Featured Parks - City of Vaughan

Spring & Summer 2015
Featured Parks
Neighbourhood Parks
In the summer of 2014, five new
neigbourhood parks were added to the City’s
parks and open space inventory. Two of the
parks that are of particular interest were
added to North Thornhill and Woodbridge
Communities: Village Green Park & Spring
Blossom Park. The green, inclusive design
of these parks is an example of the City
of Vaughan’s commitment to accessible,
sustainable and active living.
Village Green Park
500 Via Campanile
size: 2.69 hectares
junior & senior playgrounds
naturalized bioswale
fitness equipment
As part of the Accessibility for Ontarians with
Disabilities Act (AODA), the City in consultation with the project Landscape Architects,
designed the junior and senior playground to
incorporate an engineered wood fibre fall protection safety surface with accessible curb depressions, allowing entry into the playgrounds.
The playground includes an accessible swing
and many accessible play panels located at
particular heights and locations at the edges
of the playground to allow accessibility from
the surrounding perimeter pathway.
One of the unique features within Village Green
Park is the large naturalized bioswale area located along the north section of the park which
has been designed to remove surface water.
This water quality improvement aims to slow
the rate of water entering into the storm systems by slowly percolating run-off water into
the ground which is beneficial from an environmental sustainability standpoint.
Fitness equipment has been installed along
the perimeter walking path which connects
both neighbouring streets Via Teodoro and
Selvapiano Crescent to Village Green Park and
encourages active living.
senior soccer field & skateboard zone
sitting / gathering areas
walking path, shade structure
A “theme” park based on the
Outer Galaxy, with many star-shaped
features incorporated within the paving
material and facility structures.
Visit us online at vaughan.ca/ParksAndForestry
Spring & Summer 2015
Featured Parks
Spring Blossom Park
1 Apple Blossom Drive
North Thornhill
size: 1.3 hectares
The park’s design exemplifies the City’s commitment to accessibility, sustainability and active
living. The pedestrian pathway provides a direct connection to the park from Dufferin Street and
Apple Blossom Drive, and is adjacent to many broad leaf canopy deciduous and evergreen trees
that have been planted to provide park users with future sun protection during hot summer days
and allows warm sunshine during winter. Planting around the perimeter and interior of the park
also provides a buffer from neighbouring street and residences. The storm drainage for the park
includes some swales with long runs to catch basins that encourages percolation into the ground,
improves water quality and reduces the quantity of runoff entering the storm system.
full size basketball court
The basketball court was designed with raised
and flush curbs to allow flooding and conversion to a natural ice rink during the winter
months. Water service is available on the west
side of the court.
For more information on how you can get involved
in volunteering with this nature outdoor ice rink,
please contact Parks Operations and Forestry and
ask for the City’s Outdoor Ice Rink Guidelines.
junior & senior play structure
with swing sets
mini soccer field
The mini soccer field has been designed to accommodate children under 10 years old, for
games of 5 vs 5 or 7 vs 7. A chain link fence at
6 and 8 feet heights is located at each end of
the field to increase player / public safety and
prevent balls from travelling into the adjacent
street and residences.
The junior and senior play equipment is located
in a combined play space with three bays of
swings. The play space has engineered wood
fibre fall protection surfacing with an accessible
curb ramp entering play space. Play panels are
located within the play space and many of the
components have been designed at the ground
level, allowing easy access for active play.
seating area with a
fully-covered shade structure
A plaza area that is central to the playground
provides fully-covered shade and seating areas.
Spring & Summer 2015
Programs • Pedestrian & Bicycle Master Plan
Spring & Summer
Parks & Forestry
ABC Program
The City of Vaughan Parks &
Forestry Department is proud to
introduce the ABC Program, A
Better Citizen... A Safer Community. This program builds stronger
communities by providing residents
the opportunity to get involved
in community safety. Becoming A
Better Citizen is as easy as ABC.
Simply, pick up an ABC card from
your local community centre or
download a card from
Collect your neighbour's contact
information to be used in case of
emergencies or in order to organize
a community function.
Park Ambassadors
Park Ambassadors are the "eyes
and ears" in our community parks.
They assist Parks staff and patrol by
conducting site visits and performing visual checks. They report damage and inappropriate activities to
the appropriate City staff and/or
department. They also inform park
users about City services, events
and initiatives.
The City of Vaughan Adopt-APark program offers involved and
responsible citizens a chance
to beautify and enhance their
neighbourhood park. By taking part
in the program, interested groups
or individuals are encouraged to
promote and organize a minimum
of 3 planned park activities such
as litter cleanup, tree and flower
plantings, and shrub bed improvements. Participants in the program
have their group name recognized
and added to the park sign as part
of the adoption of the park.
Dazzle Me!
For more information about
Curb Appeal and other community beautification programs, visit
Can your neighbourhood use a
make over? Perhaps a little landscaping, some planting or even
painting? The City of Vaughan
has created the Dazzle Me! program to stimulate and support
community projects that will
improve the visual landscape of
our city while bringing together
individuals and groups that take
pride in their neighbourhoods.
Park Fitness Stations
Vaughan B’Leaves
Off-Leash Dog Park
Through the use of features such
as outdoor fitness equipment, the
City of Vaughan has incorporated
outdoor recreational activities
providing elements in parks and
open spaces catering to individual
physical activity and wellness. Each
fitness feature is designed to meet
the health needs and promote active living in the community. These
features provide opportunities for
users to prolong their active life by
helping to increase mobility and
The City of Vaughan is committed to increasing trees planted
on public and private lands to
improve and expand Vaughan’s
urban forest. If you would like
to participate in this program
by planting a tree in memory
of an event or loved one, or if
you would like to receive more
information, contact the Parks &
Forestry Operations Department.
The City has an off-leash dog
park located at Concord/Thornhill Regional Park, 299 Racco
Curb Appeal
For information on any of these
programs please contact the
parks and forestry operations
department at 905-832-8577
or parks@vaughan.ca
Pedestrian & Bicycle Master Plan
The planning, design and construction of walking, hiking and cycling routes
has increasingly become a priority for municipalities across Ontario, including the City of Vaughan. People are more aware of the importance of health
and exercise and the need to reduce the impact motor vehicle use is having
on the environment.
The Pedestrian & Bicycle Master Plan will create a comprehensive city-wide
pedestrian and cycling network that, when implemented over the next 10
to 20 years, will accommodate a wide range of users and expand the existing pedestrian and cycling facilities within Vaughan. It will complement and
support public enjoyment of the natural geography, landscape, and
environmental features offered in Vaughan.
For more information visit: vaughan.ca/projects and click on
Pedestrian & Bicycle Master Plan
Visit us online at vaughan.ca/ParksAndForestry
Spring & Summer 2015
Water Parks & Splash Pads • Skateboard Parks
Water Parks & Splash Pads
Maple Locations:
Crieff Parkette
Mackenzie Glen District Park
Maple Airport Park
Maple Lions Park
Melville Park
Thornhill Locations:
Concord Thornhill Regional Park
Dufferin District Park
North Thornhill Community Centre
Wade Gate
Woodbridge Locations:
2015 Hours of Operation:
June-Labour Day
May & September (Weekends Only)
Saturday & Sunday
Note: Splash pads now open on Victoria Day.
Anthony Locilento Park
Chancellor District Park
Father E. Bulfon Park
Mapes Park
Matthew Park
McClure Meadows Park
Sonoma Heights Community Park
Vaughan Mills Park
Skateboard Parks
The outdoor, concrete street-style skateboard parks consist of components such as
ledges, rails, banks, up-gaps, steps, boxes,
and a ¼ pipe. Features may include steps,
hubba ledges, wedge ramps, up-ledges and
boxes, among others.
Some skateboard facilities include additional areas of flat concrete surfacing for skateboarding, rollerblading, or proacting tricks
on your board or bike.
The parks are unsupervised, and are to be
used at one’s own risk. Helmets and protective equipment are strongly recommended.
West Locations:
East Locations:
• Hillside Park
• Matthew Park
• Village Green Park
• Sonoma Heights Community Park
• Carrville Mill Park
• Freedom Trail Park
• Jack Pine Park
• Twelve Oaks Park
For park locations and
other seasonal outdoor
recreational facilities,
refer to Maps on pages
Spring & Summer 2015
Southern trail
portion off of
Basaltic Road
Trail Systems
There are a number of pedestrian and bicycle pathway
and trail capital projects that are planned throughout the
City, including bridge replacements at Mackenzie Glen
Park, Keffer Marsh open space, Pine Grove, Maple Airport open space, Marita Payne Park, Uplands Golf and
Ski Centre.
Visit us online at vaughan.ca/ParksAndForestry
Spring & Summer 2015
East Humber River
Teston Rd.
Stegman’s Mill Rd.
MacKenzie Glen District Park
Breta Park
McNaughton Rd.
Binder Twine Park
Killian Lamar Pond
Melville Park
McMichael Art Collection
Major Mackenzie Dr.
Fifefield Dr.
Naylon Parkette
Maple Airport Park
Robson Woodlot
Teston Rd.
Fieldgate Dr.
Frank Robson Park
Routley Park
William T. Foster Woods
Ruperts Pond
Major Mackenzie Dr.
Rutherford Rd.
Vaughan Sports Village
Jacob Keffer Pkwy.
Tudor Park
Municipal Soccer Fields
Audia Crt.
N. Rivermede Rd.
Planchet Rd.
Langstaff Rd.
East Humber River
Main Trail
Paid Parking
Local Trail
GO Train
Future Trail
Valley Area in
Private Ownership
Access Point
Canada Co. Ave.
No Access
Rutherford Rd.
Rivermede Rd.
Steeles Ave.
Keele St.
Jane St.
Marita Payne Park
Glen Shields Ave.
Marita Payne Pond
Centre St.
Pine Valley Dr
Cranston Park Ave.
Langstaff Rd.
East Humber River
Bartley Smith Greenway
The Bartley Smith Greenway is a 15 kilometre trail that is a work-inprogress; the course follows the West Don River. The trail commences at
Steeles Avenue near Dufferin Street, northward through Marita Payne
Park, continuing north to Langstaff Road, from Langstaff Road, the trail
continues north to Jacob Keffer Parkway where the southern trail ends.
The north section of the trail starts at Rutherford Road and ends at
Fieldgate Drive. The trail recommences north of McNaughton Road and
continues to Teston Road (Maple).
Enjoy a unique Canadian valleyland vision, the Langstaff EcoPark. The
valley has been transformed with new marshlands, the largest constructed wetland in Ontario, and thousands of new trees and shrubs, all of
which have resulted in an explosion of wildlife. Birds, beavers, coyotes,
foxes, snakes, turtles and frogs, top the list of wildlife seen while walking, hiking or biking. A stop at beautiful Keffer Marsh lookout is highly
• Access Point(s): Main intersections are Steeles Avenue
and Dufferin Street, Langstaff Road and Keele Street, Audia Court.
• Total Approximate Distance: 15 kilometres
• Parking: Dufferin Clark Community Centre (Clark Avenue and
Dufferin Street); Langstaff Road at Planchet Road
Humber Trail
The first and second phases of the Humber Trail (5.7 kilometres) have
links to the Canadian McMichael Art Collection, Boyd Conservation Area
and Canada Company Way. It is open and free of charge for hiking, biking and walking.
This section of the Humber Trail is dedicated to William Granger, former
Toronto Region & Conservation Authority (TRCA) Chair, in recognition
of his contribution to watershed management. It includes many significant natural habitats, cultural and heritage resources, recreational and
educational facilities, and the historic aboriginal trade route known as
the Toronto Carrying-Place Trail. These attributes contributed to Humber
River’s designation as a Canadian Heritage River.
• Access Point(s): Main intersections of the trail with City roads are
Stegman’s Mill Road and Islington Avenue at Canada Company Way.
• Total Approximate Distance: 5.7 kilometres
• Parking: Binder Twine Park; Boyd Conservation Area,
Foster T. Woods, Rutherford Road
• Surface of Trail: Gravel on main trail; dirt on local trails.
• Surface of Trail: Gravel
Spring & Summer 2015
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who do I contact to inquire about
planting a new shrub bed at the
entrance feature to my subdivision?
4. Who is responsible for the general clean up of debris or glass in
parks, open spaces or woodlots?
7. What should I do if my
neighbourhood park playground is
damaged or vandalized?
The City of Vaughan Dazzle Me! program
invites community groups to bring forward
ideas and initiatives that will improve public
spaces in our City. Call 905.832.8577 or email
To report unkempt areas or coordinate the clean
up of parks, open spaces or woodlots, contact
The Parks & Forestry Operations Department at
905.832.8577 or email parks@vaughan.ca.
The Parks & Forestry Operations Department has a program to check playgrounds
on a regular basis. Call Parks Operations at 905.832.8577, or after hours call
905.832.2281 and press ‘0’ for playground
concerns. For vandalism concerns, call the
“Vandalism Hotline” at 905.879.4357, or ByLaw at 905.832.8505.
2. What should I do if my boulevard requires pruning, fertilizing or
Parks & Forestry Operations Department oversees pruning, mulching, fertilizing and replacements of all boulevard and park trees. Call
905.832.8577 or email parks@vaughan.ca.
3. My boulevard sod has been
damaged during winter snow
removal. What should I do?
The Parks & Forestry Operations Department
will have staff inspect the damage and advise
on the necessary repairs. Call 905.832.8577 or
email parks@vaughan.ca.
5. Who should I contact if the grass
on the boulevard and/or in the
parks is high and needs cutting?
The Parks & Forestry Operations Department
maintains a bi-weekly cutting rotation on Cityowned boulevards and parks. For a missed
location call 905.832.8577 or email parks@
vaughan.ca. Unassumed subdivisions are the
responsibility of the developer. Call the Engineering Department at 905.832.8525. Boulevards on Regional roadways are maintained by
York Region. Call 1.877.464.YORK (9675) or
visit york.ca.
6. What should I do if there are
weeds in the existing park adjacent to my home?
The Parks & Forestry Operations Department cuts
the grass regularly to manage excessive growth
of weeds. All our parks are pesticide free.
8. Are parks patrolled in the evening for vandalism or loitering?
Yes. Parks are patrolled by By-law officers.
Should you notice any suspicious activity,
contact Dispatch at 905.832.2281 and press
‘0’. You may also call Crime Stoppers at
9. The fence along the walkway
has fallen. Who repairs it?
If the City is responsible, The Parks & Forestry
Operations Department will investigate and
determine a course of action. Generally, fences
are built on private property and are the homeowner’s responsibility.
Visit us online at vaughan.ca/ParksAndForestry
Spring & Summer 2015
Frequently Asked Questions
10. The boulevard tree in front of
my house has a wasp/bees nest.
What should I do?
The Parks & Forestry Operations Department
should be advised. A contractor will be notified
to address nests in city trees. Swarms of honey
bees will be monitored, but if left undisturbed,
generally move away on their own to benefit
11. Where would I access information about an outdoor water park?
Water play areas are open May to September.
To find a location near you, refer to page 131
of this Recreation Guide.
12. Who should I call to arrange
an event or plan a family picnic
in a City-owned park, or the Boyd
Conservation Area?
13. Where can I purchase a cemetery plot or inquire about a burial?
The Parks & Forestry Operations Department
maintains the availability, purchasing, location
of plots and pricing in City-owned cemeteries.
For information about monuments, restrictions
and prices, call 905.832.8577 ext.6315.
14. Who should I contact to place
a bench or plant a tree in a park to
honour a loved one or to remember a special event?
For information call 905.832.8577 or email
15. Who can I call about park-related matters after 4:30pm?
16. What should I do if I have a
permit for the field and someone
else is using it?
Contact the City of Vaughan After Hours Dispatch at 905.832.2281; press ‘0’ for Parks
Permit Patrol.
17. Is the City responsible for
removing trees that are infested
with Emerald Ash Borer?
For information on Emerald Ash Borer (EAB),
visit the Canadian Food Inspection Agency
website. If you believe your boulevard tree is
infested with EAB, call the Parks & Forestry
Operations Department at 905.832.8577 or
email parks@vaughan.ca.
Contact the City of Vaughan After Hours Dispatch at 905.832.2281, and press “0”.
Contact the Recreation & Culture Department,
Permitting Division at 905.832.8500 for any
inquiries. Boyd Conservation Area inquiries,
contact the Toronto Region & Conservation
Authority at 416.667.6299.
Private Property Tree
Protection By-Law
By-Law #185-2007, the Private Property Tree Protection By-Law, requires
any property owner wishing to remove any tree on private property
over 20cm in diameter at 1.4m above
the ground to obtain a permit from
the City.
Permit applications are available
at the City of Vaughan Parks & Forestry Operations Department offices
at 2800 Rutherford Road, or may
be downloaded from the City of
Vaughan’s website at vaughan.ca.