Fort Hood Campus Course Offerings March 23 - May 15, 2015 Central Texas College 31st Street 49th Street ar Cle 72nd Street oad ek R Cre Old Ironside Battalion Avenue Bldg 3200 & 3201 761st Tank Battalion Avenue PX Gas Station & Snack Bar tree t Soldier Dev. Ctr. Bldg 33009 Bldg 335 l Rd. r Poo Moto Tank Destroyer Avenue Darnall Army Hospital Tank Destroyer Avenue Hood Road Cle ar C reek Roa d 76t hS III Corps HQ Bldg Bldg 1001 Fort Hood National Bank CTC Culinary Arts Center Railhead Drive Welcome Center To Copperas Cove Highway 190W Main Gate (Flashing Sign) To Killeen CTC Registration: January 26 - March 26, 2015 GoArmyEd Registration: January 26 - March 22, 2015 All students must have a degree plan in order to register. Courses are offered in conjunction with the Education Services Division, Soldier Development Center, Bldg. 33009. CTC Registration Sites Fort Hood Campus Building 3201, 72nd St. Records/Registration - (254) 526-1906 Student Svcs./Evaluations - (254) 526-1917 Monday-Friday: 0730-1630 Saturday/Sunday: Closed Central Campus Bldg. 119, Academic Dr., Killeen Monday-Thursday: 0730-1730 Friday: 0730-1130 Sat./Sun.: Closed Education Services Bldg. 33009, SDC, Fort Hood (254) 287-4824 If you require assistance or accommodations due to a documented disability, please contact the Disability Support Services office on Main Campus Bldg. 111, Room 207, or call (254) 526-1195. CENTRAL TEXAS COLLEGE Fort Hood Campus Schedule March 23 - May 15, 2015 Monday/Wednesday Classes Begin March 23 End May 13 Holiday: None SYN # GoArmyEd# Course Tuesday/Thursday Classes Begin March 24 End May 14 Number Sec Course Name Daily Classes Begin March 23 End May 15 M-TH Classes Begin March 23 End May 14 Days Time Friday/Saturday Classes Begin March 27 End May 15 Bldg/Rm Instructor 75160 186008 ACCT 2301 TH006 Principles of Financial Accounting M/W 1930-2210 ctc-218 Kelley 75033 186009 ACCT 2301 TH007 Principles of Financial Accounting M/W 1645-1925 D109xDrake 75163 186010 ACCT* 2302 TH009 Principles of Managerial Accounting M/W 0900-1140 ctc-105 Kelley 75021 186011 ARTS 1316 TH003 Drawing I T/T 1645-2210 ctc-108 Harmon, S 75036 186012 BCIS 1305 TH003 Business Computer Application MTWTh 1930-2210 ctc-121 Gadson 74745 186013 BMGT 1327 TH005 Principles of Management T/T 1645-1925 ctc-106 Hanik 75232 186016 CRIJ 1301 TH005 Intro to Criminal Justice M/W 1645-1925 ctc-204 Lorenz 75235 186017 CRIJ* 1306 TH005 Court systems & Practices M/W 1930-2210 ctc-204 Lorenz 75585 186018 CRIJ* 2323 TH003 Legal Aspects of Law Enforcement M/W 1645-1925 ctc-209 Schaefer 75024 186023 ECON 2301 TH003 Principles of Macroeconomics M/W 1930-2210 ctc-201 Pretzsch 75027 186024 ECON 2302 TH003 Principles of Microeconomics M/W 1645-1925 ctc-201 Pretzsch 75039186026 ENGLbb* 1301 TH022 Composition I MTWTh 1125-1240 D112xAzevedo 75592 186029 ENGL* 1301 TH023 Composition I T/T 1340-1620 ctc-218 Hazell 75043 186027 ENGL* 1301 TH024 Composition I M/W 1645-1925 ctc-211 Garner 75595 186028 ENGL* 1301 TH025 Composition I M/W 1930-2210 ctc-126 Duke 75598 186025 ENGL* 1301 TH026 Composition I T/T 1645-1925 ctc-218 Hazell bb x 75046186033 ENGL * 1302 TH016 Composition II MTWTh 1000-1115 D112 Azevedo 75601 186032 ENGL* 1302 TH017 Composition II T/T 1930-2210 ctc-218 Hazell 75604 186031 ENGL* 1302 TH018 Composition II M/W 1645-1925 ctc-126 Duke 75049 186030 ENGL* 1302 TH019 Composition II T/T 1645-1925 ctc-211 Garner 75056 186034 ENGL* 2323 TH001 British Lit II T/T 1930-2210 ctc-211 Garner bb 75061186036 GEOL 1403 TH010 Physical Geology MTWTh 1340-1620 ctc-212 Waters 75064 186037 GEOL 1403 TH011 Physical Geology T/T 1645-2210 ctc-212 Hicks 75067 186035 GEOL 1403 TH012 Physical Geology MW 1645-2210 ctc-212 Waters 75072186038 GEOLbb* 1404 TH008 Historical Geology MTWTh 1000-1240 ctc-212 Waters bb x 75268186039 GOVT 2304 TH001 Introduction to Political Science M/W 1340-1620 C209 Temple 75274186041 GOVTbb 2305 TH025 Federal Government Daily 1140-1240 C209xTemple 75283 186042 GOVT 2305 TH026 Federal Government M/W 0900-1140 ctc-218 Murphey 75287 186043 GOVT 2305 TH027 Federal Government T/T 1340-1620 C209xTemple 75296 186040 GOVT 2305 TH028 Federal Government M/W 1930-2210 ctc-202 Daub 75300 186044 GOVT 2305 TH029 Federal Government T/T 1645-1925 ctc-120 Sasa 75316186045 GOVTbb 2306 TH024 Texas Government Daily 1240-1340 C209xTemple 75319 186048 GOVT 2306 TH025 Texas Government T/T 0900-1140 C209xTemple 75323 186047 GOVT 2306 TH026 Texas Government M/W 1645-1925 ctc-202 Daub 75329 186049 GOVT 2306 TH027 Texas Government M/W 1340-1620 ctc-218 Murphey 75335 186046 GOVT 2306 TH029 Texas Government M/W 1930-2210 ctc-209 Schaefer bb x 75178186054 HIST 1301 TH020 United States History I Daily 1140-1240 C106/8 Walls 75181 186058 HIST 1301 TH021 United States History I M/W 0900-1140 C106/8xWalls 75368 186057 HIST 1301 TH022 United States History I T/T 1645-1925 ctc-105 Guidry 75376 186056 HIST 1301 TH023 United States History I M/W 1930-2210 ctc-105 Cranford 75184 186055 HIST 1301 TH024 United States History I T/T 1340-1620 C106/8x Walls 75187186059 HISTbb 1302 TH019 United States History II Daily 1240-1340 C106/8xWalls 75191 186060 HIST 1302 TH020 United States History II T/T 0900-1140 C106/8xWalls 75382 186061 HIST 1302 TH021 United States History II T/T 1930-2210 ctc-105 Guidry 75385 186062 HIST 1302 TH022 United States History II M/W 1645-1925 ctc-105 Cranford 75194 186063 HIST 2312 TH002 Western Civilization II M/W 1340-1620 C106/8x Walls 75390 186064 HIST 2381 TH003 African American History M/W 1645-1925 ctc-106 Poe 75077 186066 HUMA 1315 TH009 Fine Arts Appreciation T/T 1340-1620 ctc-126 Harmon 75238 186067 HUMA 1315 TH011 Fine Arts Appreciation T/T 1645-1925 ctc-126 Harmon 75081 186065 HRPO 2301 TH003 Human Resource Management M/W 1930-2210 ctc-106 Grayson bb x 75344186069 MATH * 1332 TH010 Contemporary Mathematics MTWTh 1340-1455 C211 Sutton 75350 186070 MATH* 1332 TH011 Contemporary Mathematics MTWTh 1810-1925 C211xSutton 75359 186073 MATH* 1414 TH010 College Algebra MTWTh 1645-1800 C211xSutton 75363 186072 MATH* 1414 TH011 College Algebra MTWTh 1140-1255 C211xSutton 75333 186074 MRKG 1311 TH001 Principles of Marketing T/T 1930-2210 ctc-106 TBA 75314 186075 MUSI 1301 TH006 Fundamentals of Music M/W 1645-1925 ctc-217 Arritola 75166 186076 MUSI 1306 TH006 Music Appreciation M/W 1930-2210 ctc-217 Arritola bb 75280186078 PHIL 1301 TH018 Introduction to Philosophy Daily 1140-1240 ctc-123 Isbell 75291 186079 PHIL 1301 TH020 Introduction to Philosophy T/T 0900-1140 ctc-123 Isbell 75297 186077 PHIL 1301 TH021 Introduction to Philosophy M/W 1645-1925 ctc-123 Isbell 75307 186080 PHIL 1304 TH002 Introduction to World Religions T/T 1930-2210 ctc-123 Isbell 75303 186081 PHIL 2303 TH005 Introduction to Logic T/T 1645-1925 ctc-123 Isbell 75169 186084 PSYC 2301 TH015 General Psychology M/W 1140-1320 ctc-106 Harris 75085 186085 PSYC 2301 TH017 General Psychology T/T 1645-1925 ctc-204 Marion 75088 186086 PSYC 2314 TH009 Life Span Growth & Dev. M/W 1930-2210 ctc-207 Baker 75172 186087 PSYC 2315 TH009 Psychology of Adjustment M/W 0900-1140 ctc-106 Harris 75264 186091 SOCI 1301 TH010 Introduction to Sociology T/T 1645-1925 ctc-217 Johnson 75267186092 SOCIbb 1301 TH011 Introduction to Sociology Daily 1140-1240 ctc-120 Hake 75588 186093 SOCI 1306 TH004 Social Problems T/T 1930-2210 ctc-217 Johnson 75273 186094 SOCI 2301 TH011 Marriage and The Family Daily 1240-1340 ctc-120 Hake 75092 186095 SOCW 2361 TH003 Intro to Social Work T/T 1930-2210 ctc-204 TBA 75096 186096 SPAN 1411 TH006 Beginning Spanish I (OBL) M/W 1645-1925 ctc-108 Serrano-Vinuelas 75100 186099 SPCH 1315 TH024 Public Speaking M/W 1645-1925 ctc-207 TBA 75104186100 SPCHbb 1315 TH025 Public Speaking T/T 1645-1925 ctc-207 TBA 75108 186098 SPCH 1315 TH026 Public Speaking T/T 1930-2210 ctc-207 TBA 75113186097 SPCHbb 1315 TH027 Public Speaking T/T 1340-1620 D106/8xPett 75245 186019 DSMA 0300 TH007 Dev. Math I MTWTh 1645-1925 ctc-124 Shea 75248 186020 DSMA* 0301 TH006 Dev. Math II MTWTh 1645-1925 ctc-215 Fields 75252 186021 DSMA* 0303 TH006 Dev. Math IV MTWTh 1930-2210 ctc-215 Bodkin 75257 186022 DSMA* 0399 TH003 Developmental Mathematics (NCBO) MTWTh 1930-2210 ctc-124 Shea * ctc x bb OBL NCBO Course prerequisite required. Classroom located in CTC Bldg. 3200. Classroom located at Soldier Development Center (SDC), Bldg. 33009. See map on front cover. College Reenlistment Incentive Program. See insert for additional details. Online Blended Lecture (OBL) Course. See details on back page. OBL SPAN1411 requires 5 hours of lab outside class EACH WEEK. Non-Course Based Option (NCBO). Special application required. See details on back page. Fort Hood Campus Hospitality Programs - Culinary Arts Center Bldg. 335, 761 Tank Battalion Ave. & 31st St. Culinary Arts Center (254) 526-1955 • Hospitality Department (254) 526-1912 This program offers a variety of classes preparing individuals for future successful employment in the food service industry and features traditional classes complimented by professional cooking activities in a kitchen environment. All classes with a stem identifier such as CHEF, HAMG, PSTR, RSTO, and TRVM are accredited courses that relate directly to food service industry operations. Courses are located in the CTC Culinary Arts Center (CAC), Bldg. 335 or in CTC Bldg. 3201. For more information, call the Fort Hood Hospitality Department at (254) 526-1912. 74762 186014 CHEF 1301 TH003 Basic Food Preparation 74691 186015 CHEF 1345 TH002 International Cuisine 74694 186050 HAMG 1324 TH001 Hospitality Human Resource Mgmt. 74697 186051 HAMG 1340 TH003 Hospitality Legal Issues 74700 186052 HAMG 2301 TH003 Principles of Food & Beverage 74703 186053 HAMG 2388 TH005 Hospitality Internship 74723 186082 PSTR 1301 TH003 Fundamentals of Baking 74727 186083 PSTR 2350 TH001 Wedding Cakes 74730 186088 RSTO 1221 TH003 Menu Management 74733 186089 RSTO 1313 TH002 Hospitality Supervision 74736 186090 RSTO 1325 TH002 Purchasing for Hospitality Operations Th F MTWTh T/T M/W M/W T/T F S M/W T/T T/T T/T M/W 1700-2000 0900-1600 1300-1600 1645-1925 0900-1140 1645-1925 1200-1300 1700-2100 0900-1600 0900-1300 0900-1200 0900-1100 0600-0840 1320-1600 CAC-101 CAC-101 CAC-101 ctc-135 ctc-135 CAC-101 CAC-101 CAC-101 CAC-101 CAC-101 CAC-101 ctc-135 ctc-135 ctc-135 Murgia Murgia Murgia Lazarus Lazarus Murgia Jensen Jensen Jensen Jensen Lazarus Lazarus Jensen College Reenlistment Incentive Program Take advantage of this opportunity to attend college courses each day and complete up to 16 semester hours of college credit in 16 weeks. Students develop personalized education plans by selecting course offerings from each of the concurrent term periods. This is an open enrollment program. 75039 75046 75061 75072 75274 75316 75178 75187 75344 75363 75280 75267 75273 Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Step 7: Step 8: Step 9: 186026 186033 186036 186038 186041 186045 186054 186059 186069 186072 186078 186092 186094 ENGLbb* ENGLbb* GEOLbb GEOLbb* GOVTbb GOVTbb HISTbb HISTbb MATHbb* MATHbb* PHILbb SOCIbb SOCIbb 1301 1302 1403 1404 2305 2306 1301 1302 1332 1414 1301 1301 2301 TH022 TH016 TH010 TH008 TH025 TH024 TH020 TH019 TH010 TH011 TH018 TH011 TH011 Composition I Composition II Physical Geology Historical Geology Federal Government Texas Government United States History I United States History II Contemporary Mathematics College Algebra Introduction to Philosophy Introduction to Sociology Marriage and The Family MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh Daily Daily Daily Daily MTWTh MTWTh Daily Daily Daily 1125-1240 1000-1115 1340-1620 1000-1240 1140-1240 1240-1340 1140-1240 1240-1340 1340-1455 1140-1255 1140-1240 1140-1240 1240-1340 D112x Azevedo D112x Azevedo ctc-212 Waters ctc-212 Waters C209xTemple C209xTemple C106/8x Walls C106/8x Walls x C211 Sutton C211x Sutton ctc-123 Isbell ctc-120 Hake ctc-120 Hake Registration Process for Active Duty Military Via GoArmyEd Go to the Education Services Division, Bldg. 33009, second floor, and attend a GoArmyEd briefing. During your briefing, you will research college program options and integrated course schedules, fill out the common application, and obtain your GoArmyEd user login and password. All soldiers will need to acknowledge quarterly on-line TA SOUs when requesting TA without requiring Command Approval. Discuss your educational options with an Army Education Counselor. Go to CTC Bldg. 3201 on Battalion Ave. & 72nd St. and visit with a Central Texas College Counselor to discuss degree plan requirements and receive advising and other school-related information. Select CTC as your home school and choose a degree plan in the GoArmyEd portal. Request your official college, high school, and Joint Services Transcript (JST) (formerly AARTS) to be sent to: Central Texas College; P.O. Box 1800; Killeen, TX 76540-1800; Attn: Incoming Transcripts. You must request an official transcript from EACH college you attended. CTC will send an e-mail informing you of your admission status. Once admitted, select a course listed in your degree plan, and see a CTC Counselor for assistance with the registration process. Upon receipt of enrollment confirmation, purchase textbooks. Textbook information is available on the Class Details tab in the GoArmyEd portal. Make sure you know your classroom location. Classes are located in the Soldier Development Center, Bldg. 33009 and in CTC Bldgs. 3200 & 3201. Registration Process for Civilians Central Texas College-Fort Hood Campus also welcomes civilian students. Information about admission and registration is available in the Texas Campuses Catalog. Bacterial Meningitis Requirement Texas Senate Bill 1107 amends current Texas law requiring proof of Bacterial Meningitis vaccination 10 days before the term starts for all entering students or submit an affidavit for an exception. A student is defined as a new student to CTC or a returning student who enrolls following a break in enrollment of at least one fall or spring semester and who is under the age of 22 and is not solely enrolled in distance education online courses, continuing education courses less than 360 contact hours, or dual credit courses taught on a high school campus. Students are required to submit documentation through Magnus Health SMR (Student Medical Record), a web-based system for tracking and storing the bacterial meningitis immunization and exception documents. Login at If you have any questions, contact customer support from Magnus Health SMR at (877) 461-6831 or email The academic courses offered by Central Texas College lay the foundation for continued work toward a bachelor’s degree. The following university offers upper level (junior and senior) requirements for those working toward bachelor degrees. Classes are open to active duty, family members and civilians. Talk to your counselor about your degree program and the courses that will assist you in achieving your goals. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY - CENTRAL TEXAS All courses are in the Fort Hood Soldier Development Center, Bldg. 33009 Spring II 8 week classes Term Dates: March 13 - May 15 Registration Dates: November 3 - January 25 CRN/Goarmyed Course Nbr/Title Days Times CISK 300-125/ Computer Tech and Impact TR 1800-2100 G BK 301-125/ Business Communications MTWR 1130-1245 G BK 401-125/ Business Ethics TR 1800-2100 G BK 459-125/ Business Strategy TR 1800-2100 MGTK 301-135/ Principles of Management MW 1800-2100 MGTK 302-125/ Pers/Human Res Mgmt MW 1800-2100 MGTK 350-331/ Organizational Behavior TR 1800-2100 MGTK 425-125/ Leadership TR 1800-2100 PSYK 310-125/ Abnormal Psychology TR 1800-2100 PSYK 350-110/ Personality MW 1800-2100 College Policy Instructor TBA Luciano, Christine A. Wells, Robert Brown, Lee TBA La Lone, John R. Rodriguez Ramos, Fernando Bondi, James J. Bunke, Janine A. TBA Although we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of information in this schedule, we cannot always control errors or omissions. CTC reserves the right to cancel, combine, or divide classes; to change the time, day, or place; or to change instructors without notification, without incurring obligation. FORT HOOD CAMPUS ACCELERATED COMPUTER SCIENCE PROGRAMS • • • • • Earn college credit to apply to a CTC Certificate of Completion or Associate’s Degree. Prepare for industry certification exams, to include CompTIA, MCSA, MTA, and MCP. Courses are open to Active Duty Military, Veterans, and Civilians. TA, VA, MyCAA, and other financial aid funding is accepted. Courses are offered at the standard published tuition rate.* COMPTIA & MICROSOFT IT INDUSTRY CERTIFICATION PREPARATION PROGRAM (MCSA) Whether you are new to technology, changing jobs, or a seasoned IT professional, becoming certified helps demonstrate to customers, peers, and employers that you are committed to advancing your skills and taking on greater challenges. In addition, certification provides you with access to exclusive Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) resources and benefits, including opportunities to connect with a vast, global network of MCPs. Class Times: Monday - Friday 1645 – 2230. The 24-week accelerated program includes the following evening courses: Current Cohort (For students who completed ITSC1325 and ITNW1358, or with instructor approval) • ITNW 1316 Network Administration Dates: 1/22/15-2/6/15 Syn# 68700 • ITNW 2354 Internet/Intranet Server Dates: 2/9/15-3/6/15 Syn# 68702 • ITNW 1454 Implementing & Supporting Servers Dates: 3/23/15-4/17/15 Syn# 56745 • ITSY 1342 Information Technology Security Dates: 4/20/15-5/15/15 Syn# 68704 It is recommended students take the courses in sequence. New students should enroll in the cohort starting on May 25, 2015, in order to begin with the first course in the sequence: ITSC1325 Personal Computer Hardware A+. MICROSOFT SOFTWARE & SYSTEMS ACADEMY (MSSA) The Microsoft Software & Systems Academy is a pioneering program that taps into the talent and experience of military veterans to help meet our nation’s critical need for IT professionals. MSSA is designed for active duty service members transitioning from the military, with openings on a space available basis for other active duty service members, veterans, and non-military students. MSSA is a full-time information technology program. Participants on active duty are required to provide a signed MFR from their company commander in order to participate in the program. Coursework includes technical training, certification testing, practical exercises, and mentoring. Transitioning active duty military and eligible veteran students who successfully complete the program are eligible to interview for potential jobs at Microsoft or with their partner organizations. The Software Development & Testing Specialist track is a 16-week program in software testing, development, database fundamentals, SQL Server, lifecycle management, and web applications. Class Times: Tuesday-Friday 0730-1630. The 16-week accelerated program includes the following day-time courses: (Students enter the program as a “cohort” and must take all classes in sequence with the cohort.) • ITSE 1329 Programming Logic & Design • IMED1316 Web Design I • MATH1342 Elementary Statistical Methods COHORT DATES • ITSW1307 Introduction to Database (SQL) • ITSE 2459 Advanced Computer Programming (C#) Cohort 6: 3/3/15-6/19/15 Cohort 7: 5/19/15-9/4/15 For more information about Fort Hood Campus Programs, contact Student Services at 254-526-1917 or visit *NOTE: Instructional materials ARE NOT included in the price of tuition. Canceled Classes Listings of any classes canceled due to low enrollment will be posted in the lobby of Bldg. 3200 as soon as the determination is made. If your class is canceled, please see the Registration Office to enroll for a different class or to receive a refund. Withdrawal and Drop/Add Policy If you withdraw or drop a class for any reason, you must see a CTC Counselor and, if receiving Army Tuition Assistance, see an Education Services Counselor or call (254) 287-4824. The last day to withdraw is May 1, 2015. Failure to follow these procedures may cause you to receive an “F” for non-attendance and obligate you to repay any tuition assistance received from the Army to pay for the course. Financial Aid and VA students must contact the CTC Financial Aid and/or Veterans Services Departments before registering, withdrawing or making schedule changes to avoid possible changes in awards and benefits. Tuition $76 Resident in-district (per semester credit hour (SCH)) $98 Resident out-of-district (per SCH) $214 Nonresident (per SCH) Personal check, money order, cash & credit cards accepted Refund Policy Students who officially withdraw from the institution or who reduce their semester credit hour load shall have their tuition and mandatory fees refunded according to the following schedule: On or before March 20, 2015 100% From March 23-31, 2015 75% From April 1-3, 2015 25% From April 6-23, 2015 5% From April 24, 2015 and later 0% Soldiers utilizing the GoArmyEd portal will follow the GoArmyEd refund schedule, which is posted at https:// public/facility pages/Central Texas College/courseinfo.asp and on the “Class Details” screen in the GoArmyEd Class Schedule. Web Registration You may qualify to register via the web for Fort Hood classes. Please check with CTC Fort Hood Registration at (254) 526-1906 to see if you qualify. Fort Hood Campus policy requires payment the same day you enroll; otherwise, you will be dropped from class. College Credit for Military Experience Upon successful completion of six semester hours at CTC with a minimum 2.0 GPA, students become eligible to receive an evaluation of their military experience for possible awarded credit. The semester hour requirement is waived for active duty students. Active Duty Military Verification All active duty military not using Tuition Assistance and all active duty military dependents must submit a Military Verification Form to be eligible for in-state tuition rates. Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Students must take the official TSI Assessment before registering for college level credit courses, unless they are Active Duty Military or TSI exempt. Contact a CTC Counselor concerning these requirements at (254) 5261917. The TSI Assessment fee is $20 for both civilians and military. Tests are administered on Fort Hood, MondayFriday from 0900-1800 in the CTC Testing Center, Soldier Development Center, Bldg. 33009, Room D213. For more information, call (254) 290-0701. Graduation If you plan to graduate in May 2015 you must apply for graduation February 1, 2015. Please see a CTC Counselor in Bldg. 3201 for further information. Bookstore (Bldg. 3201) March 16-26, 2015 M-Th 0800-1600 Online Blended Lecture (OBL) Courses OBL courses combine face-to-face classwork/lecture with online technologies enabling the benefits for class interaction and independent work on-line. Attendance is required for face-to-face lecture. Mandatory work online is required for non-class days. Non-Course Based Option (NCBO) NCBOs are not set up to be the standard traditional face to face courses. Students are given the opportunity to complete all three developmental mathematics levels in one semester. The number of levels completed is determined by the student’s level of dedication and determination. EVERY student will start with Pre-Algebra until mastery of concepts is proven by quiz grades. Students must submit a special application to enroll in an NCBO. See a CTC Counselor in Bldg. 3201 for application information. CTC VA Representative (Bldg. 3201) Every Monday-Friday from 0800-1630. Access to Fort Hood Students without access to Fort Hood Military Post must bring their printed course schedule and obtain a Visitor’s Pass from the Marvin Leath Visitor Center, Bldg. 69012, adjacent to the T.J. Mills Main Gate. For more information call (254) 287-9909. Public Notice Central Texas College does not discriminate in admissions or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, disability, age or veteran’s status. Central Texas College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associate degrees and certificates of completion.
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