WRSSHS Fall Winter NL - White Rock South Surrey Hospice

Fall/Winter 2014-15
White Rock South Surrey Hospice Society
The White Rock South
Surrey Hospice Society
supports individuals,
their family, and friends
who are facing
advanced illness or
bereavement and
educates the community
on dying and grieving.
 Robin Harper
 Gary Deck
 Diana Davidson
 Hélène Cameron
 Dave Chesney
 Jim Hartt
 Joyce Mackenzie
 Aroon Shah
 Rick Singh
 Halina Struser
Catherine Ferguson
Executive Director
Currently On Leave
Beth Kish
Acting Executive Director
Sue Baxter
Victoria Biggs
Coordinator of Volunteers
Tara Field
Paddy Godbehere
Associate Director
Trevor Josephson
Elaine Marshall
Admin Assistant
Theresa Robson
Community Fund
Development Coordinator
Jan Stadnyk
Director – Administration
Ann Clouston
AJ Stein
Assistant Manager
Near and Dear to my Heart
What a great summer we had and now we
are into a warm fall and winter. What a
great welcome for me and my family to
the White Rock South Surrey Hospice
Society! I feel so privileged to be the new
Acting Executive Director for the
WRSSHS filling in for the Executive
Director on medical leave.
I am originally from Calgary, Alberta but my husband was
born and raised here in White Rock. We were married in
White Rock 33 years ago and have spent every holiday since
coming back to visit my husband’s parents, the beach, and the
daydream of living here full time. It seemed the stars aligned
when our two wonderful children finished University and
both decided to settle in Vancouver, we soon followed and
are now so happy to be calling White Rock our permanent
Hospice has for many years been near and dear to my heart. I
started as a volunteer for the Foothills Country Hospice just
outside of Calgary and soon after became their Executive
Director. After permanently relocating to White Rock I was
so fortunate to spend one year at the Surrey Hospice before
coming to work at White Rock South Surrey Hospice Society.
My friends from Alberta often ask me what makes White
Rock and Surrey such a great place to live and I tell them that
right away you notice the kind, gentle pulse of the area, it is
so welcoming and friendly. I also appreciate the cultural
diversity of the people and how much I get to learn and
experience in this unique community.
It didn’t take long to figure out that the White Rock South
Surrey Hospice Society is held in high regard in the
community and has been in very good hands over the years. I
would like to thank the board, staff and volunteers for this
opportunity and their
warm welcome. Their
energy, enthusiasm,
expertise and heart for
hospice make me feel
honoured to be part of
this vibrant team.
community has always
been a part of who I
am so I look forward
L to R: Grant, Beth, Rob & Wendy
to establishing new
partnerships, connections and friendships, where ever
(continued on page 3)
Mark your calendars for our
Coming Events!
Hike-4-Hospice 2015
Sunday, May 3rd, 2015
Blackie Spit Park, Crescent Beach
We hope you will join us on Sunday, May
3rd for a 1, 3, or 5 km walk around
Blackie Spit Park as we raise awareness
and funds for our Programs and Services.
Renew Your Membership!
We value your input & support!
Membership runs Jan 1st – Dec 31
Please continue to help and support us
through becoming a member or renewing
your membership today.
WRSS Hospice Society
Thrift Store
15562 - 24th Ave. South Surrey
You can always find a great deal at our
Thrift Store! Drop by and find a one of a
kind treasure!
Main Office Mailing Address
15510 Russell Avenue
White Rock, BC V4B 2R3
Phone: 604.531.7484
Fax: 604.531.8101
Website & Email
Thrift Store
Unit 2A, 15562 – 24th Avenue
South Surrey, BC V4A 2J5
Phone: 604.538.7600
Fall/Winter 2014-15
to our Thrift Store
for being selected as a finalist
at the Surrey Board of Trade
Business Excellence Awards
in the Not-for-Profit
Thrift Store Manager Ann Clouston
with Acting Exec. Dir. Beth Kish
White Rock South Surrey Hospice Society Thrift Store
By Victoria Biggs
A small group of women over tea and some cakes
Said “let’s open a store whatever it takes”,
Then promptly began gathering items to sell
In garages, or Churches, where buyers would dwell
Packed in boxes and boxes, in and out they would go
Through seasons and years, their vision did grow.
‘Til one day arrived and they opened the door
To the White Rock South Surrey Hospice Thrift Store.
Now more than six years has passed since that day
It’s continued to grow, as they work and they play
And this group of volunteers over one hundred and some
Works together each week, has watched their store become
A place where volunteers and customers can share
Stories and friendships with others who care.
Always willing and smiling, stepping up to the plate
Making their community better, no not better, but great!
Still baking, still laughing – over coffee or tea
Sharing there’s no place today, that they’d rather be
Never saying maybe, or we might, or we should
That’s how you became – the little store that could!
Becoming friends and companions, a family of love
This nomination recognizes, all you dreamed of.
From the Surrey Board of Trade, this nod from your peers
Is in appreciation of you for all of these years.
It honors and values each and every one of you
For the time you have have given, for all that you do.
And those that came before, and those that have gone
Will know that the vision and legacy carries on
So you’re already winners in the art of giving
And you’re already winners in the art of living
Your hometown honors all you continue to do
So CONGRATULATIONS to all and a heartfelt THANK YOU.
Joan Hunter, Thrift Store Volunteer
& A True Humanitarian
Joan, along with her husband Wayne, started volunteering
with the White Rock South Surrey Hospice Society in
August 2008. They were involved with the Pacific
Assistance Dogs (PADS) and came to the Society with
their special ‘Pet Therapy Dog’ Misty. Together they
visited the palliative care unit of the Peace Arch Hospital
and brought great joy to those who Misty connected with.
In 2009, Joan joined the Thrift Store and quickly became
invaluable volunteer. Joan’s dedication to the
organization is phenomenal, firstly starting off as a
Saturday morning cashier and then branching out by
spending many, many hours sorting, pricing,
documenting, listing, numbering and packaging. Joan is
so organized that she put together a ‘how-to’ binder as a
reference for all at the Thrift Store.
All the displays such as Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s
Day, Easter, Halloween, Remembrance Day, Chinese
New Year and any other special features such as sports
memorabilia or vintage wear all come to fruition because
Joan has all the items pre-sorted, boxed and ready to
display. We often hear our customers say, “Your store
always looks so wonderful and everything is displayed so
uniquely.” The Christmas transformation at the Thrift
Store is a major undertaking that takes place all on one
day, and because of Joan’s organizational skills and
tremendous creativity, it all comes together so easily and
the result is always a beautiful store. Joan’s eye for ‘gotogether’ items and her creativity is such a benefit to the
Thrift Store, and in turn, to the Society’s Programs and
Services. Joan has also spent many hours sitting at our
Celebrate - a - Life booth in December, helping to raise
awareness of our Hospice Society and lending an ear to
those paying tribute to a lost loved one.
Joan’s passion for
does is unmatched
and we are blessed
that she has so
much energy and
time to give to the
Thrift Store. Both
Joan and Wayne
innumerable hours
(L to R) Wayne & Joan Hunter with a
giving back to many bevy of Thrift Store Volunteers and Staff.
charitable organizations. Their calm, easy going and
caring personalities are a blessing to anyone or any
organization who is lucky enough to have them as
Fall/Winter 2014-15
The Exit Ramp
by Carole Whynott, MA – WRSS Hospice Society Volunteer
As part of the WRSS Hospice Society Vigil Team, we are privileged
to accompany many to the threshold of death. And often as they
prepare for their “last earthly journey,” it is not unusual to hear of
regrets; things they wished they had done, not done or had intended to
do ~ as I hear their
I understand – I too have things that need
We seem to forget …
“A lifetime is like a flash of lightening!”
I’m inclined to believe our death is ordained at the moment of our first breath, yet we live
our lives, for the most part, in denial of this truth. When an unexpected death of a loved
one or the diagnosis of a life-threatening illness arrives it shakes our foundation forcing
us to look into the abyss of our own mortality.
I’ve often wondered if we accepted death as part of living and surrendered to our
mortality before dark ominous clouds appear, would we then appreciate our limited
“aliveness” on earth? Would this sense of impermanence heighten the feeling of
embracing the grace inherent in every moment?
“When we know this … something within awakens …
we realize
our existence is as transient as the clouds.”
Approaching death, our own or that of someone we love, every thought, word and action
becomes meaningful and precious, “We are building memories.”
And yet
I can’t help but wonder …
why did we wait so long
Life is about creating the “sacred” everyday. Being
outrageously loving, kind and filled with rapture and as we
give thanks for our daily bread let us remember …
“We’re all already on the “exit ramp” aren’t we,
some just further along than others.”
Near and Dear to my Heart
(cont.’ from page 1)
We will be making some exciting
announcements in the coming
year that we know the community
will embrace and support as it will
help us ensure our sustainability,
so that when our services are
needed, we can continue to
provide heart felt care and
support, at no cost, to this
wonderful community.
The Hospice Society Staff and
Volunteers are trained in the
delicate art of companioning those
anticipating the death of a loved
one and those who have lost their
loved one. They respect that each
and every journey is unique and
deeply personal. They take great
care in blending as opposed to
directing the end of life journey.
We are blessed to have such an
incredible team of dedicated
individuals doing this work.
Thank you to all of our wonderful
volunteers whose simple act of
care holds greater meaning than
one can even begin to put into
Take gentle care,
Beth Kish
An Original Oil Painting by Vojislav Morosan
White Rock South Surrey Hospice Society are the proud owners of a
painting by Vojislav Morosan. Vojislav passed away on May 16th,
2008, but for over 40 years he lived and painted his beloved White
Rock. He quickly became an iconic figure in the community,
wearing his trade mark white hat and sitting in front of his easel
painting scenes of the area he loved. This beautiful, 24 x 18
original oil painting titled ‘George & Russell’, valued at
$2,800.00, was generously donated to
the Society by his wife Norma. In the
near future, White Rock South Surrey
Hospice Society will be holding a
raffle for this one of a kind, original
Original Oil Painting ‘George & Russell’
painting. We will post it on our
facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/WRSSHospice) and on our website
(www.whiterockhospice.org) when tickets become available, so check back often so
you don’t miss this unique opportunity!
Fall/Winter 2014-15
A Message from Our Acting Executive Director
I am looking forward to 2015 and the care we will continue to provide to our wonderful community. Each year people are
becoming more aware of the need for the services our Hospice Society provides. Along with the awareness we expect to see
increases in the number of people we serve in 2015.
As always our Human Resources continue to be our biggest asset, that being the Volunteers and Staff. We have had several
staff changes at the Supportive Care Centre, and change is always a challenge, but we have a wonderful team of qualified
professionals on staff and we hope that in 2015 you will find a noticeable difference and a clear increase in transparency and
New Supportive Care Centre Update
I would like to specifically bring you up to date on where we are at with the plans for a new Supportive Care Centre.
Many of you must have a number of questions as to what progress has been made to establish a new location to replace our out
-dated and crumbling supportive Care Centre (SCC). Staying where we are is not an option; hence the decision by the Board
of Directors to sell the three Russell Avenue Properties when the right offer presented itself earlier this year. The White Rock
South Surrey Hospice Society continues its commitment to the community it serves as we explore options for a new location to
replace our outdated Supportive Care Centre.
The rental house to the left of the SCC was in extremely poor condition and has just been demolished. The one to the right of
the SCC will share the same fate, probably in the spring or summer of 2015. The SCC building itself will only be handed over
when we have a new home to go to.
Initiatives are underway to devise a plan that meets the needs of our clients, is cost effective, affordable and financially
sustainable into the future. There are many environmental factors to consider in addition to White Rock and South Surrey’s
population growth and the increasing number of individuals who are living with a progressive, life-limiting illness. Our
grieving clients range in age and cultural background, so we must make our future plans to ensure we have the human
resources and appropriate space to support everyone.
In summary there are two options under consideration:
1. Build a standalone Supportive Care Centre
2. Cohabitate with a complimentary partner
With both options, WRSSHS will ensure the continued delivery of the best possible care while ensuring we meet the needs of
the community and maintain cost efficiency. We want to capitalize on existing experience and our substantial expertise in
providing care. It does not make financial sense to attempt to duplicate these services.
Recently there have been several key personnel changes amongst our community partners, notably the Peace Arch Hospital &
Community Health Foundation. There is also a new head of Fraser Health, and this appointment together with the increasing
pressure on health care dollars has therefore made it prudent that we revisit certain previous assumptions that have been made.
Initial estimated capital and operating costs have been gathered using appropriately qualified personnel. Discussions also
continue with all current and potential stakeholders overseen by regular reviews by the staff and the Board of Directors.
I can fully appreciate the frustration at the seemingly lack of progress, but I can assure you that we are moving as fast as we
responsibly can and should do. This is a complex project.
We need to ensure that no stone is left unturned in order that we have a new SCC that fully reflects the mission and values of
our Society. Together we will work to continue providing the very best care as a renewed and re-energized team.
With gratitude,
Beth Kish
Acting Executive Director
Fall/Winter 2014-15
Charitable Giving has a strong tradition in Canada, especially among Seniors.
Giving to charity has a strong tradition in Canada but with recent cutbacks, the
amount of public funding received by charitable organizations from the government
has been dramatically reduced. This leaves many organizations in a precarious financial situation: with more
fiscally conservative governments, aging populations escalating operational costs, many charities are faced
with the reality of being unable to maintain effective levels of service.
Charitable Giving
by Rick Singh
Donating the proceeds of an insurance policy can help charities achieve their goals and allow you to
leave a legacy in your community. For individuals looking for alternative ways to give, the benefits of
insurance can be a very effective way to donate to charity. The gift of a permanent life insurance policy
during life, for example, provides donors with an affordable means to make a large contribution.
Here’s how it works:
 The donor arranges with a charity to purchase a life insurance policy based on the donor’s life.
 The charity is named as the owner and the beneficiary of the contract. This ensures that the charity will receive the
proceeds upon the donor’s death.
 The donor then makes regular payments to the charity or to the life insurance company to make the premium payments
that keep the policy “in force”.
 Upon the donor’s death, the proceeds of the policy passes directly to the organization.
A donor also has the option of transferring an existing policy to a charity. In this case, the donor transfers ownership of the
existing policy to the charity while naming itself as the beneficiary of the contract. In return, the donor receives a tax credit
based on the cash surrender value (less any policy loans) of the policy. The donor may have some
income to include as the policy is treated as having been disposed of.
ADVANTAGES: Ther e ar e a number of advantages of giving the pr oceeds of an insur ance
contract to charity that makes this option stand out when compared to other alternatives. First, it can
provide individuals with an affordable means to leave a very substantial gift to charity. Second,
because the insurance contract is owned by the charity, it is not considered part of the donor’s estate.
This means that the proceeds will pass directly to the charity upon the donor’s death, without the possibility of the transaction
being contested by creditors or heirs. And finally, because the charity is deemed to be both the owner and beneficiary of the
policy, the donor can receive donation receipts for the premiums paid on the insurance contract during their lifetime.
For further information on this charitably giving idea consult with your financial advisor and/or tax advisor before acting upon
any of the information provided above. You can also contact Rick at CRS Financial Group for a free guide about charitable
giving strategies. Call 604-787-3359 or email: rick@crsfinancial.ca.
Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love,
the things you are, the things you never want to lose.
Celebrate-a-Life was once again held in the Semiahmoo Shopping Centre from December
1st through to December 23rd. At our opening ceremonies, held on December 6th, Dianne
Watts (then Mayor of Sur r ey), local MLA Gordon Hogg, White Rock Councillor
Dave Chesney, and Steven & Jeff Cook of the Semiahmoo 1st Nation had the honour
of lighting the Memorial Tree. At the end of the 23 day event, 496 paper doves were
placed on the tree by those who were honouring the memory of someone they loved and
lost. We are ever so grateful to all of our Sponsors,
Volunteers and Artists in helping to make this such a
heartfelt community success. A special thank you to
Carole Whynott for co-ordinating this huge event.
Fall/Winter 2014-15
Special Thanks to Our
Community Partners
Prayer Shawls and Lap Blankets
Our heartfelt thanks go out
to the Ladies at Holy
Trinity Anglican Church,
White Rock, for donating 9
Lap Robes and 15 Prayer
Shawls, all handmade and
washable, to our Society
for distribution to patients
in the Peace Arch Hospital Hospice Residence. We are forever grateful for the
love and care that went into making these blankets. We are so fortunate to
have such caring people in our community!
Sanatan Cultural Society - Diwali
On Saturday, October 18th the
Sanatan Cultural Society of BC
held their first Diwali Multicultural
Festival of Lights at the White
Rock waterfront. We are so very
grateful for being chosen as the
beneficiary of this wonderful, first
of its kind in Canada, Multicultural
Event! It was a great day with lots
of free food, entertainment, and
activities for the whole family.
We look forward to next years
Paul Richards, Warden of Holy Trinity
Anglican Church, presents the robes and
shawls to Beth Kish, Acting Exec. Director.
Telus Employees
Have Huge Hearts!
Jim Turnbull of Telus Community
Affairs pr esents a cheque to
WRSS Hospice Society's Acting
Executive Director Beth Kish. A
BIG thank you to all the employees
of Telus who were so generous with
their donations!
Victory Memorial’s Health & Wellness EXPO
Thanks to everyone who attended the Health &
Wellness EXPO on September 13th, 2014! It was a
great event put on by Victory Memorial Park Funeral
Centre located at 14831 - 28th Avenue in South
Surrey. It is businesses like theirs that hold community
close to the heart. They are great ambassadors for a
caring community!
Fall/Winter 2014-15
Special Thanks
We would like to thank the following companies, organizations, and individuals who have generously made donations from
Jan. 1st, 2014 – November 30th, 2014 to help support people in their community as they face advanced illness or bereavement.
Together we can make a difference.
Angels (Gifts of $2,500 or more)
CIBC Wood Gundy Inc.
Hugh McKinnon Realty Ltd.
The Estate of Frances Diane
Heather Seymour
Richard Von Hehn
White Rock Singers
Rotary Club of Peace Arch
The Shops at Morgan Crossing
White Rock/Surrey ULock
The Estate of Elfriede Graczyk
Victory Memorial Park
Mini Storage
Doves (Gifts of $1,000 - $2,499)
Penny Bush
R.C. & Maria Greenwell
Quintelle Enterprises Ltd.
Butterley Family Foundation
Doris Holloway
RBC - Royal Bank
Russ Cmolik
Ollie Miller
Margaret Rodgers
Coast Capital Savings Credit Union
Peace Arch Hospital Auxiliary
Robert Van Rassel
DMCL Chartered Accountants LLP
Peace Arch Monarch Lions Club
White Rock Lioness Club
Epcor Utilities Inc.
Peace Arch Zone Pool
Wings (Gifts of $500 - $999)
B & B Contracting Ltd.
Byrne McNamara
Brock C. Smither
James Barron
Alison Northrup
Team Telus Cares
Black Dog Professional Driver
Helen Rae
Yvon Thibeault
RBC Foundation
Bernadetta Valverde
Dorothy Filsinger
Pat Rudl
Florence Wall
Gateway Casinos & Entertainment Ltd.
Jean Scarfe
Judy Werts
Debbie Gray
Schill Insurance
Nanette Wong
Marilyn Greenwood
Shewfelt McMillan Group - National
James Zavitz
Education Ltd.
Homelife Benchmark Realty Corp.
Bank Financial
Kenan Enterprises Int’l Inc.
Hearts (Gifts of $250—$499)
Joan Babb
Patricia Iverson
St. Mark’s Men’s Club
Marilyn Bryson
Sin Mee Lai
Ken Sully
Bruce Docking
Rick O’Connor
Sylvia Teal
Cindy Friedt
Provincial Employees Community
Herta Thiessen
GLJ Petroleum Consultants Ltd.
Services Fund
White Rock Youth Ambassadors
Robin Harper
Stanley Rutledge
Anne Wiese
Doreen L. Hoath
Clark Shewfelt
Eva Worm
Hands (Gifts of $1—$249)
Every donation is important to us. We have been blessed with many ‘Helping Hands’ and gratefully acknowledge their
generous, giving spirits.
We acknowledge the financial assistance of the Province of British Columbia.
Fall/Winter 2014-15
In Memoriam
White Rock South Surrey Hospice Society recognizes the loss of the following people,
and is grateful for the contributions that were made in their memory.
Jan 1st, 2014 – November 30th, 2014
Catharina Aniba
Barbara Fisher
Ron Matthews
Audrey Rutledge
Lilli Ansel
Skippy Florence
James Stanley Meek
Mildred Searls
Karen Arnason
John Ford
Harry Michael
Jim Shepherd
Fred Burr
John Fritz
Jennie Miller
Ed Silcox
Doug Cartwright
Jack Greenwood
Arnold Moffatt
Jean Sirois
Lily Changfoot
Robert Groulx
Rick Newcombe
Isaac Sopel
Jackson Chao
John Haddon
Sylvia Nylund
Adam Starchuk
Mary Cooper
Muriel Helpard
Len Page
Keith Stewart
Shirley Czypull
John Holderness
Maurice (Mo) Paige
Bert Van Der Wolf
John (Jack) Dancey
Robert Kennedy
Gloria Paige
Johanna Van Leeuwen
Anne Denness
Douglas King
Ron Pattison
William Gerard Waldock
Hermine Driessen
Carla Kraft
David Powell
Irene Warren
Jean Elliott
Bruce Lee
Nadine Rattray
Cathy Wook
Paul Fabris
Mary MacKenzie
Ann Robertson
John (Jack) Young
15510 Russell Avenue, White Rock, BC V4B 2R3
Ph: 531-7484 Fax: 531-8101
Fall/Winter 2014-15
Name: (Please print) ________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________
City/Prov: _____________________________________________
Postal Code: _____________________________
Email address: __________________________________________
Phone #: ________________________________
Please accept my donation of $ ____________________________
My donation is for the Society to use at their discretion.
My donation is in memory of __________________________________________________
Please send notification of my memorial gift to (no $ amount will be included in the acknowledgment):
Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________
City/Prov: _________________________________________ Postal Code: _________________
#: ___ ___ ___ ___/ ___ ___ ___ ___ /___ ___ ___ ___ /___ ___ ___ ___
Expiry date: ___ ___ - ___ ___ CVD #: ___ ___ ___ (security # on back of card)
Name on card: (Please print) _________________________________ Phone #: _______________________
□ YES, I would like to become a member/renew
my membership of WRSS Hospice Society.
Membership in the Society is $20.00 (Jan. 1 – Dec. 31 )
Registered Charitable #: 11929 7513 RR0001
Tax receipts will be issued for memberships/donations of $20.00 or more.