Workshop programme Oil Spill Preparedness 3rd March 2015 Venue: Windsor Excelsior | Copacabana | Rio de Janeiro In cooperation with: Supported by: Chair Dr. Gulbrand Wangen, Regional Director, INTSOK Co-chair Ms. Cíntia Levita do Bonfim, Environmental Analyst, IBAMA Session 1. Oil spill preparedness and contingency response for coastal and deep water operations 08:00 Registration 08:30-08:40 Welcome remarks Dr. Gulbrand Wangen, Regional Director, INTSOK 08:40-09:00 How technology can support Navy activities for a sustainable maritime development preventing Brazilian coast from oil spill and its consequences Admiral Rodolfo Henrique de Saboia - Marinha do Brasil (Brazilian Navy Ports and Coasts Directorate) Present and new regulations, organization model and technical specification of solutions Ms. Cíntia Levita do Bonfim, Environmental Analyst, IBAMA 09:00-09:30 09:30-09:45 Regulatory developments in oil spill preparedness and contingency response Mr. Luciene Pedrosa, Environmental Coordinator, ANP 09:45-10:00 New port development – Requirements for oil spill preparedness in selected ports NN – Port Authority representatives (TBC) 10:00-10:15 Q&A 10:15-10:30 Coffee break Session 2. Best practices in oil spill preparedness 10:30-10:45 Oil spill Preparedness in Petrobras – Blowout Prevention, Well Safety and Emergency response Mr. Frederico Maia, Senior Consultant - Emergency Response – Incidente Command System (ICS), Petrobras 10:45-11:00 Oil spill Response and Containment in Petrobras - Deep water, long distance to shore operations (Presalt and Southern basins) and coastal waters Mr. Marcus Vinicius Lisboa Brandão, Contingency Sectorial Manager, Petrobras 11:00-11:20 Oil spill preparedness in Statoil – Brazilian experience in Peregrino and Camamu fields Mr. Paulo Henrique Van Der Ven, Environment & Climate Leader, Statoil Brazil Mr. Diogo Sandy, Emergency response Coordinator, Statoil Brazil 11:20-11:30 Oil spill preparedness seen from a drilling and production service provider Mr. Mario Ielago, HSEQ International Manager, Queiroz Galvão O&G 11:30-11:40 Oil spill preparedness seen from a FPSO contractor Mr. Jon Harald Kilde, General Manager, BW Offshore Brazil 11:40-12:15 Panel Discussion Moderator: NN IBAMA and INTSOK Petrobras Statoil Queiroz Galvão ANP Brazilian Navy - DPC BW Offshore 12:15 – 13:15 Lunch Session 3. Capabilities 13:15-13:40 Complete oil spill preparedness solution for deep water, long distance to shore operations Mr. Lars Solberg, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, Aptomar Mr. Anders Jørgensen, Senior Advisor, Norlense Mr. NN Frank Mohn (TBC) 13:40-13:50 Q &A 13.50-14.40 Detection and Surveillance Solutions – Industry panel Satellite based oil spill detection and emergency support Ms. Nina Soleng, International Sales Manager, Kongsberg Satellite Services Oil spill leakage avoidance with real time seismic monitoring Mr. Helge Brandsaeter, President, Octio Oil spill aerial surveillance system - Oceaneye Mr. Vegard Evjen Hovstein, Chief Executive Officer, Maritime Robotics Asset protection with integrated early warning oil spill detection Mr. Eduardo Fadanelli, Advisor, Vissim How Subsea Environmental Monitoring Systems Help Reducing OPEX Mr. Jan Tore Linstad, Managing Director, Kongsberg Maritime do Brazil S.A. 14:40-15:00 Q &A 15:00-15:20 Coffee/Tea break 15:20: 15:50 Response and containment systems - Industry panel Egersund Group Mr. John Dubland, Sales Manager Oil Spill Recovery System Markleen Mr. Peter Øye, CEO. Markleen MMB Mr. Odd Gunnar Jørgensen, Sales Manager. MBB 15:50-16:10 Q&A 16:10-16:20 Oil spill recovery vessels concepts and designs Oil spill recovery vessels and designs. Paulo Rolim Mr. Paulo Rolim, Country Manager – Marine Brazil, Rolls-Royce Brazil Ltda, 16:20-16:30 Q&A 16:30-17:00 Modelling, risk assessment, research and training – Industry panel Environmental risk assessment results for oil spill preparedness Mr. Jaime Lima, Head of Risk Advisory Department. DNV GL South America Oil spill contingency and response (OSCAR) used in the Brazilian contingensy plan Mr. Ivan Dias Soares, SINTEF do Brazil Quantitative environmental risk analysis. Ms. Renata de La Rocque, Lloyd's Register do Brazil 17:00-17:20 Q&A 17:20-17.40 Closing – Agree Schedule for " B2B" meetings between clients and service suppliers on 4 March 2015. PROMOTING NORWEGIAN OIL AND GAS CAPABILITIES IN INTERNATIONAL MARKETS
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