IN THIS ISSUE: Observations from the Deck pg. 2 | Love pg. 5 | More Love pg. 6-7 | February Calendar pg. 12 John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” Shepherd of the Hills LIVING OUT LOUD… FAITHFULLY! C H U R C H S TA F F PASTOR Rev. Tom Grevlos ASSOCIATE PASTOR Rev. Felix Malpica Director of Music Kevin McClure Financial Officer Trixi Spinelli Director of Organization & Communication Amy Ruedas Communication & Connections Ministry Specialist Karen Flint Family & Women’s Ministry Specialist/Interim Preschool Director Jeanne Grevlos Director of Youth Ministries Jacob Thogmartin Interim Family Ministry Assistant Jessica Malpica Campus Superintendent Fred Schleede FEBRUARY 2015 Monthly Connections Amy Ruedas, Editor and Design Karen Flint, Copy Editor Kathy Gerhardt, Copy Editor SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS 3525 Bee Cave Road | Austin, TX. 512-327-3370 CHURCH COUNCIL President: Vice President: Secretary: Financial Officer: Mark Nogalski Carole Morgan Norma Smith Trixi Spinelli Adelle Connors Steve Freche Tom Lueders Jerry McDonald Bobby McQuiston Ronny Pinckard Patty Rowley Steve Schulz Mark Tate FEBRUARY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, FEBRUARY 10th at 7 p.m. Observations from the Deck…by Pastor Tom Grevlos “The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company…a church…a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we embrace for that day. We cannot change the past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you…we are in charge of our attitudes.” by Charles Swindoll Sometimes in my day-to-day life I am in need of an attitude adjustment! I would have to believe that anyone who has raised a child has had a sit-down conversation about that child’s attitude and the need for an attitude-adjustment. Perhaps a great benefit of ones faithfulness in worship is to receive an attitude adjustment, moving us from cynicism to hopefulness and joy. Perhaps one of our spiritual practices should be exercises in attitude adjustment! In doing so, we can “turn that frown upside down.” What might that spiritual practice of attitude adjustment look like in our life? The list could get very long but here are a few practical ideas…four Be-Attitudes: Be Grateful. What I discover about myself when I am in an “attitude funk” is that I am choosing to be ungrateful and ungracious. My discontent becomes focused on what I do not have, rather than the abundance of blessings all around me. Choosing gratitude as an attitude is a game-changer as I begin to recognize the grace of God and I find contentment in Him. Be Joyful. Have you ever noticed the difference in your own attitude when you have been with people who are joy-full rather than those who suck the joy right out of life? The great models of faith in my life are those who exude joy no matter what the circumstance! I learn from them the importance of choosing an attitude of joy and when doing so, share that joy with others. Be Prayerful. When we choose to surrender our worries, fears, and resentments to God as an attitude adjustment, our world has color. When we choose to move from despair and defeatism we find the scales on our eyes falling away and we see the presence of God under every rock, in every flower, and in the faces of others. We are surprised by grace most often in the “insignificant” moments of life. Be Playful. I believe that Jesus’ call for us to have the “faith of a little child” is not only a lesson to trust, but an encouraging word for us to be playful. Playfulness keeps us humble and makes us loveable. In my own life my attitude slips down the slippery slope when I fail to get adequate exercise or find my life out-of-balance with work and play. Beginning with Ash Wednesday on February 18th, we enter the holy season of Lent. This most misunderstood journey has fostered an attitude of “giving up” or walking around with “sackcloth and ashes”. Contrary to that notion I believe that Lent is about “renewal” and an “attitude adjustment”. The word Lent means “springtime!” I invite you to this 40-day journey of worship, learning, sharing, reflecting, praying…all shaping our attitude where we discover an abundant life in Christ! What will you choose? 2 Who Was Jesus? What did Jesus Do? Why Jesus Matters? (Through the lens of the gospel of Mark) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST Mark 6:30-56 Feed Them! SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH Mark 8:27-38 What About You! SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15TH Mark 9:1-13 CLIMB THE MOUNTAIN! 3 TELL ME ABOUT JESUS TUESDAYS @11 a.m. with Pastor Tom “Jesus” Bible Study and Faith Conversations February 3rd and February 10th Another opportunity to engage with the texts surrounding the final week in Christ's life happens on Tuesday mornings at 11:00 a.m. in the library beginning February 17th. Pastor Norb Firnhaber will lead reflections from all four Gospels in this study of the Passion of our Lord. In the spirit of one of our ministry goals - biblical fluency - we hope this can be a part of our Lenten enrichment. Let us pause to reflect together. Encourage a friend to share with you! ANIMATE is back! This wonderful, innovative video/discussion series on the “Bible” will cover topics on how the Bible was formed, characteristics of the Old and New Testaments, how we interpret, etc. will be featured. Calling all parents of youth and parents of children who are not teaching Sunday School, we would love to have you join us in the Fellowship Center at 9:30 a.m.! Coffee is served. This series will be led by Pastor Tom. SUNDAYS @9:35 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall THE SUFFERING, DYING, AND RISING OF OUR LORD February 17 - Mark 11:1-10 Jesus begins his final week with a celebrative walk to Jerusalem. February 24 - Matthew 26:17-29 Jesus hosting the Last Supper before he dies - and some of the meaning around this Meal, the Holy Eucharist. March 3 - Matthew 26:36-51 Jesus prays and agonizes in the Gethsemane garden. March 10 - Luke 22:66 - 23:25 Jesus on trial before the civil and religious courts. March 17 - Luke 23:26-49 The giving over into death - the Crucifixion of our Lord. March 24 - John 20:1-18 He is risen!! The meaning and hope in the Event of Resurrection. Meet in the Library. Contact Dee Jackson at for more information. 4 Cleaner Water (without having to carry it): Families at Shepherd of the Hills and Spirit in the Hills have committed to funding 49 rainwater collection systems for families in Guatemala. As soon as we receive everyone’s contributions we will forward the money to the Iglesia Luterana Augustina de Guatemala (ILAG) to purchase rainwater collection tanks for the church and the houses of each family of La Virgen del Rosario Lutheran Church in Aurora, Guatemala (to be followed by a purification filter for in home use). Family Prayer Partnerships: There was a meeting on Sunday, January 11th to discuss the history of our partnership with ILAG, to see pictures of the families and life in Aurora, and how we have learned to “accompany” the families of La Virgen del Rosario Lutheran Church. We want to begin our Prayer Partnership with the families in Aurora, Guatemala with cards and letters. They can be a short and simple sharing of our love and prayers or a favorite scripture. We can provide some simple Spanish phrases and help with translation. We proposed writing each quarter, collecting our letters and forwarding them to ILAG for delivery to the Aurora representatives at their regular Leadership meetings. We will provide written guidelines for letters. If you missed the meeting but wish to be a Prayer Partner with a Guatemalan family, please contact Don Cadenhead at or 512-705-1528. Know Spanish? We need a few people with a proficiency in Español to help translate letters from our Brothers and Sisters in Christ in Guatemala. Please email Don Cadenhead at or contact the church office at 512-327-3370. Gracias! 1 John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. 5 Question: What is the difference between $104,150 and $173,178? Answer: Generous and loving people like YOU! Through your generosity we were able to exceed our 2014 budget and distribute $173,178 to our benevolent causes. We met 100% of our commitments and then some! Please see the 2014 Annual Meeting financial report for the details. Plans and Programs for 2015 For the 2015 budget, the Outreach Team has selected 15 organizations to receive $42,500 in addition to the ELCA offering of a minimum of $50,000 and the Refugee Family Assistance Program of $18,000 for a total budget of $130,000. We will provide information about each organization monthly in this newsletter, in the Weekly Connections and email, on the community news bulletin board and narthex monitor. Please watch for details and information how you can become involved with our partners in Christian ministry globally, nationally and in our own backyard. We would love to see more personal connections made with the people involved in these organizations. Our 2015 benevolence gifts will be shared with the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church’s Bread for All food pantry and their Austin Youth Leadership and Counseling program, Capital Area Food Bank, Charis Ministry of Grace in Haiti, Cross Trails Ministry, ELCA Synod of the Southwest, Feed My People, the La Virgen del Rosario Lutheran Church in Guatemala , Lutheran Campus Ministry at UT Austin, Lutheran World Relief, Lutheran Social Services for New Life Children’s Center in Canyon Lake, TX and their new program, Be REAL!, Mission Partners (the Lutheran churches in Eagle Pass, TX and Piedras Negras, Mexico), Spirit in the Hills Lutheran Church, and Side by Side Kids. John 13:34-35 “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” Thank you notes for Christmas gifts from the girls at Lutheran Social Services New Life Center. 6 The Souper Bowl of Caring will take place on Sunday, February 1st and our goal is to gather 1,000 non-perishable food items! You can find donation areas in the narthex. For more information email This is a photo of Blake Imhoff our Eagle Scout candidate who recently completed an extension of the path at the back of our church property. The path connects with the trail through the woods. He has reworked the area where the labyrinth was located and added benches. The path will eventually continue to the proposed Biblical Garden and beyond. Thank you BLAKE! Your work is a blessing to us! Feed My People is a coalition of Austin area churches that provides breakfast every Tuesday and Thursday throughout the year for homeless and disadvantaged people. Our congregation is responsible for months which have a fifth Tuesday which occurs about 4-5 times per year. Meals st are served at 1 United Methodist Church Family Center which is equipped with commercial kitchen/serving capabilities. We fund/ acquire/assist in preparation/and serve approximately 200 hungry people. As Co-Coordinator with Jordon Scott, we work with Shepherd of the Hills volunteers to ensure full services in regards to the breakfast are achieved. folk who, by dent of bad luck, bad choices or bad circumstance find themselves homeless. Our society tends to outlaw folks who are not “ high achievers” by relegating them to the outer fringes and therefore are out of sight. Just by serving a hearty hot breakfast I have been able to discern a better understanding of homelessness.. These folks are not by nature “bad” but are redeemable humans who are created by God just as I was. The rewards in this service are the realization that there is kindness, understanding, forgiveness and power by just stooping so low as to lift others less fortunate. I would encourage our congregation to continue this worthwhile program so as to empower ourselves and our youth to live up to the biblical directive: “FEED MY PEOPLE” Thanks for listening...Dave Fossmeyer Personally, in working with this program I have gained a better understanding of the meaning of who “My People” truly are. We, in the Westlake Hills area, tend to forget about the unfortunate Next Feed My People Volunteer Opportunity: March 23rd and 24th. Mark your calendars! Ephesians 4:2-3 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 7 1 John 3:18 Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. Great News! Jessica Malpica will be serving as Interim Family Ministry Assistant. Please welcome Jessica in her new role! FAITH FORMATION: NEWS YOU CAN USE! The Garden (Birth-Pre-K): Meeting in Butterfly Preschool on the First and Third Sunday of each month! The Village (Kinder-5th Grade): Continuing with GREAT curriculum and teachers! Don’t forget our “flip-flop!” We START in our classrooms and END in the Sanctuary for Worship Warmup, presented by our middle or high school age youth! Lent will be similar to Advent—we’ll gather together for community and learning. Theme: Practicing the Faith! Stay tuned for more details and great ways to engage all ages! Community—Hospitality—Participation—Learning—Prayer—a Faith that Fills happens over time. But time does pass—more quickly than we think! Please join us! For more information about Family Ministry, please contact Jeanne Grevlos, Family & Women’s Ministry Specialist at 512-3370 or A GLIMPSE into BUTTERFLY PRESCHOOL Registration is ongoing at Butterfly Christian Preschool! Interested? Contact: Mary Gimenez, Butterfly Administrative Assistant: or Jeanne Grevlos, Interim Preschool Director: BUTTERFLY SUNDAY: MARCH 8TH! “Reading Readiness starts EARLY!” Little ones in our toddler class immersing themselves in books! A snapshot of children in our two’s classroom… watching Max, the class gecko, shed his skin. Friendship, observation, community, and God’s world! 8 FAMILY MINISTRY SUMMIT: WHAT IS FAMILY MINISTRY AND HOW DO WE GO FORWARD TOGETHER? SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2015; 8:30-11:30 A.M. It’s the “peak” experience of life. Raising children takes us to new heights as we parent throughout a young person’s life. But how does the church accompany you on that climb? We’re asking for your input, interest, and your time as we find our way forward together! 8:30-9:00 a.m. LIGHT BREAKFAST AND FELLOWSHIP 9:00-10:10 a.m. LARGE GROUP PRESENTATION AND SMALL GROUP CONVERSATION 10:10-10:30 a.m. Break 10:30-11:30 a.m. ASK THE EXPERTS! Dawn Hermann, Child Development Specialist and Owner of Great Beginnings Parent Coaching and Professional Trainings and Heather Hanson, Synod Youth Ministry Coordinator, Southwestern Texas Synod, ELCA Guest speaker Dawn Herman will present "Helping Children Deal with Anxiety” Dawn is the owner of Great Beginnings Parent Coaching and Professional Trainings. She is a child development specialist with 13 years of experience working with children and families. With a degree in Family & Child Development, she spent nearly 10 years with the Texas Early Intervention program (ECI) and has been developing and leading child development workshops for parents and professionals for the past several years. She works in-home providing private consultations to parents and in preschool classrooms helping teachers and directors provide quality care to all children. Dawn lives in Austin with her husband, Jeff ,and her four year old daughter, Holly. Wouldn't you love to ensure that your child is equipped with the tools necessary to navigate the stress and anxiety that comes with growing up in today's busy, pressurefilled world? Wouldn't it be great to give your child a real 'leg up' in life by ensuring his "emotional intelligence?" Join Dawn as she shares strategies for tackling anxiety and stress that are research based and grounded in best practices. How exciting! We’re returning! Going back to Camp Chrysalis because last year was SO AWESOME! Wondering what summer camp is about and why your child should go? INFORMATIONAL CAMP MEETING: FEBRUARY 8TH AFTER THE LATE SERVICE. Not sure if your child is ready? Wondering why the camp experience is so powerful, and works toward developing your child’s sense of self? In the words of scripture; “Come and See!” You do not need to commit—just get informed and ask questions. Jacob Thogmartin has been a camp counselor at Chrysalis for YEARS and will give GREAT insight into what the week involves! Hear the testimonies of children who’ve attended! DATES OF CAMP: JUNE 14-19 *10 spots available for 2nd and 3rd graders! *10 spots available for 4th and 5th graders! *20 spots available for Confirmation youth! **We NEED a deposit check made out to Shepherd of the Hills for $100.00 by February 23rd to secure a spot! Total cost for camp is $375.00 for the entire week! ***Camperships available through Camp Chrysalis and Shepherd of the Hills. Contact: Jeanne Grevlos, Family & Women’s Ministry Specialist: OR Jacob Thogmartin, Director of Youth Ministries at 9 Family Ministry Summit- on February 7th… Come take part of an collaborative visioning and empowering summit for our Family Ministry. We will all be taking part in crafting the future of our ministry, as well as receiving some insights from some speakers on the subject. This will be a great opportunity to voice your concerns about the ministry, as well as to be renewed in our mission to reach out to our young people. Our goals for the summit are to talk about the future of Family Ministry as well as equip our Families with the resources they need to fulfill their goals. Feast of Love- We are having a Valentines Day Evening of Dinner and Dancing on February 14th to fundraise for the National Youth Gathering! There will Food, Fun, Games, Dancing, and a great opportunity for the congregation to support our High school ministry and youth attending the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit this summer. Please RSVP at Confirmation Retreat– April 17-19, 2015 ‘The Crossing’ will be going on a retreat to Ebert Ranch Camp in Harper, TX. This event will be a great opportunity for our kids to bond with one another and further explore their faith. This event will be especially important for our 8th graders who will be confirmed and are now looking into the future. This event is very important for strengthening relationships that last a lifetime, and can help our confirmation youth encounter the Lord in a context that encourages introspection and conversation. Our Youth will be attending Camp Chrysalis in Kerrville on June 14th19th. Camp is a time-honored tradition that builds relationships between campers that last for years as young people are called to live out their faith in a new environment. Camp helps people of all ages discover who they are, calls them to use their gifts to help others, and provides an environment in which to feel comfortable sharing their faith. Check your calendar, and RSVP at! ELCA National Youth Gathering– July 12-18, 2015 A group of our high school members are attending the National Youth Gathering in Detroit on July 12th-18th . This is going to be an amazing opportunity for our kids to not only bond with each other but to also meet other Lutherans from all over the country and in their local state communities. There will be a lively atmosphere of worship, fellowship, and service, and this event promises to be memorable and life-changing. 10 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 “Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” The Annual Quilting Bee will be on Saturday, February 14th from 9 am.– 12 p.m. No skills needed. All are welcome. Saturday, FEBRUARY 14th at 8 a.m. BETHLEHEM CRAFTS Sunday, February 22 On Sunday, February 22, 2015 we will have a special opportunity to view products and creations in wood created by the hands of Christian artisans in and around the Holy Land region. We invite you to visit their display tables in the narthex and view some of the finest handcrafts available from the Holy Land. You can view these beautiful items On-Line @ More details about this visit on our church website. Host Families needed for Augustana Band members! Please contact Karen Flint at as soon as possible. Thank you! Employment Opportunity... Shepherd of the Hills is hiring a PT Communications Assistant. Check our church website for the job description. New Member orientation classes on Sunday, February 1st at 12:00p.m., Sunday, February 8th at 9:30a.m. or Sunday, February 8th at 12:00p.m. The sessions will answer the questions, "Who Are We? What Happens Here? And Where Are We Going?" RSVP to Childcare provided upon request. This will be the second year that Shepherd of the Hills Confirmation Students will lead the church's CROP Walk efforts. CROP stands for Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty. CROP Hunger Walks are community fund-raising events sponsored by Church World Service (CWS), an international relief, development, and refugee resettlement agency. Money raised by CROP Hunger Walks nationwide is used by CWS to provide food, medical care, disaster relief, and self-help development for needy people locally and throughout the world. March 1st 2015, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Camp Mabry 2200 West 35th Street/ meet at Church Contact Felix Malpica at for more info. 11 12
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