IHC 2015 Preliminary Timetable Thursday 14th May 2015 Hall A

IHC 2015 Preliminary Timetable
Thursday 14th May 2015
Hall A
Hall B
07.30 - 09:00 Satellite Symposium - Industry Session not included in main CME/CPD event
Teaching Course I: Research Principles of Imaging: MRI vs PET
Teaching Course II : Epidemiology Research: Pearls and Pitfalls
Teaching Course III: Challenges in Management of
Pediatric Headache
Chairs: Arne May (DE), Gitte Moos Knudsen (DK), TBC
Chairs: David Gaist (DK), Zaza Katsarava (DE), TBC
MRI structural change
Speaker: Arne May (DE)
Chair: TBC
Incidence, prevalence and demographics of migraine and tensiontype headache
Headache and visual impairment
Speaker: TBC
Speaker: TBC
09:00 - 10:30 MRI functional analysis
Speaker: TBC
Combined simultaneous PET and fMRI brain imaging
Speaker: Gitte Moos Knudsen (DK)
Studying headache epidemiology in non-developed countries:
challenges and opportunities
Speaker: Zaza Katsarava (DE)
Migraine epidemiology: going beyond descriptive studies
Speaker: David Gaist (DK)
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break (for teaching courses)
Teaching Course IV: Predictive Headache Models: Animals & Humans Teaching Course V: Clinical Course on Multidisiplinary Headache
Management - Spanish Track
Chairs: Henrik Schytz (DK), Hayrunissa Bolay (TR)
Chair: Miguel Lainez (ES)
Animal models of migraine without aura
Speaker: Michael Oshinsky (US)
Management of migraine
Speaker: Samuel Diaz (ES)
11:00 - 12:30
Human models of migraine
Speaker: Henrik Schytz (DK)
Management of trigemino autonomic headaches
Speaker: Lucas Bonamico (AR)
Animal models of migraine with aura
Speaker: Hayrunissa Bolay (TR)
Management of chronic/refractory migraine
Speaker: Rogelio Leira (ES)
Lunch Break (for teaching courses)
12:30 - 13:30
Opening and Presidential Symposium
13:30 - 16:00
Chair: Alan Rapoport (US)
16:00 - 17:00 IHC Special Lecture
Difficult to treat headache
Speaker: Jacques Bruijn (NL)
Headache and sleep disorders
Speaker: TBC
17:00 - 17:45
Coffee Break, Poster and Exhibition Viewing
17:45 - 19:15 Satellite Symposium - Industry Session not included in main CME/CPD event
Friday 15th May 2015
Hall A
Hall B
Hall C
07:30 - 09:00 Satellite Symposium - Industry Session not included in main CME/CPD event
Special Session I: Headache Trainees Excellence Tournament
Pediatric Session I: Migraine in adolescents
Chairs: Anna Andreou (UK), Rami Burstein (US)
Chair: Kenneth Mack (US)
Chronic migraine in adolescents
Speaker: Kenneth Mack (US)
9:00 - 10:00
Behavioural management of headache in adolescents
Speaker: TBC
Chronic posttraumatic Headache
Speaker: Karen Barlow (CA)
Coffee Break, Poster and Exhibition Viewing
10:00 - 10:30
Scientific Session I: CGRP in Migraine
Chairs: TBC
10:30 - 12:30
Translational aspects of CGRP
Speaker: Andrew Russo (US)
Distribution of CGRP
Speaker: TBC
Antibodies Targeting CGRP
Speaker TBC
12:30 - 12:45
Pick up Lunch Boxes
Lunch Session I: Migraine therapeutics - selected poster oral
Lunch Session II: Headache- emerging therapies (Spanish
language session).
Chair: Ana Recober (US)
Chair: Margarita Sánchez del Río (ES)
Lunch Session III: Epidemiology of headache in Asia
Chair: Shuu-Jiun Wang (TW)
New targets in acute treatment
Speaker: Margarita Sánchez del Río (ES)
12:45 - 13:45
New approaches in migraine prevention
Speaker: Patricia Pozo (ES)
Neuromodulation techniques
Speaker: Miguel Lainez (ES)
Scientific Session II: Headache Genetics
Migraine genetics: wher are heading?
Speaker: TBC
Biological function of genes
Speaker: Arn M.J.M van den Maagdenberg (NL)
Pathway analysis
Speaker: Verneri Anttila (US)
16:15 - 17:15
17:15 - 18:45 Satellite Symposium - Industry Session not included in main CME/CPD event
Epidemiology studies of Headache in China
Speaker: Sheng-Yuan Yu (CN)
Differences in migraine features between East and West
Speaker: Min Kyung Chu (KR)
I.H.S and IASP Joint Scientific Meeting
Chairs: Arn M.J.M van den Maagdenberg (NL)
14:00 - 16:15
Cluster headache in Asia
Speaker: Shuu-Jiun Wang (TW)
Poster Session I & Coffee Break
Saturday 16th May 2015
Hall A
Hall B
Hall C
07:30 - 09:00 Satellite Symposium - Industry Session not included in main CME/CPD event
Special Session II: Nerve Blocks in Headache
Chair: Peter Goadsby (UK)
9:10 - 10:00
The anatomy of the nerve blocks
Speaker: TBC
Nerve Blocks In Clinical Practise
Elizabeth Leroux (CA)
Coffee Break, Poster and Exhibition Viewing
10:00 - 10:30
Scientific Session III: Migraine and Vascular Disease: Endothelial
Chair: Julio Pascual (ES)
10:30 - 12:30 Speaker: TBC
Migraine and vascular pharmacology
Speaker: TBC
Can endothelial stabilizers prevent migraine and stroke?
Speaker: Catherine Buettner (US)
Lunch Session I: The IHS Fellowship Recipients Lecture
Pick up Lunch Boxes
Lunch Session II: Vestibular Migraine
Chair: TBC
Chair: TBC
Speaker: Thys Houben (NL)
Speaker: TBC
Definition and clinical phenotypes of vestibular migraine
Speaker: TBC
12:30 - 12:45
12:45 - 13:45
Pathophysiology of vestibular migraine
Speaker: TBC
Treatment of vestibular migraine
Speaker: TBC
Lunch Session III: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenges
in Headache Associated with Intracranial Pressure
Chairs: Koen Paemeleire, BE
Diagnostic challanges and managment of LPH
Speaker: Ludo Vanopdenbosch, BE
Diagnostic challanges and managment of IIH
Speaker: TBC
14:00 - 15:00
Pediatric Session II: Pediatric Headache Update
History and Headache
Chair: Andrew Hershey (US)
Chairs: Stefan Evers (DE) and Joost Haan (NL)
Epidemiology and burden of headache
Speaker: Mattias Linde (NO)
Migraine and music
Speaker: Stefan Evers (DE)
Genetics of migraine and other related syndromes
Speaker: Andrew Hershey (US)
Migraine according to Oliver Sacks
Speaker: Joost Haan (NL)
What’s new in the treatment of children’s migraine
Speaker: Kenneth Mack (US)
The migraine aura as an inspiration for the arts
Speaker: TBC
15:00 - 16:00
Poster Session II & Coffee Break
Late Breaking Oral Presentations
16:30 - 17:00
Chair: Anne Ducros (FR)
Cephalalgia Award Lecture
17:00 - 17:30
Chair: David Dodick (US)
Satellite Symposium - Industry Session not included in main CME/CPD event
Sunday 17th May 2015
Hall A
Hall B
Highlights by David Dodick
Scientific Session IV: Post Traumatic Headache
Pediatric Session III
Chair: Stefan Evers (DE)
Chair: Ishaq Abu-Arafeh (UK)
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy
Speaker: Lee Goldstein (US)
Infantile colic and migraine
Speaker: Luigi Titomanlio (FR)
IHS classification and diagnosis
Speaker: Stefan Evers (DE)
Benign Paroxysmal Torticollis
Speaker: Marta Vila-Pueyo (ES)
08:30 - 10:30 Managment of post traumatic headache
Mark Obermann (DE)
Benign Paroxysmal Vertigo
Speaker: Thais Villa (BR)
Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome
Speaker: Ishaq Abu-Arafeh (UK)
Abdominal Migraine
Speaker: Amy Gelfand (US)
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break, Poster and Exhibition Viewing
Late Breaking Oral Presentations
11:00 - 11:30
Chair: Anne Ducros (FR)
Migraine in children under the age of 6 years
Speaker: Prab Prabhakar (UK)
Plenary Session: Behavioral Aspects of Chronic Migraine
Chairs: Steve Baskin (US)
Psychiatric comorbidity and the transformation from episodic to
chronic migraine
Speaker: Steve Baskin (US)
11:30 - 12:30
Medication overuse in the transformation from episodic to chronic
Speaker: Licia Grazzi (IT)
Cognitive control and chronic pain: can central sensitization be
Speaker: Timothy V. Salomons (UK)
12:30 - 13:00 Close