Call for applications GC

Department of Chemistry,
School of Physical Sciences,
College of Biological and Physical Sciences,
University of Nairobi,
P.O. Box 30197 – 00100,
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana
16-20th March 2015
GC-MS: From Sampling to Data Interpretation.
Applications are invited from researchers, lecturers and students pursuing PhD in relevant topics from West and
Central Africa only for the above workshop which will cover the practical aspects of gas chromatography,
mass spectrometry, method development, quantitative analysis and spectral interpretation of GC-MS.
The workshop will be an extension of Nairobi’s annual training programme and applications giving detailed
description of teaching and current research work, CV and letters of introduction from one referee (in case of
students) should reach the PACN Kenya office by 15th January, 2015. Opportunities are limited to 15 positions
only. Those who qualify will be informed by 25th January 2015. Limited travel allowances will be provided by
Royal Society of Chemistry’s Pan Africa Chemistry Network for those who request and are deemed
The Royal Society of Chemistry’s Pan Africa Chemistry Network supports the creation of a self-sustaining
science base in Africa, solving local challenges and contributing to global knowledge. This is achieved through
training, conferences and researcher mobility.
This workshop will be facilitated by Dr. Steven Lancaster and Professor Anthony Gachanja. Dr. Steven
Lancaster is an analytical scientist with many years experience working in mass spectrometry, gas and liquid
chromatography, and polymer analysis. Currently, he is the Team Leader of Analytical Sciences at Domino
Printing Sciences (UK), where he provides leadership and technical expertise in analytical chemistry. He is also
the Founder and Managing Director of Foundation for Analytical Science & Technology in Africa (FASTA).
Prof. Anthony Gachanja is a Professor in Analytical/Environmental Chemistry at the Jomo Kenyatta University
of Agriculture and Technology with research interests in analytical instrumentation, natural pesticides, and
water and air quality research. He is also actively engaged in analytical equipment validation and maintenance,
waste water treatment consultancy and attached to National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) as a
lead expert.
Dr. Steven Lancaster
Prof. Anthony Gachanja
Eligible Countries:
Ghana,Nigeria,Burkinafaso,Benin,Mali, Niger,Senegal,Ivory Coast,Togo,,Gambia,Guinea,Chad,Central Africa
Republic,Equitorial Guinea,Liberia,Sierra Leone ,Cape Verde Islands, Guinea-Bissau and Gabon.
Enquiries and applications may be sent by email to:
Erick O. Awas
Administrator, PACN Kenya, Department of Chemistry, University of Nairobi,
Ghana Contact (KNUST) –Dr. Jahannes Awudza,
University of Nairobi