St. Mark’s Catholic Community February 1, 2015 Pastor ~ Rev. Ben Uhlenkott Parochial Vicar ~ Rev. Bruno Mgaya Weekday Liturgy Schedule Monday~ Tuesday~ Wednesday~ Thursday~ Friday~ Saturday ~ 8 am 8 am 8am 8 am 8:30 am 8 am Sunday Liturgy Schedule Saturday ~ 5 pm Sunday~8:30 am, 11 am, 5 pm Anointing of Sick/ End of Life Sacraments Baptism~ Class held every second Saturday of each month at 10 am Reconciliation~ Saturday~ 3:00 pm Marriage~ Arrangements must be made four months in advance 914-3472 St. Mark’s Catholic Community 7960 Northview Boise, ID 83704 Parish Office Hours Monday through Friday 8:30 am - 4 pm Sunday 9: 30 am -11 am, 12 pm - 1 pm Parish Schools St. Mark’s Elementary 375-6654 7503 Northview, Boise, 83704 Mark Hopkins, Principal— Phone: 375-6651 Bishop Kelly High School Office 375-6010 Mike Caldwell, Principal— Fax: 375-3211 Anointing of Sick/ End of Life 914-3472 Rosary Devotions Rosary for Peace and Evening with Mary Monday at 7 pm (Adoration Chapel) Prayer Chain St. Mark’s has a prayer chain that prays for the needs of all and would like to pray for you. If you need prayer for any reason please call Janet Clark at 377-4789, or the parish office at 375-6651, or email Parish Office Staff Business Coordinator Facilities Maintenance Finance Administrator Development Director Pastoral Associate—Ministries Office Manager Chuck Nelson Sergio Gonzalez Matt Lee Deb Miller Amy Wong-Little Phyllis Sawyer Marisela Baca Faith Formation Directors Sean Forrest Thomas Bailey Wendy Sleisher Debbie Campbell Catherine Calovich 24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration Kathy Webster Coordinator 853-5888 Youth Ministry Jr. High Youth Ministry Youth Sacramental Preparation 3-5th Grade Faith Formation Pre–School Faith Formation E-mail Addresses Parish Staff -first initial last name Music Director and Wedding Coordinator Katie Pape Development Message For your financial generosity and for all of your prayers and shared talents we are truly, deeply grateful. Remember, Our Merciful Lord cannot be outdone in generosity. Any sacrificial gift or ongoing pledge you make to St Mark’s will be put immediately to good use, and you will receive blessings in abundance in all your needs. Thank you for your generosity. Liturgical Ministries Outreach Extraordinary Ministers Dcn. Mike Lowe—559~3752, Extraordinary Ministers Barry & Jeanne Fitzgerald—376-2624, Lectors Judy Ditter—376-1056 Ushers Pat Lind—377-4368, Greeters Christine Haener —861-7359, Altar Servers Mary Pasker—376-9122, Liturgical Ministry Scheduler Gayle O’Donnell—939-0871, Food Bank Teresa Taylor Raoul Johnson 327-0345 Knights of Columbus Council of Catholic Women Mary Glenn—345-2723, Funeral Information Dcn Mike Lowe—559~3752, Megan Heying Page 1 Young Adult Ministry The St. Mark’s Story We give because we have a need to Give, rather than just because we are giving to fulfill a need. What do Pancake Breakfasts, the Lenten Fish fry, Kid’s Free Throw Contests, helping with funeral dinners, setting up tables and chairs, and providing man power to pretty much anyone who asks, have in common? These are all services performed by the St. Mark’s Knights of Columbus! “Serving with the Knights is fun. I serve because I love to help. You can’t give everything that God wants you to give by just putting your weekly envelope in the offering plate. I have wanted to help with work in the church since I was in high school in Liberia,”said Raoul Johnson, the current Head Knight at St. Mark’s. The St. Mark’s Knights, 200 members strong, carry out a tremendous gift of service for our parish and its members. The Knights of Columbus members assist with most activities and events that happen at St. Marks. These men of service were instrumental in the upgrading of the parish kitchen, and serve in assisting with the current operation of the kitchen. A current Knight shared this story, “Before I became Catholic, I was in RCIA and trying out some of the different events here at St. Mark’s. I went to a meatball dinner here at the church. I arrived early and was sitting alone. A Knight came up to me, introduced himself and invited me to sit with him and others. I felt so welcomed and cared for. This experience led me to want to be a part of this great group of people, helping them is real fun.” Not only do the St. Mark’s Knights have fun while serving, they are also known to be leaders in their servant hood. The St. Mark’s Council has been recognized on multiple occasions for winning the Golden Spatula award, given by Salt and Light radio to the Knights council who raises the most money in the station’s pledge drives. A search of definitions for the word knight, produced the phrase, a man who serves to a special or exceptional degree. This phrase is a most accurate description of our St. Mark’s Knights. If you are interested in serving with the Knights, please contact Raoul Johnson ,, or approach any St. Mark’s Knight( you’ll find them in their maroon polo shirts, serving with a smile at most parish events.) Page 2 Parish Calendar and Upcoming Events Parish Weekly Calendar Sunday, February 01, 2015 7:00 am Choir Rehearsal 8:30 AM Sunday Mass 9:00 am Orientation to the Daniel Plan 10:00 am Scout Troop Meeting 11:00 am Sunday Mass 11:00 am RCIA Dismissal 12:00 pm RCIA Family class 12:15 pm Red Hat Ladies 2:00 pm Vietnamese Choir Practice 5:00 pm Sunday Mass Monday, February 02, 2015 6:00 am Monday Morning Men's Prayer Group 8:00 am Daily Mass 8:30 am Wellness Fair Meeting 9:00 am Mission- Father Emmerich 9:00 am Quilters 10:00 am Library Ministry 6:00 pm St. Vincent Re-Entry 6:30 pm Walking Towards Eternity - Bible Study 7:00 pm Mission- Father Emmerich Tuesday, February 03, 2015 8:00 am Daily Mass 9:00 am Mission- Father Emmerich 6:00 pm Girl Scout Meeting 6:15 pm Girl Scouts 6:30 pm 11 am Choir Rehearsal 7:00 pm Mission- Father Emmerich 7:00 pm School of Leaders - Cursillo 7:00 pm Legion of Mary Wednesday, February 04, 2015 8:00 am Daily Mass 9:00 am Centering Prayer 9:00 am Mission- Father Emmerich 9:00 am Rosary Makers 10:00 am Jesus With Us Prayer Group 7:00 pm Mission- Father Emmerich 7:00 pm 8:30 am Choir Rehearsal Thursday, February 05, 2015 6:00 am Reel Men 8:00 am Daily Mass 9:00 am Mission- Father Emmerich 9:00 am Cursillo - 4th Day Women 11:45 am Lunch Bunch 1:00 pm Manna Ministry 5:30 pm Yoga 6:30 pm Cub Scouts 7:00 pm Mission- Father Emmerich 7:00 pm Jake's Music Ministry 7:00 pm Great Adventure Bible Study 7:00 pm Reel Men 7:00 pm St. Vincent de Paul Friday, February 06, 2015 8:30 am St. Mark's School Mass 9:00 am Creed Sacramental Bible Study 10:00 am Fit and Fall 11:00 am Library Ministry Saturday, February 07, 2015 8:00 am Daily Mass 8:30 am Men's Cursillo Team 8:30 am Children of Mary 11:30 am K of C - 2nd Degree 4:00 pm Sat. Eve. Choir Rehearsal 5:00 pm Sunday Mass 6:30 pm Vietnamese New Year Practice Upcoming Events ST MARK’S PARISH MISSION “Spiritual Healing” Father Emmerich Vogt Monday, February 2 through Thursday, February 5. 9 am– 10 am or 7 pm – 8 pm PARISH OFFICE CLOSED FOR PRESIDENTS DAY Monday, February 16 ASH WEDNESDAY MASSES February 18 7 am, 8:30 am , 12 Noon and 7 pm PASSION AND PURPOSE FOR MARRIAGE Friday, February 20 6:30 pm – 10:00 pm DR ALLEN HUNT (Dynamic Catholics) FAMILY RETREAT Saturday, February 21 9 am – 12:30 pm WELLNESS FAIR Sunday, February 22 9 am – 1 pm STUDENT-LED MASS Sunday, March 15 11 am FIRST COMMUNION WEEKEND Saturday and Sunday, May 2 & 3 STUDENT-LED MASS Sunday, May 17 8:30 AM PLAN TO JOIN US FOR OUR FIRST LENTEN STATIONS OF THE CROSS AT 5:30 PM ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20TH AND THEN JOIN US FOR DR ALAN HUNTS’S PRESENTATION ON THE “PASSION AND PURPOSE OF MARRIAGE” AT 6:30 PM (Financial aid is available, call Amy Wong Little 375-6651) REMINDER: ST MARK’S PARISH MISSION FEBRUARY 1 THROUGH FEBRUARY 5 Page 3 Parish News and Information Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration "Do you want many graces? Go and visit the Blessed Sacrament often. Do you want few graces? Visit the Blessed Sacrament rarely. Do you want none at all? Then never pay a visit to the Blessed Sacrament." -St. John Bosco Adorers are urgently needed to maintain our Perpetual Adoration: Tuesday from midnight to 1 am and Thursdays from 8 to 9 pm. Solo adorers are needed in many time slots. Please call Kathy at 853-5888 and she will help you schedule your personal holy hour. "Beloved souls, in suffering and in joy, go to Jesus hidden in the Sacred Host and let the sweetness of His loving gaze fill you.” -The Holy Eucharist, by Jose Guadalupe Trevino Readings for February 1, 2015, Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 We are looking for individuals to help in the following areas: Please join us this Wednesday for fasting and prayer for vocations to the religious life. (fasting = one full meal and two snacks) (prayer= Mass, Adoration, Rosary, etc) 1st Rd.: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7 R. Ps: Ps 147:1-6 2nd Rd. 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23 HELP--St. Mark’s needs Outreach Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Fasting and Prayer On Friday For a few of the assisted living homes and the home-bound we serve. True Presence Some elderly who desperately want to receive Our Lord, may not be able to if we cannot find people willing take the time to reach out to them. The Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC) provides the Eucharist as well as the opportunity for prayer and fellowship to those who are unable to attend Mass. EMHC is also a big helping hand to LAZARUS, by visiting people to provide the comfort and blessings at a difficult time. If you can help please email Deacon Mike Lowe at: or call 559-3752. Story Link Prison Ministry Needs Your Help The Story Link Prison Ministry is in need of SPIRITUAL BOOKS for the prisoners to read to their children. We can always use Dr. Seuss books. Books can be new or gently used and for children ages 2-10 years. Please place the books in the BOX that is on the table in the hall near the church office. Thank You and God Bless. For more information contact: Kathy McGinley or Mary Ann Kojis Next Baptism Class Will be held February 14th at 10 am at St. Mark’s. Page 4 Sean Forrest is hosting a presentation on Feb 8, Sunday evening, after the 5 pm Mass on “TRUE PRESENCE.” Our national speaker is John Beaulieu, Outreach Director from Franciscan University in Steubenville, OH. This is one you won’t want to miss! Extended Parish Office Hours The parish office will be open for walk-ins on Wednesdays from 6-8 pm beginning Wednesday, February 4, 2015. St. Mark’s Parish The Yellow Cart this Month: Spiritual Healing and Recovery February is the month of St. Mark's Parish Mission about Spiritual Healing presented by Father Emmerich Vogt. The library folks invite you to peruse the materials about spiritual healing and recovery on the Yellow Cart after Mass today. Why Forgive? by Johann Christoph Arnold is a book that tells stories of people who have courageously forgiven themselves and others in situations that range from violent acts to backbiting and gossip at home, in the workplace, and in the world. This very popular book challenges the reader to forgive and to heal. Another book about forgiveness is Forgiving the Unforgivable by David Stoop. Readers have recommended this book as a guide to learn to pardon one's self and others, and for spiritual growth. Emotional healing is the focus of two more library favorites. Healing Life's Deepest Hurts: Let the Light of Christ Dispel the Darkness in your Soul by Edward M. Smith is a book that offers a new scripture-based approach to "illuminate the darkness of troubled souls with the light of Christ." Readers recommend this book because it is short, readable, and effective. Another book about healing, Lord, I Want to Be Whole: The Power of Prayer and Scripture in Emotional Healing by Stormie Omartian, is a personal account of overcoming abuse and depression. The author shares her path to emotional heal and acceptance of God's gifts. Readers recommend this book because of the steps recommended to overcome struggles and rebuild. Please stop by the Yellow Cart in the Foyer, say hello, and check out a book from the library today, February 1, 2015. Also, visit the free table in St. Mark's Church Library, Room 102 today! Students and Schools Bishop Kelly Information Night Monday, February 2nd 6:30 pm, Carley Center Prospective Students and Families Welcome! Meet BK students, tour the facilities, and receive information on classes, academic programs, sports and clubs. St. Mark’s School Calendar February 13 (Fri.) ........................... Progress Reports - No School February 13-15 (Fri.-Sun.) ............. Hallissey Basketball Tournament February 16 (Mon.) ........................ President’s Day - No School February 18 (Wed.) ....................... Ash Wednesday – Student Body Mass March 20 (Fri.) ...............................End of Third Quarter - (12:00 dismissal) March 23-27 (Mon.-Fri.) .................Spring Break - No School Bishop Kelly High School Calendar Feb. 2 (Mon) ………………….. New Student Information Night Feb. 15 (Sun) …………………. BKPA Hallissey Pancake Breakfast Feb. 16 (Mon) ………………….Presidents’ Day Holiday – No School Feb. 18 (Wed) …………………Ash Wednesday – Lent Begins Page 5 St. Mark’s Ministries Council of Catholic Women February: attend Parish Mission February 2nd-5th Single Senior Lunch bunch St Mark's Single Senior Lunch Bunch will hold their last luncheon before Lent on Thursday, February 5 at 12 noon. Please note the CHANGE of meeting place! We will meet in the FAITH FORMATION ROOM for this one meeting. Bring a covered dish to share and your own table service. Coffee will be provided. We will meet again on April 21. Please call Betty, 323-8875, with any questions. Knight’s Free Throw Winners Girls Andrea Pham, 9 Ava Sawyer, 10 Kayla Carlson, 13 Boys Derek Doiron, 11 Steven Rivas, 12 Kohl Biggs, 13 Congratulations to this years Knights of Columbus Free Throw winners. St. Mark’s Parish Nurses Knights of Columbus Council Meetings † Next Business Meeting: Feb. 12th, St. Mark’s @ 7 pm. † Next Social: Feb. 26th, Pinnacle Grill. Upcoming Degree Ceremonies † 2nd Degree Feb. 7th at 11:30 am at St. Mark’s The Daniel Plan 40 Days to a Healthier Life A 6 week plan that concentrates on Faith + Food + Fitness + Focus + Friendship We will be running this program during the 40 days of Lent. The program will start on the 16th of February and run through Easter Sunday. Informational meeting will be held in the Faith Formation Room on February 1st and the 8th in between Masses. All are welcome to attend. Any questions please call Joan Carnosso, FCN at 713-1771 During Lent we will also be running a program called Meatless Monday and Fishy Fridays. You will be able to check the parish nurses webpage on for a list of recipes and / or drop by the parish office to get a printed copy. If anyone would like to share recipes for the project please send them to Check out the Parish Nurses webpage at: Upcoming Events Sexual Freedom Knights’ Medical Equipment Call Dale at 888-3782 If you can’t say “no” to sexual desires, what is your “yes” worth? Freedom exists for the sake of love. However, the modern idea of it leads to slavery. In this enlightening presentation, Christopher West shows us how authentic sexual freedom can deliver us from the empty promises of “sexual liberation”. Christopher is a popular theologian who specializes in making the dense scholarship of Pope John Paul II’s "Theology of the Body" accessible to a wide audience. CD Available in the Kiosk. Page 6 Faith Formation St. Mark’s Lenten Family Retreat St. Mark’s will be holding a Lenten Family Retreat on Saturday, February 21st from 9 AM Noon. Join Fr. Ray Donaldson, SJ as he speaks on Ignatian Spirituality. The day begins at 8 AM with Mass, followed by a continental breakfast. There will be breakout sessions for adults and children. The morning also includes Lenten trivia fun for the family and Stations of the Cross. Registration forms are available in the kiosk in the church vestibule or on our website. For more information or to register, contact Catherine Calovich at 375-6651 or ICYC Registration On the Ride Home What is a Sacrament? The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that, “The sacraments are efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us. The visible rites by which the sacraments are celebrated signify and make present the graces proper to each sacrament. They bear fruit in those who receive them with the required dispositions.(CCC1131) Ask your children how many Sacraments there are ? (Seven) Now, see if they can name the Sacraments. (Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders and Anointing of the Sick) Page 7 The Idaho Catholic Youth Conference is March 6 - 8. Cost of the conference is $110. Scholarships are available with shown need. Registration forms available in the parish hall, the kiosk in the church vestibule and at Please turn in registration forms to the parish office. Deadline for registration is February 2nd. The Eucharistic Principles of the Spiritual Life Spiritual Healing St. Mark’s Parish Mission Boise, Idaho February 2 – 5, 2015 Monday through Thursday Daily Mass at 8:00am Morning Conference 9:00 – 10:00 After Morning Mass, refreshments will be served Evening Conference 7:00 – 8:00 A social will be held after the evening conferences Contact Information: 208-375-6651 Fr. Emmerich is a priest of the Holy Name Province of the Dominican Order and is currently ministering with Western Dominican Preaching. For the past thirty-two years he has been involved in giving retreats to Mother Teresa’s Priests and Sisters in Mexico, Poland, Guatemala, Calcutta, and Africa. Former Pastor of the Holy Rosary Church in Portland, Oregon, he currently resides in Los Angeles, California. For Whom: Do your good feelings about yourself depend on being liked by other people? Are your happiness and peace dependent on pleasing others? Does your fear of rejection determine what you say or do? Do you feel like you give a lot and get little in return? Do you freeze up emotionally when you are in conflict? Do you feel like you are the only one holding your family together? Do you have difficulty asking for what you want? Are you overly defensive when your behavior is criticized? Is your life miserable because of someone else’s behavior? Do you have difficulty saying “No”? Do you work or eat compulsively? Have you ever thought you’d be better off if you didn’t keep giving in? If you can answer “yes” to some of the above questions, then perhaps a Mission on Spiritual Healing can help you find that peace which the world cannot give – a peace that comes from a spiritual life led in union with Christ and according to Christian principles. Before things go from bad to worse, come and learn more about yourself by discovering a practical, spiritual program which, if lived one day at a time, leads to that “peace beyond all understanding.” Around the Valley Birthright of Boise Fundraiser / Dinner “PUT A LITTLE LOVE IN YOUR HEART!” is the theme for this year’s Birthright of Boise fundraiser dinner/ auction which will be held on Friday, February 6th, from 5:30 – 9:30 pm at the Riverside Hotel, 2900 W. Chinden Blvd. in Garden City. Tickets are $40/person or $75/couple and may be purchased by contacting Gayle O’Donnell at 939-0871 or (Tickets will NOT be available at the door) New this year will be entertainment by Holy Apostles’ Ellie Shaw, also known as “Swingin’ with Ellie”! In addition to a silent auction and raffle items available that evening, tickets are now available for our SUPER RAFFLE ITEM: 2 nights in the Governor’s Suite at the Ashley Inn in Cascade, ID, plus $100 cash for meals (winner will be drawn that evening, but need not be present to win) Tickets are $5/each and may be purchased by contacting Kathy Coops at 861-3789 (or by seeing her after Sat. eve. Mass at Holy Apostles) or Gayle O’Donnell at 939-0871 52nd Hallissey Tournament Pancake Breakfast Sunday, February 15, 2015 from 830 am - 12 pm All you can eat pancakes, sausage, eggs, juice and coffee. Bishop Kelly High School Cafeteria 40 Days for Life "40 Days for Life/Meridian" - From February 18 - March 29, the Treasure Valley will join with hundreds of other cities and towns participating in a life-saving campaign made up of Prayer & Fasting, Community Outreach, and Peaceful Vigil. Will you join with us in praying for an end to abortion? The peaceful prayer vigil location will be at Planned Parenthood, 2112 E. Franklin Road, in Meridian. Beginning Feb. 17th, vigil hours will be 7:00 am - 7:00 pm every day until Palm Sunday. Learn more and get involved, sign up at: There will be a KICK-OFF RALLY on Sunday, February 15th at 7:00 pm. Please plan to join us at the Cloverdale Memorial Park Reception Center, 1200 Cloverdale Road, Boise and meet other prayer warriors dedicated to LIFE! There will be a short program featuring guest speaker Kay Painter, local author of "From Sin and Sorrow to Service" (her website:, and an opportunity to learn a little more about other post-abortion healing opportunities around the valley. Also, we plan to hear exciting reports from some of the young people from BSU and BK who attended the January "Walk for Life" in San Francisco! For more information, contact Karen Simkins ( or 208-869-6804) or Joan Shay ( or 360-431-4438). Advertiser of the week A1 Plumbing 376-7473 Page 9
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