TG NextSeq® 500 High Output Kit Reference Guide FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY Reagent Kit Overview Kit Contents and Storage Requirements Flow Cell Overview Reagent Cartridge Overview Buffer Cartridge Overview Prepare the Reagent Cartridge Prepare the Flow Cell Next Steps Technical Assistance ILLUMINA PROPRIETARY Part # 15066176 Rev. A Catalog # TG-160-9001DOC January 2015 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 14 This document and its contents are proprietary to Illumina, Inc. and its affiliates ("Illumina"), and are intended solely for the contractual use of its customer in connection with the use of the product(s) described herein and for no other purpose. This document and its contents shall not be used or distributed for any other purpose and/or otherwise communicated, disclosed, or reproduced in any way whatsoever without the prior written consent of Illumina. Illumina does not convey any license under its patent, trademark, copyright, or commonlaw rights nor similar rights of any third parties by this document. The instructions in this document must be strictly and explicitly followed by qualified and properly trained personnel in order to ensure the proper and safe use of the product(s) described herein. All of the contents of this document must be fully read and understood prior to using such product(s). FAILURE TO COMPLETELY READ AND EXPLICITLY FOLLOW ALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED HEREIN MAY RESULT IN DAMAGE TO THE PRODUCT(S), INJURY TO PERSONS, INCLUDING TO USERS OR OTHERS, AND DAMAGE TO OTHER PROPERTY. ILLUMINA DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THE IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCT(S) DESCRIBED HEREIN (INCLUDING PARTS THEREOF OR SOFTWARE) OR ANY USE OF SUCH PRODUCT(S) OUTSIDE THE SCOPE OF THE EXPRESS WRITTEN LICENSES OR PERMISSIONS GRANTED BY ILLUMINA IN CONNECTION WITH CUSTOMER'S ACQUISITION OF SUCH PRODUCT (S). FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY © 2015 Illumina, Inc. All rights reserved. Illumina, 24sure, BaseSpace, BeadArray, BlueFish, BlueFuse, BlueGnome, cBot, CSPro, CytoChip, DesignStudio, Epicentre, GAIIx, Genetic Energy, Genome Analyzer, GenomeStudio, GoldenGate, HiScan, HiSeq, HiSeq X, Infinium, iScan, iSelect, MiSeq, NeoPrep, Nextera, NextBio, NextSeq, Powered by Illumina, SeqMonitor, SureMDA, TruGenome, TruSeq, TruSight, Understand Your Genome, UYG, VeraCode, verifi, VeriSeq, the pumpkin orange color, and the streaming bases design are trademarks of Illumina, Inc. and/or its affiliate(s) in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other names, logos, and other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Performing a run on the Illumina® NextSeq® 500 requires a single-use NextSeq 500 Kit. Each kit includes 1 flow cell and the clustering and sequencing reagents required for performing a sequencing run. The flow cell, reagent cartridge, and buffer cartridge use radio-frequency identification (RFID) for accurate consumable tracking and compatibility. TG NextSeq 500 High Output Kit The TG NextSeq 500 High Output Kit provides reagents for up to 75 cycles (1 x 75 cycles) of sequencing and 2 index reads of 8 cycles each. High Output Kit TG NextSeq 500 High Output Kit (75 cycles) Catalog # Catalog # TG-160-1005 Software Compatibility Using the TG NextSeq 500 High Output Kit (catalog # TG-160-1005) requires NextSeq Control Software (NCS) v1.3, or later. TG NextSeq 500 High Output Kit Reference Guide 3 Reagent Kit Overview Reagent Kit Overview Kit Contents and Storage Requirements When you receive your kit, promptly store the kit components at the indicated temperature to ensure proper performance. Reagents are sensitive to light. Store the reagent cartridge and buffer cartridge in a dark location away from light. Quantity 1 1 1 Kit Component Reagent Cartridge Buffer Cartridge Flow Cell Storage -25°C to -15°C 15°C to 30°C 2°C to 8°C Description Clustering and sequencing reagents Buffers and wash solution Single-use paired-end flow cell Accessory Box Contents Quantity 1 Component HT1 Storage -25°C to -15°C Description Hybridization Buffer HT1 is used to dilute libraries before sequencing. For more information, see Denaturing and Diluting Libraries for the NextSeq 500 (part # 15048776). 4 Part # 15066176 Rev. A Flow Cell Overview Flow Cell Overview Figure 1 Flow Cell Cartridge A B C Lane pair A—Lanes 1 and 3 Lane pair B—Lanes 2 and 4 Flow cell cartridge frame The flow cell is a glass-based substrate on which clusters are generated and the sequencing reaction is performed. The flow cell is encased in a flow cell cartridge. The flow cell contains 4 lanes that are imaged in pairs. Lanes 1 and 3 (lane pair A) are imaged at the same time. Lanes 2 and 4 (lane pair B) are imaged when imaging of lane pair A is complete. Each lane is imaged in small imaging areas called tiles. NOTE Although the flow cell contains 4 lanes, a single library or set of pooled libraries is sequenced on the flow cell. Libraries are loaded onto the reagent cartridge from a single reservoir and transferred automatically to the flow cell to all 4 lanes. TG NextSeq 500 High Output Kit Reference Guide 5 Reagent Cartridge Overview The reagent cartridge is a single-use consumable with RFID tracking and foil-sealed reservoirs that are prefilled with clustering and sequencing reagents. Figure 2 Reagent Cartridge Before setting up the run, manually add prepared libraries into the designated reservoir on the reagent cartridge. You can add a single library or a pool of indexed libraries. After the run begins, libraries are transferred automatically from the reservoir to the flow cell. The reagent cartridge includes several reservoirs reserved for the automatic post-run wash. Wash solution is pumped from the buffer cartridge to the wash reservoirs in the reagent cartridge, through the system, and then to the spent reagents cartridge. Each reservoir on the reagent cartridge is numbered. Do not pierce the foil seals unless instructed to do so to load libraries before a run, for example. WARNING This set of reagents contains formamide, an aliphatic amide that is a probable reproductive toxin. Personal injury can occur through inhalation, ingestion, skin contact, and eye contact. Dispose of containers and any unused contents in accordance with the governmental safety standards for your region. For more information, see the SDS for this kit at 6 Part # 15066176 Rev. A Figure 3 Numbered Reservoirs In addition to the reservoirs reserved for the automatic post-run wash, specific reservoirs are reserved for loading libraries and the use of optional custom primers. Position 7, 8, and 9 10 Description Reserved for optional custom primers Load libraries For information about custom primers, see Using Custom Primers on the NextSeq 500 (part # 15057456). TG NextSeq 500 High Output Kit Reference Guide 7 Reagent Cartridge Overview Reserved Reservoirs Removable Reservoir in Position #6 The prefilled reagent cartridge includes a denaturation reagent in position 6 that contains formamide. To facilitate safe disposal of any unused reagent after the sequencing run, the reservoir in position 6 is removable. Figure 4 Position 6 A B Protective rubber cover Position 6 For more information, see the NextSeq 500 System User Guide (part # 15046563). 8 Part # 15066176 Rev. A Figure 5 Buffer Cartridge The buffer cartridge is a single-use consumable containing 3 reservoirs prefilled with buffers and wash solution. The contents of the buffer cartridge are sufficient for sequencing 1 flow cell. TG NextSeq 500 High Output Kit Reference Guide 9 Buffer Cartridge Overview Buffer Cartridge Overview Prepare the Reagent Cartridge To prepare the reagent cartridge for a sequencing run, first thaw the cartridge and then inspect the larger reservoirs to make sure that reagents have thawed completely. Thaw the Reagent Cartridge 1 Remove the reagent cartridge from -25°C to -15°C storage. 2 Place the reagent cartridge in a water bath containing enough room temperature deionized water to submerge only the base of the reagent cartridge. 3 Allow the reagent cartridge to thaw in the room temperature water bath for approximately 60 minutes or until it is thawed completely. 4 Remove the cartridge from the water bath and gently tap it on the bench to dislodge water from the base of the cartridge. Gently dry the base of the cartridge. Inspect the Reagent Cartridge 1 Invert the reagent cartridge 5 times to mix the thawed reagents. 2 From the bottom of the reagent cartridge, visually inspect the reagents in the large reservoirs in positions 29, 30, 31, and 32. Make sure that these positions are fully thawed. 3 Gently tap the cartridge on the bench to reduce air bubbles in the reagents. 10 Part # 15066176 Rev. A 1 Remove a new flow cell package from 2°C to 8°C storage. Make sure that the flow cell is compatible with the reagent cartridge as marked by High or Mid on the flow cell packaging label. 2 Set the flow cell package aside at room temperature for 30 minutes. Do not remove the flow cell from the packaging. NOTE Allow the flow cell to reach room temperature before proceeding. If the foil packaging is intact, the flow cell can remain at room temperature up to 12 hours. You can return the packaged flow cell to 2°C to 8°C storage for later use 1 time only. Avoid repeated cooling and warming of the flow cell. 3 Put on a new pair of powder-free gloves. 4 Remove the flow cell from the foil packaging. After the foil packaging has been opened, use the flow cell within the next 12 hours. Figure 6 Remove from Foil Packaging 5 Open the clear plastic clamshell packaging and remove the flow cell. TG NextSeq 500 High Output Kit Reference Guide 11 Prepare the Flow Cell Prepare the Flow Cell Figure 7 Remove from Clamshell Package 6 Using a lint-free alcohol wipe or a lint-free tissue moistened with ethanol or isopropanol, clean the glass surface of the flow cell. Dry the glass with a lint-free tissue or lens paper. Inspect the Flow Cell Figure 8 Flow Cell Components A B C D E Port gaskets (4) Retention clips (4) Spring clips (4) Flow cell cartridge frame Carrier plate 1 Make sure that the flow cell ports are free of obstructions. 2 Make sure that the port gaskets are seated evenly and the rectangular white plastic post is visible. 12 Part # 15066176 Rev. A Make sure that the 4 small white retention clips are visibly snapped over the edge of the black carrier plate. If the plate is not secure under the clips, gently press the black carrier plate and white cartridge frame together until the carrier plate snaps into place under the clips. Figure 9 Retention Clip Inspection A B 4 Bad position—Retention clip is not snapped over the edge of the carrier plate. Good position—Retention clip is snapped over the edge of the carrier plate. Make sure that the 4 metal spring clips are flat against the black carrier plate. Figure 10 Spring Clip Inspection A B Bad position—Spring clip is not flat against the carrier plate. Good position—Spring clip is flat against the carrier plate. TG NextSeq 500 High Output Kit Reference Guide 13 Prepare the Flow Cell 3 Next Steps 1 If applicable for your library type, denature and dilute your libraries as described in the Denaturing and Diluting Libraries for the NextSeq 500 (part # 15048776). 2 Load your libraries onto the reagent cartridge as described in the NextSeq 500 System User Guide (part # 15046563). 3 Using the NextSeq Control Software (NCS) interface, set up the run as described in the NextSeq 500 System User Guide (part # 15046563). Visit the NextSeq 500 support pages on the Illumina support website for access to documentation, software downloads, frequently asked questions, and online training. 14 Part # 15066176 Rev. A For technical assistance, contact Illumina Technical Support. Table 1 Illumina General Contact Information Website Email Table 2 Illumina Customer Support Telephone Numbers Region Contact Number Region North America 1.800.809.4566 Italy Australia 1.800.775.688 Netherlands Austria 0800.296575 New Zealand Belgium 0800.81102 Norway Denmark 80882346 Spain Finland 0800.918363 Sweden France 0800.911850 Switzerland Germany 0800.180.8994 United Kingdom Ireland 1.800.812949 Other countries Contact Number 800.874909 0800.0223859 0800.451.650 800.16836 900.812168 020790181 0800.563118 0800.917.0041 +44.1799.534000 Safety Data Sheets Safety data sheets (SDSs) are available on the Illumina website at Product Documentation Product documentation in PDF is available for download from the Illumina website. Go to, select a product, then click Documentation & Literature. TG NextSeq 500 High Output Kit Reference Guide Technical Assistance Technical Assistance *15066176* Part # 15066176 Rev. A Illumina San Diego, California 92122 U.S.A. +1.800.809.ILMN (4566) +1.858.202.4566 (outside North America)
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