Term 3 2013 Wednesday 31st July Date Claimers AUGUST 2013 Thursday 1st August Liturgy hosted by Year 1 School Photos Tuesday 6th August P & F Meeting Saturday 10th August Sunday 11th August Ormeau Fair Thursday 15th August Liturgy hosted by Year 4/5 Thursday 22nd August Book Week Parade and Activities Thursday 29th August Liturgy hosted by Prep Friday 30th August Gold Coast Show Holiday SEPTEMBER 2013 Tuesday 3rd September P & F Meeting Wednesday 4th September Athletics Carnival Thursday 5th September Mother Teresa’s Feast Day Friday 20th September Last day of Term 3 OCTOBER 2013 Tuesday 8th October First Day of Term 4 SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS 8.00AM – 3.00PM FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK Dear Parents Another busy week has just flown by…I think the busier we are the faster the time seems to go! Last week we celebrated a wonderful day with our sister school in Beenleigh, St Joseph’s. It was great to share liturgy with Father Tony and our two entire school populations, and then enjoy a sausage sizzle and shared games…..though it seems the bus ride was the biggest thrill for many! A very big thank you to the APREs of both schools, Mr Peter Lovegrove and Mrs Kathleen Crawford for making this happen. Today we were visited my members of a running team participating in the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run national event, visiting Gold Coast on 1st August 2013. The Peace Run (formerly known as World Harmony Run) is history's largest and longest running relay event. The run connects schools and communities along the way offering the message of uniting nations, international friendship and harmony. It is non-political, nonreligious and non-commercial. The run has visited over 140 nations since its inception in 1987. For more information about this event please visit their website www.peacerun.org/au. After our participation, the Team Leader, Stacey commented that ours was the best group of students they had visited in terms of their enthusiasm, cooperation and sincerity. The children were very excited to see an image of Mother Teresa participating in the same activity in which they were about to participate. This year in conjunction with the Canberra Centenary, the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run will be running around the entire continent of Australia. A team of runners representing over a dozen different nations will be covering over 15,000 KMs in this 112 day epic journey. I have included the event’s brochure that will give you further details on this year’s Peace Run event. We have a new member of our school community as of yesterday. Cooper (prep) now has a baby sister, who was very keen to arrive and came a number of weeks earlier than expected, tipping the scales at a whopping 4lb, which I believe would be just under 2kg. Mum Deanne is resting comfortably and we are all looking forward to meeting Sophie Louise in the near future! I am really enjoying learning about the special skills and talents of our children. We have already seen Oliver’s fantastic lego pirate ship, now we can all see Cooper (prep) surfing! Amazing! Keep the stories coming in! Tomorrow we will be having our school photos taken. We will start the children’s photos after assembly. Could you ensure that children are in the full and correct school uniform. We will be taking our jackets off for the photo, so no extra scrubbing required overnight! Your children may have been coming home with stories of being attacked by the terrifying plovers. We do in fact have a couple of plovers defending their nest, and they have been swooping children who get too near (yet they keep going back!) No-one has been hurt, and it will provide children with a great learning experience, and also teach them that we need to co-exist with our flora and fauna, and at times, that may mean giving them time and space to protect their own family. Interestingly, it was only today that an article in the Melbourne Age linked student development to engagement with the natural environment. It read, in part, Research has found that play in nature improves children’s moods, increases resilience and reduces stress levels. It also helps children to connect with each other. The full text can be found by following this link: http://www.essentialkids.com.au/younger-kids/kids-education/playgroup-in-the-rain-201307312qy1m.html#utm_source=FD&utm_medium=lifeandstylepuff&utm_campaign=bushkinders A reminder that our Care and Concern group meets every Friday morning at 8.40am. This group has provided some wonderful service to our community, in both a pastoral and material sense. The power of prayer continues to bless our community, and I am very happy to report that Blake’s (P) and Brayden’s (Yr1) grandmother is over her recent very serious illness and is now back resting at home. Looking forward to meeting with you all at tomorrow’s liturgy. Regards Peter APRE NEWS Liturgy of the Word This Thursday the 1st August Year 1 will host our whole school Liturgy of the Word in the undercovered area at 9am. We invite all members of our school community to join us and look forward to seeing you then. School Photos Please remember school photos will be held tomorrow, Thursday the 1st of August. Photo orders with payment need to be brought to school in the morning to be handed to your child’s classroom teacher. Students are required to wear full school uniform (no tracksuit pants for photo). Catholic Education Week Celebrations Last Thursday we joined with the community of St Joseph’s school to celebrate Catholic Education Week. Our prayer reflected the theme of ‘Making a Difference – Inspired by Jesus’ and Fr Tony also spoke of the example Mother Teresa gives us to live this message by ‘doing small things with great love’. Both school communities shared ways each year level has been making a difference in their school. A wonderful day was had by all. Peace Run Today our school was lucky to be visited by the Sri Chinmoy Peace Run team who spoke to the students about being peacemakers in our world and their message ‘Peace begins with me’. We had the opportunity to see images of places all over the world where the peace run has been promoting this important message. A highlight for the students was seeing footage of Mother Teresa along the journey. The children enjoyed sharing the team’s experiences from all over the world and learning more about each of the team member’s country of origin. The children had the opportunity to hold the Peace Torch and run with the team. We are grateful to have been included on their tour. FINANCE MATTERS Term 3 Fees and Levies have been emailed to all families and are due by Friday 2nd August 2013. If you HAVE NOT received your fees notice, or if have any questions regarding fees, please contact me on the school no. 5549 5000 or by email hday@bne.catholic.edu.au It’s still not too late to set up Direct Debit for paying school fees and levies, 2013 DD forms are available on our web site or from the front counter. This is easy to set up and it eliminates the worry of having to pay the School Fees and Levies in a lump sum at the beginning of each term. Accounts can be paid by either of the following methods EFTPOS, Credit Card, BPay, Direct Debit, Cheque and Cash (ensuring you have the correct amount, due to NO cash is retained on the premises). Warm regards Helen Mother Teresa School Care Group We will begin each Friday morning at 8.35am with a brief prayer time to be held in the Prayer Room in the Administration Block followed by a 'Touch Base' meeting finishing at approximately 9.15 am The Prayer Request tin is situated in reception on the round prayer table. Kerry Barham Care Group Co-ordinator abarham@bigpond.net.a 0408 742 792 LIBRARY NEWS Last Wednesday I was lucky enough to attend the Teacher Librarian’s Big Day out which was a gathering of all Catholic School Teacher Librarians (no big name bands). One of the speakers was Jenny Luca who was a Teacher Librarian from a very exclusive Victorian School in Toorak and she spoke about how we need to prepare our students adequately for the future. She discussed the importance of effective pedagogy and the meaningful use of technology in our schools today. It was an awesome feeling to hear her speak about our children’s future and how we need to embrace new ideas and innovation as we do here at Mother Teresa’s. I felt proud sitting there knowing we are already creating opportunities to prepare our students for the future. Date Claimer: BOOK PARADE Thursday 22nd August 2013 9.00 am Only 4 weeks to go to our Celebration of Book Week when we will be holding our very exciting Book Character Parade. The children have been reminded that they are to not buy a costume for this parade but they are to find something that they may have in their costume box or use some props and some of their own clothing to create a costume of a character from a book that they may have at home or borrow from the Library. This year we would like the children to bring their book with them to the parade. Kind regards Robyne Cooke CLASS BLOGS PREP www.motherteresaormeau13.blogspot.com YEAR 1 www.motherteresaormeau12.blogspot.com YEAR 2 www.motherteresaormeau11.blogspot.com YEAR 3 www.motherteresaormeau10.blogspot.com YEAR 4-5 www.motherteresaormeaunavy.blogspot.com HPE/LOTE/MUSIC www.motherteresaormeauspecialists.blogspot.com HPE NEWS District Athletics The Beenleigh District Athletics was postponed due to rain, and will now be held on Monday 5th August. Once again, we wish all of our competitors the best of luck, and know they will show the other schools our wonderful sportsmanship, and make us proud. I will let you know the results next week! Net Set Go! Thanks to all the parents that banned together and registered last week for the Net Set Go! program. We now have enough students registered to begin this week. If you are wanting your child to participate in Net Set Go! on Wednesday afternoons, please see Mrs Aldridge in the office for payment and registration. Details can be found on the specialists blog. National Health and Physical Education Day National Health and Physical Education Day is on Wednesday the 4th September, and this year we will be celebrating it with our school Inter House Athletics Carnival. Stay tuned for lots more details over the coming weeks. Yours in Health and Fitness, Mrs Coutts GARDENING CLUB with Mr Knowles YEAR 2 NEWS! DISCOVERY TIME Today the students engaged in their own experiments that they had researched and prepared for. They worked together to conduct and record the results of their experiments. In the coming days they will reflect on their experiment results and present their findings. We have found that even after extensive planning and preparation - some experiments don't always go to plan! Here are a few photos of our mad scientists! SCHOOL BANKING Congratulations to the following for receiving their School Banking Certificates. Bronze – Maya, Ethan, Georgia, Flint, Decklin, Liam, Madison Silver – Caleb, Noah, Paige, Emma, Jayden Calculators have now arrived!!!! Stay cool at school this summer by saving in Term 3 of School Banking! Win a Commonwealth Bank Marquee for your school or an iPad mini for yourself just by depositing to your Commonwealth Bank School Banking Account. The School with the highest percentage of active students making at least one school banking deposit in term 3 will win a marquee. Every student who completes a minimum of one school banking deposit in term 3 will be in the running to win a cool iPad mini or a Dollarmite Backpack! For you chance to win, students need to simply make one or more School Banking deposits during Term 3. To find out more, talk to your School Banking Co-ordinator or visit your local branch. Things to know before you Can: Competition opens 08/07/13 and closes 27/09/13. Competition is open to all Queensland School Banking Schools. The Promoter is Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124. Full terms and conditions available in Branch. Opening accounts for School Banking – great news! School Banking accounts can now be opened at any Commonwealth Bank branch. You no longer need to complete application forms and return them to school. Just go into any branch and ask to open a Youthsaver account for School Banking. Remember to take in identification for you and your child (such as drivers license and birth certificate), you will receive a Dollarmites wallet and deposit book on the spot and be able to start banking on Friday’s – it is that easy! If you are a Commonwealth Bank customer with NetBank you have the option to open the account online as well! When your child make’s their first deposit they will get their first token and our school will also receive $5 commission. Thank you for supporting our school and teaching your child good savings skills. 'Winter Wonderland' Ball on Saturday 31st August 6.30PM – 11.30PM St Joseph’s School Hall Buffet Roast Dinner Dancing DJ and Live Entertainment Raffles, prizes, plus more! Tickets $35/$30 concession No stilettos please (because of floor) 53 Kokoda Street Beenleigh Tickets from: www.ticketbooth.com.au or Phone: 1300 762 344 or Contact Julia Roberts on 0447 121 896 This is a fundraiser for St Patrick’s Youth Group Ladies Market Night Mother Teresa Primary School is once again holding its Ladies Market Night on Friday 1st November 2013 and we are looking for businesses within our school community who would like to have a stall on the night. We are hoping to provide a shopping extravaganza and social event for the Ladies of the school and community. The event is held in the undercover area from 7 pm to 9 pm on Friday 1st November 2013, with stallholders being able to arrive after 6 pm to setup. If you are interested and would like further details, please contact Cheryl Evans or Kylie Dodd or email idream22@bigpond.com Ormeau Fair We are looking for volunteers for the Ormeau Fair being held on 10th and 11th August 2013. We have one hour volunteer positions available from 8 am to 4 pm on Saturday and Sunday to help with selling raffle tickets and handing out brochures about our wonderful school in our Mother Teresa Primary School stall. If you are able to help please see Cheryl Evans or Kylie Dodd or email idream22@bigpond.com or leave your name and contact details at the office and we will contact you. Many hands make light work. PCYC OUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURS If you have any questions or would like enrolment information regarding PCYC Outside School Hours Care please contact: Carmen on 0417246054 or motherteresasac@pcyc.org.au or come in and see us. For a quick and easy way to enrol please follow the link https://beenleighmt.hubworks.com.au/ JUSTICE OF THE PEACE A valued member of our Mother Teresa community would like to offer her services as a Justice of the Peace. If you require this service please contact the school office and your details will be passed on. UNIFORM SHOP The Uniform Shop is open on Thursdays from 8.00 am to 8.30 am. If you require any uniforms outside of these hours you can simply download the order form from the school website and enter required details. Payment can be made by credit card (complete all your details on the order form) or eftpos. Please forward the completed form to the office (in person, by email or fax) for processing. Your order will be processed on a Thursday and will be sent to your child’s classroom. PLAY GROUP EVERY THURSDAY 9:00am – 11:00am PCYC (Before and after school care) room Gold coin donation
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