CONFERENCE DES REGIONS PERIPHERIQUES MARITIMES D’EUROPE CONFERENCE OF PERIPHERAL MARITIME REGIONS OF EUROPE 6, rue Saint-Martin, 35700 RENNES - FR Tel. : + 33 (0)2 99 35 40 50 - Fax : + 33 (0)2 99 35 09 19 email : – web : A1 MEETING OF THE CPMR POLITICAL BUREAU Friday 27 February 2015, Nantes (Pays de la Loire, France) Meeting venue: Regional Council of Pays de la Loire, Nantes DRAFT AGENDA (23 December 2014) Thursday 26 February 2015 Arrival of participants 20.00: Welcome Cocktail (Lieu: Regional Council of Pays de la Loire) Friday 27 February 2015 8.30 Welcome coffee 9.00 Welcome address by Mr Jacques AUXIETTE, President of the Regional Council of Pays de la Loire 9.20 Opening speech by Mr Vasco CORDEIRO, President of the CPMR and President of the Government of the Azores Approval of the minutes of the Political Bureau meeting in Umeå (25 September 2014, sent with the minutes of the General Assembly held in Umeå - November 2014) Adoption of this Agenda CPMR WORK PLAN FOR 2015 9.30 Presentation of the CPMR Work Plan for 2015 by Ms Eleni MARIANOU, Secretary General of the CPMR and table illustrating the distribution of duties within the CPMR Executive Board 9.50 Debate with Members COHESION POLICY 10.00 Introduction by Mr Vasco CORDEIRO, President of the CPMR and President of the Government of the Azores 10.05 Presentation of the Draft Declaration (title to be confirmed), by Mr Nicolas BROOKES, CPMR Director 10.15 Speech by Mr Mikel LANDABASO, Head of Cabinet of Regional Policy Commissioner Corina Cretų (to be confirmed) 10.30 Debate with Members on the draft Declaration, moderated by Mr Vasco CORDEIRO, President of the CPMR and President of the Government of the Azores 10.40 - Vote on the draft Declaration - Vote on the Terms of Reference for the Working Group on the Structural Funds Allocation Method - 1 - 10.45: Coffee Break SPECIAL SESSION: INVESTMENT PLAN 11.15 Introduction by Mr Vasco CORDEIRO, President of the CPMR and President of the Government of the Azores 11.25 Speech by a Member of the Cabinet of President Juncker, President of the European Commission (to be confirmed) 11.40 Debate with Members on the investment plan and the Regions, moderated by Mr Rogier VAN DER SANDE, Vice-Governor of the Province of Zuid Holland Contributions (5 minutes maximum) from the following Regions: - Ignacio DIEGO PALACIOS, President of the CPMR Atlantic Arc Commission and President of the Region of Cantabria - Steven HEDDLE, President of the CPMR Islands Commission and Convener of the Orkney Islands Council 12.10 Summing up and conclusions by Mr Rogier VAN DER SANDE, Vice-Governor of the Province of Zuid Holland SPEAKERS’ CORNER: SMART SPECIALISATION, MARITIME INDUSTRIES AND TERRITORIAL DYNAMICS: THE EXAMPLE OF PAYS DE LA LOIRE REGION 12.15 Introduction by Mr Christophe CLERGEAU, First Vice-President of the Regional Council of Pays de la Loire 12.20 Round table: Debate with industry players, moderated by Mr Christophe CLERGEAU, First Vice-President of the Regional Council of Pays de la Loire 12.50 Summing up and conclusions 13.00: Lunch/buffet on site MARITIME AFFAIRS 14.30 Introduction by Mr Jari SAINIO, President of the CPMR Baltic Sea Commission and ViceChairman of the Board, Helsinki-Uusimaa Region: Progress Report on the CPMR’s Maritime Agenda Session moderated by Mr Damien PÉRISSÉ, CPMR Director 14.40 Political cooperation between the CPMR, the European Commission and the European Parliament (in particular through the Seas, Rivers, Islands and Coastal Areas Intergroup) - Speech by a Member of European Parliament and the Seas, Rivers, Islands and Coastal Areas Intergroup (to be confirmed) - Debate with Members 15.30 State of play in the Regions’ investment in the maritime sector through the ESI Funds - Presentation of the approach underway within the CPMR - Discussion with Members 15.55 Summing up and conclusions - 2 - ACCESSIBILITY 16.00 Introduction by Mr Rafael Fernández de ALARCON HERRERO, Minister for Transport, Aragon, President of the CPMR Transport Working Group: launching the CPMR’s accessibility campaign, presentation of a CPMR Policy Position 16.10 Speech by Mr Wulfran DESPICHT, Vice-President of Nord-Pas de Calais: Maritime transport and Motorways of the Sea, potential areas of work 16.20 Speech by Mr Tom-Christer NILSEN, President of the CPMR North Sea Commission and County Mayor, Hordaland: participation of the Regions in the Corridor Forums - mid-term review 16.30 Debate with Members on the following issues, moderated by Mr Patrick ANVROIN, CPMR Director: 1. Small and medium-sized ports as ports for smart growth and sustainable connectivity, by Mr Paul GERARD, Director, AG Port of Oostende (to be confirmed) 2. The Outermost Regions and the Islands in the Connecting Europe Facility, by a representative from the Azores 3. Motorways of the Sea in the Atlantic, by ISEMAR, Institut Superieur d’Economie Martime, Nantes – St Nazaire (Pays de la Loire) – (to be confirmed) 16.55 Summing up and conclusions. Vote on the draft Policy Position 16.30: Coffee Break CLIMATE 17.30 Introduction by Mr Drew HENDRY, Vice-President of the CPMR responsible for Energy and Climate issues and Leader of the Council, the Highland Council 17.40 Speech by Mr Michel VAUZELLE, President of the Region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (to be confirmed) 17.50 Speech by Mr Victorin LUREL, President, Regional Council of Guadeloupe (to be confirmed) 18.00 Debate with Members on the following issues, moderated by Mr Alexis CHATZIMPIROS: 1. Report on the economic impact of climate change and the adaption measures in the Outermost Regions, by a representative from DG REGIO (to be confirmed) 2. International climate negotiations and the cornerstones for an agreement in 2015 by … (to be confirmed) 18.25 Summing up and conclusions 18.30 OTHER POLICY AREAS, by Mrs Annika ANNERBY JANSSON, Vice-President of the CPMR and President of Region Skåne Terms of Reference for a new CPMR Task Force on Migration Management, proposed by …(to be confirmed) 18.40 FINANCIAL ISSUES, by Mrs Gunn Marit HELGESEN, 1st Vice-President of the CPMR and Treasurer of the CPMR Estimated income and expenditure for 2014 / 2015 18.50 APPLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP/WITHDRAWAL 18.55 NEXT MEETING OF THE CPMR POLITICAL BUREAU 12 June 2015, Crete (Greece) NEXT CPMR GENERAL ASSEMBLY (43rd) - 3 - 19.00 4/6 November 2015, Florence (Tuscany, Italy) - New General Assembly Format Summing up and conclusions by Mr Vasco CORDEIRO, President of the CPMR and President of the Government of the Azores and Ms Eleni MARIANOU, Secretary General of the CPMR End of proceedings 19.30: Official Dinner (Venue: Restaurant O ‘Deck) - 4 -
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