NEWSLETTER WORK OF CHRIST - The Work of Christ Community

The Work of Christ Community ● 4828 South Hagadorn ● East Lansing, MI 48823
February 2015
people into deeper conversion to Christ
and to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, begins Sunday, February 1, 2:30 PM. Talk 1
is on God’s Love; Talk 2 is on Salvation;
Talk 3 on The New Life; Talk 4 Receiving
God’s Gift; the fifth week is the prayer
session; Talk 6 and 7 are on Christian
Growth. There are flyers on the handout table; if
guests require child care, we will provide that as well
(if we know ahead of time). Please consider inviting
someone to attend this life-changing seminar. Pray
for the seminar and participants is also appreciated.
2/1 Beth Parker, 2/5 Peter Kogut, 2/6 Jerome
Cooper, Trent Ivey, 2/8 Tony Meier, Colleen
Adelman, Lydia Ludwig, 2/13 Maggie Repovz, 2/14
Rachel Stoll, Marcia Dinolfo, 2/15 Ben Stevenson,
Jim Wojtasinski, 2/16 Michael Koval, 2/17 Susanna
DeWaters, 2/18 Rick Sandford, 2/19 Alissa Brandenburg, 2/20 Glenna Schleusener, Beth Parr, 2/22 Kate
Stevenson, Jim Warner, 2/24 Don Radke, 2/26 Brent
Nowak, 2/27 Chris Greathouse, Matthew
Schleusener, Elaine Riley, Doris Doepker, 2/28 Ben
Greathouse, 3/1 Sean Riley.
Upcoming Events
2/2/07 Blaine & Patti Simon, 2/4/77 Jim & Piper
Fountain, 2/4/84 Bill & Lucy Repovz, 2/12/00 Dewey & Diana Hou, 2/14/86 Francis & Carolyn Jacobs,
2/18/57 Paul & JoAnn Wakeman.
All events, unless otherwise noted, will take
place at the Work of Christ Community Center, 4828 S. Hagadorn Road, East Lansing.
2/1 Community Gathering: 4:00—5:45 PM Life in
the Spirit Seminar begins. Talk: Shine as Lights:
Worship. Set up: Dinolfo. Take down: Imgrund.
THANKS FOR THE PRAYERS: The sisters in Sonya
Cherniawski’s and Linda Luea’s women’s groups
will be interceding for the Work of Christ and our
mission and outreach events in February. Thank you,
2/7 Grand River and Red Cedar District Lord’s Day.
Set up: deSpelder. Take down: Schaefer.
2/8 Wellspring District Gathering & Dinner (LSS
session 2) Set up & take down: Giles.
HOSPITALITY SUNDAY: Hospitality Sunday is coming again on
March 1! We had lots of positive
feedback came from the event in November. This is a great way to get to
know other members in the Work of
Christ. Information and sign-ups will begin at the
gatherings on February 1 and 15, and continue online
as well. If you are interested in being a host or being
hosted, keep your eyes and ears open! If you have
any questions, please contact Cristin Luea. UCO
folks and members of our Grand Rapids and Saginaw branches, you are especially welcomed to come
and be hosted.
2/15 Community Gathering: 4:00—5:45 PM (LSS
session 3) Special: commitments. Talk: Shine as
Lights: Community—Why We Live Together. Set
up: Karagoulis. Take down: Ludwig.
2/20—2/22 Work of Christ Men’s Conference:
Faholo Camp, Grass Lake
2/23 Life in the Spirit session 4
3/1 Community Gathering: 4:00—5:45 PM LSS session 5) Special: Hospitality Sunday. Talk: Shine
as Lights: Honor and Respect. Set up: Shireman.
Take down: Schleusener.
Spirit Seminar, a 7-week course designed to bring
3/12-16 Work of Christ Community Visitation!
SUMMER CAMP: Pre-registration forms for campers will be mailed in early February. If you do not
have your packet from the gathering, you will receive yours in the mail. They are due back by February 16. NOTE: Summer Camp Staff will soon receive confirmation of their service in the mail
Stay tuned: Information about how to sign up for a
meeting time with the team will be made available at
upcoming gatherings and through the e-bulletin.
Servants of the Lamb (Grand Rapids) Branch
2/7 Lord’s Day
2/10 Gathering with CLE: 6:00 PM Dinner; 7:00—
8:30 PM prayer meeting. Calvin Christian Reformed Church (700 Ethel Ave SE, Grand Rapids)
2/24 Gathering with CLE: 6:00 PM Dinner; 7:00—
8:30 PM prayer meeting. Calvin Christian Reformed Church (700 Ethel Ave SE, Grand Rapids)
WORK OF CHRIST COMMUNITY VISITATION: Brothers and sisters, our community is
scheduled for a “Visitation” March 12 – 16. Here
are some FAQs – more information will be coming!
What is a visitation? Team of leaders from several
different communities visit the community in order
to meet with leaders and members and conduct an
evaluation of the community. Dave Hughes, senior
coordinator of the Word of Life and member of the
International Executive Committee, will be leading
the visitation. The team will include leaders from 4
When is this happening? Thursday afternoon,
March 12, through Monday morning, March
16. Member interviews will take place throughout
the day on Friday, March 13, and Saturday, March
14. The team will share some of its observations at
the community gathering on March 15, and send a
full written report to the coordinators and the regional council within a few weeks.
Why do we do this? It is one of the main ways the
SOS helps local communities remain healthy and
strong. It is an opportunity for members to express
any concerns to an outside leadership team. It is an
opportunity for another set of experienced leaders to
offer helpful insights and recommendations to our
leaders. If there are serious concerns, they are
passed on to the regional council for appropriate
action. It is a very important protection for local
communities and local leadership to have this level
of accountability.
Who should participate? It is very important that as
many members as possible participate (e.g. longtime members, new members, CYA teens, UCO
students, etc.). The main way members participate
is by meeting and speaking honestly with members
of the team. For practical reasons it is impossible
for the team to meet individually with each community member. Members will sign up for time slots
(Friday and Saturday) and meet in small groups
with one or two team members. If a member would
like to request a private meeting with a team member, they should contact Dave Hughes directly
City of God (Saginaw) Branch Events:
2/1 Local Gathering: 4:30 PM; Country Side Trinity
Church (2690 Weiss, Saginaw)
2/15 Local Gathering: 4:30 PM; Country Side Trinity
MEN’S CONFERENCE: The Work of Christ Men's
conference will take place February 20-22 at Camp
FaHoLo in Grass Lake. Cost for on-site accommodations will range between $105 and $170, commuters
will pay $50. Registration forms are available on the
Work of Christ web site and at the handout table.
The registration deadline is February 6.
up to parents and potential young
actors, singers, and dancers: we will
have a children's musical this spring,
on May 16. First practice/tryouts/
parts assignments will be held on Saturday, March
28. More information will be coming but this is to
put it on your family calendar!
“THE GLORIOUS IMAGE”: Registration for the
2015 YES! Retreat (March 20-22), at Michindoh
Conference Center, Hillsdale, is now open. See the
link to the website in the Friday e-bulletin or go to
the Kairos website ( for information and to download the registration forms. You
don’t want to miss it!
UCO INTERCESSORS: We are starting off the New Year using 21st century
technology (think Skype). This is an
attempt to join others praying for UCO
without leaving your home! Call Ann Stevenson
CFP: Christian Growth/Christian Maturity—Travis
and Michelle Comstock’s home (11745 Highland Ct,
2/2 Knowing God’s Will
3/2 Work and Career
Foundation for Married Men—Jerry Munk’s home;
taught by Jerry.
2/2 Being a Husband
3/2 Sexual Righteousness for Married Men
Foundations for Married Women—Molly and Alex
Kilpatrick’s apartment. Teachers vary.
2/2 Being a Wife
3/2 Sexuality for Married Women
Parenting High School-Aged Teens—Community
Center. Taught by Jerry Cooper and Jim deSpelder.
2/2 Keys for Parents of Teens
3/2 Important Teen Connections
Christian Personal Relationships—Tom and Nancy
Giles’ home. Taught by Tom Giles and Rick Comstock.
2/2 “Outdo One Another in Showing Honor”
3/2 Speech that Builds Up
February 1
INFANTS: Kendra Kennedy, Ginny Joy
TODDLERS: Julia Grimm, Sharon Christopherson,
Maria O’Brien, Sophia Cooper, Dorothy Cooper
February 15
INFANTS: Kathy Schaefer, Teri VanSteel
TODDLERS: Alissa Brandenburg, Sandy Darga,
Claire Cherniawski, Viola Troyer, Elizabeth Galer
March 1
INFANTS: Yvonne Comstock, Lynne Sage
TODDLERS: Christina Wittgens, Nancy Hilker,
Stephanie Imgrund, Stephen Giles, Stephanie Hilker
February 1: Fiery Furnace. Team: Joyce Richardson, Rachelle Gladding. Helpers: BJ Cooper, Laura
February 15: Jesus Feeds 5,000. Team: Lisa Ludwig, Angela Krause. Helpers: Thomas Adelman,
Rachel Stoll.
March 1: Jesus Walks on Water. Team: Tracey Keenan, Jan Munk. Helpers: Matt Galer, Veronica Luea.
DISTRICT LORD’S DAY: Members of the Grand
River and Red Cedar districts, we
have a Lord’s Day celebration scheduled for Saturday, February 7, 6:00
PM. Each grouping (family or residential household) should bring a
main dish and a side dish to share.
NOTE: Members of the Grand River, please bring a salad or vegetable side dish.
Members of the Red Cedar, please bring a dessert. Singles not in household may bring just a side
dish; couples without children may bring just a main
dish. If you would like wine with your meal, feel free
to bring some. We will again have our table cleaning
stations ala Summer Camp so we can all help the
clean-up crew. However, we will leave the tables
up until 9:15 so you can bring games or cards if you
wish. There will be a movie for interested children.
Overall theme: Jesus is the Way.
FEBRUARY: Jesus is the way, the truth, and the
life—He is Lord of all. Scripture: John 14:6 Jesus
said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one
comes to the Father but by me.”
February 1: GIRLS Team: Su Butler, Heidi Stoll.
Helpers: Lisa Ludwig, Elizabeth Luea. (Guitar Rene
February 15: BOYS Team: Peter Luea, Marcus
Luginbill. Helpers: Jason Sandford, Stephen Ludwig.
MARCH; The Bible teaches us how to follow the
way of Jesus. Scripture: Psalm 119:105 Your word is
a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.
March 1: GIRLS Team: Michelle Comstock, Margaret Repovz. Helpers: Diana Hou, Grace Stoll.
(Guitar: Claire Cherniawski)
AMAZON “SMILE”: Benefit community outreach
when you shop on Amazon. Sign into your Amazon
account through the portal.
EXPLORERS: We did our Pinewood Derby January
31, so our next meeting will be 10:00 AM, Saturday,
March 7.
3-6 GRADE GIRLS: It’s time for Valentines! Come to Therese Luea’s house on
Friday, February 13, 7:00—9:00 PM. We
will exchange valentines (Mrs. Luea will send the list
of girls), play games, and eat snacks. Please RSVP
via email (
the bottom of my heart, I bless and pray for you all.
Your generosity overwhelmed me, Don, Joanie, and
Gabe. I can’t thank you enough! Carolyn Radke.
JUNIOR HIGH GROUPS: Junior high groups will
meet on February 5 and February 26, Work of Christ
Community Center, 7:30—9:00 PM.
HOUSES AVAILABLE: There are three houses for
sale or rent right near the Repovz and Feuerstein
homes. Call Lucy for more information.
2/5 Large Group: 6:00 PM, WOC Center, Special
Formal Dinner!
2/12 Small Groups: 7:30—9:00 PM, guys at Servants
of the Word, girls at Dick and Kathy Schaefer’s
2/20 Work of Christ Men’s Conference
2/26 Large Group: 7:30—9:00 PM, WOC Center
3/5 Small Groups: 7:30—9:00 PM, guys at Servants
of the Word, girls at Dick and Kathy Schaefer’s
school seniors, if you would like to reserve
the community center for your graduate, it would be good to put it in the
book sooner rather than later. May and
June fill up quickly. Those using their
home or other venues have more time but it can
still be helpful to know dates for planning. Here’s
what we know so far:
June 7: Stephen Ludwig, Ludwig home
June 13: John Michael Adelman, Stephen Giles,
Luke Turner, community center
CAR FOR SALE: 2000 Buick Sentry, asking $1,200.
Call A.J. at 734-277-1744.
George and Esther DeWaters: 1833 Chester Road,
Lansing 48912
Lisa Kogut: New cell: 517-316-6126
Tony Meier: 517-285-3257
Marci Meier: 517-290-8004
Ethan Lenhard: Stationed at Camp Lejeune
Joe Kogut: Joe has left Afghanistan and is now stationed in Germany.
Andy Smith: Air Force Institute of Technology
Matt Smith: Stationed at Nellis Air Force Base
Nathaniel Stine: Active duty at Fort Bliss
CONGRATULATIONS! Charles Hugo Mary Robert
Beirlant was born to Alex, Anne, and Gemma on
January 2. (The long name is due to the Belgium custom of Godparents being included in baby’s name.)
Blessings on all the Schaefer and Beirlant families!
Red, front-zip sweater (L “Chaps”), Gray athletic
pants (M “Head”), Brown Stetson hat, Cream straw
hat, Navy-blue T-shirt, Navy-blue hooded sweatshirt (24 months), Blue & white folding umbrella,
Red folding umbrella, Correlle plate, White Correlle plate with fork, Peach-colored scarf AND
Black fleece hood/scarf, Baby bottle (we washed
it), New Catholic Picture Bible, Cloth napkin—red/
rust colored with leaves embroidered on it (from District Lord’s Day), Blue “Columbia” jacket (6-6X),
Men’s “Dickies” hooded jacket (XL)
CAR NEEDED! YouthWorks-Detroit is looking for
a sedan. If you are looking to upgrade your current
vehicle, please let us know. Car needs to be running
well; older models are perfect. Please contact Mary
Schaefer at
THANKS: “My cup runneth over” When
Don’s niece was killed in an auto accident, my
household got together money for gas and hotel and
nine food gift cards for us to go to Charlevoix. From
Office Phone: 336-8530
Paul Dinolfo: 336-8532
Jerry Munk: 336-8533
Work of Christ Bookkeeper: