February 2015 SPECIAL ELECTION ISSUE VOTE FOR THE SCSCAI SC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sun City Summerlin’s Monthly Magazine www.suncitylink.com www .suncitylink.com · www www.scscai.com .scscai.com HAPPY DEAL Happy Deal Men’s 18-Holers Tee Up In Support of Ronald McDonald House Men’s 18 Holers, Ronald McDonald House Busy Planning May Tournament PLUS: Free Valentine's Dance, Nine & Wine Kicks Off at Eagle Crest C Ronald McDonald House Charities and the Men’s 18 Holers will put a fun twist on the May 8-9 tournament in Sun City. For information on how to play or get involved, see page 8. Photo by DJ Minella Contents From the Executive Director . . . . . . . SCSCAI President's Message . . . . . . . How to Contact Us . . . . . . . . . . . Cover Story: Sun City Men's Classic Supports Ronald McDonald House . . . . . . . . . RSVP for SCSCAI Events . . . . . . . . Architectural Review Committee . . . . . Landscape . . . . . . . . . . . . . Board of Directors Election Information . . . Health & Fitness . . . . . . . . . . . Community News. . . . . . . . . . . Neighbors: Ms Senior Nevada, Audrey Smith . Security Patrol . . . . . . . . . . . Golf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Starbright Theatre . . . . . . . . . . Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCSCAI Board Motions . . . . . . . . . SCSCAI Committee Meetings. . . . . . . Residents’ Forum Meetings . . . . . . . SCSCAI Official Notice BOD Meetings . . . Supplemental Financial Information . . . . Club Listings . . . . . . . . . . . . Club Spotlight: Canasta. . . . . . . . . Club Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary of Operations . . . . . . . . Crossword Puzzle . . . . . . . . . . Service Directory. . . . . . . . . . . Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . . 4 . . 4 . . 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 10 12 12 13 22 26 28 30 31 32 34 36 37 37 37 37 42 43 52 57 59 61 62 27 28 From the Executive Director Six Easy Ways to Stay Connected e Association makes every possible attempt to notify residents when policy changes occur that may affect them. Short of sending letters, which is very expensive, the following are ways that you can stay informed: www.SCSCAI.com – Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc.’s official information website. Under “Administration,” all agendas, approved minutes and schedules are published for each committee and Board meeting. Watch “Meeting Notices” for up-to-date information of meetings planned. Budgets, nancial results and governing documents are all available on this site. e Link – Official notice of all events that act as a general mailing to residents for elections and the annual budget vote by residents. Read each section carefully for information, future projects, and study the calendar for meetings and events. www.SunCityLink.com – e website of the Link magazine, featuring up-to-date news from around the community. e Link comes out once a month, but its website can post news, videos, slideshows and information every few days. Watch for estate sale postings on ursdays, and be sure to check out the classi eds! e-News Bulletin – Email reminders about community events, changes and emergency information. Sign up at www.scscai.com and click on e-NEWS subscribe. Bulletin Boards In Social and Fitness Centers – Important information on upcoming meetings and other announcements are posted in all centers. Coffee With e Board – e Board meets with residents every third Friday of the month at 10:30 a.m. at Desert Vista. is casual meeting is the perfect place to bring up anything and everything. No decisions can be made, but residents can bring a subject to the forefront. Remember, this is our community and since we all care, the Board makes sure we can stay informed. ~ Sue Papilion, Executive Director, Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc. Exercise Your Right To Vote February is an important month in the governing of Sun City Summerlin. An election is being held to name four owners to the Board of Directors. When your February Link is delivered to your address, there will be a ballot and instructions for sending or delivering your vote to the Association. Read it carefully, follow directions and your important vote will be counted. It is important that you read the bios of the six candidates running for the four seats on the Board. e service of a Board member is very important to our community. Many members give more than 20 volunteer hours per week. ey are responsible for setting policy of the Association and reviewing nancial results to see that we are staying within the budget approved by the home owners. Sun City is a community of around 13,000 residents with a $15,000,000 annual budget. It has nearly $15,000,000 in reserves and daily cash ow. It is a big responsibility to govern a business that amounts to a small city. It is, therefore, imperative that the owners select persons to the Board who have found time to learn about the operation of Sun City and have skills that will assist them in the job. Voting in Sun City is important. Make sure you exercise your right. David Steinman President, Board of Directors, Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc. 4 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 link Edition 292 Published monthly by Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc. 10360 Sun City Blvd. Las Vegas, Nevada 89134 (702) 966-1400 · www.scscai.com Staff Sue Papilion, Editor SueP@suncitylv.com Jeannette Carrillo, Managing Editor jeannettec@suncitylv.com (702) 363-1546 Advertising For advertising information, call Dianne Pontillas, Ad Coordinator, diannep@suncitylv.com (702) 363-5984 Our office is located in the Desert Vista Community Center Editorial Board Tammy Collins, Ellen Greenspan, Marshall Sitrin, Betty Weltman, Aileen Zsenyuk, Ken Caroccia [SCSCAI Board Liaison]. The Editorial Board meets the third Friday of each month. The next meeting will be on February 20, Desert Vista. Mission The Link is the official notification of Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc. The primary mission of the magazine is to provide residents with information on official Association business. In addition, the Link provides unbiased communications to residents on community news, events and services. The Association provides this publication for informational purposes only and neither endorses nor promotes any of the products or services advertised herein and assumes no responsibility or liability for the statements made in this publication. We reserve the right to edit, condense and verify all articles. Classified Advertisements April deadline is February 24. Advertise your items for sale at $2 per line based on the required Classified Adver-tisement Form. This service is restricted to residents only and if space is available. Purchase ads at the link Office, located at Desert Vista Community Center. SCSCAI card required at purchase. No business advertisements. Ads will also appear at www.suncitylink.com. Credits link Layout: Jeff Young Design. Cover: Photo by DJ Minella. The Sun City Men's Classic to support Ronald McDonald House Charities will take place May 8-9 at Highland Falls and Palm Valley golf courses. Contributor: Stu Gershon. © Copyright 2015, Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc. This publication may not be duplicated in whole or in part without the express written consent of the Sun City Summerlin Community Association. LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 · 5 Contact Information Get In Touch With the Board of Directors Jim Akers, (Vice President, Treasurer), Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 966-1458 Bruce Alitt, CAP: seawolf1963@aol.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271-4795 Ellen Bachman (Secretary), CCOC: ebachman@embarqmail.com . . . . . . . . 966-1453 Tom Brennan: tombrennan10500@gmail.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240-6359 Ken Caroccia (Asst. Treasurer), ARC/Link: kcaroccia@cox.net . . . . . . . . . . . 254-8852 Leo Crawford, DRHC, IT: lecrawford@cox.net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468-0277 Ken Resnik, Legal: resnik1@cox.net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366-0630 Glenda Rogers, CPC, Fitness: gar929@cox.net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255-7755 David Steinman (President): Golf Oversight: dwsteinman@cox.net . . . . . . . . . . 493-9728 COMMUNITY CENTERS Mountain Shadows Community Center, 9107 Del Webb Blvd. Administration Office, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-5 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 966-1401 Social Monitor Station, Mon.-Sat., 8 a.m.-10 p.m., Sun., 8 a.m.-9 p.m. . . . . 966-1410 Fitness Monitor Station, Mon.-Sun., 6 a.m.-9 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 966-1414 Community Standards, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 966-1411 (Includes CC&R/Architectural Review Committee) Facility Maintenance, Mon.-Fri. 6:30 a.m.-3 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 966-1417 Library, Mon.-Sat., 8 a.m.-10 p.m., Sun. 8 a.m.-9 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 966-1410 Desert Vista Community Center, 10360 Sun City Blvd. Link Magazine, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363-1546 Community Services, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363-3581 Room Scheduling, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363-4790 Social Monitor Station, Mon.-Sat., 8 a.m.-10 p.m., Sun, 8 a.m.-9 p.m. . . . . . 363-1341 Fitness Monitor Station, Mon.-Sun., 6 a.m.-9 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363-1278 Director of Fitness, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363-1486 Pinnacle Community Center, 2215 Thomas Ryan Blvd. Social Monitor Station, Mon.-Sun., 8 a.m.-8 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240-1301 Fitness Monitor Station, Mon.-Sun., 6 a.m.-8 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240-1326 The Summit, Mon.-Sun., 8 a.m.-8 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240-1313 Sun Shadows Community Center, 8700 Del Webb Blvd. Fitness Monitor Station, Mon.-Sun., 6 a.m.-8:30 p.m.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363-1719 Library, Mon.-Sun., 6 a.m.-8:30 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363-1719 GOLF COURSES (Open 1/2 hour after daylight) Highland Falls, Mon.-Sun., Closes 6 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254-7010 Palm Valley, Mon.-Sun., Closes 6 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363-4373 Eagle Crest, Mon.-Sun., Closes 6 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240-1320 Golf Course/Landscape Maint., Mon.-Fri., 6 a.m.-3 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363-7655 RESTAURANTS Five Star Tavern, Daily, 24/7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363-5330 Tavern at the Falls, Mon.-Sun., 7 a.m.-5 p.m.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254-1581 Eagle Crest Snack Bar, Mon.-Sun., 8 a.m.-8 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240-1313 SECURITY PATROL Located at the rear of Desert Vista, 10362 Sun City Blvd. 24-hour service . . 254-2303 6 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 GET THE e-NEWS BULLETIN You can subscribe to our e-News Bulletin and get reminders of meetings and notification of significant events in real time. Go to www.scscai.com and click on e-News subscribe NOTARY SERVICE Sun City Summerlin provides residents with the services of two licensed notaries. Pam McCartney and Jill Myers are located in the Administration office at Mountain Shadows community center. Appointments are required, no walk-ins please. There is a $5 fee per document. Pam – 966-1406 Jill – 966-1407 President’s Message LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 · 7 Story by Jeannette Carrillo/Link, Photos by DJ Minella BECOME A SPONSOR/SUPPORTER Whether you’re a golfer, a supporter of golf, or a business that likes to make a difference locally, consider getting involved with the Sun City Men’s Classic. Packages include: w Platinum – $2,000 w Gift bags w Gold – $1,500 w Raffle gifts w Silver – $1,000 w Flight winner prizes w Tee box signs with your brand – $250 each w Food & Drink For more information, visit www.18holers.com, or call Tony Derhake, 2014 past president and tournament chairman, (313) 549-1503; John Malley, 2011 past president, 641-8049; Dick Gluch, 2015 president, 362-4841. R y by ink, nella Ra a sing s The ROOF Two-day Tournament Rallies Support for Ronald McDonald House Charities If the Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) of “We’re developing quite a bit of traction now,” said John, Greater Las Vegas kept a tally similar to the one that used explaining that sponsors are stepping up and members are to record all the hamburgers sold at McDonald’s restaugrowing more passionate about the tournament as plans rants, it would display close to 4,000 families served. begin to gel. A whopping gure the organization takes great pride in. “ ese guys are going to see two beautiful courses,” said Whopping because, although RMHC is a global organizaJohn. “Two days, with the rst day at Highland Falls and tion, the non-pro t is hyper committed to the second day at Palm Valley.” keeping its charitable focus local. So, that Plus, “ e tournament will be a means that every penny collected in Las two-day event and played the day Vegas stays in Las Vegas. It’s also one before Mother’s Day. If your wife of the reasons that put the group on is a golfer, a husband-and-wife Tony Derhake’s radar. e team entry might be a great former president of the Men’s Mother’s Day gift,” added 18 Holers Golf Club already knew his wife Dick Gluch, president of the Sun volunteered at Ronald McDonald House City Men’s 18 Holers. every week for nearly two years. e 123 turMoney raised from the tournament key and cheese sandwiches Dottie Derhake will help fund RMHC’s house in Las and her group of Sun City ladies (Arline Vegas, as well as many local projects, Goeschel, Lou Pasqualin, Jean Pullen and including a mobile dental program, college scholarships and activity bags Georgia Rutowski) assemble every Wednesfor children waiting in area emergency day and pack into colorful lunch bags decorated with encouraging messages Tony Derhake, rooms. John Malley, While McDonald’s remains that are delivered to the families of sick right. left. RMHC’s major corporate sponsor, children at UMC and Sunrise Hospitals the organization often looks got Tony thinking about how lucky “The tournament will be a beyond for help in funding its he and his family have been. two-day event and played the day before Mother’s Day. many endeavors. “We’re at a point in our lives If your wife is a golfer, a “Being familiar with all the good where we have received so many husband-and-wife team entry being done through the Ronald blessings, and it’s now a time to conmight be a great Mother’s Day gift.” McDonald House and wanting to sider giving back and helping out Dick Gluch, President get a group of golfers together that those who need some assistance,” Sun City Men’s 18 Holers could give back is why Tony said. I chose this particular charity for our event,” said Tony. “I Which begs the question: What kind of a fundraiser am glad to say that many of our Sun City golfers are would a golf club president think of organizing? actively working to make this event a success.” “We have three great golf courses in Sun City,” said Tony, who used to coordinate golf tournaments in his former life as the executive director for Golf Buick. e Sun City Men’s Classic will take place on Friday and “Golf is a great vehicle to make money for charity,” he said. Saturday, May 8-9. It is a two-man team event, using one best Past president and fellow event organizer John Malley ball scoring. e event is open to 144 players. e entry fee explained how the members have been receptive to the is $200 per player, $400 per team. Each golfer will receive a event that is sponsored by RMHC. e idea originated as gift bag valued at up to $100, breakfast daily, an awards lunan invitational, but now will be played as a classic that is cheon, a hosted beverage cart, raffle prizes and more. open to golfers across the valley. Pictured at left, Sun City Men’s 18 Holers Club members. From left, Bill Paul, John Malley, Tony Derhake, Larry Foley, Paul Hapke, Paul Kessinger, Ronald McDonald (honorary), Dick Zeiter, Marion Rotolo, John Ruzic, Dave Pruszka, Paul Hughes and Ray Pasqualin. RSVP For SCSCAI Events and More THE VENETIAN HOTEL & CASINO Thursday, February 5 Bus departs Pinnacle at 10 a.m.; returns at approximately 3 p.m. $10 per person Experience the romance of Italy in the heart of the Las Vegas Strip. Browse the 80 international boutiques of The Grand Canal Shoppes, offering collectibles and couture from such renowned names as Jimmy Choo, Lladro, Dooney & Bourke and Burberry. Visit Da Vinci the Exhibition, a hands-on exploration of the life and work of Leonardo Da Vinci, or explore Madame Tussauds world famous wax attraction. VALENTINE’S DANCE Saturday, February 14, 7 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Desert Vista Ballroom Free Admission Tickets Are Needed By All Guests For Entry Into This Event Bring your sweetheart and enjoy some of your favorite music by DJ Extraordinaire Randy Wheeler and an evening of dancing! There will be a cash bar and coffee only. Seating is firstcome, first-served. Tickets are available at the Desert Vista, Mountain Shadows and Pinnacle community centers. GOLDEN NUGGET LAUGHLIN Wednesday, February 18 Bus departs Pinnacle at 8:30 a.m. returns at approximately 6:30 p.m. $10 per person Get away for a nice relaxing day at the Golden Nugget by the Colorado River. Enjoy a leisurely day of gambling and shopping as you relax while we do the driving. Trip includes transportation and $5 food credit voucher that may be used in The Deli, Harlow's, or Bubba Gump’s Shrimp. You must sign up for a Players Card in order to receive the food voucher. FASHION SHOW MALL Tuesday, March 24 Bus departs Pinnacle at 9:45 a.m.; returns at approximately 4 p.m. $10 per person It's a great time to take advantage of a wonderful array of the finest department stores in the world – Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue, Dillard's, Macy's, Nordstrom and more than 200 spectacular and unique specialty retailers. Enjoy casual to upscale dining at California Pizza Kitchen, The Capitol Grille, Grimaldi's Pizzeria, Johnny Rockets, Maggiano's Little Italy or the food court. 10 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 10TH ANNUAL HOME EXPO 2015 Saturday, March 7, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Desert Vista Ballroom Free Admission It’s that time of year to talk with the experts. We’ll be bringing an entire home-remodeling showcase so you can get all the information you need. Looking to remodel your home and give it a fresh new look? Are you ready for a change? Representatives will be on hand to answer your questions, conduct demonstrations and show you some of their products. Don’t miss this great opportunity to check out some creative ideas for your next home improvement project. BACK AGAIN BY POPULAR DEMAND HOOVER DAM, NEVADA STATE RAILROAD MUSEUM & ETHEL M'S CHOCOLATE FACTORY Thursday, March 12 Bus departs Pinnacle at 9 a.m.; returns at approximately 6 p.m. $55 per person includes transportation, Hoover Dam Power Plant Tour and train ride Did you ever stop to wonder how the Boulder Dam (its original name) could have been built without the railroad? Our first stop will take you to the Nevada State Railroad Museum, where you will board a fully refurbished locomotive and take a 45-minute ride from Boulder City to Railroad Pass. The next stop is in the heart of Boulder City, where you'll have an opportunity to browse the picturesque shops and have lunch. Then it's on to Hoover Dam and the 45-minute Powerplant Tour that provides a comprehensive view of the massive dam and its operations, as well as highlight many of the unique features around the site. The final destination is a quick stop at Ethel M's Chocolate Factory to sample some delectable treats and maybe even bring some home. Transportation to all events is provided. Unless otherwise specified, driver gratuity is not included in the ticket price. Tickets may be purchased at Desert Vista, Mountain Shadows and Pinnacle community centers. LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 · 11 Architectural Review Committee We Are Here For You e Architectural Review Committee (ARC) is here for you, and we are easy to get a hold of. Just give us a call at 966-1411. With spring around the corner, many residents look to refresh the outside of their homes. ARC is here to help residents begin a spring project. Please let us know what type of outside project you are thinking of doing, and we will be more than happy to assist you in following the approved community standards that we all must adhere to in accordance with our Association regulations. On occasion, it is unfortunate when a resident completes a project on his/her own and it is later discovered that certain guidelines were not followed. It is sad when such hard work and nancial investment must be changed on a cherished home project because no one bothered to check with ARC. While it is the goal of ARC to make sure residents comply with Association rules and regulations so that all our properties maintain nancial value, it is also our aim to help you, our neighbors. e most dreaded part of our job is having to inform a fellow resident that his or her outside project is not in compliance and has to be redone or undone to the tune of considerable expense. I can promise you that it is so worth your effort to use the little time it takes to call ARC and do the minimal paperwork, which we can help you with. e effort is so minute and cost-effective compared with a “Guess it’s OK” Next ARC meeting is on February 12, 1 p.m., Desert Vista attitude that may send you into great nancial and emotional stress. Please contact us. We are here for you! ~ Ken Caroccia, Chairman, Architectural Review Committee p a o i y l s d f n r m h a h s v o P Report Unstable Walking Surfaces to 254-4092 12 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 E c o s Landscaping I want to talk about safety throughout the common areas of Sun City Summerlin, which is important to us all. As you all know we recently celebrated the 25th anniversary of the wonderful life that Sun City offers residents. With the anniversary came the opportunity to see that some of our sidewalks and other concrete areas are getting old. In some locations, the pavement is lifting for various reasons. e Landscape Department does its best to keep the areas safe, but we need your help. If you see an unsafe area, please report it ASAP and we will do our best to x it B quickly. Many trips and falls are on areas that have less than a quarter-inch rise. When walking around the community, be aware of what you’re walking on so you don’t trip. And, again, please report any unstable areas to a monitor or any other office, including mine, here at the Landscape Department, 254-4092. I hope everyone enjoys the winter. We are still watering turf on Tuesdays and drip on Wednesdays during the day. ~ Louis Darling, Director of Landscape A h w o l t t t a e a u c SPECIAL ELECTION ISSUE SPECIAL ELECTION ISSUE · VOTE FOR THE SCSCAI BOARD OF DIRECTORS VOTE FOR THE SCSCAI SC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board of Directors Election Voting Information – How to Vote Election Day is Tuesday, February 24. is is your last chance to vote. is year we will be electing four (4) residents to serve on the Board as Directors. e candidates elected will serve two-year terms. e ballot format is the same as used last year and is prepared for electronic counting. e ballot has two halves and a pre-posted return envelope. Instructions are printed on the ballot. A household has four (4) votes. After marking the ballot, remove the “Instructions” side to remove your name and address. Insert the ballot half into the envelope so that the “bar code,” which is used for validation, shows through the envelope’s window. On vote-counting day, the Election Committee will cut off the bar code before removing your secret ballot. We will use optical scanners to count the ballots and tabulate the votes electronically. If you make a mistake marking your ballot, do not correct it. Exchange the old ballot for a new one at the Administration Office. Each member household will receive one ballot and will have four (4) votes. Before requesting a replacement ballot and envelope, be certain that another member of the household has not voted. Should two ballots be received from the same home, both will be voided. Casting more than four votes also will void the ballot. Your votes may be cast for one candidate or divided among two or more candidates. If you have questions about how to ll out your ballot, or you need a replacement ballot, please call the SCSCAI Administration office at 966-1401. No candidate information will be available from this source. Validation and counting of the ballots occurs at an official SCSCAI association meeting on Wednesday, February 25, at 8 a.m., in the Mint and Sahara rooms at Mountain Shadows. e election results will then be announced by the secretary of the Association. All those who wish to witness the ballot tabulation are invited to attend the meeting on February 25. Please make sure the bar code shows through the envelope window. Pursuant to NRS 116.31034, Section 12 An association shall not adopt any rule or regulation that has the effect of prohibiting or unreasonably interfering with a candidate in his campaign for election as a member of the executive board, except that his campaign may be limited to 90 days before the date that ballots are required to be returned to the association. A candidate may request that the secretary or other officer speci ed in the bylaws of the association send, 30 days before the date of the election and at the association’s expense, to the mailing address of each unit within the common-interest community or to any other mailing address designated in writing by the unit’s owner a candidate informational statement. e candidate information statement: (a) Must be no longer than a single, typed page; (b) Must not contain any defamatory, libelous or profane information; and (c) May be sent with the secret ballot mailed pursuant to subsection 8 or in a separate mailing. e association and its directors, officers, employees and agents are immune from criminal or civil liability for any act or omission which arises out of the publication or disclosure of any information related to any person and which occurs in the course of carrying out any duties required pursuant to this subsection. e candidate information statements included in this issue of the Link have not been altered in any way from the original form submitted by the candidate. LINK · FEBRUARY ARY 2 AR 2015 015 · 13 KARL WIEDEMANN · · · · QUALIFIED DEPENDABLE PRACTICAL FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE Unlike golf there is no full-fledged committee of residents to oversee fitness centers, pools, racquet sports and other recreational activities. This important part of our Sun City life style needs a platform where there is more accountability and residents’ concerns are adequately addressed. In order to accomplish this goal, I’d like to establish a committee of residents with active participation from our varied recreational areas of interest. Like all other committees, it would have published monthly meetings and report to the Board of Directors. I may be a new name for many of you since this is my first time running for your Board of Directors but I’m not new to Sun City. Julie, my wife of 52 years, and I retired here 7 years ago and love the community and the active life style. I support the current Board and committees and their efforts in continuing to make Sun City a great and affordable place to live. As a retired small business owner I will bring management experience plus a practical, common sense approach to projects and problem solving. Currently I am president of a sub-association, Fairway View Drive HOA, and my ability and drive to get things done have served the residents well. I believe I will be a good addition to an already effective and well-managed Board of Directors. For your consideration here are my qualifications to serve on the Board: · 10 years as National Sales Manager for Melitta Coffee · 34 years as a small business owner responsible for all aspects of running a business. These businesses include: 5 years as a plumbing contractor (10 employees) 13 years as a subcontractor for many builders in Florida including Del Webb’s Sun City near Tampa (over 55 employees plus subcontractors) 15 years as a consultant for federal and state safety and health regulations (my wife, son and I) · 4 years as President of Fairway Drive HOA plus 2 prior years as a board member responsible for finances including budgets and reserve funding. · 2 years as President of the Euchre Club (resigned 12/31/14) Since I am 76 years old I can’t bring NEW blood to the Board of Directors. I can bring NEW energy and NEW ideas. I am a team player, not a follower. I am a “do-er”. While I support current good ideas I am always open to new ones. I encourage resident participation in community activities and am always interested in suggestions for improvements. I promise to work hard to represent your interests. If you’d like to contact me my phone number is 702-256-1944 and my email address is scswied@yahoo.com. I WANT TO SERVE ON YOUR BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND I AM ASKING FOR YOUR VOTE. 14 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 f s f e y o n r d m LINK · FEBRUARY ARY 2 AR 2015 015 · 15 16 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 · 17 18 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 · 19 20 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 LINK · FEBRUARY ARY 2 AR 2015 015 · 21 Health & Fitness Stepping On Falls Prevention Program e Sun City Summerlin Fitness Department will sponsor another falls prevention program called “Stepping On.” is program will begin with a falls prevention screening session held on Monday, February 9, by appointment only. ResiKristie McWhorter, dents may sign up for an appointMS, CPT, GFI, ment with the Desert Vista Social Director of Fitness kristiem@suncitylv.com Monitor. fitness@suncitylv.com During the screenings, participants will ll out a questionnaire and perform a few simple balance and stability tests in which their risk of falling will be assessed. Recommendations will be given depending on the results of the individual tests. Some participants will be recommended to attend the Stepping On Falls Prevention Program classes that are scheduled to start on Monday, February 23. Others may be referred to their health care provider for further intervention as necessary. e Stepping On Falls Prevention classes will be held on Mondays, from 1 to 3 p.m., February 23 through April 6 (seven weeks for two-hour sessions). Participants must be pre-screened to attend these classes during the session held on February 9, and commit to attending all classes. Sign up for both the screening and the class with the Desert Vista Social Monitor. Class size is limited. When full, a waiting list will be maintained for future classes or cancellations. For more information on this program, contact the Director of Fitness, Kristie McWhorter, at 363-1486. e Stepping On Falls Prevention program is designed to challenge the older adult to realistically appraise his or her risk and provide a forum for gaining knowledge about safety practices. e Stepping On program’s aim is to facilitate the older persons’ taking control of his or her situation, explore different coping behaviors and encourage followthrough on safety strategies in everyday life. e seven-week series will consist of education, group discussions, physical exercises and guest speakers. e classes will be taught by Sun City Summerlin Director of Fitness Kristie McWhorter, who is also a certi ed group leader for the Stepping On Falls Prevention Program. 22 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 n FEBRUARY GROUP FITNESS CLASS SCHEDULE ——————————————————————— Effective Monday, February 2 MON TUE WED THU FRI Core Strength & Balance Doris 9 a.m. Body Sculpting Doris 10 a.m. Sit & Be Fit* Doris Sit & Be Fit* Kristie Sit & Be Fit* Doris Sit & Be Fit* Kristie Sit & Be Fit* Doris 11 a.m. Body Sculpting Heather Int. Body Sculpting Kristie Body Sculpting Doris Int. Body Sculpting Kristie Body Sculpting Doris All classes are held at Desert Vista and are subject to change. See online schedule for updates. w Please check with your physician before starting an exercise program. m E F W j d m t o w Class space is limited due to safety reasons. w Please pick up a numbered ticket from the Fitness Monitor no more than 30 minutes prior to class. Resident must be present. No cards will be held. w Classes are 50 minutes long and are closed 3 minutes after they begin. w Participants must wear appropriate workout clothing and athletic shoes. w Please bring water and a towel to class for your health, safety and comfort. w Priority is given to participants of limited physical *abilities and to those who require a chair for a majority of their activities. Residents who attend Core Strength, Body Sculpting and other fitness classes will be able to sign up on a waiting list in order to attend the Sit & Be Fit class if there is space available. Body Sculpting: Use dumbbells, bands, tubing, body bars, gliding discs and balls to tone, shape and strengthen the muscles of your upper and lower body. All fitness levels are welcome. Increase the intensity of your workout with the Intermediate Body Sculpting class! Core Strength & Balance: A standing and floor class that will focus on strengthening your core and improving your balance through the use of gliding discs, tubing and dumbbells. Sit & Be Fit: Easy on the joints, this class is gentle yet *effective. Join us to develop your muscular strength and flexibility as you move all your joints through an appropriate range of motion while seated. S S M Seminars and Events n IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT SEMINARS ——————————————————————— detected in the (peripheral and peripheral All seminars arefeet held at Desertneuropathy Vista and require advance registration with the Social Monitor at the Desert Vista, Mountain Shadows or Pinnacle community centers beginning the first of the month, unless otherwise indicated. Space is limited. Vision Screenings ursday, February 5, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. (By appointment only) Would you like to test your visual perception, or do you have questions about your eyes? Free vision screenings will be provided by Las Vegas Eye Docs. Please sign up for an appointartery disease). By appointment only. Sign up for an appointment in advance with the Desert Vista Social Monitor. ment in advance with the Desert Vista Social Monitor. Eyes & Your Age Matter Your Heart and You – Lunch & Learn Friday, February 6, 12 noon Tuesday, February 17, 12 noon Want to learn more about age-related eye conditions? Come join Dr. Steve Girisgen from Las Vegas Eye Docs for an in- Join MountainView Hospital for a lunch & learn on heart disease, where they will present guest speaker Dr. Jeffrey B. depth discussion on topics such as glaucoma, cataracts and macular degeneration. Learn about their causes, symptoms, Gitlin, cardiologist of Gitlin Cardiology. You will learn treatments, and how annual eye exams can detect early signs about the signs, symptoms and current treatment options for heart disease. Lunch will be provided to those who sign of eye diseases. Light refreshments will be served. up in advance with any social monitor. Space is limited. Stepping On falls prevention program graduates. Stepping On: Fall Prevention Screenings Monday, February 9, 12 noon to 3:30 p.m. (By appointment only) Sign up in advance for an appointment with the Desert Vista Social Monitor. Don’t delay as spots lled up fast last time. For information on the series, see page 22. Treat Your Feet Right ursday, February 12, 12 noon Come join Dr. Lawrence Rubin, director of the Lions Clubs Medical Team Preventive Health Clinic. He will discuss preventive treatment options for your feet, common foot problems and chronic foot pain. You also will learn about the warning signs that show up in the feet, which may signal there is nerve and/or artery disease that could cause serious complications, even death. Foot Screening Friday, February 13, 12 noon to 3 p.m. (By appointment only) Free foot screening, supervised by Dr. Lawrence Rubin and assisted by members of the Summerlin Lions Club Medical Team. Come get screened for the two silent killers that can be Pain eories & Explaining Pain Tuesday, February 24, 12 noon Pain is a very complex phenomenon and affects about 100 million Americans. Join Michel Rantissi, DPT, MOT, MTC, from Advanced Manual erapy. He will discuss the different pain theories that are out there, from a physical therapist’s perspective. He also will educate guests on how pain is translated in the body, different causes of pain and different ways to minimize pain. Light refreshments will be served. Lung Disease and COPD ursday, February 26, 12 noon Do you have COPD, or are you curious to know about this disease? en join Beacon of Hope Hospice as they present their Clinical Manager Angel Cash, LVN, to educate you about this disease. She will discuss what COPD is, how COPD is treated and information on how you can prevent this disease from getting worse. Light refreshments will be served. Your Total Knee – Lunch & Learn Friday, February 27, 12 noon Do you have knee pain? Have you been considering knee replacement surgery? First come join Dr. Vilas Saldahna, M.D, a board-certi ed orthopedic surgeon, as he educates you on joint health and how to prevent knee injuries that might produce knee pain. He also will cover the various symptoms of knee pain and how to recognize when it may need a doctor’s attention. Also learn about various treatment options to ease pain, such as physical therapy, cortisone shots and knee replacement. Lunch will be served to those who sign up in advance. Space is limited. LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 · 23 Health & Fitness February 2015 Pool Schedule n EQUIPMENT ORIENTATION ——————————————————————— Mountain Shadows pool. Desert Vista Fitness Center (Indoor and Outdoor Pool & Spa – Salt) Hours: Monday – Sunday 6 a.m. – 9 p.m. Children: Monday – Sunday 1 – 4 p.m. (Indoor pool only) Aquacize: Monday – Saturday 8 – 8:45 a.m. Monday – Saturday 7 – 7:45 p.m. Arthritis: Tuesday & Thursday 10:30 – 11:30 a .m. Swim Club: Mon., Wed., Fri. 9 – 10 a.m. Lap Swim: Monday – Sunday 6 – 8 a.m. Monday – Sunday 4 – 6 p.m. (Indoor pool lanes 1-3 reserved for lap swimming and lane 4 reserved for walking during lap swim times) Children must be 42” tall without shoes. Outdoor pool and spa CLOSED for the season. Pinnacle Fitness Center (Outdoor Pool–Salt, Spa – Chlorine) Hours: Monday – Sunday 6 a.m. – 8 p.m. Pool and Spa CLOSED for the season. Sun Shadows Fitness Center (Indoor Pool & Spa – Salt) Hours: Monday – Sunday 6 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. Aquacize: Monday – Saturday 10 – 10:45 a.m. WateRobics: Monday – Friday 9 – 9:45 a.m. Mon., Wed., Fri. 1 – 1:45 p.m. Lap Swim: Monday – Sunday 6 – 8 a.m. Monday – Sunday 4 – 6 p.m. (Lanes 2-4 reserved for lap swimming and lane 1 reserved for walking during lap swim times) Hours: Mountain Shadows Fitness Center (Outdoor Pool & Indoor Spa – Salt) Monday – Sunday 6 a.m. – 9 p.m. Pool CLOSED for the season. 24 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 Free to all residents! Learn how to use the strength and cardio equipment in each fitness center. A fitness specialist will demonstrate proper equipment usage and answer your exercise questions. Classes are free, but limited to five participants. Each class is 60 minutes long. Participants must wear closedtoe, closed-heel shoes. Advance signup is required with the Fitness Monitor prior to day of class. 1st and 3rd Wednesdays Desert Vista - 9 a.m. Pinnacle - 10:15 a.m. Mountain Shadows - 2 p.m. n FEE SERVICES ———————————————————— CERTIFIED PERSONAL TRAINERS All trainers are insured and certified through nationally accredited programs and are authorized to train residents in all Sun City fitness centers. Cece Ceccarini - Balance & Personal Trainer - 326-3236 Daria Clarke - Personal Fitness Training - 375-7154 MASSAGE THERAPY Molly Sher, L.M.T. - $60 per 1 hr, no gratuity - 240-1327, L.V. Bus. Lic. No. M12-00314-3-085104, NV St. Lic. No. NVMT 037 n BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENINGS ——————————————————————— Free service provided by Summerlin Hospital 1st Wednesday 9 to 10 a.m. Mountain Shadows fitness center 2nd Tuesday, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Sun Shadows fitness center 3rd Wednesday, 9 to 10 a.m. Desert Vista fitness center C W S “ I C t n TENNIS BALL MACHINE ———————————————————— Cheryl Dunham works out in the Sun Shadows pool during a WateRobics class. ~ Photo by Stu Gershon/Link Spotlight On: Cheryl Dunham, WateRobics “I wanted to express my gratitude for the WateRobics Club. It has helped me tremendously,” wrote Sun City resident Cheryl Dunham about her positive experience with one of the Association’s chartered, tness-related clubs. “I have Ankylosing Spondylosis, which is a degenerative disc disease that causes hip, knee and ankle tendon pain. e pain was very bad for over 10 months prior to (me) going to WateRobics. I was using (4) 650 milligrams of Tylenol three times a day. After joining and exercising only a few days, I was able to cut that dose to only (3) 650 milligrams twice a day, and now after about eight weeks of the exercise I’ve been able to cut the dose to only (2) 650 milligrams twice a day. e pain is almost totally gone, just have some stiffness now. “I couldn’t go for walks or hikes, which are things I love to do, and now I am able to walk to and from the Sun Shadows community center a couple of times a week. I still can’t push it or I get pain again. I’ve also hiked at Red Rock Canyon, and LV Wetlands Park without much problem. “So THANK YOU so much for this program. I would recommend this to everyone who suffers with pain. I just love it.” k Tuesdays 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Practice on your own or with a friend with our tennis ball machine. The cost is $4 per half hour, per person. Advanced signup is required at the Mountain Shadows fitness center. n MR. GYM ETIQUETTE ————————————————————— Pick up after yourself. self. The fitness fitness centers centers are are acilities. Please be shared, private facilities. don ’t courteous to otherss and don’ don’t leave any water bottles, tles, gym bags, towels, or any other items behind. The same goes for the locker room. Please do your part to keep your center clean and and tidy. tidy. LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 · 25 Community News n Religious Services Directory ——————————————————— Coffee With the Board Keep Up With What’s Going On In Sun City February 20, 10:30 a.m. · Desert Vista Residents are welcome to address the Board of Directors in a casual setting. While Board members are not allowed to vote on issues during the meeting, they are able to share background information on key decisions, answer questions and ask a few of their own. Sweets and coffee are served. Driver Safety Program Desert Vista Community Center $15 AARP members; $20 non-members by check to AARP February 4, 12 noon l February 11, 8:30 a.m. l February 25, 5:30 p.m. l March 11, 8:30 a.m. l Drop by the Desert Vista monitor station to sign up for this classroom refresher designed for those 50 years old and over. Improve your knowledge of traffic laws, learn to anticipate the actions of other drivers, and identify and correct poor driving habits. Upon completion of the four-hour course, taught by an AARP-certi ed instructor, you will receive a certi cate that may qualify you for an insurance premium reduction for up to three years. Max: 30. Signup is available now at Desert Vista. Sun City’s Got Talent Free Show Set for February 27 Mountain View Presbyterian · 341-7800 Pastor Bob Crall · 8601 Del Webb Blvd. · Sundays, 8:30, & 10:30 a.m. St. Andrew Lutheran · 255-1990 Rev. Phillip Shuart· 8901 Del Webb Blvd. Sundays, 8:30, 10 a.m. · Sunday School 10 a.m. S.C. Community Church · 255-PRAY (7729) 8560 Del Webb Blvd. · Sunday Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Sunday 9:45 a.m., Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Temple Bet Emet · 240-3719 Rabbi Craig Rosenstein, Janet Seidel 1st & 3rd Fridays, 7:15 p.m., Mountain Shadows Temple Bet Knesset Bamidbar President Mark R. Rosenfeld, 242-5248, Rabbi Steven Rosenberg, (956) 566-9328, Rabbi Emeritus Hershel Brooks 256-9433 Cantor Dr. Jonathan Friedmann, 562-405-4176 2nd & 4th Fridays, 7:30 p.m. at Desert Vista n Sun City Service Organizations ——————————————————— New Resident Happy Hour Happy hours take place the last Tuesday of the month, 5 to 7 p.m. at The Summit. This Month, Tuesday, February 24. If you are a new resident, our volunteers would like to present you with information about Sun City. Contact Tammy Collins, candtcollins@mac.com, 838-0830 before 7 p.m. Sun City Summerlin Charities · 254-5831 10362 Sun City Blvd. · suncitycharities.org Monday - Friday, 8:30 - 11 a.m. Provides residents unable to drive transportation to medical appointments, shopping; offers handyman service and assists in contacting local and government services. Sunshine Service Club · 341-9741 10362 Sun City Blvd., Near Desert Vista Monday - Saturday, 9-11 a.m. Provides medical and children’s equipment for resident use. An Association ID card is required. Meeting, Monday, February 2, 10:30 a.m., Desert Vista, SCSCAI Executive Director Sue Papilion n Support Groups ——————————————————— Get ready Sun City as your friends and neighbors prepare for the rst of two talent shows this year to be held at the Starbright eatre. Come and enjoy a fabulous show of Sun City’s nest talent. e free show gets under way at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, February 27. Doors open at 3 p.m. No tickets are needed; no reserved seats, just walk in and sit anywhere. If you would like to perform in a future talent show, call Ruth Cuti, 546-5465. 26 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 Alcoholics Anonymous St. Andrew Lutheran Church · Thursdays, 12 & 7:30 p.m. Call Stan, 809-7475 Alzheimer’s Desert Vista · First & third Wednesday, 10 a.m. Call Marlene Wilson, 254-6144 Bereavement/Grief Support Sun Shadows · First and third Mondays, 1 p.m. Call Hariet Miller, 471-0203 Residents’ Forum AARP Free Tax Service Starts February 5 AARP volunteers will again provide free income tax preparation, beginning ursday, February 5. e service will be offered in the Mint Room at Mountain Shadows community center on ursdays and Fridays. Appointments are necessary and must be made in person with the Social Monitor at Mountain Shadows. Taxpayers need to bring in a copy of last year’s return and social security cards, along with all W2s, 1099 R, INT, DIV, MISC, social security SSA-1099, W2G and broker statements with purchase date and cost of any stocks or bonds sold. Add 1095-A if health insurance was purchased through Nevada Health Link. You also will need receipts for itemized deductions for medical expenses, mortgage interest, real estate taxes paid, gifts to charity and any other miscellaneous deductions. Please note that we can prepare returns only for electronic ling with the Internal Revenue Service. Paper returns are not permitted. Also note that we cannot prepare state returns, or returns with rental, business or partnership (K-1) income, other than simple interest, dividends and capital gains. For questions, call 364-5028. Celebrates Valentine’s Day Desert Vista Ballroom (doors open at 6:45 p.m.) Wednesday, February 11, 7 p.m. We will have that great band, In the Mood, for your dancing and listening pleasure. Don’t have a partner? No problem, The Residents’ Forum is an equal opportunity organization. Women can dance with women and men can dance with men, or you can dance alone if you feel like it. We’re all neighbors, and we all like to have a good time. We are working on a surprise or two for the evening, so please be sure to check www.suncitylink.com for more information. Open Mic Moves to The Summit Congressman’s Mobile Office Returns February 17 to The Pinnacle United States Congressman Joe Heck-R, Nev., reprises his mobile office hours in Sun City Summerlin, starting February 17 at e Pinnacle. Office hours are held from 10 to 11:30 a.m. During office hours, residents will be able to ask questions or express their opinion about pending legislation, obtain information on Medicare, Social Security and the Veterans Administration, or work with a representative to open a case with a federal agency. No appointment is necessary; residents are seen on a rst-come, rst-served basis. For information, call 387-4941. Sun City’s open mic nights return by popular demand. The events held in December were so successful that organizer and resident Melanie Spector has arranged for more musical evenings to take place on the third Wednesday of every month. On February 18, head up to The Summit to hear from guest musicians, or sign up to take the mic yourself. Registration begins at 5 p.m. for the jam that starts at 6 p.m. ~ Stu Gershon/Link LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 · 27 Neighbors Audrey Smith: Ms. Senior Nevada Puts Focus on Talented Youth ~ By Stu Gershon/Link In addition to capturing the title of Ms. Senior Nevada, Audrey Smith took home the award for Most Talented for singing, dancing and playing the piano during the 2014 pageant. A udrey Smith has lived in Sun City for just over two years, although she has lived in the Las Vegas Valley since 1990 with stops in Phoenix, Ariz. Audrey is a native of New York state, but came to us almost 25 years ago as a well-trained teacher in elementary education. While teaching, Audrey pursued many of her talents as a pianist, an actor, a dancer and a singer. Audrey was nominated and selected for “Who’s Who Among American Teachers,” and has been beloved by her students wherever she taught. She kept her students’ interest by having them perform, some in class productions and some in school-wide plays and musicals. She has written and produced two student-oriented musicals, “ e Halloween Mis ts” and “ e Mischievous Bugs,” which were both published as children’s musicals and books. “ e Halloween Mis ts” even won a national award in the children’s category at the annual Halloween Book Festival in 2011 in Hollywood, Calif. Audrey is currently preparing for retirement as a teacher (she’ll never completely quit, but she will stop teaching) and will produce some of these programs into school-wide, after-school productions at the nearby Lummis Elementary School in Summerlin. She also plans to assist her daughter Stephanie Koons, who is a kindergarten teacher at Lummis. 28 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 Not one to sit around and relax, Audrey has formed a company called Audrey Productions, LLC, where she teaches musical theater, tap dance and gives piano lessons to children. She has performed in community theater and dancing, and will be joining our own Sun City Dance Company, of which her sister Kate is a longtime member. Last May, close to her 60th birthday, Audrey was encouraged to take part in the annual Nevada State Pageant that was held at the South Point. To her surprise, Audrey received the award for Most Talented and the overall championship title of Ms. Senior Nevada. is was her rst experience in any kind of pageant, and she sang, played the piano and danced to the overall appreciation of the entire audience. Audrey next went on to represent our state in the annual Ms. Senior U.S.A. Pageant held in Atlantic City, N.J., in October. Although she didn’t win, Audrey found the pageant to be “a most enlightening experience.” Because her rst delight is to work with children, Audrey says she wants to focus on Audrey Productions and help to develop the talents of the students at Lummis Elementary and, maybe, all around Las Vegas. She also wants to spend more time with her two beloved grandchildren, Ryan, almost 2 years old, and her new granddaughter Scarlett, 7 months. o s LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 · 29 G Security Patrol: 254-2303 Security Patrol Relies on Neighbors Helping Neighbors – Call 254-2303 Security Patrol is a community service organization whose officers are concerned with the safety and wellbeing of Sun City residents. Call the Security Patrol dispatcher, day or night, if something out of the ordinary worries you. ey will check it out, and if help is needed, they will make sure that you get it. Judy Hunt, Chief, Sun You can help the Security Patrol by City Summerlin adding your neighborhood awareSecurity Patrol ness to theirs. Know your neighbors, look out for each other and exchange telephone numbers. Complete your emergency contact information sheet and le it with administration or the Security Patrol. If you see a ashing 911 emergency light, call Security Patrol. Often the lights have been turned on in error, but a Patrol driver always will investigate to make sure all is well. Patrol officers concern themselves with the welfare of disoriented residents and lost pets. ey check water leaks and suspicious vehicles. Out-of-town family members sometimes call if they are unable to reach their Sun City relatives by telephone. A concerned resident recently called because she was worried about her neighbor’s open garage door. e Patrol dispatched a driver who, according to the neighbor, said that someone was inside the house and unresponsive. e dispatcher called the resident’s emergency contact person who provided a key to enter the house. Paramedics were called when the resident was found in need of medical attention. Security Patrol members always are grateful for the assistance they get from concerned neighbors helping neighbors. In a recent month, Security Patrol drivers stopped their cars 261 times after dark to knock on residents’ front doors, alerting them that their garage doors had been left open. We’ll never know how many times the Patrol, in having a garage door secured, may have prevented a burglary. Patrol volunteers also checked the outsides of 456 homes for vacationing residents. While doing those house checks they discovered unlocked windows and doors, and had them secured. No one can measure the bad things that did not happen because of the Patrol’s vigilance. Security Patrol dispatchers encourage residents to call 254-2303 to report anything they might see or hear that alarms them. Call if you see a strange car parked in your neighbor’s driveway when you know they are not at home. Never hesitate to alert the dispatcher to anything you see that doesn’t seem right to you. If nothing is wrong we’ll all be happy. In one month, Security Patrol drivers traveled 14,128 miles along every street in Sun City Summerlin. ~ Ellen Greensp r reensp an/Link Greenspan/Link LOOKING TO RENT THE SUMMIT? For information, call 240-1331, or visit www.scscai.com 30 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 Golf n HOLE IN ONE ————————————————————— Ken Smith No. 7 Highland Falls Nov. 26 Sylvia Hooks No. 12 Highland Falls Nov. 29 Matt Davies No. 17 Highland Falls December 3 Big Cup Days: Special Event Verne Broadwater Julia Van Cise No. 11 No. 16 Eagle Crest Eagle Crest Nov. 28 Nov. 28 Vera Ginsburg No. 16 Eagle Crest Nov. 29 CONGRATULATIONS! - - LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 · 31 “CELEBRITIES ON ST STAGE” Saturday, March 14, 7 p.m. · $20 Identical twins Eddie and Anthony Edwards are renowned worldwide for their precision impersonating icons of high-pro le celebrities. Wherever they perform the press showers e Edwards Twins with rave reviews. People magazine wrote: “Flawless vocals and visuals, e Edwards Twins, in many ways, y love vocal impressionists like are better than watching the real thing thing.”” If you Rich Little, or shows like “La Cage,” you will love e Edwards Twins and their dead-on impressions of personalities such as Barbra Streisand, Cher, Andrea Bocelli, Stevie Wonder, Bette Midler, Neil Diamond, Elton John, Ray Charles, Tom Jones, Billy Joel, Rod Stewart, Elvis, Roy Orbison and Tina Turner. e show returns by popular demand, so buy your tickets early. Peter Pavone Productions p “THE STARS OF COUN Saturday, March 28, 7 p.m. · $ Producer and 2014 Male Tribute Artist of the Y “ e Stars of Country,” a blockbuster tribute to George Strait and Dolly Parton, with the Hole energy showcase featuring the best of legendar sure to ll you with that happy country spiri simpler time with hits like “Folsom Prison Blu and “Fancy.” Cast members include Peter Pav Anderson and musical director Jim Presley. Gateway Ar Arts Foundation Pressents “A GUY AND THREE DOLLS” Saturday, March 1, 2 p.m. · $15 S “D e Gateway Arts Foundation is thrilled to present “A Guy and ree Dolls” at the beautiful Starbright eatre. Fans of this great ensemble will recognize every song from B Broadway to standards, inc cluding rock, jazz and blues. Ro Ronnie Fabre and Marianne P Phoenix are respected performers who have opened for just about everyone! Handsome NiteKings singer Victor Moea is our local favorite and star of the popular show, “I Know I Came In Here For Something,” appearing with Gateway favorite, the incredible Jeneane Marie. e combination of these voices and music will create one of the best shows and most memorable afternoons ever. 32 S S Su e ’ at it again! Join us as we journey jour ey’re acros muses sent directly from Mount Olympus to h ey haven’t really lost their talent, it’s just bee art, dancing, acting and, of course, fun and laugh for tickets, or call Elaine, 838-3849; Jeannie, 838-2 Gateway Arts Foundation oundation proudly presents “THE FABULOUS NITEKINGS IN CONCERT” Sunday, February 8, 2 p.m. $18 per person avone Productions presents STARS OF COUNTRY” arch 28, 7 p.m. · $18 per person ute Artist of the Year, Peter Pavone, is back with kbuster tribute to Johnny Cash, Reba McEntire, on, with the Hole in the Wall Band. is highe best of legendary stars by top tribute artists is ppy country spirit. You’ll be carried away to a olsom Prison Blues,” “9-5,” “Check Yes or No” nclude Peter Pavone, Corrie Sachs, Sandy V. r Jim Presley. ed e NiteKings vocal group was started over 50 years ago in Pontiac, Mich. e original members retired in 1972. egas e group was re-started in Las Vegas vin in 1982 by Richard Perez and Marvin Workman, who were later joined by Tony Precia and Pete Kentros. e group’s rst gig was at the T-Bird Lounge, and then they were offered another at the Tap House and stayed there for 10 years. e NiteKings consist of four vocalists – Skip Petronzio, Eddy Betancourt, Angelo Mastrio and Victor Moea, and are backed by band members Tony Cedola, Bobby Gill, Michael “Red” Horrocks and ou “ e Sounds of Detroit.”” A portion portion Mike Bolen. e NiteKings bring you nated to the Gateway way Arts wa Arts Foundation. Foundation. F of the proceeds will be donated Mistinguett Productions presents Community Theater presents “DO YOU BELIEVE IN MUSES” Saturday, February 14, 7 p.m. S S Sunday, February 15, 2 p.m. · $8 jour we journey across the United States with nine nt Olympus to help folks discover their talents. alent, it’s just been hidden! ere will be music, urse, fun and laughter! Contact any cast member 849; Jeannie, 838-2908; or Kim, 901-3358. Las Vegas Ballet Company presents “SWAN LAKE” Starring Kyudong Kwak Saturday, March 7, 7 p.m. “TOMMY WARD . . . ‘BABY BUBLE’ ” Saturday, February 21, 7 p.m. · $18 “An artist tist talented enough to be a household mmy is the epitome name,” raved NBC. “Tommy -time Grammy award winning of great music,” remarked 27-time tist talented enough to be a producer Quincy Jones. “An artist oulful jazz in uence meets a household name,” reported NBC. Soulful ed by a voice that evokes an era of contemporary pop sound anchored time gone by. Within the past few years, Tommy has conquered Las Vegas stages and made a headlining name for himself in arenas generally reserved for generations-older entertainers. Respect for the past and its legendary crooners are always present in Tommy’s music and lyrics. Tommy has opened for Frank Moreno, and has been featured in shows with Clint Holmes, Louie Anderson, Michael Buble, Matt Goss and “Jersey Boys.” Tommy and his big band of musicians deliver a perfect mix of music, lyric, showmanship and variety. Don’t miss an opportunity to see the next big star produced by the great Quincy Jones. $15 per person 33 February 2015 Calendar Sunday Monday 1 Tuesday 2 3 Board of Directors 9 a.m. (DV) Wednesday Thursday 4 AARP free tax service begins, appointment required (MS) CPC, 9 a.m. (DV) Driver safety noon (DV) Residents’ Forum workshop 1 p.m. (P) Community Theatre Club, “Do You Believe in Muses?” 2 p.m. (SBT) 8 15 22 9 Stepping On: Fall Prevention screenings (by appointment) Noon (DV) CAP 9 a.m. (DV) 10 23 Stepping On: Falls Prevention classes begin, Mondays through April 6 17 United States Congressman Joe Heck mobile office, 10 a.m. (P) Bus trip: Golden Nugget Laughlin 8:30 a.m. (P) Your Heart & You Lunch & learn Noon (DV) Open Mic Night 5 p.m., (P) 24 SCSCAI Election Day Submit BOD ballot until 5 p.m. (MS) Pain Theories & Explaining Pain Noon (DV) New resident social 5 p.m. (P) LOCATION OF EVENT Desert Vista. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (D) Desert Vista Fitness Center . . . . . (DF) Highland Falls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (HF) Mountain Shadows . . . . . . . . . . (MS) Mtn. Shadows Fitness Center . . . . . (MF) Pinnacle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (P) Starbright Theatre . . . . . . . . . . . (ST) Sun Shadows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (S) 7 Vision screening (by appt.) 11 a.m.3 p.m., (DV) 11 Treat Your Feet Right Noon (DV) 12 Foot screening (by appointment), Noon (DV) 13 ARC 1 p.m. (DV) Residents' Forum Valentine’s party 7 p.m. (DV) 16 6 Eyes & Your Age Matter Noon, (DV) Bus trip to The Venetian, 10 a.m. (P) Legal 9:30 a.m. (DV) DRHC 10 a.m. (P) PRESIDENTS DAY Administrative offices closed 34 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 Driver safety 8:30 a.m. (DV) Saturday COCC 1 p.m. (DV) Nine & Wine, 3 p.m., Eagle Crest The Fabulous NiteKings 2 p.m. (SBT) 5 Friday HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY 14 Free Valentine's Day dance, 7 p.m. (DV) Community Theatre Club “Do You Believe in Muses?” 7 p.m. (SBT) 18 25 Free beginning golf clinic 10 a.m. (HF) driving range Golf member tourney 8 a.m. (Palm Valley) Board of Directors, 9 a.m. (DV) SCSCAI Election Counting Day 8 a.m. (MS) Lung Disease and COPD Noon (DV) Driver safety 5:30 p.m. (DV) Finance 1 p.m. (DV) 19 26 Link editorial board meeting 9 a.m. (DV) 20 Tommy Ward “Baby Bublé,” 7 p.m. (SBT) 21 Coffee With the Board 10:30 a.m. (DV) Your Total Knee lunch & learn Noon (DV) 27 28 Sun City Talent Show, 3:30 p.m. (SBT) SCSCAI COMMITTEES ARC – Architectural Review Committee Board – SCSCAI Board of Directors CAP – Common Area Properties CCOC – Clubs and Community Organizations Committee DRHC – Deed Restriction Hearing Committee IT – Information Technology Richard Adkins Sally Scott Sell Sun City Sun City Residents 35 Years Experience Partner With Us For Remarkable Results Free Consultation (702) - 378 - 9065 ® Email: Sally@ScottTeam.net 5550 Painted Mirage Rd. # 120 Las Vegas, NV 89149 LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 · 35 SCSCAI Board Board of Directors’ Motions · December 2014 · www.scscai.com Copies of the minutes in their entirety can be purchased for 10 cents per page at the Administration office 30 days after the meeting. w e Board of Directors unanimously approved a w e Board of Directors unanimously approved the motion to approve the expenditure, not to exceed Collection Committee recommendation of the $6,000, through Paci c Fitness Equipment, the foreclosure of account #17836 for delinquent purchase of two (2) recumbent stationary bikes. assessments in the amount of $2,713.85. w e Board of Directors agreed to further review the w e Board of Directors unanimously approved the managed information technology (IT) services bids Collection Committee recommendation of the and determine which companies to bring back for a foreclosure of account #17435 for delinquent second interview. assessments in the amount of $3,629.63. w e Board of Directors unanimously approved a w e Board of Directors unanimously approved the motion to approve a temporary waiver of age Collection Committee recommendation of the requirement for a resident. foreclosure of account #19630 for delinquent w e Board of Directors approved the supplement to assessments in the amount of $4,168.68. engagement letter for Kaempfer Crowell. w e Board of Directors unanimously approved the w e Board of Directors approved a motion to approve motion to allow the Link to sell excess merchandise NERC arbitrator settlement with an ex-employee for from the 25th anniversary celebration at a reduced price, $5,000. starting December 26, 2014, at Mountain Shadows and w e Board of Directors unanimously approved a motion to give some mugs to advertisers as an advertising tool to approve Wells Fargo merchant agreement to reduce for the Link. credit card fees from 1.74 percent to 1.594 percent. n Casino Shuttle Schedule w e Board of Directors unanimously approved a ——————————————————————— motion to acknowledge that the Board of Directors has ful lled their duty as a Board in reviewing the July, August and September FY2015 nancial documents in accordance with NRS 116.31083(6). e Association is in compliance with paragraph (b) of the sub-section 2 of NRS 116.3115 and reserve funds have not been used for daily maintenance. e Board of Directors unanimously approved a w motion to approve the write-off of $16,893.40 in nes that cannot be collected as properties have sold. w e Board of Directors unanimously approved a All casino shuttles pick up and return to Mountain Shadows motion to approve the write-off of $11,350.21 in past due Fitness Center assessments as uncollectible. w e Board of Directors unanimously approved a Cannery Casino · Friday, 10 a.m. Departs the casino at 2:15 p.m., and returns to Sun City at motion to approve McCaffery Reserve Consulting’s 2:45 p.m. Each passenger receives a coupon for FREE food letter of engagement for a level III reserve study update at Vino’s Deli, or $2 off at Victory Café or the buffet. CAN without an on-site inspection for $1,250. Club members receive Bingo session discounts and FREE w e Board of Directors unanimously approved a kiosk offers each week. motion to approve the clubs’ annual nancial form. Rampart Casino · Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9:30 a.m. w e Board of Directors unanimously approved a motion Departs the casino at 2:30 p.m., and returns to Sun City at to approve the dissolution of the Philippine/American 2:50 p.m. Club. w e Board of Directors unanimously approved a Red Rock Casino · Daily at 12:30 p.m. Departs the casino at 4:10 p.m., and returns to Sun City at motion to change the name from Couples Bridge to 4:30 p.m. Friday Night Bridge. 36 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 D Official Notice Board of Directors February – December 2015 Meeting Schedule Board Of Month Directors Meetings ————————————————————————— February 2015 2/3/15 (Seat new board and elect officers) 2/26/15 March 2015 (Committee assignments) 3/3/15 April 2015 (Evening) 4/21/15 May 2015 5/19/15 June 2015 6/23/15 July 2015 7/14/15 August 2015 8/4/15 September 2015 9/1/15 October 2015 (Evening) 10/6/15 November 2015 11/10/15 December 2015 12/1/15 * Annual and 2015 budget ratification meeting Tuesday, June 23, 2015 at 9 a.m. Desert Vista board meeting will commence after annual meeting All daytime meetings will be held at Desert Vista, Room 5, at 9 a.m. Executive sessions will be held typically after the general meetings (if an E.S. is scheduled); however, executive sessions are sometimes held during a recess of the general meeting for various reasons. Evening meetings: All evening meetings will be held at Desert Vista, Room 5, at 6 p.m. Executive sessions are held prior to any evening meeting(s). Note: A resident has the right to: n SCSCAI Board and Committee Meetings ——————————————————————— ARC – Architectural Review Committee Board – SCSCAI Board of Directors CAP – Common Area Properties CCOC – Clubs and Community Organizations Committee DRHC – Deed Restriction Hearing Committee IT – Information Technology Board CPC CCOC CAP DRHC Legal ARC Golf Oversight IT Finance February 3 & 26 February 4 February 5 February 10 February 10 February 11 February 12 NO MEETING NO MEETING February 26 9 a.m. (DV) 9 a.m. (DV) 1 p.m. (DV) 9 a.m. (DV) 10 a.m. (P) 9:30 a.m. (DV) 1*p.m. (DV) 1 p.m. (DV) The Board agenda is posted on the Administrative bulletin board, on the website, and in the community centers. Copies may be obtained in the Administrative office on the Friday prior to the meeting. All meetings will be held at Desert Vista except where noted on the calendar. For updates, please visit www.scscai.com. n Residents’ Forum Meetings ——————————————————————— Residents’ Forum Workshop Wednesday, February 4, 1 p.m., Pinnacle Residents’ Forum Wednesday, February 11, 7 p.m.. Desert Vista n Supplemental Financial Information ——————————————————————— September 2014 NORA Current YTD — $237,781 Prior YTD — $189,850 September 2014 Home Sales Current YTD — 172 Prior YTD — 158 w Have a copy of the minutes, a summary of the minutes September 2014 Rounds of Golf or a recording of the meeting upon request ($.10 per page Current YTD — 28,425 and $1 for the recording per meeting) (NRS116.31083). Prior YTD — 27,991 Copies of the minutes and recordings of recent board meetings may be downloaded from the website without charge. w Speak to the executive board, unless the executive board is meeting in executive session (NRS116.31085). w The agenda is posted on the Association bulletin boards and website on the Friday prior to the meeting. Recordings of board meetings will be made. The recordings will be kept for a period of 10 years in the Administration’s executive director’s office in the Mountain Shadows Community Center. Recordings, minutes or a summary of minutes will be available not more than 30 days after the meeting (NRS116.31083). Depending upon meeting schedules, on occasion, the minutes or summary of the minutes may be in draft form. LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 · 37 38 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 · 39 EGG WORKS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Family Restaurants 2025 Village Center Drive www.theeggworks.com Make Every Day EGGciting! Beerine g and W comin menuis Feb. th Join us for Las Vegas’ Best breakfast and lunch, served daily from 6 am – 3 pm Come and enjoy A GREEK ATMOSPHERE 9320 Sun City Blvd · Suite 101 Las Vegas, NEVADA, 89134 (702) 485-5505 40 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 Buy 1 Breakfast get 1 FREE (up to $10 value) or Purchase Lunch or Dinner and get FREE Dessert (Expires February 28, 2015) COUPON Buy One Entrée & Get One Up to $8 Off. Not valid with any other offer or coupon. Management reserves all rights. One coupon per table. Expires 2/28/15 COUPON M-F Breakfast 8am – 11am Sat & Sun 8am – 1pm; Open Daily until 9pm LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 · 41 Chartered Clubs (The deadline for April 2015 chartered club articles is February 24. If you have any questions, call Jeannette Carrillo, 363-1546, or email jeannettec@suncitylv.com.) Aerobics Wednesday and Friday, 7-8 a.m., Sun Shadows, gentle cardio routine with weights; Monday, Wednesday and Friday, advanced cardio routine/weights/mat workout. Instructor: Ruth Wilson. Cost is $2 per class. Call Margaret, 562-9027. Aquacize You are invited to join an active, fun club. Aquacize classes meet Monday through Saturday, Desert Vista, 8 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sun Shadows, 8 and 10 a.m. Try any of these classes before paying a $10 annual fee. Valentine’s gathering on Wednesday, February 11, 1 p.m., Desert Vista. Sign up to attend with your class representative. Contact Donna Bailey, 243-4386, or dbailey68@cox.net. Art Club meeting at 1 p.m. Monday, February 16, Desert Vista. Can’t tell a watercolor brush from an oil brush? Don’t know the difference in hot press and cold press paper? What inks are waterproof? If you have questions about art supplies, then you will enjoy the presentation by Dick Blick Art Supplies. e club is open to all artists and lovers of art. e annual Fine Art Show is set for May 2-4. Call Karen Bageman, 233-4497. Arthritis is low-impact pool exercise club meets Tuesday and ursday, 10:30-11:30 a.m., Desert Vista indoor pool, and safely moves every part of your body. Stretching, range of motion, exibility and balance exercises improve health and wellness. Check with your doctor to make sure they are t enough for the class. Our instructor, Tim, is certi ed for water exercise and rst aid from the American Red Cross. Call Jim and Linda Gaughan, 233-1087, or Rosemary, 363-0971. Beading and Jewelry We meet most Tuesdays 1-3 p.m. in the silver room at Mountain Shadows crafts building. Annual dues are $10. Our February 3 business meeting at Desert Vista is at 1 p.m. is month’s featured class will be a very easy but fabulous ligree rivoli pendant instructed by Vicki Socol on February 17. Hurry in to sign up and get your materials list. To register for our next beading introductory class (no experience 42 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 required), call Ellen Crawford, 478-8806. For other information, call Vicki Socol, 256-6247. Billiards Join our club for $1 per year. See Bob, Ron or Bill for information. ey can be found in the pool room Monday, Wednesday and Friday, around noon. Please call our president, Ron Hill, 242-5948. Bocci Ball All bocci games at Sun Shadows and Desert Vista change to 2 p.m. We welcome new members. If you know how to play, great. If not, it’s easy to learn. Call Rose, 463-9861. Book e Book Club meets the second ursday of each month at 2 p.m., Sun Shadows. At our February 12 meeting, we will discuss the book, “ e Hummingbird’s Daughter” by Luis Alberto Urrea. Come early to enjoy goodies and fellowship with old and new friends. Contact Jean Smith, (660) 221-6514, or jebsnv@yahoo.com. Boomer Connection Are you new to Sun City? Are you booming to nd fun things to do? Would you like to meet others in Sun City and go to happy hours, dinners and wine socials with them? How about nding people to play cards with? ese are just a few of the things that the Boomer Connection is known for. Contact Julie Zerbel at juliezerbel@yahoo.com. Bridge (Duplicate) e Club meets every Wednesday and Saturday at Mountain Shadows. Play begins at 12:15 p.m. Need a partner? Telephone Adele Gall, 242-6655. ere is a separate section for those new to duplicate bridge on Saturdays at noon. No partner is needed. Bridge lessons, contact Shelly Peretz, peretz.shelly@gmail.com or telephone (708) 610-3374. For information, contact Connie Morris, 869-3024. Bridge (Friday Night) Nice weather is on its way, but while you’re waiting, join us for a game of bridge at Mountain Shadows on Friday at 6:30 p.m. Plan to arrive 15 minutes early. Annual dues are $5 - and weekly play is $1. Bring a partner and join us. If you need a partner or a foursome, call Mary Jo, 254-4640, or JoAnn, 255-6452. Congratulations to our recent winners: Donna Duncan and Bob Hiltz, Bruce and Sherry Gunderson, and Jane Drake and Sue Papilion. Bridge (Rubber) Our group meets Mondays and ursdays at Mountain Shadows. We start play at 12:30 p.m. Call Mary Jo, 254-4640, to set up foursomes. Call Sydney, 240-6504, for questions. Bunco We meet the fourth Saturday of the month, Mountain Shadows High Sierra Room. Check-in starts at 6:30 p.m. Remember to bring your Sun City Association card for the monitor to see. e game starts at 7 p.m. and is nished by 9:30 p.m. Call Trudy, 838-9959. Canasta What a fabulous end-of-the-year party held thanks to our wonderful President Linda Collins and her tireless helpers. e Canasta Club plays cards every ursday from 6-9 p.m. in the High Sierra Room at Mountain Shadows. New players are always welcome. Call Linda, 912-1615, or Darlene, 263-1873, to get started with lessons. Have some fun – join the club! SPOTLIGHT ON: Canasta Club Club President Is Club's Secret Weapon Left: Canasta Club President Linda Collins and club member Carol Sage. Above: 2015 Canasta Club officers, from left, Darlene Vaturi, vice president; Jolene Michaels, treasurer; Susan Katunis, secretary; Linda Collins, president. Forty people and counting. That's about the number of new members Canasta Club President Linda Colllins says have signed up during her first year. Linda took the helm in 2014 with the pledge of, “I'm going to fill up this room.” And that's exactly what she set about doing. The task began last January, when Linda started holding free lessons at Mountain Shadows. “I have taught 63 people since January,” Linda said. We worked really hard at the beginning of the year, following up with couples who took lessons, signing them up and attending the club night at Desert Vista. From there, it was a lot of word of mouth, and we would see people coming back. Every Monday we would have new people showing up for lessons.” As the year progressed and new faces became visible around the room, many members began to comment on Linda's patience and overall commitment to the Club. If there was a table that needed a sub, Linda was there to fill in. If new members had general questions, needed directions around the community or had trouble getting their membership card, Linda was there to offer assistance. “I'm a retired math teacher. I used to teach junior high, so these little old ladies didn't scare me,” Linda said with a broad smile as her Canasta table companions looked on. One member sitting to Linda's left, Carol Sage, fired back: “She's such an expert teacher. The Club is what it is because of her. It's about respect, and Linda really cares.” To show their appreciation for all her hard work, Canasta Club members took up what was supposed to be a little collection to say thank you to their president for a busy, productive year. What resulted was a generous gift that knocked Linda's socks off. The presentation was made during the Club's holiday party in December. “I was shocked. I wasn't expecting anything like that. I don't know how they did that under my nose, but they did. And I appreciate it very much,” Linda said. The Canasta Club plays cards every Thursday from 6 to 9 p.m. in the High Sierra Room at Mountain Shadows. Lessons are held on Mondays at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. For more information, call 912-1615. ~ Jeannette Carrillo/Link LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 · 43 Chartered Clubs Ceramics e year is off to a good start. e new officers were installed at our January membership meeting and are busy planning activities for the year. We will be continuing our charity projects this year. We have on-going beginner classes. ere is a signup sheet in the Ceramics Room. Come take a look at the display windows at Mountain Shadows this month and see the lovely pieces created by some of our members. For information, contact Barbara Chess at 374-7447, or chessmastersmgmt@yahoo.com. Chicago/Midwest Join us on February 15, 6:30 p.m., Desert Vista, for a magical evening of music and song by our favorite song bird, Dawn Fellmar. ere will be a meeting rst followed by great desserts, and then the lovely Dawn. Membership fees are $15 for the year, so please consider becoming a member of this fun-loving group. Call President Gil Stern, 242-0236. Classical Music On February 23, Albina Assyran will return. e program begins at 7 p.m. at the Starbright eatre. Open seating begins at 6:30 p.m. e performance also will feature Tod Fitzpatrick, associate professor of music, voice instruction and baritone, and will feature works by Celius Dougherty, an Amercian composer who lived from 1902 to 1986. An after-concert gathering will take place at e Summit. is is a chance to meet the artists and socialize with other members. A glass of wine (or non-alcoholic beverage) and snacks will be available for $5. Contact Will Rydell at 580-0727 or lledyrw@aol.com. Computer e February general meeting will be February 5. A short business meeting will be held to approve the 2015 operating budget followed by a presentation on the state of the Computer Club by Tom Burt. A cash drawing also will be held for members who paid their 2015 dues by January 31. For information, go to www.scs-cc.com, or contact Howard Verne, president, at 527-4056 or pres.scscc@gmail.com. Conservatives Club We meet on the fourth ursday of the month. Doors open at 6 p.m., meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. Meeting details can be found on our website, www.scsconservatives.com. Call President Richard Jones, 240-9863 44 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 Cribbage e club meets at Mountain Shadows every Wednesday and play starts promptly at 6:30 pm. We welcome new members and lessons are available for novices or just to refresh your skills. Our club members are extremely friendly. We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and we look forward to you joining us for an interesting evening game of cribbage. Call Pat Risler, president, 252-7351. Cruise & Foreign Travel Yearly dues are $5. We meet the fourth Monday of the month, 7 p.m., Desert Vista, unless noted. Refreshments will be served along with the presentation by a travel agent. Call Hershel, 360-0484. Dance Company “A Class Act” Our next monthly meeting is Wednesday, February 11, Room 5, Desert Vista. e doors open at 10 a.m. for social time and the business meeting starts at 10:30 a.m. All dancers who will perform in the 2015 show need to be present at the Pinnacle on February 23, 2 p.m., for an all-cast dance practice. Residents interested in learning about our club, please call Judy Walker, president, 240-3359. Dance Connection e Dance Connection is looking for men and women who have never danced before. If you’ve ever thought you might like to try dancing, our Club has classes available for beginners as well as experienced dancers. e Dance Connection offers three levels of line dancing, ballroom, belly dance, hula, round dance and Get Up & Boogie. Our next general meeting will be April 13, Desert Vista, 1 p.m. For information on classes, contact Kris, 443-8759. Euchre Euchre is a card game usually played with four players per table (two partnerships). It is a trick-taking game with a trump suit and played with only 24 cards (cards below 9 are removed from the deck). We rotate tables and partners, so euchre is a very social game for all levels. No partners necessary. Lessons are available. Join us at 6 p.m., Wednesdays, at Mountain Shadows. Call Dolores, 838-7902. Fishermen & Friends e Fishing Club meets the second Saturday of each month, 10 a.m., Desert Vista. At our meetings we share shing information and make plans for local group trips. For information, call Bob, 242-4240, or bobmccauley2@cox.net. F T c y b s i 7 h F W e b D G S 6 C G O c T s l T C G W E 2 a G J - Fitness To stay healthy and strong, keep moving with Fitness Club classes in four 12-week terms a year. Besides $10 annual dues, you pay for classes taught by certi ed instructors contracted by us. Classes can include cardio and more, yoga, Pilates sculpt, strength and toning, zumba/zumba gold, focus on exibility and total body conditioning. Information: Jeanette, 778-4977; Mery, 228-8417, e-mail scs t@fastmail.us or http://SCSFitnessClub.us. French We would like to invite you to the French Club. We meet every Friday, 2-4 p.m., Sun Shadows. We have classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced. For information, call Danielle Luthy, 360-5141, or erese Perz, 631-7872. Gin Rummy e Club meets every Sunday night at Mountain Shadows. Singles and couples are welcome. Please sign in between 66:20 p.m. Play starts promptly at 6:30 p.m. If you are a beginner and need information, call Linda, 586-1007, or Jim, 367-1669. Golf (Guys and Gals) Enjoy a fun- lled golf day on February 8 at Palm Valley, 8:30 a.m. shotgun start. Sign up at the bulletin board at Palm Valley and deposit your entry fee in the Club’s drawer. We welcome our 2015 board: Amos Barcus, president; Debby Smith, vice president; Jean Pullen, secretary; Ron Lawson, treasurer; co-tournamnet chairmen, Sumiko Tatsue and Peggy Cushman. Call Jean Pullen, 463-0098, or Amos Barcus, 755-9623. Golf (Ladies) 18 Hole Our general meeting and Trilogy Tournament awards luncheon will be Tuesday, February 17, 1 p.m., Desert Vista. e Trilogy Tournament will be played on February 10, 13 and 17. e rst round is Chapman (Highland Falls); second round scramble (Friday, Palm Valley); third round best ball (Highland Falls). Tee times are 8 a.m. Winners of the Fleur de Lis Tournament are posted on our website, scswomensgolf.com. Call Neska for information, 545-2895. Golf (Ladies) Executive We are a fun group of ladies who play golf every Tuesday at Eagle Crest. Visit www.scslsegc.com and contact Glenda, 254-1774. February and March tee times are 8 a.m.; check-in at 7:30 p.m. Our 2015 officers are Joann Zornow, president; Garnet Wynants, vice-president; Judi Korf, secretary; and Jane Horwitz, treasurer. We’re looking forward to another LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 · 45 Chartered Clubs successful year with many events, including our annual Invitational Golf Tournament to be held April 21. Our next general meeting will be Tuesday, February 24, noon, Desert Vista. Golf (Men’s) 18 Hole Starting times for all ursday tournaments will be at 8:30 a.m. If you are looking for fun and a lot of different formats for golf, the 18 Holers is the place to be in 2015. We have 70 events planned for next year. A big, special event in May supporting the Ronald McDonald House Charities will take place at Palm Valley May 8-9. For current news, check our website, www.18holers.com. Any questions, call Paul Hughes, 233-4933. u V I O Golf (Men's) Niners Regardless of your ability, we have a place for you to enjoy playing with golfers of your skill level. We play a different tournament format, including scrambles, every ursday morning. Dues are $25 per year. For more information, visit us at www.scsniners.com, or call Bob, 341-6576. Gun Club e next club meeting is February 13, 1 p.m., Desert Vista, Room 1. e Club welcomes all residents interested in gun ownership, concealed carry and safe handling practices. As a reminder, current club member dues should be paid no later than the February meeting. e club accepts donations of rearm-related items and accessories. Contact Allen, 331-3390; Bud, 501-0665; or email scgunclub@yahoo.com. Hawaiian Aloha, our meeting for February is Tuesday, February 10, 6 p.m., Desert Vista, Rooms 1 and 2. Come enjoy the Aloha spirit. All residents of Sun City are welcome to join. Call Penny Rodgrigues, 355-5488. Hiking e monthly meeting will be held February 5, 8:30 a.m., Desert Vista. Hiking carpools leave from the Desert Vista lower parking lot at 8 a.m. on Mondays (easy/moderate) and Wednesdays (moderate/challenging). Visitors are welcome. For information, call Ann Cronin, 737-5758. Considering an Implant? SAVE $750 Harmony Dental is now offering dental implants. Call for your FREE consultation. Horseshoes e Club continues to practice Monday through Saturday at 8 a.m. Just show up at that time and we will welcome you. Call 228-6939. On a single tooth implant surgery. Investment Here’s a proven way to protect your money, along with the opportunity for big pro ts. Our guest speaker will educate us on 46 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 o . , m - unique programs that can signi cantly bene t savvy nancial investors, like yourself, in all types of market conditions. Become an Investment Club member and gain a tremendous amount of nancial knowledge throughout the year for just $5 annual dues. Participate in refreshments and our 50/50 raffle. We look forward to seeing you on February 25, Desert Vista, 7 p.m. Call Steve Commander, president, 304-1768. Italian On Friday, February 20, 6 p.m., the Sun City Italian Club will hold its annual Valentine’s dinner dance. e event will take place at Desert Vista and the doors will open at 5:30 p.m. Dinner, drink and dessert will be provided. Dancing and listening pleasure will be provided by the Boyd Coulter Band. $14 per member. Hosts for this dinner will be: Bennetts, Cullens and Andersens. For Club information, call George Pucine, 242-3707 or Helen Zannotti, 341-5836. Members: Submit your fees ASAP to: Helen Zannotti, 2909 Billy Casper Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89134. (Also, $15 membership fees are due and payable now.) Note: For Italian language lessons, for Club members only, contact Joan Jones, 869-3999. Jewish Friendship Our February meeting will take place on February 17, 7 p.m., Desert Vista. We are pleased to have the 50-piece UNLV Band led by conductor Anthony LaBounty. Refreshments will follow. Ruth Kaplow’s Discussion Group will meet on Tuesday, February 10, 6:30 p.m., Sun Shadows. Guest speaker will be Rabbi Steven Rosenberg of Bet Knesset Bamidbar. His topic will be “ e Migration of Jews to America en & Now.” For information, call 341-9516. Krafty Kritters General meeting in the multi-purpose/Krafty Kritters room, 9 a.m., Desert Vista, on the rst Saturday of each month. Tuesday, 1-3 p.m., and Saturdays, 9 a.m. to noon; Tole painters on ursdays, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. We welcome all new members to take part in our many craft classes taught each month. We have handcrafted gifts for sale in the Kraft room. All donations are accepted, especially yarn. Call President Sally Edwards, 242-0364. Liberal Club Our meeting will be held Monday, February 2. e guest speaker for February will be Kathleen L. Biensenstein, for- Your Senior Real Estate Specialist BUY • SELL • LEASE Thejan@fowlerteam.net Power to Move YOU! t * Focused on providing the highest level of service to both buyers & sellers , * Call today for a FREE consultation * No transaction fees * Not just a Realtor, but a Neighbor * Look for my column at www.scsvillagevoice.com S SPECIALISTS REAL ESTATE MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICES REALTOR ® MLS TM mail@janfowler.info LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 · 47 Chartered Clubs mer chairwoman of the Nevada Site Speci c Advisory Board (Nevada Test Site). She is currently employed by Mothers Against Drunk Driving as the program coordinator for Nevada. Her topic will be the environmental cleanup of the former Nevada Test Site and the storage of low level nuclear waste at the site. In March, our guest will be Carolyn Goodman, mayor of Las Vegas. Club meetings are the rst Monday of the month, 7 p.m. Desert Vista. Annual dues are $5 per person. Call Barry, 796-3232. Mah Jongg e Sun City Mah Jongg Club meets Tuesdays at Mountain Shadows 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. 2015 dues are $10. We play an American version of an ancient Chinese tile game using the standardized hands and rules of the National Mah Jongg League. Mah Jongg is a challenging, very social and addictive game played by four people. Mastering the many strategies takes lots of practice. We will be giving lessons for new players (men and women) and refresher lessons for those of you who haven’t played for many years. We welcome experienced players as substitutes and permanent players. Contact Sharon, 243-8271, schaiken2@embarqmail.com; or contact Dorothy, 240-1686; or Ruthann, 243-1761. Men’s Club Great program, great breakfast, great events, great friends. Men in Sun City are doing it! You should, too. Join us for our February 24 breakfast meeting (last Tuesday of the month), Desert Vista, 9 a.m. Yearly dues are $10; breakfast meetings are $4 each. Our February speaker will be Kathy Cassell from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. We will get an update on crime and other police matters in our area, as well as some valuable tips on safety and crime prevention. Our Club has monthly happy hours and discussion breakfasts at a local restaurant, movie and lunch at Suncoast, trips, hike/walks with picnics, many other great events for men and their signi cant others. Call Alan, (847) 558-5423, or Vinnie, 489-9756. Military and Friends For information, call Herman Bishop, 255-9625, or Lorraine Spofford, 456-3958. Model Builders No club meeting will be held in February. e next meeting will be held Tuesday, March 10, 10:30 a.m., Desert Vista. However, our club rooms will be open during the 48 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 week with our artisans working on their models and operating our 4-track H/O train layout. We welcome new members to join us. For additional information regarding our club, call Bill Winchester, 240-9900. Musicmakers If you love to sing, we need you. We are in rehearsal for our spring concert. Remember, you can attend twice before making a decision to join. As a group, we do read music, however, we will work with anyone who wants to learn and sing. Consider trying us out, you’ll love it. We meet in the Music Room at the Pinnacle. Please plan to attend. Call Pat, 384-4222. New York Club e New York Club will hold its February meeting on Wednesday February 4, Room 5, Desert Vista, 7 p.m. Our special guest will be Murray Rosner. He will appraise your jewelry, cameras, etc. We had a great time with him the last time he did this. Refreshments will be served. Bring a friend. For additional information, call Linda, 363-7377, or Fred, 869-6021. Organ, Piano and Keyboard Club We meet at 9 a.m., Tuesdays, in the Music Room in the Starbright eatre building at the Pinnacle. Members play either a Roland or Lowery organ, or a piano. e teacher uses Hal Leonard E-Z Play book #200 “Best Songs Ever.” Dues are $5 per year. Club meetings are on the second Tuesday of the month. Visitors are welcome and members can use the room by reserving a time at the Social Monitor’s station. Call Freyda Wayne, 243-5216. Pan Games We play at Mountain Shadows on Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Dues are $10. You can learn to play pan with Al Weiner, 256-9415, on ursdays, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. For condolence/get well cards, call JoAnn Markowski, 675-3342. Call Linda, 778-1436. Photography Club e club will meet the second ursday of the month, February 12, 7 p.m., Room 5, Desert Vista. Our guest speaker will be Ed Vaughn of Las Vegas. Ed has been a professional photographer since 1976. He was president of the Missouri Professional Photographers Association and photographed swimsuit models for Hawaiian Tropic. His presentation will be information, as well as interesting. Contact George Ligus, 419-4557, for information. P W a o V m P m P P M e m 1 P W n C m y - Pickleball We’re lucky to have our own courts in Sun City and they are getting a lot of use. We are now meeting for games at our courts just next to the Security Patrol office at Desert Vista. Our new website has all the information regarding membership and club court times, www.scspickleball.com. Pickleball is getting a lot of press around the country, so maybe there’s something to it after all. For information, call President Augie Costanzo, 301-2183. Pinochle Meets Tuesday at 5:30 p.m., Mountain Shadows. If you’re an experienced player, we would love to have you join us. New members are always welcome. Play begins at 5:30 p.m. Come 15 minutes early to register. Please call Richard, 341-5314. Poker We meet the rst and third Saturday of each month. Our next sessions are February 7 and 21, 6 p.m., Mountain Shadows. Club dues are $12 annually and $1 each session for refreshments. Dues for 2015 will be collected, so be sure to bring your Association card. For information, call Jean, 363-1939. Quilting Lots of great classes and activities are planned this year, including a new member tea in the spring. Board meeting on Wednesday, February, 4, 1 p.m.; general meeting, Monday, February 9. For information, call eresa, 421-2150, or the quilt room, 240-1322. Racquetball We have doubles and singles available every day of the week. Check out our schedule for club time, or just pick a partner and come on down to the Mountain Shadows tness center. If you are a squash player or a handball player, give it a go. We have four levels of play to ensure you get the competition you’d like. Get to our website, www.scsracquetball.com, for details. Contact Bob Altomondo, president, at 341-0153, or email at raltomondo@cox.net. Residents’ Forum ere is a party planned for Valentine’s Day, February 11, 7 p.m., Desert Vista, featuring music by In the Mood, plus a surprise or two. If you have a Sun City Summerlin Association card, you are automatically a member of Residents’ Forum. ere are no dues or fees. Planning meetings take LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 · 49 Chartered Clubs place the rst Wednesday of the month at the Pinnacle, 1 p.m. Call Glenda Rogers, president, 255-7755. R.V. is month, adventure with us to the Good Sam rally in Phoenix, Ariz., February 24 to March 1. is is a very well-attended affair with lots of vendor displays, lectures of all kinds related to RVs and traveling. ere will be entertainment every night by well-known performers. Our hosts are Gene, Martha and Chuck Hila. e next club meeting is Monday, February 10, 7 p.m., Desert Vista. All Sun City residents are invited to join us for coffee and cookies and learn about RV-ing Sun City style. Call President David, 592-0581. Sawdusters Our rst meeting of the year is on Wednesday, March 4, 9 a.m., Desert Vista. We are always looking for men and women to make things out of wood. Do you have any broken items that need repair? We can do most repairs in our shop located at the Pinnacle. For information call Bev Pasco, president, 838-2621 or the wood shop, 240-1325. Security Patrol is month’s general meeting will be February 24, 7 p.m., Desert Vista. If you appreciate the concept of neighbors helping neighbors, you’d probably be an excellent Security Patrol volunteer. Call 254-2303; a dispatcher is always there. Sewing (Just Sew) Join us for our monthly membership meeting at Desert Vista on Wednesday, February 4, 1 p.m. Come nd out about our Club and coming activities. We welcome donations of fabrics, notions and yarn for our various projects. Everyone is invited to come to the Just Sew Room at Mountain Shadows and see the beautifully handcrafted Valentine’s gifts to buy for someone special or just for you. Call Julia Lorensen, 228-9898, or Carla Fishman, 628-8868, for information. Shuffleboard Our Club is ready to begin a great year of play. New members are joining and friendly competition is rampant. Games are played Tuesdays, ursdays and Saturdays at 9 a.m. You are welcome to play all days or whichever days meet your schedule. Much different from other sports, shuffleboard does not commit you to a speci c team. We pair up the day of play. Come by and give the game a try. It will take about ve minutes of your time to learn. e courts are located behind Mountain Shadows between the tennis courts and putt-putt golf. For information, call Andy Lawson, 242-1540. 50 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 a a y S D o S o O t w S D s S s - Silver Foxes Please join us for exercise classes to Richard Simmons’ tapes at Sun Shadows. We welcome new members to get moving at our classes on Mondays, 10-11 a.m.; Tuesdays and ursdays at 9-10 a.m. and 10-11 a.m.; Saturdays at 10-11 a.m. e Club’s yearly dues are $8. For more information, call Sue, 739-9696. Silver, Lapidary & Glass Fusion Dues and locker rent payments will be accepted by a club officer from 10 a.m. to noon each day except Tuesdays and Sundays until January 31. Now is the time to join one of our classes. Contact our President Bob Miller, 612-3277. Our rooms are open for visiting and working from 8 a.m. to noon every day except Tuesday and Sunday. We look forward to seeing you there. Silvertones Do you remember Elvis, Bobby Darin, Do-Wop, your high school band, and the early stirrings of rock ‘n’ roll? Well, the Silvertones will be re-incarnating the fabulous ‘50s for our spring show, May 2-3. Start the New Year with a song or two, or more. If you like to sing, can carry a tune and will commit to weekly rehearsals on ursdays from 1-3 p.m., we would like to have you join us. Our winter concerts in December were a standing-ovation success. Just visualize yourself tting in among our group of 50-plus singers (no professional experience necessary). If interested, contact Joan, 363-3330. Softball-Men’s We meet and throw out the rst pitch every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9 a.m. at the Pinnacle eld. We also get a pickup game on Saturday at 9:30 a.m. We always have room for more players and especially new residents moving into our wonderful community. You can get more information by going to our website, www.scssoftball.com, or contacting our President Terry Fowler at (808) 366-1239 or fowlert003@gmail.com. Spanish Have you ever wanted to learn Spanish? We have new classes starting in Mid-March so now is the time to sign . - LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 · 51 Chartered Clubs up for either beginning, intermediate or advanced Spanish classes. Classes will be held on Wednesday and Friday at 9 - 10:30 a.m. at the Sun Shadows recreation center. Membership dues are $1 per year. Please contact President Ray LeMay at 254-1499 or raylemay@gmail.com. Stained Glass Now that the holidays are over it may be a good time to learn a new skill. is is a beautiful art form and we have excellent instructors. Come join us and see what you can accomplish. Sign up early for class as we ll up early. Class is four sessions, Monday and Tuesday, February 19-20, and 26-27, 6-9 p.m. Call President Roger Wager, 243-0873. Sun City Summerlin Charities e organization provides residents help with transportation to medical appointments, shopping, handyman ser- vices and assistance with contacting government agencies. Open Monday to Friday, 8:30-11 a.m. For more information, please call 254-5831. Sunshine Service Please plan to attend this general meeting on February 2, 10:30 a.m., Desert Vista. Our guest speaker will be Ms. Sue Papilion, executive director of Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc. Guests are welcome. We lend medical and children’s equipment for resident use. Hours: Monday to Saturday, 9-11 a.m., 10362 Sun City Blvd. Aluminum tabs, toiletries, Campbell’s Soup labels and greeting cards are accepted for various charities. Help us ll Salvation Army barrels with non-perishable food at our warehouse or in the lobby area at Mountain Shadows. For more information, please call 341-9741. SCSCAI Chartered Clubs & Community Organizations* Directory AEROBICS Margaret Helsper, 562-9027 BRIDGE (RUBBER) Sydney Keffury, 240-6504 DANCE CONNECTION Kris Steinwand, 443-8759 GOLF (MEN’S) 18 HOLE Richard Gluch, 362-4841 AQUACIZE Marilyn Kristal, 778-7149 BUNCO Charles Durden, 838-9959 GOLF (MEN'S) NINERS Dennis Brooks, 233-6701 ART Karen Bageman, 233-4497 Feb 16 CANASTA Linda Collins, (918) 630-7104 (702) 912-1615 DANCE CO. “A CLASS ACT” Judy Walker, 240-3359 Feb 11 ARTHRITIS Jim Gaughan, 233-1087 CERAMICS Barbara Chess, 374-7447 BEADING & JEWELRY Victoria Socol, 256-6247 Feb 3, business meeting Feb 17, class CHICAGO/MIDWEST Gil Stern, 242-0236 Feb 15 BILLIARDS Ron Hill, 242-5948 CLASSICAL MUSIC William Rydell, 580-0727 Feb 23 BOCCI Henrietta Rapp, 987-3456 BOOK Jean Smith, (660) 221-6514 Feb 12 COMPUTER Howard Verne, 527-4056 Feb 5 BOOMER CONNECTION Julie Zerbel, (512) 775-1309 CONSERVATIVES Richard Jones, 240-9863 Feb 26 BRIDGE (DUPLICATE) Connie Morris, 869-3024 BRIDGE (FRIDAY NIGHT) Sue Papilion, 838-9089 52 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 EUCHRE Dolores Zarriello, 838-7902 GUN CLUB Allen Sakaguchi, 331-3390 Feb 13 FISHERMEN & FRIENDS Bob McCauley, 242-4240 Feb 14 HAWAIIAN Thomas Spencer, 834-6114 Feb 10 FITNESS Jeanette Bucklew, 778-4977 HIKING Susan Feinberg, (312) 330-3471 Feb 5 FRENCH Danielle Luthy, 360-5141 GIN RUMMY Linda Ray, 586-1007 GOLF (GUYS & GALS) Amos Barcus, 755-9623 Feb 8 HORSESHOES Ray Leavitt, 228-6939 INVESTMENT Steve Commander, 304-1768 Feb 25 ITALIAN George Pucine, 242-3707 Feb 20 CRIBBAGE Pat Risler, 252-7351 GOLF (LADIES) 18 HOLE Mona Waisanen, 215-1085 Feb 10, 13, 17, Trilogy Tourn. Feb 17, Awards luncheon JEWISH FRIENDSHIP Ed Turken, 341-9516 Feb 17 CRUISE & FOREIGN TRAVEL Hershel Aron, 360-0484 GOLF (LADIES) EXECUTIVE Joann Zornow, 242-1331 KRAFTY KRITTERS Sally Edwards, 242-0364 S O 1 t w S t t t s s a C T m - Swim On February 10, we will have a luncheon/meeting from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Room 1, Desert Vista, to discuss the year’s plans. Lunch will be provided for $7. March 10 will be our “2nd Tuesday Lunch” at the Edge of Town. See Carol for information. Anyone interested in joining the Club may contact any of us or just come on over to the Desert Vista indoor pool during our regular swim time, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9-10 a.m. We have swimmers at all levels and instructors who can teach swimming or improve your form. Beginner swim lessons are offered free to club members. Annual dues are $10. Contact Carol Rudolph, 869-3303. Table Tennis e Table Tennis Club lost a member and a friend last month. Nate Molden was liked and admired by all those who knew him. He was a humble, polite, quiet and reserved man who was respected by all of our members. We will miss you, Nate. Our club meets every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Pinnacle Fitness Center. Come join us and shed some of those extra pounds we all manage to put on during the holidays. Call Jeff, 596-6405. Tai Chi Classes at Desert Vista: Note that the Friday schedule has changed. Traditional Short Form-Advanced: Monday, 3 p.m. and Friday, 3 p.m. Traditional Yang Short FormBeginners: Wednesday, 4 p.m. and Friday, 4 p.m. Traditional Yang Family Long Form: Wednesday, 3 p.m. and Friday, 1 p.m. Traditional Yang Family Long FormBeginners: Friday, 2 p.m. Andy’s Form: Monday (advanced) and Wednesday (beginners), 2 p.m. Call Mery y LIBERAL CLUB Barry Feinblatt, 796-3232 Feb 2 MAH JONGG Sharon Chaiken, 243-8271 PICKLEBALL August Costanzo, 375-4533 SHUFFLEBOARD Andrew Lawson, 242-1540 TABLE TENNIS Jeff McCabe 596-6405 PINOCHLE Richard Mitchell, 341-5314 SILVER FOXES Jean Modes, 363-1939 TAI CHI James Ko, 586-7787 POKER Jean Modes, 363-1939 MEN’S CLUB Alan Spector, (847) 558-5423 Feb 7 & 21 Feb 24 QUILTING Theresa Cooper, 421-2150 MILITARY & FRIENDS Feb 4 Herman Bishop, 255-9625 MODEL BUILDERS Bill Winchester, 240-9900 MUSICMAKERS Pat Bedunnah, 384-4222 NEW YORK Estelle Cohen, 869-6021 Feb 4 ORGAN, PIANO AND KEYBOARD CLUB Freyda Wayne, 243-5216 PAN GAMES Linda Harrington, 778-1436 PHOTOGRAPHY George Ligus, 419-4558 Feb 12 RACQUETBALL Bob Altomondo, 341-0153 RESIDENTS’ FORUM* Glenda Rogers, 255-7755 Feb 11, Valentine’s party R.V. Dave Stahlhut, 592-0581 Feb 24-Mar 1, trip Feb 10, meeting SAWDUSTERS Bev Pasco, 838-2621 SECURITY PATROL* Judy Hunt, 363-4419 Feb 24 SEWING (JUST SEW) Julia Lorensen, 255-9898 Feb 4 SILVER, LAPIDARY & GLASS TEAM TENNIS FUSION Jerry Barksdale, 254-4645 Bob Miller, 612-3277 TENNIS SILVERTONES Ellen Crawford, 478-8806 Jean Modes, 363-1939 Jan. 27 SOFTBALL-MEN’S THEATER (COMMUNITY) Terry Fowler, (808) 366-1239 Kim Tuel, 901-3358 SPANISH Ray LeMay, 254-1499 STAINED GLASS Roger Wager, 243-0873 Feb 19-20 & 26-27, class Feb 14-15, show TRAVEL Marise Mizel, 242-2704 Feb 11 WATEROBICS SUN CITY SUMMERLIN Joan Lambert, 228-2060 CHARITIES* WOMEN’S CLUB 254-5831 Office open M-F 8:30 a.m. - 11 a.m. Judy Auerbach, 242-0727 Feb 19 SUNSHINE SERVICE* WRITER’S WORKSHOP Louise Carr, 256-4988 Jerry Silvers, 489-3305 Feb 2 Feb 16 SWIM YOGA Carol Rudolph, 869-3303 Carolyn Palubinskas, 243-3758 Feb 10 LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 · 53 Chartered Clubs Finkle, 228-8417. Annual dues of $5, payable only by check made out to e Tai Chi Club, are due for 2015. Include your association number, phone number, and email address (print so we can read it) with your check. Team Tennis e Club was primarily established to cater to advanced players who play at a 3.5 to 4.5 level, although anyone can join. Dues are $10 per year and entitle members to attend the May BBQ, September 17 pizza party and December 6 Christmas party. It’s a good opportunity to have some positive social contact, as well as a lot of good food, fellowship and fun for all. For information, call Jerry Barksdale, 254-4645, or Art Ott, 586-9585. Tennis Club Congratulations to our officers for 2015: President Ellen Crawford, Vice President Joan Walling, Treasurer Jo Morykwas, and Secretary David Wells. To join our existing mixed-doubles league as a substitute, please call Carolyn Aubol, 233-2316. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 27, 7 p.m., Desert Vista. For information, call Ellen Crawford, 478-8806. Theater (Community) e Sun City Community eater will make a believer out of you the weekend of February 14-15. ese muses will amuse and delight you. ey have been sent directly from Mount Olympus to help folks nd their hidden talents. ere will be music, singing (including a “fractured opera”), art, dancing and, of course, fun and laughter. You can have all of the above for the heavenly price of $8. Join us on Saturday, February 14 (a lovely gift for your Valentine) at 7 p.m., or Sunday, February 15, at 2 p.m. Tickets can be purchased from any Club member, or by calling Elaine, 838-2849; Jeannie, 838-2908; or Kim, 901-3358. Travel e next meeting will be on Wednesday, February 11, 3:30 p.m., Desert Vista, Room 5. Bring your dues check, made payable to Sun City Travel Club. Checks are required at the time of sign up. Please make those check payable to Tours of Distinction. February 3, “Fabergi” a display of ne jeweled eggs and jewelry at Bellagio. Bus leaves at 11:30 a.m. returns at 3:30 p.m. March 3, “Show Stoppers” at the Wynn. At Smith Center: February 12, “Dixie’s Tupperware” in the Tresh Studio eatre; February 14, “POPS II Gershwin,” a Valentine’s show; March 26, “Girls Night Out,” an afternoon show in the Cabaret Jazz eatre; March 30, London Philharmonic, Michael Tilson omas; May 14, Hal Prince’s Broadway: “An Evening in Word and 54 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 S W r m c a a t m J P T W O A A w a J f r a F S t Song.” Call Marise, 242-2704, or Sharon, 838-4319. WateRobics e easiest workout on your joints is in the water! Fun, camaraderie and an exercise program that allows our bodies to get maximum results. We welcome all residents to participate in classes twice before joining. Eight 45-minute workouts weekly at 9 a.m., Monday-Friday; Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1 p.m. All sessions are designed and led by certi ed instructors in the Sun Shadows pool. Dues are $110 per year for new members. We have fun activities throughout the year. President Joan Lambert; 1st Vice President Letitia Smith; 2nd Vice President Adrianne Kotil; Secretary Anna Maria Chaves; Treasurer Marlene Sherman. Call Adrianne, 228-5673. Women’s Club e February 19 meeting at Desert Vista is for MEMBERSONLY. February is healthy heart month, and Chef Ken from Atria Seville will discuss “Heart Healthy Foods for ought.” A luncheon will be provided. New and renewal memberships will be accepted at the door. e doors will open at 11:30 a.m., and the program begins at 12:15 p.m. For information, call Judy, 242-0727, or Mary, 341-6734. Writer’s Workshop If you love to write and want to be inspired by the most talented and friendly people in Sun City, come join us at three sessions per month, the second, third, and fourth Monday at Sun Shadows, from 9-11 a.m. Whether you’re interested in novels, short stories, memoirs, poems, etc., we have classes and members to assist you in a social and educational atmosphere. Monday, February 16, will be a continuation of our Authors Seminar Series, with a special guest speaker and educator. For information on all of our activities, call Jerry Silvers, president, 489-3305. Visit our International blogs to read and meet some of our talented members: www.suncityww.blogspot.com and www.summerlinww.blogspot.com Yoga Classes are held at Desert Vista on Tuesdays, ursdays and Saturdays, 8-9:45 a.m. Beginners are welcome in any of our classes. e only requirement is that you can get up and down from the oor without assistance. Monthly fees: One class weekly, $20; two classes weekly, $30; three classes weekly, $45. Call Carolyn, 243-3758 or Joannie, 233-4416. LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 · 55 S 56 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 Summary of Operations Unaudited (Unaudited) October 2014 Balance Sheet Assets Current Assets Cash (Including Invested Cash) Due From Funds Other Current Assets Total Current Assets Investments Land, Buildings & Equipment - Net Other Assets Total Assets Liabilities and Fund Balance Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Due To Funds Deferred Income Accrued Expenses Total Current Liabilities Other Liabilities Total Liabilities Operating Fund $3,437,638 603,517 4,041,155 13,614 $4,054,769 Reserve Fund $6,657,271 184,867 6,842,138 6,655,811 $13,497,949 Fixed Asset Fund Consolidated Funds $10,094,909 450,223 603,517 11,148,649 6,655,811 47,031,514 178,614 $65,014,588 $265,356 0 265,356 47,031,514 165,000 $47,461,870 $646,523 252,652 2,455,491 239,687 3,594,353 2,863 3,597,216 Fund Balance Surplus/(Deficit) Total Liabilities & Fund Balance 457,553 $4,054,769 $646,523 252,652 2,455,491 239,687 3,594,353 2,863 3,597,216 13,497,949 $13,497,949 47,461,870 $47,461,870 61,417,372 $65,014,588 October 2014 Summary of Operations Fiscal Year To Date (July 2014 -October 2014) Current Month Variance REVENUES Assessments Golf Course Restaurants Newsletter/LINK Interest Income Other Income Subtotal Actual 760,797 327,361 41,164 43,758 357 76,338 $1,249,775 EXPENSES Golf Course Pro Shops Golf Course Maintenance Restaurant Newsletter/LINK Administration Information Technology Landscaping Community Service Programs Facility Maintenance Fitness Security Subtotal Total Favorable/ Budget Unfavorable 760,798 (1) 333,240 (5,879) 39,540 1,624 43,500 258 1,125 (768) 69,835 6,503 $1,248,038 $1,737 109,646 395,081 48,068 39,020 161,225 19,615 140,560 37,464 178,059 45,160 6,417 1,180,315 110,974 372,619 53,023 35,033 156,775 19,977 139,203 44,046 180,301 42,949 5,580 1,160,480 1,328 (22,462) 4,955 (3,447) (4,450) 362 (1,357) 6,582 2,242 (2,211) (837) (19,295) 69,460 87,558 (18,098) Variance Actual 3,093,713 1,047,756 170,682 141,269 5,506 275,861 $4,734,787 443,922 1,800,312 269,643 130,031 543,834 73,685 652,280 155,160 682,973 175,120 22,998 4,949,958 (215,171) Favorable/ Budget Unfavorable 3,093,714 (1) 1,048,457 (701) 217,735 (47,053) 169,400 (28,131) 4,500 1,006 267,090 8,771 $4,800,896 ($66,109) 448,026 1,838,126 314,271 126,584 604,014 88,037 675,504 160,096 736,014 178,305 24,714 5,193,691 (392,795) 4,104 37,813 44,628 (3,447) 60,180 14,352 23,224 4,936 0 53,041 3,185 1,716 243,732 177,624 For additional SCSCAI financial information, please log on to www.scscai.com The Association is in compliance with paragraph (b) of subsection 2 of NRS 116.3115 and reserve funds have not been used for daily maintenance. LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 · 57 58 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 Crossword 1 2 3 4 11 Across 1. 4. 7. 11. 12. 13. 15. 17. 18. 19. 21. 22. 23. 24. 27. 28. 30. 33. 36. 38. 39. 40. 41. 43. 45. 46. 48. 50. 51. 53. 56. 58. 60. 61. 64. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. Sis or bro Get ve in a row, in bingo Foghorn Leghorn feature Wise guy? New Mexico necktie Follows the leader Random “Me, too!” Merlot cask Debate topics Mardi Gras luminary Undercover worker Tobacco pipe part ___ facto McBride of “Boston Public” Quaker 'Hold your horses!' Indian king Smoking gun, so to speak Right, on the map Blob of used gum BB's and bullets Tear tubes Spun yarns Tiniest protest “'___ of the Field'” (Poitier classic) Historical period Post-Mardi Gras period Like a dangerous wire Band blaster Unit of oil production, brie y Squeaky-clean Metro maker Tests that allow talking eir job is taxing Barbecue area Part of ROM Just Obligation Unproductive Tournament exemption Down 1. 2. 3. Dawn ‘ e Gift of the Magi’ device Prickly casing 5 6 7 12 16 18 19 20 22 23 24 33 38 34 42 25 35 36 44 62 63 66 69 Marital antonym of ‘better’ Part of the small intestine Connecting point Massachusetts cape ‘Shogun’ sash Juilliard timing implement Memory morsel Chutzpah Become active Boston Red ___ Soap site Churchill's title Humdinger Sonora shawl Livestock Lose strength Stadium topper Tie the knot Drag Swing Piercing tools ___ alai Dandy Confession topic Moved quickly 45 48 51 58 37 40 47 57 61 26 29 43 50 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 14. 16. 20. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 34. 35. 37. 42. 44. 21 39 46 56 14 28 32 41 10 17 27 31 9 13 15 30 8 49 52 53 59 54 55 60 64 65 67 68 70 71 47. 49. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 59. 62. 63. 65. List abbr. Turns to the right More contemptible Drug test Extreme pain Haggard of C and W Floral arrangement Go, with ‘on down’ Pitt of ‘Ocean’s Twelve’ Difficult Freedom, brie y Bar y Turn on the waterworks ANSWER TO LAST MONTH’S PUZZLE S T I R C O N E A Q U A B U R L Y F E T E D O X I D E B I N G E T E E D G R O W R O L E O D D S M E E T S D E A N F I S T O U R I C T O S T S S E D R I S M E T O O N R K O C I R L U S P E E E S R E A G G O E A A R P M E Y S P N I A T P E S W A N G D O S S S I P S H O D P A N E E K E S C O S T D I N G A G A I N L I M B O S L E E T R O C S T O U T S P R Y G O N N A LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 · 59 AREA CODE REMINDER All telephone numbers published in the Link and at suncitylink.com are in the 702 area code unless noted otherwise. The link does not endorse nor promote any product or service advertised. Verification of qualifications and current license are the responsibility of persons seeking service. 60 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 Service Directory CAREGIVER & HOME CARE/MEDICAL & DENTAL HEALTH Alert911Now, Medical Monitoring, locally owned/operated . . . 224-4100 Amada SR Care, Staff Bckgrn Chck’d, Lic/Ins . . . . . . . . . . . 998-3996 Comfort Keepers, non-med in-home care, lic. w/hlth dept. . . . 385-1000 EKO Caregiving, I live in Sun City. Res. Service, $15/hr . . . 689-5693 Las Vegas Smile Center, Afshin Arian, DMD . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433-6825 Renee’s Caregiving/ Sun City res, services $13.50/hr . . . . . 419-0606 Rose’s Helping Hand & Hairdresser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463-9861 CLEANING SERVICES: CARPET, HOME, & WINDOW A Clean Getaway, House Cleaning, Lic/Ins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373-8396 AAA Carpet Cleaning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458-2870 Absolute Affordable Window Cleaning, Lic/Ins . . . . . . . . . . . 521-1194 Air Duct Cleaning and Carpet Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616-0011 Baby Janie’s Cleaning Service, in business since 85. . . . . . . . 642-3722 Benita’s House Cleaning licensed/insured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396-7279 Carpet Guy: carpet/tile/air duct cleaning, BBB member . . . . 645-3092 Fresco Carpet Cleaning $25/area. Lic/Ins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340-9377 GC Glass, Windows, Showers, Doors, Mirrors, Lic . . . . . . . . 281-6890 Larry’s Window Cleaning, serving S.C. since ‘97 . . . . . . . . . 658-8634 Nelly’s House Cleaning Services, Lic/Ins.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205-7173 Summerlin Window Cleaning, 15% Snr Disc. Lic/Ins/Bnd . . 965-2065 Window Bright Window Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497-6342 ELECTRICIANS/HVAC/HANDYMANY & PLUMBING SERVICES 1 A-A Plumbing, Drain Cleaning, 15% Senior Discount. . . . . 776-7033 Affordable A/C, heating, repair by A.C.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328-3002 All Home Appliance Services, Sr. discount, call Keith . . . . . . . 366-1861 All toilets, faucets, drains & elec, S.C. Resident. . . . . . . . . . 355-1302 Air One Heating & Air Conditioning 15% disc on repairs . . . . . 384-2471 Artale’s Handyman, Sr. Disc/Affordable, 28 yrs exp, lic.. . . . 758-9974 Butter Plumbing, Sr. Disc. Lic/Ins. 24 hr service . . . . . . . . . 655-5214 Day & Night Handyman, Always a senior discount . . . . . . . . . 521-4105 Double Diamond Heat & A/C Repair. Sr disc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 664-1323 D&B Electric, serving Sun City since ’89. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 870-7310 Electrician Brad #72389, bond/ins, Sr. disc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 580-1414 Handyman, All-In-One, Call Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 818-297-0984 Handyman Dave, tile spec., 30 yrs exp, reasonable . . . . . . . 232-2510 LV Appliance Repair, Sr. Disc. 25yrs exp. Work Grntd. . . . . . 259-8988 Matt’s Handyman. Affordable. No Job Too Small! Lic . . . . . . 682-1251 Pacic Electric #23856 SR Disc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433-8777 Sanderson Plumbing, Lic #0078397 Very Dependable . . . . 610-7236 FINANCIAL/INVESTMENTS/INSURANCE/LEGAL/TAX Annuity Markets/David Bax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256-4520 Don Barsky CPA (Ret.) IRS Registered, Tax prep, res. . . . . . . . 236-8205 Serl Keefer Welter Certied Public Accountants. . . . . . . . . . 363-1971 Wells Fargo Advisors, Tom Dunaway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 562-3920 Revocable Living Trust, D.R. Gelbman, Esq. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228-2568 The link does not endorse nor promote any product or service advertised. Verification of qualifications and current license are the responsibility of persons seeking service. LAWN CARE & WATER SYSTEM SERVICES 1 A-A Sprinkler Repairs, 15% Senior discount . . . . . . . . . . . 596-5466 2 White Guys Trees & Landscape Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . 544-2355 All water softener & drinking water needs $49 . . . . . . . . . . 737-1957 Earthworks Landscaping, Sun City Specialist . . . . . . . . . . . . 474-1599 Ezequiel Lawn Care Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 807-4217 Hot water re-circulation system. Instant Hot Water!. . . . . . . 588-8788 Jeff’s Lawn & Landscaping, lic # 0031233 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243-2924 Landscape, design, pavers, construction, irrigation, lic. . . . . . 877-7321 Leon’s Lawn Service - Get 3rd Month Free! . . . . . . . . . . . . . 862-0283 Parra Lawn Care, sprinkler repair . . . . . . . . . 365-9329 or cell 250-0225 S & S Sprinkler, all repairs, lowest disc, Res . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363-1883 Serenity Landscaping & maint, sprinklers, lic. . . . . . . . . . . . 427-9289 Water Softener Specialists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 795-4442 MISCELLANEOUS 1-800-GOT- JUNK? Goodbye Junk/Hello Relief. . . . . . . . . . . 271-9333 Al Zatkoff Painting/Wallpaper since 67, lic # 63982 . . . . . . 610-4953 Automotive: Mobile paint & bumper repairs. Bob . . . . . . . . . 497-5563 Alterations by Susan, Crown Dry Cleaners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294-1333 Computer Tutoring & Help, Jim Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461-8741 Pet sitter, call Linda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586-2377 Transportation around town, Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 812-5544 Upholstery Servs, Indr & Outdr Frntr AG Interior Design . . . . . 596-7650 PEST CONTROL A-Newman’s Pest Control, $20/mo. for Sun City Res . . . . . . 682-7541 It’s Your Bugman, Sun City res, starting at $22 . . . . . . . . . . 341-9414 PCI - Pest Control Inc. “Sun City’s Primary Provider” . . . . . 228-4394 SOLAR SCREENS/ROOFING & GARAGE DOOR AAA Garage door & Opener repair 24/7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568-7401 A.D.S. Garage Doors Lic/Ins. 24/7 service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595-2717 Atomic Solar Screens (see display ad) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 869-2083 Desert Valley Roong, 25 yrs exp. Lic # 78062 . . . . . . . . . . . 558-8775 Eclipse Solar Screens, FREE window cleaning w/install. . . . . . 219-4282 Garage Door Repairs, Silver State Garage Doors #38995 . . 255-9231 REAL ESTATE Adkins, Rich/Scott, Sally Realty Executives Experts . . . . . . . 378-9065 D.C. Calder, Elite Realty, dccalder@cox.net . . . . . . . . . . . . 274-7850 Donohue Team/Berkshire Hathaway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494-9105 Sunland Homes Nevada, rentals & sales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277-1313 LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 · 61 Classifieds THANK YOU The Prayers, Support, Cards, & Phone Calls that I received after the death of my sweetheart, Nate, were all appreciated & cherished. Thanks..................................................Pat Molden FOR RENT Charleston Townhome 2bd/2ba $975 available February 1st ..............................................................................360-2606 FOR SALE 2014 BUICK LaCrosse, 4K Miles, Garages, Silver w/blk leather, sunroof, EXC COND. Assume Lease $375mo for 29mos ..............................................................................363-4797 MEADE 8” TELESCOPE $450 ...................................228-8065 TEMPUR-PEDIC full size mattress. Used, in secure wrapperoriginal cost $1499. Older box spring, brand new mattress cover. A full size bedframe. Make decent offer. Call or text .........................................................................628-6424 SMALL HANDICAP SCOOTER fits in trunk of car. NEW COND $600 call.................................................................363-2894 CONN ORGAN EXL COND, 2-manuals $3500. KIMBALL BABY GRAND $3500. Treadmill $90. Call Joyce..................360-2924 SERVING PLATTERS assorted $10. WILTON ARMETALE starts $10. Call Evie ..........................................................778-7196 14KT ITALIAN 18” SOLD GOLD CHAINS strtng $130 ..778-7196 MIKASA FINE CHINA servs for 16 w/srving platters $500 ..............................................................................778-7196 SWISS MADE GUCCI WATCHES. Gld mthr o’prl $200. Slrv date watch $400 (org. $950) ...........................................778-7196 D L O S link Residents may submit classified ads to the link office at the Desert Vista community center, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. COST: Ads are $2 per line (30 characters per line = 30 letters, numbers, and/or spaces) Services or offers of merchandise are considered business ads and will not be taken. No refunds are given for classified ads. SCSCAI card required at purchase. WANTED WANTED: Sun City collector wants pistols, rifles, shot guns, reloading equipment & ammo. Top $ paid. Also small handicap scooters .................................................................363-2894 Want to buy car, truck, or SUV in good condition. Any year, make or model. Will pay cash. Jim ....................................241-4218 Collector buying old US coins, currency, & scrap jewelry. Sun City res Bob & Linda................................................243-0936. Wanted, Collector buying old letters, postcards & stamps especially from China, Japan, & US. Collector can pay much more thank dealer. Allen or Edward............................210-8161 Baseball cards, non-sports cards, bobble heads, autographs, tickets & memorabilia. SC resident. Email John, sportscards4john@aol.com ..................................483-5851 SC Collector buying old casino chips & slot cards.......228-2937 WANTED: Old Watches. Gold & Silver coins. WW1 & WW2 Memorabilia. Indian Art, Baskets, & Pots. Old Navajo Rugs & Turquoise Jewelry. Call Mike.....................................360-0949 Sun City Summerlin’s Online Magazine KEEPING SUN CITY SUMMERLIN CONNECTED The Link to the Link: www.suncitylink.com l l l THIS WEEK IN SUN CITY: Find out what's happening in your community with weekly news and event updates. EYE ON SCSCAI: Enjoy slideshows and videos that capture activities Sun City Summerlin residents are up to. CLASSIFIEDS CORNER: Place your ad today, sell your item tomorrow. Online classied ads even let you post a photo of your item for FREE. Call Diane Pontillas, 363-5984. 62 · LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 , p e n s h , , 2 & LINK · FEBRUARY 2015 · 63
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