinic, the Etobicoke Brighter Futures Coalition, the Highfield Community Enrichment Project, and Family Group Conferencing. The unique aspect of this service continues to be the linkage between programs. A child can move easily from one program to another program, depending on the need. Toronto Preschool Speech & Language Services provided speech and language assessments and treatment to 419 children at The George Hull Centre. 1,846 in the Toronto West Quadrant. Ontario Early Years Centre “It is a great program. It gives my child an opportunity to interact with other children. She loves to watch them and play with all the toys. The staff are friendly and helpful. The GHC is very nice and clean.” Parent 1,159 children and 1,001 parents/caregivers participated in OEYC programs. There were 10,457child visits and 8,164 parent/caregiver visits to the Ontario Early Years Centre. 462 participated in workshops on topics such as behaviour management, storytelling, baby signing, and a 5week family math program. 121 professionals participated in workshops such as Real School Readiness. “I really love all the programs in this early years centre. My kids learn lots here. They love to come everyday. They play and share everything. I love this centre very much.” Parent The Best Start Program provided assessment and treatment to 149 families with young children. 360 parents and children participated in early years groups and workshops, many of which were offered in collaboration with Preschool Speech & Language Services, the Ontario Early Years Centre and the Etobicoke Brighter Futures Coalition. The Community Clinic provided assessment and treatment to 578 children and families. The suffering endured by the child and the family as they struggle with disheartening conditions such as depression, anxiety, school refusal, substance abuse, aggression, learning difficulties, and suicidal ideation, erodes the soul. The dilemma of need for service and availability of service permeates all children’s mental health centres. “Your expertly conducted sessions revealed our innermost thoughts, needs and fears. These discussions were insightful and helped us to overcome many obstacles that were blocking us from happiness and progress. We are certain you will help many other families as you have helped us, and we believe that is a beautiful and unselfish gift that you give every day.” Parents Groups and workshops were attended by 209 parents and 196 children and youth. “I like very useful strategies to deal with everyday problems. This workgroup encourages parents to overcome stress and frustration through different approaches.” Parent 2 The George Hull Centre for Children and Families The Highfield Community Enrichment Project, located in Highfield Junior Public School, served 1,705 children and 496 families. The Nutrition Program served 5,600 breakfasts, 5,200 hot lunches, 120,000 snacks this year. The Highfield Project is one of eight Better Beginnings, Better Futures projects in Ontario. In early 2008, the research team, led by Queen’s University, received a million dollar grant from the federal Ministry of Public Safety to continue the longitudinal study at three Better Beginnings sites – in Cornwall, Sudbury and Toronto (Highfield). This new funding will allow the researchers to follow the first cohort of children through high school and beyond. Highfield was awarded a 2008 Vital Idea grant by the Toronto Community Foundation to evaluate the Highfield Summer Enrichment Program. This program is for children who are beginning Junior Kindergarten. The goal is to prepare the child and family for school life. It is invaluable for immigrant families who have had no exposure to the Canadian school system. “In our long history as a country of immigrants, newcomers will shape our future more than ever before. How we welcome them and help them settle has never been more important.” Vital Signs Report, Toronto Community Foundation Etobicoke Brighter Futures Coalition is a collaborative group of 38 community partners sponsored by The George Hull Centre and funded under the federal government’s Community Action Program for Children (CAPC). For the past fourteen years, the Coalition has been working together to provide programs and services to young children and their families in more than 15 Etobicoke neighbourhoods. Recently, the Government of Ontario announced it was moving forward on a full-day learning initiative for four- and five-year-olds starting in 2010. The Etobicoke Brighter Futures Coalition wanted to ensure that the voices of parents in Etobicoke were heard by the Premier and his advisors during their planning process. The Coalition held several consultation sessions in six Etobicoke neighbourhoods to make parents aware of the full day early learning initiative, create a forum where parents could discuss their thoughts about how this initiative will impact and benefit their child or family, and engage parents in discussion about how the full day early learning program should be implemented. My Life in Six Words, Client The George Hull Centre for Children and Families 3 Family Group Conferencing The George Hull Centre continues to take a lead role in the Family Group Conferencing Project of Toronto and the Family Group Conferencing Provincial Resource. During the past 10 years, Family Group Conferencing has become recognized in Toronto and across the province as a culturally sensitive approach to child protection that protects children and empowers vulnerable and marginalized families. The Family Group Conferencing Provincial Resource was established to develop Family Group Conferencing capacity in Ontario. The Provincial Resource provides orientation, training and mentorship, and maintains a roster of trained conference coordinators. The Family Group Conferencing Project of Toronto served 163 children this year. In February 2008, the Project began to use family group conferencing with youth preparing to leave residential treatment. Research indicates that Family Group Conferencing has the potential to help youth establish or renew connections with extended family members and widen the network of supports available to them. RESIDENTIAL AND DAY TREATMENT SERVICES “George Hull has changed my life. I now know what it feels like to be loved selflessly, and that is found nowhere else. I owe George Hull such gratitude for saving my life and believing I could make something of myself. Without their dedication, I never would have known what it was like to trust someone completely and totally; for someone to feel compassionate towards me. And most of all, given the strength to carry on.” Former Girls House Resident My Life in Six Words, Client Residential treatment was provided to 13 boys, ages 12-16, in the Boys House and to 14 girls, ages 12-17, in the Girls House. The Boys House and Girls House are long term, adolescent residential treatment programs. The clients come with heartache, which is expressed through anger and extreme self-destructive behaviours, such as severe under-achievement, suicidal behaviours, cutting, prostitution, drug and alcohol abuse. Most have given up on themselves and their ability to develop a life worth saving. “The culture at the Boys House seems to be one of inclusion, quality care, and continuous learning. The entire staff team appears to model an approach that values self reflection, transparency, a non-judgmental perspective and the development of well informed clinical formulations. The staff understand the essence of child and youth care and practice it daily!” Nancy Russell, Manager of Client Services, Central Toronto Youth Services The School Program, in partnership with the Toronto District School Board and the Toronto Catholic District School Board, provided therapeutic, academic programming to 51 adolescents. The troubled lives of our students have left them far behind academically. This program eases the academic struggle with classroom adventures in theatre, sports and musical performances. The partnership between the teacher and the child and youth workers is exemplary and essential. 4 The George Hull Centre for Children and Families Clear Directions, in partnership with Breakaway and the Toronto District School Board, provided an adolescent substance abuse day program to 13 clients. The mission of Clear Directions is to help young people, whose lives have been shattered by drugs and alcohol, break the cycle of addiction, rebuild their lives and become productive members of the community. The multidisciplinary team, working with a harm reduction philosophy, engages youth by acknowledging and building on strength, instilling hope and inviting family and friends into the class and therapy rooms. With one-time funding from the Ministry of Children & Youth Services, Clear Directions staff began a pilot outreach program offering parenting workshops on substance abuse in community settings. Many families are unaware of available resources and helpful approaches to adolescent drug and alcohol use. RESEARCH AND PROGRAM EVALUATION The George Hull Centre is committed to research, program evaluation and continuous quality improvement in an effort to ensure the delivery of high quality services to the children and families it serves. Client feedback questionnaires are distributed throughout the Centre. Results show very high satisfaction rates for groups, workshops and core services in 2007-2008. In 2007-2008, the Research Department assisted the Centre with the transition to a new data system – the Children and Youth Services Information System (CYSIS). This system provides superior data management and tracking abilities. It will greatly enhance the Centre’s program management and quality assurance functions. The George Hull Centre Parents’ Association The Parents’ Association, under the leadership of Cathy Martin, had an active and productive year. Several parents participated in training workshops provided by Parents for Children’s Mental Health and attended the National Child & Youth Mental Health Day in May 2008. Sylvia Naumovski and Bonnie McGuire continued to produce the Association’s excellent quarterly newsletter, filled with news from each of the Centre’s programs. The Parents’ Association organized and hosted the annual student art show, featuring works by students in the Centre’s Day Programs, as well as posters on mental health created by students at Richview Collegiate Institute. Halima Saad, Executive Director of Madbakh Women’s Initiative and a member of The George Hull Centre Parents’ Association (pictured here with Elizabeth Ridgely), was awarded a Vital People grant by the Toronto Community Foundation in the spring of 2008. The grant will enable Ms. Saad to attend executive training courses to assist her in work on behalf of Somali families. We Love Our Volunteers ! 13 volunteers on the Board of the George Hull Centre. 7 volunteers on the Board of the George Hull Centre Foundation. 105 volunteers at the Highfield Community Enrichment Project. 4 volunteers at the Ontario Early Years Centre. The George Hull Centre for Children and Families 5 CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE “First was the great pleasure of being in a place that is heart and soul about clinical practice. Every office door I walked by and every time I went into the kitchen, the talk was all about families – what they need, what to do, who to pull in. I can’t tell you how much this touched me – the exhausted dedication of the staff. That the Executive Director is first of all a clinician and sets good clinical practice inviolable in the centre of what the Centre does, accounts I am sure for the heartfulness that pervades the place.” Family Therapy Intern, Family Therapy Training Program Training Future Professionals Through the Centre’s formal affiliation agreement with the University of Toronto, The George Hull Centre provided learning opportunities to 4 residents in psychiatry, 4 social work students, 1 speech & language pathology student, and 29 medical students. The Centre also welcomed 1 social work student from York University; 13 child & youth work students from George Brown, Humber and Sheridan Colleges; 4 nursing students and 4 early childhood education students from Ryerson University and Humber College; 2 social services students and 1 graphic communication and design student from Ryerson University; 4 Family Group Conferencing interns; 1 high school co-op student from Silverthorn Collegiate Institute. Family Therapy Training Program Director: Elizabeth Ridgley, M.S.W., R.S.W. The Family Therapy Training Program is committed to the training and development of professionals working with families. The program offers both theoretical and clinical training in family therapy, as a central component of the treatment of children and adolescents, to professionals across disciplines and across the province. Program components include an extern program, intern program, theoretical frameworks seminar, clinical supervision and consultation to agencies. We salute the dedication of the faculty then and now. We salute the international family therapists who came to the Centre to share their wisdom. Dr. Maurizio Andolfi, Italy Dr. Thelma Jean Goodrich, U.S.A. Dr. Mary Hotvedt, U.S.A. Dr. Patricia Minuchin, U.S.A. Dr. Hans Mulder, Holland Dr. Noga Rubinstein Nabarro, Israel Dr. Rick Pluut, Holland Dr. Karl Tomm, Canada 6 The George Hull Centre for Children and Families Dr. Lars Brok, Holland Dr. Russell Haber, U.S.A. Dr. Sarah Jutoran, Argentina Dr. Salvador Minuchin, U.S.A. Dr. Judith Myers Avis, Canada Dr. Patricia Lopez Negrete, Mexico Dr. Murray Stein, U.S.A. Dr. Carl Whitaker, U.S.A. Michael Syron Memorial Bursary The Michael Syron Memorial Bursary was established in honour of Michael Syron, the founding Board Chair of the Centre. His dedication and vision contributed to the Centre and to the Etobicoke community. Funded by his children, Laura Syron, Stephanie Taaffe and Philip Syron, the bursary is presented annually to a university or college bound student graduating from a school located in the former City of Etobicoke. My Life in Six Words, Client The bursary assists students who have done well in school and contributed to the community despite adverse personal circumstances. The 2008 Michael Syron Memorial Bursary was presented to Kelly Whiting, a graduate of Lakeshore Collegiate Institute and to Douglas Devries, Jr., a graduate of Martingrove Collegiate Institute. Kelly was accepted to the Queen’s University International Study Centre. Douglas was accepted to the University of Toronto. Both winners excelled academically and contributed to their schools and the community. They are to be commended! Honorary Members of The George Hull Centre 1985-1990 Clive Chamberlain, M.D., F.R.C.P.(C), Founding Executive Director Speakers who enriched our Annual Meetings with their thinking, their advocacy and their presence: 2007 Susan Hess, President, Parents for Children’s Mental Health 2006 Amy de Munnik, Julie Fruitman, Stephanie Mills, The George Hull Centre Residential Programs 2005 Alia Hogben 1998 Dr. Susan Bradley 2004 Ellie Tesher 1996 Michael Valpy 2003 June Callwood 1995 Anne-Marie Stewart 2002 Susan Perren 1994 His Excellency Allan Rock 2001 The Hon. Margaret Norrie McCain 1993 Tony Silipo 2000 The Hon. Hilary M. Weston 1992 Dr. Thelma Jean Goodrich 1999 Jeffery Wilson 1991 Dr. Colin Maloney The George Hull Centre for Children and Families 7 FUNDRAISING EVENTS Thank you to all our sponsors and participants! The George Hull Centre Golf Tournament, August 2007 $62,310 RattleSnake Golf Club Title Sponsor: The Samuel Group of Companies Additional sponsors: Cade Associates Insurance Brokers, Goodmans LLP, The Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company of Canada, The Dominon of Canada General Insurance Company The RBC Poker Tournament for Children’s Mental Health, February 2008 $154,135 Hosted and sponsored by RBC Capital Markets. Additional sponsors: The Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company, Lombard Canada Ltd. Hope Travels, May 2008 $5,310 Reception at The Pilot in support of the therapeutic summer travel program for adolescent girls Laugh Out Loud, May 2008 Presented by BMO at The Gladstone Hotel Sponsored by: Cade Associates Insurance Brokers, Goodmans LLP, First General Services (Toronto) Ltd., Goodmans LLP, Mayfield Custom Homes Ltd., Miller Thompson LLP, Pitcher & Doyle ULC, The Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company, The Guarantee Company of North America, Topper Linen Supply Ltd. WITH APPRECIATION TO OUR MAJOR DONORS: BMO: $26,667 for the Community Clinic Group Program CIBC World Markets Children’s Miracle Foundation: $15,000 for the Girls House Discount Car & Truck Rentals: two new vans every six months for the Residential Programs Hedge Funds Care Canada: $60,000 for the Family Group Conferencing Project Toronto Community Foundation: $25,000 for the Highfield Community Enrichment Project TD Securities Charity Auction: $20,000 for tutoring 8 The George Hull Centre for Children and Families $82,925 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 12 Month Period Ending March 31, 2008 $000’s Revenue 6,213 Expenditures Provincial government subsidy Family Group Conferencing 604 Donations 245 Etobicoke Preschool Consultation Group 156 Other 133 Highfield Nutrition Program 89 Interest 34 Family Therapy Training Program 27 Expense Recoveries 15 Highfield Child Care Program 10 Total Revenue 7,526 Salaries and benefits 5,740 Building Occupancy 592 Professional Services 340 Program and Client Expenses 307 Office and Administration 300 Amortization 120 Travel and Vehicle 69 Training and Recruitment 45 Family Therapy Training Program 20 Total Expenditures 7,533 Funds Received & Managed on behalf of: Etobicoke Brighter Futures Coalition Toronto Preschool Speech and Language Services Public Health Agency of Canada 182 United Way Success by Six 118 Ontario Trillium Foundation 75 Other 22 Provincial funding through the City of Toronto Other 1,249 29 The George Hull Centre for Children and Families 9 MAKING A DIFFERENCE The Centre gratefully acknowledges the generous support of its donors. Corporate 407 International Inc. Absolutely Fine Foods Aon Re Canada Aurion Capital Management Inc. Bailey Metal Products Ltd. Bartimaeus Inc. Benefit Plan Solutions, A Division of Carruthers Financial Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP BMO Financial Group BMO Nesbitt Burns Borealis Infrastructure Bright Red Communications Cade Associates Insurance Brokers Camp Ponacka Inc. Carlton Cards Carpenters and Allied Workers Local 27 Carpenters’ Union, Central Ontario Regional Council Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP Corplex Management Services Ltd. Creechurch International Underwriters Ltd. Davis LLP DUCA Financial Services Credit Union Ltd. EllisDon Corporation Epstein, Cole LLP Extendicare Inc. Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Fengate Capital Corporation First General Services (Toronto) Ltd. Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP Goodmans LLP Gore Mutual Insurance Company Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP Guy Carpenter & Company (Canada) Ltd. Hedge Funds Care Canada IBM Employees’ Charitable Fund ING Canada 10 The George Hull Centre for Children and Families My Life in Six Words, Client Karrys Bros., Limited Litens Automotive Group Lombard Canada ltd. Macquarie North America Ltd. Mayfield Custom Homes Ltd. McDermott Enterprises McGraw-Hill Companies McMillan Binch Mendelsohn LLP Miller Thomson LLP Molson Canada Motor Home Travel Canada Inc. Munich Reinsurance Company of Canada OMERS Capital Partners Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Peter & Greg Walker Contracting Inc. Pitcher & Doyle ULC Pilot Insurance Company Pro-Spec Roof Consultants & Associates RBC Capital Markets RBC Royal Bank Rick Davis Promotions Inc. Rogers Wireless Royal Bank of Canada Ryder Truck Rentals Samuel, Son & Co., Limited Scholastic Canada SCOR Canada Reinsurance Co. Scotiabank Shipp Corporation Limited Shore Line Building Maintenance Limited Sleep Country Canada Starlight Disc Jockey Services Swiss Reinsurance Company Canada TD Bank Financial Group TD Securities Employee Charity Auction Teranet Inc. The Boiler Inspection & Insurance Company of Canada The Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company The Great-West Life Assurance Company The Guarantee Company of North America The McGraw-Hill Companies The Printing House Limited Topper Linen Supply Ltd. Vincor WD-40 Products (Canada) Ltd. Willis Canada Inc. Foundations CIBC World Markets Children’s Miracle Foundation ING Foundation Jackman Foundation Kids Up Front Foundation The Alice & Murray Maitland Foundation The EJLB Foundation The Lewis Ward Trust The McLean Foundation The P.& P. Murray Foundation Toronto Community Foundation Community Christ Church Anglican, Bolton Crescent School Kingsway-Lambton United Church Women Our Lady of Peace Church Queensway Cathedral St. George’s (Islington) Church Nursery School Inc. Toronto Professional Firefighters Girl, age 5 The George Hull Centre for Children and Families 11 Individuals Momina Abdella Cathy Acs Peter Acs Melanie Adams Pauline Adams Barb Addie Philip Allmen Ligia Almeida Lesley Alvares Michael J. Anderson Sharon Anderson Anonymous Camille Ansara Odette Answell Dan Antflyck Donald Armstrong Susan Armstrong Linda Avery Jennifer Babe Gail Bacon Janice Bacon Frances Bagley Matthew Baillie Belinda Bain Deirdre Baker Max Balaban William Balan Lindee Ballentine Greg Bandler Christopher J. Bardsley Shehab Bath Shayne Beavan Nathalie Begin Manon Belisle David F. Bell Ricky Benevides Gino Benevito Kingsley Bennett Bradley Beveridge Ron & Gail Beveridge Patricia Bingham Lawrence Birch Elizabeth Bishop Terry Bisset 12 Antonette Blanchard Nelson Borges Lindsay Bostock Nicole Bourgeois Jasmine Akbarali & Alan Bowman Alan Bradley Philip Bradshaw Harley Branscombe Caroline Breau Linda Briden Matthew Britton Alex Brown Chris Brown Deborah Brown Carolyn Buck Craig Burley Marilyn Cade Donald R. Cade Rafael A. Calles Marroquin Albert Cameron Alda Cameron Deborah Cameron Anne Hull Campbell M. Campbell The Hon. Donna Cansfield Karen Carlson John & Kerry Carmichael Esther Carver Michelle Cato Daniel Chabot Clive Chamberlain Stuart Chandler Hsing-Chi Chang Mara Charbonneau Janet A. Charlton Monica Cheam Anne Cheetham Bernard Cheetham Daniel Cheetham Sebastian Cheetham Stephanie Cheetham Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ciccolini Carol Cimicata Alexandra Clark Pamela Clark The George Hull Centre for Children and Families Andrew Clausner Steve Cline Emily Cole Maris Uffelmann & Dean Connor Anne Conway George Cooke Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Correia David Craig Marla Crews Kim Curran Jack & Beth Curtin Bryan P. Dale Jerry Dalla Corte Anne Marie D’Andrea Michelle Davies Steve Davies Susan Davies Sandra de Munnik Brian DeVeale Theresa Devlin Franca DiComo Nicolina Dioiodato Vera & Goran Dodic Pamela Dogra Tanya Doyle Melissa Dummett Ed Dybka Sue Ennis Graham Evanhoff Laura Farbstein Carole Farley Don Fasciano Ken Fasciano R. Fenn Clara Fernandes Heather Ferrier Emily Fiorini Mervin Fisher Robert Ford Larry Foy Pamela Foy Mary Franklin Darlene M. Fraser Barbara Fry Sylvia Furgiuele Arthur J. Gallant Sheila Gallimore Cindy Gallucci Bruna Gambino Domenic Gatta Julie Gauthier Anne Marie George S. Giddens Karen Gilmour-Barrett David Girvin Marianne Gocker Jacqui Goldberg Anthony Gomes Allan Goodman Debbie Goslett Robert Graham Salvina Greco Lynne Gregory Robert Gregory Teresa Greskowiak Stanley Griffin Debra Haak Daniel Hagler Kate Hanley Hal Hannaford Karen Hannaford Merle Hannaford Michael Harris Robert Hart Eleanor Hayden Doug Hennessy Barb Heri Lisa Hill Dermot Holwell Leona Howard Donna Hrynkiw Catherine Hull Robert G.S. Hull Judith Hunter C. Huydu Franca and Heikki Hyvarinen Vincenzo Imerti Laila Innis-Vautour C. Irons Bina Israni Shirley Ivens Lynda Jacobs William James Pam Johnson Edward Johnston Katherine Jong J. Jozefacki Biljana Karanovic John Kartechner Min Katz Manohar Keesari Edward J. Kernaghan Susan Ketterick Christina Kiriakidis Anita Kirkwood Robert W. Korthals Axel Kuhn Pei-Chi Kuo Mylene Labelle Mark Labudzki Grace Lam Angie Laurusaitis Lavinia Law Lisa Leonard Simon & Courtenay Lester Susan Lilley Manoojkumar Lilmohan Ellen Little David Lloyd Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Loach Louise Lore Christopher Lovell M. Lowe Brian Lumley Arlene MacBride Ann MacDonald Vlastimila Macko Fatemeh Mansouri Peter Marchment Jim Marinos Cathy A. Martin Leonel Martinez Diane Mason John Mason Ashi P. Mathur Fred May The Hon. Margaret McCain Frances McCann D. McDonald Barbara McHughan Mark McHughan Patrizia McInnis Angela McMonagle Mr. & Mrs. D. Meaker Ernie Mee Stania Melichar Andrea Melnychuk Bert Menear Erin Misener Deric Moilliet Andrew Mollard Lorena Moniz Christine Monson Catherine Moore Darwina Moore Mary Morris David Mount Francesca & Thomas Mount Harry, Shirley & Patrick Mount Audrey Mullan Brigid Murphy Eva Murrant Cathy Narduzzi Lou & Sylvia Naumovski Heather Near Maria Neto Nancy Newton Kelly Nicholson Andre Nowakowski Lois Nuk Elizabeth Osler The Ottini Family Linda Marie Pacheco Tom Panak Jo-Anne Parks Alpana Ben Parshotam Catherine & Scott Patterson Carroll Pearce Sandra Pereira Susan Perren Maddalena Pignatari Scott Pilkey The George Hull Centre for Children and Families 13 Virginia Pinto Doina Plopeanu Colin Pope Tom Poray Barbara Porter Steve Porter Marlene Potter Mollyanna Potter Cullen Price Shelly Anne Rae Tahir Raja David Rankin Bonnie Reid Mel Rhinelander Tammy Richards Elizabeth Ridgely Linda Riverso Aneira Roberts Kim & Wayne Rogers Bonnie Romanson K. Rousette Susan Runciman Rita and Santino Russo Eva Sachs Kathryn Sadler Diane Sanborn Maria Santos Jyoti Sanwalka William J. Saunderson Sophie Schmidt Norman Schnavel Marilyn & Larry Schreiner Anne Secord Diane L. Sedge Laurie Sellings Mrs. Sethi Mehran Shahviri John & Elaine Shearer Chris Sherwood Laura Shory Charles D. Sissons Henry Sissons Constance Smelsky Lloyd D. Smith Paul Smith Donata Smolak 14 Roman Smolak John & Cindy Smouter Anne Sonnen Indreya Sookdeo Cherie Sparkes Nancy Sponagle Elise St.Marie B. & K. Stanton Pat Steinegger Sandra Stevens John Stewart Marlyn Stravino Jessica Sturgess Shirley Sturgess Gwen Sugiyama Doug Swann Laura Syron Philip Syron Stephanie & Alan Taaffe Belal Taha Brenda Takabe Maria Sherry Tan Beena and Enrico Tanga Kay Targett Andrew Taylor Tracey Telfer Christina Thiele Arvinder Thind Mel Thomson Erin Timmons Beverly Topping Mary Torro Lindita Toshkezi Jennifer Tracey Anita Turcotte Mr. & Mrs. John Tyers Isobel Vallely Chris Van Staveren Anne-Marie Vanier Tim Wach Juli Waddell Donald Waechter Jane Waechter Pauline Walsh Andrea Ward Stanley Watroba The George Hull Centre for Children and Families Margaret Waugh Wayne Weatherbee Shelley Werynski Rosemary White Melissa Wildman Nancy Wildman M. Wilk Ann Wong Catherine Wong Sim Mee Wong Robert Woodall Diane Woodruff Beverly Ann Woods Bradley Woods Darrin Woods Joan Woods Gary Young Jurij Zurba CORPORATE DIRECTORY Management Team Executive Director: Elizabeth Ridgely, M.S.W., R.S.W. Community Services: Jane Bray, M.S.W., R.S.W., Director Kim Curran, M.S.W., Coordinator, Etobicoke Brighter Futures Coalition Lynne Gregory, C.Y.W., Program Manager, Ontario Early Years Centre Inshirah Hassabu, Program Manager, Family Group Conferencing Jennifer Lall-Budhu, M.Sc., Reg. CASLPO, Coordinator, Preschool Speech & Language Services Elnora Magboo, M.A., Program Manager, Highfield Community Enrichment Project Rashaad Vahed, M.S.W., R.S.W., Manager, Community Clinic Residential and Day Treatment Services: Susan Chamberlain, M.S.W., R.S.W., Director Tahmo Gharabaghi, B.A., Program Manager, School Program and Clear Directions Angela Jansen, S.S.W., Acting Program Manager, Girls House Andrew Legatto, B.A., Program Manager, Boys House Psychiatrist in Chief: Ruth Stirtzinger, M.D., F.R.C.P.(C) Research and Program Evaluation: Diane Bartlett, Ph.D.(ABD), Manager Operations and Development: Rick Arseneau, C.G.A., Director Sandra Dunne, Manager, Finance Foundation Trustees Robert G.S. Hull, Chair Philip Allmen Susan Armstrong Hugh Christie Gordon Lownds Duncan McCallum Brigid Murphy Parents’ Association Cathy A. Martin, Chair The George Hull Centre for Children and Families 15 We celebrate the diligence, the optimism, the vision and the competence of our Executive Directors, our Board Chairs, and the 64 Board members from the past twenty-three years. Executive Directors: Clive Chamberlain, M.D., F.R.C.P.(C) Elizabeth Ridgely, M.S.W., R.S.W. 1985-1990 1990-2008 Board Chairs Michael Syron Robert G.S. Hull Melvin A. Rhinelander 1985-1990 1990-1994 1994-1996 Philip Allmen Brigid Murphy Current Board Members Jasmine Akbarali Susan Armstrong Darlene Cade Larry Foy Barbara Fry Axel Kuhn Cathy A. Martin Ashi P. Mathur Brigid Murphy Naeem Siddiq Anne-Marie Vanier Jane Waechter Jane Wong Ferris Past Board Members Philip Allmen Matthew Baillie Bob Bass Joanne Best Greg Braithwaite Elizabeth Brown Kevin Chernoff Anette Christensen J.S. Darville Edward Dybka Janice Etter Elizabeth Fanjoy Judge Stewart Fisher Maureen Flanagan Pool Robert Foote David Girvin Ana Gomez Laurence Guild Alison Irvine Debra Haak Colin Hamilton Deborah Hanscom Robert G.S. Hull Sheila Kieran Paul Laberge David Latimer 16 The George Hull Centre for Children and Families Fred Ladly Louise Lore Gordon Lownds Gloria Lindsay Luby James MacDonald Grant Machum Denise Marcellin Winston Marcellin Fred May Gregory F. McGuire Duncan Munn Robert Nice Lorraine Nowina Akela Peoples William Praskey Jed Purcell Dr. Naomi Rae-Grant Melvin A. Rhinelander Bruce Rivers Peter Sirois Murray L. Smith Richard Smith Susan Sotnick Michael Syron Dr. Francis J. Turner 1996-2001 2001 How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. (Annie, The Musical)
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