WEEKEND EDITION INSIDE: Find out who won this year’s Battle of Big Sandy. Page 1B. VOLUME 132 - NO. 81 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2011 DECATUR, TEXAS 22 PAGES IN TWO SECTIONS PLUS INSERTS DECATUR NEWS BRIEF ... DECATUR ZONING MATTERS No bombs found Property along the east side of Business 81/287 between Walnut and Mulberry in Decatur will be rezoned commercial, if the city council agrees with a recommendation made by the Planning and Zoning Commission Tuesday. The P&Z did opt for a more restrictive level of zoning after hearing concerns from property owners whose residences along Valley Ridge Court back up to the land in question. The P&Z also favored a recommendation that would allow offices and quarters to be built on Wise Regional Health System property for use by Air Evac medical helicopter personnel. Read more briefs, page 7A. Police seek person who made threat By ERIKA PEDROZA Investigators are “actively following leads” in pursuit of the person responsible for a bomb threat that caused an evacuation at Decatur High School Wednesday morning. Students were relocated to the practice field behind the school around 10 a.m. but were allowed to return to class after it was deemed a false alarm almost three hours later. According to Decatur Police Chief Rex Hoskins, the note, scribbled on the back of a boy’s bathroom door, advised several bombs placed IN OPINION ... NIGHT OF THE TORNADO Columnist Brian Knox looks back at the night 10 years ago that a tornado made a direct hit on Paradise and Decatur. See page 4A. INSIDE ... MAKING NEW TRACKS Continued on page 6A Bridgeport Police Department has welcomed a new canine officer to the force. See page 3A. AREA DEATHS AND FUNERALS ROSEMARY CHAMBERS Newark JANICE LUSTER Boyd MARY O’DELL Bridgeport VAN WINKLE WISE COUNTY Messenger photo by Joe Duty MOURNING THE LOSS — Brandon Daugherty, a paramedic with Wise County EMS, tries to comfort Wayne Keating (front) and Mike Marshall (right) as they mourn the loss of fellow worker Jeffery Stackhouse following Thursday’s accident on the U.S. 380 construction site eight miles east of Decatur. Construction worker killed Newark See page 11A. MARY ANNE EBERT Denton WAYNE GARRETT Decatur BONNIE KONGABLE Rhome BILLIE LANGSTON Aurora See page 12A. WEATHER... 75¢ By DAVE ROGERS The first serious workplace accident in more than two years of construction on U.S. 380 in Wise County claimed the life of contractor Jeffery Stackhouse of Azle Thursday afternoon. According to the Wise County Sheriff ’s Office, Stackhouse, 43, was struck by a large bucket filled with concrete. Witnesses said the bucket, being used to deliver concrete to a piling being built for the Catlett Creek bridge, descended rapidly on a cable from a crane and crushed the worker. Construction to widen U.S. 380 from two lanes to four in east Wise County began June 2009. “We have had some fatal car crashes out there that were not the result of any construction activities, as far as I know. But this was the first serious work-related accident we’ve had,” Bill Nelson, area engineer for the Texas Department of Transportation, said a day after the accident. “Quite frankly, I don’t know the 114/51 work to begin in November By ERIKA PEDROZA details, the family situation, of the gentleman involved, but I understand he was in his 40s, and, in all likelihood, somebody’s daddy didn’t go home last night. That’s tough.” The accident occurred around 2 p.m. Thursday in a work zone on U.S. 380 about eight miles east of Decatur. Precinct 2 Justice of the Peace Terri Johnson pronounced Stackhouse dead at the scene. His body was sent to the Tarrant County Medical Examiner’s office Construction of a bridge at the south intersection of Texas 114 and Farm Road 51, seven miles west of Boyd, will begin next month and is expected to last a little more than a year. Representatives of the Texas Department of Transportation and the project contractor, Lane Construction Corp. Co., met Wednesday to discuss the $2.8 million, 273- Continued on page 2A Continued on page 3A DECATUR Jury delivers 15-year sentence INDEX News Briefs ..... 7A Crime Report... 9A Opinion ..... 4A, 5A Obits .......11A,12A Sports ...............1B Classifieds.........5B Wise County Messenger P.O. Box 149 115 South Trinity Decatur, Texas 76234 www.wcmessenger.com ON THE WEB ... Scan this QR (quick response) code with your smartphone camera and you’ll be taken to our website. By BRANDON EVANS It took a Wise County jury of 12 men and women almost five hours Wednesday to come to an agreement, but they eventually decided to give Jeffery M. Kendrick, 42, of Decatur, a 15-year prison sentence for indecency with a child by touching. Kendrick pleaded guilty Tuesday afternoon to two counts of indecency with a child. The incidents took place between 2007 and 2009 in Bridgeport and Alvord. The jury could have given a sentence of two to 20 years for each count. They gave 10 years probation for the second count. The jury began deliberating shortly before 10 a.m. and came to a consensus at 3 p.m. The female victim was 13 when the first incident occurred, but she said in testimony that the abuse started when she was as young as 5, which Kendrick did not deny. “This was a good jury,” said Lindy Borchardt, assistant district attorney, after the trial. “Fifteen years sends a strong message to people in our county. We have no tolerance for sex offenders, especially those who violate the trust of those they are supposed to protect.” Kendrick was arrested Oct. 15, 2010, for the two charges. The victim gave testimony to the jury, describing a series of scenes that she said Continued on page 6A Messenger photo by Joe Duty IN COUNSEL — Jeffrey Kendrick (right), 42, of Decatur, listens to his attorney Barry Green moments after a Wise County jury sentenced him to 15 years in prison for indecency with a child by touching. 2A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, October 8, 2011 CHICO Police say couple didn’t seek help for hurt child By BRANDON EVANS Gainesville Police Department announced Wednesday afternoon that the four people arrested in connection with the Sept. 24 death of 4-year-old Nathan De Alejandro never sought professional medical attention for the boy, who suffered severe burns all over his body as far back as Sept. 10. Two of those arrested included Johnny Lee Alexander, 58, and Matilde Alexander, 58, both of Chico. They were caring for De Alejandro on Sept. 21 and were supposed to bring the child to a doctor’s appointment, but they never did. According to investigators, they took the child back to their residence in Chico instead of the hospital. They are being held in Cooke County Jail for $500,000 bond each. Also arrested was Catrina Maldonado, 34, mother of the child and Johnny Earl Alexander, 27, both of Gainesville. Their bond was set at $750,000 each. All four are charged with and the date of his death, injury to a child 14 years no one caring for Nathan or younger, a first degree sought professional medical felony. treatment for his in“We do know that juries.” Nathan sustained seOfficers and medics vere burns to a large responded to an emerportion of his body,” gency call early on said Belva McClin- Watch video online: the morning of Sept. ton, spokesperson WCMessenger.com/video 24 at the mother’s for Gainesville Police home in Gainesville. Department. “The major- A neighbor was attempting ity of the burns were to his to do CPR on De Alejandro. legs, and these injuries oc- Several hours later he was curred on or about Sept. 10. pronounced dead at North During the 14 days between Texas Medical Center. the occurrence of the burns McClinton said they still WISE COUNTY Avoid hormone replacement therapy. Menopausal hormone therapy increases risk for breast cancer. If you must take hormones to manage menopausal symptoms, avoid those that contain progesterone and limit their use to less than three years. OCTOBER IS NATIONAL BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH Phil Major President & Publisher P.O. Box 149 115 S. Trinity Decatur, TX 76234 940-627-5987 Fax 940-627-1004 www.wcmessenger.com news@wcmessenger.com DECATUR Grand jury indicts Frank for child porn A Boyd man has been indicted for possession of child pornography. Chet Wayne Frank, 37, was indicted on two charges of possession of child pornography. The first includes 10 counts, one for each image. The second charge includes 18 counts, again one for each image. Frank was pulled over on Jan. 20 in Decatur on suspicion of driving while intoxicated. Decatur Police Officer Royce Gastineau searched Frank’s phone and discovered images that looked like child pornography. The following day, investigators confiscated computers from Frank’s home. The grand jury also returned the following felony indictments Sept. 21: Lalo Martinez Montes, possession of a controlled substance – cocaine, less than 1 gram Manuel Dejesus Rodriguez, possession of a controlled substance – methamphetamine, 4200 grams Clayton Richard Russell, possession of a controlled substance – cocaine, less than 1 gram Rodney Gerald Adams, driving while intoxicated third or more Clayton Lynn Beam, driving while intoxicated with child under 15 Rose Mary Buchannon, credit card or debit card abuse Andrea Catherine Burks, driving while intoxicated third or more Ignacio Carrizalez, theft of property $1,500$20,000 Joshua Ramsey Chabert, driving while intoxicated third or more Michael Patrick Falsey, driving while intoxicated third or more Hector Gamez, driving while intoxicated third or more Justin Scott Gorton, burglary of a habitation Michael Aaron Hothouse, unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon Herbert Russell Jones, driving while intoxicated with child under 15 (two counts) Bryan Keith Martin, driving while intoxicated third or more Russell Winfield McGinley, driving while intoxicated third or more Martin Servin Medina, driving while intoxicated third or more Michelle Davina Smith, harassment of a public servant Benjamin Mark Stokes, evading arrest/detention with vehicle Kevin Allen Troutman, burglary of a building Demetrius Deray Washington, driving while intoxicated third or more Michael Dale Brown, assault of a public servant Isaac Enrique Gomez, assault of a public servant Robert Chad Johnson, indecency with a child by contact (one count); indecency with a child exposes (two counts) Maria Varela-Martinez, credit card or debit card abuse (three counts) Eric Delon Washington, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon Justin Eugene Windham, assault with intent to impede normal breathing or circulation of the blood of a family member Tommy Lee Reed, assault with intent to impede normal breathing or circulation of the blood of a family member Julie Ann Sheppard, assault with intent to impede normal breathing or circulation of the blood of a family member Randy Clay Dennis, unlawful restraint less than 17 years old (two counts); abandon/endanger child criminal negligence (two counts) Q Information compiled by Brian Knox. Messenger archive stories were used for this story. don’t know how or where the burns occurred. The Dallas Medical Examiner’s Office is in the process of determining the cause of death. De Alejandro’s biological father lives in Corpus Christi, but Johnny Earl Alexander’s parents acted as “grandparents,” investigators said. It is unclear how much time De Alejandro spent in Chico. Q Email Brandon at bevans@wcmessenger.com. TIPS FOR BREAST CANCER PREVENTION Mark Jordan Vice President/General Manager Kelly Guess Advertising Sales Todd A. Griffith Production Manager Mack Thweatt Editorial Mark Jordan Vice President/ General Manager Ken Roselle Senior Account Executive EDITORIAL Brian Knox Editor Kristen Tribe Assistant Editor Brandon Evans Erika Pedroza Richard Greene Sports Editor Dave Rogers Mack Thweatt Keri PritchardWillerton Graphic Artist Marissa Hall Joe Duty Photographer BUSINESS OFFICE Kristi Bennett Business Manager Lesa Major Teresa Mayberry CLASSIFIEDS Donna Bean ADVERTISING Lisa Davis Advertising Manager Lori White Kelly Guess Laura Belcher Misty Coget PRODUCTION Todd A. Griffith Production Manager/Webmaster Andrew May Videographer Pierre Moua Peter Franco SUBSCRIBER SERVICES Brenda Jewell Circulation Lowell Burkett Jesse Matheny Roger Weber James Craft Wesley Robinson Terry Hardin SUBSCRIPTIONS $37 a year In-County $43 a year Out-of-County $49 a year Out-of-State $20 Digital Subscription www.wcmessenger.com/subscribe ________________________________ Name INSPECTING — Supervisors on the U.S. 380 construction project inspect the bucket that struck and killed worker Jeffery Stackhouse Thursday and the cable that supported it from a nearby crane. (Right) The concrete bucket that struck and killed construction worker Jeffery Stackhouse sits in front of the crane that carried it shortly after Thursday’s accident as coworkers grieve his death. ________________________________ ________________________________ Address ________________________________ City St. Zip ________________________________ Phone ________________________________ Email Mail to: Wise County Messenger PO Box 149, Decatur, TX 76234 or call 940-627-5987 TIP LINE: Phone: 940-393-3450 E-mail: tips@wcmessenger.com SUBMIT NEWS Submit News, Sports, Letters to the Editor, Lifestyle, Obituaries and Update items online www.wcmessenger.com/submit Messenger photos by Joe Duty ADVERTISING Construction worker killed ... Contact Lisa Davis, Lori White, Misty Coget, Kelly Guess or Laura Belcher at 940-627-5987 www.wcmessenger.com/advertising Continued from page 1A USPS Publication No. 688940 ISSN 0746-8679 to determine the extent of his injuries. Johnson said an investigation is ongoing. The worksite was closed Friday, Nelson said, for an investigation by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. J.D. Abrams, TxDOT’s contractor for the highway widening project, did not return The Messenger’s phone calls or an email left at its Austin headquarters. A woman who answered the phone at Texas Shafts Inc., the subcontractor for whom Stackhouse worked, said it was too early to release information. “We don’t know anything,” she said late Thursday. “We’re still investigating.” Q Email Dave at drogers@wcmessenger.com. The Wise County Messenger (ISSN 0746-8679) is published Wednesday and Saturday by Wise County Messenger, Inc., P.O. Box 149, 115 S. Trinity St., Decatur, Texas 76234-0149. Periodicals class postage paid at Decatur, Texas. Subscription rates: one year in Wise County $37; one year out of county $43; one year out of state $49. An erroneous reflection upon the character, standing or reputation of any firm, person or corporation, which appears in the columns of this paper will be corrected upon due notice given to the publication at the Messenger office. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Wise County Messenger, P.O. Box 149, Decatur, Texas 76234-0149. 940-627-5987. http://www.wcmessenger.com. E-mail: news@wcmessenger.com. © 2011 Wise County Messenger WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, October 8, 2011 BRIDGEPORT 3A WISE COUNTY 114/51 work to begin ... Continued from page 1A 4 11 Continued on page 7A Y “In law enforcement, the general feeling is that the Czech Republic produces superior trained dogs,” Manoushagian said. “The company that Devon purchased the dog from has an employee, a former police officer, who lives in the Czech Republic and selects dogs and trains them.” In the two months on the job, the canine has already assisted in a couple of missing person searches and several drug raids. HW The newest addition to the Bridgeport Police Department has four legs, fur and uses his keen sense of smell to catch the bad guys, or find the missing. Devon Alcor, ‘Alcor’ for short, joined the department two months ago, after a donation from his namesake, Devon Energy, in June. Although Alcor was the name under which he was trained, the department wanted to also honor their donor in his official name. “We are very grateful to Devon for their gracious donation,” Police Chief Randy Singleton said. After the purchase of the dog, his handler, Officer Jay-T Manoushagian, completed a two-week training in Spring Branch at the beginning of August. “They taught us how to handle the canine and understand its reactions,” Manoushagian said. “It was also good bonding time.” The 22-month-old German Shepherd received high-quality training in his native Czechoslovakia. US By ERIKA PEDROZA 51 4-legged officer has nose for police work FM Messenger photo by Joe Duty FOUR-LEGGED OFFICER — The Bridgeport Police Department presented the newest addition to their force, a 22-monthold German Shepherd named Devon Acor, at a media event Tuesday. On hand for the presentation were (back from left) Steve Stanford, assistant police chief; Taylor Luskey, Devon Energy public affairs specialist; Phil Ryan, Devon senior security supervisor; Brandon Emmons, city administrator; Randy Singleton, police chief; (front) dog handler Jay-T Manoushagian and Devon Acor. day endeavor that includes the bridge structure, enter and exit ramps and drainage. With an approximate start date of Nov. 1, the project is slated for completion by Dec. 12, 2012. “In effect, we are building a new roadway,” TxDOT Area Engineer Bill Nelson said. “We will be taking (Texas) 114 over (FM) 51. There will be some inconvenience to the traveling public, but we are taking every step we reasonably can to minimize its effect.” Drivers will not be rerouted. However, speed will be reduced as temporary flagging operations navigate through traffic and traffic is shifted during the construction of the bridge itself. “We’ll be building the exit/ entrance ramps first, and we’ll take all traffic onto those ramps as we build the bridge,” Nelson said. “Those ramps are designed to be driven at 60 miles per hour, so we’ll have to reduce traffic speed. We have requested that DPS have a serious presence during construction.” Crews will work on the bridge 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, working weekends only if there is a “need to catch up.” The project is funded by bonds authorized by the legislature to TxDOT two years ago. In its current setup, northbound traffic on Farm Road 51 must stop and wait for traffic to clear on Texas 114 before entering the roadway. The intersection has been the scene of many accidents, including an early morning wreck March 2. A tanker truck northbound on Farm Road 51 failed to yield at the stop sign, swerved around a vehicle and rolled over in the intersection. The driver, who survived his injuries, was trapped for more than an hour before being freed by medics and transported by helicopter to John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth. Q Email Erika at epedroza@ wcmessenger.com. to Springtown Thank you to all our customers in Wise County and the North Texas area! P lease join us in our Bridgeport headquarters’ 10 th Anniversary Celebration! Please join us in celebrating our 10th anniversary on Friday, October 14th. Refreshments will be available throughout the day and as a token of appreciation to our customers, all walk-in purchases on this day of celebration will receive a 10% discount! No exceptions! Protocol Feeds 940-683-8123 210 Lake Rd. 800-687-6455 Bridgeport, Texas 76426 www.protocoltech.net Store Hours 8-5 M-F 8-12 Sat 4A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, October 8, 2011 OPINION OUR VIEWS Tornado made a direct hit on Wise 10 years ago By BRIAN KNOX It was 10 years ago this Wednesday that Decatur and Paradise dodged a huge bullet. On Oct. 12, 2001, an F-2 tornado hit the two towns, damaging homes, businesses and the Paradise Volunteer Fire Department’s fire hall. Entire homes were destroyed, and yet no one was killed. In fact, no one was even seriously injured. I was just a little more than a year into my journalism career when I found myself riding out a tornado and then putting together what was at the time my biggest breaking news story. It was a Friday night. We had already finished the weekend paper, and I was at home. I remember I had the police scanner on. I can’t recall if I heard the tornado siren, or if I heard something on scanner, but I do remember going in to a center room in my apartment at the time with my wife to take shelter. We lost electricity for maybe a minute or two. When the power came back on, I remember the scanner going off. They were dispatching several ambulances and the fire department to the Lipsey Addition for a tornado touchdown. I was supposed to leave town that night to attend a family event early the next morning, but I knew we had a big story, so my reporter instincts drew me back to the office to see what help was needed in the tornado coverage. The Mess office was dark when I got there. Unlike at my apartment, the power had not come back on. My editor, Skip Nichols, and general manager Mark Jordan were already out taking photos (this was KNOX just before Joe Duty joined our staff). Law enforcement had set up a makeshift command post at the high school (now the middle school) parking lot, so I headed there to get the latest reports. Then I made my way to the old gym of what was then the inter- mediate school where Red Cross had set up a temporary shelter. From there, we had to drive to Granbury where we printed the paper at the time. Because we had no power, we couldn’t send the paper electronically like we normally did, so we had to pack up our computers and take them with us. It was dark as we headed out of town on Farm Road 51, and I continued to take notes of the damage I saw along the road as we passed through the southern part of town. I remember noting that the Decatur Church of Christ had some apparent roof damage. From my notes and the reports that Skip and Mark gave me on what they saw, I began writ- ing the story sometime around midnight in the office of the Hood County News. Once it was finished, Skip took the photos and story and designed the first two pages. I don’t remember what was on there before, but that news had just been bumped. For the first and only time ever, I got to see the paper roll off the presses. We drove back to Decatur just as the sun was coming up. As we drove back up FM 51, we got to see the damage in full sunlight for the first time. As we passed the Decatur Church of Christ, we realized the extent of the damage. The entire roof of the sanctu- Continued on page 5A YOUR VIEWS Work of firefighters appreciated The Caddo/LBJ Grasslands would like to extend a major thanks to the volunteer fire departments who not only assist us in the protection of the National Grasslands, but who also sacrifice their time and put themselves at risk for the protection of life and property day in and day out in Wise County. Several local VFDs (Alvord, Chico, Decatur, Forestburg and Greenwood/Slidell) assisted us once again last weekend on a 100-acre blaze on the Grasslands that threatened area homes and property. They are always there to help, which is extremely critical for us right now as our firefighting resources are spread throughout Texas during this major drought. Please let our local firefighters know how much you appreciate what they do and what they risk for our protection and safety. Jim Crooks, Caddo/LBJ District Ranger Decatur Judicial system lacks common sense I am in my late 50s, and it seems our judicial system has lost all common sense. When I was a youth, when a person did something wrong, they paid the price by getting licks from a teacher or coach, and if the parent found out, you would get it again when you got home. That was part of learning from your mistakes and not making the same stupid choice again. If you got in a fight at school, you could either take licks, or in some cases, the coach would give the two parties involved a pair of boxing gloves. They would settle their differences right then and there. Today the teacher would be severely reprimanded or fired, and the kids who were fighting would be expelled or arrested for participating in terroristic activities. Most all who drove a pickup truck had a gun rack in the back window and would have a deer rifle or shotgun, depending on what hunting season it was. Now the student would be arrested and kicked out of school. I remember when class favorite pictures were made, I walked into school with a deer rifle strapped to my shoulder and a Jim Bowie hunting knife on my belt. If you look at the 1972 Dectur High School yearbook you will see me in my picture sitting with a deer rifle in my hand and a Bowie knife beside me. Because of a few bad apples in this country, now you would be thrown in jail and expelled from school. In the ’70s, there was a fad called streaking, whereas individuals would shed their clothes and go running through the streets. Ray Stevens even had a hit song about this activity. Sure it was stupid and immature, but it was part of learning from your mistakes. How many kids mooned someone when you were a teen? Today you would be arrested and charged with a sex crime and have to register as a sex offender for the rest of your life. Your life would basically be ruined, and any future children you had would also have to suffer the consequences. The parent would never be able to attend school activities with the child because they were deemed to be too “perverted” to be around other children. How many people reading this letter are guilty of any of these “terrible” offenses? Don’t get me wrong, sexual abuse and contact is a serious crime and should be treated as such. I am like any other person who hates sexual perverts, but each case should be taken and looked at individually and not just grouped all the same. The youth of today are just not allowed to make mistakes like we were in our younger days. Common sense in the judicial system has given way to pure ignorance, and that is really a shame. Nate Horner Alvord ONLINE VIEWS Here’s a sample of what some of our online readers are commenting on this week. “Fighting Chance” story published Wednesday, Sept. 28 This brought tears to my eyes. Stacey is such an amazing person. You would never know she was sick when you meet her. She is such a happy person, and she doesn’t let it get her down. I admire her strength, and I hope for only good news to come for her! Courtney Archa Decatur “Neighbors balk at idea of drug rehab center” story published Wednesday, Oct. 5 So you have a choice and a controlled atmosphere where people are getting help or an individual, who on the surface appears normal (whatever that is), but runs a drug ring out of an expensive property. Hmmmm. I’ll take the controlled atmosphere for my neighborhood. They will probably be your quietest neighbors. Christine Waggoner Sanger There is so much drug activity out there that I would think that this would be a good thing for the area. You can’t act like this is a quiet area because it is far from that. Newark can’t even keep a grocery store open because people keep stealing the copper! Get over it, folks! The only nice area, which is a very small portion, is this area and even at that there are so many houses empty! Allow some change, and I guarantee you that you may have some other companies come in and try to bring in business! Dawn McConnell Boyd Being a resident of Newark and having been raised here in the ’70s I can tell you nothing has changed with the drug problem in Newark. I understand. If I were a property owner, I would not want to live next door, nor across the street from any business. But I only hope you complain for reasons that do not make you sound ignorant! The quote, “We don’t want any drug addicts in our neighborhood,” is ignorant. Sorry. Do you not get out much? Because you do have them here. And you cannot change that. But someone is trying to help other neighborhoods with that problem. We can only hope that some of ours might wander in through those walls we are trying to tear down. Next, I only hear complaints about the drug addicts. Would it be different if they only had alcoholics there? Because I know “alcoholics” and “drug addicts” are one in the same. If you do not want any drug addicts in your neighborhood, then include the alcoholics in there also. I live right around the corner from this place, and I will not complain because these people that are offering these services should be commended for helping people (even if they are making money off it) who have these addictions. I have worked in a rehab, and my daughter works in one in Austin. I only ask that you stop and look at your complaints. Drugs and alcohol are not good for anyone, and it sounds like from this article that the guilty are complaining, the “I just want to complain about something” are complaining or the ignorance of our neighborhood is showing up. Think about this! Sherri Taylor Boyd Q Read more comments and add your own at the new WCMessenger.com. WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, October 8, 2011 5A Tornado made a direct hit on Wise 10 years ago ... Continued from page 4A ary had been ripped off. “Well,” I thought to myself, “I guess the ‘roof damage’ I had reported in my initial story was technically correct.” Over the next few days, all of us in the newsroom visited with different people who had been affected by the tornado. It was amazing to hear how many people had ridden out the storm while parts of their home were ripped apart. Leah Lewis shared her story in a letter in Wednesday’s Messenger. As I watched the coverage of the Joplin, Mo., tornado earlier this year, I couldn’t help but think back to that day 10 years ago. In Joplin, more than 130 people were killed. Luckily, our tornado didn’t cause the devastation that Joplin experienced. But it should still serve as a reminder that we always need to be prepared. Next time we might not be so lucky. Q We’ve put together a special look back at our tornado coverage from the week following the 2001 tornado that includes stories and photos. Visit WCMess.com/tornado. Q Here’s what readers of the Messenger’s newsroom blog Making a Mess had to say about their experiences of the 2001 tornado: My husband and I were at Casa Torres Oct. 12, 2001. The lights had flickered a few times while we were eating. We heard people talking about a tornado, and my husband said hurry so we can get home. He went in search of our waiter for the check. While he was in search of the check, the lights went out, and the back entrance door flew open. I just stood up and was in shock. I could see debris flying around outside, and I could hear people screaming. I just stood there in shock. When it passed, my husband was by my side and yanked me to the floor because there was talk of another one coming. Thank the Lord there wasn’t another. There were several destroyed vehicles in the parking lot. Mine had damage. Praise God no one was seriously injured. I remember this day because 9/11 happened a month and a TORNADO’S PATH — This map shows areas of damage from the tornado. For an interactive version of this map featuring stories and photos, visit WCMess.com/tornado. Messenger archive photo HARDEST HIT AREA — Debris litter a yard following the Oct. 12, 2001, tornado. Leah Lewis’ home, shown in the background, sustained massive damage, but Lewis was not hurt. day after I was married. This tornado was 2 months and 2 days after I was married. Jillian Lambert We lived at 1313 Old Denton Road, next to Doc and Joann Cocanougher. When the sirens went off we took shelter in the closet of our master bedroom. We laugh because our cat hid in there an hour before we did — smart cat. As the tornado went over, we could feel the house shake and heard the shingles peeling off like dominoes. It really sounded like a train going though our house. What stays with me to this day was the sudden silence, absolute silence, after it passed. It was the strangest feeling coming out and seeing what was left of our house. It was unusual how things were moved around and how something like a roll of toilet paper on the back of the commode didn’t move, yet the curtains above it were whipped out. There is no rhyme or reason when it comes to a tornado. I’m thankful we survived and became closer because of it. Cindy Grundy I remember that night very well. My husband and I had just left Legend Bank and were heading out on FM 51 toward Paradise. It was “date night.” My husband was driving, and we were at Preskitt Road when it looked like an explosion went off, right in the middle of the road in front of us. (This was part of the church being ripped apart.) We had no idea what was going on at this point. My husband reacted very quickly and made a U-turn in the middle of FM 51, but the tornado was right behind us! We realized that it was a tornado by the winds that were trying to suck us and our old Ford pickup up. My husband floored the pickup, but our speed was lowered by the impact of the wind. Looking out the window, so many things were flying right in our driving path — big trees, bricks, etc. My husband did a great job of getting us through it all! A tree limb hit the window on my side of the truck and broke it. When we got to the red light in front of the hospital, my husband said, “Should I stop or go? Stop or go?” I quickly said, “Go!” The tornado was still on our tail. Thank God no one was at that light because we sped right through it. It was when we got past the movie theater that the winds let up, and we were safe. It was a scary event, but we definitely have a story to tell! Nicole Haney Q Do you have a memory of that night? Share it with us by emailing news@ wcmessenger.com. Use “Tornado” as the subject line. Be sure to include your name. We’ll print more stories in Wednesday’s paper. Enter in Decatur at Wood Pre-Owned, US287 South 940-627-2177 GUESS HOW MANY FOOTBALLS IT CAN HOLD! Eric Vincent WIN cordially invites you to attend a presentation on ROTH IRA Conversions ROTH IRA Conversions ROTH IRAand Conversions and and A JAMES WOOD TRAILBLAZER OR OTHER FABULOUS PRIZE! ESPAÑOL WE FINANCE Your Income Is Your Credit Neigghborhood AUTOS Nei Register to win at 1209 Hovey in Bridgeport 940-683-9663 Social Security Social Security Social Security “Making Informed Choices” “Making Informed Choices” Speakers: “Making Informed Choices” Mr. George Washington with Jackson National Life Mr. Tom Clark , formerly a Dallas/Ft.Worth Social Security Public Affairs Specialist 6:00 pm pm 13, 2011 Thursday,6:00 October at Thursday, October 13, 2011 at Decatur Civic Center Decatur Civic Center Share this informative6:00 information ~ Bring a Friend! pm Share this informative information ~ Bring a Friend! Dinner will be served13, 2011 Thursday, October ~ Seating at is Limited ~ ~ Seating is Limitedby ~ October 10th Please RSVP to 940-627-6111 Decatur Civic Center Please RSVP to 940-627-6111 by October 10th 1650 FM S. 51, Suite 1000 / P.O. Box 956, Decatur, TX 76234, (940) 627-6111 Securities offered through LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC Share this informative information ~ Bring a F No cost to enter. Must be licensed driver, 18 or older. Computerized, preselected number of footballs for each of our seven participating lots. Wood is giving away a total of one vehicle. Closest numbers to the exact total of footballs will be put in drawing for other fabulous prizes. Winner is responsible for tax, title and license, and must be available for publicity photos. Drawing will be on November 12 at each location. Follow Us on The Web at ~ Seating is Limited ~ BuyHerePayHereTexas.com Please RSVP to 940-627-6111 by October 1 6A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, October 8, 2011 DECATUR Jury delivers 15-year ... Continued from page 1A had been taking place for most of her lifetime. Throughout the testimony, Kendrick spent most of the time looking down at his hands. A small black Bible rested on the table before him. He also kept a coin there that symbolized he has been sober for one year. The defendant’s sister, Sandra Enriquez, 39, described, between sobs, how her brother had sexually assaulted her when she was just a teenager. “He was my brother,” Enriquez said. “He was supposed to protect me, not be this monster.” For years, Enriquez couldn’t sleep peacefully at night. If her husband touched her, she’d hit him. “I’m heartbroken another child has had to go through this,” Enriquez said. When Kendrick took the stand, he said “there was no excuse” for what he did, but he also kept referring to his lifelong battle with alcohol. “The alcohol and pornography and promiscuity went hand in hand,” he told the jury. He said how he slept through his original wedding with his current wife after getting drunk early in the day and passed out on a bed in a hotel room in his tuxedo. The couple eventually got married, and they have three children together, including two young girls. The prosecution attacked his testimony in the closing arguments on Wednesday morning, saying that Kendrick continues to blame alco- Messenger photo by Joe Duty FACING TIME — Although Jeffrey Kendrick pleaded guilty to two counts of indecency with a child by touching, the jury gave him probation for the second charge. He’ll be eligible for parole after serving seven-and-a-half years in prison. hol and others instead of taking responsibility. “The defense has called this blame the bottle,” said Assistant District Attorney Tim Cole during the state’s closing arguments. “They kept saying they weren’t going to do that, but they kept going back to it being the bottle’s fault. “The question is, does alcohol make you want to have sex with children? The answer is definitely not. Deviant thoughts make you want to have sex with children and your sister. “Your most important job is protection of the community,” Cole added. “You’ve heard that there are still small girls at the house with his wife that he wants you to send him to. The best thing you can do is give those little girls a chance to grow up unmolested.” Barry Green, Kendrick’s defense attorney, urged the jury to consider several fac- tors when deliberating punishment and give Kendrick probation instead of prison time. “There are three factors to take into account when considering punishment: confession of sins, remorse and future threat,” he said. Green pointed out that Kendrick had confessed to his crimes and pleaded guilty. He said Kendrick showed remorse in his written confession to Bryan Norris, the investigator for the district attorney, and during his time on the witness stand. He also stressed that Kendrick was not a likely future threat since he had been given a low bond, $15,000, and had kept good standing with his probation officer. “He signed a document with the probation office not to have contact with children and over the last year he’s done that,” Green said. “He has sought help,” DECATUR No bombs found ... Continued from page 1A throughout the school were to go off at lunchtime. “A student saw it and notified a teacher who then notified the school resource officer who notified us,” Hoskins said. “And it mushroomed from there.” The building was cleared by the city’s police and fire departments around 1 p.m. after no bombs were found. Students were dismissed for lunch at 1:30, and classes resumed as normal at 2:15. Crediting the organization and cooperation of administration and faculty, Decatur Superintendent Rod Townsend said the building evacuation went smoothly. “It was very efficient, right according to our plans,” he said. “It went without a hitch. It worked just like we had drawn it out.” Although students weren’t given details, Townsend said the cooperation from students helped facilitate the evacuation. “The students did great as well,” Townsend said. “We don’t always tell them what exactly is going on and to begin with, I think they thought it was funny and fun because it was a beautiful day out. But threeand-a-half hours later, they weren’t as excited about it. “They did see the seriousness of it. They came in with a different perspective than what they went out with.” The Carson Elementary campus, just a few hundred yards behind the high school was not evacuated. Instead, it served as an access point for students and parents of which Townsend said only few took advantage. “(Carson) was never in any kind of danger or threat,” Townsend said. “We used them ... if students needed to use the restroom. We also used them as a checkpoint if parents came to check out their students. It was our only access point as the police had locked down the perimeter around the high school.” The responsible party could face a felony charge of terroristic threat of a public building. “We appreciate any help we can get in finding the person responsible for the threat,” Townsend said. Crimestoppers will pay a cash reward of $500 to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible. It’s not just a hearing aid. It’s also designed to make TV and music enjoyable again. Introducing Wi Series™ by Starkey Designed to enhance hearing in noise. Wi Series features Starkey’s latest noise reduction and speech preservation system, which is designed to deliver more clarity, even in noisy environments. Green added. “He’s been to Christian-based counseling 178 times. A lot of people haven’t been to church that many times.” Kendrick regularly visited Dr. Norman Coad, a Christian counselor based in Burleson, over the years. It was Coad that eventually brought the series of incidents with Kendrick’s stepdaughter to light. After he noticed that his stepdaughter had started cutting herself, Kendrick recommended that she seek counseling. She soon told the counselor that she cut herself because she would rather deal with the physical pain of the cuts than with the emotional agony of thinking about what her stepfather had done to her. Coad reported the allegation to Child Protective Services, and within several days, Kendrick confessed the crimes to Norris. “I started cutting my arms and legs because it helped with the pain,” she said. “I sometimes use scissors, broken glass, knife.” She now regularly wears long sleeve shirts, covering the scars on her arms. “This girl wanted someone to protect her and tell her to have sweet dreams at night,” Borchardt said. “Instead he was her worst nightmare. She was keeping a terrible secret. “Now for the rest of her life, whenever she looks down and sees the scars on her arms, she will be reminded of the childhood he took away from her.” Kendrick will be eligible for parole after serving sevenand-a-half years of his sentence. Q Email Brandon at bevans@ wcmessenger.com. RANDY WILLIAMS BUICK • CHEVY • CADILLAC GMC • HYUNDAI • PRE-OWNED 940-62 940-6 27-2177 Let RANDY SAVE YOU MONEY on Your Next NEW or PRE-OWNED Vehicle! Decatur, TX 940-626-8032 Birthday Wishes to Lucas Stegar Great grandson of Marion & Helen Yale & Grandson of Timothy D. Yale of Alvord & Heather Stegar of Maryland Daughter of Timothy D. Yale of Alvord ANNUAL FALL FARM EQUIPMENT CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2011 • 9:00 A.M. WISE COUNTY POSSE GROUNDS 1 MILE SOUTH OF HWY. 287 ON HWY. 51 DECATUR, TX 76234 Selling good clean Farm & Industrial Equipment. Consign Early to be included in advertisements. Auction will double in size by sale day - get your items in early. Not just another Antique Sale!!! ORGANIZED BY THE CHISHOLM TRAIL TRACTOR CLUB NO BUYERS PREMIUM FOR CONSIGNMENT INFORMATION: DAVID COLE AT (817) 821-3583 OR GRADY GRIFFETH (940) 393-2155 CELL Designed to enhance TV & radio listening. Wi Series can also automatically stream stereo sound directly from your TV, radio or computer to your hearing aids. …make the WISE choice. Call Wise Hearing Solutions today to schedule your complete hearing evaluation! Wise Hearing Solutions, LLC Exclusive Limited Time Offer: 500 OFF $ a set of located in the office of ENT & Allergy Clinic, P.A. 1600 W. US Business 380, Suite A Decatur, Texas 76234 Wi Series i110 hearing aids regular price $6,200/Set Present this coupon at time of purchase. Coupon expires 10/15/2011. Dr. Judy DeMorest, Board Certified Audiologist 940-627-7997 © 2011 Starkey Laboratories, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 04791-11 E2384 9/11 !"#$%&&"'()#*&+,-(."'/+*"0()11"-(!"#$%&&"'0(23(456789(:(;;;<%=%#*&+,-<*,> ?'+-&+-$(@A(+BC?D WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, October 8, 2011 City to share canine with Paradise High School By ERIKA PEDROZA now valued at $1,000 each; and ■ one lot on Carpenter Street purchased for undetermined use at $57,000 now valued at $10,500; The city also acquired four properties by Sheriff’s Deed (tax delinquency). These include: ■ four lots on the northeast corner of 12th and Brush streets; ■ four lots on the southwest corner of Halsell and 2nd streets; ■ two lots on the northwest corner of Cobb Avenue and 6th Street; and ■ three lots across from the Law Enforcement Center. “The properties acquired by Sheriff’s Deed are not in the plans (to be used by the city),” Councilwoman Ilene Enochs said. “I think it’s a fairly easy decision to put those out to sell.” According to McEachern, if the properties acquired due to tax delinquencies are sold, the city would probably be required to split the proceeds with the school and county as the city holds the title individually and as trustee on behalf of all taxing entities. “I say we sell all except the ones we know as strategic,” Mayor Keith McComis said. The council discussed the possibility of converting properties near Lawdwin Ball Fields into a parking lot and retaining properties purchased for extensions or realignments until funds were available to use the properties as intended. Council will vote on the matter at their next meeting, Tuesday, Oct. 18. In other news, the council: ■ approved the closure of city streets in the Oakland Heights addition 5 to 9 p.m. Monday, Oct. 31, for the safety of trick or treaters; and ■ authorized City Administrator Brandon Emmons to advertise for land lease agreements (including grazing and hunting rights) on 311 acres adjacent to the south side of Bridgeport Municipal Airport. Q Email Erika at epedroza@ wcmessenger.com. Wise County Pee Wee Basketball League (5th and 6th grade boys and girls) is needing commissioners to take over the Decatur League. If you are interested please contact Mark Graves at 940-389-2561. Bridal Registry Lilly Claborn Kelly Neely Bride Elect of Bride Elect of Matt Badger Kyle Kemp Shower: October 8 Wedding: November 5 Shower: October 22 Wedding: December 17 UNTY MESSEN CO G SE READER’S ER After showcasing the newest addition to the city’s police department earlier in the day, the Bridgeport City Council deliberated sharing it with another local entity at their regular meeting Tuesday evening. Police Chief Randy Singleton said Paradise High School Principal Mac Edwards asked to use Devon Acor, the city’s canine (the only certified drug dog in the county) for drug searches at his campus. The school would pay the department $100 per search with a limit of two searches per month. Fearing “legal ramifications,” Councilman Matt Van Hoose voted against the proposition. “If something happens, nothing stops an individual from suing the city,” Van Hoose said. “(The school) has other options. They can contract out elsewhere. I’d prefer we stay inside our city limits.” Chief Singleton said the canine was purchased through a donation to the department by Devon Energy. “Lending it would pay forward the public service, community service, that we received with Devon donating the funds for the canine,” he said. With Councilman Billy Fred Walker abstaining, the motion passed 3-1. Vacant city properties As a workshop item, the council discussed the disposition of several parcels of land owned by the city. According to City Secretary Jesica McEachern, most of the lots have city facilities on them, but some are vacant and require maintenance such as mowing and weedeating. They include: ■ one lot on Newby Street purchased for the extension of 13th Street for $70,000, now valued at $7,800; ■ another lot purchased for the same purpose in the Lawdwin Addition for $6,000 now valued at $570; ■ two strips of land in the J.M. Arocha Survey purchased for realigning 16th Street at $1,860 and $1,700 COMMISSIONERS NEEDED WI BRIDGEPORT 7A CHOICE 20 11 - 2012 1650 FM 51 S, Suite 400 • Prada Shops Decatur • 940-627-9188 Mon. - Fri. 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. • Sat., 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. (Major Credit Cards Accepted) Major & Minor Injuries Auto Accidents Trucks/18 Wheelers Wrongful Death "Voted Best Place in Wise County to Buy Wedding Gifts" Oil & Gas Accidents Slips & Falls Dog Bites Serious Burn Accidents NO COST TO YOU UNLESS WE RECOVER CRIMINAL DEFENSE Felonies Misdemeanors DWI Assault Burglary Theft Drug Cases License Suspension Probation Revocation Juveline Cases Traffic Tickets FAMILY LAW Divorce Child Custody Modifications Child Support Visitation Adoption/ Termination Enforcements Attorney General CPS Cases Steven M. Williams Attorney at Law • Over 30 Years Experience 940-627-6060 • 802 W. Bus. Hwy. 380, Decatur (Next to Dairy Queen) www.stevenmwilliams.com BRIDGEPORT BRIDGEPORT IRON & METAL Messenger photo by Joe Duty FOUR-LEGGED OFFICER — The Bridgeport Police Department presented the newest addition to its force, a 22-month-old German Shepherd named Devon Acor, at a media event Tuesday. On hand for the presentation were (back from left) Steve Stanford, assistant police chief; Taylor Luskey, Devon Energy public affairs specialist; Phil Ryan, Devon senior security supervisor; Brandon Emmons, city administrator; Randy Singleton, police chief; (front) dog handler Jay-T Manoushagian and Devon Acor. 4-legged officer has nose for police work ... Continued from page 3A “He’s a dual role dog — tracking and narcotics,” Manoushagian said. “He’s a great dog.” Acor replaces Bella, a black Labrador Retriever who was sold to the department’s former dog handler, Kris Foster in May. Foster personally kenneled, cared and fed the animal at his home. When he resigned from the department to take a job with Burlington Northern Railroad, he asked to purchase the dog. Because the department had no trained handler (or funds to train one) and no- where to kennel the dog, the city approved the sale. In June, Devon donated $7,500 for the purchase of a narcotics detection/tracking certified canine from Worldwide Canine Inc. and for the handler’s training. “The advantages of a K-9 program are significant to a police agency,” Singleton told the council in June. “Dogs have a keen sense of smell and can detect odors that humans cannot … The presence of a police K-9 while dealing with criminal offenders adds another layer of security.” Q Email Erika at epedroza@ wcmessenger.com. NEWS BRIEFS MEETINGS CANCELED — The Wise County Diabetic meetings are canceled for the remainder of the year. THIS WEEKEND’S EVENTS ... GREENWOOD FALL FESTIVAL — The 14th annual Greenwood Fall Festival is 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 8, in downtown Greenwood. The GreenwoodSlidell Volunteer Fire Department Fish Fry will follow at 5 p.m. at the fire station in downtown Greenwood on County Road 2640. ANIMAL CLINIC — The city of Chico will host an animal clinic 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 8, at the fire department, 102 N. Weatherford St. Rabies shots are $6, and animals can be registered with the city for $5. GOSPEL CONCERT — On Oct. 8, Gary Family Gospel Music celebrates its second anniversary with a free gospel concert featuring The Hendrix Trio with Nella and Mom Jenkins at The Country Church, 2337 U.S. 380, in Bridgeport. Doors open at 6 p.m. for the 6:30 concert. Anniversary cake and punch will be served. Child care is provided. Call the church at (817) 517-9315 or Judy at (817) 313-8398 for more information. THIS WEEK’S EVENTS ... PARENT NIGHT — Bridgeport High School will host a senior parent night Continued on page 10A WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR ALL METALS State Certified Scales Accurate Weights SATURDAY 8:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. MONDAY - FRIDAY 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 3261 S. HWY 101 • BRIDGEPORT • 940-683-2005 Cottondale THE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT would like to THANK the following for their support and/or donations to our annual fundraiser. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Joe Murphy and Community Bank, Bridgeport Friends and Neighbors of Cottondale VFD Frontier Meats, Fort Worth Monty Fitzgerald, Auctioneer Jack Starr Liquor, Fort Worth Sagebrush Café, Bridgeport iCopy, Bridgeport Raymond’s BBQ, Bridgeport Cottondale Grocery, Cottondale Mason Jar, Cottondale Wise Liquor, Bridgeport Brownie Points, Bridgeport AGvantage Feed, Decatur Moonshine, Bridgeport McMaster/New Holland, Decatur Elliott Electric, Bridgeport Bridgeport Pump, Bridgeport Bell Supply, Bridgeport Bright Ideas Lighting & More, Bridgeport Mr. & Mrs. Royce Williams 8A Wise County WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, October 8, 2011 WISE COUNTY Conservation projects get Wise support By PHIL MAJOR A conservation initiative aimed at controlling runoff into Eagle Mountain Lake will get $50,000 in support from Wise County. The Wise County Water Control and Improvement District No. 1 had pledged $50,000 to the project, and Tuesday night agreed to write the check. The long-term initiative is an effort of the Natural Resource Conservation Service and the Tarrant Regional Water District to slow erosion that runs down the Trinity River and into Eagle Mountain Lake. Erosion control projects will assist individual landowners along the Trinity and its tributaries. Much of Eagle Mountain’s watershed is in Wise County. DECATUR Sarah’s Cure event will benefit galactosemia research By DAVE ROGERS Jo Beth Southard said she’s been blown away by the amount of support her family and their cause have received from Wise County neighbors since she dreamed up “Sarah’s Cure” six years ago. A fundraiser for research to prevent and cure galactosemia, a rare genetic disorder that affects Southard’s daughter, Sarah, Sarah’s Cure winds up its 2011 event tonight with a musicfest and live and silent auctions beginning at 5:30 p.m. at Decatur’s Bono’s Chophouse and Saloon. Jason Boland & The Stragglers and Johnny Lee are the headliners for the concert, with local singer Dakota Burns opening. A 5K run/walk event and a kids’ 1K event were held Saturday morning, starting and ending at the Decatur courthouse. “The turnout has just been unimaginable,” Jo Beth Southard said. “Sarah’s Cure is the largest annual fundraiser for galactosemia in the nation, and it’s right here in Wise County. The people in Wise County are the ones who make it possible.” The event has generated $185,000 in its first five years of existence. The funds go through a regional organization, Galactosemic Families of the Southern States, to the national organization, Galactosemia Foundation, to be used in research and funding for annual conferences that unite doctors, researchers and parents. “Since we’ve started it, there’s been six research projects that have been funded through this,” Jo Beth said. Sarah was 7 days old when doctors told Jo Beth and husband Mark Southard their firstborn had galactosemia, which meant she was missing the enzyme that breaks down the carbohydrates lactose and galactose. Lactose and galactose are found in many foods including some fruits, vegetables, meats, almost all processed foods, and many children’s medications. Galactosemia is a life-long genetic disorder that affects only one in 80,000. Some of the possible side effects are enlarged liver, kidney failure, cataracts and brain damage. There is no known cure. Since it affects so few people, galactosemia attracts little attention or research funds. Much of what the Southards have learned about living with the disease came via Galactosemic Families of the Southern States. Although it covers four states — Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — there are only about 50 families involved with GFSS, Jo Beth said. That’s partly because it’s so rare, and some who have the genetic disorContinued on page 10A Understanding CHURCH BRIEFS LORD’S ACRE FALL FESTIVAL Sat., Oct. 8 * 9 am – 1 pm 1st United Methodist Church of Boyd 540 S. Allen (Hwy 730 S) 940-433-5368 for more info FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF SLIDELL BLAKE BOLERJACK CONCERT OCTOBER 9 * 6 PM FM 455 940-466-3990 EAGLE DRIVE BAPTIST CHURCH GOD & COUNTRY CONFERENCE October 9 – 12 Sunday – 10 am, 11 am, 6 pm Mon – Wed – 6:30 1301 Eagle Dr., Decatur 940-627-6698 Directory of AREA CHURCHES THE RIVER CHURCH Fall Carnival Sunday, October 23 * 3 – 6pm 1901 S. Trinity, Decatur 940-627-2200 WISE COUNTY COWBOY CHURCH Fun Fall Festival Saturday, October 29 * 5 – 9pm Cowboy/Cowgirl Rodeo Clown Costume Contest 2070 Old Denton Rd., Decatur Bring Your Family Sunday School ........... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... 10:45 a.m. Children’s Church .........11 a.m. Evening Prayer ............... 6 p.m. Evening Worship .......6:30 p.m. Wednesday Night .......... 7 p.m. IMMANUEL BAPTIST 106 S. Lane, Decatur Office 627-5248 • Bus Ride 627-3980 Bro. Louis Horton * Fundamental * Old-Fashioned * Missionary * Teaching & Preaching The King James Bible Wise County’s Largest Bus Ministry and Immanuel Christian Academy First Presbyterian Church NEW SALEM FREEWILL BAPTIST CHURCH 1307 Newby St. • Bridgeport, TX 940-683-4779 Rev. Lucia McKee Kremzar SUNDAY 10 a.m.…Sunday School 11 a.m.……Morning Worship Wed. Evening 6 p.m. Sunday Fellowship... 9:30 a.m. Sunday School…10 a.m. Sunday Worship…11 a.m. 940-627-5413 Come & Share The Joy carwom@embarqmail.com “A Warm Welcome Awaits You at First Presbyterian.” Hwy. 51 South Decatur, Texas 76234 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH BOYD Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday Worship 11 a.m. Wednesday Adult & Youth Worship 7 p.m. Call today about our Mother’s Day Out program Children Activities and Nursery provided all service Pastor Mark Autry 140 N FM 730 • 940-433-2607 • www.fbcboyd.org Sunday Class 9:30 a.m. Worship Celebration 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Bible Classes 6:45 p.m. Hwy. 380, 1 mile west of Hwy. 287, Decatur 940-627-6131 www.centralfellowship.com Come Check Us Out! Services: Sunday 10:30 a.m. Sunday Evenings 6 p.m. Wednesday Evenings 7 p.m. 3483 S. FM 51 • Decatur Pastors Chris & Linda Brown 940-626-0006 or 940-300-1771 2revs@cfaith.com Decatur Church of Christ "Where Your Family Will Find A Home" • Family Bible Study For All Ages • The Childrens Place (A Mother's Day Out) 2 days a week FM 51 South and Preskitt Rd. Decatur, Texas Phone 940-627-1912 Sunday Bible Study 9 a.m. Sunday Worship 10 a.m. Sunday Evening. Small groups including a 5 p.m. meeting at the church www.decaturchurchofchrist.com Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m. What We Read True Love (By H.L. Davis) The Perils of Love. Are you shocked at love having perils, anger and rejection? Jesus stated, “O Jerusalem…thou that killeth the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee…” (Math 23:37). Here plainly is shown the perils of love. God’s servants and prophets are rejected and hated men of God. If you had been present in the days of these men they would tell you and affirm that they loved one another dearly. Then let us examine this love. Love and hate is clearly demonstrated. Who held hate and who held love? One class had love no mistake, they loved what they were doing with a whole heart and mind of dedication. While when confronted with the prophets of God they stood up in wrath and hatred. The distinction was clear, one had love of God while the opposers held the love of man or the natural mind set. Here is the nature of God’s own: “THOU SHALT LOVE THE LORD THY GOD WITH ALL THINE HEART, AND WITH ALL THY SOUL, AND WITH ALL THY MIGHT” (Deut 6:5). The prophet of God loved Him in just this sincerity. That defense of God, and his disdain of other Gods was the calling of God’s servants under both the Old and New convents. HEAR WHAT MUST BE DEFENDED. “HEAR O ISRAEL, THE LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD” When Israel drifted into service of other Gods, the prophets were sent to warn, but THEY MET VIGOROUS OPPOSITION, SEVERE ENOUGH TO CAUSE THEIR STONING AND DEATH. These faithful men of God jeopardized their lives due to their love of God and truth. When so-called believers are confronted today with their error of holding to more than one true God and that immortality is the gift of God to his own faithful. Immediately resistance is cried, pulpits closed, and false accusations abound against the true witnesses. Where do you stand? The truth will set you free. Second Advent Christian Church 615 S. Owen Dr. Mustang OK 73064 405-624-3334 Call for Bible study time Steve Ryan Ken May - Pastor 1200 W. Preskitt Rd. - 940-627-3235 www.firstdecatur.us WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, October 8, 2011 Call 940.627.5987 to list your church for as little as $14.80 a week or email ads@wcmessenger.com for more information First Baptist Church of Slidell SUNDAYS Bible Study - 10 a.m. Worship - 11 a.m. Evening Bible Study - 6:30 p.m. A Spirit-Filled Interdenominational Church Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Services 10:30 a.m. Wednesday TFH Youth 5:30 p.m. Call 940-627-5365 Call 940-627-5365 tfhpeople.com Directions: We are easy to find, located right off of Hwy 380. From Decatur head West 4 miles we are on the left. From Bridgeport head East 4 miles we are on the right. Rhome Church of Christ 170 W. 1st, Rhome Sunday Bible Class all ages .............. 9:30 a.m. Sun. Worship .............. 10:30 a.m. Sun. Evening ..................... 6 p.m. Wed. Bible Study .............. 7 p.m. Sunday Bible Class ...............10 a.m. Sunday Worship ....................11 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship ....... 5 p.m. Wednesday Worship ............... 7 p.m. Minister Bob Ross FM 1204 • Greenwood 817-638-5159 • 817-636-2325 817-636-2496 www.rhomechurchofchrist.org Same location for over 100 years. 940-393-3484 First United Methodist Church of Bridgeport SUNDAY Sunday School ................. 10 a.m. Worship .......... 8:45 & 10:55 a.m. WEDNESDAY Family Fellowship Meal .....5-6 p.m. Studies for all ages ............ 6 p.m. Sr. High Bible Study ...... 7:30 p.m. Nursery provided for all services Rev. Mike Brother DavidMiller Rucker Greenwood Church of Christ 940-683-2780 or 940-683-4193 608 17th Street, Bridgeport WEDNESDAYS Kidzone and Youth - 6:30 p.m. Prayer Gathering - 6:30 p.m. 940-466-3990 www.slidellbaptist.com (1.5 miles west of U.S. 287) 940-627-1006 www.ccdecatur.org Today’s Music & Casual Dress SUNDAY 9:00 a.m....................Sunday School 10:15 a.m..................Worship Service MONDAY 6:30 p.m................Men’s Bible Study WEDNESDAY 6:00 p.m..........Children (K-6th grade) 6:00 p.m.........Youth (7th-12th grade) THURSDAY 6:30 p.m............Women’s Bible Study Looking for some spiritual nourishment in the middle of the week? Come join us in the Wednesday evening interactive Bible study at Greenwood Baptist Church 7 PM Bible Study 2347 FM 1204 Other Services: Greenwood, TX Sunday School 10 a.m. 940-466-7338 Morning Worship 11 a.m. Sunday Evening 6 p.m. !"#$!"% NEW LOCATION!!! Rann Elementary 1300 Deer Park Rd • Decatur Sunday at 10 a.m. • Real Life Messages • Incredible Praise and Worship • Casual Attire • Exciting Children & Youth Ministries Youth - Wednesday @ 6:30 p.m. Weekday Ministry Center, 1308 Old Chico Rd. Pastor: Terry Phillips Traditional Worship Services Sunday Bible Study ....................9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship ........................10:45 a.m. Evening Worship ..............................6 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service ...............7 p.m. 455 W. Rock Island Avenue Boyd, TX 76023 • 940-433-5281 Email: trinitybaptistboyd@embarqmail.com Mt. Zion Baptist Church 940-627-5103 615 CR 1280 • Alvord, Texas Sunday School ................................10 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship ...................11 a.m. Sun. Evening Worship ......................6 p.m. Wed. Evening Worship .....................7 p.m. • Passionate about Christ • Faithful to God's Word • Committed to Reaching Our Community Kevin J. Moore, Pastor www.mountzionalvord.com Twin Oaks Assembly of God 300 Cates St. (Hwy. 920) • Bridgeport Pastor Gary Sessions Sunday School. . . . . . . . 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship. . . . . 10:45 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study . . 7 p.m. 2840 U.S. Hwy. 380 • Decatur Trinity Baptist Church Boyd Pleasant Grove Cowboy Church 4789 South FM 730 Decatur, TX 76234 940-627-2860 Pastor: Robert Haynes Sunday Worship: 10:30 am Music Director: Olin Blase www.pleasantgrovecowboychurch.com CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH 4793 FM 1810 • Chico 940-644-5647 Pastor Fred Ferren Sunday School (all ages).........10 a.m. Family Night (meal served) Sunday Morning Worship.......11 a.m. Every 2nd Wednesday of the month Sunday Evening Worship.........6 p.m. 940-683-3110 Wednesday Evening Worship...7 p.m. Rhome !"#$%&'$"()&"!** +,-,&./0)-1 United Methodist Church "A beautiful church, and friendly people" 817-636-2222 www.rhomeunitedmethodistchurch.org home.earthlink.net/~rhoman/ Sunday School ............9 a.m. Sunday Worship ........10 a.m. Pastor, Fredrick L. Utz Nursery & Children’s Church "Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, a descendant of David - that is my gospel" 2 Timothy 8 WISE COUNTY CRIME REPORT Friday, Sept. 30 700 BLOCK OF MAIN STREET — A coin collection and gold jewelry was burglarized from a camper in Newark. 700 BLOCK OF COUNTY ROAD 3510 — Welding equipment was stolen from the location. Saturday, Oct. 1 300 BLOCK OF PRIVATE ROAD 4732 — A man reported that his female neighbor ran over his dog on purpose. 800 BLOCK OF COUNTY ROAD 1304 — A truck was reported stolen. 100 BLOCK OF PRIVATE ROAD 4436 — A couple going through a divorce got into an argument because the husband used his wife’s money to fill up his tank. Sunday, Oct. 2 INTERSECTION OF U.S. 380 AND COUNTY ROAD 1111 — A woman tracked down her drunk husband who had left their house the night before on foot. He refused to ride home with her and was subsequently arrested for public intoxication. 200 BLOCK OF TOWER ROAD — Juveniles stole some beer from their neighbor’s house. 600 BLOCK OF MAIN STREET — A man was arrested after he kicked a window out of his girlfriend’s car. 200 First St. at Dogwood Downtown Rhome !"#$%&'("%)*&+)%,-*"$% .,/#0,&-1&2)03%/# 4-"(&/$&1-#&5-#$,"6&5))789: ;<=>3?&5-#$,"6&@&A><B>3?&5-#$,"6 C<D>&E/(*39&E0,--8&.83$$)$&1-#&F88&FG)$H I-/%,&B<>>6?&E/(*39&5)$8)9&.)(%)# 2#H&J-9&KH&E6-#)&L&M3$%-# A>D&EH&+"88)#&E%HN&2)03%/# CD>LOPQL==OP&R&SSSH*)03%/#?)%,-*"$%H-#G 23,-"4,.&/15"23,-"60-715"23,-"8))&19 WISE COUNTY COWBOY CHURCH wisecountycowboychurch.com Sunday Morning • 10:30 Worship service • Children’s Church Wednesday evening • 7:00 Bible Study • Youth 2070 Old Denton Road 9A 1100 BLOCK OF COUNTY ROAD 4590 — An intoxicated man assaulted his drunk father. Monday, Oct. 3 1000 BLOCK OF COUNTY ROAD 4371 — Twenty feet of copper wire was stolen from a compressor station. INTERSECTION OF FARM ROAD 2123 AND COUNTY ROAD 3655 — A woman who reported that she was threatened with a gun was arrested for outstanding warrants. 100 BLOCK OF TEXAS 101 SOUTH — A man stole two cases of beer from the Allsup’s in Chico. 600 BLOCK OF NORTH DAVIS — A house was burglarized. 200 BLOCK OF MOSLEY LANE — Complainants said they are being harassed on Facebook. LAKE ROAD RV PARK — A woman accused her neighbor of stealing a compact disc. 100 BLOCK OF MATHERS ROAD — Two-hundred feet of copper wire was stolen from the location. 300 BLOCK OF LONE TRAIL — A house was burglarized. 600 BLOCK OF COYOTE TRAIL — A woman thinks her neighbor stole her dog. 200 BLOCK OF PRIVATE ROAD 3557 — A man thinks someone tried to set his home on fire. 200 BLOCK OF EAST SCHOOL HOUSE ROAD — A man thought his friend had overdosed on heroin, but he had only taken one Xanax. Tuesday, Oct. 4 200 BLOCK OF MOSLEY LANE — A woman continues to receive harassing messages on Facebook. 200 BLOCK OF COUNTY ROAD 3471 — A landlord reported that tenants destroyed a home. LAKE ROAD RV PARK — A man was waving a bat at passing cars. 300 BLOCK OF FARM ROAD 718 — A 17-year-old male went to Newark City Hall and said he had contracted a sexually transmitted disease and required immediate emergency assistance. Wednesday, Oct. 5 300 BLOCK OF EAST FRANKLIN STREET — A home was burglarized. Thursday, Oct. 6 500 BLOCK OF COUNTY ROAD 4756 — One hundred feet of insulated copper wire was stolen from location. 2000 BLOCK OF U.S. 287 — A woman was accidentally hit in the eye with a chair at Bono’s. Decatur, Texas (Off Hwy 380 Approximately 1.5 miles East of Decatur) 940-627-4222 Discover a New Life in Christ Fall Remodeling Sale! SUNDAY Bible Study....................9 am Worship.................. 10:15 am Evening Worship........... 6 pm WEDNESDAY AWANA..................6-7:30 pm 1204 12th St. • Bridgeport 940-683-4037 www.fbcbridgeport.com The leaves are beginning to fall and so are our prices! 20 - 50 % off Everything in the Store! Design Services,Custom Window Treatments/Bedding, Upholstery, Home Furnishings/Specialty Rooms, Outdoor Furnishings, Gift Certificates & Layaway Available Tonja Hartman Owner/Lead Designer 119 N. State Street, Decatur Studio: 940-626-4387 • Cell: 817-980-1911 10A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, October 8, 2011 WISE COUNTY KAREN GARRETT I’D ENJOY HELPING YOU WITH YOUR NEW & USED- CAR NEEDS 940-62 940-6 27-2177 jameswood.com BUICK CHEVY GMC HYUNDAI ATTENTION MEN!! Messenger photo by Joe Duty ONE FINAL ‘CRUISE’ — The 2011 season of Cruise Nights on the Courthouse Square in Decatur came to an end last Saturday. James Shaffer, left, and Claire and Doug Packard were among those checking out the many classic cars circling the courthouse. der are unaware of the national and regional support organizations. “I’ve found out there are two other adults in the area who have it, but not everyone knows about GFSS,” Southard said. “Families get together at least once a year and talk about what’s going on.” Sarah, now 12, attends McCarroll Middle School in Decatur. “People adapt. It’s something she was born with. You just deal with it,” Jo Beth said. “You order pizza without cheese. It’s really just a part of our lives. “There’s so much about it that’s unknown. If we did know, it would be so easier to deal with.” Hence the Southards’ dedication to fundraising. Or should we say event planning. “We try to make it something that people will want to do, which is why we bring bands that people want to see,” Sarah’s mom said. “We Messenger photo by Dave Rogers SUPPORT FOR A FRIEND — McCarroll Middle School students have supported classmate Sarah Southard by painting a poster that promotes Saturday’s Sarah’s Cure, an annual fundraising event to benefit research for a cure for galactosemia, a genetic metabolic disorder Southard was born with. The group (from left) includes Kara Harper, Paylynn Crowley, Logan Cullop, Cayla Bertron, Layni Blythe, Sarah Southard, Faith Myers, Delaney Davis. Hannah Adkins and Hallie Ramos were unavailable for this photograph. try to make it something where people are getting their money’s worth out of it, and it’s not just a fundraiser. We want it to be an event people look forward to. “It’s turned into that over the years.” Jason Boland & The Strag- glers, a band that came out of Stillwater in 1998 as part of the Texas/Red Dirt music scene, is celebrating the release of its sixth album, Rancho Alto, which debuted Tuesday. The band is a Sarah’s Cure veteran, having played at SCV MEETING — The Sons of Confederate Veterans will meet 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 11, at the Wesley Center of the First United Methodist Church in Decatur. Member Royce Raven will present a program about his trip to Africa. REGISTER TO VOTE — The Wise County Voter Registration office reminds all Wise County voters to check their “blue” voter card for their correct name and physical address (911 address). The last day to register to vote, or update your information, for the Nov. 8 elections is Tuesday, Oct. 11. If you have questions, call the voter registration office at (940) 627-3656 or (940) 626-4453. ABWN MEETING — The Wise County Area Business Women’s Network will Medical Center Pharmacy Prescriptions • Compounding Fast and Friendly Service Drive-Thru • Free Delivery DECATUR 1101 Eagle Dr. • Suite C Decatur, 76234 940-627-5400 Mon. - Fri., 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat., 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. ALVORD 115 E. Bypass 287. • Suite B Alvord, 76225 940-427-2801 Mon. - Fri., 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Closed Sat. Specializing in men’s, women’s, kid’s cuts & styles, colors, perms & waxing. 306 E. Walnut • Decatur • Open Thurs., Fri., Sat. the second edition in 2007. Lee, on the other hand, is in his sixth decade of entertaining. He was a regular at Gilley’s Club in Pasadena in the ’70s and his “Lookin’ for Love” from the soundtrack of “Urban Cowboy,” a 1980 movie prominently featuring Gilley’s, was the first of five No. 1 hits for Lee. The Musicfest and auctions changed venue this year, after having been held on the Decatur Square in the past. Auction items include trips to Galveston and Padre Island, a registered miniature Australian shepherd puppy, and a skeet shoot. Tickets are $15 until 3 p.m., $20 at the door. “The level of support we get is just amazing,” Southard said. “It’s rewarding for us to have an event that we think is beneficial to the whole galactosemia community. But the local community, they want to help, and this gives them a way they can. It’s really a big deal.” Q Email Dave at drogers@ wcmessenger.com. NEWS BRIEFS Continued from page 7A at 6 p.m. Monday, Oct. 10, in the high school library. Counselors will discuss the college application process, graduation requirements, scholarships and future financial aid opportunities. is your local Barber. 940-627-5224 Sarah’s Cure event will benefit ... Continued from page 8A Stacie’s Style Shop meet at noon Thursday, Oct. 13, at the Decatur Civic Center. Buster Chandler with USDA Rural Development will discuss available grants and low interest loans for businesses and residences. Reservations can be made until noon Monday, Oct. 10, at www.abwn.org. BRISKETS FOR CHARITY — Wise Electric is selling briskets for various charities. Briskets cost $40 and will be ready for pickup Friday, Oct. 14. For more information, call Wise Electric at (940) 627-2167. NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS PARADISE I.S.D. Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Paradise I.S.D. will hold a public meeting At 6:00 PM October 17, 2011 At 338 School House Road Paradise, Texas 76073 In the School Board Room The purpose of this meeting is to discuss Paradise I.S.D.’s rating on the state’s financial accountability system. Rick’s Metal Recycling 3280 S Hwy 101 • Bridgeport, TX 940-683-3770 TOP PRICE ACCURATE WEIGHT ON ALL METALS • #1 Short Iron $225/ Ton • #2 Short Iron $215/Ton • Long Iron $195/Ton • Tin $195/Ton • Car Bodies w/title $195/Ton • Aluminum Cans 62¢/lb Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Sat. 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. FINANCIAL FOCUS It’s a Good Week to Think About Retirement Savings You may not see it posted on your calendar, but Oct. 16 – 22 is National Save for Retirement Week. This annual event, endorsed by Congress, is designed to raise awareness about the importance of saving for retirement — so you may want to take some time this week to review your own strategy for achieving the retirement lifestyle you’ve envisioned. If you’re not convinced of the need for an event such as National Save for Retirement Week, just consider these statistics, taken from the Employee Benefit Research Institute’s 2011 Retirement Confidence Survey: • The percentage of workers not at all confident about having enough money for a comfortable retirement grew from 22 percent in 2010 to 27 percent — the highest level measured in the 21 years of the Retirement Confidence Survey. • 56 percent of respondents say that the total value of their household’s savings and investments, excluding the value of their primary home and any defined benefit plans (i.e., traditional pension plans) is less than $25,000. • Less than half of the respondents say they and/or their spouse have tried to calculate how much money they will need for a comfortable retirement. These numbers are obviously troubling — and they indicate that most of us probably need to put more thought and effort into our retirement savings. What can you do? Here are a few suggestions: • Determine how much you’ll need in retirement. Try to define the lifestyle you want during retirement. Will you travel the world or stay close to home? Will you work part time or spend your hours volunteering or pursuing hobbies? Once you know what your retirement might look like, try to estimate how much it might cost. • Identify your sources of retirement income. Take into account your IRA, 401(k) or other employer-sponsored retirement plan, Social Security and other savings and investments. How much income will they provide? How much can you withdraw from these vehicles each year without depleting them? • Calculate any retirement shortfall. Try to determine if your savings and investments will be enough to provide you with an income stream that’s adequate to meet your retirement needs. If it isn’t, develop an estimate of the size of the shortfall. • Take steps to close savings “gap.” If it doesn’t look like you’ll have enough to meet your retirement needs, you may consider adjusting your savings and investment strategy. This may mean contributing more to your IRA, 401(k) and other retirement accounts. Or, perhaps your investment mix may need to be reviewed to find a better balance growth potential with risk. Or you may need to take both of these steps. • Monitor your progress. Once you’ve put your investment strategy into place, you’ll need to monitor your progress to make sure you’re on track toward achieving your retirement savings goals. Along the way, you may have to make adjustments, if there are changes in your objectives or your specific situation. Taking these types of action can be challenging, so you may want to work with a professional financial advisor who has the experiences and resources necessary to help you identify and work toward achieving your retirement goals. In any case, though, National Save for Retirement Week is a great time to consider your course of action. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Call or visit your local financial advisor today. 1822 Hwy 51 South Decatur, TX 76234 940-627-1620 WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, October 8, 2011 11A AREA DEATHS AND FUNERALS Mary Kathryn O’Dell Rosemary Jones Chambers 1936-2011 Funeral for Mary Kathryn O’Dell, 75, of Bridgeport is 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 9, at Hawkins Funeral Home in Bridgeport with burial at West Bridgeport Cemetery. The Revs. Steve Billingsley and Mike Wiltcher will officiate. Visitation is 5 to 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 8, at the funeral home. O’Dell died Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2011, in Bridgeport. Born Aug. 4, 1936, in Bastrop, La., to William and Margaret (Worley) Billingsley, she married Leon O’Dell Dec. 24, 1955, in Gainesville. Her faith was Church of Christ, and she was a member of the Runaway Bay Country Club. O’Dell was involved in Senior Care, Bridgeport ISD and Haggar Slacks. She was preceded in death by her brother, Charles David Billingsley. O’Dell is survived by her husband; sons Gerry O’Dell and wife, Susan, of Magnolia, Rick O’Dell and wife, Beverly, of Chico and David O’Dell and wife, Angie, of 1928-2011 MARY KATHRYN O’DELL Bridgeport; daughters Kathy Hughes and Jackie O’Dell, both of Bridgeport; 13 grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; sister Juanima Smith of Bridgeport; brother J.E. Billingsley and wife, Sharon, of North Richland Hills; and other family members. Pallbearers are Rick O’Dell, Gerry O’Dell, David O’Dell, Will O’Dell, Chad O’Dell, Cody O’Dell and Coy Gene Cleveland. Honorary pallbearers are Tyler Hughes and Christopher O’Dell. Wise County Messenger, October 8, 2011 Funeral for Rosemary Jones Chambers, 83, of Paradise, is 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 9, at Stephenville Funeral Home with burial to follow at West End Cemetery. Visitation is 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 8, at the funeral home. Chambers died Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2011, in Decatur. Born June 18, 1928, in Mercury to John Hubert and Vida Mae Ferguson Jones, she married Carl Chambers in December 1946 in Stephenville. She was a member of the Paradise Baptist Church and served two terms as Worthy Matron of the Boyd chapter of the Eastern Star. Chambers worked as a department store clerk, graphite plant worker and in food services. She lived in Stephenville, Arlington and, for the last 46 years, in Paradise. Chambers was preceded in death by her husband on March 23, 2009. She is survived by sons Rodney Carl Chambers and 1957-2011 ROSEMARY CHAMBERS wife, Linda Jo, and James Donald Chambers and wife, Bonnie Lynn; grandchildren Kristina Dawn Rhoades and husband, Chuck, James Brandon Chambers and Veronica Rheyes, and Amber Rose Chambers; great-grandchildren Jayson Richard, Zoe Elizabeth, Julian, Luis, Savannah and Brianna; sisters Johnnie Marie (Jones) Chancellor and Clara Joyce (Jones) Baker. Online condolences may be made at stephenvillefh.com. Wise County Messenger, October 8, 2011 ALVORD Account set up for injured teen Randy Duane Haire II, a senior at Alvord High School, was seriously injured Monday and is hospitalized at John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth. Family friends have set up a benefit bank account at Legend Bank in Alvord to assist his parents, Randy and Elizabeth Faulkner Haire, with medi- L<GM"?J.N"MG.D<'"IG"OGMPQND'B" JN/"DED<FI%QNR"QN"PDI.DDNS cal expenses. The account is the Randy Duane Haire II Fund, Legend Bank, 110 Franklin St., Alvord, TX 76225. A Facebook page was set up for friends to leave comments and monitor Randy’s progress at www. facebook.com/?ref=hp#!/pages/Prayers-for-Randy-Duane- Haire-II/221288224599949. Information on the Facebook page Thursday said Haire was on life support, with doctors saying he could be in the hospital for weeks or even months. His parents have asked that all visitors go through them. Another post late Thursday said, “Randy got his Good Times. Great Deals. Only at the State Fair of Texas! Big or small, we have a tractor for everyone! McKinney, TX AQRS$ISTT$— 6:00 E!&S$ISTT$— 4:00 Terrell, TX Tyler, TX AQRS$ISUT$—$VSUT E!&S$ISUT$— 1:00 Mineola, TX Paris, TX Mt. Pleasant, TX Sulphur Springs, TX Athens, TX Sherman, TX Rhome, TX AQRS$ISUT$— 5:00 E!&S$ISUT$— 12:00 Fort Worth, TX AQRS$LSTT$— 5:00 E!&S$LSTT$— 12:00 Texarkana, AR AQRS$ISTT$— 5:00 E!&S$ISTT$— 12:00 Call 1-800-593-3373 www.ag-power.com 3032E Compact Utility Tractor 5045D Utility Tractor Starting at $11,995* !"-6%&"+37278"7*93*7 Starting at $12,295* !"#$%& diesel engine !"'()*+),+":1;7,"2(77,3*9 !"'()*+),+"-./ !"'0*4<7=7,27,>"(,)*2532231* ^ !"%0+,12()(34"(,)*2532231* Scan code for special offer! Gator™ XUV Demo Units Starting at $8,995* !"?353(7+"@A)*(3(372B" accessories extra !"/751"A*3(2")=)38)C87" after the fair !"<D'D<ED"FGH<'"IG/JFK See us at the State Fair of Texas for fair-only specials! *Offer ends 10/26/2011. Prices and model availability may vary by dealer. Some restrictions apply; other special rates and terms may be available, so see your dealer for details !"#$%&'()$*"!"+,"-$%.&,%"/0$12!,3!43($!&$.!)&,+,.!&,"-$#(!3()/0$5,6,&(#$78!"&,&,(/$!2!,3!43($%"$&'($9!&%)$:;<$#(6%$8",&/0$=,/+%8"&/$>,33$4($+!3+83!&(#$4!/(#$%"$'%8)/$%?$8/!-(0$ @A!"8?!+&8)()B/$(/&,6!&($%?$.%>()$CDEFG$.()$HIJKLJM=0$NO'($("-,"($'%)/(.%>()$,"?%)6!&,%"$,/$.)%2,#(#$4P$&'($("-,"($6!"8?!+&8)()$&%$4($8/(#$?%)$+%6.!),/%"$.8).%/(/$%"3P0$ 1+&8!3$%.()!&,"-$'%)/(.%>()$>,33$4($3(//0 AGP3x101006WCM-4C Van ‘Sammy’ Winkle breathing tube out ... Some of his best friends came to see him tonight, and Randy looked at them!!! He already looks so much better.” Haire attended Denton Ryan High School for two years, the Facebook page said. Memorial service for Van “Sammy” Winkle, 54, of Newark is 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 8, at U-Turn World Ministries in Boyd with Kevin Alexander officiating. Winkle died Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2011, in Dallas. Born March 4, 1957, in New Orleans to Hubert and Francis (Johnston) Winkle, he served in the U.S. Navy and was a construction remodeler. Winkle was preceded in death by his brother, Edward Wesley Winkle. He is survived by daughter Stephanie Derenthal and husband, Jeff, of Florida; son Christopher Winkle of Florida; granddaughter Avery Derenthal; sister T.K. Sampson and husband, Tommy, of Boyd; broth- VAN ‘SAMMY’ WINKLE ers Perry Winkle and wife, Deane, of Colleyville, Roger Winkle and wife, Libby, of Washington, Ga., and Bobby Smith and wife, Sheila, of Longview; his companion Pam Snyder of Rhome; and other relatives. Wise County Messenger, October 8, 2011 Janice Ruth Luster 1946-2011 Graveside service for Janice Ruth Luster, 65, of Boyd is 11 a.m. Monday, Oct. 10, at Pleasant Grove Cemetery No. 2 in Keeter with the Rev. Dale Noska officiating. Luster died Monday, Oct. 3, 2011, in Corinth. Born Sept. 9, 1946, in Omaha, Neb., to Floyd and Betsy (Mader) Hull, she was a homemaker. She married James Edward Luster May 15, 1969, in Huntington Beach, Calif. Luster is survived by her husband; son James Edward Luster II of California; daughter Denice Marie Luster of Florida; grandchild Triston Luster; brothers Floyd Hull of North Carolina, Mark Hull of South Carolina and Harvey Hull of Nebraska; sisters Judy Floral of Washington and Peggy Hull of Nebraska; and other family members. Wise County Messenger, October 8, 2011 More obituaries on page 12A 12A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, October 8, 2011 AREA DEATHS Billie June Langston 1931-2011 Funeral for Billie June Langston, 79, of Aurora was Oct. 7 at Greenwood Funeral Home. Burial was at Greenwood Memorial Park. Langston died Monday, Oct. 3, 2011, in Denton. She was born Dec. 10, 1931, in Fort Worth. Langston is survived by her husband, Charles K. Langston; daughters Donna Yvonne Langston and Darrell Waters, Glenda Suzanne Ross and husband, Rick, and Sandra Kaye Bomar and husband, Dennis; sisters Wanda Kahler Rusher and Deborah Siefkas; and grandchildren Brandon, Co- Bonnie Upshaw Lasater Kongable 1938-2011 BILLIE JUNE LANGSTON rey, Tyke and Troy Bomar, Derek Hoover, Chris Wolfe, and Ricky and Paul Ross. Wise County Messenger, October 8, 2011 Mary Anne Carter Duke Ebert 1908-2011 Memorial service for Mary Anne Carter Duke Ebert, 103, of Denton is 11 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 15, at First United Methodist Church in Denton. Ebert died Sunday, Oct. 2, 2011, in Denton. Born May 26, 1908, in Balsora to Robert Anderson Carter and Martha Carolina Newsom Carter, she grew up in rural Wise County near Boonsville and Balsora. Her parents moved the family to Denton so their children could attend high school, as Wise County did not have a high school at the time. She graduated from Denton High School and North Texas State College in Denton. Ebert taught school and coached volleyball in the North Texas area and worked as a home demonstration agent in Mason. She married Earl Taylor Duke April 30, 1938, near Boonsville. Her only child, Martha Anne Duke, was born in 1941 in Lubbock while Ebert’s husband was an instructor at Texas Tech University. Ebert returned to college to complete her master’s degree in foods and nutrition at Texas State College for Women in Denton. She worked to establish nursery schools for working women in Lubbock during World War II, taught home economics at West Texas State College in Canyon and returned to work as a home demonstration agent in Pampa. In 1950, she studied family life education at Iowa We honor most all funeral plans offered by any funeral home. MARY ANNE DUKE EBERT State University in Ames, Iowa. She was supervisor of all home economics instructors in the Arlington, Va., public schools and became coordinator of family life education for the Asheville, N.C., school district. Ebert was preceded in death by her first husband in 1942; husband Charles William Ebert in 1992; brothers Marvin Carter and James Daniel Carter; and sister Roberta Annetta Carter Jennings. She is survived by daughter Martha Rogers of Decatur; grandchildren Bruce Buckholtz, Katherine York, Bob Rogers, Philip Rogers and Timothy Rogers; and great-grandchildren James Buckholtz, Patricia Embley, Brigitte Buckholtz, Michelle Buckholtz, Brennan Rogers, Noah Rogers, Joshua Rogers, Coen Rogers, Eli Rogers and Magdalyn Rogers. Wise County Messenger, October 8, 2011 Memorial service for Bonnie Upshaw Lasater Kongable, 73, of Rhome is 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 8, at the First Baptist Church in Aurora with the Rev. Jimmy Withers officiating. Graveside service will be held at a later date at the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Maramec, Okla. Kongable died Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2011, in Rhome. Born March 22, 1938, in Blackburn, Okla., to Fred and Ruby (Rhodes) Upshaw, she graduated from Blackburn High School. Kongable married Calvin Alford Lasater in October 1957 and had three sons. She married J. Robert Kongable in February 1983 in Grapevine. They traveled to Europe and to Russian orphanages. She spent time with family and friends. Kongable was a legal secretary and retired in 2000. She was a member of Aurora Baptist Church and was active in the church choir, AWANA and children’s summer camp. She went to many Bible study groups. Kongable was preceded in death by her first husband; sons Robert and Larry Lasater; brothers Lewis, Arnie and Jimmie; and sisters Lily Joyce and Ruby 1401 Halsell • Bridgeport 940-683-1704 Unchained Biker CHURCH PICNIC CHICO CITY PARK, OCT. 13 • 7:30 P.M. FREE FOOD (HOT DOGS) DRINKS, LIVE MUSIC & GOOD FELLOWSHIP BONNIE KONGABLE Ann. She is survived by her husband; son Calvin Ray Lasater and wife, Allison, of Colleyville; granddaughters Christina, Jessica and Ashley Lasater and Elizabeth Kongable; grandson Daniel Huffman and wife, Stephanie; great-granddaughters Kaden and Alana; great-grandson Dylan; stepson John Kongable and wife, Shari; brothers Ralph Upshaw and Frank Upshaw; sister Patsy Rush; and other family members. Memorials may be made to Community Hospice of Texas, 6100 Western Place, Suite 500, Fort Worth, TX 76107. Wise County Messenger, October 8, 2011 Wayne Garrett 1920-2011 Graveside service for Wayne Garrett, 91, of Decatur was Oct. 6 at Oaklawn Cemetery with Chaplain Burl Pedigo officiating. Garrett died Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2011, in Decatur. Born July 20, 1920, in San Augustine to Willie and Annie Love (Thacker) Garrett, he married Alice Lorene Wood Aug. 13, 1938, in Bridgeport. He retired after 40 years of service as superintendent of Avondale Shipyards in Louisiana. Garrett is survived by his wife; son James Ray Garrett and wife, Karen, of Decatur; daughter Paulette McCormick and husband, John, of Decatur; brothers Melton Garrett of Dallas and Kirksey Garrett of Metairie, La.; sisters Anita Starnes of Fort Worth, Vernell Roe of Cle- Large Collection of VINTAGE CLOTHING & COSTUMES For Special Events Including: ~ Halloween ~ Parties ~ Theaters 40’s to 90’s Buy rather than Rent. Many made in U.S.A. 113 East Wise St. • Bowie, Texas 940-872-1361 • 940-393-1064 • 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tues. - Sat. NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS THE DECATUR INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT’S FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY RATING WAYNE GARRETT burne and LaJuana Ryan of Fort Worth; grandchildren Brad McCormick, Todd McCormick and wife, Angie, and Tiffany Garrett; and great-grandchildren Colton, Brandon, Jack and Allie McCormick. Wise County Messenger, October 8, 2011 Decatur ISD will hold a public meeting at 7:00 pm, October 20, 2011, in the Board Room, 501 E. Collins, Decatur, TX. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss Decatur ISD’s rating on the state’s financial accountability system. The Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas has rated Decatur Independent School District as: SUPERIOR ACHIEVEMENT Ne ed a n Auto Lo a n ? DATCU will Finance your new or used vehicle as low as... 1.99% APR ! * -Dale Kimble CEO/President reat loa g r u o s e v lo d E “Even Mr. Funded By: n rates!” Anyone Can Join! 866-387-8585 www.datcu.org *APR - Annual Percentage Rate *Subject to Credit Approval ALVORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 CITY VIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 BOYD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 POTTSBORO . . . . . . . . . . . .33 BRIDGEPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 CHICO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 DECATUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 LINDSAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2011 SPORTS NORTHWEST . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 SOUTHLAKE CARROLL . . . . .48 PARADISE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 HOWE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 SECTION B DECATUR 30 • BRIDGEPORT 16 Messenger photos by Joe Duty WINNING WAYS — Decatur senior receiver Caleb Hogan celebrates after catching a 5-yard touchdown pass from Garrett Meuhlstein in the second quarter for the first score of the night. Flying High Eagles, Jackson hold off Bulls By BRANDON EVANS After losing the last three match-ups, including the last two at home, the Decatur Eagles traveled to Bull Stadium Friday night and reclaimed the fabled jar of sand, winning a 30-16 thriller. Despite winning by two scores, the game remained in question with less than two minutes left in the fourth quarter. Up 23-16, Decatur attempted a fake punt on fourth and six at their own 41 yard line. Garrett Muehlstein’s pass fell incomplete and the Bulls took over. It was followed by a facemask penalty by Deca- tur that gave the Bulls a first down at the Eagle 27-yard line. “We thought when we called the fake punt that we could keep the ball and run out the clock,” said Decatur head coach Kyle Story. “But when it didn’t work I’m glad Cooper Jackson came through for us. He was playing hard all night.” With a chance to tie or even win it, Bridgeport junior quarterback Colby Mahon’s pass was picked off by Jackson. It was Jackson’s second interception of the night, and Decatur’s third of the game. Continued on page 10B Eagles live up to words NEVER GIVE UP — Bridgeport running back Gabe Huerta ran ferocious all night, piling up 102 yards and a touchdown on 15 carries. Many times taking would-be tacklers on a ride as he churned out plenty of yards after contact. The Decatur Eagles have worn their expectations and mission for the 2011 season on their chest since the first practice of the year - “We will win.” The words were a bold statement for the program that returned to the playoffs for the first time since 2007 last season. But Decatur coach Kyle GREENE Story said he chose those words to challenge his kids to be the best every where every day. “We will win means to win everywhere,” Story said. “Win in the classroom and with class in every aspect of live.” Friday night under the brightest lights of the season, the Decatur Eagles proved for the seventh straight week they are up Continued on page 10B HISTORY OF A RIVALRY | Decatur leads series 59-27-6 1920 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1926 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1930 1931 1931 1932 1932 1933 1933 1934 1934 1935 1935 1936 1936 1937 1937 1938 1938 1939 1940 21-6 14-6 21-7 12-7 27-6 6-6 7-6 7-0 12-0 6-0 6-0 0-0 27-14 6-0 32-0 13-0 6-6 6-6 13-0 6-0 26-6 13-0 13-13 13-0 13-6 13-0 13-6 20-6 13-7 45-0 17-0 1941 1944 1946 1947 1948 1951 1952 1953 1954 1957 1958 1959 1960 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 14-0 12-0 26-0 32-0 24-6 42-0 19-7 41-0 7-6 25-6 32-0 62-0 53-0 14-13 13-12 34-6 14-0 44-0 47-16 28-7 27-0 42-0 13-6 14-14 19-7 18-13 48-0 35-6 27-16 41-40 44-13 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 42-0 33-12 35-6 8-7 20-14 32-0 18-7 31-7 53-9 12-7 32-0 50-15 35-0 28-6 34-0 21-16 31-8 16-0 34-30 42-21 38-27 35-14 64-28 66-34 56-20 44-40 56-7 24-21 48-38 30-16 Bridgeport win Decatur win Tie 2B WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, October 8, 2011 SPORTS PARADISE 14 • HOWE 9 BRADAD. FAGLIE, MD Rural Health Clinic Panther defense stops Bulldogs Points were hard to come by for Paradise Friday night, but the Panther defense made sure it was even harder for the Howe Bulldogs. Paradise’s defense intercepted four passes and held the Bulldogs to just one touchdown in a 14-9 Panther win in its District 5-2A opener. The Panthers took the early 6-0 lead with 9:04 left in the first quarter on a 13-yard run by Andrew Sims. The kick failed. Howe responded with 6:28 left in the half when Alex Torres caught a 6-yard pass from Ryan Haines for the score. Dylon Woody’s kick gave Howe the lead, 7-6. Sims scored his second touchdown of the game with 8:40 left in the third quarter. He caught a 51-yard pass from Josh McDowell. McDowell connected with Drake Trachta for a successful two-point conversion to give Paradise a 14-7 lead. Howe’s only other points came when Paradise snapped the ball out of the end zone for a safety with 5:37 remaining in the third quarter. Sims led the Panthers in rushing yards with 41 on 14 carries and was the leading receiver with 2 catches for 128 yards. Paradise (5-1, 1-0) will look to make it five wins in a row next week when they travel to Callisburg. Story by Brian Knox from game information provided by Robert Johnson. CITY VIEW 42 • ALVORD 27 Mustangs run past Bulldogs FIRST STATE BANK www.fsbwise.com Alvord Medical Clinic, P.A. 940-427-2858 • 940-427-2175 City View 42, Alvord 27 City View Alvord 13 7 8 7 7 7 14 6 - 42 - 27 Scoring Summary First Quarter City View - 4:57, DJ Brown 20 run, kick failed Alvord - 0:32, Joe Randall 11 run, Jose Luna kick City View - 0:16, Brown 60 run, kick good Second Quarter Alvord - 10:30, Brandon Aeling 41 run, Luna kick City View - 0:53, DJ Coursey 33 run, Brown run Third Quarter City View - 7:54, Coursey 4 run, kick good Alvord - 0:25, Jesse Brown 30 run, Luna kick Fourth Quarter Alvord - 6:16, Joe Randall 15 run, kick failed City View - 5:56, Brown 10 run, kick good City View - 2:26, Brown 91 run, kick good City View Alvord First Downs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18. . . . . . . 17 Rushes-Yards . . . . . . . . 39-372. . . .38-284 Passing Yards . . . . . . . . . . . . 53. . . . . . 102 Total Yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425. . . . . . 386 Comp-Att-Int . . . . . . . . . . 2-7-0. . . . 9-16-2 Punts-Average . . . . . . . . . 3-34. . . . . .3-40 Fumbles-Lost . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1. . . . . . .4-2 Penalties-yards . . . . . . . . . 8-50. . . . .10-81 Individual Statistics Rushing - City View, DJ Brown 16-230; Alvord, Joe Randall 21-108; Brandon Aeling 10-101. Passing - City View, Jarrett Rangle 2-7-0-53; Alvord - Trevor Hardee 9-16-2-102. Receiving - City View, DJ 817-395-2321 Lindsay 52, Chico 6 Chico Lindsay 6 0 14 17 0 14 0 7 - 6 - 52 Scoring Summary First Quarter Lindsay - John Havercamp 26 run; Garrett Yancey kick Chico - Hunter York 9 pass to Kyle Potteiger; kick failed Lindsay - Blake Walker 56 run; Yancey kick Second Quarter Lindsay - Havercamp 13 pass to Dean Fleitman; Yancey kick Lindsay - Havercamp 8 pass to Jace Wann; Yancey kick Lindsay - Yancey 40 FG Third Quarter Lindsay - Havercamp 22 pass to Fleitman; Yancey kick Lindsay - Kyler Denny 19 run; Yancey kick Fourth Quarter Lindsay - Dawson Holt 7 run; Yancey kick Chico Lindsay First downs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. . . . . . . 20 Rushes - yards . . . . . . . . 23-55. . . .32-354 Passing yards . . . . . . . . . . . 199. . . . . . 100 Total yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254. . . . . . 454 Comp - Att - Int . . . . . .15-25-1. . . . 6-12-0 Punts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-32. . . . . . . . 0 Fumbles - lost . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. . . . . . .3-0 Penalties - yards. . . . . . . . 7-38. . . . .10-83 Individual Statistics Rushing - Chico, Victor Velazquez 12-51; Lindsay, Havercamp 12-130 Receiving - Chico, Troy Johnson 2-81; Lindsay, Yancey 3-65 Passing - Chico, York 15-25-1-199; Lindsay, Havercamp 6-12-0-100 Pottsboro 33, Boyd 14 The Alvord Bulldogs never found a way to slow the City View Mustangs’ ground attack or running back DJ Brown Friday night. Brown ran for 230 yards and four touchdowns on 16 carries to lead the Mustangs to a 42-27 victory in the District 3-2A Division II opener at Bulldog Stadium. Alvord fell to 2-4 with the loss. Brown broke free for a 91yard run with 2:26 remaining to put the game away for City View. He also scored on runs of 10, 20 and 60. Brown’s final jaunt to the end zone came after the Bulldogs were stopped inside the City View 10, trailing by eight. Alvord, which trailed 2814 midway through the third quarter, fought back to get within one point with 6:16 left on a 15-yard Joe Randall run. Jose Luna couldn’t convert the tying extra-point try, leaving the Bulldogs down one, 28-27. City View then returned the ensuing kickoff to the 10-yard line, setting up a Brown 10-yard run. Alvord took a lead, 7-6, with 32 seconds left in the first quarter on an 11-yard Randall run. Randall finished with a team-best 108 yards on 21 carries. The Bulldogs’ lead lasted 16 seconds. Brown broke free for a 60-yard touchdown. Alvord pulled ahead again with Brandon Aeling scoring on a 41-yard scamper with 10:30 remaining in the half. Aeling ran for 101 yards in the game. Alvord’s lead lasted until the final 53 ticks of the half when DJ Coursey broke free for a 33-yard touchdown run. Brown ran in the twopoint try to give the Mustangs a 21-14 halftime lead. Coursey extended the Mustangs’ lead to 28-14 with a 4-yard run with 7:54 left in the third quarter. Boyd Pottsboro 0 7 6 15 7 6 0 6 - 14 - 33 Scoring Summary First Quarter Pottsboro - Tanner Frye 7 run; kick failed Second Quarter Boyd - Jared Cate 12 pass to Chasen Starnes; Abram Moreno kick Pottsboro - Frye 27 pass to Dallas Sewell; Frye to Justin Lawler Pottsboro - Frye 3 run; Kevin Atterberry kick Third Quarter Pottsboro - Ethan Short 30 run; Atterberry kick Boyd - Fino Cardona 3 run; Moreno kick Fourth Quarter Pottsboro - Short 1 run; 2-point conversion failed Boyd Pottsboro First downs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. . . . . . . 14 Rushes - yards . . . . . . . . 28-61. . . .46-218 Passing yards . . . . . . . . . . . 101. . . . . . 116 Total yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162. . . . . . 334 Comp - Att - Int . . . . . . .8-25-1. . . . 9-16-0 Punts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-41. . . . . .2-33 Fumbles - lost . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. . . . . . .1-1 Penalties - yards. . . . . . 10-100. . . .11-102 Individual Statistics Rushing - Boyd, Cardona 16-25; Pottsboro, Frye 27-137 Receiving - Boyd, Moreno 3-42; Pottsboro, Sewell 3-83 Passing - Boyd, Cate 8-25-1-101; Pottsboro, Frye 9-16-0-116 940-627-2369 www.decaturciviccenter.com Southlake Carroll 48, Northwest 13 Southlake Carroll 21 20 7 0 Justin Northwest 0 7 6 0 - 48 - 13 Scoring Summary First Quarter Carroll - A.J. Ezzard 1-yard run (Drew Brown kick) . Carroll - Sabian Holmes 35-yard pass from Kenny Hill (Drew Brown kick) . Carroll - A.J. Ezzard 28-yard run (Drew Brown kick) . Second Quarter Northwest - Michael Reed 2-yard run (Cayden Ihrig kick) . Carroll - Steven Bergmark 11-yard run (Drew Brown kick) . Carroll - Sabian Holmes 25-yard pass from Kenny Hill (Drew Brown kick) . Carroll - Peyton Williams 30-yard pass from Kenny Hill (kick failed) . Third Quarter Carroll - A.J. Ezzard 6-yard run (Drew Brown kick) . Northwest - Draze Lawliss 12-yard run (run failed) . Carroll First downs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Rushes-Yards . . . . . . . . 31-167 Pass yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343 Total yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510 Comp-Att-Int . . . . . . . .28-34-0 Fumbles-Lost . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Penalties-yards . . . . . . . . 7-60 Northwest . . . . . . 13 . . .36-165 . . . . . . 76 . . . . . 241 . . 12-20-0 . . . . .0-0 . . . .11-94 Individual Statistics Rushing - Carroll, Steven Bergmark 8-74; Northwest, Michael Reed 22-93. Passing - Carroll, Kenny Hill 22-27-0-304; Northwest, Draze Lawliss 12-20-0-76 Receiving - Carroll, Sabian Holmes 8-182; Northwest, Cody Long 2-22, Allen Young 7-38. Decatur 30, Bridgeport 16 Decatur Bridgeport 0 16 0 0 0 8 14 8 - 30 - 16 Second Quarter Decatur - 8:30, Caleb Hogan 5 pass from Garrett Muehlstein, Taylor Spence kick Decatur - 3:02, Taylor Spence 40 field goal. Decatur - 0:08, Cooper Jackson 64 pass from Muehlstein, run failed. Third Quarter Bridgeport - 0:32, Trent Schuett 24 pass from Colby Mahon, Garrett Mullins run. Fourth Quarter Decatur - 8:49, Dustin Brazeau 1 run, Spence kick. Bridgeport - 4:52, Gabe Huerta 1 run, Schuett run. Decatur - 0:45, Muehlstein 64 run, Spence kick Decatur Bridgeport First Downs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21. . . . . . . 14 Rushes-Yards . . . . . . . . 52-329. . . . .27-91 Passing Yards . . . . . . . . . . . 117. . . . . . 210 Total Yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446. . . . . . 301 Comp-Att-Int . . . . . . . . .7-13-1. . . 16-28-3 Fumbles-Lost . . . . . . . . . . . 0-0. . . . . . .0-0 Punts-Average . . . . . . . . 2-47.5. . . . . .3-42 Penalties-Yards . . . . . . . . . 2-16. . . . . .2-25 Messenger photo by Mack Thweatt RUNNING GAME — Alvord’s Brandon Aeling picks up part of his 101 rushing yards during the game against City View. Alvord’s Jesse Brown scored his first touchdown of the season on a 30-yard run in the final seconds of the third quarter to get the Bulldogs back within a score. Brown caught a team-high three passes for 26 yards from quarterback Trevor Hardee. Hardee finished with 102 yards through the air. He was picked off twice and completed nine of his 16 attempts. Matt Dunn caught two passes for Alvord for 39 yards. Alvord will try to rebound Friday when it heads to Nocona. SOUTHLAKE CARROLL 48 • NORTHWEST 13 Dragons’ Hill guns down Texans The combination of Southlake Carroll quarterback Kenny Hill and receiver Sabian Holmes proved too much for the Northwest Texans Friday night in a 48-13 win. Hill threw for 304 yards and three touchdowns, completing 22 of his 27 attempts. Holmes hauled in eight passes for 182 yards and two touchdowns. The Hill to Holmes connection put the Dragons up 14-0 in the first quarter. Carroll took a 21-0 lead in the opening frame after an A.J. Ezzard 28-yard run. Northwest cut the deficit to two touchdowns with a Michael Reed 2yard run in the second quarter. Reed ran for 93 yards on 22 carries. Carroll responded with three touchdowns before halftime to build a 417 lead at the break. Hill hit Holmes with a 25-yard touchdown pass and connected with Peyton Williams for a 30-yard score. Ezzard added his third touchdown run for the Dragons in the third quarter. Northwest quarterback Draze Lawliss, who returned to the lineup after missing last week’s game, ran the ball in from 12 yards out for the Texans’ final score. Lawliss completed 12 of his 20 passes for 76 yards and ran for 66 yards on 13 carries. The Texans, who fell to 1-5 and 03 in District 7-5A, will try to rebound next week at home against Keller. Individual Statistics Rushing: Decatur - Hayden Carpenter 8-30, Garrett Muehlstein 13-123, Max Junkert 12-50, Ethan King 2-3, Dustin Brazeau 16-95, Blake Haney 1-28; Bridgeport - Gabe Huerta 15-102, Trent Schuett 3-(minus 1), Colby Mahon 8(minus), Garrett Mullins 1-(minus 3). Passing: Decatur - Garrett Muehlstein 7-13-1117; Bridgeport - Mahon 16-28-3-210. Receiving: Decatur, Ben Blattner 2-20, Mason Terrell 1-0, Cooper Jackson 3-88, Coleman Stapp 1-9; Bridgeport - Garrett Mullins 3-45, Schuett 9-111, Gabe Huerta 1-12, Alex Kline 1-12 , Blake Arrington 2-24. 940-969-3680 Paradise 14, Howe 9 Paradise Howe 6 0 0 7 8 2 0 0 - 14 - 9 Scoring summary First Quarter Paradise - Andrew Sims 13 run; kick failed Second Quarter Howe - Alex Torres 6 pass from Ryan Haines; Dylon Woody kick Third Quarter Paradise - Sims 51 pass from Josh McDowell; McDowell 3 pass to Drake Trachta Howe - punt snapped out of end zone Paradise Howe First downs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. . . . . . . 15 Rushes - yards . . . . . . . . 34-50. . . . .44-72 Passing yards . . . . . . . . . . . 128. . . . . . 156 Total yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178. . . . . . 228 Comp - Att - Int . . . . . . .2-10-1. . . 15-32-4 Punts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-37. . . . . .6-35 Fumbles - lost . . . . . . . . . . 2-1. . . . . . .0-0 Penalties - yards. . . . . . 16-130. . . . . .9-90 Individual Statistics Rushing - Paradise, Sims 14-41; Howe, Jacob Grisolia 8-21 Receiving - Paradise, Sims 2-128; Howe, Zack Hill 4-50 Passing - Paradise, McDowell 2-10-1-128; Howe, Ryan Haines 15-31-4-156 WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, October 8, 2011 3B SPORTS POTTSBORO 33 • BOYD 14 Cardinals’ dual-threat quarterback swats ’Jackets Going into Friday’s game against Pottsboro, the Boyd defense had given up only 33 points to its last four opponents. But the Cardinals were able to match that total while holding down the Boyd offense for a 33-14 Pottsboro win in the district 5-2A opener for both teams. Dual-threat quarterback Tanner Frye had another big game for the Cardinals as he passed for a touchdown, scored two more on the ground and led his team with 137 yards rushing and 116 yards passing. Down 6-0 early in the second quarter, Boyd took a brief lead on a 12-yard touchdown pass from Jared Cate to Chasen Starnes with a successful kick by Abram Moreno. But Pottsboro would score twice more before the half to regain the lead, 21-7. The Cardinals added another touchdown early in the third to extend the lead to 27-7 before Boyd was able to stop the 21-0 run with a 3-yard Fino Cardona touchdown run. Moreno’s kick made it 27-14. That was as close as Boyd could get, however, as Pottsboro added another touchdown in the fourth quarter to seal the win. Pottsboro’s defense held Boyd to 162 total yards, only 61 on the ground. Cate was 8 for 25 passing for 101 yards and one interception. Moreno caught 3 passes for 42 yards, and Cardona rushed 16 times for 25 yards. Boyd (4-2, 0-1) will return home next week to take on Howe. Story by Brian Knox from game information provided by Kelly Guess. VOLLEYBALL Lady Eagles sweep Sissies Decatur extends district winning streak to 28 matches By RICHARD GREENE The Decatur Lady Eagles struggled to explain how well they played defensively in game one Friday as they kept the Bridgeport Sissies from registering a kill. “I don’t know where that came from,” said Decatur setter Joey Redwine after the match. “We came out ready. We knew they would play their best and we played our hardest. We came out scrappy and ready to play.” The strong start set the pace for a Lady Eagles sweep of their rival, 255, 25-4, 25-17. The victory extended the Lady Eagles’ district winning streak to 28 matches. They also have won 47 straight district games, dating back to October 2009. Decatur (31-5, 5-0) completed a sweep of the first half of District 7-3A with the win. “It was a good first half, now on to round two,” said Decatur coach Claire Rose. “We have a lot of work to do. We need to work every game to be ready for what we’ll see in the postseason. We need to use every opportunity to get better.” Bridgeport (20-11, 32) dropped their second straight match after starting league play 3-0. The Sissies are in third place by themselves after the first half. “It was not a bad first half,” said Bridgeport coach Lynn Larson. “We have big matches at Lake Worth and Mineral Wells now. We need to win both of those next week.” Decatur’s defense kept Bridgeport from scoring on several strong attacks early. The Lady Eagles then started to push the pace offensively with Redwine distributing the ball to a variety of hitters. Five different hitters registered kills for Decatur in the first game. Redwine had seven of her 19 assists in the game. “That’s our MO, play fast volleyball and be a threat at anytime from anywhere,” Rose said. The Lady Eagles’ speed and ability to mix up their attack combatted the Sissies’ middle blockers Madyson Hancock and Mariah Clayton. Clayton had three blocks in the match. “We knew they had big middles, and we had to make them move,” Redwine said. Kortni Robinson put down three straight kills in game one to put Decatur up 13-4 and start a 15-1 run to end the game. Robinson led everyone with 11 kills in the match. Robinson gave Decatur an 11-4 lead in game two and brought Amanda Delka to the service line. Delka served the next 14 points to give the Lady Eagles a 21-point win. Bridgeport was able to establish some offense in game three, and took an 8-6 lead on a kill by Sabrina Garza. Garza had three kills, and Hancock four to lead the Sissies. Decatur tied the game at eight, and grabbed the lead with two kills from Robinson. The Lady Eagles built the advantage to 17-12 with a block for a kill by Redwine. The Sissies never got back within six. Messenger photos by Joe Duty CELEBRATION POINT — Decatur libero Amanda Delka and her Lady Eagle teammates cheer after scoring a point during their three-game sweep of Bridgeport Friday. FIERCE PLAY AT NET — Decatur’s Makayla Mayfield and Joey Redwine, left, challenge the shot of Bridgeport’s Madyson Hancock. Bridgeport’s Kara Demmitt and Mariah Clayton come up short in attempt to block a shot in the Sissies’ loss to Decatur Friday. LINDSAY 52 • CHICO 6 Knights conquer Dragons in district opener Perhaps when a team nicknamed the Dragons plays a team that goes by the Knights, it might be a bad omen. Lindsay proved to be too much for Chico, as the Dragons were slain 52-6 in Lindsay. After falling behind 7-0 with 10:11 left in the first quarter, Chico responded. Hunter York connected with Kyle Potteiger on a 9-yard pass with 5:47 remaining in the quarter to get the Dragons on the board. A failed kick left the Dragons within one point, 7-6. That would be all the offense Chico could muster for the evening. Lindsay went on to score four more times before halftime to blow the game wide open. The Knights added three more scores in the second half to provide the final margin of victory. Lindsay quarterback John Havercamp did much of the damage, as he passed for four touchdowns. He finished the game with 100 yards passing, and he was also the leading rusher for the Knights with 130 yards on 12 carries. Chico’s Hunter York was 15 for 25 passing with one interception for 199 yards. Troy Johnson caught two passes for 81 yards, and Victor Velazquez was the team’s leading rusher with 51 yards on 12 car- ries. With the loss, the Dragons drop to 4-2 for the year and 0-1 in district. Chico will look to win its first district game since 2006 next week when they host Muenster. Story by Brian Knox from game information provided by Lindee Hand. 4B WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, October 8, 2011 SPORTS CROSS COUNTRY VOLLEYBALL Runners invade Decatur Lady Eagles add to streak By RICHARD GREENE Decatur senior Kortni Robinson rose up to slam home her 10th kill of the night Tuesday, putting the exclamation mark to another district win. The first-place Lady Eagles (30-5) moved to 4-0 in District 7-3A and extended their league winning streak to 28 matches with a 25-13, 15-9, 25-9 sweep of Mineral Wells. Decatur, which is ranked No. 13 in the latest Class 3A Texas Girls Coaches Association’s poll, also has won 44 straight district games, dating back to October 2009. “It shows how hard we’re working,” said Robinson, who led the Lady Eagles in kills Tuesday, about the streak. “It’s important for us to keep it going. It means a lot to us.” Robinson added that it was nice to get another win heading into Friday’s match with Bridgeport. “Bridgeport will be a challenge, and we’re excited to play them,” she said. While the Lady Eagles’ streak rolls on, Decatur coach Claire Rose said she and the team are focused on meeting their individual and team goals each time on the floor. “We take it game-to-game with this group,” Rose said. “We set goals each match. Ultimately, if we keep up with our goals within the match, we’ll end up where we need to be.” Much of that growth is with the several freshmen and underclassmen who continue to get extended playing time in district games. Freshmen Cooper Martin and Makayla Mayfield put down three kills each against Mineral Wells. All three of Mayfield’s kills came in a row in game two as the Lady Eagles built a 134 lead. Martin closed it with a kill. “The freshmen are doing awesome,” Robinson said. “Now that we are in district, they are getting a lot of playing time and are doing a good job.” Decatur built early, big leads in all three games. Kortney Tompkins’ ace put the Lady Eagles up 19-10 in game one. Tompkins had seven kills and four digs to go along with her ace. Robinson closed the first game with a kill By RICHARD GREENE The thundering patter of feet will fill Joe Wheeler Park and the Reunion Grounds in Decatur Saturday morning. Thirty-nine high school teams and another 24 middle school squads will invade the grounds, making this year’s Decatur Reunion Run the largest to date. “As of [Thursday], we have 1,806 participants in 12 races,” said Decatur coach David Park. “It will be a sea of people.” Decatur, along with most of the other Wise County schools including Northwest, will be at Saturday’s meet that will start with the Class 4A/5A girls race at 8 a.m. “Every school in Wise County with the exception of Paradise will be here,” Park said. The meet also will feature some of the state’s top teams. Southlake Carroll, ranked No. 1 in the girls and boys Class 5A Cross Country Coaches Association of Texas polls, will bring squads, although some of their top runners will be competing in the Nike South Invitational. Along with Carroll, the 4A/5A girls races will feature Northwest, ranked 14th in 5A; Frisco Wakeland, No. 11 in 4A; and 3A top-15 teams Decatur, Sanger and Prosper. Park said his girls team should be at full strength for the first time since the Marcus I Invitational with Morgan Haney and Bobbi Clemmer running. “We’re going to race them all,” Park said. “We don’t know what that feels like.” The 4A/5A race will also be filled with state-ranked teams, including Frisco Liberty, ranked No. 9 in 4A along with 3A’s Decatur and Sanger. RODEO Gasperson leads rookies Messenger photo by Joe Duty SURE SHOT — Decatur’s Kortni Robinson hits the ball past Mineral Wells defenders during the Lady Eagles’ win Tuesday. down the line. Decatur built an 18-7 lead in game two on a Haley Dale kill on their way to a 16point win. Dale put down four kills in the match. One of Joey Redwine’s four aces put De- Centennial hands Sissies first 7-3A loss Through four events, Decatur freshman Chase Gasperson is the top-ranked rookie cowboy in the North Texas High School Rodeo Association. Working with partner Lawson Harris, Gasperson took fifth in team roping Saturday. The duo completed their run in 10.876 seconds. Gasperson added a seventh-place finish in chute dogging with a run of 3.178 seconds. Gasperson leads the rookie standings by 31 points. Junior Parker Slate is fifth in the All-Round Cowboy rankings through four events. He is in first place in calf roping after placing third Saturday with an effort of 21.206 seconds. Slate was ninth in team roping with his partner, Colt Ritzel of Sanger. Travis Taylor finished sixth in ribbon roping with a run of 15.194 seconds. The Bridgeport Sissies returned Tuesday to Burleson Centennial, where their 2010 season ended in the first round of the playoffs Tuesday. Centennial put an end to the Sissies’ unbeaten start to District 7-3A play with a four-game win, 22-25, 25-22, 25-15, 25-16. The loss dropped the Sissies to 20-10 overall and 3-1 in district. Bridgeport took game one and owned a lead in game two before Centennial rallied to win by three. The Sissies never recovered, losing the final two games by 10 and nine points. “Had we finished out the second game, I think momentum would have carried us through the rest of the match,” said Bridgeport coach Lynn Larson. “But after giving up the lead in the second game, we never regained our offensive attack and made too many unforced errors.” Madyson Hancock led the Sissies’ attack with 12 kills. Mariah Clayton added eight kills to go along with four blocks. Sabrina Garza put down five kills, and Skylar Shawn four. Defensively, Angelica Reyes made 16 digs. Leah Guinn dug eight shots, and Tabitha Moses seven. catur up 7-2 in game three. Redwine had three blocks and 28 assists. The Lady Eagles built the lead to 16-9 when Amanda Delka stepped to the service line. She served the final nine points with Robinson collecting three kills. Chico stays unbeaten The Chico Lady Dragons’ undefeated run through District 11-A continued Tuesday with a long, four-game victory over Collinsville. The first-place Lady Dragons (20-7) moved to 7-0 in the league, but were pushed in the 25-17, 22-25, 25-17, 29-27 victory. Chico had earned four extra points to close out the Lady Pirates in game four. The Lady Dragons had a strong match on the defensive end, making 105 digs on Collinsville attacks. Hannah Avants made 31 digs. Molli Umphress added 20, Malori Moss 17 and Casey Tate 12. Avants led the Lady Dragons’ attack with 16 kills. Moss put down 10 kills. Umphress handed out 28 assists. WISE COUNTY VOLLEYBALL LEADERS Kills Name, School Hannah Avants, Chico Kortney Tompkins, Decatur Mariah Clayton, Bridgeport Makenna Burt, Paradise Madyson Hancock, Bridgeport Jazmin Vaughn, Northwest Malori Moss, Chico Courtney Andrews, Paradise Rachel Bower, Northwest Brooklyn Scarborough, Boyd Ellen Cocanougher, Northwest Victoria Leisure, Northwest Sabrina Garza, Bridgeport Kortni Robinson, Decatur Joey Redwine, Decatur Annelise Carpenter, Decatur Haley Dale, Decatur Blocks Name, School Makenna Burt, Paradise Joey Redwine, Decatur Annelise Carpenter, Decatur Haley Dale, Decatur Mariah Clayton, Bridgeport Hannah Avants, Chico Kortney Tompkins, Decatur Matches 27 35 30 14 30 35 27 14 35 25 35 35 30 35 35 35 35 Kills 244 307 243 103 235 244 181 90 192 128 182 176 139 152 147 135 126 Matches Blocks 14 78 35 178 35 143 35 93 30 79 27 50 35 59 Average 9.03 8.77 8.1 7.35 7.83 6.97 6.7 6.42 5.48 5.12 5.2 5.02 4.63 4.34 4.2 3.85 3.6 Average 5.57 5.08 4.08 2.65 2.63 1.85 1.68 Malori Moss, Chico Kortni Robinson, Decatur Ellen Cocanougher, Northwest Brooklynn Scarborough, Boyd Cooper Martin, Decatur Victoria Leisure, Northwest Digs Name, School Jennifer Buell, Paradise Brooke Berryhill, Northwest Hannah Avants, Chico Kortney Tompkins, Decatur Amanda Delka, Decatur Brooklyn Scarborough, Boyd Lakin O’Dell, Northwest Malori Moss, Chico Angelica Reyes, Bridgeport Parker Tate, Boyd Danielle Foster, Boyd Ingrid Boatman, Decatur Kortni Robinson, Decatur Paige Gittings, Boyd Cameron Bowyer, Chico Casey Tate, Chico Joey Redwine, Decatur Araliza Galindo, Chico Marley McCune, Boyd Leah Guinn, Bridgeport 27 35 35 25 35 37 45 56 49 34 46 43 1.66 1.60 1.4 1.36 1.31 1.22 Matches 14 35 27 35 35 25 35 27 30 25 25 35 35 25 27 27 35 27 25 30 Digs 332 571 335 396 340 222 305 223 236 190 180 240 225 160 129 127 164 124 110 124 Average 23.71 16.31 12.4 11.31 9.71 8.88 8.71 8.25 7.86 7.6 7.2 6.85 6.42 6.4 4.77 4.7 4.68 4.59 4.4 4.13 Courtney Sanders, Boyd Assists Name, School Joey Redwine, Decatur Alyssa Franks, Northwest Jaxie O’Dell, Northwest Tiffany Hawkins, Bridgeport Molli Umphress, Chico Danielle Foster, Boyd Taylor Henson, Bridgeport Marley McCune, Boyd Araliza Galindo, Chico Aces Name, School Kortney Tompkins, Decatur Joey Redwine, Decatur Ingrid Boatman, Decatur Lakin O’Dell, Northwest Tiffany Hawkins, Bridgeport Brooklynn Scarborough, Boyd Angelica Reyes, Bridgeport Parker Tate, Boyd Danielle Foster, Boyd Kasey Wages, Bridgeport Jaxie O’Dell, Northwest Paige Gittings, Boyd Makayla Mayfield, Decatur 25 97 Matches Assists 35 816 35 455 35 447 30 369 27 280 25 194 30 205 25 115 27 67 Matches 35 35 35 35 30 25 30 25 25 30 35 25 35 Aces 61 58 47 46 42 40 40 33 33 29 29 28 25 3.88 Average 23.3 13 12.77 12.3 10.37 7.76 6.83 4.65 2.48 WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, October 8, 2011 MESSENGER CLASSIFIEDS Real Estate for Sale • Real Estate for Sale • Acreage • Business Property • Condos/Town Homes • Duplexes Rentals • Homes • Lots • Mobile Homes • Wanted to Buy Employment • Apartments • Business Property • Condos/Town Homes • Duplex Housing • Homes • Mobile Homes • Rooms Pets • Roommate Wanted • Spaces & Lots • For Lease • Wanted to Rent • Wanted to Lease • Facilities • Storage Buildings Merchandise for Sale • Pets • Pets Lost & Found • Pet Care/Training • Pet Stud Services • Appliances • Clothing/Jewelry • Furniture • Garage Sales • Firewood • Miscellaneous • Auctions • Business Opportunity • Employment Information • Adult/Elderly Care • Childcare • Food Service Services • Medical/Dental • Miscellaneous • Office • Retail/Sales • Trades • Work Wanted • Childcare • Adult/Elderly Care • Business • Housecleaning Transportation • Farm Equipment • Fencing • Lawn & Garden • Livestock • Livestock Care/ Training • Livestock Lost & Found Announcements • Accessories • Boats • Cars • Trailers • Recreational Vehicles • Wanted to Buy • Trucks • Card of Thanks • Let’s Swap • Lost & Found CALL 940-627-5987 & GET RESULTS! Business Hours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. • Personal • Wanted (20 words or less). Classified Advertising Policy: Classified ads for the Weekend/Midweek edition are $14 per week for 20 words or less (each additional word is 70¢). To also run the same ad in Classified Gold, the price is $22 per week ($1.10 each additional word). Deadlines: Classified Line Ads Midweek Edition: 10 a.m. on Tuesday Weekend Edition: 10 a.m. on Friday Classified Gold: 10 a.m. on Friday Real Estate Ads Midweek Edition: 3 p.m. on Thursday the week before Weekend Edition: 3 p.m. on Tuesday Classified Display Ads Midweek Edition: Noon on Friday Weekend Edition: Noon on Wednesday Farm and Ranch • Let Me Fix It • Miscellaneous • Tutoring 5B • Livestock Stud Service • Livestock Supplies • Miscellaneous • Mowing • Pasture & Feed • Poultry Notices Special Offers: 5-week Service Special: Place an ad of 20 words or less for 4 weeks in the Business Services classification of the Wise County Messenger for $58. Receive a bold heading and the 5th week FREE! Also, run the same ad in Classified Gold and the total is $90 (20 words or less). • Legal Notices • Public Notices 4-week For Sale Special: Place an ad of 20 words or less for 2 weeks in any For Sale classification of the Wise County Messenger for $29. Receive a bold heading and extra 2 weeks FREE! Also run the same ad in Classified Gold and the total is $45 Error Responsibility: Customers are asked to check their ad immediately after it appears in the paper and report at once any error found. Claims for adjustment should be made at that time. The Wise County Messenger is responsible for an incorrect ad only the first time it runs, so check your ad carefully. Classified Gold goes into 21,000 additional homes. Payments: In person: 115 South Trinity St., Decatur By mail: Wise County Messenger P.O. Box 149 Decatur, TX 76234-0149 ALL CLASSIFIED ADS APPEAR ONLINE AT WWW.WCMESSENGER.COM/CLASS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Condos/town homes 284 ACRES, DECATUR I.S.D. Ag exempt, sandy soil, great views, 2 ponds, water well. $2,667/acre. Beverly Whetsell, agent. (940)399-9545. 4 TRACTS, 20+ ACRES Sandy soil, oak trees, D.I.S.D., ag exempt. $6,800-$7,500/acre. Beverly Whetsell, agent. (940)399-9545. PENDING Sun Set Realty - Jim Boyd, Associate 940-845-2120 940-393-0421 Cell 49 ACRES NEAR CRAFTON has water well, septic & electricty. 2 travel trailers and two 40’ storage containers. 2 ponds, lots of big oak trees, deer & turkey. Asking $200,000. Might also divide and owner finance. See website: texranches.com, or call (940)841-3111. ACREAGE 5-acres, Decatur, $40k. 4-acres, Alvord, trees, $32k. All owner finance. (817)691-6601, Dan. BEAUTIFUL LAND FOR SALE FM 455, between Forestburg/Montague. Owner finance, no credit check, down payment negotiable. Great schools. (940)872-1712, (940)736-7239. CRAFTON, 15 MILES from Chico, 26 acres, fenced, pond, well, electric, 5-6 wooded acres. $4,700/acre. Contact Silvestre, (940)395-4950; Spanish, Blanca, (940)368-9897. MUST SEE! Beautiful, updated 3/2. Full-size appliances stay. Ready to move in. Best buy, $53,000. Mac, American Dream Realtors. (940)575-4464. Homes 3/3/4 on 2.9 acres. 2,650 living with 4-car garage and extra room. Custom built in 2006. Approximately 2.5 miles south of Decatur on FM 51. $285,000. (940)577-2426. -5,4)0,% ,)34).' 3%26)#% Jack Cannon Broker 940-368-1811 Metal barn house with storage, 975 Hlavek Road, Decatur. Building with 2 city lots, 504 W. Main, $69,900. (940)389-5588. Mini-farm, 2,000 square foot home with 5 acres, 3 barns, and corral. Located off Business 101 in Chico. More acreage available. $125,000. (940)393-3817. MUST SELL Wooded 3.5 acres, home, pool, corrals, well, detached large shop, extra cement pad. Lease or lease option, will carry paper at low interest rate. Also income producing leased rentals on property. Must see to appreciate. Call Joe at (817)313-3861. Eric Cannon 940-393-5317 Let Us Help You Buy Your HUD Home. HUD Approved Realtors LAND BOWIE - LAKE FRONT PROPERTY! 5 ACRES. $150,000 DENTON - 5 ACRES. $149,000 ALVORD - LOT FOR SALE. $14,500 DECATUR - 3 ACRES ON S. FM 51. RHOME - 88 ACRES. $345,735 DECATUR - 2.8 ACRES. $19,900 ALVORD - 1.55 ACRES. $24,500 SUNSET - 5 ACRES. $37,000 DECATUR - MULTI-FAMILY LOTS. $25,000 Lots For sale or lease, 4.23 acres west of Boyd, with utilities, fenced. Owner finance. (817)281-4311, (817)422-3023. DECATUR - 1,944 SQ. FT. ON 4+ ACRES. $220,000 DECATUR - 6/6 $198,000 BRIDGEPORT - 6+ ACRES. $499,000 DECATUR - OVER 10,000 SQ. FT. ON 11+ACRES. $349,000 HOMES PARADISE - 3/2/2 ON 20+ AC. WITH BARNS DECATUR - 4,000 SQ. FT. METAL HOME ON 19+ ACRES. $249,900 RHOME - 4/2 ON 6+ ACRES. $134,500 DECATUR - W. HWY 380, HOME + OUTBUILDING ON 4 ACRES. $198,000 DENTON - 5/4/3 $324,900 SANGER - 4/3/2 $183,500 PENDING DECATUR - 2/1 $78,000 Search The MLS Listing For All Homes Or Properties At WWW.CANNONREALTY.NET BRAND NEW BRICK HOMES LEASE TO OWN CUSTOM BUILT FOR YOU! Starting $1,400/month. Limited supply. (817)733-3444. • Jana Bearden • Martha Cleveland • Jay Conquest • Joey Duncan • Sue Ann Denton • Bob Grommesh • Kim Holt • Steve Jones • Angie Kasner • Jane Kasner • Robert Meek • Sue Meek • Sandy Onks • Tonya Shaffer • Kay Stanfield • Angie Uselton • Melissa Day Waterfront Lake Bridgeport - Just reduced! Fantastic lake front home with good water, nice boat dock, and a BRAND NEW Roof! The property is spacious with room for expansion or privacy. Home has large living area and 4 bedrooms-ample room for large family and friends. Covered and uncovered patios overlooking the lake and lots of paved parking make this a sweet package. You must see! Extra adjoining waterfront lot available. Alvord - Just reduced! Very nice 4 bedroom, 2 bath brick home with a 2 car garage is on a great lot. Roomy and Bright this house has room for your family to grow. Custom features and a great location make this home a must see! Decatur - Very nice and roomy, this 4 bedroom, 4 bath home is made for large family. It sits on over 5 acres and has great storage building and garage fitted out for the woodworker or handyman. The large backyard has nice in ground pool overlooking the acreage. It’s convenient to major highways yet secluded enough for that country feel. Decatur - Beautiful town home with 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2 story. Nice floor plan with large loft area upstairs, nice sized bedrooms, large living area and nice sized fenced yard area with patio. Paradise - Just reduced! Completely updated inside and out 2 bedroom, 1 bath home on almost .50 acre. New siding, roof, CHA, flooring, paint, doors, bath, and light fixtures. Move in ready. Beautiful Lake Bridgeport, Runaway Bay, North Star Pointe, Moonlight Bay, Sunset Bay, Silver Lakes, Bridgeport Airport Estates, Lake House Estates- A large variety of lake lots and waterfront lots available. Call our office first! Wise County’s#1 Real Estate Company (per MLS statistical data) www.century21sueanndenton.com 1999 TOWN AND COUNTRY mobile home, to be moved. 3/2, 32’x40’ double wide. All electric. Appliances included. Excellent condition. Metal porch & carport included. (940)389-9881, after 5p.m. 3 MOBILE HOMES on 1 acre each. Good well, septics, barns, cellar, fenced. Cash or owner finance, $89,500/all. Boyd, p(940)433-5246. 4/2 double wide near Boyd on 1 acre. For sale or rent, owner finance. (817)422-3023 or (817)281-4311. Owner finance! 4-bedroom on 1 acre. New appliances and refurbished. (940)367-7542. Owner finance! House on 2 acres. Springtown ISD. Heavily wooded and views for miles. (940)367-7542. RBMOBILEHOMES.COM Move, set-ups, re-levels. In & out of state. Licensed, bonded, insured. Repos. Free estimates. (940)683-5547. RBI #36191. WILLIAMS MOBILE HOME SERV. Best deal on moving, set ups. Free estimates. Bonded, licensed & insured. (940)433-3117; (817)291-4522 (9a.m.-4p.m.); email, wmsmhs55@centurylink.net WILL BUY MINERALS Buying producing and non-producing minerals in North Texas. Will make offer and close fast. Will buy large or small tracts. All offers are confidential. Send inquiries to: Minerals, P.O. Box 1592, Bowie, TX 76230. 1814 S. FM 51 • Decatur MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Each office is independently owned and operated. ® EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 3/3.5 on 3 acres. Here’s your dream log home, beautiful custom built 2 story log home, 2,400 sq. ft. open floor plan, custom cabinets in kitchen, island. 3/3.5, study, detached garage with workroom and half bath and two car carport. Barn and storage building, fenced and cross fenced. $224,900 Call Pam. Need more acreage? 61+acres next to this property available. Large home on acreage! This could be just what you are looking for. 3,000 square feet on 6 acres. Many upgrades done to this beautiful home, new roof, flooring, light fixtures, too much to list! $237,000 Call Rhonda No restrictions! Vacant lot located near Lake Bridgeport and Wise County Park. $7,500 Call Marilyn Beat the heat! Beautiful 3/2/2 brick home plus 1/1 guest house on 2.88 acre treed lot, diving pool, 30x40 shop., $299,900 Call Marilyn 12.7 acres of beautiful improved pasture, fenced and cross fenced with stock tank. Restricted as to no mobiles, no multifamily units and no commercial business. $94,900 247 acres near Saint Jo with a mixture of pasture for grazing and woods for hunting and a large stock tank. $2,950/acre Call Marilyn Affordable waterfront lot on Lake Bridgeport - Community features include secure gate entrance, pool and boat ramp. $45,000 Call Marilyn Have Buyers - Need Sellers!! www.remax-preferredproperties-decatur-tx-us.com RENTA OFFERED BY TANA OFFERED BY TANA OFFERED BY TANA OFFERED BY TANA Tana 940-627-5859 tanahomes@yahoo.com • www.tanahomes.com CHICO - JUST LISTED 4/2/2cp Updated, beautiful and move-in ready, stainless appliances, crown molding, 4th bdrm can be ofc, awesome screened porch, deck & spa. Crafts/ofc/guest bdrm attached. $159,900 DECATUR - 4/3/2 ON 2.5+ ACRES finished in 2008, granite in kit & baths, cer-tile in wet areas, split bdrms, 4th bdrm/ofc, WBFP in LR & outdoor patio, formal & bkft nook, Jack-n-Jill bath, fenced bkyd & concreted parking for RV/boat. $249,900 DECATUR- 300+ ACRES developers, this is it, rolling hills, scattered trees, cattle grazing, could be divided into two tracts. no restrictions, no minerals. Call for price per acre SILVER LAKES - 1 acre lot, trees, close to boat ramp and club house. Restricted sub. $31,000 BRIDGEPORT - 158 acres, nice property for developing. CR on two sides, grazing, wildlife, stock pond, views, trees. Call for info. $3,500/acre DECATUR - For Lease 2/2/2 townhouse open living area, patio, fenced backyard. $1,000 deposit and $995 per month NORTH ASSOCIATES 940-320-0400 FOR INFORMATION ON WHO AND HOW TO PURCHASE HUD FORECLOSURE PROPERTIES VISIT: WWW.HUDHOMESTORE.COM YOU GOT LAND? I GOT BUYERS! OFFERED BY TANA OFFERED BY TANA OFFERED BY TANA OFFERED BY TANA MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 940-627-1990 • Apartments • Business Property • Condos/Town Homes • Duplex Housing • Homes • Mobile Homes • Rooms • Roommate Wanted • Spaces & Lots • For Lease • Wanted to Rent • Wanted to Lease • Facilities • Storage Buildings w w w. w c m e s s e n g e r. c o m ® 1205 Halsell St, Bridgeport • 940-683-4008 Fred Meyers, Broker Mike Jones, Realtor 940-393-5229 Jared McComis, Realtor • 940-399-7530 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Just Listed! Extremely nice 3/2/2 home on an amazing corner lot filled with mature oak trees. $60,000 188 CR 2195-Country 3/2 brick home on 2.798 acres, 24x30 man cave w/insulation & electricity. $225,000 827 Port O Call-3/2/2 brick on 2 acres in Runaway Bay with pond out front, guest quarters & more. $223,000 Call Mike Jones for information CR 3390-160+/- acres with scattered trees, open coastal field, fenced, large stock tank. 2010 Oakcreek 3/2 doublewide. $783,000 23 Robinhood-3/2 brick with lots of oak trees for shade, sits in established neighborhood on over .5 acre. $125,000 Call Mike Jones for information 102 W. Cates St.-Old nursing home on Westside of Bridgeport. Lots of opportunities in this building. Priced at $425,000 201 PR 4573-Commercial business off Hwy 114 with 2 large buildings on 2.78 +/- acres. $199,000 1901 Wild Horse- 4/3.5/2 brick home on 2.685 acres in Mustang Creek with lots of amenities. $249,000. Call Mike Jones for more information. PR 3628-44+/- acres of raw land with a creek running through the property. Plenty of spaces to build your dream home with wildlife on property. $127,250 10th Street-Looking to build in the city limits of Bridgeport, 12 residential lots with scattered trees and minutes to everything. Priced at $110,000 PR 3671-Beautiful 41 +/- acres to build your dream home with mature trees, rolling pasture land stock tanks, and wildlife. Priced at $5250/acre 217 Aston Drive-Deep water, great location, 3/2 with 2 story dock, boat house, shade trees and landscaped. $490,000 Call Mike Jones for more information. 165 Aston Drive-Lake cabin by the dam on Lake Bridgeport. 2/2.5 enclosed back porch. Crappie/boat house grandfathered in. Currently being updated. $309,000 Call Mike Jones for more information. 144 Nottingham Circle- Nice 3/2 home in Bridgeport. $115,000 1105 Hovey-Looking to put your business with Hwy frontage, then this building is for you! Reduced to $125,000 1111 Halsell St- Lots of potential here, could be restaurant or office space. $92,000 1702 Edgewood-Investors look here-Well established apartment complex in Bridgeport. Segundo Dr-Corner lot in Runaway Bay with scattered trees. $7,000 1505 16th St-Fixer Upper in Bridgeport 3/2/1 frame home. $55,000 FEATURE PROPERTY Gorgeous custom home in quiet neighborhood. Close to schools in acclaimed Alvord ISD. This stunning 4/3.5/2 boasts more than 3,000 sq. ft. on one level, soaring 12 foot ceilings, beautifully appointed kitchen with granite counters, glass doors, furniture style cabinetry, too much to list here. Impressive brick fireplace graces family room, built-ins abound! Mature trees, elegant rear courtyard, his and hers hobby rooms. Priced to sell. Hurry. Call Susan 817-821-6659 RANDY W. PARKER-OWNER/BROKER LISA G. CARAWAY, MANAGING PARTNER/REALTOR 301 S. Washburn, Suite D 940-627-9040 For more information about us and our listings visit www.parkerpropertiestexas.com Best of WISE 2009 CeCe Lisby 940-399-9141 Lisa G. Caraway, 940-393-2476 lisagcaraway@yahoo.com Bridgeport - SELLER WILL PAY UP TO $2500 IN CLOSING COST WITH REASONABLE OFFER! MOTIVATED SELLERS! NEW PAINT! MOVE IN READY! LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! Exceptionally neat and cozy 3 bedroom, 2 bath brick home with a 1 car garage located near Bridgeport Schools. New paint throughout. Large privacy fenced in backyard with covered patio and above ground 15’ pool with deck to entertain your family and guest. 1998 3/2 MOBILE HOME on 1 wooded acre with creek. 24x28 carport, Bridgeport School District. Call (940)389-6567. Preferred Properties COMMERCIAL Bridgeport Decatur Rhome 1606 W. Bus. 380 817-638-5100 192 W. Hwy. 380 940-683-3080 940-627-3080 Sue Ann Denton, Inc. FSBO, 3/2/2 on 2 lots, split bedrooms, open living area. 129 Lakeshore Drive, Runaway Bay. $122,500. (940)389-8443. RENTALS Wanted to buy OFFERED BY TANA OFFERED BY TANA OFFERED BY TANA • Sunset - 8.83 acres, 25x75 horse barn, tank, water. $59,500 • Alvord Schools - 10.3 acres, wooded with deep well. $75,000 • N. Sunset - 150 acres, Denton Creek, good farm & hunting place. $3,500 per acre • N. Sunset - 20 acres Hwy 101. $80,000 • N. Alvord - Prime Hwy. 287 & CR Frontage 16+ acres. $12,000 per acre • N. Alvord - 13 acres, two CR frontage, $6,500 per acre. • Lake Bridgeport - Waterfront property, 2/1.5 remodel. $95,900 • Sunset - 167 acres, good cattle & horse place, 40x40 building, stock tank, well & septic. Reduced to $2,695 per acre • Alvord ISD - 4.71 acres, no mobiles. $9,000/acre • Sunset Hwy 101 - 30x40 commercial building. Good business or makes a nice home. $69,500 Seller anxious • Sunset - 26+/- acres, new stock tank. $5,000 per acre. Owner Finance. • Decatur - 5+ acres, good Hwy 380 frontage. $145,000 • Alvord - 5+ acres, Alvord school, heavily wooded. $35,000 • N. of Bowie 160 acres, rough and rugged $2,595/acres • Park Springs - 9+ acres $4,500 per acre Owner Financing. • Sunset - Hwy. 287 93 beautiful acres, barn, coastal, lots of tanks. $3,500 per acre. • S. of Boyd - 32+ acres FM 730 on Trinity River. $6,500 per acre • E. of Sunset - 2-10 acre tracts, sell one or both. $4,500 per acre. 3-bedroom, 2-story condo for sale. Newly remodeled. $86,500. Call Donna, (940)389-1615. Mobile Homes OFFERED BY TANA OFFERED BY TANA OFFERED BY TANA Acreage FSBO, $125,000 3/2/2 on 1 acre, fenced backyard, breakfast bar open to dining/living, ceramic tile, carpet, fresh paint. Move-in ready. (940)389-1215. Bruce Furgerson All Season Home. Beat Summer heat with salt water pool, then welcome Winter with a pellet stove offering rated energy savings. Don’t forget 3 bedrooms plus bonus room. Lots of upgraded features in this lovely newer brick home on 3.973 acres with creek, pond, horses OK. Great Value at $280,000! Eyecatching Decatur Historic home has 2,800 sq ft home on beautiful shady lot. Classic details includes hardwood floor, tin ceiling tile, great claw foot tub. Large formal dining room off charming eat-in kitchen. Several rooms can be utilized as your family desires. This home should be on your must see list! $234,000 cecelisby@yahoo.com For Information on All of my properties go to www.bfrealtor.com 817-996-3202 bfrealtor.com bfyeehaw@embarqmail.com Don't make a move without Parker Properties. Call today for any of your real estate needs. Sherry Layton 940-399-8246 sherrylayton@embarqmail.com Gussie Groves, GRI ERS 940-627-4397 gussie@embarqmail.com RENTAL Bring your horses! Awesome Log cabin home on 13 acres. This home is energy efficient, with low E windows. Insert fireplace, keeps the whole house warm. beautiful wrap around porch. Huge country kitchen, large living and dining room, utility has sink and freezer, wood work through out home. Barn with stalls, great coastal pasture. Special insulation, water well for low utility bills. $2000 Monthly 940-577-4484 seanlmwilliams@yahoo.com Great horse or recreational property! Nice 3 bedroom brick home on 7 acres. Sandy loam soil. 2 large living areas, some custom painting. RV parking. Cross fenced w/water to several pastures. Electronic entry gate. $247,500 John Lanier 940-627-9714 jrlanier@gmail.com BRIDGEPORT – 225 PR 3423 – Brick4/1.5 on beautiful wooded lot. Metal roof, hardwood floors in kitchen and dining room. Co-op water, water well, cellar, fruit trees, water filter system, CH/A. $79,900 580 CR 4191 Decatur Sean Williams 2 beautiful homes! 4 bedroom home, ceiling treatments, granite counter tops, WBFP, tile hand-scraped wood-look flooring. Second home 1/1 with granite counter tops, washer and dryer hookups, and more. 5 acres, good for horses. Trees, lake access, gazebo. $399,500 Great location! No City Taxes. Within walking distance to Young Elementary. Nice 3/2 1,680 sq ft home, on 3.12 acres with mature trees, horse facilities,open floor plan with remodeled kitchen. $149,900 223 Wild Horse Rd. Decatur Great Location! No city taxes! Must see! Nice 3,500 sq. ft. home with 3/3.5/2 on 5.494 acres, with custom pool and spa. $389,900 202 W. Oak Decatur Nice .147 acre city lot with some trees. Ready to build. Close to Courthouse and shopping. $12,500 6B WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, October 8, 2011 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT Apartments $300/DEPOSIT 2/1 apartment in Chico. $600/month. No pets. Call (940)644-2713 or (817)929-1930. Cabins & efficiency apartments for rent, including some as low as $500/month w/all bills paid. Boyd area. Excellent location. (940)433-3133. Business property 1,000 square foot office space available. 407 S. Washburn Street, Decatur. Available Oct. 1. (940)393-6285. Chico, commercial shop for lease. 3,800 square feet, approximately 2.5 acres. Perfect for oil related business. (940)393-6045. Retail or commercial office space, Hwy. 287 South. (940)627-0074. Condos, town homes Condo for rent, Runaway Bay. 1-bedroom, unfurnished, all appliances, including washer/dryer. HOA pool. Deposit required. (940)393-1796, (940)575-2114. LOVELY 1-BEDROOM condo, lake view, all appliances, HOA pool, no pets, Runaway Bay. For sale/rent: $35,000 or $500/month. Maria, (972)834-8111. Runaway Bay condo, 1-bedroom, downstairs, all tile flooring, pool side, all appliances including washer/dryer. $560/month. Low deposit! (940)626-9603. Office/ Retail Space For Lease Hwy 51 South Decatur Approx. 1,800 sf Sandford Properties 940.627.0900 Duplexes Bridgeport, 2-bedroom, new flooring. $750/month; 3-bedroom, $775/month; $600/deposit. Call Donna, (940)389-1615. PUBLISHER’S NOTICE: All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is EQUAL HOUSING 1-800-927-9275. OPPORTUNITY 940- 891-3229 ebby.com SpenceProperties.com 1509 N. Bus. 287 Decatur - 2/1 AVAILABLE SEPT. 1 $995/month 200 Cyndilu Decatur - Custom 3/2 AVAILABLE SEPT. 1 $1,995/month 817-825-4647 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ® 2/2/2 BRICK HOME Electric doors, 2 acres fenced, large building in rear w/garage & apartment. 1 block from Eagle Mountain Lake. (817)475-4201. 3-bedroom, 2-bath for rent in Bridgeport. $1,200/month, $1,000/deposit. (940)393-9952. 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 2-car garage, privacy fenced backyard. 300 S. Trenchard, Decatur $1,100/month. (940)627-9981. MOVE-IN SPECIAL Springtown RV Park, 3080 W. Highway 199, Springtown. (817)220-4678. Daily, weekly, monthly rates. Covered/uncovered spaces. Laundry. Free Internet. Storage Buildings DECATUR SELF STORAGE VOTED BEST SELF STORAGE IN WISE COUNTY Free lock with rental of unit UNTY MESSEN CO G SE READER’S CHOICE 20 11 - 2012 • We sell boxes and moving supplies • Climate controlled units available • U-Haul Dealer - Trucks, Trailers, etc. www.decaturselfstorage.net EMPLOYMENT • Business Opportunity • Employment Information • Adult/Elderly Care • Childcare • Food Service • Medical/ Dental • Miscellaneous • Office • Retail/Sales • Trades • Work Wanted EMPLOYM 3/2 double wide on 3/4 acre, new flooring & paint, storage building, Lake Bridgeport. $1,100/month, $1,100/deposit. (940)393-2359. Employment information 3/2 house in Bridgeport. Fenced yard, close to schools. $800/month plus deposit. (940)399-0080. Boyd, Hilltop Village. 3-bedroom, 2-bath, $900 & $925/month, $750/deposit. Call Donna, (940)389-1615. CAROUSEL PROPERTIES Runaway Bay, 3/2, appliances, washer/dryer connections, CH/A, $850-950/month, $1,000/deposit. Cuba road, 2/1, appliances, $600/month, $750/deposit. (940)539-0738. Decatur: 3/2, 6263 N. FM 51. Elaine Tubbleville, Leasing Manager, KARL KLEMENT PROPERTIES, INC. Phone: (940)627-6362. In Boyd, 1-bedroom, just remodeled, all appliances. No pets. $400/month. (817)444-3636. Very large 2 or 3-bedroom, 1-bath, remodeled, painted, CH/A. 508 W. Walnut, Decatur. $900/month, $900/deposit. (940)627-1680, (817)946-3644, (940)577-1662. Senior Care Health & Rehabilitation Center Now hiring for the following positions, • Certified Medication Aides • Certified Nurse Aides FT 2-10 P.M. SHIFT • Laundry Aide Apply In Person At 701 West Bennett Rd., DECATUR or call 940-626-2800 EEO M/F/D/V Ask about our special! 1100 E. Bus. 380 • Decatur 940-627-6434 Toll Free: 877-718-8875 3-bedroom, 2-bath, solar screens, fireplace, wood floors, double garage, large corner lot, landscaped, quiet neighborhood, near 3 schools, shopping area. $1,600/month, $1,000/deposit. (940)627-4999. RENTALS Decatur: 3/1/2, FM 51 South. Bridgeport: 3/1 on acre, FM1655, $850. Large 1-bedroom, 1.5-bath home, lake front. Cannon Realty & Property Management, (940)368-1811. The First Name in Real Estate! Welders helper and sandblaster wanted. Willing to train. Starting pay $9/hour. Apply in person at Bob King's Truck Beds, LLC, 1667 E. Highway 114, Boyd. Spaces & lots ER Eighter Decatur Apartments. Furnished, cable, all bills paid. (940)799-7572. 5,000 square foot commercial/industrial building for lease on 1 acre, in Bridgeport. Easy access to Highway 380. Call (817)832-7353. Homes WI 30x40, 3-bay shop building on corner of Highway 114 & CR4590. (817)281-4311. EMPLOYMENT !!ATTENTION!! Advertising under this classification is normally not a bona fide opportunity. Typically, companies advertising here offer information about potential employment. Some are selling this information. We suggest that our readers thoroughly investigate these advertisers before investing any money. Medical/Dental Urgent Care Center in Decatur seeking Certified Medical Assistant or LVN; also hiring X-Ray technician.Fax resume to (940)626-2113. Now hiring for the following positions: FOOD SERVICE SUPERVISOR Para-legal/legal assistant. Full-time/ part-time, experience required. Salary based on experience. 60+ wpm. Able to work independently. Decatur. (940)627-6060. Receptionist to answer phones, some light duty office work possible. Starting pay $8/hour. Apply in person at Bob King's Truck Beds, LLC, 1667 E. Highway 114, Boyd. Retail/Sales Decatur Shell Truck Stop Miscellaneous Now Hiring DECATUR AARONS, $10/HOUR Can you communicate effectively? Career opportunity. Start as "PT", duties include delivery, merchandising and customer service. Some heavy lifting. Overtime. Benefits. 5-day week. Closed Sundays. Drug screen. Aarons, 1300 FM 51 South, #300. (940)627-5043. Next to Dollar General, ask for Mike. Industrial painter needed to pain oil field equipment. Minimum 5-years experience. Apply in person at TLR Welding & Fabricating, 122 CR3341, Paradise: or fax resume to (940)969-2416. Landscape company in Rhome in need of supervisor with irrigation experience and dependable. Valid drivers license, full-time work. (817)566-5435. NOW HIRING experienced meat cutter, meat wrapper and other positions listed on our website. Apply at Market Place, 1202 S FM 51, Decatur or: www.marketplacegrocery.com. Senior Care Health & Rehabilitation Center Bridgeport Office SEASONAL WAREHOUSE WORKERS Stocking, packing orders; varied duties. M-F, 8a.m.-4:30p.m. Must have 2 forms of ID and pass background check. Call between 1-3p.m., (817)337-5335, ask for Nicole. Full Time • Custodian/Handyman for the outside • Cashiers Apply in Person 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Contact Clint 1306 E. Business 380 • Decatur PEST CONTROL SALES/TECHNICIAN Come grow with us! • Excellent career opportunity • Paid training • Paid vacation/holidays • Paid sick leave/bonus annually • Health Insurance • Hourly pay plus commission Apply at: Wise/Chem Safe Pest Control 4144 US Hwy 380 • Decatur, TX 940-627-7378 Trades DAY SHIFT AVAILABLE. Looking to hire experienced vacuum truck drivers, starting at $15.50/hour. Insurance program available. Call (940)626-8248 or (940)389-0399. Apply in person at 2108 15th St. • Bridgeport or call 940-683-5023 EEO M/F/D/V Mobile Homes • RN’s ICU*IP Rehab*CVICU*ED *Behavioral*Surgery*Wound Care • WCCA - Nurse Practitioner or PA • Behavioral Health - LVN*CNA • IP Rehab Occupational Therapist • Laboratory - MT/MLT • HIMS - EDM Analyst • Dietary - Cook/Dietary Aide & Diet Aide Supervisor Part time/PRN • Behavioral - Clinical Therapist & Admissions Therapist • WCCA - Medical Assistant • Admissions - Clerk 2-bedroom, 2-bath, mobile home in Chico. $600/month, $600/deposit. Call Kevin, (719)660-5992. 102 W Aurora Vista Trail Aurora $69,900 Julie Downe 817-239-2390 Jamie K Miller 817-505-6886 1.22 acre home site in Aurora Vista New Home Community faces South with a North backyard. Corner lot. 1871 Leona Bellevue $504,000 Julie Downe 817-239-2390 Jamie K Miller 817-505-6886 160 acres of Texas Countryside. Nice level, fenced, good roads, open pastures excellent for grazing or farming. Beautiful grove of Oak trees and charming 1,340 sq. ft. 2/1 home. 17622 FM 455 Slidell $ 90,000 Julie Downe 817-239-2390 Jamie K Miller 817-505-6886 Lovely 3/2 manufactured home on 1.49 acres ( approx. 518 ft. of FM 455 road frontage). Attached wood front & back porches with a detached covered carport. 449 Cozy Cove Chico $339,000 Jamie K Miller 817-505-6886 Julie Downe 817-239-2390 How relaxing to spend the night on the water, the day sunning on the upper deck or get into your boat just out the door to play on the lake. Large shop 40x18, boat ramp, paved drive and parking. Room to build your Dream Home. 2/1 mobile home on large lot, at edge of Bridgeport. $450/month plus deposit. (940)399-0080. Platinum 3-bedroom, 2-bath double wide, New Fairview. Ready to move in. $650/month. Call (940)969-6085 or (940)393-1103. Single wide mobile home, Pleasant View area, Bridgeport. 3-bedroom, 2-bath. $750/month, 1st & last in advance, plus $300/deposit. (940)210-0091. Full-time home health aide for growing company. 1-year experience required. Mileage, excellent pay, benefits. 1st Texas Home Health, (940)626-2266. HIRING EXPERIENCED OFFICE MANAGER Multi-tasking, self-starter experienced with PCs, Macs, Quickbooks Could work into a full-time position. Oilfield Services Now taking applications for the following positions: Certified Forklift Operator Winch Truck Driver Hot Shot Driver CDL Required Minimun 1 Year Oilfield Experience & Rig Moving Please apply in person: 254 CR 3503, Suite 200 • Bridgeport TX 76426 Email resume to bhomeseniorcare@gmail.com 135 Heritage Parkway Decatur $209,000 Julie Downe 817-239-2390 Jamie K Miller 817-505-6886 4/2/2, 2,019 sq. ft. custom home on 2.01 acres with large shop and above ground pool. Spacious covered patio with built-in fireplace for outdoor entertaining. 136 Cowan Crossing Decatur $43,920 Julie Downe 817-239-2390 Jamie K Miller 817-505-6886 New subdivision adjacent to the LBJ National Grassland. Several Ponds, beautiful rolling hills, large oak trees, heavily wooded nice lots, wildlife available, paved winding roads, minimum 2 acre lots. Can combine lots for larger acreage. This lot has new 375 ft water well on site NOW HIRING RV Technician-Decatur, TX. Growing trailer dealership has an immediate opening for an RV Technician. Applicants must be able to diagnose and repair: RV Air Conditioning System • Gas & Electric Water Heaters 12 Volt Charging Systems • RV Refrigerators Propane Systems • RV Plumbing Systems • Awnings 206 S Ewing Boyd $47,900 Julie Downe 817-239-2390 Jamie K Miller 817-505-6886 Adorable 2 bedroom bungalow on large city lot near schools. Recently updated interior has rustic charm. This home has a covered front porch, metal roof as well as 2 storage buildings. 1709 FM 2264 Decatur $285,000 Julie Downe 817-239-2390 Jamie K Miller 817-505-6886 Bring your horses! 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths on approximately 10 acres. Great road frontage, 40X80 barn with 2 stalls and tank room. Oversized utility room, wood burning stove, grand 2 story entry. The #1 Independently Owned Real Estate Company in the Metroplex and Texas Certifications helpful but not necessary Cabinet and Wood Working Experience is a Plus Trailer Mechanic Applicants must be able to diagnose and repair: 12 Volt Trailer Wiring System • Pack Bearings Repair Lights • Replace Axles Perform General Maintenance on all types of Trailers Install Gooseneck Hitches Install Electric Trailer Brake Units Welding experience is a plus -5,4)0,% ,)34).' 3%26)#% Apply in person 155 CR 4228 • Decatur SEEKING CDL DRIVERS CLASS A AND B Willing to train in return for time commitment. • Competitive pay plus overtime • Paid insurance • 401(k) plan • Paid holidays • Paid vacation • Safety bonuses Must be willing to travel If interested please call 940-627-1005 WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, October 8, 2011 “ We Are Looking for YOU!” The Hills NURSING & REHABILITATION PRN: Local utility repair company seeking reliable employee that works well with others and able to follow directions. Preferred candidate skilled in plumbing, welding and backhoe. Must be available to work long, hard hours, on call 24 hours. Must possess class A CDL TX drivers license with clean driving record, able to pass random drug test. Fax resume, (940)626-4996 or email ashort@aandvwater.com. Housekeeping and Laundry accepting applications for Must be at least 25 yrs of age with Current Drivers License & Good MVR (clean driving record) Must be dependable Drug test required Badger Daylighting Corporation, North America’s leader in non-destructive excavating, is hiring a Safety Manager in the Weatherford area. Qualified candidates will have experience in excavation in the civil, utilities, and/or oil field markets. Also need OSHA 500 Trainer and OQ trainer. Salary, benefits, 401k, vacation, and company vehicle. Visit Badgerinc.com to learn more about us! Email resumes: bellsworth@badger-inc.com. Company drivers & owner operators wanted. Home daily, paid weekly, incentive programs. End dump & pneumatic tanker. (817)589-7063. Driver & fork lift operator needed. CDL required on both. Forestburg area. Must be 25-years or older with minimum 3-years experience. (940)964-2415. Drivers $0 DOWN PAID CDL TRAINING Guaranteed job placement. 4-week training. Fort Worth based, full benefits! $40K-$50K first year. (817)529-5800. Experienced welders & helpers needed. (940)748-2006, leave message. Hiring CDL drivers. Tanker endorsement and end dump. (940)389-2579 or (940)427-4953. Metroplex Welding Supply is accepting applications for a full-time delivery driver. Must have Class B with HazMat endorsement. 40-50 hour work week. Please apply in person or call (940)627-6820. Mechanic for truck, trailer & oil field related equipment. Call (940)577-1464. • • • • Excellent Pay Excellent Environment Five-day Work Week Uniforms Prefer ASE or Chrysler training Apply to James McClelland at 500 NORTH Hwy. 287 in Decatur or send resume to ruthd@klement cjd.com 627-SLAB For all your concrete needs! QUOTES WFREE • OSHA TRAINED • INSURED • SAFETY 1ST EOE/M/F/V/D TRAVISBRYANT77@GMAIL.COM FREE ESTIMATES DESIGNS CENTS offers affordable decorating using color, space, texture and other decorating techniques. Contact Pam Harrington, (940)531-2020 or pamelash@hughes.net! Rick’s HOME PLANS designed to your spec. (940)210-1877, ctdraftcoplans.com. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Roll/Off Container Service for Trash & Debris Removal Haz-Mat Containment & Removal 940-683-3770 Bridgeport, TX 76426 S&S PAINTING Interior & exterior. Paint & stain cabinets. Free estimates. Call Brenda Dugan, (940)389-0845. JOE TUCKER DRYWALL Sheetrock ✣ Tape ✣ Bed ✣ Texture. New construction, remodeling, add-ons. Call (940)389-0029. TRW QUALITY APPLIANCE Sales & Service. We service all major appliances. 12000-A FM 730 North, Azle. (817)907-7731. STEVE’S HANDYMAN Electric, plumbing, framing, cabinets, countertops, drywall, painting, lawn maintenance, hauling, tree removal, pressure washing. Free estimates. (817)471-7597. Site Safe Solutions is looking for oilfield supervisor w/CDL for our growing business in N.E. Pennsylvania. Housing provided. Great growth potential for right individual. Email resume to: deanna@rwi-llc.com; or fax to (940)668-6688. HEAVY LINE DIESEL MECHANIC Diamond Tank Rental K&R TRACTOR Ponds, excavation, land clearing, housepads, driveways, track loader. (817)832-3791. Winch Truck & Flat Bed Drivers CDL Required. No Tarping. Paid Vacation, Medical Insurance For more information call 940-969-2028 PEASTER'S WOMENS FITNESS boot camp! Begins September 20, Tues. and Thurs., 6 p.m. Appropriate for all fitness levels. (817)613-7784. FARM AND RANCH FARM A RANC • Farm Equipment • Fencing • Lawn & Garden • Livestock • Livestock Care/Training • Livestock Lost & Found • Livestock Stud Service • Livestock Supplies • Miscellaneous • Mowing • Pasture & Feed • Poultry Equal Opportunity Employer HIRING CLASS A CDL DRIVERS TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED Transport Drivers Drivers Needed Needed •Transport 22 years minimum age Fencing Transport Drivers Needed Positions for local hauling of Aggregate • 2 years verifiable driving experience A CDL minimum age; and Hot-Mix. Over-the-road positions 22 for years• Class 22 years• We minimum age; pay you for your experience Sleeper Trucks with Pneumatic Tankers 2 years verifiable driving • Employee and Family Healthexperience; Insurance 2 years •verifiable driving experience; Most trucks are 2012’s. Great settlement checks. Night shift premium 3D FARM & RANCH SERVICES All types fencing, metal buildings, carports, custom gates, entrances, cattle guards, mobile & shop welding, general clean-up, skid steer work. YOU NAME IT, WE DO IT!! (940)210-1242. 22 years minimum age; Experience preferred Class Class A A years We Call Jack @ 469-400-49712 We pay pay CDL; • Night shift bonus CDL; Cleburne driving area: 817.925.5154 Scott verifiable experience; you you for for your your experience experience AFFORDABLE FENCING All types, including chain link, wood privacy, vinyl, farm fencing. Installation or repair. (940)626-9290. www.affordablefencing.net Bridgeport area: 940.393.5525 Kirby Employee and Employee and Family Family health health insurance insurance Class A CDL; Night Night shift shift premium premium for just We pay Looking you for your experience the righthealth job? Employee and Family insurance SEEKING EXPERIENCED 817.925.5154 817.925.5154 • Competitive Pay & Overtime Bridgeport • Company Benefit Package 401(k), Bonus Plan, Health & Life Insurance area: Kirby Kirby 940.393.5525 Night shift bonus Elite Well site Services SPOTS, CROSSES AND DUROC show pigs: ages for project and major shows. Texas bred certificates available on request. Call (940)872-5785. Livestock care/training RED RIVER HORSESHOEING Serving Wise & surrounding counties. Call Steve Sewell for prices, (940)366-1485. Certified. Mowing X WORKS TRACTOR WORK Reasonable rates, quality performance. Mowing, fence clearing, tree/brush removal, general tractor work. Brandon, (817)992-0405. Pasture and feed HAY Horse & Cow Quality 50 years of actual service in Hay Sales. Try us and see if our prices can be beat! Thank you, Danny Taylor 940-389-3068 Charles H. Taylor 940-627-3385 940-393-2728 CUSTOM ROUND/SQUARE baling , mowing, plowing, grain drill, trees trimmed, gardens tilled. Hay hauling and hay for sale. Call (940)393-9616, (940)683-3148. Hay 4x5 coastal round bales, Alvord area. (940)389-4957. LONESOME DOVE FEED Authorized Bryant dealer, whole corn $9.75/50#, clean coastal square bales. Located 1231 CR4380, Decatur. (940)389-2945. PETS • Pets • Pets Lost & Found • Pet Care/Training • Pet Stud Services PETS FARM & RANCH FENCING Scott ipe & cable, Scott Pnon-climb, barbed wire, entrances, solar gate operators, repairs. Made in USA. Jim, (940)367-7505. Night shift premium Bridgeport area: 940.393.5525 Precious mini horses for sale, lots of color. $100/each. (940)395-8210. BOBBY’S FENCE All types fencing. Free estimates. Over 25-years experience. (817)444-3213. Night Night shift shift bonus bonus Cleburne Cleburne area: area: LLAMAS weanlings (6-months-old), adults, bred females, guardians & pet quality. We provide training & support for new owners. (940)433-5897. Miscellaneous Hey, want to lose 8-10 pounds this month? This works and will be the last diet that you will ever try! www.tracieeubanks.greatshapetoday.com; or call (940)210-3298. NOW HIRING 2 HORNED HEREFORD BULLS They are good! (940)389-9133 or (940)577-3125. MCROREY RENOVATIONS drywall, cracks fixed, texture, carpentry, siding, minor sprinkler repairs, painting, telephone and TV wiring, surround sound, and handyman work. Eric, (940)799-7086. PRO CONSTRUCTION SERVICES (940)577-4135. Remodeling, interior & exterior painting, drywall, cabinets, trim, tile, handyman jobs. Quality work done right. NOW HIRING truck driver, full-time, Class A or B CDL required, experienced driver only. $13-$15/hour. Hauling in Wise and surrounding counties. Apply @ 872 S. Highway 101, Chico; (940)644-2879. 940-627-1755 DUGAN’S PAINTING Interior/exterior. Stain & lacquer cabinets. Drywall repair. Minor carpentry work. No job too small. Call anytime, (940)393-9645. MR. SWEEP’S Chimney Cleaning Service. Chimney caps, dryer vent cleaning & fireplace repairs. Call, ask for $20 discount. (817)692-5624. Now hiring Class-A CDL drivers, tanker endorsement required. Inquire at (817)995-5024. Apply within 2379 Hwy 287 North Decatur ST CELL 817-585-0442 Ty Kennedy 940-627-SLAB Business B TRAVIS BRYANT Concrete, Inc. SERVIC 800-899-3941 Angela.Seastrunk@nabors.com T RAVIS RYA • INSURED • SAFETY 1 817 585 04 Insist on Quality • Childcare • Adult/Elderly Care • Business • Housecleaning • Let Me Fix It • Miscellaneous • Tutoring 1.5 years CLASS A CDL Driver Exp. Req. CDL DRIVERS A+ HANDYMAN SERVICE Home repairs, light plumbing & electric, mower & window screen repair. (817)995-7960. RKS BUCKET W•OOSHA TRAINE SERVICES * Newly Increased Hourly Rates NOW HIRING! Welders, Machine Operators and Machinists. Please call Jennifer at (817)345-4937. EOE. LOCAL CLEANING SERVICE Commercial, residential, bonded/insured. Make ready, 1-time or repeat. We clean what others miss. pennyWise Cleaning Service, (940)210-5450. Wanted: experienced OTR drivers w/step deck & RGN knowledge, for transport of equipment. (817)847-8534. HOME DAILY Livestock B R YA N T 940.389.5209 We’re Growing and Expanding Established Company Since -1948 Now hiring Class A CDL drivers with 2-years experience. Oilfield/environmental/construction transportation. Paid weekly, insurance, Aflac, paid vacations and much more. Call Daniel, (800)448-6323. Housecleaning Let me fix it Remember Call Mike Stark CDL DRIVERS We Have A Few Remaining Openings Left For CDL Drivers In The Decatur Area BRUCE’S HOUSE LEVELING Foundation repair, Sheetrock, tape & bedding repair. All work guaranteed! Free estimates. 30 years experience. (817)690-2429. Class A-CDL Driver APPLY IN PERSON AT 201 E. THOMPSON, DECATUR or FAX RESUME to 940-627-3937 EEO/M/F/D/W BEN’S GRAPHICS Architectural/structural, CAD drafting. Commercial, industrial, residential. Cast stone, pre-cast, tiltwall. (817)235-3906. STARK OILFIELD SERVICE Mechanics needed. Top pay for qualified mechanics. Email resume & contact information for interview. brigre@msn.com. LVNs and RNs FARM AND RANCH SERVICES EMPLOYMENT 7B Lawn and garden Pets !!ATTENTION!! We suggest that our readers thoroughly investigate any advertiser before investing any money. SS LAWN CARE lawn care service. Mowing, Wise County Messenger Classifieds Online Full landscaping, tree trimming, fertilizaCleburne area: www.messenger.com/class 817.925.5154 Scott tion, flower beds and more. References available. 10-years experi- ence. Commercial/residential. Call Shane for free estimate. (940)210-9444. COME BE A PART OF A WINNING TEAM Bridgeport area: 940.393.5525 DURHAM SCHOOL SERVICES NOW HIRING Class A CDL Driver with Tanker Endorsementt Night shift with possible day shift. Must be 25 years of age, have good driving record, 2 years tractor trailer experience. Pass drug screen. End dump & Bobtail experience a plus. Applications at elitewellsiteservices.com or Apply in person at 12319 Bus. Hwy 287, Fort Worth, 76179 940-210-2949 or 940-389-1132 for Bridgeport Kirby IN PARTNERSHIP WITH NORTHWEST ISD School Bus Drivers & Mechanics Wanted School Bus Driver Wanted • No experience necessary for drivers • No experience necessary • Drivers start at $11.50 per hr. • Competitive pay $11 per hr. • P/T Medical/Dental/Vision •Benefits P/T Medical/Dental/Vision Available Benefits Available • Flexible Stopschedules by our offices at: 1950 Texan Drive or Stop by our offices at: Apply online at: 1950 Texan Drive or durhamschoolservice.com Apply online at: 940-242-3900 durhamschoolservices.com Durham School Services Performs Drug and Alcohol Testing, Motor Vehicle and Background Checks EOE TREES TRIMMED & REMOVED 36 years in business, insured. All major credit cards accepted. (817)444-0861, Teater. YORKIE CKC registered, born 6-5-11, all shots/wormed. 1 male left, $400. Family raised, parents on site. (940)627-7947, (443)907-3989. YORKIES, AKC extra tiny teacups to standard toy. Shots, wormed, health gurarantee. (940)507-0082, (940)567-2800, www.URNextpup.com. Keen Electrical Service COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • RESIDENTIAL Service Upgrades Quality Service & Reasonable Rates 25 Years Experience Licensed/Insured TECL #26308 940-399-0373 American Owned & Operated 8B WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, October 8, 2011 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE Furniture COMPUTER ARMOIRE make by Hooker, lots of storage space, great features. Would work w/any decorating style. Excellent condition. $650/OBO. (940)969-2680. Garage sales !!ATTENTION!! Garage sale ads must be called in BEFORE 10a.m. Tuesday to run in the Thursday edition. If you want your garage sale ad in All Around Wise also, it MUST be called in before 10a.m. Friday THE WEEK BEFORE the sale. We do not run garage sales the weekend before the sale. Boyd, First United Methodist Church, 540 S. Allen Street (FM 730 South), Sat., Oct. 8, 9a.m. Huge sale, household items, furniture, clothing, books, crafts, jewelry, children’s games, lots more. Chico, 960 CR1560, Oct. 7-8, Fri., 7a.m.-3p.m., Sat., 7-11a.m. Yard sale. Kid’s items, tv, miscellaneous items. Decatur, 1210 Old Chico Road, Fri.-Sat., Oct. 7-8, 7a.m.-3p.m. Yard sale, clothes, furniture, jewelry & more. Decatur, 2131 Preskitt Road, Fri.-Sat., Oct. 7-8. Moving sale. Lots of antique furniture, dishes, clothes, miscellaneous items. Decatur, 2707 S. James, Oct. 7-8, Fri., 8am.-5p.m., Sat., 8a.m.-3p.m. 3-family sale, men’s/ladies/kid’s/plus size clothes, shoes, household items. AARONS LEASE RETURN SALE Save big because we leased it first. Sofa and love seat, both for $349. 3 piece accessory tables from $79. Lamp pairs from $39. Mattress sets for $129. Laptops and desktops from $299. 60 inch TVs from $429. XBOX and Playstations from $149. Appliances and much more. Cash, check or credit card. $25 delivery in Wise County. 1300 FM 51 S, next to Dollar General, Decatur. (940)627-5043, Ask for Miles. ATTENTION: COLLECTORS & ENDURANCE TRAIL RIDERS McClellan reproduction saddle, great for trail riding. WWI 30-caliber ammo belt and 45-caliber ammo pouch. One steel helmet. Bowie, (940)872-9556. HANDICAP ITEMS EZ Access portable handicap ramp, brand new. (940)393-5352. HOT WHEELS SETS Matchbox collectible sets, double-decker bus collection. All one package or sold separately. (940)389-2805. LIMITED EDITION MARTIN COWBOY III GUITAR #299 of 750, with case. Call (940)872-9556. POLARIS HAWKEYE 4-wheeler, $1,500. Gibson Les Paul studio model guitar, $750. Amplifier, $250. Buffalo robe, $750. (940)210-8619, ask for Chuck. TRANSPORTATION • Boats • Cars • Recreational Vehicles • Trucks • Accessories • Trailers • Wanted to Buy TRANSPORT Decatur, 303 N. State, Oct. 7-8, Fri., 8a.m.-4pm., Sat., 8a.m.-noon. Miscellaneous items. Decatur, FM 51 South, 1st CR on right, 592 CR3198, Fri.-Sat., Oct. 7-8. Huge, 10+ family sale! Proceeds to Missions. Men’s, ladies, kid’s clothes, sizes 0-XXL. Toys, baby items, kitchen, books, bed/bath/home decor, arm chair, end table, sports equipment. 1/2 off Saturday! Decatur, Highway 287 North, 2.5 miles, watch for signs, Fri.-Sat., Oct. 7-8, 9a.m.-4p.m. 2-family garage sale. Haslet, 208 Schreiber, Sat., Oct. 8, 8a.m.-4p.m., Giant garage sale, lots of good stuff! Keeter, 464 CR4681, Fri.-Sat., Oct. 7-8. Yard sale. Cars 1998 NISSAN MAXIMA GLE $4,250. 192,235 miles. Runs great, very well maintained. Pictures available upon request: vrineha8@aol.com; or (817)939-6150. I’LL BUY THOSE YARD CARS as well as your good used cars. Arvin, (817)925-8768. Gas Card $20 Paradise, 194 CR3383, Thur.-Sat., Oct. 6-8. Moving sale, everything must go! Rhome, 109 Kings Way Drive in Crown Point, Sat., Oct. 8th, 9a.m.1p.m. Come take advantage of my shopping addiction! Rhome, 629 Christy Kay Lane, off FM 407, Fri.-Sat., Oct. 7-8, 8a.m.-5p.m. Clothes, TV, wood entertainment center, books, 17” tires. Runaway Bay City Wide Garage Sale! Fri.-Sun., Oct. 7-9; 14-16. 2 big weekends to shop. Lists and maps available at Civic Center 7a.m. Runaway Bay, Civic Center, Fri.-Sat., Oct. 7-8; 14-15, 7a.m.-3p.m. Volunteer Fire Department fundraiser/garage sale. Get lists and maps to all the other garage sales! Firewood ALL SPLIT OAK seasoned firewood. Delivered, $250/cord. Call (940)595-8133. FIREWOOD Split oak, $70/full load. Your truck, I load. (817)444-0861, (817)690-4011. Miscellaneous 5x8’ fully enclosed trailer, like new, $1,500. 2002 Kawasaki 4-wheeler, 220 Baja, $1,500. New Crate long-block motor, $750. (940)627-8711. Register for a FREE Gas Card! We are giving away 10 $20 gas cards every week. Visit www.bmgautosales.com to register for yours!! 107 S. Hwy. 287 • Decatur 940-626-8000 No Credit Checks DEPENDABLE CARS & TRUCKS $3,500 or less. Cowgirl Auto Sales, 804 Business Highway 287, Decatur, TX; (940)626-0070. Let’s do business! www.cowgirlautosales.com. Recreational vehicles 1996 AIRSTREAM 31’, fully self-contained, good condition. $22,000. (940)626-1143. 2000 WILDCAT 28’ 5th wheel travel trailer, pulled less than 10,000 miles. $25,000. (940)393-9217. Fence Pipe and Supplies 2 3/8 - 2 7/8 - 31/2 - 41/2 - 51/2 Square & Rectangle Tubing C-Purlin Domed Caps and Springs All Types of Steel Authorized Dealer Flusche Enterprises, Inc. 940-759-2203 Muenster, TX NOTICES TRANSPORTATION Pickups/Vans/SUVs 2010 FORD F150 White, small V-8, 26,000 miles. $15,500. (940)627-4595. 2009 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 2500 HD, extended cab, 24k miles, white, Vortec V-8, power everything, like new. $26,000. (940)399-9743. 2010 CHEVY SILVERADO Texas Edition, white, crew cab, sun roof, heated seats, 27k miles. $26,800. (940)393-1128. 1998 DODGE 1500 Extended cab, cold a/c. $2,400. 5 ton outside condenser, 10 years old, good shape, $200. (817)701-6036. NOTICES • Legal Notices • Public Notices ANNOUNCEM Legal notices CIVIL CITATION BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS TO: JAMES ALLEN RYAN, WILLIAM T. RYAN AND MILDRED HEYING, Defendant(s), Greetings: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to appear by filing a written answer to the PLAINTIFF’S ORIGINAL PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF RECEIVER TO EXECUTE MINERAL LEASE at or before ten o’clock a.m. of the Monday next after the expiration of forty-two days from the date of issuance of this citation the same being Monday, October 13, 2011 before the Honorable 271st District Court of Wise County, Texas at the Courthouse of said County in Decatur, Texas. Said Petition was filed in said court on August 18, 2011, in this case, numbered and styled CV11-08-661 ARUBA PETROLEUM, INC. VS JAMES ALLEN RYAN, WILLIAM T. RYAN AND MILDRED HEYING The names of the parties in said suit are: ARUBA PETROLEUM, INC. as Plaintiff(s) and JAMES ALLEN RYAN; WILLIAM T. RYAN AND MILDRED HEYING as Defendant(s). The nature of said suit being substantially as follows, to-wit: APPOINTMENT OF A RECEIVER TO TAKE CHARGE OF AND EXECUTE LEASES FOR MINERAL DEVELOPMENT OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN WISE COUNTY as is more fully shown by the Petition on file in this suit. The name and address of the attorney for plaintiff, or the address of plaintiff is: KIRSTEN HOLMES BRADLEY LAW FIRM 13 EAST HENDERSON STREET CLEBURNE, TX 76031 NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: “You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney do not file a written answer with the clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 a.m. on the Monday next following the expiration of forty-two days after the date of issuance of this citation, a default judgment may be taken against you.” Issued and given under my hand and seal of said Court at the office in Decatur, Texas, on this the 1st day of September, 2011. Brenda Rowe Wise County District Clerk PO Box 308 Decatur, Texas 76234 By: Brooke Akins Deputy Clerk PUBLIC SALE October 8, 2011 TX1976 Jet Star 233 CR 4875, Newark Abandoned Property/ Vehicles AUCTION NOTICE Bids will be received by Rene Bates Auctioneers, for Kemp’s Wrecker Service abandoned vehicles at www.renebates.com on October 21, 2011 at 1 p.m. 2000 Nissan Frontier Pickup; VIN 1N6DD26S84C327912; 2002 Ford F150 Pickup; VIN 1FTRF17W42NB13123; 1996 Mazda 626; VIN 1YVGE22C5T5518085; 1974 Timple Grain Belly Dump Trailer; VIN 29975; 2007 Volkswagen Jetta; VIN 3VWPEF71K37M063233; Glascon Sportster Boat HIN 70038594; MERCURY 800 OUTBOARD MOTOR; SERIAL 5004483; DILLY BOAT TRAILER SERIAL 130133 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee; VIN 1J4GZ78Y9VC669715; 1977 Dodge Motor Home; VIN F33BE7V023512; A detailed listing of items is available by visiting www.renebates.com. For additional information contact Kemp’s Wrecker Service at (940)627-3347. Public viewing will be October 20, by appointment. Kemp’s Wrecker Service has the right to remove any vehicle prior to auction closing. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Bids will be received by Rene’ Bates Auctioneers, for Wise County, Texas, at www.renebates.com. Closing time is October 21, 2011 at 2 p.m. for the below listed property: 1992 Chevrolet 4 Dr; VIN 1G1JC5440N7281553; 2005 Nissan ULTIMA; VIN 1N4BL11D45N901363; 1989 Toyota 4DR; VIN JT2SV22E5K3366688; 1993 Lexus ES300 VIN JT8VK13T4P0156384; 2000 Chevrolet Cavalier; VIN 1G1JC1249Y7397804; 1993 Chevrolet Corsica; VIN 1GL1CT53T0PY10914; 1988 Prowler Camp Trailer; VIN 1EC1G2620J4035775; 2000 GMC 1500 Pickup; VIN 1GTEK19T2YE365426; 2003 May Gooseneck Trailer VIN 4C8GS16243A005287 with 1250 Gallon tank and 2.5 HP Lifan Pump; 1998 Saturn; VIN 1G8ZH5280WZ302466; 2007 Chevrolet Silverado Pickup; VIN 1GCEC14X17Z154300; Large Ramp; Axles; Trailer Doors; 2000 Polaris Magnum 325 4x4 4-Wheeler; VIN 4XACD32A5Y2136396; A detailed listing is available by visiting www.renebates.com. Public viewing will be October 20, by appointment only. For additional information regarding this auction, contact Harlan Wright, Wise County Sheriff Department at (940)627-5971. Wise County reserves the right to reject any or all bids and waive any and all informalities. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Bids will be received by Rene’ Bates Auctioneers, for Chico Auto Parts abandoned vehicles at www.renebates.com on October 21, 2011 at 12 p.m. 1998 Cadillac 4Dr; VIN 1G6KD54Y4WU723882; 1989 Chevrolet Blazer; VIN 1GNCS18Z9K8222886; A detailed listing of items is available by visiting www.renebates.com. For additional information contact Chico Auto Parts at (940)644-5459. Public viewing will be October 20, by appointment only. Chico Auto Parts has the right to remove any vehicle prior to auction closing. Bids & Proposals NOTICE Proposals for lift systems addressed to Gary Micinski, Deputy Superintendent, Decatur ISD, 501 East Collins, Decatur, Texas 76234 will be received at the above address until 11:00 a.m., October 18, 2011, at which time they will be publicly opened. Proposal forms and specifications may be obtained from Decatur ISD, 501 East Collins, Decatur, TX 76234, or by calling 940-393-7100 for more information. NOTICE Sealed Proposals for a grounds improvements and storage building installation, addressed to Gary Micinski, Deputy Superintendent, Decatur ISD, 501 East Collins, Decatur, Texas 76234 will be received at the above address until 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, October 11, 2011. Proposal forms and specifications may be obtained at the above address or by calling (940) 393-7100. Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF HOLLIS JONES Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of Hollis Jones, Deceased, were issued on September 28, 2011, under Docket No. PR-3175, pending in the Probate Court of Wise County, Texas, to: Sue R. Jones. Claims may be presented to the representative for the Estate addressed as follows: Sue R. Jones PO Box 89 Decatur, Texas 76234 Dated this 28th day of September, 2011. Sue R. Jones, Independent Executor of the Estate of Hollis Jones, Deceased, No. PR-3175, County Court at Law of Wise County, Texas NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Dorothy Mae Walling, Deceased, were issued on October 5, 2011, in Cause No. PR-3180, pending in the County Court at Law No. 1 of Wise County, Texas, to: James Edward Walling. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law to: c/o: Mason L. Woodruff Attorney at Law PO Box 977 Decatur, TX 76234 DATED the 5th day of October, 2011. Mason L. Woodruff Attorney for James Edward Walling State Bar No.: 21945800 PO Box 977 Decatur, TX 76234 Telephone: (940)627-2162 Facsimile: (940)627-1619 ATTORNEY FOR THE ESTATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING The Chico Independent School District will hold a public meeting to discuss the 2011 “School FIRST” State Financial Accountability Rating at the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees on Monday, October 17, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Chico Elementary School, room 150 located at 1120 Park Road, Chico Texas 76431. NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS THE ALVORD INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT STATE FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY RATING Alvord ISD will hold a public meeting at 7:00 p.m. on October 27, 2011 in the Administration Building, 100 Mosely Lane, Alvord, Texas. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss Alvord ISD’s rating on the state financial accountability system. The Financial Integrity System of Texas has rated Alvord Independent School District as: Superior Achievement. Call 940-627-5987 for statewide advertising through Tex-Scan WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, October 8, 2011 WISE NEED B DIRT Don’t wait until Spring rains start to fall, order now! CUMMINS DIESEL OILCHANGE Electric, Inc. • • • • • • • • • • $68.95 Ser vice Small Jobs Big Jobs Commercial Residential 65’ Bucket Truck Trenching Small Backhoe Oilfield Mobile Homes Up to 12 QUARTS of SHELL ROTELLA $28.95 Up to 6 Imports & performance vehicles slightly higher US 287 North, Decatur 940-627-6700 SERVICE & PARTS TDLR #25059 sic FLOOR ClasCOVERINGS Serving Wise County and Beyond with over 30 years experience. • Wood • Ceramic • Carpet • Vinyl • Laminate • Stained Concrete • Luxury Vinyl Plank 7:30-6:00 Monday-Friday Our 67th Year Serving Wise County HOLMES Auto Supply 940-626-0014 Quality Name Brands You Can Trust Financing and Late Appointments Available 803 W. Main • Decatur Visit Our Showroom at 900 W Thompson • Decatur (behind Prada Shops) www.classicfloorcoverings.net 940-627-2350 www.holmesautosupply.com When you need hauling Be Wise: Choose Wise Wise Trucking that is! Competitive prices on: Wise Trucking • Gravel • Base • Topsoil For Prompt, Friendly Service call: 940-399-9481 Rodney Lisby FARM/RANCH/WATER WELL SUPPLIES PLUMBING • ELECTRICAL • LUMBER DRYWALL • ROOFING CEMENT/CONCRETE SUPPLIES PAINT • HARDWARE Cloth Diaper & Accessories. Diaper Bags. Baby Gear. Natural Baby Skincare. Organic Baby Clothes. Nontoxic & Organic Toys. Eco & Baby Friendly Feeding. Products for Moms. Gift Registry. 112 E. ELM . ALVORD . 940.427.5655 1201 South FM 51 • Decatur WE OFFER LANDSCAPE DESIGN & INSTALLATION! New Hours Beginning in March Serving your area over 28 years. Here to help you sign up on ALL of the great promotions and here for service too! Interested in HDTV & New DVR recorders? Call about Upgrade & New System Special. RICK’S ELECTRONICS 940-627-6905 • Decatur 940-567-2205 • Jacksboro Subscribe Online www.wcmessenger.com/subscribe.com 940-627-3637 CONVENIENCE STORE SUMMER/FALL HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sat. 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. One Year, Out-of-County................. $43 One Year, Out-of-State................... $49 CIRCLE S STORES VOTED BEST 940-627-3453 One Year, In-County........................ $37 FREE DELIVERY FREE ESTIMATES Hours: Tues. - Fri. 10 am - 5:30 pm, Sat. 10 am - 4 pm, Closed Sunday & Monday 1551 Preskitt Rd. • Decatur Subscribe “EVERYTHING TO BUILD ANYTHING” www.hometowntees02@yahoo.com HOME OWNED HOME GROWN AUTHORIZED RETAILER ALVORD BUILDING CENTER OPEN W O N FULL LINE GARDEN CENTER Local Dealer: Rodney Lisby 940-399-9481 quarts of Pennzoil + Filter +16-point Service Check www.cdelectricinc.com • Top Soil • Fast Delivery • Competitive • Gravel Prices • Road • Friendly Base Service Hamburgers $1.19 Wednesdays 11a.m. - 2 p.m. Hot Breakfast & Folger’s Coffee Brewed Daily Call In Deli Orders for FASTER SERVICE! 940-627-3637 Tables Inside & Outside for Your Dining Convenience! One Year In-County $35 $37 One Year Out-of-County $43 $40 One Year Out-of-State $49 $45 One Year Digital Subscription $20 Two Year In-County $70 $60 Two Year Out-of-County $80 $70 Two Year Out-of-State $90 $80 Two Year Digital Subscription $40 Store Hours: Mon.-Sat., 5 a.m. - 10 p.m. Grill Hours: Mon.-Fri., 5 a.m. - 2 p.m. Deli Box Hours: Mon.-Sat., 5 a.m. - 6 p.m. First Name: _______________________________________________ Last Name: _______________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ Car + Home Savings NEW CONSTRUCTION, RENOVATIONS & REPAIR • Custom gunite pools Cary F Bohn CLU ChFC, Agent 402 W Walnut St Decatur, TX 76234 Bus: 940-627-5616 www.carybohn.com Total average savings of 696 $ OVER 40 YEARS IN BUSINESS Colby Williams 940-393-3944 Baby Registry, Layaway & Tuxedo Rental Available 0907501TX _________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________ State: ________ Zip: _________ Phone: ___________________________________________________ E-mail: ___________________________________________________ Credit Card Check #: ____________ * Let me show you how combining home and auto policies can really add up. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® CALL FOR A QUOTE 24/7 • Maintenance repair on all pools Libertys $68.95 GAS VEHICLES: 940.626.9901 Silk Screen Printing Embroidery • Vinyl Lettering T-Shirts • Hoodies Caps • Apparel Team Uniforms • “Bling” Fire Retardant Clothing Banners • Yard Signs Kelly Read & Gay Read 940-969-3680 328 Schoolhouse Rd. 9B *Average annual household savings based on national 2009 survey of new policyholders who reported savings by switching. Each insurer has sole financial responsibility for its own products. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company (auto), Bloomington, IL, State Farm Lloyds (home), Dallas, TX Credit Card Type: ________________________ Exp.: ______________ Credit Card Number: _______________________________________ Submit payment to: Wise County Messenger PO Box 149 • 115 South Trinity • Decatur, TX 76234 10B WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, October 8, 2011 SPORTS THE BATTLE OF BIG SANDY QUARTER BREAKDOWNS GAME NOTES First Quarter Through six weeks of the season, the Decatur Eagles had one of the area’s top passing defenses, holding opponents to 83 yards per game. Facing the area’s best passing attack in Bridgeport, the Eagles’ secondary held them 57 yards under their season average, allowing 210 yards through the air. The secondary also had three picks of Bridgeport quarterback Colby Mahon. “They didn’t blow any coverages and made us earn everything,” said Bridgeport coach Danny Henson about the Decatur secondary. A majority of the Bulls’ passing yards came on short screens with Trent Schuett and Garrett Mullins getting yards after the catch. Mullins said there was no opportunity to make plays deep against the Eagles’ coverage. “They were not letting us get the ball down the field,” Mullins said. Cooper Jackson had two of the Eagles’ three interceptions, including the game-sealing one with 1:18 left and Bridgeport threatening to tie the game. “We were in cover four and I was supposed to back off, but I saw Mullins slow down,” Jackson said. “I read it good and made the pick. “Our defense really stepped it up like we needed to. We knew Bridgeport had a good passing game.” Decatur 0, Bridgeport 0 In what everyone thought would be an offensive shoot-out, the first quarter gave the fans a defensive slugfest. “Our defense played good all night,” said Decatur Coach Kyle Story. “And they have some very talented skill players.” On the first possession of the game the Bulls held the Eagles to a threeand-out and forced a punt. The Bulls got the ball and started a march using running back Gabe Huerta who broke a 17-yard dash. The Eagle defense responded and forced a Bull punt. Muehlstein then leads a methodical march of his own, making three passes on three attempts for 31 yards. On the Bull’s 21yard line, Muehlstein throws a pass that is intercepted at the two-yard line by Chase Collins who returns it for 40 yards. A few plays later Bridgeport kicker Ricky Martinez narrowly goes wide left on a 56-yard field goal attempt, using the strong south wind. Second Quarter Decatur 16, Bridgeport 0 After a scoreless first quarter, the Eagles caught a break with a roughing the passer call on a third-and-16 from the 32-yard line. After the first down, the Eagles marched the remaining 53 yards in seven plays with Garrett Muehlstein connecting with Caleb Hogan on a 5-yard touchdown pass. Decatur took a 10-0 lead on a Taylor Spence field goal, and then forced Bridgeport to punt with 1:19 left in the half. Rather than kneel on the ball, the Eagles broke off a pair of runs to get the ball to their 36. Garrett Muehlstein then put the ball up, hitting Cooper Jackson for a 64-yard touchdown that gave Decatur a 16-0 lead at half-time. “The corner was off me and Garrett threw a good pass,” Jackson said. “I made a good break on the ball and caught it.” Bridgeport coach Danny Henson said the touchdown with eight seconds left in the half was tough to overcome. “It was a blown coverage,” Henson said. “Their guys did a good job all night of not blowing any coverages and we didn’t. That cost us deeply. Instead of going in down 10, we were down 16. It was a good catch and throw by them.” Third Quarter Decatur 16, Bridgeport 8 After starting the second half down 16-0, Bridgeport turns to Huerta, who racked up 102 yards on 15 runs for the night. Huerta runs strong, carrying tacklers with him as he gains chunks of yardage. But it’s quarterback Colby Mahon who connects with Trent Schuett from 24 yards out to score a touchdown with less than a minute left in the quarter. Rather than go for the extra point, Garrett Mullins lines up in the Wildcat position and runs into the end zone for a two-point conversion, the first two-point conversion of the year for Bridgeport. Fourth Quarter Decatur 30, Bridgeport 16 Bridgeport marched 76 yards for a Gabe Huerta 1-yard run and then converted the two-point try to get back within seven, 23-16, with 4:52 remaining. Decatur made a first down, but was unable to sustain a drive. With three minutes remaining on fourth-and4 from their 42-yard line, the Eagles elected to try a pass instead of punt. The pass fell incomplete, giving the Bulls the ball inside Decatur territory with 2:56 left. After a facemask call moved the ball to the 27, Bridgeport faced a thirdand-13. Bridgeport quarterback Colby Mahon tried to go to Garrett Mullins on the right sideline. Decatur’s Cooper Jackson jumped the route and picked off the pass with 1:18 left. “I thought we had it,” Mullins said about that last drive. “One little mistake turned it around. They did everything right and were in the right spot at the right time.” Decatur quarterback Garrett Muehlstein put the game away two plays later with a 64-yard touchdown run. Big night for Brazeau Messenger photo by Joe Duty PASS INTERRUPTED — Decatur defensive back Brevon Blaylock intercepts a Colby Mahon pass intended for Trent Schuett. It was one of three interceptions the Eagles made on the night in the 30-16 win. Eagles, Jackson hold off Bulls ... Continued from page 1B “We were in cover four and I was supposed to back off, but I saw (Garrett) Mullins slow down,” Jackson said. “I read it good and made the pick.” “Garrett Mullins is one of the best players in the district and Jackson was able to cover him good all night,” Story said. “They didn’t blow any coverages,” said Bridgeport Head Coach Danny Henson. “They made us earn everything. They played good. They did a good job keeping us out of the end zone.” Moments later, Muehlstein made a run up the middle on a quarterback keeper. He sidestepped a couple of would-be tacklers, and found himself dashing 64 yards downfield into the end zone for a game sealing touchdown. “I didn’t even expect to make that long run,” Muehlstein said. “I was just trying to run out the clock.” Muehlstein finished the game with 123 yards on 13 carries. He also completed seven of 13 passes for 117 yards and two touchdowns. His only mistake came in the first quarter when he threw a pass that was picked off at the Bridgeport 2-yard line by sophomore defensive back Chase Collins and returned 40 yards. But it was the only bright spot early on for the Bulls as Decatur controlled the clock and the ground game using power football. Once again Decatur used a running back by committee, with Dustin Brazeau leading the charge with 95 yards on 16 carries, his highest of the season. The game started out looking like a defensive struggle with both teams scoreless in the first quarter. But the Decatur offense took over in the second quarter as the Bull’s defense started to wane. Decatur scored three times that quarter, once on a 5-yard Muehlstein pass to Caleb Hogan. Senior kicker Taylor Spence drilled a 40-yard field goal five minutes later. And with only 8 seconds left in the quarter, Jackson got wide open deep down field and took a Muehlstein pass 64 yards to the house. Bridgeport made some noise in the second half. Scoring late in the third and again with 5 minutes left in the fourth. They made two point conversions after both scores. Decatur stays perfect, moving to 7-0 for the season, and 1-0 for district 7-3A. Bridgeport is now 4-3 and 0-1 in district. With the emotional win on a wind blown night under a waxing gibbous moon, the Eagles broke the three-year losing streak to Bridgeport, and carry the jar of sand back east of the Big Sandy. Eagles live up to words ... Continued from page 1B to meeting those lofty expectations. The Eagles moved to 7-0 and more importantly 1-0 in District 7-3A with an impressive 30-16 victory over their chief rival, the Bridgeport Bulls. “It says it itself,” said Decatur tailback Dustin Brazeau about the victory on the biggest stage so far this year. Brazeau, who ran for a seasonbest 95 yards and a touchdown, said those three words carry a lot of weight. “Every time we take off our jersey and pads, ‘we will win’ is there,” he said. “It’s all we can think about.” How the Eagles managed to win their seventh straight game to open the season showed the confidence that is now building within their team. They did it with hard-nosed power football, running the ball 52 times for 329 yards. They also played near perfect defense against the Bulls’ explosive offense. The Eagles’ secondary held Bridgeport to 50 yards less than its season average, allowing 210 yards. The unit picked the ball off three times. “This does back up what we’re talking about,” Story said. “When you take care of the little things, this is what can happen.” Along with the football basics of a power running game and sound defense, the Eagles also showed an attitude and swagger with aggressive decisions. Getting the ball deep in their own territory late in the first half with a 10-0 lead, the Eagles decided to put the ball in the air instead of taking a knee. The chance paid off with a 64-yard touchdown pass from Garrett Muehlstein to Cooper Jackson. Another late gamble of a fourth-down pass in their own territory late in the fourth quarter with a seven-point lead almost proved disastrous. But the Eagles’ confident, playmaking defense came through with Cooper Jackson’s first of two interceptions in the final minutes. “We thought when we called the fake punt we could keep the ball and run out the clock,” Story said. “But when it didn’t work, I’m glad Cooper Jackson came through for us.” Decatur still has three hurdles left to complete a perfect regular season, including a trip to Mineral Wells Oct. 28 to play the defending 7-3A champions. But they are quick to point out that their aims are not just district titles and playoff appearances, but to play late into December. “This gives us confidence that we can do what needs to be done to get to state,” Jackson said. “We all think we can go there.” Decatur senior tailback Dustin Brazeau plowed his way for a career-best 95 yards on a team-high 16 carries with a touchdown Friday. The Eagles ran the ball 52 times for 329 yards against the Bulls. “They were a good defense, but our offensive line really stepped up and played their butts off,” Brazeau said. Welcomed sight For the first time since suffering a serious knee injury in the first half of the Gainesville game in September, Decatur’s Tyler Story got a chance to see his teammates in action. Story, who spent multiple weeks at Dallas’ Presbyterian hospital following an emergency surgery, watched the game from a wheelchair. He is still waiting to have surgery to repair the torn ligaments in his knee. “It was good to see them again and to see them beat Bridgeport,” he said. “It’s very good to be back at home and in my own bed.” On the sidelines Two of the Bridgeport Bulls’ senior defensive captains, Matt Smith and Dalton Bracken, were forced to watch the Battle of Big Sandy from the sidelines. Smith is out for the season with a broken ankle suffered against Alvarado. Bracken has been out the past three weeks after developing a staph infection that landed him in the hospital for five days. Bracken, the Bulls’ leading tackler last season, said he should be back next week for the Mineral Wells game. “This was the worst feeling ever,” Bracken said about missing Friday’s rivalry with Decatur. Delivering by air Life Team 68, based out of Wise Regional Health System, delivered the game ball for the Battle of Big Sandy, making a landing on the 41yard line. Wind plays role A stiff south wind definitely played a role in the first half Friday as three of the four kicks in the half went through the end zone for touchbacks. Bridgeport had to start from its 20 three times after touchbacks. The Bulls were also backed up after a touchback to start the second half. Bridgeport wins food drive Bridgeport ISD won the annual Battle of Big Sandy Food Drive benefiting the Wise Area Relief Mission. Bridgeport collected 9,407 pounds of food. Decatur tallied 9,224 pounds.
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